tv Justice With Judge Jeanine FOX News May 2, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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facebook, instagram and twitter. "justice with judge jeanine" is next. remember i'm watters and this is my world. [♪] judge jeanine: hello and welcome to "justice." i'm judge jeanine pirro. let's get right to it. my opening statement. the lying, leaking liberal witch hunt was on the lookout for a fall guy. his name was michael flynn. breaking this week the conspiracy has come undone. handwritten notes make it clear the extent to which a group of fbi thugs endeavored to destroy a three-star general. thousand we have a complete picture of what the fbi was thinking and the lengths they went to accomplish their goal.
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in their sights? three-star general michael flynn. they were about to cash in on their preplanned russia collusion insurance policy. michael flynn was in the cross-hairs of the fbi. their intent evidenced in handwritten fbi notes. quote. what is our goal? truth? admission? or get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired? so why? the campaign to destroy the general gone long before flynn was obama's director of the defense intelligence agency. flynn was taking issue with susan rice's description of benghazi and the massacre of four americans as a peaceful protest gone awry. that created problems. but it was his testimony as part of the intelligence community's
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open hearing to congress that was his undoing. the white house was touting the killing of bin laden as proof that al qaeda was on the run. but when his time in the hearing came, general flynn was asked if that was the case. he openly stated. they are not on the run. in fact they are expanding. going into north africa, training in the middle east, and still a major threat. he was right. remember he spent nearly a decade fighting al qaeda. five of those years in direct combat. flynn was fired shortly thereafter. but during this time there he made no friends with brennan and clapper. he wanted too streamline the agencies, all 16 and 17 of them, setting a fire under the bus of the administrative state. there was such hatred that
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barack obama in handing over the white house rain reins warned president trump to be wary of kim jong-un of north korea and a three star general michael flynn. when flynn was appointed national security advisor by president trump. the clinton top -- the clinton operatives went nuts. the fbi was actually closing its investigation of flynn, knowing it found quote nothing derogatory. but peter strzok couldn't have it that way. he resurrected a new fbi crossfire razor investigation. it was time to set flynn up. their goal knowing there was nothing criminal was to get him to lie, prosecute him, get him to turn against the president
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and get him fired. they sent in agents. and jim comey was so tickled with himself that he got away with violating the white house protocol, but mccabe actually convinced flynn that he didn't need a lawyer. and he sent in strzok as an interrogator who hated michael flynn. >> i thought i -- i thought it'y enough, let's just send a couple guys over. [laughter] >> we placed a call to flynn and said we are sending a couple guys over. hope you will talk to them. he said sure. nobody else was there. they interviewed him in a conference room in the white house situation room and he lied to them and that's what he pled guilty to. judge jeanine: they put his son who just had a baby in the
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cross-hairs. so he pled guilty. putting his life on the line was a obama political takedown. flynn pled guilty of faking the facts of an intelligence phone call. he knew people were listening in on the call. they knew what he said to kislyak. it's no surprise he wouldn't focus on something he knew they knew. even fbi agents other than strzok said they didn't think he lied. now they know they intentionally and admittedly set him up to lie. now the strzok and pane -- the k and page texts make so much sense. the white house want to go everything. i told you that in my book. they laugh at us.
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they lie to us about who they are. >> not once in my 26 years of defending our nation did my personal opinions impact any official action i took. this is true for the clinton email investigation. for the investigation into russian interference, and for every other investigation i have worked on. it is not who i am. and it is not something i would ever do. period. judge jeanine: peter strzok, he lies to your face. their mission was to change the course of american presidential history. this cabal at the fbi was pure evil. when barack obama sought to politicize the fbi he couldn't have picked a better than than james comey who along with strzok and mccabe, conspired to bring down trump as they let
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their friend hillary off the shook. a war hero was struck down while mccabe, comey and strzok walked freely. knowingly providing false information to a court. tampering with records. susan rice should be charged with lying as well as unmasking. the fbi was created to protect us, to gather evidence against the guilty. to exonerate and close files regarding the innocent. not to falsely implicate them for the fbi's own political vendettas. so what now? the fbi needs a complete overhaul. the man brought in to run it is as deep in the swamp as you can get. christopher wray knew all that was going on. he was like mueller, comey, rosenstein, the whole lot of
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them, part of the swamp. not surprisingly, christopher wray was andrew weissmann's supervisor. wray has resisted congressional requests and congressional oversight. he kept mccabe and strzok on. he knew they saw these nodes and did nothing. christopher wray is an establishment cover. we have lost faith in the fine and they cannot be reef gained until christopher wray is gone. there is no way to make up for the damage inflicted on this war hero. i believe in the system i served in for 32 years and i can only hope the judge will understand the miscarriage of justice and he will vacate the conviction. if not america owes general
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michael flynn justice no matter how or who brings it on. that's my open. let me know what you think on facebook page and twitter, #judgejeanine. joining me to discuss my open, michael flynn and what's next, republican congressman from the state of florida, matt gaetz. you heard my open, what do you think? >> i completely agree. but sadly i too have lost confidence in christopher wray because he came before the house judiciary committee and told us there was nothing to worry about, that we should be entirely satisfied with the changes they made to the secret courts. the republicans have been telling the american people it wouldn't reveal a crime or celtup.
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the democrats said it can't be a witch hunt because we have convictions and guilty pleas. how are those indictments going for mueller. when it comes to michael flynn and roger stone, those people were set up using the same playbook. the fbi tried to entrap them into lies and leverage that against donald trump. michael flynn wasn't a target as an end unto himself. the entire reason the fbi under comey was going after flynn, going after stone, going after donald trump, jr. they thought if they manufactured lies about the people close to the president, that those people would turn on the president and say bad things about him. the on one weak weak enough to to do that is michael cohen. and we can't live in a world
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where michael cohen gets treated better than michael flynn. it's time to do right by them and show neither stone nor flynn spend a day in jail. judge jeanine: i spent a lot of years as a prosecutor and judge as a d.a. but as an attorney, i never believed that this kind of thing could be happening over was pervasive. you are an attorney also. you were a trial attorney. did you have faith in the fbi before this? has your opinion changed or have you always been a kept particular? >> i have remain -- have you always been a skeptic? >> there is one person i have questions for, that's robert mueller. what did robert mueller know and when did he know it? did he come before the judiciary committee making those
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accusations knowing that it was a setup? if he did, his bar license may be in question. judge jeanine: now what can congress do? >> we can't arrest anybody unfortunately. but we are encouraging the durham investigation because we believe that will lead to the prosecution that ultimately shows this is the case. why are we three years away from donald trump's election still learning about the things our own corrupt government did to try to derail him. i want to encourage john rapt cliff who will be taking over as the director of national intelligence. and encourage bail bar, let's get it out before the people and show them how devious and deep the plot was to go after our duly elected president. and showing how impressive donald trump was fighting
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through this attack on his own government to lead our country until one of the greatest times we had until this coronavirus. judge jeanine: what do you think is next for michael flynn? >> i believe he will be exonerated or pardoned. all the charges against him should be dropped and he should be a free man. if that does not happen, i know our president has a deep sense of justice and he would not allow flynn or stone to go to jail and disproportionately shoulder the burden of the mueller investigation that we now know is a joke. just what we learned is that the steele dossier was targeted by russian intelligence and our own fbi knew the steele dossier was targeted by russian intelligence when they used it in the trump russia investigation despite the fact there was no collusion and there was no basis to put our country through this. how small do these prosecutors
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look now in the circumstance we are in given all they did to try to railroad the president without facts? judge jeanine: small doesn't matter to them. they are winning. as long as they can get away with the illegality, with the fraud on the court, the fisa warrant. lying to congress and nothing happens to them. as long as they win in that report, they are not worried about anything. life goes on for them. but we can never repay michael flynn. it's like who was it that came out and said where do i go to get my reputation back? this man lost everything. his home, all his financials, all his savings. where does he go? it's a terrible commentary on the american justice system that i'm so proud of. there has to be some kind of
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sanction in the end. >> i'm not ready to canonize him but i'm not ready to convict him either. i think justice will be done here. judge jeanine: congressman matt gaetz, thanks for being with us tonight. lara trump on joe biden's desperate attempt at damage control. congressman dan crenshaw also tonight. but what new statistics are telling us about the coronavirus and how the white house is responding. dr. deborah birx. have we been using the right strategy, the right statistics, and do we have a solution? >> what should happen next in the michael flynn case? log on to my twitter and facebook and share your thoughts. you might see them later in the
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the coronavirus. here to talk about the white house efforts and the response coordinator, dr. deborah birx. i want to start at the beginning. in the beginning it was suggested the mortality rate would be 5% and the numbers are so much higher than what we thought they would be. but the cdc never used the the test base to couple with a lethality basis. they didn't use the number of people who would be exposed to accurately consider the number of people affected by covid. isn't that a little different from how the cdc evaluated the flu? now that we test people we know the rate is so much lower. >> i think we are learning every day about the virus and how it
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interacts with us as human hosts. that's important to constantly be try age yo -- using data. there are people that get infected that the symptoms are so low grade they don't even know they are infected. we are beginning to see that with the new york studies with the antibody studies. in every other country before they had the antibody tests, all they could see were case that showed up with serious symptoms. so things are changing on a day-to-day basis. judge jeanine: the cdc is mandating that deaths suspected as covid be attributed to covid.
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if someone is in the hospital dying of cancer or has a heart problem. if you have doctors or nurses wearing the same ppe equipment who may be transferring covid on the skin or a nasal passage about it isn't in the blood, isn't it unfair to suggest those deaths that aren't actually caused by covid are attributable to covid if covid is anywhere in the symptoms of the deceased. >> this is a very complex virus. i want to be very clear it's highly transmissible and highly infectious. you have co-morbidities, heart disease. diabetes. asthma, cancer. if you are immunosuppressed.
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that makes you us septemberibl o another course. i believe many of the cases we are seeing in the hospital have preexisting conditions, but those preexisting conditions are resulting in them having a much more serious course when they are infected with this virus. judge jeanine: would you agree it was initially thought this was a respiratory illness that primarily affected the respiratory system. out of the gate we started talking about ventilators. but as we went along we realize it affects the blood and the immune system and the kidneys. so the thinking in the beginning
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that this needed to be handled with ventilators and finding 80 to 90% of people who went on ventilators ended up dying. did we approach this with the same methodology? did we intubate too soon? >> the doctors and nurses on the front line, they are watching every patient closely. they are watching for what we call the oxygen level in the blood to insure. that's what you need for your brain and heart and kidneys to keep functioning. if your oxygen level falls too low and cannot be kept up with what we call nasal can you las or rebreathing oxygen masks, if you can't get enough oxygen from that, then they will intubate the patient. that early report has been
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revised that talked about the higher mortality. it's variable by age and length of time in the hospital. we are firing younger people of 75 to 80% survival on ventilators. you can't look at just one hospital. you have to look at all the information. but ventilators saved a lot of people's lives because they were having trouble getting oxygen into their blood. judge jeanine: finally, doctor, point be a better idea to have those low-risk individuals who are now being isolated even if they are infected, isn't it a better idea to allow them to go out and at least start to develop the herd immunity that we need? because they are only going to develop the disease in a very mild way. and isn't the herd immunity
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essential to ultimately getting rid of this virus until at the very least we get a vaccine? >> well, the most important way to get rid of this virus is some get a vaccine as you described. we always used the term herd immunity when it comes to vaccination. no one would use that term in general in discussing a pandemic and letting a and dej run out with this level of mortality that we see with co-morbidities. we have to remember in america we have a lot of the people, even young people with diabetes and asthma and hypertension. protecting them becomes critical because they could have a difficult course. if we knew everybody who would do well immediately you could have that discussion. but we don't know who has preexisting conditions when we see them on the street. that's why the president made it
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clear that in opening up america again, there are clear criteria and phases every state needs to consider. in the bottom line of all of this is every individual still take responsibility of washing their hands, not touching their face. when they can't social distance, to make sure they are wearing a mask. you wear a mask to protect the other person. when you meet them on the street you don't know if they have a preexisting condition and may be susceptible with a difficult course with this virus. there are 66, 67,000 people who have succumbed to this virus in 7 weeks. when we'll compare it to the flu, flu may have some level of mortality, about it many over weeks and months. not over 6 or 7 weeks. judge jeanine: dr. deborah birx.
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ashley: live from "america's news headquarters," i'm ashley strohmier. most states are falling short of the testing threshold. the minimum levels of testing. even though public health experts say rigorous testing is required to contain the virus. ' white house is leaving states to set up testing programs. the senate is returning to the capitol for the first time since march. speaker nancy pelosi and senate majority leader mitch mcconnell. washington, d.c. remains a virus hot spot and is still under stay at home orders. . the senate is ready to get back
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to work. judge jeanine: welcome back to work. break our dependence on china and holding the chinese government accountable for mishandling and deception during the early days of the coronavirus. joining us to discuss that and more, the relationship can senator from the great state of texas. good evening, senator. it's my understanding that in addition to several bills that have already been proposed in congress, that you are coming at this dealing with china from a lot of different directions. you have several bills you are about to submit tuesday in congress. tell us where you are coming from and what you are dealing with. >> well, absolutely. china is in my judgment the single greatest geopolitical threat the united states faces over the next century. they engage in is any nawj, they
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engage in censorship, they engage in torture and murder of their own citizens. they cover up free speech. i have got three bills i'm introduction this coming week. one is focused on the coronavirus cover-up. it imposes strict sanctions on chinese officials who covered up this pandemic. they are directly responsible for the pandemic that killed over 240,000 people worldwide. the whistleblower, the chinese government came down on them, silenced them. we used to think of their suppression of speech as a human rights issue it's clear to everyone this is a national security issue and public health issue. when it comes to propaganda, i'm introducing legislation that's called the script act that is focused on hollywood.
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hollywood far too often lets the chinese government censor their can fills. the scripts act says we won't cooperate with hollywood and let them use ships and planes and equipment if they are going to allow the chinese government to censor. it's the power of the arerr -- it's the power of government to stop censorship through hollywood. judge jeanine: when the movies are made, the pentagon assists by allowing them to use their equipment? >> there are over a thousand movies. a movie coming out later this year, the sequel to top gun. it may have ended up being the greatest navy recruiting film ever filmed. you have got maverick flying a
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jet. young boys and girls wanted to be fighter pilots. the new top gun 2, the chinese government took issue with the fact that maverick's jacket had a japanese antijua and -- and an flag. we are saying maverick is scared of the chinese communists. that's ridiculous. hollywood producer who claim to support the first amendment and free speech readily let the chinese government censor. the movie bohemian rhapsody. the chinese government censors objected to a scene in the movie that acknowledged that fred yesterday murphy was gay. so they edited the scene out of
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the movie. how on earth the to you tell the story of eddie he mercury withot acknowledging he was gay? hollywood does this over and over again. the government is not going to facilitate your empowering the chinese censors. judge jeanine: hollywood is so willing to do that for the chinese. but from the end they are willing to criticize those of us who stand up for the first amendment in this country. senator ted cruz, thanks so much for being with us and sharing that information with us. new details on the disturbing accusations against joe biden. lara trump from the trump 2020 team joins me to talk about biden's attempt to defend himself and how it could affect the campaign. ♪
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judge jeanine: presumptive democratic nominee joe biden doing multiple interviews doing everything he can to make a shocking accusation of sex assault go away. but it's not working. joining me, lara trump. joe biden is obviously in a bit of a pickle this week. when nancy pelosi was asked about him, she responded this week that biden is the personification of hope, counseling, values, and optimism. what is she thinking? >> well, i think they are all thinking what they said two years ago when they tried to drag brett kavanaugh through the mud, when they tried to destroy this life.
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by the way there was no corroborating evidence. they all backed christine blasey ford. whenever the shoe was on the other foot and the accusation is against their presumptive nominee for president, then oh they suddenly believe him. we are supposed to believe all women. but in reality the answer was really for them, believe all women unless the woman is accusing a democrat. they all tried to swipt it under the rug. joe biden came out on msnbc and tried to make a statement. yoall he kept saying is i don't remember. we know he doesn't remember where he is half the time or what position he's running for and who is his were and who is his wife. but that's not an acceptable answer.
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all the people holier than thou who were preaching to us to believe all women be all of a sudden don't believe tara reade. it's astounding too see. >> the -. judge jeanine: he was asked to have those boxes at the university of delaware, his alma matre to have them examined for the name tara reade. he never answered the question. the amazing part of it is tara reade seems to have the corroboration in the form of recent outcries. but the fact that he will not give permission to go and get those documents which would include a complaint that tara reade said she made to several people in the senate regarding him sexually abusing her.
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what does that tell you? what should be done now? >> i would think if you were being accused of something and you were totally innocent, you would do whatever needed to open up files like that to prove your innocence. and make sure people understood that these charges were false and that you did nothing wrong. but it's kind of curious that joe biden isn't allowing that to happen. maybe he didn't understand the question. maybe he didn't really know what they were talking about. who knows with joe biden. he's been hiding in his basement now for so long. sometimes he comes up and we see him he now and again. but it's not a good defense for him. going forward he has a lot of questions to answer. there is a long time between now and november 3, elect day. if we are supposed to believe all women, those democrats need
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to cop out and say we need to hear from tara reade. judge jeanine: you have senators like kristin gillibrand from new york who supported bill clinton until the me too movement. then she comes out and supports joe biden. you would think she would be he barreled with the hypocrisy that's so prevalent among the democrats. for this to go forward. tara reade will have to give an even fuller interview, and i believe that she may be doing that in the near future. >> well, i'll tell you what. the democrats boxed themselves in. if you believe in karma. karma might be coming around for them. when you say a blanket statement like believe all women. you don't give anyone the presumption of innocence until they are proven guilty like we know has to happen in the united states of america.
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it's just believe all women. now the shoe is on the other foot. it's interesting to see, people like alyssa milano who was sitting behind brett kavanaugh to harass him he step of the way. it's disgusting that she is saying she is okay with joe biden. it's disgusting. judge jeanine: i think the public sees it anyway. thanks so much for being with us. the re-opening is under way in texas and congressman dan crenshaw joins me next. we'll share his message for we'll share his message for democrats who want to [anthony] hey mama, what's up? [mama] i'm confused. confused about what, everything ok? yeah, i only see one price on my phone bill. that doesn't sound confusing mama. you're on t-mobile, taxes and fees are included. oh come on, there's always extra fees! not on t-mobile mama. why can't all my bills be like this? i don't know mama. bye mama, love you.
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anthony? umph! at t-mobile, taxes and fees are included. and right now, when you switch your family, get 4 lines of unlimited for just $35 a line. don't bring that mess around here, evan! whoo! don't do it. don't you dare. i don't think so! [ sighs ] it's okay, big fella. we're gonna get through this together. [ baseball bat cracks ] nice rip, robbie. ♪ raaah! when you bundle home and auto insurance through progressive, you get more than just a big discount. i'm going to need you to leave. you get relentless protection. [ baseball bat cracks ]
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judge jeanine: a gradual re-opening is happening in states including texas where malls, stores, and movie theaters were allowed to open yesterday, 25% capacity. congressman from the lone star state, dan be crenshaw. what's going on in texas? >> i think the right thing is happening in texas. the recognition of a couple things. you can't run and hide from the virus forever.
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so at a certain point after our retreat from it we had to confront it, better prepared, betterren about the virus. we understand who is you will have they arable and who isn't. we know how to take personal responsibility and risk mitigate. we understand what a new normal looks like. we are understanding we have to trust the american people to take responsibility. we know our hospital capacity has been well protected and wear letting people get back to work. there are we'll consequences to this lockdown. it's not just stock prices. there are people's lives being shattered. suicides are up. people are not getting the medical care they need. there are real consequences to this. and i think what we are doing is a recognition of that. judge jeanine: speaking of working, what are you doing? when is congress going back? >> great question. i have been very vocal about this. i was he can be really
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disappointed to see democrats saying they were too scared to go back to washington and do their job. if your representative is too scared to go back and do their job, maybe help them find a job where they can telework. but maybe here is another option. we are leaders in this country and we should lead from the front. let's be honest. we can vote and do our job and we can risk mitigate to an exceptional degree. i don't have to get near anybody when i go vote. for them to say we can't debate or have real conversations about the problems facing this country and identify those problems and solutions in a targeted methodical way. they don't want to do that. they want to make you believe we can only vote one he three weeks on a trillion dollar package. that's nonsense. listen, we are spending your tax money to do this.
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he problem that arises should be identified and selectively dealt with. with but it should be happening on a daily basis. we have to be doing this in a smart manner rather than the partisan manner they want to do it in. judge jeanine: the truth is that the whole idea of congress being paid while they are at home and yet we have americans who aren't being paid, and congress literally allowing for the printing of money so more people can stay home is indicative of a movement to me that sounds like everything aoc wanted, a move towards socialism. give people more money to keep them home. this is a dream come true for them. >> right. they have a fundamentally different way of looking at this problem. as we want to get people back to a sense of dignity and work and
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providing for themselves. they are happy as you mentioned to continue keeping people at home and simply pay them. it eventually turns into everybody being a de facto government employee and the economy kis disappears. you can't ignore that reality. i think we understand that in texas. we haven't put crazy draconian measures in place that cause people to rye to the like you have seen in other states. people understand some of the rules being placed on them don't make sense. they are not going to respect rules that aren't respectable. judge jeanine: we'll be right
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you can read the responses on my facebook and twitter. i'm jeanine pirro lancelot, advocating for chief justice and the american way, greg gutfeld is next, lance look at the camera. ♪. greg: prepared to get back to work, let's ponder the obstacles, i count three so far, first the media to capture their essence completely, let's roll the question. >> the american presidents move is more american over the course of six weeks then the entirety of the vietnam war? >> so yeah we lost a lot of people but if you look at original projections 2.2 milli million, were probably heading to 60000 - 70000
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