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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  April 29, 2020 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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free or die." in latin. we have made it available to a mother's day with a special card in the first week, you get a commemorative first edition for mom the week it comes out. don't forget to set your dvr and let not your heart be troubled. i will send laura an early copy or she will yell at me. >> laura: thank you, hannity, an awesome show. we are loaded up tonight on the "the ingraham angle." i am laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle." american versus the continued shut down in so many states. tonight i will explain why these extended stay at home orders are more about control than safety. plus two drugs have shown positive effects of the spread but why are they getting different receptions? and what do dr. fauci and nih connections have to do with it? raymond arroyo is also here with "seen and unseen" moments from
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hillary/biden endorsement and more details inside the tara reade cover up. perhaps the most explosive story of the night, hannity just treaded this. it was awesome, but we have to tell you that these new doj documents show that the fbi entrapped a former national security advisor, michael flynn. the liberals claim everyone is exaggerating this all along. flynn was a dirty guy and deserved it. well, this is stunning. more on that ahead. but first, my thoughts at the end of day 44 america in shut down. now remember back in march when new york governor andrew cuomo gave this very ominous morning. >> we are your future. where we are today, you will be in three weeks or four weeks. >> laura: well that forecast wasn't even close. there have been 23,384 deaths in the empire estate as of this
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evening, meaning the death rate there is 120 per 100,000. the next highest death rate in the covid is jersey with 6,771 covid deaths or 73 per 100,000. new york is and always was in its own category of coronavirus suffering and they did suffer and continue to. but certainly not like florida which locked down later than most states and is now reopening earlier. >> everyone in the media was saying florida would be like new york oreo the leap. and that has not happened because we understood, we have a big diversity. i have less than 500 people out of a state of 22 million on ventilators as of last night. and i have 6,500 ventilators sitting idle. >> laura: so it is worth asking, why are states with far
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less severe outbreaks, states that happen to be run by democratic governors or blue state governors, like virginia and north carolina, why are those still under strict lockdown measures? well, they claim they are following data. so let's actually look at the data. virginia's death rate is 20 times less than new york at just six per 100,000 for a total of 522 virginians lost their life to covid. of course every life lost is heartbreaking. it is tragic, no doubt about it. but what about the virginia lives lost tooth due to skyrocketing unemployment increase of substance abuse, mental illness, domestic abuse? georgia importer which are both headed by conservative governors, we know are already opening. they are taking a whole state approach to the situation and receiving nonstop criticism from the left for doing so. well "the angle" warns you weeks ago that they would try to keep
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their states lockdown as long as possible. whatever their actual covid numbers were regardless of the economic harm or carnage this was causing. virginia governor ralph northam is in a category of his own. he wants to reopen as slowly as possible. >> we need to see the percentage of positive tests and the number of hospitalizations both tracked downward over 14 days, enough capacity in the hospital beds we need to sustain our ppe supply. we cannot and will not loosen the restrictions the way you turn on a light switch. >> laura: the numbers in virginia are low. they are among the lowest in the country. now, north carolina has lower covid death rates three per 100,000 which is 40 times less than new york's death rate. of course democrat roy cooper was unmoved by the data and last week, he extended his
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states lockdown until may 8th. it makes no sense. north carolinians did not take kindly to that. the protesters storm the state capitol yesterday to demand that cooper resend his stay-at-home order. what did the state do? the state responded by arresting four web them, including an organizer for merely stepping onto the sidewalk outside of the governor's mansion. i kid you not. like, where is the media? the first time is to do what, to ensure that we the people return our rights, not just to say people that people agree with. but to speak out against the powerful. and especially our politicians is the whole point, isn't it? or does the press believed free speech is only worth protecting if it is for an issue they like like gun-control, women's women's rights, climate change. the truth is this covid crisis
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has exposed the american media for what they are. these people are control freaks. now, check out this headline from cnn. the article says "china despite being where the virus first emerged has coped with the ensuing pandemic far better than many other countries." the article goes on to tout "the benefits of a strong government and centralized planning." while exposing the limitations of private industries to respond quickly. particularly in the health care sector. sometimes, centralized planning? and limitations of private industry? i will translate that for you. communism good, capitalism evil. that is shorthand. now in authoritarian regimes, elites don't serve the working people, we know that, right? they woo over them. social control over large populations is achieved through
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fear and intimidation and suppression of free thought. conditioning the public through power plug and it is also key. new dogmas replace good old common sense. >> the advice from the experts is clear where a mask for the protection of other people. if the vice presidential is not to. >> he should have worn a mess today. there is no question about it. wear a mask to protect the community. maybe mike pence wants to catch it already and be put out of his misery. >> that was nice people. was andrew cuomo wearing a mask in the hamptons the other day? maybe. this whole mask thing is settled science just like climate change, course, it is not and they know it. our own experts have gone from pasts aren't necessary to masks are essential and we have to wear them when you go jogging in just a few weeks' time. now rush limbaugh made a great point as he always does on the radio the other day and he said the virus itself as it weakens
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and states start reopening, the media could have been selling panic, peanut, panic for weeks and weeks and weeks but they have fewer images to sell hysteria to justify continued lockdown. but the mask well, they are a constant reminder. you see them ask and you think, you are not safe. you are not back to normal. not even close. well enter dr. fauci. >> we are not going to disappear from the planet, which means as we get into next season, in my mind, it is inevitable that we will have a return of the virus or may be even went away. >> laura: wait a second. and what scientific basis is he saying this? is it subtle science that this coronavirus will come back for sure in the fall? no, it is not subtle science. here is a totally different view
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from france's preeminent infectious disease expert. >> this curve is called a bell curve. this is the typical curve for epidemics most of the time. it goes like this so the rebound story is a fantasy invented based on the spanish flu which started in the summer and therefore has nothing to do with this. epidemics began. they accelerate. peer they culminate. this is maximum trance ability and they decrease and simply disappear, and we don't know w why. >> remember the last coronavirus we dealt with was sars. it started in november, and it ended in july. now why aren't media types questioning dr. fauci's assertions? he has amazing experience and all the work he's done, but that's quite an assertion and it spreads fear and panic. and why isn't any good news in this fight against the coronavirus ever taken to heart? it is usually dismissed, usually by a lot of the experts and most
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of the blue state governors. well the answer is based in science or good journalism perhaps. so the only answer is that election-year politics is trumping practical thinking and perhaps even trumping real science. now, that is a national tragedy if that is the case. and those are my thoughts at the end of day 44, "america and shut down." first of all it was the people in our elected officials are fighting back against the burdensome shutdown orders. just days ago illinois state rep baron bailey got a judge to strike down democrat governor draconian stay at home order. representative bailey joins me now. representative, the judge in your case cold his order a civil rights violation. so why did you find this order yourself to be such an egregious abuse of power? >> thank you very much.
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he also referred to our governor as shredding the constitution. and that is what is so frustrating about the state of illinois. no one has been asking any questions. i asked the question what the governor's powers were the first day he offered his constitutio constitution -- his pandemic order, the emergency order. i'm a first-term representative. nobody knew that question. so i began to look and sure enough i discovered an article emergency management agency act that was passed in the late '70s, and it was passed for the expressed purpose of limiting the governor's power to 30 days. and so everyone, as you spoke to come all this began and we were given models, given ideas, given scientific information, millionf people were going to die and everyone was unsure so we settled in. then i realized, okay, the governor has 30 days to figure something out.
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>> laura: sorry to interrupt, but i just want people watching right now to understand. you as a first term representative were actually doing what you're supposed to do. actually what some journalists are supposed to do. they are supposed to be digging into this stuff. you are a first term and you are representing your peoples interest, let them them, the people that are sick and workers in all of the stuff but you find out this order only has legitimate seat for 30 days, okay? again, you a first term representative figure this out. now, this is how the governor responded to your lawsuit. check it out to. >> the suit itself was extraordinarily irresponsible here this state representative was looking to gain some celebrity for himself. it is abominable. it is disgusting frankly. but we are immediately appealing this. we believe we will be able to get it overturned. it is extremely responsible and since exactly the wrong message. >> laura: he said it is
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disgusting and irresponsible. what you did. what do you say to the governor tonight. >> i say we've seen this happen many times throughout history, even the history of our great nation. it takes one person to stand up on a wrong. and you know, you said something last night on your show that was pretty profound. you talked about how people like to look at the headlines and failed to re-read the information and search out the data. that is what the problem with the american people are. when we look across the nation, we see 30% of eligible voters show up to vote. that is a tragedy and disgrace of the men and women who serve for that right to vote. so no, his power is challenged and he doesn't like it. >> laura: the powerful and to keep people behind the lines. including the state reps. just sit down and stay in your home and never come out again. congressman bailey, thank you so much. and over in kentucky. let's move on because there's a lot to get to tonight. governor andy beshear ordered banning out-of-state travel has
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itself under legal attack from his own attorney general. ag daniel cameron has joined the lawsuit challenging the travel ban. he says it's unconstitutional. the attorney general cameron joins me now. reports say that you were initially a defendant in the lawsuit being the state ag, but then you filed a motion for a switcheroo. explain why that happened. that was kind of interesting. >> well, i appreciate you having me tonight, laura. we decided to switch our position in litigation because we wholeheartedly believe in the attorney general's office that this order is overbroad and unconstitutional. it is not nearly tailored in a way that is consistent with the constitution and the responsibility to help flatten the curve. here in kentucky, the health care workers, the first responders all have a unique challenge in confronting this pandemic, but in the attorney general's office we
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also have a responsibility to defend vigorously the constitution. that is what i am charged with the 51st attorney general in kentucky. that is what kentucky would expect of the person in this position. and so we have the responsibility and have proceeded in that particular manner to defend the constitution here in the commonwealth. >> laura: all right, ag cameron i want to put something on the screen for you so people have a sense how things are in kentucky. again, every life lost is a tragedy to this virus and to all the other horrible things currently happening to our health care system. flu and pneumonia deaths in kentucky 2,267 the season. covid deaths, 213. to your knowledge, attorney general cameron has the state ever considered shutting down or stopping travel because of what ended up being a pandemic flu season, epidemic flu season at various junctures throughout this year for the
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state of kentucky and other states across the country? where they are ever talks about shutting kentucky down for that? >> well my am a young man but to my knowledge those restrictions have not occurred before. and it is interesting if you look at tennessee per capita deaths for the commonwealth, kentucky is restricted from going there even though we have more at death's per capita kentucky. so we can commit strikes at the arbitrary nature of the restrictions. that is why we are in court fighting against it, not because we want to score any points but it is the right thing to do as it relates to the constitution. as you noted, we are sensitive to the concerns about the pandemic and recognize the kentuckians are doing everything they can to flatten the curve. >> laura: but you've already you've already flatten the curve. attorney general cameron, we've got to move on but you have flattened the curves. the point was to save the health care system, correct? and to make sure you have enough
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ventilators. did you save the health care system and do you do you have enough ventilators, yes? >> if you listen to the medical providers, they say they have more than enough capacity in hospitals. so we have done our job and now it's time to get the economy going again. >> laura: well he has a very, very, very slow roll paths -- process to get kentucky back but it is a slow phase on may 11th. he announced that today. attorney general cameron thank you for looking out for kentucky and civil rights and their health. we really appreciate it. >> thank you. >> laura: thank you. what are the effects of the draconian measures? we have to expand our conversation. it turns out again that flattening the curb turned out in many cases to end up flattening much of the health care industry. what am i talking about? well, we have thousands of beds meant for covid patients sitting empty, my next guest warns that may shut down permanently, why?
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because elective surgeries where they make all their money has basically come to a standstill. joining me now rick jackson, ceo of health care. rick, what has to be done immediately to reverse this troubling trend of hospitals across the country reporting near catastrophic losses in some cases? >> thank you, laura, i'm glad to be with you. first of all, we are all sitting at home watching tv and witnessing all of this trauma that is happening in new york. and what that has caused is the average person things every hospital in the united states is overrun with covid patients and they can't do anything else. reality is, less than 10% of the hospitals in the united states have that problem. 5600 hospitals are half-empty right now. they are just sitting around, laying off people. the restrictions that the government has put on them for not only electric my collective surgery, we are not talking about plastic surgery, cataract
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surgery and other surges that are important here that has had more empty beds than the history of health care that has laid off more unemployed people in health care in the history. listen, it is really important to understand. health care is about 20% of our u.s. economy. i mean, $3.6 trillion, $10 billion a day. and yet, we furloughed, the mayo clinic furloughed 30,000 people in health care workers. >> laura: i'm throwing it on the screen, rick. we are putting a scroll next to you while you are speaking. so you can see just what happened at major health care centers. furloughs, staff cut, we have heard of mandatory 20% pay cut. so as we are trying to save health care, these poor health care workers who are supposed to be putting in, whether pacemakers or parkinson's disease, you know, adjustments to treat -- i mean, what are we going to do? i want to give americans a sense of how devastating this is an
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you mentioned the greater economy. and according to the bureau of economic analysis, nearly half of the first quarter gdp is from the health care industry collapsing. rick, 15 seconds, could it get worse if we don't turn this around? >> it will and immediately we have to do three things. number one, we have to remove all government restrictions from all patient services, outpatient services. number two we have to keep the ppp and has coming. they will need it. number three, we need to get out of way of physicians and hospitals because they know how to deal with this, they can solve it. they are used to controlling infections in a hospital. they know when they can help patients and make it safe for everybody. >> laura: rick, thank you so much and i enjoy your piece in "newsweek" as well. it was an instructive and i learned a lot thank you. >> thank you. >> laura: coming up after weeks of dismissing hydroxychloroquine, dr. fauci is touting another drug but the
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question is why? is it effective? we hope all new drugs could be. remember that arizona man made headlines after drinking fish tank cleaner? well from a shocking new twist to that story. stay tuned (announcer) in this world where people are staying at home,
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♪ >> data shows that remdesivir has a clear-cut, significant, positive effect in diminishing the time to recovery. whenever you have clear-cut evidence that a drug works, you have an ethical obligation to immediately let the people who are in the placebo group know they can have access. >> laura: well, that certainly sounds encouraging, but dr. fauci should apply that same logic to hydroxychloroquine,
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which the association of american physicians and surgeons points out has 91% success rate. we hope remdesivir and other covid treatments all pan out, but we need to ask a few questions. number one, is it safe? we don't know. it hasn't been approved by the fda. they might do emergency authorization. hydroxychloroquine was approved decades ago. number two is it cost-effective? remdesivir is expensive and it would be hard to scale it up. hydroxychloroquine is cheap and already widely available. 20 me now, the doctor, cardiologist and ceo of cardiology, doctor, what is your read on these interim results? they haven't been peer-reviewed and they haven't been published which is always a complaint about some of the hydroxychloroquine reports, but there seems to be some cutting down of the time for recovery some of the interim analyses? >> has a position actually involved in this field and treating these patients on a daily basis, i look forward to
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any drug that can provide both effective safe treatment as well as hope to the broader american population. but i think it is very, very early. all we really have is a press release from gilead. it appears they treated a very similar group that he did in his 1,061 patient study who showed tremendous success rate with a very favorable safety profile. and i'm not safe with remdesivir with the bullet that it will be safe, but time will tell. >> laura: well, there is also a placebo used in this study. so there was a placebo group and there was the remdesivir group, correct? >> that's correct. >> laura: it helped somewhat onto mortality due to covid come 11% with the placebo group and 8% mortality for the remdesivir group. that would also work in its
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favor, correct? >> it would and it raises ethical concerns that you would use the placebo group when we've had the data we've had for several time and several months for hydroxychloroquine. remember the chinese came out with favorable data lb had a smaller population back in january. i am glad they went away from this, but certainly very significant ethical concerns how the study was being done today. >> laura: dr. fauci heads that in a -- nai -- he is now promoting remdesivir and speaking favorably about it like everyone holds, but does that matter, given that connection? is there any issue of conflict? >> welcome a conflict of interest as you know his appearance and you've got to be concerned when large pharma companies like gilead and others from others that promote other
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interests are given large donations to nih. and i think to avoid conflict interest, any governmental concern should give money to nih. that way we know there are no conflicts of interest. i don't think the cdc should accept that money. i don't think nih should. remember, you don't bite the hand that feeds you. such money with policy and research. >> laura: by the way i want to put up a headline if we have it. cbs news reported tonight, dr., that turkey the health ministers treating covid-19 with broad use of drug touted by trump. they were using it and gave it pretty much to everyone with symptoms. >> sure. >> laura: they have limited lockdown orders on the weekend and we people under 20 and over 65 were locked down in turkey. and they say among the best
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mortality numbers in europe. >> i think those numbers make a lot of sense. i think they are locked down ideas make a lot of sense too. we know 97% of the time who is really at risk. and i think turkey really is the model we should consider emulating in that way. it's a lot to learn. >> laura: it is a lot to take in. we will be examining a lot of the european reactions as the week goes on because we need to learn from this. doctor, great to see you as always. >> thank you. >> laura: remember when the media ran wild with the story and blame president trump for an arizona man's death? >> late march in arizona couple and the president talking about hydroxychloroquine. and they decided to ingest a fish tank cleaner. >> donald trump supporters believe him. there was a couple that drank cleaning fluid from a fish tank. >> they had it laying around for their fish tank and they took it and the husband died. >> laura: that is just despicable.
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"the ingraham angle" can confirm that mason county homicide division is now investigating that man's death. 20 me now with more details is the first reporter who broke the story, alanna goodman, lana goodman, what do we know about the police investigation so far and they use this to tag trump early on but now we know a little bit more, don't we? >> we do. we learned yesterday that arizona police are actively investigating the death of gary and looking specifically at statements made by gary's wife, wanda. looking at this statement serve potential inconsistencies. a homicide detective with the police department contacted me yesterday and asked for copies of reporting's on the record interview that i had with wanda from earlier this month and materials. and we were told the investigation is active and ongoing. >> laura: alana, i love
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"the washington free beacon" and you do great reporting but you are not legacy meeting. all these investigative reporters for all these big journals and all these big television advocates and it took you digging into this to figure this out. i haven't seen a lot of coverage of this today. this rant -- i think this was dominating the news for two days because if they could tag trump with someone's death due to hydroxychloroquine, they were going to do it or fish tank water. and that is what they tried to do here. unbelievable. but you kind of put two and two together. >> the early reports in the case sounded odd. and we started digging into it to see what we could find. and we found that the man's wife actually was a big democratic donor. she had given thousands of dollars to democratic candidates over the last few years, including most recently a
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pro-science resistance pack. so this raised some questions about where claims that she was going, you know, was she acting on trumps advice here? and also, be found evidence that gary was a very intelligent guy. he was a retired engineer. friends said they just found this out of character. they were also court records that showed his wife was previously charged with domestic violence against him. >> laura: okay, again, i love featuring reporters like alana because frankly you are doing the work that real journalist used to do. and you stand as a testament to what can still be done if people have a little curiosity, little common sense and a little follow-through. alana, thank you for doing the story and thank you for being a reporter. we really appreciated. >> i appreciate it.
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>> laura: take care. coming up why joe biden's candidacy with women might have backfired. new details of the media tara reade cover up and what is happening with "the washington post" treatment of biden? raymond arroyo has all of the details in "seen and unseen" next. a run or going to the gym. i love reading. i love cooking healthy. it's super important to me. i was noticing that i was just having some memory loss. it was really bothering me. so i tried prevagen and it started to work for me. i wish i had taken prevagen five or ten years ago. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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>> laura: it is time for "seen and unseen" segment where we expose the big cultural stories of the day. well, the biden campaign tries
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to talk away the sexual abuse allegation, but is it working? in another corona comeback. joining us with the details, cultural and political raymond arroyo and now in paperback, raymond, biden held a town hall yesterday that i guess was designed to bolster his candidacy with women. what happened? >> about laura, it looks a little tone-deaf where i said. to host a woman's event while studiously avoiding the sexual abuse allegations of a woman, mainly former biden staffer tara reade. the claims biden violated her sexually in early 1990s. hillary clinton was along for the right to endorse biden and after a painful start, it looks like a hostage video. bite and caught the hillary endorsement. the wife think it came during nap time, laura. he seemed to have trouble focused on her grandstanding, nodding off and it was a mess. the biden camp sold this as a town hall which means three
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questions were answered that probing journalist michelle quam i'm a former olympic figure skater. i kid you not to. she asked "what women stuck at home with domestic abusers should do during the quarantine?" >> violence is a huge problem. it is one of the leading causes of my life. our support for victims has to match the courage they show every day. >> oh, please. this event went on for more than 30 minutes, laura. not one mention of tara reade or the allegations. but biden and his offered solutions to the survivors of domestic abuse. >> we should empower fema to provide shelter, modifications like sleeping and, and, and, you know, you have the idea that we deal with trailers. we have to make sure all survivors, survivors of color, immigrants, native americans, older survivors, those with
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disabilities, the lgbtq community. >> laura: oh, my goodness. >> it was truly tragic. i mean, the only worst guest he could have brought on was harvey weinstein. if you are accused of abusing and subordinate office, why do you bring on a woman defending a man of insubordinate in office? laura, the biden campaign circulated talking points that read "biden believes all women have a right to be heard and to have their claims thoroughly reviewed, in this case a thorough review by "the new york times" led to the truth. this incident did not happen." biden's bp waiting amy klobuchar and stacy adams -- stacey abrams responding to the allegations. the new york stories come i read that one but your viewer should read that one. this case has been investigated. i know the vice president is a major leader on domestic abuse, and i think, again, the viewer
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should read the article. it was very thorough. >> tara reade deserves to have her story listen to and investigated. "the new york times" did a deep investigation, and they found the accusations were not credible. i believe joe biden. >> laura: she believes biden. okay, first of all, let me say this, tonight we can tell our viewers that "the washington post" seem to be taking a turn against biden. they say he has to answer and to answer these claims. luke marcus reading -- saying it is imperative that he speaks out but he has to address the allegations and relevant records have to be released. i think they are at a crossroads, raymond on this issue. i don't think this is going away. and poor little joe can't say lgb cutie let alone speak for himself on this issue. speak with "the new york times" came out and look you are misusing the report, we did not clear them. but the other thing these two women amy klobuchar and stacy
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abrams, they are two nasty girln an episode of the bachelor. they are throwing this woman under the bus to get to this poor man in his basement looking for the predator jen. it is a sad moment for the biden campaign. he's got to speak up. >> laura: it will get bp steaks and everybody wants to be vp. you dump from the ticket -- well you have another corona come back. a classic corona come back. what happened reunited movie cast? yes, 35 years after premier to come at josh gad virtually reunited the entire cast of "goonies." sean astin and robert, recently who cut a new song with kenny g and the big band to raise money for samaritan's purse and frontline workers. listen to this. >> ♪
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[laughter] >> it is snappy, laura. >> laura: that is snappy. let me just say, the virus stay away from the door. apparently, download onto facebook page or twitter feed. i don't need the bouncing coronavirus ball. >> that is a bit much. >> laura: that is a little -- i mean, the bouncing ball is cute but we don't want our bouncing ball to be corona or anywhere near us. >> it is through the air, laura. >> laura: as long as you are wearing your mask, raymond, great to see you. good. coming up the story is wild. of course, buried in the sea of covid-19 news. but "the ingraham angle" has gotten its hands on the document tonight in this case against michael flynn. we knew it was dirty, and guess what? these new documents appear to show the fbi was trying to get him fired. very big, congressman nunes is up next.
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don't go away.
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♪ >> laura: explosive new court documents such as former national security advisor michael flynn was set up. who he was set up by? jim comey. handwritten notes on sale tonight show the fbi discussed using january 2017 interview with flynn "to get him to live so we can prosecute him or get him fired." in other words, to entrap him and ruin his career. and then of course later on yet at trump. with a handwritten note and this intriguing little snippet. if we are seen as playing games, the white house will be curious. joining me now is congressman devin nunes, house intel ranking member and sean davis cofounder
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of ""the federalist"." let's start with you, a lot of reviews of the past three years. you have been digging into this and taking into it, but this has to be one of the more egregious abuses of power given how we know this thing went down now. your thoughts. >> well, clearly, general plan will have a civil rights case. and i think it will cost the government millions of dollars. secondly, hopefully, there will be some prosecutions for this matter. and the judge really has an opportunity here to step in and sanction these lawyers. and with all of that said, laura, we brought you this. the house republicans brought you just a snippet of this information back in 2018. we were mocked. we were told it was a joke. now all of a sudden, you realize what we told you at that time, not only was it true, we didn't even know the half of it. even right now, you don't even
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have the half of it. there is more information coming out the rest of this week. the evidence is continuing to pile up in general flynn's favor. which is what we told you and what most of us knew. i've known general flynn for nearly 15 years. and to the idea that he would be a russian agent is preposterous. >> laura: it is a disgrace how this all went down the pier of the meeting went down. the interview to build a conversation, sean. here is what james comey said about the fateful flynn interview back in 2018. >> we placed a call to plan and said hey, we are sending a couple of guys over. we hope you will talk to them. he said sure. nobody else was there. they interviewed him in a conference room in the white house and he lied to them. that's what he pled guilty to. >> what did he think they were coming over they are for? >> i don't think he knew. no, we didn't tell him. >> laura: sean, the hubris of
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jim comey, my blood boils watching him. his manners, his priggish manner there and his dismissiveness of the rights of an individual. you have been digging into this tonight. tell us your thoughts. >> right. i think it is clear now that james comey will go down in history as the most corrupt fbi director in american history. he has had the worst reign. he has destroyed the fbi's reputation through his actions, his arrogance, and his corruption. he has made it more difficult according to a federal prosecutor that i spoke to today for the u.s. attorneys and fbi agents to get convictions across the country. that will forever change james comey's legacy and against donald trump. >> laura: remember how this did go down, congressman nunes. they called him. i don't know, was the white house counsel involved in this at all?
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don mcgann, sally yates, how did this whole thing go down? but you do. so remind us how it went down. >> well, let's remember the most important thing. and all of the russian hoax, we heard about illegal leaks. the most important leak at the highest level where the transcripts of flynn having a private conversation. the incoming national security advisor for the president of the united states, having a conversation with a russian ambassador leaked out to "the washington post" and other places, i believe. now why james comey and the fbi, why 400 fbi agents crawling all, trying to find out, oh, my god, we just lost an important take the russian investor and somehow that leaked out from the ic? what did they do? they did nothing. to answer your question, what happened in that process? what they did is they did not, they had mccabe, deputy fbi
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director call of general flynn and say something like, oh, we want to send a few people over there. okay. so no, he did not have legal counsel. they set him up. the whole thing was a set up. >> laura: sean, the media, they do not escape culpability in all of this. because rather than being real journalist, they were rooting against this president and his administration from the start. real quick. let's watch. >> this guy was not only acting as a agent, literally as a foreign agency not metaphorically. what we all know now, flynn was a double agent. >> what the white house got was a blistering review for made-up claims that flynn was somehow entrapped by the fbi. it wasn't just a judge who did that. it was michael flynn. >> laura: will any of them come on television tomorrow and apologize or do a mayo coppola? sean, will any of them have that decency? >> no, it will never happen despite this entire hoax could
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not have been perpetrated without their willing work in it, no, they will never return their pulitzer prizes for fake news. they will never apologize. >> laura: think as much. we will stay on this tomorrow. we have a lot more to get to. the last bite coming up every financial plan needs a cfp® professional -- confident financial plans, calming financial plans, complete financial plans. they're all possible with a cfp® professional. find yours at
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>> laura: it's time for the last bite. >> i wish this were us doing this and my supporting your reelection for president of the united states. you won the majority of the
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vote. i think the way in which some of the states acted was just -- anyway, we would not -- >> laura: [laughs] he almost wishes he could go back in time. he supposed to be promoting himself. that's all the time we have tonight, shannon bream, the "fox news @ night" team take it all from here. shannon, take it away. >> shannon: all right, laura, thank you so much. it would begin tonight with a fox news alert. a rapidly evolving showdown with beijing over the coronavirus has trump administration launching investigations into about the combination an end the world health organization, vowing to hold them responsible with deadly and economically devastating threat of the virus. secretary of state mike pompeo is here in minutes. how about this story? what's the goal? get him july so we can prosecute him, or get him fired? that line from the handwritten note surfacing tonight as part of the stunning relief that fbi documents in the general michael flynn


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