tv Hannity FOX News May 4, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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it's so disgusting. it's not their country. they are not allowed to do this. it's our country. great to see you tonight. i'm glad you survived it. >> thank you. spea>> tucker: have a great evening despite this. sean hannity is right now. >> hannity: hi sean. not only did it happen on numerous occasions, you tell us what you want otherwise we are going to put your family in jail. that's what they did to general flynn. >> hannity: you can't do that here, what is this. shredded of they are not accountable. >> hannity: welcome to you at "hannity." big breaking news tonight. thanks to our attorney general, the deep state reckoning is now fully underway. you are wondering when when we get to this point.
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we are. now the question for director wray tonight of the fbi. how do you which dell might wish be remembered? after bombshell developments in the set of case against lieutenant general michael flynn, we now have two lawmakers that are calling on the fbi director to investigate the troubling politicizing and misconducts surrounding the fbi. he himself had a full complete comprehensive report tonight. also ahead, joe biden, the dnc, the mob, and your media all panicking over biden's me to scandal and the fact that he doesn't have a slow pitch anymore. a partial reopening tonight is also underway. and at least 23 states, many more soon online to open. but outrage is growing as americans are voicing their rightful concerns about what are your conan measures being taken bby a handful of governors. a full report on that end up breaking new report, you can't
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make this up, see that right there. that is called the giant asian murder hornet. and that's coming to america. it's actually here. and it's scary. we will explain. first, we turn to our top story tonight. brent new filing tonight, sidney powell will join us in a few moments disclosing that previous lore is just discovered. handwritten notes that have just been turned over to the presiding judge, and me and i mt sullivan in this case. we arty know how they corrupt by a very few high-ranking members of colonies fbi nearly destroyed the life of general flynn. they hurt him, they hurt his families, they had to sell his house. and he wouldn't lie. by the way, in 2016 while most federal agents were busy
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protected from terrorist, violent gang members, other serious threats, we have a few high-ranking officials, they were more concerned with what we now know to be a sick, twisted political vendetta against donald trump and everyone around him. and basically what was an attempt at a soft cool after they did succeed. in helping prevent him from getting elected. they were helping hillary. now lieutenant general, michael flynn, this is one part of a much larger political hit job. now, here's what we know. before he was sworn into office, a aggressive fbi investigation found absolutely zero derogatory material on general flynn after they had investigated it. they knew the narrative was a complete and total b.s. they know it completely. agents, well, they said let's close this case. and that is until now.
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they sent to agents to ambush the brand new national security advisor in those "always call thtell my chaotic days of the administration." he sent them his own words, ambushed general flynn. those agents even still cold concluded he was being truthful. that is, and by the way, edited again. great couple. and boom, just like that, they invented a crime. they accused him of lying. remember last week, what is our aim? perjury? admission? prosecution? the only goals of the fbi and
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department of justice should be justice. equal application, equal, you know, use of our laws. equal justice under the law. our constitutional rights. ultimately, they've forced him to plead guilty. why? because they threaten to go after his son and put his son in jail. and after that, he couldn't pay his legal bills. in the end, they hit a mountain of what we now know was estimablinformation from a lega. now we know there is no evidence that flynn was ever colluding with any foreign government or that he ever lied to the fbi. they thought just the opposite. it was never compromised in any way. and what happened to him as nothing more than a political persecution. and yeah, a soft cool attempt by the fbi. now that's my assessment. it wasn't just flynn, by the w way. roger stone, on this week. paul matter fo. he is not well physically.
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what do they all have in common? donald trump. and because of their connection, they were all spied on, interrogated. at the records examined with a fine tooth comb. for the purpose of hurting donald trump. and by the way, two cases you have heavily armed s.w.a.t. teams. and paul matte come out right ir homes in the dark of night. nonviolent, processed crimes. 29 guys in tactical gear. and cnn cam has just happened to be there. by the way, they have accused others of them selves committing these processed crimes. and the need to have an investigation into such a possible referrals. another question is, for the fbi director. we know john durham, they forced this issue on general flynn. they push to get this information out. there was much resistance. unfortunately, where?
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we don't quite know yet. why didn't director wray get this out to us. you've been there a long time. the dam a new flynn evidence, well, that was released perhaps, perhaps, we are going to get to the bottom of it, in spite of director right. he has a lot to answer for tonight. director wray, did you protect the deep state infrastructure? now, do you want to restore -- this is his challenge. america's faith an in the world. this is an fbi pin right here. this is the solidarity with the 99% of good law enforcement, the premier law enforcement and the world. they deserve their good name back. because they do the right thing. they protect us, and they risk their lives. or, director, do you want justice to prevail? or are you more interested in
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protecting other well, former corrupted individuals. they are pressuring director right to do the right thing. they sent him a letter, in the letter they say "the obama biden error, russian disinformation, as well as doctored evidence as a basis to illegally spy on a trump campaign." former fbi director had some to sensitive information between trump leaked to the media. should he win, i don't think you win, he has the insurance policy. now the interactions with former national security advisor michael flynn makes it clear that the fbi's wrongdoing is worse than previously known. that's true too. these revelations should just a pattern of misconduct politicizing at the highest levels of the obama biden era
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fbi. we ask you tonight, do you have the goal of cleaning up the reputation of the world's finest law enforcement agency? in other words, will you hold these people accountable, or try to push it under the rug? because director wray, if you don't have the moral courage, like the attorney general who did push to get all this out. he is seeking justice at the department of justice. if you don't have the courage to hold these few bad apples accountable, well, you have to make way for somebody who does. you need to address the american people and congress on this issue. because director wray, this is the single biggest abuse of power in american history. if this can happen, in this case, and we don't fix it, we are going to lose our country. the american people deserve answers. we have to be able to trust our fbi, our cia, those that we
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empower with the most powerful tools of intelligence that they are not going to turn them on we the people. we need you to lead that effort. if not, clearly the attorney general is leading out of her. and he is finding the truth wherever he could find it. my sources tell me tonight that the reason the truth is being told is that it is the a g. that would be bill barr. they are insisting following the rule of law and exposing the truth and cleaning out all those garbage and corruption. more, the attorney for general flynn as well as the host of justice, judge cindy bureau. how did they not give you that information? and we have the revelation of last week and i'm told that last week is probably the tip of the iceberg and by as early as tomorrow we have more.
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and you put in your motion to judge sullivan. >> well, sean, the law firm was coming to them burling which represented general flynn previously. about a week ago, produced to us another 17,500 pages of documents that they said they had missed in their first document production of 18 hard drives and over 800,000 or so documents. i don't even know how many millions of pages it was. and then, judge sullivan ordered them to re-examine everything and submit another certification to him that they had provided the full file after running another complete search. today, they filed their certification, but it's really not a certification because they make excuses in there for things they don't want to produce. it would be too burdensome, they are not sure they could find it. they are not required to find it. it would be expensive. but they did provide us another 32 or so pages of handwritten
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notes and another 17 pages of notes on typed documents that we had previously received. >> okay. we have talked a lot about three oh two's. for those at home, three oh twoo in, saying something they would in a previous administration. so a 302 is the roc recollectiof those guys interviewing general flynn. we have one of the original 30 to use for a long time. now we have text messages that admit they edited it to hurt general flynn. is that true? >> oh, yes they edited it it completely. he has edited it so much. we still don't have the original 302. we know there is another draft
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from a text messages. and from covington, we are still trying to get eric holder and michael chertoff emails, phone records, and possible text messages among the covington lawyers themselves. and any communications about the flynn matter. >> hannity: all right. now, judge, you have been following this for -- we all watched sidney powell do her good work. this judge needs to vacate this whole case. and set general flynn free to sue everybody that did this to him. and i hope cindy, you lead the way. when you hear all of this, judge, you are about the rule of law. or constitutional republic, are we not question mike it doesn't look like it here. >> well, first of all hats off to sidney powell and all of the phenomenal work she has done. she is like a dog with a bone. she wasn't letting this one go.
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and the idea of 17,000 pages still missing is outrageous. but the bottom line here is that a war hero was railroaded by a bunch of dogs whose mission was not fidelity, bravery, and integrity which is the mission of all fbi agents. but rather their mission was to change the course of american presidential history. and do whatever they could and destroy whomever they had to. this judge needs to vacate the plea, dismiss the indictment, and in the end, what needs to happen as general flynn should be able to sue for a malicious prosecution. there is so much bad intent here, sean. that this is the exception to the situation. these people agreed to destroy him, to make him lose his job. that is unheard of. and that is christopher wray, he's got to go. christopher wray didn't tell
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anyone about flynn, after all of the errors we found, did nothing but apologize for the fbi. at this guy is deep in the swamp as the rest of them. and the fbi is not going to change until he's gone. >> hannity: it's sidney, let general flynn free. that needs to now happen. how long do we have to wait here? what do you expect will be coming in the next few days? about 30 seconds. >> we've been told we will be getting a lot more text messages between people at the fbi. i would expect we get the original 302 and hopefully another draft, another document that we know is completely exculpatory. because they completely made up of crimes him. he was -- >> hannity: i would say to the judge, here, your honor, with all respect. judge sullivan. please do the right thing here. this is about the rule of law and justice. and you have to see the
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corruption here. it's disgusting. all right, thank you both. we will continue to follow this until justice is served. also tonight, america started to gradually return to normal. i can tell you in new york, wow. it was like a light was on. some social distancing, some n not. now, and over two dozen states, lockdown restrictions are phased out. many more states to follow. most counties and a florid outcome other businesses, they can now reopen. with limited capacity. we learned a lot from florida. they protected those who needed the protection, and florida did the best out of any state, it's true. for many americans, it never stops. farmers farms, packers packed, truckers tracked. same guys with their masks on. they didn't get sick.
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keep in is alive in new york. nancy pelosi, nowhere to be found. by the way, nancy, why don't you make a big fat carbon foot print and get back to work like america's businesses are trying to get back to work and you are not helping. more interested in using the crisis as her latest political opportunity. get this, she is now calling for a new stimulus for everyone. including a legal arguments. immigrants. pelosi is also looking for a way to send your hard-earned tax dollars, let's see, to help corrupt liberal states. let's see, illinois, new jersey. they are trying to get money, not for covert relief, no, to pay down the debt in their overblown budgets. all these dates, by the way, have the same corrupt practices and all of them.
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fraud, abuse, mismanagement, unfunded pensions. now, the people of tennessee, they are not going to pay for the unfunded pensions and illinois or $750 million solar power factory that went bankrupt in new york. or a microchip company, or a light bulb company. why should the good people in alabama, florida, wisconsin, ohio, why should they pay? mississippi, texas, they shouldn't pay either. the government should focus on helping u.s. citizens. i say that's my own detriment. because i'm stuck in this whole and i have to pay all these taxes. it's against my own best interest, but it's the right thing. these states have mismanaged of their money. not helping businesses, not one single penny should be paid for
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anything corona related. they are using a crisis, and they don't want it to go to waste. don't take my word for it. listen to joe biden. >> i put out a detailed plan about what i think we should be doing right now. to support her front-line workers. to address the disparities we are seeing. in fact, all around the country. i truly think that if we do this right, we have an incredible opportunity to not just to get out of this crisis, but to fundamentally transfer the country. >> hannity: is going cheap political points. tonight, a lot to be learned from the state of florida. the states preventative measures almost exclusively at the communities like the villages, america's friendly as hometown, those at risk.
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retirement communities, isolated. they were supplied with masks, gloves, other ppe. and by the way, he sent covert patience there and said you are on your own. instead of using the hospital beds that trump built at the center. and of course, important testing was ramped up in these communities. he got it right and florida up, as the numbers show. even now, the reopening of florida is tailored to different counties based on populations on the ground. now some states are utilizing a one-size-fits-all approach. that do nothing to ensure the safety of the residents. new york, the biggest epic fail in history instead of eyes link ouisolating.instead of using tht donald trump built an demand for them. at 25% of covid-19 doubts and new york were from those long-term facilities.
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this could have been prevented. california, very few cases of covid-19, by the way, virginia governor delivered a baby and then decided you are going to let the baby live. he sent a criminal citation to a pastor. a pastor at a service with the 16 people. the room accommodated 200. plenty of room for social distancing. that would be our attorney general gun, doing the right thing. past few weeks, corrupting nationwide. we will show you a lot of this as we go through the show tonight. other states with restrictive lockdown policies. michigan, i don't like this part. in michigan, the number one supporter of radio and television that i know of, first amendment, and the second amendment, now nobody is a bigger defender than yours truly. and what is the right to
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protest, protect themselves, try to get the country open. this went the mech hello look here and these long guns. um, no. that's dangerous. that's that puts the police at . god forbid something happens, they are going to go after all of us law abiding second amendment people. joining us now, right as we have time, dan bongino and author, dave rubin. , you have been outstanding. tactical gear to a statehouse is not safe for our police. and i am a big believer. >> yeah, sean, i mean they have
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the right to do it obviously. the question becomes does the message get diluted. it's made. i'm not sure i agree 100% here. and i'll tell you why. people are fed up. the message does matter. i don't want it to get diluted. the message matters because of the bill of rights. >> sean: nobody's going to hear them. >> i understand. listen. >> sean: you don't need to show forth like that. >> now, i got it. it's the liberal media's efforts to paint the people as some kind of crazed bunch of lunatics more than that is the people actually trying to represent that they have rights too. >> sean: if they are worried about their safety, this is to i degree. nobody's going to hear the message. >> i don't disagree with you. the liberal media is obviously going to jump all over it. but this is important.
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the constitution here is not a suggestion, okay? the bill of rights didn't take a vacation. they are not on hiatus. these people work for us. that's not a campaign slogan. i'm not running for office. of course they are fed up. they have to feed their kids. they are being put out of business. of course -- >> sean: this is a distraction, though. i'm never going to take anyone's rights. but this is a distraction. thoughts? >> yeah, i think you're both making good points here. the media, of course. even if they are legally -- if they have weapons in hand, we know what the media's going to do. on the other hand, people are fed up. it's funny, i'm listening to your intro there, i have only lived and new york and california. i'm pretty sure i've made some mistakes. and i am rethinking things. but the point is, if you live in michigan and your governor is literally telling you you can't
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leave and you can't do landscaping in front of your house, i'm pretty sure people are going to start doing what they have to do, whatever that means. by the way -- >> sean: one of the worst track records in this. she did a horrific job. the protesters opening up the state and getting rid of the rules are right. we've got to open it safely. let's not distract that will spin out of control. we got to do it, but we have to do it safe. thanks guys. all right, coming up. toilet paper ridiculed for suggesting the dnc. and murder hornets in the u.s. coming up. ♪ you doing okay?
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against joe biden. while we're at it, why don't we just let the dnc investigates the emails. scorn from fellow media mob, and reporter jonathan swan tweedy mess. of course, wanting to avoid any serious work. we know what the outcome would be. that is predictable, nothing new. after all, they are the arm of the extreme radical democratic socialist party. they are one of the purveyors. leader in the fake news industry. for the new york toilet paper times. who says it's not safe to travel to china? coronavirus travel ban is unjust, doesn't work anyway. now i just want to come out like they do come out what would've happened to any readers if they listened to that ignorant, stupid advice from new york
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toilet paper times. they published another piece in february reading "you know who to blame." one of the latest examples of the politicization of the virus. they are destructive to the country. they are all things democratic state propaganda, no honor, no truth. it's clear they only care about destroying this patient. they refuse to let facts get in the way. journalism's dad, and when it comes to playing defense for joe and hilary and the dirty dossier and deletion, those problems get worse and worse. all of them. for example, today, the secretary poured cold water on biden's request. it doesn't seem too transparent. claiming the search for more
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evidence is a waste of time, comparing it to hilary's email saying "because there was nothing there." thanks for telling us, tom. joining us now with reaction, fox news contributor's. you know, this is the biggest donation to any political campaign. that is the mob and the media, which is the 99%. amazing how they complain about a few opinion shows on this network considering they have pretty much everything else but talk radio. >> have to be honest, i am thinking i sure had wished my parents raised me so whenever i was in trouble i just got to discipline myself. and investigate myself. i would've had the most wonderful childhood if i had not been subjected. evaluations of my behavior. this is unbelievable. only "the new york times" could with a straight face put out such a thing. they have done it again.
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but it don't make this time, even some of their friends had to call them out. the flags are flying on this one. this is why you did so well, you are quick and you are funny and you make good points. corroboration, witnesses. things that professor didn't have. yet, they were all believers. >> they wear. one thing we are still missing, as you mentioned in your opening, that we don't have the forms she filled out that would also would have corroborated her story. this is just like hillary's email, by the way. i guess tara reade's employment papers will be in her laptop. maybe we will find them there. and with the lack of shame and the nature of what these individuals are same, keep in mind when it comes to their own
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hypocrisy. which of course is what it reminds the american people appeared at the hypocrisy. they know it's a negative impact on women in particular, and they don't care. i will bring up joe biden went on to that interview with morning joe and mika same okay, his big message was to go to the national archives, because that's where the papers are. the national archives said we don't have those. so then the biden team did not know. what does this tell you? it says they set up another delay tactic and they had no idea what they are talking about. as far as we know, the personnel are with the university after a since they went on television it's, and a way, where's waldo. and they think we will just forget. >> quick, final question.
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nobody's more pro-first amendment and the second amendment than me. i've had a pistol carry permit my whole adult life. i've shopped since i was a kid. my whole family is in law enforcement or medicine, one or the other. i'm not saying you don't have a right to speak out. i say when you go over there in tactical gear and come out like this, it creates an environment where nobody can hear you. and it creates a tough environment for police. of course, michigan governor is an idiot. but you are not going to fix the problem if that is your tactic. >> i agree. it doesn't mean that we should. the fact that is as if we -- >> sean: i wish i said that. >> here's the thing. if we call attention away from the real issue, which is not being able to carry tactical
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weapons, it's that you have a governor who is on a power trip. >> sean: agreed. >> during the coronavirus, that's the problem. and they need to focus on what she has done. don't give their enemies any room. and i think that's unfortunate. >> sean: god forbid something happens. now all of our rights are in jeopardy. you are ratcheting up an environment that makes it more dangerous. back governor is hurting her state. and has done a horrific job. and by the way, defended. gold star as always, thank you. coming up, this should scare you. by the way, new york toilet paper times. you see that, i'm not making it up. murder hornets. they have now made their way to
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the u.s. is this the next corona? when you hear the details, they will scare you. straight ahead. for veterans and active-duty service people. some of them are giving their lives right now, today, for the freedoms that we have here in this country. so for us, at newday to help those people at this point in time. it's a labor of love, it's a noble service, and that's what we're all about.
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woi felt completely helpless.hed online. my entire career and business were in jeopardy. i called reputation defender. vo: take control of your online reputation. get your free reputation report card at find out your online reputation today and let the experts help you repair it. woman: they were able to restore my good name.
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republicans demanding they investigate the abuses of power under obama. by the way, what did they know and when did they know it? what happened in that meeting in early january in the oval offi oval office. memorialized on trump's inauguration day. oh, much later. we revealed it last night. they were ready to close out the investigation. please keep this open. he obliged, despite no good faith or factual basis to do so. and as anthony mccarthy points out, he was an obstacle in the larger trump russia hopes. that's about it got. here to explain more, former republican congressman, trey gowdy. everything we said unreported is true. when i read that letter last -- what is our goal here? is our goal to get an admission? is our goal to force somebody to
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lie and get them in a lie? is our goal to prosecute. it is our goal to get them fired? should that ever be a question that any fbi asks? >> that something not chris wray is going to have to ask for. how much has the fbi changed? the fbi is not in charge of hiring national intelligence. the fbi is not in charge of -- it's not their job to see what they can get. get a gaggle of liberals when he was doing that. that is not the fbi. try to get somebody fired. you are supposed to create crime. but peter is the antithesis of finality, bravery, and
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integrity. you and i shouldn't be surprised. the same guy who has the russia investigation's is who ultimately wanted to get trump. >> i'm watching the prosecutor, my sources are confirming to me. they are the ones insisted this be released. i have not seen any urgency from director wray. i would like him not only to answer these questions, but furthermore, i would like to know what he is going to do and when he is going to do it. does he have a commitment? he shows no urgency. to clean up the premier law enforcement agency in the world. he looks to me come on the outside, like a constitution and that can starting to me. >> it shouldn't take a letter to get these questions answered. bill barr is his boss. which is controlled by republicans. i want to know, is this still
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the fbi? does the fbi still want to set them up? what has changed? that would be my question. he wasn't around, but he has been there two years. we can all have confidence and, that is not what exists right now. >> sean: the american people need to be able to trust them. he was right. it's kind of made sense when he said that about dirty cops. let me go to another topic. i was skeptical of governor comp and george' george's measures. i like the creativity. as governor huckabee was saying, everybody in michigan needs to be ticked off. she did a horrible job. she has accused -- i guess she's
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auditioning. when you can't plant seeds and you can't cut your lawn, these are ridiculous measures. denying their rights. i understand their anger. i did not like the guys -- i want people to be heard for the better part of it. but, my question is what do you do with these when they are screwing up so badly? >> well, we have a rich history of civil disobedience. and the people need to say -- they are asking us to do these things. what is the rational connection between what you are making us deal, and the outcome you hope to achieve. and if leaders can't convince us of that, then maybe we need to do something else. >> sean: thank you as always. we come back, i have to show you this report. all the details. that's called a murder hornets. they are in the u.s., they've arrived. and the man wasn't allowed to fly has trump flag.
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giant murder hornets are here in the u.s. here come alive from the west coast newsroom. gallagher. when i read about this, one of the first things i set about coronavirus as i didn't like it that asymptomatic people didn't have any clue they had it. if that was always dangerous to me. is this a danger we should start paying attention to? >> these are sometimes referred to as asia hornets because they are the world's largest. they are also called asian murder hornets because they kill 50 people a year. the stinger of a murder hornets is a quarter inch and can be deadly to humans even if you are not allergic. they are extremely aggressive and will eat meat. meaning if they are hungry enough, they will go against birds. they have artie been spotted a few times in washington state, which, coincidentally where the
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first coronavirus was located. meanwhile, trying to figure out how to wipe out the hornets. but they are up against the clock because the insects are coming out of winter hibernation. and it's unsure how they migrate. it could take a few years for the murder hornets to make their way to the east coast. or, if they jump in the back of a truck, they could be there for days. most experts do not think they will be eradicated anytime soon. >> sean: scary. as a side note, i heard fake news of cnn called them asian murder hornets which means they're going to call themselves racist. it's ridiculous. then when trump says that it's racist. anyway, we turn from that story to something much more uplifti uplifting. now, carlos kavita is a resident
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from jupiter, florida. he said he was blocked from flying a political flag supported donald trump. came up with a clever idea. he decided, he took on that poster, and put a boat and wrapped it in trump. got around it. accompanied by a inspiring patriotic display this weekend. and more defined. people of that, this is our level of risk that we are comfortable with. hundreds of voters reported to have set sail from jupiter, and went down the intercoastal, sailed all the way to palm beach, florida. more on that, carlos. how are you sir? >> hey sean, how are you? thanks for having me on. >> sean: they give for being here. walk us through this. it's against the rules? >> yeah, i had a trump flag. i did know that you couldn't have a political flag. so obviously, i took it down.
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but i really wanted to support the president, so i looked into a little further. i documented the boat with the coast guard. and within four days, i had a rep and i was off to the races. and that was me bringing it home they're playing the national anthem. >> sean: they did a great job. tell us about -- i have a lot of sympathy. this is my take on it. i would urge people to be -- i watch this in new york. those who compromised immune systems and if you get this virus year and in trouble. people have decided they are going to get out. they are sick of it. i want people to do it safely. nothing safer than the water, i guess right? >> absolutely. we have limits on the boats that we could have on there. and we had eight, six, seven
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people depending on how large your boat was. but it was an awesome -- we had pictures. 8 miles worth of boaters, over 3,000 votes. amazing. >> sean: we will say this. you know it, i believe in free speech. good for you. very creative. let's open it safely. let's protect our elders. good news for nfl fans, you are going to want to hear this, next. a continuous glucose monitor, you don't have to. with a painless, one-second scan you can check your glucose with a smart phone or reader so you can stay in the moment. no matter where you are or what you're doing. ask your doctor for a prescription for the freestyle libre 14 day system. you can do it without fingersticks. learn more at
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don't bring that mess around here, evan! whoo! don't do it. don't you dare. i don't think so! [ sighs ] it's okay, big fella. we're gonna get through this together. [ baseball bat cracks ] nice rip, robbie. ♪ raaah! when you bundle home and auto insurance through progressive, you get more than just a big discount. i'm going to need you to leave. you get relentless protection.
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>> sean: all right, mother's day sunday you can preorder a gift and give it to mom and get the first bound edition the copy of my book. laura ingraham, let not your heart be troubled. >> laura: hannity, great show as always, man. >> sean: how are you tonight, i hear something in the background, i don't know what it is? >> laura: well, incoming. >> sean: incoming? >> laura: i don't know what that is, you never know. washington, d.c., anything could be flying overhead, hannity, okay? as long as it's not completely incoming, drones are tracking us now, we've got treason, tracking, drones, thermal imaging, i mean it's all squared away. >> laura: kit with radiation. you know what, laura, you've been great. you talk about reopening the
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