tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News April 30, 2020 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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>> sean: mother's day soon, first edition bound for mom coming out soon. set your dvr, let not your heart be troubled. laura, you are on fire last night, great job. >> laura: upward and onward, we are jam-packed. awesome show tonight. these are important times, let's open the country. positive, lots of good news coming out of georgia as well. i'm laura ingraham, this is the ingraham angle. our promises of the vaccine within months actually safe or even realistic? what does big pharma have to gain in this race for a cure? we are going to examine a lot of those questions tonight. inventor and entrepreneur elon musk used tesla's earnings call to talk about the lockdown
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of america as fetishistic, so why aren't his peers saying the same? plus the left shut down dissent by telling us to listen to the science but we are going to show you how gavin newsom is ignoring it. joe biden was already a weak candidate before the sexual assault allegations surfaced, so will his party call for him to relinquish the nomination now? tom bevan tells us how it all could happen. but first, my thoughts on the end of day 45 america in shut down. when blue state governors justify their stay-at-home orders even with covid deaths in their states relatively low, they invariably regurgitate the same justification. >> we are going to do the right thing, not judged by politics or by protest, but by science. >> not to be a broken record but we are looking at data. >> we have to make the best informed the decisions based on
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data and science. >> it sounds good but are they actually listening to the science and is the science even settled? last month before governors began locking down their states, prominent stanford epidemiologist made a prescient observation. he said in the absence of data, prepare for the worst reasoning leads to extreme measures and social distancing lockdowns. we don't know if these measures work. raising this inconvenient truth or questioning the orthodoxy, the good professor became an instant pariah in the medical establishment circles. others just ignored him hoping he would go away, but new data seems to support skepticism of the effectiveness of social distancing. when do you know that our dear friends over at facebook actually created their own database that measures and tracks social distancing in every u.s. state?
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they used two different metrics, the first is called relative mobility changed which is how often someone travels outside his or her area. the second is a staple at percentage, or percentage of people who stayed in their home for the day. if you look closely enough, we see that the states with the largest drops in relative mobility and the largest increases in the state put percentage are also the states with the most confirmed covid cases and deaths. new yorkers and new jersey were understandably terrified this virus and took the stay-at-home orders quite seriously but the virus continued to spread to. would it have been worse without the social distancing? may be. do we know that for certain? no. although the facebook mapping isn't dispositive, it merely confirms or reconfirms what we
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need to ask and the questions we need answered about the true efficacy of these social mitigation measures. remember, experts don't like to admit they're wrong, do they? they're supposed to be smarter than the rest of us on all this stuff. then there's the other new article of covid, masks. like most americans weeks ago i began wearing a mask while grocery shopping. i have been a notorious german phobic for decades, it's so bad that my fellow airline passengers used to look at me really weirdly when i carried out my ritual disinfecting regimen that i do. it sprays and wiping down, now everybody's a german foe. what's the big deal. then i started to see people fiddling with mass, touching their faces, readjusting their
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masks, even shaming others for not wearing masks, running past someone 10 feet away, you're not wearing a mask. i started ask questions. do these masks really slow the spread of covid? it seemed like 5 minutes ago we were told they want necessary at all and now their eyes as commonplace as sweatpants. numerous airlines are as of today requiring them of both crew and passengers. masks are becoming fashion accessories. but since we are supposed to be guided by actual facts, what does the science actually say about masks? i'm not talking about the n95 mask. the colorado school of public health says the homemade cotton
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mask only stop about 2% of the air flow coming in 2%. they are good in the medical setting, operating room, medical procedures, they aren't very effective out in public. she said these masks don't seal against 70% of the outside air and 30% travels around the side. in other words, the masks don't catch the droplets. if experts advising the government officials want the rest of us to take them seriously, then the recommendations have to be reasonable and well-founded. it would be nice if they were occasionally consistent. if they are not, no one's going to listen and if they aren't held accountable for being wrong, i don't know where that
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leads us. i'm telling you, be prepared to as all of this plays out for more petty power grabs and i'm talking about the sort we've seen from michigan governor gretchen whitmer. today, anti-shut down protesters converged on the state capital, presumably state reps listened and they adjourned without extending the state of emergen emergency. we'll see what governor whitmer does now, apparently she is yawning. americans are smart and now they are in self-preservation mode and they are beginning to ask more questions. those are my thoughts at the end of day 45, america in shut down. and join amy as dr. lee newman, distinguished professor of colorado school of public heal health. we aren't discouraging mask wearing, we're just trying to figure out why the messaging for medical professionals changed,
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because as many reporters have written, the science didn't really change on the effectiveness of those homemade cloth masks. >> what we are learning is that there need to be ways of dialing in what a homemade mask is made out of, and that will improve how it works. we are all learning together. science is moving rapidly in this field. it's fair to say that we are wanting to be cautious and follow precaution while we are learning more about what's going to work. as far as the masks go, they are part of the overall package of what we need to be doing to protect ourselves and protect others. >> laura: i'm not trying to be
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a pill but the experts were telling us just one month ago, this. >> there is no specific evidence to suggest that the wearing of masks has any particular benefits. >> it's not necessary for americans to go out and buy masks. >> stop buying masks if you're part of the general public. >> laura: you can see how this can confuse the public and we did survive many bad flu seasons without everyone wearing masks on planes, even when we had a horrific flu seasons like this flu season was really bad. in 2017, 2018, we didn't wear masks then. >> a couple points to make, influence is not covid-19, they aren't the same thing and the threat to the public is apparent to everyone who's watching your show. the other point to make is that
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we always want to have the right answer from the beginning, we want to have a complete answer from the beginning. this is something that i think is fair to say none of us were fully prepared for. we take the precautions including wearing a mask, more importantly washing your hands, not touching the t-zone your face, your eyebrows, your eyes, your nose, and your mouth so you don't contaminate yourself and practicing social distancing so you don't get in the way of someone's cough and to spread the germans. these are common sense measures that we have been taking, and i think it's important to know that masks are just part of that package. you're using a mask when you're
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assessing your own risk and risk to others around you, such as not being able to keep your 6-foot distance. >> laura: one people are yelling at people for running by without a mask, that's when things maybe need to get dialed back a little bit. if democratic governors and bureaucrats keep telling we can never really go back to normal unless there is expansive testing and a covid vaccine. how long will that take? dr. fauci and the gang says a vaccine could take anywhere from 12 to 18 months but now that timeline has contracted dramatically. >> human testing is already underway and scientists are saying they are hopeful it will be available by september. >> i have a high degree of confidence about this vaccine because its technology i've used before. >> technology they have already
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developed in previous work and inoculations for other viruses including a close relative of covid-19, giving the lab a step ahead. >> laura: vaccines typically take years to develop and as we've seen with the flu, they can be not all that effective. flu vaccines are sometimes 55% effective. the one for ebola took about five years and that was still incredibly fast, but developing a vaccine in a matter of months, that would be a herculean feat. obviously there's huge money in the vaccine business, companies have to make money, we aren't saying they shouldn't and they usually request and receive immunity from lawsuits filed when things go wrong, this happened you may remember with the swine flu when thousands were injured by that vaccine. here we are rushing forward again and we are pushing away some of the more well-known, cheaper drugs that have been used all over the world, like hydroxychloroquine in favor of newer more expensive treatments. they may work, they may not but
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the drug companies will make real money here. they don't make money through the old generics, we talked about that before. on this topic, the head of the white house domestic policy council is resigning after four years in the white house. most americans probably didn't know that he used to be a lobbyist for the drug company gilead, that's the same company behind remdesivir. dr. fauci was exuberant discussing its promise where the focus was supposed to be on louisiana. did you know that both the nih and the cdc have their own charitable foundations? a lot of people didn't know that. they taken millions from private companies every year and it's obviously in the eyes of some could create the appearance of a conflict of interest. the cdc foundation took in 12.6 million from private corporations in 2019, gilead
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donated somewhere between $5,000,000.10 million to the nih foundation in 2019 and one of the leading boosters for the w.h.o. bill gates has also been a generous donor to both the cdc and the nih. his 2018 donations including 21,000,015,000,000 respectively to both. we think philanthropy is wonderful, it's a wonderful thing especially when we're in a crisis like this. but when it comes to public health, something as important as the way we proceed with drugs and vaccines, it's naive to believe that these sizable donations are not tied to some mutual general understanding about the best way to respond to this and future medical crises. ovid roy is the president of the
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foundation for equal opportunity, someone who's covered big pharma. that timeline for the vaccine keep creeping up, dr. fauci was on another network tonight saying it's not a rush, everybody is working together and people are anxious to get this tackled. are these dates realistic? >> let's be clear, if we are able to develop a vaccine for covid-19, if we are able to develop a vaccine that provides immunity and 12-18 months, that would be wonderful and we all should hope for the outcome but the fact is as you noted, the fastest vaccine ever developed sponsored by the world health organization for the ebola virus took five years to develop, we've worked on a vaccine for hiv and hepatitis c and still don't have one. we have effective treatments for those viruses but not vaccines. this idea that we are going to snap a couple of fingers and
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with it up, that's ambitious at the least and why does that matter? it matters because we are told we have to keep the economy locked down until we have a vaccine or at least partially locked down. we may be waiting for decades to develop a vaccine for covid-19. >> laura: bill gates gave an interview to german television not so long ago that basically said the shutdown has to continue until we have a vaccine -- i'm paraphrasing but that's essentially what he said. bill gates life isn't really going to change that much in shutdown but the lives of most americans are going to change and not for the better during this shutdown. a lot of doctors have spoken out about this concern for the rush to the vaccine, a great thing if it were possible, watch. >> some of the biotech's and pharma say we are going to have a vaccine in six weeks or two months, using terms like
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operation warp speed -- that doesn't help us because we have a very aggressive anti-vaccine lobby in america and their major assertion is vaccines are not adequately tested for safety. the opposite is true. >> laura: we are talking about something that if it goes wrong could kill you. >> he did a nice interview with "the new york times" that was published today, a long article explaining why these timelines that dr. fauci is talking about are almost certainly unrealist unrealistic. we want dr. fauci to be right but the likelihood that he is right is very low and the fact that that we are promising consequential set of policies that can shutdown the economy on that hope, that's reckless and dangerous. the plan we put out is premised on the fact that we cannot wait to reopen the economy for a vaccine, we can't wait to reopen
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the economy, we have to reopen the economy today. >> laura: the virus is attenuating according to everyone i trust on this, it's changing. sars burned out in six months, with this, we don't know. a lot of these things are very curious. it thanks so much, great to see you. not everyone is sitting quietly while we lose control of our lives, one of the people standing up is tesla ceo elon musk. on this earnings call, the tech billionaire went off on the stay-at-home orders. >> if somebody wants to stay in their house, that's great, they should not be compelled to leave. but to say they cannot leave their house and they will be arrested if they do, this is fascist. this is not democratic, this is not freedom. give people back there goddamn
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freedom. you know silicon valley better than most people, why is he a voice crying in the wilderness given what's happening in the rest of the country? >> he is an innovator, he is an inventor, he loves free market and loves capitalism and loves freedom. we need our innovators to be interesting and think outside of the box. he is here obviously in california, that's where i am, we are a state run by progressives, big government progressives who think they apparently know everything. our governor gavin newsom was the mayor of san francisco and in effect he ruined the san francisco to the point where peter teal, elon musk's former partner had to leave san francisco and moved to los angeles because he wanted some freethinking. i'm averagimagine moving to loss
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for freethinking. we have a mayor here who's telling me i should be spying on snitching on my neighbors and now we have gavin newsom saying we are shutting down the beaches. if i can't go to the beaches in california, in socal war today it was 82 and beautiful, what am i doing, why am i paying these taxes? ted cruz, can you give me a welcome package, i'm on my way. >> laura: they are shutting dowdown the fourth of july celebrations, the democrat mayor -- fourth of july is two months away, they are already canceling that. the summer is canceled and blue state america, it's canceled. no summer, no fun, it's over. because they can predict the future. >> the simple thing that we are
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all struggling to accept is that when we reopen and the states have to do it state-by-state, that's what federalism is -- governors should figure out what's best for their state and what is best for new york which is a serious problem because of the metropolitan area and people living on top of each other is going to be very different from what's good for montana or colorado or something else. what we are seeing here is progressive states want to exercise power over us. it's getting that simple. what we have to grapple with is that when we reopen, there are going to be some consequences, perhaps there will be a second wave, perhaps some older people will catch covid to. all of these things -- you say it, ben shapiro who i know was a friend of yours was on my show yesterday, he said we are going to have to weigh tough choices because we can't live in our houses forever and tank the economy. media matters and the rest of the crusade he wants to kill old
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people. this is what actuaries do, it's called risk versus reward, risk versus freedom. it's not that people want to get out there and do whatever they want with no rules and suddenly be at stadiums and fill up and no masks -- they want to be smart, they want to be responsible and on top of everything else we are also seeing these authoritarian governors like witmer in michigan, she's telling people they can't plant seeds, i mailed seeds to fans of mine in michigan, i don't know if that makes me a federal conflict. >> laura: we are calling the authorities. this is worse than mail fraud. this is seed fraud. we got to roll. congrats on the book. we'll talk to you soon. i had to come at just said he's promising he's listening to the
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>> laura: california governor gavin newsom cracked down on a new public health scourge, fresh air. >> we're going to do a hard close in that part of the state, just in orange county for specific issues on some of those beaches have raised alarm bells. people that are congregating there that were to practicing physical distancing, we are going to have a temporary pause on the beaches down there. >> laura: he claims he's all about science, so why does he choose to ignore the many studies showing that sunlight,
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specifically uv rays can help keep covid at bay? my next guest is leading the charge to keep his power grabs in check through a bevy of lawsuits. join me now is harmeet dhillon, a civil rights attorney and founder for the center for american liberty, it's a nonprofit and your funding this litigation with the help of people who are donating to you. tell us how you're challenging his latest overreach. >> the goalposts keep moving with this governor, many of us were complementary but in the last couple of weeks, he's really gone in the opposite direction, i think legislators not in session, nobody is asking him any questions and he has gone off the deep end as you just mentioned in orange county today. yesterday's order that trickled out through news reports, he was going to shut down all the beaches, there was an uproar
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overnight. a couple people here come a couple people there, 42 miles of beach have close. meanwhile, the beaches to the south, beaches to the north are not being closed by the government orders, so this is really problematic, laura, and we have filed have a dozen lawsuits to challenge his covid related actions over the last two and a half weeks and we are going to get filing lawsuits until we get all of these issues covered. >> laura: he says he's going by the science. but this is what the dhs researchers said about sunlight in particular, uv. >> are most striking observation to date as the powerful effect that solar light appears to have on killing the virus. the virus dies the quickest in the presence of direct sunlight. you put it in a room, 70, 75 degrees, low humidity, the half-life is about an hour. but you get outside and it cuts down to a minute and a half. >> absolutely. >> laura: again, they cling to
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the we are following the scientists. but then when they reach the dash hospitals haven't been overwhelmed, we had enough ventilators, well, then they have to move on the next thing before they get your life back. >> absolutely, i feel like i'm back in grade school and the state of california or orange county or whatever target of the day is being sent to the pencils office, there's no due process, there's nobody to appeal to and is no connection between your behavior and the punishment that you're experiencing. this simply does not meet constitutional standards. there are fifth amendment issues, first amendment issues, we saw three lawsuits on that. cool protection, due process and even some liberal legal scholars are beginning to criticize the governor or his ban on protests in the capital. so while we being locked in, we can't even protest to petition our government. so we can get away with this, laura. so far he is, what unable 30th, we are in a very different place than we were from the beginning of this crisis. yet we are getting more extreme crackdowns and not less then we have since the beginning.
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>> laura: not following the numbers. it's an incredibly low number proportionally to the size. every death matters, every life counts, but you've got like 2,000 deaths in the state of 40 million people, that's not new york. it's not great, but it's a lot better than new york. it's great to see you, thank you and congratulations. keep it up. my next guest or two people from very different walks of life but they're equally upset with governor newsom's extreme lockdown measures. joining me now is vivian ray, the owner of six medical businesses in southern california and creator of the group, fully reopen california and an avid surfer and business owner. vivian, let's start with you. a recent poll is showing that 75% of californians support the stay-at-home orders, so apparently they're loving it there, i guess, what's your message to them? >> well, i haven't spoken to those people, but i can tell you
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that's not how our group feels about it. i don't think many of those people have gone to, three months without a paycheck, because what i'm hearing is we are ready to get back to work and after these families need and that's what we are demanding, the restoration of our right to do so. >> laura: are you worried that you're going to be shut down at these protests or arrested? >> well, that's a possibility, but it shouldn't be, and that's part of the problem. our constitutional rights are being trampled on here and he's going unchecked and running around like a tyrant. so we are doing in the matter what because we have a right to do so and our voices are going to be heard by him tomorrow. >> laura: austin, you're a business owner and also a server. which means you're really cool. you can't even paddle out by yourself without having the california pd come down on you, right? i mean, what is this, how is this california? >> it's ridiculous, laura. i mean, as you said, medical professionals tell us that sunlight is good for us, it's
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healthy. it's not just for infectious diseases, but going outside, exercising, being out in the sun, it's a form of therapy and people need that. we need to go outside, we need to -- we need to get out of our heads. we need to get back to work. we need to serve. >> laura: well, the orange county sheriff says he's not going to enforce some of these draconian rules. watch. >> do i intend to enforce the action? i haven't seen it yet, i can tell you we will be, from the sheriff's department perspective, do not take enforcement action on this order. >> laura: amy, vivian, i've tweeted out today that the real quandary for gavin newsom would be of a whole group of illegal immigrants were together on a beach. what would he do? what would he do then? i mean, come on. good for the sheriff though. there needs to be more sheriff like him. >> you know, there are.
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with a tremendous support from law enforcement that we've been in communication with about the rallies occurring all over california tomorrow. they have been super supportive, because they realize how insane this has gotten. >> laura: austin, are you going to catch some waves anywhere up the coast or down south in la jolla? >> that's a great idea, i think i will. i'm going to sacramento with vivian and, you know, you can always do something about it, we are going to fight this. maybe sacrament of tomorrow. >> laura: if your state. i mean, if you want your freedom back, you're going to have to -- you know, you're going to have to make your voices heard and not be afraid. don't be afraid, guys, i'm glad your other. thank you so much. austin and vivian, thanks so much. former u.n. ambassador nikki haley is here. her reaction reports that the trump administration is going to seek retaliation against china peer they're trying to figure out the right path. plus, unique perspective on the corrupt fbi treatment of michael flynn, coming up. every financial plan needs a cfp® professional --
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♪ >> laura: as coronavirus deaths across the globe hit more than 230,000, well, the trump administration is making efforts now to hold china accountable. according to "the washington post," senior officials across multiple government agencies were meeting today to "begin mapping out a strategy for seeking retaliatory measures against china. what will that mean? trump and dates have discussed stripping china of its sovereign
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immunity, aiming to enable the united states government or victims to sue china for damages. a top chinese official yesterday refused though to accept responsibility. >> those demands for reparations from china are not reasonable and they have no legal basis and in fact i think there is no difference between such demands and blackmail. >> laura: joining me now is nikki haley, former u.s. ambassador to the u.n. and of course, governor of south carolina. ambassador haley, first of all, it's great to have you on the show, we really appreciate it tonight. he said blackmail, ambassador haley, what is your reaction to that? >> this is what the chinese do. this is what -- the two years i was with the united nations, this is what they do. they basically will callout others and say things to others, but they don't want it sent back to them. and you know, the truth is the chinese are never going to admit fault. i never going to admit that they did anything wrong and that's why the united states has to be smart. we have to strategically figure
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out how we are going to deal with china for the long term and really make sure that we call them out and let them know that we are onto them. >> laura: what's the argument left at this point, ambassador haley, that we should not be treating china the way we treated the former soviet union? where we basically did very little trade, we did very few educational exchanges. i was in one of them, so i know. we just basically didn't couple with them at all on key initiatives, so why shouldn't we treat china the same way? >> we absolutely should treat china the same way. this is about the fact that china is our number one national security threat. they are increasingly military and that needs to put our military on notice. they've been stealing intellectual property from the very beginning and the president needs to hold firm that if they do it, we put sanctions and tariffs back on them. they have created a surveillance state, literally their people don't know what's going on in the rest of the world unless china approves it. they have a million minorities
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in concentration camps, making them change their names, change their religion and the way they do things. >> laura: investor haley, today the director of national intelligence confirmed that the u.s. does believe covid-19 could have been the result of an accib in wuhan. president trump says he's seen convincing evidence of the same but "the new york times" seems concerned about this. any american intelligence report blaming a chinese institution official for the outbreak could significantly harm relations with china years to come. so "the new york times" is worried about our relationship with china when all these americans have died and 30 million americans are out of work because of this virus, ambassador. >> what about the chinese relationship when taiwan came out december 30th and said they saw person-to-person contact in terms of covid? where was china when the world health organization asked questions on the 14th and they
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stalled? where was china even up until the 30th of january, where the just want us to stop trade? they knew what was happening and they didn't tell us. >> laura: the president today, ambassador haley, said he's trying to walk a fine line, but he said he thinks china has tried to be transparent. do you agree with that? >> china doesn't know how to be transparent. all they want is what they want the rest of the world to see. their perception is everything. if i ever wanted to get under china's skin, all i did was call them out, because they can't stand to be called out. if they want to create the narrative and they take on the approach that if they say it's true, then the west of the world will believe it. they do not know what transparency is and that will never happen in communist china. >> laura: i want to move to what happened yesterday. we found out that mike flynn, trump's former national security advisor was basically set up. i mean, the emails that were released, the text messages --
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all of it was a disaster. clearly this investigation to flynn was winding down and then peter strzok, fbi agent, decided no, no, no, we've got to keep this going. given everything we now know about this, ambassador haley, your thoughts on what to do next to try to return the fbi some sense of credibility? >> i mean, laura, this upsets me so much, because when i was at the united nations, this is what we looked at other countries doing, doing corrupt measures to frame people and to hide things. i can't believe this happened in the united states of america and this should send a chill up every american's spine whether you're republican or democrat. the idea that here was a man who was in transition with the new administration and the fbi didn't follow protocols and went so far as to go and question him with a motive in mind, the idea that you would do that to an innocent american is terrible
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and i will tell you that i think that questions need to be asked. at the fbi needs to step up and let us know how the american people will ever trust them again that this will happen. what we are going to do going forward and everybody that was involved from top to bottom should have to pay because i'm looking at james comey, he has made millions over this time that general flynn has literally lost everything. it's wrong, it's corrupt, and someone needs to pay. >> laura: ambassador haley, it's great to have you on the show, and come back soon, would you? >> thanks so much, take care, laura. >> laura: here's a question for you, is there a scenario in which democrats actually remove joe biden from the top of the ticket? we will explore that suggestion next. now, simparica trio simplifies protection.
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>> how do democrats squared -- essentially standing by biden but there using a different standard with kavanaugh? >> i don't need a lecture or speech. i have complete respect. there is also due process. >> laura: interesting, because old man supplied a different standard when brett kavanaugh was involved. >> we are here to applaud her encourage. republican leadership, here's the truth. we are here to show respect for all women who have a case, have it respected. due process to investigate, to find the truth, not fear it. >> laura: it now of course the issues dogging biden extend beyond the latest sexual assault allegation, public performances called into question. his mental acuity. you start to get the sense that some democrats both in leadership and among the base
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might be having second thoughts. what might come next. joining me now is tom bevan, cofounder and president of rear clear politics. start with this. it's a simple question. is there a scenario under which the dnc could maneuver to drop by and before the convention? >> well, it's unlikely. it would basically come down to joe biden needing to sort of of his own volition will languish. i mean, the dnc doesn't really have no language, leverage that they can force them to do that. what would cause him to do that would be pressure from democrats in the establishment and right now you're not seeing any of that. in fact, they're all standing with him. you did start to see some folks publicly acknowledge some doubts about biden. that would be something, that would be a key tell the people are moving that direction, but right now they're all standing with him shoulder to shoulder. >> laura: tom, does he have enough delegates at this moment to secure the nomination and then come i guess, what can you tell us about the deal that he
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struck with sanders? wright, allowing bernie to hold onto his own delegates. >> right, so biden has 1273 delegates, ernie is at about 942. you need 1991 to win the nomination. 1991 pledge delegates on the first ballot. so joe biden is still 700 or so away and we have these contests that are continuing to delay, in some cases, in the case of new york they struck everybody's name from the ballot, so he's not there yet and so during this process, again, he's not the official nominee. that won't happen until the convention. there's another scenario under which after he won the nomination -- he had enough delegates, he could ask those delegates to vote for someone else if he were to step aside. the deal he made with bernie sanders is very interesting because under the democratic will come about a third of the delegates, once you drop out of the race, go to the person who's left in the race. so bernie sanders is going to lose about 300 of his delegates
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to joe biden in the deal biden made was basically that biden is going to take those delegates, but is going to work with bernie sanders to make sure those are burning supporters and those slots, so basically giving bernie sanders more say, more influence at the convention and among the platform committees. >> laura: i get it. if the party then -- the leadership, they still have issues with biden, and convention time, what with the effort to remove him then look like? >> well, i mean it would be a complete mess, because if you do try -- if the democrats did try to force biden to step aside and go with someone else, you got bernie sanders who would be sitting there with, at that point, over a thousand delegates and to go bypass him in favor of someone else, handpicked candidate, would cause utter chaos at the convention and relate with the democratic party apart unless it was some sort of, you know, really universally respected figure like michelle obama, other than that, i can't see any way that it wouldn't cost total complete
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chaos for the democrats. >> laura: do think that the interview biden is going to do tomorrow, tom, with morning joe -- i mean, first of all, what are the chances that he already doesn't have the questions or didn't write the questions -- that's what a friend of mine said, what you think the chances are that, but this is going to be a cleanup mission tomorrow morning i think. >> i think it is. again, the thing democrats want more than anything is to beat trump and as long as biden is leading in the polls, they're going to stick with them but if there is some sort of change in the dynamic -- if you plug this interview or something else comes out and you start as he his number zero, that's when the door really opens to a situation where democrats would be like come out to we really want to go with joe biden now that is -- you know, his lead over trump, his ability to beat donald trump is shrinking? i think the interview tomorrow, it's right, it's a cleanup mission, but it's still important that he doesn't completely vomit and that he has something to say. that certainly does put democrats in a tough position. >> laura: and it's important for him that there not be any other problems out there, if you
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treated by a flyover by the royal air force and usually reserved for the queen. he had a video recorded message for boris johnson and get this 150,000 birthday cards. he raised millions of dollars for the national health service in the u.k. as well over the next several weeks. that is all the time we have tonight. shannon bream and the "fox news @ night," take it from here, shannon. >> shannon: oh, my goodness i love him. i've been reading his story and marching around his backyard. he is so inspiring. we would all do whatever we could do. bravo, he is a war hero on top of it all. >> laura: incredible, incredible, have a wonderful show. >> shannon: think it's much, laura. we began with a fox news alert. texas reporting 50 new coronavirus deaths, the biggest one-day tally and this comes less than 24 hours before the lone star state is set to begin reopening. should they hold o?
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