tv Hannity FOX News April 28, 2020 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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>> tucker: by the way, polling suggest that would be a popular move in this country too. we are out of time tonight. sean hannity standing by in new york for the 9:00 p.m. i had the head of the idf is israel on today, tucker. they have about 16,000 from people contracted the disease, less than 1600 people died. it's amazing. we might not have civil liberties wise constitutionally with things they did, but amazing -- we can learn from all these countries as you rightly say we need to reopen. great lessons from everybody. good show tonight. welcome to hannity. big news, multiple fronts. deep state reckoning is now in full swing. lieutenant general michael flynn may soon get the exoneration he rightly deserves. new exculpatory evidence has emerged. the saddest part of this miscarriage of justice, top people in your fbi knew he was
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in the tent innocent. plus breaking news froml north korea, rocket man dead or alive? and china, along with the corrupt world health organization, they need a day of reckoning. i think we have the way to do it. we'll have a full report on that and we will discuss how this country must safely, urgently, safely reopen. we will talk to governor ron desantis who now is overseeing what is one of the biggest major success stories down in the state of florida with a high concentration of that vulnerable age group. a lot of people retire in florida. we turn to the two worse ancandidates ever to run for president. after dodging a very serious sexual assault allegation for over a month, today joe biden teamed up with none other than hillary clinton. theyow had a town hall focusingn women's issues. you can't even make this up.
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of course, hillary clinton has quite a track record on women's issues, notably helping, enabling some would say, or has been in numerous coverups, sexual misconduct allegations during his political career. and taking millions and millions and millions of dollars from countries who abuse women. coincidently enough during the virtual town hall on women's issues, the very credible sexual assault allegations against joe biden, didn't comeea up hillary clinton, joe biden focused on other issues. let's take a look. >> getting ready to go to a junior high school dance and didn't have any cufflinks. so his very creative mother, she got him a nut and bolt and made a pair of cufflinks for him. i think he said he was mortified by that. he told her that. she looked at him and she said, joey, if somebody said something to you abouty, your cufflinks, u just say, what, you don't have a
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pair like that? >> sean: hillary clinton enthusiastically, finally jumped on the biden express. he became very sleepy though. took a long time. take a look. >> i want to add my voice to the who have endorsed you to be our president. just think of what a difference itit would make right now if we had a president who would not listened toy the science, but facts over fiction, brought us together. >> sean: time for joe's nap. hillary clinton like many other top democrats share their favorite part of the coronavir coronavirus. is there a favorite part? for her and so many liberal democrats, the opportunity, never let a crisis go to waste to shove universal health care down the throats of we the american people. take a look.
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>> we used to be part of a much larger system that eventually and quickly, i hope, gets us to universal health care. so i can only say amen to everything you are saying, but also again lift people, never let a terrible crisis go to waste, as the old saying goes. we have learned a lot of our absolute frailties are in our country when it comes to health, justice, economic justice. let's see resolved that we are going to solve those once you are elected president. >> i promise you, that's going to be my objective. >> sean: a lot of energy there. to recap, virtual town hall supposedly focused on women in the middle of a national emergency, pandemic, hillary clinton bragging how covid-19 can help them priced politically, joe and said the same thing by the way similarly himself. neverim once brought up the very serious and credible
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sexual assault accusations. instead she enthusiastically endorsed him. remember, it was hillary. she did say sexual assault victims have a right to be believed. we will talk about the eye believers in a second. let's go down memory lane. >> i want to send a message to every survivor of sexual assault. don't let anybody silence your voice. you have a right to be heard, and you have a right to be believed. we are with you. >> sean: do you believe juanita broderick, paula jones? were you lying for political gain?? a woman by the name of tara reade., she tells that clinton is enabling a sexual predator. keep in mind, reade is a lifelong democrat. voted for hillary clinton. a staunch supporter of barack obama. so much so she never went public with his damning information about his running mate.
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now the allegations has been corroborated now by at least four individuals that she confided in shortly after the incident in 1993. her mother even calling into "larry king live" at the time to ask for advice. tara reade has filed a criminal calling for joe biden to release records from his senate office which she believes will contain a copy of her official complaint of the incident. is joe going to be transparent or release those records or are they being hillary, as we speak, magically bleached and disappearing. will anybody in the democratic party or themo mob in the media, all these democratic potential vpen candidates this weekend, they weren't asked a question about it. are they going to ask him about these accusations? yesterday we reached out for comment from biden's potential, running mate. says he's picking a woman. many have not addressed reade's
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allegations directly but including senator amy klobuchar who has no real courage whatsoever. stacy abrams gave a wholeheartedly big defense of biden today, saying that joe will make women proud. and then there is gillibrand.ten according to nbc news, the morally bankrupt senator from new york told reporters, i stand by vice president biden but he's devoted his life to supporting women and timidly denied this allegation. in 2019 she said she believed kavanaugh's accuser. no corroborating evidence, and the witnesses. and still jill o'brien indicated that kavanaugh called for the nomination to be withdrawn. what changed, senator gillibra senator gillibrand? protecting quid pro quo joe? think about it, what happened to all thequ i believers? remember this? >> i believe her. first of all, anybody who comes
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forward at this point to be prepared to testify in the united states senate against someone who is being nominated for one of the most powerful positions ofof united states government? that takes an extraordinary amount of courage. >> not only do women like dr. ford who bravely comes forward need to be heard, but they need to be believed. they need to be believed! >> let me say righ right in the outset, i believe dr. ford. i believe this survivor here. there's every reason to believe her. she has come forward bravely.sly and >> i believe her, i stand with her -- >> do you think she shows up on monday? if>> i don't think she should be believed i in the scenario. >> i believe professor ford. i believe she's credible. i believe when the investigation is finished and when she testifies, and judge kavanaugh testifies, i think a majority of senators will find her credible. >> sean: hey, i believers, do
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you believe tara reade? that allegation with professor ford was an allegation with zero corroboration, zero witnesses, no police report. tara reade, check, check, check speaker pelosi once praise the courage of kavanaugh's accuser but now refusing to say anything about tara reade. she's supporting biden this week. more sadly, of course predicable hypocrisy from the mob in your media, "the washington post" reported developments in allegations amplify efforts to question his behavior. let's compare that word salad to this headline about kavanaugh, "calls for justice kavanaugh's impeachment are mounting."ou here's how it could work. that look like fair, balanced journalism from eric temple's "washington post"? i don't think so. this is the constant deception that's hurting our country.nt
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we have an information crisis in america and the mob in the media, they are nothing more than state run tv propaganda of the extreme radical democratic socialist party and all things hate donald trump, every second, minute, hour of every day. trying harder than ever to prop up somebody who is struggling to say it charitably, probably the worst, most corrupt, inept candidate in history. here and now, former white house press secretary sarah sanders along with fox news and sugar lisa boothe. lisa, i did notice her twitter today. you had some very strong words on this. >> i did. i wanted those women that you had just laid out to come forward and say do you believe tara reade or not because they have not been pressed on it by the media and the reason why the democrats and many people in the media don't care about the #me toomovement, they don't
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care about it. when you ask about christinend ford, that issue was abortion. to derail brett kavanaugh's nomination, christine ford was a registered democrat. what motivation does terra reade a lifelong democrat who voted for hillary clinton in 2017 have to step forward? what motivation does her former neighbor to step forward who saysys she's a biden supporter d says, i believe tara reade because tara reade told me theto story in the mid-1990s. what motivation do they have? >> sean: sarah sanders, this is state run tv. you actually live with us mob. you know. the president, ten days after the first corunna case, a travel ban peered the first quarantine in over 50 years. subsequent travel ban. in march, i'll get to this later, march 2nd, the governor of new york says we are going to
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be fine. o comrade de blasio, go out on the town in new york city. they had no hospital beds, we never ran out of anything. is there anything that donald trump ever does that is right and how would they treat him here? >> certainly not in the media's eyes. o that's one of the most outrageous things about this is the double standard for people like justice p kavanaugh, they falsely accuse, the media gave it wall-to-wall media coverage all day, every day. if this was a republican and accusations being made against him, you would see wall-to-wall media coverage. the hop argosy is shameless and just when you think the media cy find a way to go lower. they had all these clips and all these democrats who played several -- joe biden came out and said let's get to the truth, wherever it may take us when it came the justice kavanaugh.
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it should beda the same standard applied here. maybe it turns out great for joe, but it should have the same level of attention that the media gave when they came after brett kavanaugh. where are all of those people that attacked him crying for justice now? that is the part that is so mind-blowing, to sit back and watch how day after day, the media can just be complete and total hypocrites and not seem to be bothered by all because they do it again the next day. that to me is just truly mind-blowing and shameless. >> sean: thank you, both. in the case of tara reade. corroboration, witnesses, we have that haunting call of her mom to larry king. we have a police report they didn't have that with the kavanaugh case. none of it. were are we go to a tale of two states, the state of new york and the state of florida. for weeks, new york has been the epicenter of the coronavirus because of new york city's incredibly dense population
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along with its massive influx of international travelers. the city was always at an incredibly high risk for an outbreak. also the number one terror attack in the united states. comrade de blasio, governor of new york, state government of new york, totally completely utterly unprepared. equipment,f medical y totally insufficient. you have comrade de blasio, mayor of new york, he actually sold the city's measly stockpile, they only had 500 ventilators, after failing to maintain them. we don't even know who bought them at auction. even though the city had beenn warned that they, the city alone, would need 10,000 ventilators. the governor cuomo, his health department calling for the state to purchase 15,873 ventilators for the peak week they would be short and the federal government would not be there to help you. they bought none. .4% of his budget. instead, he directed a task force to come up with a plan.
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how do you ration the 2008 they had on hand? on march 2nd, de blasio, march k telling the people of new york city, get out on the town, catch a play. from march 2nd to march 5th, this is what i recommend. he said march 10th, most peoplee could still go out. the risk is low. march 2nd, governor cuomo said the disease would not be as bad in new york as other countries. i don't mean to sound arrogant as a new yorker. but as a new yorker, i can tell you we are better prepared. they weren't prepared. perhaps even worse than all of this is a disturbing report about governor cuomo's coronavirus nursing home policy, which is now emerging as a major scandal, not only in new york, but in the country. despite the fact that everyone knew prettydy much from day one that seniors would be the most at risk, older people compromised immune systems, underlying conditions, medical health conditions, he issued a march 20 for the executive order for the state of new york and
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that forced y nursing homes to "admit and readmit patients who tested positive for the coronavirus."wh u it took until last week for any reporter to ever ask the governor about this insane policy. his response was, a good question. i don't know. new york was a poorly sending elderlys coronavirus patients ad body bags simultaneously to nursing homes all over the state. one health care executive said cuomo had "blood on his hands." ultimately nursing homes in york were ravaged by coronavirus. to date, according to reports, "the new york post" among them, around 25% of new york deaths from coronavirus were nursing home patients. president trump, he built, he manned the largest hospital in the country. 3,000 beds at the javits center. he put all the personnel inhe there. he also sent the navy ship the
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comfort, 1,000 patient ship, he manned that too. then they asked new york, can you make it covid-19 ready question make the made changes on the comfort, and they were prepared for covid-19 patients. very few beds at either location that donald trump built for covid-19 relief were ever used. it's not like those patients had no other place to go. the governor said, the federal government didn't have to take them -- all he needed to do was ask. i'm sure the answer would've been yes. in florida, governor ron desantis, he took very aggressive steps right away. went to shield florida's very high percentage of retirement communities c and nursing homes from the virus, including the villages, america's friendly's hometown. that included targeted testing, a massive distribution of ppe, strict isolation, at risk communities, and the results,
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they speak for themselves. they fatality rate at florida's long-term nursing care facilities was drastically lower than new york. it was 1.2%. new york? 18%. now the state has a plan to safely reopen for business and letpe floridians back on their feet. here with more, florida governor ron desantis. riyou know, it was very interesting. i was watching the media t coverage. you addressed this in d.c. today. i was watching. the predictions for florida, which didn't surprise me, because of the high percentage of your population being the elderly, were off the charts. they attack you every step of the way. you wanted to keep beaches open with social distancing because you get people out, fresh air, p lift their spirits, et cetera, et cetera. look at your number on the grape right there and look at new york. by the way, the third one there is michigan. michigan you can argue doesn't
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have the dense population of new york. how did you do it, because we need to learn as we reopen. >> thanks, sean. we really focused, because when you were the threat was and the vulnerabilities were, and when you arebi talking about putting out 7 million masks and gloves and face shields, making sure that we have teams going there and to try and see where the infections are coming from, try to work at keeping those at bay, sending national guard units to do spot testing in those facilities, that is all the recognition that if the virus gets into this facility is, it can run rampant. we've worked reallyly hard to do that. i've got a great secretary for health care administration mary mayhew, she wouldn't let a hospital put a sick covid patient in the nursing home. she said you guys have to keep these folks because then they'll infect the rest of the nursing home. it's a very difficult problem but because we were proactive, we had much better results and a much lower death rate than we
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otherwise would've. >> sean: i had the head of the idf in my radio show, 16,000 coronavirus, people contracted the coronavirus, very low death rate. nobody in the military, not one death. they track people in terms of their location with their phone, intensive contract tracing, government involvement. there might be a civil liberties, constitutional issues, but itit worked. i want to look at every place like florida where things worked dramatically better as we know reopen the country. new york has special challenges that i think 50% of the workplace can work from home. i think you can put people on respirators or masks and gloves in the workplace. have the half the people homes will have social distancing as you open and i think stadiums can open print are you thinking about opening up for mlb, nfl, maybe even nba? >> certainly wanted to get there.
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i'm not going to promise that i will announce that tomorrow but i think --t here's the thing, sean. we know who the burnable populations are. if you look at the statistics of people under 50 who don't have chronic conditions, you have an extremely low chance of death from the virus in the situation and we know how to protect folks and social distance between those two groups. i think there's a lot of things we've learned over the last six weeks so i think we can take a stepor forward here in may, continue to build on that, and get america back. i was thinking things in life that we take for granted, you've been doing this every day. i've beene working as governor every day. think of all the parents, their kids aren't in school, little league's not going on for they are not going to have a problem for they don't have all these things we take for granted. i think people want some hope, i think people want some optimism, and i think we are at the place where this has been tough. but we have a chance to get out the light of the end ofnd the tunnel for that's what we are trying to do it in florida through the next many weeks. >> sean: i will go through a temperature check.
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i will wear a mask if i can go to a baseball game. i am pretty healthy, do what i can to protect everybody else. how much longer are you going to keep me out of your state? i would like to go visit. >> florida, for the record -- >> sean: one of my allowed to go back and? >> you can come but we will sell out so self isolate for 14 days. >> sean: when does that end? >> you agree toe move your show to naples, i will let you run an abbot test, let you run loose. >> sean: i will get tested. more importantly, will there be an opening for people outside of florida to get back in without the 14 days soon or no? >> yeah, we are going to work on that. obviously new york as a special case but we do not want to seed anymore infections. >> sean: they will bring their dumb politics. not good for the state of florida. you save a lot of lives and there's a lot to learn from your success.
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thanks for what you do for the great people in the villages and every other community down when we come back, a lot to cover print aht lot of news breaking. china continues new lies tonight about the virus. is kim jong un dead or alive? there is a meat shortage. is it coming to your grocery store question mike we have a full report and much more as we continue this busy breaking news night. glad you are with us. you know, new customers save over $1,000 on average
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when they bundle home and auto with progressive. wow, that's... and now the progressive commercial halftime show, featuring smash mouth. ♪ hey now, you're an all star ♪ get your game on, go play thank you! goodnight! [ cheers and applause ] now enjoy the second half of the commercial! even renters can bundle and save! where did that come from? the kitchen. it was halftime.
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>> sean: more breaking updates tonight surrounding the whereabouts of north korean dictator kim jong il and amid reports of serious health complications as south korea says, kim may actually just be trying to hide out to avoid coronavirus. new satellite imagery reportedly shows off the course of north korea, fueling speculation he may be in isolation.ed suggesting an announcement coming soon, we will keep you is he dead or alive? also tonight, more rewriting of history from the w.h.o. and their health chief saying the organization will continue to give advice based on the science and evidence. that would actually be a change from the propaganda from china that they were spewing from the early days. let's take a look.
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>> one thing i would like to assure you is that we will continue to give advice based on science and evidence. and then it'll be up to the countries whether to take it or not. >> sean: that was the same w.h.o. that said back in january, no evidence of human to human transmission. the w.h.o. came out against all travel bans, they are racist. also healthy people know masks, they hid the extent of the outbreak and continue to ramp up this information as it hurts to deflect the blame it's time to defund if the w.h.o. they are liars, they are corrupt. they areco wasting our money and the idea that somehow china is a developing nation and pays one-tenth of what we the taxpayers are paying? let china fit the bill. it's undeniable, we should not be funding this anymore.
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as for china, you should not get your debtul back. you took on american debt, you killed some american people, your lies, your deceit, your misinformation because the lives, destroyed economies all around the world. here to react to senator tom cotton. why does the w.h.o. give the developing mission rate to china, they spread miss information andhe disinformatio, why should we give them another penny. let china fund them. china has our debt. that trillion dollars of debt they might be holding, that doesn't even begin to touch the amount of money that we will need to compensate families and rebuild the economy that they destroyed. >> sean, the nerve dr. tedros that if everybody listen to the w.h.o. early on would be in a much better position. remember, chinese communist party leaders knew that this
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virus is highly contagious, from person to person, not just animal to humans by mid-december. the w.h.o. was still parroting chinese communist lies in late january. as you said, the pressure countries not to impose tribal restrictions on china in january and in february. they continue to cover for the chinese communist party today about the origins of this virus. dr. tedros is a fraud, not a real doctor, and the w.h.o. should not get a dime of taxpayer dollars until he and his team are out. >> sean: we don't have to fund the w.h.o. we don't have the money anymore. we shouldn't be funding the u.n., we will give that to china too.le given their virulent anti-semitism and anti-americanism. why should china be giving back a penny when they caused trillions of dollars that this is costing, never mind the human
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toll. we lost a lot of ourot american families in this. >> sean, every business closed, every job lost, every life lost in this country is the direct result of the diversity and corruption of the chinese commonest party and anything we can do to make china. the price for all that suffering, all the pain and hardship of the american people to include examining the debt they hold for the united states government should be open on the table for discussion, just like bringing back the manufacturing, ensuring that china is not going to be able to steal our electoral property, they are not continuing to undercut american business and threaten national security. all of those things need to be up for discussion. >> sean: thanks for leading the way on all of this. it is imperative they be held for this. it is a crime against humanity. the pandemic also raising alarms for possible food shortages right here in this country as one grocery supplier, ceo said
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the coronavirus lockdowns may mean shoppers may see meat out of stock. here to explain our own correspondent trace gallagher. talking about tyson foods, that has more of my friends worried about more than anything else, a disruption in the food supply. >> on one hand, you have farmers and ranchers who still have plenty of livestock and on the opposite and that there appearss to be ample resources to ship the product to market. the problemem relies on the mide of the meat processing plants, most of which are shutting down because of a severe staff shortage. this all comes after nearest reports of plant workers dying from covid-19. today, the ceo of c&s wholesale grocers issued this warning. watch. >> we will see more out of stocks at retail probably the beginning of next week. does not mean we'll be out of protein, but we will see more out of stock. >> goes on to say this will have a devastating impact on the
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nation's farmers and this is a a big reason president trump just signed an executive order classifying meat plans as essential infrastructure that must remain open. as part of the order, the government has vowed to provide additional protective gear and guidance to employees of meat processing plants. sean? >> sean: trace gallagher, thank you for that report. out in south dakota, governor kristi noem says the smithfield meat plant which did see a large number of cases could in fact reopen in a matter of days. another instance of one in the state of iowa. this comes as the governor of south dakota is unveiling her plan to "haul it back to normal" plan. here to explain, south dakota governor kristi noem. interesting, you never shut down. you had this break out at the meat plant, you guys jumped all over it.un from my understanding is you are able to help out most of the people that contracted the virus. where do we stand and where do we stand with her opening that plantn?
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>> you know, we are hopeful within a matter of days that the plant could be up and running safely, protecting its employees, but also contributing to our national security. this is a critical infrastructure business. we need it online to feed the people of this country and it's incredibly important. we are working with smithfield. the ball is in their court. we are hoping within a couple of days they could potentially get this plant going. >> your state never shut down. you urged your citizens to be responsible and they were. all credit to the people of south dakota. manufacturers, had they shut down, new york would have never had the medical supplies that were desperately needed. they kept working. they never shut down. farmers didn't shut down. packers packed. truckers trucked. every week, i go shopping, governor. every week, i see the same guys. i talked to a couple of them at the grocery store. at the epicenter, they are
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stocking the shelves. neverf ran out of any food, just toilet paper. the whole idea of this country shut down but all these other people worked, sustained us, and how do we open safely, even more densely populated areas, what can we learn from yourasro experience? >> in south dakota, all of those items were being made and they were incredibly important for our country and important that we make sure we give our employers the opportunity to be innovative, to stay open, and to make sure they are protecting their employees while they provided for their customers too. in south dakota, we didn't close any businesses, didn't do shelter in place. i trusted my people, they trusted me to make decisions that were best for us. and they've just done an absolute fantastic job. that's why my plan is not a reopening plan, it's a back to normal plan. we are w working our way back to getting the life in south dakota that weif love again and then giving guidance to do that.
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>> sean: last question, you never shut down about restaurants. i worry a lot about restaurants. i have a lot of friends in the restaurant business. i'm getting heavy again, but i keep trying to support them. my question is how did you keep restaurants open, people going to the restaurants, what did we learn? >> we encourage them to have less than ten people in their dining rooms in their facilities and to focus on delivery and carry out. what we have told him today when i unveiled my back to normal plan is i asked them to ensureur physical distance thing within their facilities to makee sure they had a rigorous sanitation, cleanliness protocol that they followed. and i think our folks in south dakota are ready to do that. they don't mind taking extra measures and steps if we are giving them the opportunity to look at their specific situation and make adjustments to use common sense. i think that's the difference i the example that our people have set and i'm proud of them. >> sean: never shut down, now get back to normal.
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a lot of credit to the people of south dakota. your leadership. our prayers with the meat packing plant, hope they are running up soon. appreciate it, governor. coming up, the left proves again and again they are unwilling to put politics aside. they put politics first before the needs of you, we the people. we will explain why steny hoyer, nancy pelosi, and chucky schumer, what they are saying. when you see this video that is now viral of a new york woman that has a message for comrade de blasio, itor will break your heart. that video coming up.
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i am a marianne rafferty. the nation's top expert on the coronavirus says the virus is "almost certain to return in the winter." dr. anthony fauci morning a premature return to normal which could result in a spike of cases where the warning comes as more stay-at-home protests are planned, mostly from american to argue the threat of economic collapse is larger than the threat of the virus. the fbi unsealing documents showing a web of contact between
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g.o.p. operative roger stone and wikileaks founder julian massage during the 2016 election. it mainly revolved around information against hillary clinton, information and belief hacked by russians and handed to wikileaks, acknowledges the communication but maintains no crime was committed. i marianne rafferty. now back to "hannity." ♪ >> sean: as america fights to reopen in the midst of an unprecedented challenge, the democrats doinged what they usually do. dirty tricks. for example, you won't be hearing much from capitol hill because democrats steny hoyer now saying the house will not return next week. leading by example. not showing up for work. great. s schumer of course more focused on investigating trump. he should be investigating new york and the crisis of forcing nursing homes to take
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covid-19 positive patients. he's calling for hearings into trump's abject failure in the fomenting coronavirus relief. okay. new york would be dead, chuckie, without donald trump. he manned the hospitals, gave you all the ventilators, he gavi you all the medical masks, the face masks, and the other masts, the gowns, the gloves, the personnel. because new york city and new york where prepared for nothing, chuck. zip. your state. criticize and investigate them. what about hearings in that state? new york state? coronavirus patients being returned to nursing homes. chuckie, according to recent reports, 25% of your state's covid-19 fatalities, chuckie, why didn't you prepare? speaker pelosi says she's considering the socialist plan of universal basic income. her priorities are right there
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with her ice cream freezer. creepy joe biden making more disturbing, and saying "we need economic intercourse." he's very creepy. can't make this up. by the way, he needs to release the documents onhe tamarine. here now the feature of fox nation, "i am geraldo," the highlights on what's an amazing 50 year career as a journalist. fox news correspondent at large geraldo rivera and joined by fox news contributor dan bongino. march 2nd, we had comrade de blasio say, go out on the town from here my recommendations. march 10th, says very little risk. governor of new york, he said march 2nd, the risk is low and we are new yorkers. i am american, i'm the new yorker, new york is going ts be fine. >> i'm a new yorker. >> sean: neither one bought
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theor ventilators that their own health task force told them to buy. everything they had, donald trump gave themmhe and en converted the 3,000 hospital beds at the javits center and the comfort to covid-19. what did cuomo do? the health care department do? they dumped covid-19 patients at thee nursing homes were 25% of the deaths occurred. what do you have to say about that as a new yorker? >> i think two things can be true print ian criticize the fat that i believe nursing homes, big nursing homes, should be outlawed, absolutely. once you get over five, six, seven elderly people together, to keep them together is a breeding ground that guarantees they are going to catch everything in the crowded place designed specifically to take advantage of medicare and social security can hold. i think the two things on the other hand can be true. i think the federal government under president trump did an
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incredible job in new york. the javits center that you referenced. the navalhe ship comfort that yu referenced. the ventilators, the other gear provided to new york, i believe what the federal government did as good of a job as possibly could be done given the emergency. inon new york. on the other hand, the payrollhi protections program that's going on right now? that needs someone to look into it. how can shake shack get tens of millions of dollars? how can the l.a. lakers? how can ruth chris 'steak house? >> sean: listen, i want small businessne businesses, hospital workers, covert relief only. but there are fiduciary complications to what you're suggesting here sometimes. but i agree generally. here's the thing. as of march, you have every new york official, dan bongino, saying we are good. we are prepared. they were prepared for nothing. they had nothing.
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and then they dumped covid-19 patients into nursing homes and they barely failed any of the beds that the president built and manned for new york. and he provided every ventilator. we never ran out. >> yeah. the golden capping of andrew cuomo and the sycophantic idol worship of the media is discussing. what did andrew cuomo get right? he was wrong on the ventilator issue. he was wrong in the beds issue. he wasbe wrong on the nursing he issue which was deadly in this case. what was andrew cuomo right on? i saw an issue of new york city if they had ventilators, the auction them off because they didn't want to maintain them. >> sean: they had a recommendation to buy 10,000 of them. they only bought 500. they didn't -- they auction them off. didn't know where they went. >> and they blamed it on trump! can i mention one thing too?
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the story about steny hoyer? get to work! are you kidding me? you've got the lady in public in the corner store busting seven days a week for, what, ten bucks an hour? get to work! are w you kidding me question wt you justt spent $4 trillion! go to work! are these people for real? you are spending $4 trillion bankrupting -- >> that trillian is helping people go to work too! the millionaires have to go to work too! >> sean: geraldo, you are working! >> getting a $10 million loan from the government for cheating the va. >> sean: i agree with you. open the country safely! that's the answer. get this pace up and running! everyone wear a mask. half of the people, work at home. work at home, where a mask.
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that's it. thank you, both. when we come back, huge news in the case of michael flynn. we were right again. the mob and the media, "the new york times" toilet paper? they were wrong again. the judge ordered by the way in his favor today. well, goes bankrupt, loses his house, now he's exonerated. who does he get to sue? straight ahead.
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good morning, mr. sun. good morning, blair. [ chuckles ] whoo. i'm gonna grow big and strong. yes, you are. i'm gonna get this place all clean. i'll give you a hand. and i'm gonna put lisa on crutches! wait, what? said she's gonna need crutches. she fell pretty hard. you might want to clean that up, girl. excuse us. when owning a small business gets real, progressive helps protect what you built with customizable coverage. -and i'm gonna -- -eh, eh, eh. -donny, no. -oh., the fair and honest bidding site. an ipad was
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>> sean: big d >> sean: 's sick developments in the general michael flynner case. sidney powell, congressman devin nunes. we learned friday, exculpatory evidence withheld. we learn his former law firm, they didn't handle everything to you. what's the latest? when does this miscarriage of justice and? >> very soon i hope, sean. the government has agreed to unseal the documents that were produced late friday. they are working with the fbi to redact everything that needs to be redacted, which i assume to be protecting the guilty by deleting their names. my words, not theirs. we should have but friday by the
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latest and we will file a consent order to have that concealed to the public can see it. they also said there is more evidence to produce to us. meanwhile covington drop 17,500 pages on us that they missed from these a year ago. >> sean: they knew, devin they knew, they framed him. >> what sidney just said about why is this information still being classified? if you remembered, the house republican report that was mocked by everybody in the media is now the gold standard of all reports. the rest of the reports have either totally collapsed or they are under investigation or should be under investigation. and remember, we have in our reports that general flynn, the fbi did believe that general flynn had lied. here we are at two later with no justice for general flynn. >> it was all 302 until mccabe approved it. >> sean: he needs to be set
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freed and he needs to sue people. powerful message from a new yorker to mayor de blasio. you don't want to miss. they're our parents... our brothers and sisters. and our children. but now, they are more than that. they are forever our heroes, too. at prudential, we're fortunate to know and serve them. and we're grateful to the heroic men and women working on the front line to move our nation forward. to all the heroes, we thank you. working on the front line to move our nation forward. [anthony] hey mama, what's up? [mama] i'm confused. confused about what, everything ok? yeah, i only see one price on my phone bill. that doesn't sound confusing mama. you're on t-mobile, taxes and fees are included. oh come on, there's always extra fees! not on t-mobile mama. why can't all my bills be like this? i don't know mama. bye mama, love you. anthony? umph! at t-mobile, taxes and fees are included.
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how dare you make us have to deal with that! i've been living with the body for days! how dare you, mayor de blasio! >> sean: i like to say let not your heart be troubled? mine is. laura ingraham, new york screwed up so bad. unbelievable failure. >> laura: i've got to say. when people start complaining about the trump ministrations response and i'm going to pick up where you left off on this, hannity, where is the whole of government approach including congress. we keep hearing the whole of government. >> sean: go to work! >> i've been saying this since march 20th. this is been going on week after week after week. people are suffering. you hear the poor lady crying. this is why no one takes them seriously. >> sean: they have nothing! on march, they said go out on the town come up g
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