tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News April 27, 2020 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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>> martha: that is "the story" of this monday, april 27th. as always, the story continues. we will see you tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. have a great night everybody. ♪ >> tucker: good evening, and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." the chinese coronavirus has been an unmitigated tragedy for the united states, but there are a few upsides. one of them is the perspective it has given us. in retrospect to the russia hoax and the ensuing impeachment were clearly an appalling waste of time. even as this country became more vulnerable and china grew stronger at our expense, end of the virus rose in the east and began spreading west towards us, our leaders were busy conducting political investigations. they spent three years chasing a completely irrelevant distraction about russia.
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now tonight, new evidence has emerged that the russia hoax is very first victim, michael fly and who pled guilty to a felony, he was in fact the target of a politically motivated fbi plot. those are strong words. the evidence suggests that is exactly what happened. we will have more on that and a minute. first we go to trace gallagher for the very latest on what is happening in this pandemic. >> the white house plan is to do more testing in may and june now that all other testing done so far, which is giving states and cities the tools and confidence to reopen their economy. enough capacity to test anybody who is a systematic, first responders, the high risk population. to get it all down the white house is picking up the private industry, they would
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completely test, be in charge of the testing. >> we are continuing to rapidly expand our capacity. we have enough testing to begin reopening our country. >> in new york state to be more people come of the higher the numbers of those who had been infected. new york state has now tested 7500 people. that is two and a half times the last round of testing. the results show that 15% of new yorkers, or 2.9 million people stay wide have been infected at this point. that is ten times the number of confirmed cases in that state. the virus is a lot more widespread than we think about a lot more deadly. tucker? >> tucker: amazing. trace gallagher, thank you for
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that. what you just heard from trace is a remarkable new development and what we are learning about the move on coronavirus. 15% of everybody in new york state may have already contracted that illness and not known that they had it. that is not close to the result will be expected and it's not the only study to find a stunningly widespread infection of this virus. there are many such studies and they come from around the world. this new evidence means the virus is far less deadly, a full order of magnitude less deadly, that authorities first told us it was. at the same time, the same research suggest the virus is incredibly easy to spread between adults. the coronavirus is nearly impossible to control. how do we know that? because we haven't managed to control it. our national quarantine hasn't worked in the way they told us it would. you would never know that from listening to people in charge. given the suffering and the disruption of these policies have caused, you'd think the
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people who made them and are now enforcing them would be staying up late every night double checking their assumptions against reality. but they're not doing that, they're doing the opposite. they are ignoring the science because the science indicts their political judgment. a recent analysis published in "the wall street journal" found virtually no correlation at all between how quickly a state lockdown and how deadly that states coronavirus outbreak turned out to be. you think that would be breaking news on every channel, needless to say it's not. it's essentially being ignored. we have new evidence that for huge segments of the population, this virus shows no meaningful risk and that's not an overstatement. researchers in australia tracked 18 students and staff who contracted the virus across 15 different schools. they concluded that 850 people had come into close physical contact with the people who carried the virus. they found only two cases of secondary coronavirus infections at those schools.
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none of them involve students infecting adults. what does this mean? it suggests the strain of coronavirus is extremely mild in children and all the other numbers bear that out. it's hard for kids to get this illness and spreading it. if they do get it and some do, the risk of dying is mathematically close to zero. keep in mind, and this is not such a contract, this virus behaves in a way that is dramatically different from ordinary influenza. children contract and spread the annual flu very easily if you have them and you know it. the numbers come with the annual flu is much more dangerous to children on the coronavirus is. why is this relevant right now? it is relevant because we have shut down education nationwide. many schools and colleges are considering staying closed in the fall. for the kids who go to their schools and their families, this is a disaster. it's fair to ask, who has been saved by doing this? the people in charge 20 men bother to tell us. shut up and locked down, they
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say, you are saving lives when you do. people will die if you don't. every day you hear that, but it's not science. those are political slogans increasingly people fluent in the actual science of epidemiology are asking hard questions about these policies. here is a physician and researcher from california called dr. dan erickson. he had a partner delivered a 50 minute briefing on the latest numbers from california. the video they made has been viewed millions of times in a few days online. the bottom line is after looking carefully at the data, these two researchers have concluded that california should end its shelter-in-place order. watch. >> we have seen 1,227 deaths in the state of california with a possible incident or prevalence of 4.7 million. that means you have a 0.03 chance of dying from covid-19 and the state of california. 0.03 chance of dying from covid
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and the state of california. does that necessitate sheltering in place? does that necessitate shutting down medical systems? does that necessitate people being out of work? >> tucker: and these are serious people who have done this for a living for decades. they have and their hands the largest currently available data set on this question. the question they are asking after analyzing all of those numbers, are the lockdowns worth it? so what is the answer to that? what is so striking is that so many politicians, the one enforcing a lockdown don't seem interested in asking it. they're pulling forward as if nothing has changed. the san francisco bay area announced it will be extending its lockdown until the end of may. that is five weeks from now. what is a scientific justification for doing that? they didn't tell us, because there is none. none. you may remember what they first told us in february and march.
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they told us we have to take radical steps in order to "flatten the curve." six weeks later we are happy to say that curve has been a flattened, but it's likely not because of the lockdown. the virus just isn't nearly as deadly as we thought it was, all of us, including on the show. everybody thought it was, but it turned out not to be. hospitals never collapsed. outside a tidy number of places, they never came close to collapsing. instead something remarkable happened, something amazing really without parallel to american history. the opposite happens. thanks to the lockdowns hospitals have begun to collapse, why? a lack of patience. politicians who couldn't pass tenth grade biology decided that practicing physicians not be allowed to transmit the virus, they're just not qualified. unlike us. these politicians banned so-called nonessential procedures, many of which are essential. the results of this policy, and
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many hospitals, entire floors. doctors and nurses are being furloughed in the middle of a pandemic. this is insanity, it weakens our health care system. its effects will last for many years. that is all from the lockdown. so how long will we have to live with these lockdowns? earlier this month dr. anthony fauci whom we are acquired by law to respect no matter what he says, suggested that we may never be allowed to resume normal life. >> it back to normal means there never was a coronavirus problem, i don't think that is going to happen until we do have the situation where you can completely protect the population. if you want to get to precoronavirus, that might not ever happen in the sense of, the fact that the threat is there. >> tucker: we should tell you that is the same dr. fauci, and keep this to yourself because as noted in the sun a lot to show
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any skepticism, but that's the same dr. fauci who announced that shaking hands, the ancient custom of shaking hands should be done away with forever. and then a week later told snapchat that actually it's fine to have sex with strangers you meet on tender prey that was his epidemiological advice. other experts warned that full-blown lockdowns may be necessary until a vaccine or treatments are found. what they didn't mention is that scientists have never produced a single approved vaccine or antiviral drug for any coronavirus. so that could be a while. that thought seemed to please frequent television guest zq manual. >> reads ecstatically, covid-19 will be here for the next 18 months or more. we will not be able to return to normalcy until we find a vaccine or effective medications. all that economic pain, is it
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worth trying to stop covid-19? the truth is, we have no choice. >> tucker: oh, the truth is we have no choice. here's a handy guide for you in case you watch a lot of television. when a political operative like ezekiel emanuel, someone with a long history of lying begins a sentence with the phrase, "the truth is" you should be on guard. when he ends that sentence with "you we have no choice" you should be terrified. that is wrong, we've always had a choice. other countries made different choices from mars and a fact. they're not waiting for a vaccine to open their society. why would they do that? there is no president for doing that. that's a scientific matter. we spent millions of dollars and more than a decade trying to find vaccine for the czar's sire stomach virus. did we halt life united states and response? we didn't. you may not even remember that any of that happened. for striking thing is the
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science has not changed that much since then. american politics has changed a lot. that is the difference. dr. scott atlas is at the hoover institution and were happy to have him on tonight. thank you for coming on. political questions aside, bottom line, given what we are learning about how easy it is to spread in this virus between adults, and about its actual death rate, what kind of response seem scientifically justifiable now? >> that is really the key question is how to move forward. it's actually good news the virus spreads widely and without high risk to the vast majority of people. it's in fact half the people are totally asymptomatic. why is that good news? that is good news because that means that we have a better chance of developing population immunity. instead of total lockdown going
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on which prevents that, we have a chance to have people develop their own antibodies and eventually have enough people have these antibodies to block this network of projection and contagion to the people who are vulnerable. that is exactly the same reason why we give widespread vaccines, to induce the so-called unity. by the way, that's exactly about why it might be useful to take it with antibodies and use it as a treatment. we don't know for sure that antibodies that are produced are effective in giving immunity. it's consistent with decades of virology and immunology literature. >> tucker: so the idea that the nation needs to remain in
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place, assess that recommendation. >> i think it is not just counterproductive as i just mentioned, it's harmful. it is harmful. we know as you alluded to, health care is critical has been avoided. half of people with cancer who get chemotherapy have skipped their treatments. 80% of the brain surgery cases have been canceled. we are talking about people who have not only skipped critical care for a heart attack, but in addition all the biopsies were unsuspected and undiscovered tumors have not occurred. we are talking thousands per week of those. what is more so even ironic is that people are skipping their children's vaccines. we are not only people that have died and are dying, but were creating a massive problem by not opening up health care with
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his single-minded policy of covid-19 at all costs. of course the second part of it is we know how to protect the vulnerable here. it's not so simple, but we know who the vulnerable population is. we know that as we go, and let people mingle, like the epicenter in new york which is -- this goes back to what you said. over 20% of people and manhattan were discovered to have antibodies. that's a good number, and would have been higher if we had more social mingling, but we know that young people, young healthier people, i don't see the logic in keeping them isolated. there a vehicle to keep the transmission going to other lower risk groups and have population immunity. >> tucker: for some reason it is verboten to say any of that out loud. i'm glad you did.
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obviously you have an informed perspective. dr. atlas, thank you for coming on. >> thank you for having me. >> tucker: michael flynn was briefly the national security advisor of the united states and then his life was literally destroyed. he was the first person and washington sucked into the russia hoax. now his attorney says new evidence which has turned up just the other day shows that he was the victim of a set up. details ahead. ♪ you doing okay?
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we are those guys. that's you? the truck adds 10 pounds. in the arms. -okay... transfer your service online in a few easy steps. now that's simple, easy, awesome. transfer your service in minutes, making moving with xfinity a breeze. visit today. ♪ >> tucker: we have new reporting tonight on the case of
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general michael flynn. flynn once ran defense intelligence and the president was elected in 2016 and he became the first national security advisor. he was also the first trump official to tumble from office and disgrace. it was days into the administration. his crime was allegedly lying to fbi agents about a phone call with the russian ambassador. the detail seem irrelevant now, they were almost done like always irrelevant pretty applied to a felony, mostly because they charged his son with unrelated crimes unless he did. his lawyers were busy sucking up to the special counsel's office and did not do a capable job of defending him. flynn wasn't just forced out of office, he was criminally charged, financially ruined, publicly humiliated, he had to sell his house and leave the state. that seemed to be the end of things, except it was not the end of things. flynn still has not been sentenced and he's now fighting to have the entire case against
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him thrown out. his guilty plea vacated. last friday his legal team successfully compiled the department of justice to file new court documents in the case. here's what they found buried according to his attorney, those documents contain exculpatory evidence for the general, not just evidence that he was innocent. the evidence shows the fbi was plodding, and that's not an overstatement apparently, to entrap him. they said it out loud and internal to medication. according to powell, "since august 2016 at the latest, partisan fbi leaders try to destroy him. these documents show in their own handwriting and emails that they intended either to create an offense they can prosecute, or lease get him fired." there about five pages of documents apparently in question. they are not classified. and they are only held from public view because of the judges order. we are hearing tonight and they could be released as soon as
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tomorrow and we hope so. you'll find out that if this is true. if it is true that would be good news for general flynn, but for the rest of us it would mean the fbi has been shockingly corrupt and politicized. that behavior would almost certainly require criminal charges and an overhaul of the organization. a formal federal prosecutor, author of the book, "ball of collusion." thank you for coming on. i spoke to two people today who have seen the documents. both of them have a position on this, i will say, but we will find out soon whether they're telling the truth. both of them characterized it in the same way, "i have never seen a clear-cut case of entrapment than this one. if that is true, wouldn't it be a crime for the fbi to withhold that information under brady from the defense in flynn's ca case? >> at the very least tugger it's
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in illegality, whether it's actually a crime depends on whether they made an affirmative representations for the court that turned out to be not true. for sure there is a lot of things that are obviously not legal that are not in the penal code. let's start with, it's in illegality and a serious abuse of power for sure. >> tucker: the fbi has known about this, chris wray has wrongly placed four years now. why wouldn't this information have made its way to flynn's defense team? or to flynn himself before he plug? >> tucker, when they took his plea, they try to do it anyway like it was structured and not not fulfill their brady obligations. it's pretty common and a plea agreement that it's explicitly written into it that once you plea guilty you waive your right to ask for any discovery from the government. i think that is what they have
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hidden behind this entire time. the problem they have, they ran into a judge who didn't think that was an enforceable provision. as a result they have been on the hook to produce the discovery. the discovery puts them in a humiliating light and they obviously haven't wanted to produce it. to go to the point that you opened with, i have had many cases involving witness is where you have a recorded conversation as happened with jeanette or flynn. if you're not trying to entrap someone or bring them into a perjury trap, what you simply do, especially if you're dealing with a 33 aerobic combat veteran, commander of the united states. what you would do is you bring him in, you play the tape, and then you ask him, what did this mean? what did that mean? if you bring him and under circumstances where you have the tape and it doesn't need explanation, and you're asking
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him what was said, i can't conceive of any reason to do that other than to hope that he will get it wrong and then you have a basis to say he made false statements. having done this a very long time, i can't wrap my brain around that. >> tucker: if peter strzok, who as we know, it's been proved is an open part of san, the one conducting the interview, does not suggest that there was a political motive here? >> i thought there was a political motive all along, tucker. at the time that general flynn was terminated which was against february of 2017, when he was ousted as trumps national security advisor. what was the good faith factual basis for conducting this investigation? i don't see any evidence of a crime. i don't see any evidence of a reason to treat this guy as a criminal defendant.
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this is pretty blatantly political to me from the start. >> tucker: it sure seems that way. andy mccarthy, i hope you will come back. we are about to find out a lot more about the story. good to see you. >> sure will tucker, thank you. >> tucker: people make allegations against politicians all the time. tara reid has made an allegation against joe biden. biden's campaign denies it. all of the sun and there is some evidence backing her up. tonight, yet another person come apparently she told contemporaneously. why isn't the press covering the story? we'll get into that next. ♪ (announcer) in this world where people are staying at home,
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>> tucker: tara reid's accusations against former vice president joe biden got an unexpected boost last week. footage from "larry king live," more than 25 years ago resurfaced thanks to the effort of a twitter reader. now another piece of cooperating evidence. one of her former neighbors and california has come forward to say, she told her about it at the time. rich mccue has been at the center of this story. one of the reporters covering at the most. he is an investigative journalist and a film producer. thank you for coming on. >> thank you for having me, tucker. >> tucker: outlined for us if you would the apparently cooperating evidence we have just received from this former
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neighbor. >> sure, so linda was a neighbor of tyrell reed back in 1995 and 1996 in california. they were raising young kids and they lived kitty cat corner across from each other. tyra told her, she says she told her this story pretty much verbatim of what we heard before back then. i said, i asked her, i did a series of interviews with her. i said, tell me the story. she told me that she recalls her telling her about the assault, she had worked for senator biden and that come all tara the details of the story matched up with what i'd heard from others who were cooperating. this is the first one who is putting her name, she is going on the record and saying, i have no problem going forward with this.
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what's even more interesting to me, when i was in the process of asking her a series of questions, i said, do you have an ax to grind? is there something about the timing of this? >> tucker: good question. >> no in fact i may lifelong democrat. i still plan to vote for joe biden, but this needs to be heard because this happened. >> tucker: she said i still plan to vote for joe biden, but she put her name on this. that's amazing. >> she did, she is very vocal about not want to vote for donald trump, she said i'm still voting democrat regardless. >> tucker: she told you that tara reid had passed this on to her at the time. for whatever it's worth, did she say she believed the allegatio allegations? >> i asked her if she has any reason to doubt the veracity of the claims and she said nothing. i've never known her to be a
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liar and she is a good, honest person. she believed her at the time, she believes for now, she believes her when she came out. she posted on facebook in march. this is my friend tar read enter allegations against joe biden back in 1993. this is a woman who is very credible in my opinion. she lives a quiet, drama free life and she doesn't need of this. she is doing it out of the goodness of her heart. >> tucker: they are not going to dismiss her as a trump supporter apparently. voting for biden. amazing story. thank you for that. we've made this comparison before, but you can't make it enough because it's such a striking context. it was a year and a half ago that washington was overturned by the brett kavanaugh confirmation battle. for more than a month everything in washington revolved around the spectacular allegations against him from a woman called christine blasey ford. those allegations had very few
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details accompanying them. there was no proof they were true. in fact there was ample evidence they want, but it didn't matter. democrat set a standard at the time. they believe women and the allegations they make always. >> not only do women like dr. ford, who bravely comes forward need to be heard, but they need to be believed. guess who is perpetuating these actions? it's the man and the country and i want to say to the men in the country, shut up and step up or do the right thing. >> let me just say at the outset, i believe dr. ford. i believe the survivor here. >> do you believe her story? >> i can tell you a does have a ring of truth to it. i believe her. many, many americans believe her. many women and america who have been taken advantage of certainly believe her. >> i believe her because she is telling the truth. >> judge kavanaugh has not asked to have the fda review these
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claims. is that the reaction of an innocent person? it is not. >> tucker: well, it was unanimous from the democratic party. they believe all woman and they believe christine blasey ford because she is a woman. of course if the democratic party takes a view come all the troops have to mount a party line, you could be sure the media is repeating the same words. they did. brett kavanaugh they said was likely a serial rpaist and anybody who defended him was an enabler. >> i've never heard of a guy who was a one-time sexual assaults are, he's from this area, the fifth guy and a gang rape. >> maybe this country is more racist and sexist than we thought. >> i think they know this guy, it's out of hand, ridiculous. >> three women came forward and said under oath in various ways
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that brett kavanaugh sexually assaulted them. and they were told, we don't believe you. that is the legacy of this hearing. >> these white men, old by the way, are not protecting women. they are protecting a man who is probably guilty. >> tucker: old white men, they're the worst. by the way, there was chris matthews very upset about sexual harassment. he won't tolerate it, ever. well, now suddenly a very similar case has emerged. tara reid says joe biden sexually assaulted her in the early 1990s. he specifics are pretty overwhelming. we don't know if their trooper they are unproven. so far they seem to have a lot more supporting evidence and the charges against brett kavanaugh did. the case is being handled very differently. the media are for the most part waiting for the story. tara reid doesn't have two front door so she can't be credible. democrats aren't ignoring the story, they're probably endorsing joe biden anyway. they don't care what women say.
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this was nancy pelosi earlier today. >> i'm proud to endorse joe biden for president who is the perfect convocatio personif. >> tucker: nancy pelosi endorsing authenticity. just to be clear, were not demanding the democrats assume joe biden is guilty. they shouldn't, no one should be assumed guilty. we certainly don't assume he is guilty. it's a little weird that they don't take this seriously. that would mean, in fact we are starting to conclude that their attempt to this story, brett kavanaugh wasn't based on any belief that he committed those crimes, and instead looking increasingly like a cynical, political ploy. destroy a man and his family, his children, his two little girls in order to get power. it looks like that's what they did. you should keep that in mind going forward.
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north korea's all-powerful deer leader was sick and wheezing when we ran into a might last summer. he hasn't been seen since earlier this month. could it be that he is dead? if so, what does that mean for north korea? in fact, for east asia. that is next. ♪ in 1986, the late reverend david wilkerson
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world and it's an honor for me to be here. >> that was mind-blowing! the president walks across with kim jong un. he stood right in the middle of the street, almost no one around as you can see. some blue houses. campbell was visibly winded from the probably 20-yard walk july 1st apparently, it seemed like june. that night we asked fox medical contributor dr. marc siegel what he thought of that. >> the smoking on top of the obesity and the thick neck come all the time it will lead to major health issues. if he keeps chain-smoking he will have a big problem. i definitely would be concerned about his health based on what i've seen and what you have described. >> tucker: now suddenly kim jong un has disappeared from
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view, he missed the single most celebration and his country. the birthday celebration for his father and grandfather. there are reports that a surgery gone wrong. whether he got an infection after having a heart operation he is comatose or brain-dead. some of those reports seem credible. what could have happened to him? marc siegel's joint is once again tonight. he's a very young man, we don't know his exact age because we don't know his birthday, but mid-to-late 30s. it seems strange to me that he could be this sick, but maybe it's not. >> it's not and tucker, he may be around 36, but he is obese, 300 pounds at 5'6". he has a long family history of heart disease, of diabetes. he smokes four packs a day, he brags about how much wine he drinks every single day, he eats a lot of. he reported last year to me that even when he took a few breaths as you just showed, he couldn't
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catch his breath. he was audibly wheezing. he has a thick neck, it's a sign of apnea, problems with sleeping at night when you can actually choke. now they are reports from south korea and japan that he is undergoing a heart procedure, he stand for 2% of the time of his age group, there is a risk of a stroke lori heart attack without all of his medical problems associated. the chances are a lot higher that something could have happened to him during that procedure that has led him to disappear. there absolutely no reports of any v-8, but keep in mind, none of us believe that covid-19 doesn't exist in north korea. there is always that possibili possibility. we are thinking tonight, unconfirmed that this has something to do with the heart stent procedure that went awry. >> tucker: he wouldn't be given, you don't think it's crazy to think that he may have undergone some kind of heart
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procedure? >> not at all, and fact four packs a day of smoking without a weight, with the eating he did come all the drinking. what he looked like, he couldn't catch his breath when he was walking. that's a cardiac symptom when you can't catch your breath when you walk. i would almost be surprised if he didn't have to undergo a procedure. not surprised at all with that report. some other reports about chinese doctors coming to cm about the heart procedure being done with the man's hand shaking. if i were performing a heart procedure on chairman kim my hands would be shaking too. i don't know what happened afterwards, the risk with the complication, a stroke, extremely high. >> tucker: interesting. dr. siegel, thank you so much for that. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: as you just heard there is a lot of rumors about everything that happens in
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north korea. tonight, south korean officials say that those rumors are untrue, that kim jong un is alive and well. keep in mind that doesn't mean it's true. what is going on exactly? gordon chang is the author of the "coming collapse of china" and knows an awful lot about north korea. what you think is happening in real life? >> i don't know, tucker. i think there was nonelective emergency surgery because he did miss two very important events. the april 15th day that you pointed out. also on saturday he missed the celebrations for the founding of the north korean army. there are a number of things that could happen. i think the most likely is as dr. siegel talked about, a cardiac procedure going wrong. there's also north korean defectors talking about another possibility, which is that he was dealing with a cruise missile launch that went wrong. whatever it is, they're breaking patterns of behavior in north korea and that means we do
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something is amiss. >> tucker: the south korean government, obviously a close ally of united states and i think for good reason. is it possible they are lying about this? governments lie including the south korean government. if they are lying, why would they lie about that? >> the south korean government has a determined pain, pursuing to show that the north korean leader is much too determined -- it raises suspicions. his whole policy is dependent on kim jong un reciprocating gestures soul, because he wants to abolish south korea. unify the korean states. i think what they're trying to do, act like a reliable partner and they can't do it if he has a cardiac procedure.
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>> tucker: hard to do that if he is dead. gordon chang, great to see you tonight. thank you for that. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: one small business owner in new york city is defying his leaders orders to shut down. he joins us next to explain why. ♪ and spray... and spray... and spray. well, we used to. with new ortho home defense max indoor insect barrier, one simple application kills and prevents bugs in your home for up to a year without odors, stains or fuss. it's the modern way to keep bugs away. new ortho home defense max. bugs gone. stress gone. ♪ ♪ working on the front lines, and here's one small way that you can help them in return. complete your 2020 census today. 2020 census data helps communities plan funding for hospitals, clinics, and emergency services
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close. what are nonessential? i'll tell you what is essential. liquor stores are very much a central according to new york. everything else pretty much is nonessential. but now some of those nonessential people have decided to defy the city band. owns the peter elliott blue men's fashion boutique in new york and said his store is open for business and there's no reason it shouldn't be. he joins us tonight, a very brave man. thank you so much for coming on. i'm amazed that you're bold enough to come out and we are grateful for it. why are you doing this? >> first of all, a pleasure to be here, a pleasure to chat with you, sir. i decided that i did not want anyone to dictate to me and destroy the soul of my business which is 43 years old from the soul of my business as my employees. and when i see that liquor
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stores and -- i find that ludicrous. i find that liquor stores can be existentially dangerous. so i opened with the idea that i want to protect my people, protect my country, and i'm not going to allow someone to dictate to me something we have no idea. i haven't been in my shop for three weeks, we've been closed, we owe a lot of money to a lot of people. we've applied to every government agency you could possibly think of. we've got registration numbers and we heard nothing back. but we did hear that shake shack et cetera, et cetera and the crew ships -- that's ludicrous. this country's backbone of businesses like mine all over our country.
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i don't find myself being brave. i find myself being reasonable. i find myself having common sense. observing every single rule and regulation that's come down and go ahead, sir. >> i was just wondering what happened when the police came? the police asked you are you open? you said indeed, i am. then what did they say? that they give you a ticket? >> no, sir. they did not. and they looked at me and said you're a veteran. i said yes, i am. and they said thank you for your service. people want to walk in, they're allowed to walk in. i am not forcing them in. i am not a hairdresser or i'm close. i'm not a manicurist or a barber. i'm a retail store but i'm open to the public and if they want to walk anna, i'm not going to stop them from walking in.
5:59 pm
we have maintained our distance and we have obeyed every single rule, but i feel that this country is being dictated to unnecessarily. i think personally, i'm putting no one in danger. i just heard you a little while ago, seven angioplasties and peripheral artery disease and i'm vertical. >> after this conversation, i wish we'd open the show with you tonight in ghana for 20 minutes because you are my kind of american, and i hope that you're rewarded for this and i hope if you have any problems you will come back on the show in the meantime, i hope new yorkers will support you and what you're doing. god bless you, good luck and i hope you tell us what happens. what an inspiring conversation. amen. i hope we see you again.
6:00 pm
amazing. how nice is it to share a country with people like that? would you agree with what he's doing are not? what a great spirit that man has. have a great evening. sean hannity is live from new york next. >> sean: i want to pick up on your point, i go shopping every weekend, right in the epicenter of this and i've gotten to know this young kid who stocks the shelves at my local grocery store. he's they are in a mask every single weekend and gloves just like everyone else stocking the shelves which we needed, they were full the whole time. and he doesn't have to reopen because he never closed and if you close, we wouldn't have had any food in new york. you have to do it safely. good show as always. thank you. major breaking news on multiple fronts tonight. is kim jong un dead or alive? full report on the way. a bombshell new developments from the deep state
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