tv America Together FOX News April 26, 2020 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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and go into the public and democrats deserve scrutiny. steve: we have to - i'm so sorry, we are out of time will be back next sunday, sorry to cut you off. the next revolution will be televised next sunday. ♪ pete: good sunday evening and welcome to america together. i'm your host, pete hegseth. as we have all personally expanded by now the threat from covid-19 has altered the world. our country and our lives in ways we never thought possible. it has disrupted the course of our livelihoods and our loved ones. we are working from home where all of a sudden not working at all. homeschooling our children and told to keep our distance. sometimes even from the ones we love. others on the frontline working longer hours than ever to keep our hospitals, supply chains and civil services running. this explains the personal sacrifice that has long been a hallmark of america. as free people we cherish our
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god-given rights. it's been a trying time for all of us. we are resilient but also on bended knee, a nation in prayer. there is light at the end of this tunnel. america will reopen again and that is a given. some states are already starting to reopen in. common sense and personal responsibility carrying the day. thanks to her citizens in america we know it will come of this stronger than ever before. >> the more we commit ourselves now, the sooner we can win the fight and return to our lives and they will be great lives. may be better than. >> we can recover that economic growth and get people working again. our rebound will calm. it will come. >> when we get to the other side and flipped the switch, turn the economy back on - >> i think what will happen is we will have a big bounce rather
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than a small bounce. pete: a world will be much more flexible, innovative and it gives me great hope. >> there will be a spiritual reawakening. >> whatever i can do as an american citizen i am all in. >> our nation will come through like never before. pete: this pause in our lives and our economic might is temporary when the time is right in america will reopen. in the meantime, we salute the hard-working americans who have kept us running this entire time. you know, the people who make sure you still have milk, eggs, meat and of course, toilet paper. you know, almost brown boxes that keep showing up at your doorsteps, legions of people risk their health and safety to get them to you, among them our truck drivers. >> in the war against the virus american truckers are the foot soldiers who are carrying us to
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victory. if every trucker listening over the radio or behind the wheel, i know i speak for the 330 million plus americans that we say, thank god for truckers. pete: president trump could not have said it better. in addition to the healthcare workers first responders and food bank workers, truck drivers are the unsung heroes of our moment. sean hannity is here to bring is that part of the story. sean. >> thank you, pete. truck drivers have always been the backbone of our nation's economy but now they are not only keeping america going but they are the key to getting us back on our feet. >> it is a time when we all need to pitch in. i'm happy that i have a chance. my whole career has been about service. as a military veteran and also as a police officer. we serve the ones that need help all over the country. when something like this, when they ask ups to jump and i know they are at the front of the line raising their hands and what can we do, what can we do?
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>> the three and half million truck drivers deserve honor and respect. it was heartwarming because it's not personal to me but it's all of us out there doing our jobs. pete: >> are truckers out there writing up and down the roads but the mechanics and the technicians of the people to keep us running they need to be recognized. >> we are struggling but we are doing our part to keep america moving. we are there and we are keeping the store shelves and bringing need needs, water, medical needs and i want to say thank you to all the drivers out there like myself. pete: it's inspiring to continue to see these men and women continue to answer the call of duty. it is their hard work, perseverance during this time yet another example of what makes the people of this country so great. pete, back to you. pete: thank you, sean. you got to love our lord
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warriors. it's not just truck drivers keeping the deliveries going but the u.s. postal service says it's as busy as the christmas season with more americans buying food and essentials online. joining me now is one of those mail carriers, gavin and his daughter, kaitlyn. caitlin is one of our fox nation producers and has watched her father hard at work through this crisis prayed gavin and caitlin, thank you for joining us on america together tonight. gavin, let me start with you. you look at the volume of what you are dealing with right now and other people are staying at home and relying on that what is your job been like delivering these packages connect. >> it has been busy, pete. every day is a little bit of a challenge. we have seen package volume really escalates a bit at this time and to be honest, pete, now more than ever i am getting a lot of appreciative thank youse from customers out there. pete: the way it should be.
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is the whole covid-19 thing in the back of your mind as you are transferring packages and approaching people's houses? >> i would say it might be in the back of my mind but it's definitely not in the forefront. i feel pretty secure in what we are doing and how we are handling things and what is been provided for us. pete: caitlin, when your dad says is like christmas but you're watching him go out every day while everyone else is staying in how do you feel about that? >> well, obviously i'm proud of him and really appreciative of the hard work he is doing but it is crazy and he is out there now at the crack of dawn and coming back most days after dinner so there has been long days and people have had just to forgo their days off because of the volume of everything so i'm just really appreciative for the work
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that all the postal service is doing right now. pete: gavin, he got to be out there every day but what are people saying to you? you said the reaction has been more appreciative. >> they look at us as if we are doing some superhuman things even though we really are not. they are appreciative of what we are bringing to them every day. a lot of it is essential things and we do delivery of medications and that's a normal thing for us so essential things like medication and other food and items that are necessities we are definitely a huge part of that for them and we are really glad that we can do that. pete: you are doing the lords work. sometimes we take basic things for granted and then in moments when you are reminded thankfully americans reach out and say thank you the way they always should to guys like you who are
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making the world work right now in our lives as we stay home. gavin and caitlin, thank you so much. caitlin, you got a good one there and your father but we appreciate your time. >> yes, very lucky. >> thank you, pete. pete: we appreciate you. as we know america will reopen and in the meantime businesses, workers and citizens are doing everything they can to help make that happen. my friend, maria bartiromo, foxbusiness is here with an inspiring story. >> thank you, pete. american spirit is alive and well. louisiana grocery store chain is going above and beyond to extend a helping hand to restaurants forced to shut their dining room doors with ralph's markets launched an initiative to offer ready mailed meals cooked by local restaurants with the profits going back to the businesses but they did not stop there. >> we hired 1000 additional
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employees beginning of march. 30% of that come from the restaurant and hospitality industry which is a great fit for our stores but restaurant workers love the food and we love food and her customers love food so it's great fit for us. >> pete, most of us have heard the term farm to table but how about vote to table? new hampshire fishermen came up with idea to to stay afloat during the shutdown that customers place their order through the fishing votes, get a time and date and meet the fishermen on the docks to pick up their catch. >> the beauty of local seafood is this [inaudible] so in this case with the lobster it's going through one set of hands. >> there's a bit of good news for the 25 million americans out of a job, more companies are now looking for employees to work remotely. top companies posting the most at-home work opportunities are in industries like software, healthcare, e-commerce and customer service.
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the boom may prove to be only temporary but this pandemic has put a renewed spotlight on the jobs that can be done from home and totally many markings will be able to benefit from that. pete, back to you. pete: small business, the backbone of our country. do what you can to support yours. thank you, maria. great stuff. still ahead on "america together", rachel is here with her personal story of triumph, whom ramon baby girl had open heart surgery in the middle of the covid-19 crisis. plus, this boy is running a marathon in his backyard and it's not for recess. the littlest citizen with an extraordinary thing to help those in need. for more stories of hope, faith and inspiration log onto our website foxnews .com and click on america together.
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♪ pete: welcome back. "america together", we are all learning to navigate these unique times. both the challenges and the blessings that it brings but for families bringing new life into this world there is no pause that baby is coming with introducing unforeseen risks and reality for anyone supposed to be one of the happiest events of their life. fox news contributor and our friends, rachel was recently blessed with her ninth child. she is here with her own inspiring story. rachel. >> thank you, p. in the midst of this global pandemic our six month old daughter, valentina, underwent heart surgery but she was born with a heart defect and had two holes in your hearts, to valves not working for the first six months of her life she was not functioning very well, very tired, not putting on weight well and we were able to move up her surgery because of covid-19
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because of the anticipation that it would get worse and while she was in the hospital and it was scary, we were worried she might get covid-19 and that we might somehow transmit it to her but of course god is good and her surgery came out really well and she is recuperated and doing fantastic at home now. of course, we were not the only ones facing a scary and challenging time with an infant and a medical issue. imagine delivering a baby and not been able to see him let alone hold him for two weeks. [applause] >> this is known automating her son walter for the first time. she did an emergency c-section while she had the coronavirus finished with eight months pregnant when she was infected and put on a ventilator. in addition she deteriorated quickly and the doctors feared a lack of oxygen might put the
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baby in danger so they ended up delivering but no one was sure if she would make it so when she did this day felt like a miracle. >> as you know, my patients often on ventilators do not survive. the fact that this young mother survived and was able to walk to her car and hold her baby is incredible. >> this father can relate to that story but he also had to wait two weeks to meet his newborn baby but that is not all. james is an icu nurse in louisiana. working on the front lines he feared he could bring the virus home to his three kids and his pregnant wife. he moved out early in march to protect them. >> it was a very difficult decision you know, but when we weighed the pros and cons i did not want to expose my wife, my unborn child.
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>> they stayed connected to face time and even drove to his home and set outside the window to talk to his kids. >> obviously, they would be set up in their chairs at the window and we would face time so we could hear each other but just been able to see them was great. even if it was through the window. >> james did that for about four weeks and then his wife katie went into labor. of course, he could not join her. then james sat in the parking lot of the hospital waiting for updates from the labor and delivery nurses. when his new son arrived away for a nurse called and said run to the sidewalk. they held the baby up to the window. >> the nurse did such a great job, they included me, even though i was out in the parking lot and ended up being a beautiful experience. >> after two weeks of self isolation names is finally able to go home and meet his son is. >> it almost knocked me down but it was incredible.
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being able to hold him, something i had not done in over a month. >> james is now back at work at the icu and he's a true hero who is putting safety before his own personal happiness. these are two remarkable stories of parents dealing with the miracle of childbirth in the middle of this global pandemic. pete: god bless you, rachel read thank you for sharing those inspirational stories but we can all imagine what we would feel if we were in that spot. we are all happy to hear that little valentina is beautiful and doing well. the last few weeks have presented challenges for our kids. they are missing friends, teachers and sports but kids are resilience funds, able to adapt and overcome with the right guidance from parents. even better, some kids are using this time to step up to the plate and be active citizens. harris faulkner has their story. harris. >> thank you, pete. this pandemic is sparking a new
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wave of child philanthropists. this proves the giving back truly has no age limit. ♪ >> a little girl in chicago was putting her creative talents to amazing new heights. when haley learned healthcare workers were in dire need of protective equipment she decided to turn her passion into action. she sold her homemade jewelry to raise money for a local hospit hospital. >> we want to thank you on behalf of of supporting her. [inaudible] [inaudible]
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>> the seven -year-old maryland boy is doing just that. kavanaugh used his $600 to buy groceries and make care packages for the elderly. >> i go door to door and knock on the door. the real reason i'm doing this is because my grandma has asthma and i don't want her to catch the coronavirus. it's in my world two so if i get the chance to help then i should help. >> a boy making a big difference from his backyard in north carolina. stephen is like many kids wanting to get outdoors after being stuck at home during quarantine so he decided to run for a reason. he hosted a mini marathon to raise money for those who need it. >> i was wondering if you could send money for people that are
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dealing with the coronavirus. this is what came in. >> $105. >> more than 37000 steps later stephen brought in a whopping $1500 to go to vigilant hope meals for heroes. so inspirational, right? these kids are showing even the smallest among us can make a huge difference in people's lives. we can learn from them, pete. pete: harris, thank you. great kids who, thanks to their great parents, he did the words of first timothy four: twelve. don't let anyone look down on you because you are young. set an example for the believers in speech, and conduct, and love and in faith and impurity. kids lighting the path for all of us. next on "america together", celebrities, some are just like us and they are sharing
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ashley: after a spike in approval ratings since the start of the pandemic, the president facing a downward trend based in part on confusing press briefings the white house plans to limit. nearly 90% say they are worried about the economy which may prove to be the biggest issue heading into the election. georgia is going to gradually re-open. officials say the rate of testing needs to double before the opening can begin. in rural parts of the country the spread of the virus has been limited. ♪ pete: welcome back to "america together" pete i'm your host, ptech set.
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one thing that gives us hope during these dark days is faith and we are never alone because jesus christ is here to redeem us and restore us. my friend ainsley hosts fox and friends and knows that better than anyone. >> hello, pete. it is easy to given to fear right now. we can choose to replace those fears with faith good faith that god will get us through this stronger than ever with the help of the bible, many famous faces are reminding us about the incredible power of god's word. >> we are all in an unprecedented time in this country. >> a couple months ago we never would've imagined this would be going on in our lives. >> it's been hard not to mention the fact that people have lost jobs, people have lost lives. >> in the midst of something so bad we have to fix our hope of something in the future, something better. >> i can't think of a more important time to recognize the importance of god in our lives.
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>> god has got this but he's armed you with strength for every battle. >> we were not fashioned in the spirit of fear. >> we can walk to the valley and through a dark season but still have peace because we have hope that things will turn out better. >> we have a living god, he delivered to moses and his people from egypt. >> he will deliver us from this pandemic. >> take this opportunity when we can bring our country and everyone back to god. >> trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths true. >> we all know things work together for those that love the lord. >> with god, all things are possible. >> i want to thank all the people out there still working in the medical teams out there and are heroes. >> [inaudible]
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>> we are not the ones in control but we can turn our eyes to the ones who is. >> god will get us through this, america paid as of the bible says do not fear for i am with you. do not be dismayed for i am your god. i will strengthen you and help you and i will uphold you with my righteous right hand. the bible also says in this world you will have trouble but take heart, i have overcome the world. he has overcome this and goes before us and he is righteous and holy and he loves us. he will not forsake us. back to you, pete. pete: thank you, easily. as always, keep the focus where it should be. for more messages of hope long gone to fox nation .com where we post a new message every day from some of your favorite stars. the power of positivity can be contagious. it's all about perspective and as my dad always said, it's all about how you respond.
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finding the good instead of focusing on the bad so i recruited my buddy, jesse watters, cohost of the five and "watters' world" to give us the good news tonight. jesse. >> pete, all night even showing great stories of people giving back to their community and i just wanted to share stories that will simply make a smile. check out these healthcare workers. bringing in the sunshine every time a coronavirus patient is discharged from the hospital or taken off breeding support, the staff that celebrates playing the beatles classic, here comes the sun. they call it code son. ♪ >> here comes the sun never sounded so good. a fairly new dog dad, i love this next story. pete, you mentioned the businesses struggling to stay afloat and animal shelters where, no exception, one month ago they were reeling from the lack of donations and staff
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shortages due to lockdown but as each animal has been honed something truly incredible has happen. check out this kernel in palm beach county, florida. completely empty for the first time ever. [cheering and applause] >> it's truly a historic moment for us. it is something we have strived for as a shelter workers every single day is something we strive for in the community every day is to get as many animals placed into loving homes as possible. >> speaking of animals, there's a new online trend, you have to see it to believe. picnic tables for squirrels. you heard me right. it all started after one pennsylvania man could not leave home, like the rest of us, and spent his days outside. after observing his neighborhood squirrels he decided to make a table for them so he could watch them drinking his coffee in the
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morning. after posting the picture to social media people all over the country began trying their hand at squirrel furniture. this couple in carson springs not only made a picnic table but built a squirrel -sized pergola with a swinging bench. our own mike tobin has jumped on the trend and put his woodworking skills to the test. pete, you know i always have a smoothest relationship with animals and even i love these stories. pete: jesse, you definitely have come a long way. maybe it's all those animals are great segments with greg. now, me on the other hand, all right, when we come back on america together, joey jones is here on how veterans and athletes are coming together during the shutdown. plus, how the iron man pitching in to feed those in need. we'll be right
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♪ ♪ pete: beautiful stuff. that was the third marine aircraft band performing i'm only one call away to a tribute to those on the front lines against covid-19. while we honor those heroes we cannot forget the veterans. many who know what is like to put their country before themselves and they have socially distance in the furthest corners of the globe and during this covid-19 challenge there is a group who is virtually supporting each other through this isolating time. watch. >> we have all gained so much in one way or another.
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no experience is the same and i respect and understand that but in one way or other as we come back trying to hone in on what you have gained from our relationships and our time together and our trust in one another and our lessons learned from each other to try to get through the hardship because it's hard. pete: joining me is joey jones, retired a staff sergeant and bomb technician and fox news contributor as well as good friend of mine for joni, thank you for joining me on the show. tell us about merging veterans and players but what is the mission? >> this is a creative idea that some guys, friends of mine, the guy who served in the army and in the nfl and mma fighter and also army veteran and as someone who supported veterans and players who are recovering through their service and professional careers so the idea here is professional players go
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through some of the same mental struggles that veterans do when they leave professional sports and they have a lot to learn from each other. i've been blessed to sit in on some of these sessions and be an ambassador for mvp and to see firsthand and take a backseat and watch veterans and professional players talk it out to see the things that they are struggling with and seen the plagues are not unique to one group but it's a human issue and to get past it one way. pete: pretty cool, peer to peer, something they talk about all the time in the veterans committee and you don't see bested devotional athletes as appears but they are one per centers in different ways raising your right hand to serve this country or retain it to the top level. talk to folks about how important that connection to people who have been through something similar. >> yet, one thing i always say his people misunderstand that the marine corps or the military in general is a microcosm of american society. you've got all walks of life they are and all personalities
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and perspectives. what i see in this covid-19, shelter in place, having to stay 6 feet apart from each other and things like that these are tactics we've put in place to deploy now for 20 years and we say 10 meters apart from each other when we are patrolling and things of that nature so we make gym equipment out of sandbags and inanimate objects so one thing veterans can learn is that we can go and show this to our community and talk to our family and peers and rather than feel isolated and use this opportunity to leave and show people around you who have never been in any situation like this to not only can you get through it but you can be creative and intuitive and find ways to socialize or emplace the tactics and procedures in a way that it does not drive you mad or crazy. i remember being on deployment and the things you can make a joke out of that are inanimate objects and things that happen every day and we probably can't go into that too deep but you can find levity in your
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suffering and i think veterans have been able to do that and here we are 20 years after the start of the war and they are doing it professionally and in a way to help people lead their business and now they can do it to help people basically live their lives while we wait this out. pete: you are right. when you are deployed to make a profession out of talking about nothing for hours because you are stuck with the same people. no matter what, it's a cool concept. merging bets and players, going online degree that connection and i would note there are local chapters but that's from las vegas or atlanta talking to bets that are geographically close to them and going through similar situation read joey jones, thank you as always for going the extra mile for bringing us that tonight. >> thank you, pete. pete: some celebrities are stepping up as leaders too. my good buddy, ed henry, coanchor of america's newsrooms shows us who put ed. >> thanks to my old buddy, pete. with most of america we told to shelter in place and estimated
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22 million people are now out of work. without a paycheck putting food on the table can be a real struggle for so many families. i wrote a book about baseball and i love the national pastime so it's amazing to hear that hall of famer cal ripken junior, the ironman teamed up with feeding america to launch the strikeout hunger campaign. >> we know that the issue of feud and security in normal times and our foundation has been set around we will not sit around and wait till this is over but shift our focus temporarily and focus on the immediate problem and let's put our infrastructure to work. i use it as an opportunity to get on social media because there is power in social media to ask for help. if you look at it this way, one dollar gives ten meals to be disturbing it. you can immediately see the effect of five dollars, ten dollars on these kids in these communities and families. we all take for granted that the food you put under table will happen every single day.
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communities are around that might only eat once or twice a day and we rely on those boys and girls club's and feeding america is our partner. they have been relationships with local food banks and we have relationships but they are the experts here and we are providing an infrastructure, resource and may be an will help the issue. pete: if you would like to help go to rivkin foundation .org, just one dollar, one dollar equals ten meals distributed to those who most need it. a lot of bang for the buck. speaking of those in need, the millions of small businesses forced to close down because of the coronavirus pandemic they are in trouble as well and after noon wad best known for his role in two years of helping businesses get back on their feet. i get a chance to talk to him and he talked about someday known as american-made advertising. >> we were sitting around the other day and wondering what we could do and what we could do to help our country because our sweet spot is advertising,
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online mostly, and so we thought could do pro bono work so we could find companies with employees between five-50 people and we will help them because i found, in my travels, and especially when i did the show, made in america, but i found is that companies make a lot of great products but they take great pains of not telling anyone about it. if you go to american-made advertising .com that will explain everything right there. we will give our expertise and our team will let them know what they can do. let people know that they are still in business, they have sales, et cetera. >> for more information go to american-made advertising .com. cheers to john ratzenberger and cal ripken junior for going above and beyond to help those
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who need it so much during this difficult time with a sound like a homerun to be. my good friend, ptech set, back to you brother. pete: thank you, my friend. guard us of what everyone says to you i miss you including beating you in those competitions on fox and friends weekend. i had america together. ♪ might need a tissue for these. steve doocy is up next with creative and emotional ways parents are making sure problem still goes on for the class of
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♪ ♪ pete: senior prom looks different this year as you saw in that emotional video and alabama family put together their special dance at home so they could have that once-in-a-lifetime experience. a lot of parents are getting creative to make special memories during this time. steve doocy has more on this. steve. >> well, pete, my wife kathy and
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i have three children, peter, mary and sally and i cannot imagine watching them miss their senior prompted with this event they look forward to probably all four years if they were in high school. they were involved in the planning from the dresses to the perfect date and things like that so it is sad that this class of 2020 won't have those memories but one dad decided that if his daughter, marley, cannot go to the dance and he would bring the dance to her. watch this. ♪ ♪ >> this originally with a bent my prom night and i woke up and was walking down the stairs and saw [inaudible] with one that
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said today is prom, would you dance with dad and at first i thought it was a joke but then he's like no, i'm serious. he went to the store and came back and i realized he was serious. >> i'm not your average planner which is probably evident by the way the video came out but i was downstairs working out and my wife came downstairs and i told her i've got this very weird idea and the weird idea is that i would like to do something for marley for prom and she was laughing and said i can't wait to see this. the best part about that day was marley walking down the stairs and seen her and her dress as though we were going to the prom and as she turned the corner down the stairs i almost fell out. she looked so beautiful and so
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stunning. >> i told him over and over again how grateful i am that he did that for me. it's a truly a moment i will never forget. ♪ >> a heartwarming surprise for my dad to his daughter. and for others missing out on the final weeks of their senior year, you are not alone could people are supporting the class of 2020 by sharing their own graduation photos using the # class of 2020. p, i was thinking we should get in on the challenge and share our high school photo so take a look, here is a vaccination exclusive, this is steve doocy back in the day and as you can see it was the 70s and there was a lot of hair and if you notice that bowtie, that velvet no tie, back then apparently it
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was very popular to wear a necktie the same width as your neck. anyway, that was then and this is now. pete: while, steve, that is quite a picture. quite a bowtie in where did you get the gigantic picture? i will take that 2020 challenge. here i am in the 1999 class of [inaudible] high school. no bowtie but we had figured it out by the '90s but steve, you were the man still looking great today as well. still ahead, how fox asian is bringing america together on friday night. what does it mean to be a good neighbor? it means being there for each other. that's why state farm is announcing the good neighbor relief program we know our customers are driving less, which means fewer accidents. so state farm is returning $2 billion dollars to auto policyholders for the period ending may 31st.
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and we'll continue making real time decisions to best serve you - our customers. because now, more than ever, being a good neighbor means everything. like a good neighbor, state farm is there., the fair and honest bidding site. an ipad was sold for less than $24; a playstation for less than $16; and a 4k television for less than $2. go to right now and see how much you can save. remember, shipping is always free. robinhood believes now is the time to do money.
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without the commission fees. so, you can start investing today wherever you are - even hanging with your dog. so, what are you waiting for? download now and get your first stock on us. robinhood. and a few practical waysith you your family can stay healthy. first, hand washing is essential. children should wash their hands after coming in from outside, before eating, after coughing, sneezing or blowing their little noses. second, limit all crowds and explain that no one is shaking hands or hugging because that is how germs can spread. what changes need to be made now, i encourage parents to let children know this will not last forever. i urge you to stay connected to family and loved ones, stay safe and remember while many of us are apart, we are all in this together.
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please be sure to follow cdc guidelines which can be found at along with other information and resources. i'm a talking dog. the other issue. oh... i'm scratching like crazy. you've got some allergic itch with skin inflammation. apoquel can work on that itch in as little as 4 hours, whether it's a new or chronic problem. and apoquel's treated over 7 million dogs. nice. and... the talking dog thing? is it bothering you? no... itching like a dog is bothering me. until dogs can speak for themselves, you have to. when allergic itch is a problem, ask for apoquel. apoquel is for the control of itch associated with allergic dermatitis and the control of atopic dermatitis in dogs. do not use apoquel in dogs less than 12 months old or those with serious infections. apoquel may increase the chance of developing serious infections and may cause existing parasitic skin infestations or pre-existing cancers to worsen. do not use in breeding, pregnant, or lactating dogs.
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♪ ♪ ♪ it's all part of fox nation friday night live. this friday catch country superstar rodney atkins live from his home. log on to, fox or our facebook pages to watch. it's a family event you are not going to want to meet us. thank you for watching america together. >> as we head into another week of telecommuting and homeschooling, just remember we will get through this together. freedom is too powerful to be defeated. america is the greatest country in the world and our country will come out of this stronger and more prosperous than ever before. we are the united states of america. as our president says often, we will defeat this invisible enemy and be back to work sooner than anyone realizes.
11:00 pm
for more inspiring stories of america together log onto our website from my home to yours, good night and god bless. chris: i'm chris wallace. closing america was hard, but could the reopening be each harder? ♪ >> i think our economy will start to pick up very substantially as soon as the states get open. chris: some governors announce plans to get back to business and start returning to normal life. but with 26 million losing their jobs since march, how quickly account country -- can the country bounce back? we'll discuss that and new relief with treasury secretary steven mnuchin only on "fox news sunday." and how best to balance economic recovery with keeping americans safe. we're joined by dr. tom inglesby, director of the
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