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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 4, 2020 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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>> sean: all right, mother's day sunday you can preorder a gift and give it to mom and get the first bound edition the copy of my book. laura ingraham, let not your heart be troubled. >> laura: hannity, great show as always, man. >> sean: how are you tonight, i hear something in the background, i don't know what it is? >> laura: well, incoming. >> sean: incoming? >> laura: i don't know what that is, you never know. washington, d.c., anything could be flying overhead, hannity, okay? as long as it's not completely incoming, drones are tracking us now, we've got treason, tracking, drones, thermal imaging, i mean it's all squared away. >> laura: kit with radiation. you know what, laura, you've been great. you talk about reopening the
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country and it's imperative and also about doing it right and safely. you've got to get it open. we have to. >> laura: there's a lot of pain, a lot of suffering because of the virus and suffering because of the economic loss. >> sean: balancing it, thank you. >> laura: thank you so much, it's great to see you. it's you tomorrow night, i'm laura ingraham this is "the ingraham angle." department of home security which released shocking new information on chinese covid cover up. normal citizens are making their voices heard and will speak to one tonight. raymond arroyo is here with the latest developments on th the bn assault allegation and why some might want a former first lady to crash the party? but first, my thoughts on the american shutdown day 49. now, we have been told throughout the pandemic that we need to listen to the experts on everything on the lithology of the coronavirus and the proper
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response should be. the time and again the experts have been wrong. on generate 20 seconds, the w.h.o. praised china's great work in preventing the spread of the virus. >> actions taken immediately. and following by actions. in the improvement of the president an himself who gave guidance. very different from previously, you know, previous actions and we seen that and you see what they are committing. in the volunteering, we share that. >> laura: i appreciate the dots, well, the w.h.o., a comple and other drug.
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okay, they were neither transparent or serious in presenting the spread to other countries and we been documenting. but six weeks later, politicians began making claims that were untethered to reality. like on ventilators. >> all the projections say you could have an apex meeting 140,000 beds and about 40,000 ventilators. we're following the data and the signs and that's what the data and the sign says. >> laura: of course the data and a science were wrong in reality, new york uses about 25% of the total and that was good news. on the severity of the outbreak nationwide to come out things like this. >> we are your future, we are today, you will be in three weeks were four weeks. >> laura: follows, in fact, the only state they came to new york was new jersey. the rest of the country did not come close to new york's hospitalization or covid death in others.
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where it told the shutdown had to be extended because social distancing was the only way to fight the virus. >> laura: i'm just asking if we try really, really hard for e next 28 days because they will make a tremendous difference. >> just keep it up because this is going to get us out of it. this is our best and only great public health tool. >> laura: but the former head of the fca, advisor scott bosley spilled the beans on sunday. >> while mitigation does not fail, i think it's fair to say that it didn't work as we expected. we expected we would start seeing more significant declines in new cases and that surrounding the nation at this point. we're just not seeing that. >> laura: although intuitively i think it probably seemed like social distancing would be necessary. there's no real scientific basis for believing that. it's never been studied. it won an infection sees the doctor told me last week trying to stop the virus like trying to
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drive a nail through jell-o. virus is spread, the often weekend as they go and likes ours, we hope it is, it'll eventually burn out as far as dated. operational study, not yet peer-reviewed, exam and stay at stay-at-home orders prevented us in western europe. comparing the epidemic before and after the lockdown we define no evidence of the continuity in the growth rate doubling time and reproduction numbers. we provide estimates of the death toll and lockdown policies and show that the strategies might not have saved any life in western europe. well, it's true. i say if, that would be stunni stunning. the author echoes the sentiment of michael of stanford university. >> what's your view of the lockdown policy that so many european countries and states in
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america have used? >> i think it's a huge mistake. i think everybody panicked and they were fed incorrect numbers by epidemiologists. no doubt in my mind that when it comes to the background of this, the damage done by lockdown will exceed any saving of lives by huge factor. >> laura: that's what i heard today on my own doctor's office because no one is there. as the public wants answers, some of the experts are hailing the results of new expensive drug therapies with middling accidents of success but morning us away from cheap generic drugt have already saved lines. if the fca, hate to say it, they got it wrong big time. of course, every drug has potential side effects and prescription drug interaction, there is more than evidence that
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hydroxychloroquine saves labs, speed up recovery time, it cuts down on hospitalization. it's one of the safer drugs out there by virtue of the fact it's been around for 65 years. as i mentioned before, the esteemed it to be down the alley the team of college ekes released the results of hydroxyl chloroquine in the 61,000's. the cure was obtained in 973 patience within ten days. no cardiac toxicity. it showed 91% effectiveness. so why is the fda not so much as noted the worked of this premier epidemiologist? by the way, chinese researchers to release their own retrospective study on friday and they found equally impressive results using hydroxychloroquine in patients who were seriously ill. 568 patients critically ill with
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covid all received a basic therapy but additionally, 48 of them received hydroxychloroquine 7-10 days, 210 milligrams, twice per day. the treatment was associated with decreased mortality in critically ill patients of covid-19 through a attenuation of inflammatory lidocaine store them. therefore it should be prescribed for treatments of critically ill to save lives. okay, we can say consider the source, it's from china and not yet peer-reviewed. in a pandemic, as he the professor said, lives on the line and still no established therapy or a vaccine not everything can be peer-reviewed. experts are not always right, none of us are, can't be, once infallible. but times like these, sometimes we have to take yes for an answer. now, finally, about the bad models, the experts were all
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over the place in projecting the viruses lethality. >> were going to bring down the number of infections we don't have 2.2 million deaths were 1.61 million deaths. >> i would be surprised if we saw 100,000 deaths it's more like the 60,000 to the 100 or 200,000 deaths. >> laura: they're not confused yet, now they're saying that 120, 134,000 could die value covid by august. what? that's double what they were saying a few weeks ago so why is this happening? the experts at the university of washington did a lot of the modeling. he explained it this way. >> we are seeing many states reporting on presumptive deaths that were missed in the official death data. now, they are going back and finding deaths that were in nursing homes and care facilities and reporting a large number of the deaths on any given day. that just means that more deaths
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occurred and the director of the epidemic is bigger. >> laura: retrospectively adding deaths to the covid count. no wishes of accuracy. except we had one of the worst influenza, pneumonia and seasons and decades. it not reported very often. were getting a final count from the cdc, by the way, having gotten them yet. well, the experts strike again. and those are my thoughts at the end of day 49, america and shut down. in early april, dozens of residents and staffs at the texas city nursing home tested positive for covid-19. senior center medical director dr. robin was not on his side. he had to act fast so in addition to sheltering in place, dr. armstrong began treating residents with hydroxychloroquine. dr. armstrong joining me now,
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dr. armstrong, great to see you tonight. thank you for coming on. what was the outcome of treating the residents with hydroxy chloroquine? >> what we saw, hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin, we saw that we had 92% of those residents who were treated with hydroxychloroquine getting better. that was paired with the people that we did not treat and so it was an amazing positive outcome that was fantastic. we really were and a bad situation where we felt like we were going to see a lot of the patients die, we felt like the mortality rate was very high, we are seeing things happening in washington state. we saw was happening in louisiana, we felt like we needed to treat these patients very quickly with something that has been proven to work. and so what we saw in china, and the cities in france, that after five days of treatments with hydroxychloroquine, and azithromycin, it dropped to zero
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on day six. that's what we did come out we treated them with five days of hydroxychloroquine, zithromycin, we saw very impressive results and patients that were treated recovered well and are doing well today. >> laura: dr. armstrong, this is what a cardiologist on cnn said last night about the impact of hydroxychloroquine use on the heart. >> we have no evidence it really makes any positive impact. and covid-19 patients. to the contrary, we have evidence that certain circumstances it can create dangerous heart rhythm abnormalities. the anecdotes that the president keeps touting are just that, and anecdotes. if plural of anecdote is not data, it's just anecdotes. if the really meaningless. >> laura: dr. armstrong, professor raul found no cardiac toxicity that he could find in 1,000 patients. the chinese didn't find any. did you see any cardiac issues
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in your patients? >> we saw no cardiac side effects and in fact on day three, we did to ekgs our patients and saw that the interval which there at measuring, the interval, that's prolonged and that increased cardiac effects we saw in all 38 patients that were treated throughout the course, none of them had a prolonged interval. and therefore, none of them were at risk of having cardiac side effects that was talked about. none of the patient's had any side effects whatsoever. cardiac or otherwise, for that matter. it was >> laura: at dr. armstrong, but i'm hear, hear in washington, d.c., maryland, they're concerned that they are no longer free to prescribe hydroxychloroquine given the fda's warnings that are not technically prohibiting them, but the warnings are such that
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hospital organizations -- big hospitals like john hawkins -- are taking it out of its standard of care protocol. which, in the words of one doctor today, got off the phone before the show, he said people are going to die because they are not going to get hydroxy and wait till they get to the hospital and then it's going to be too late. >> absolutely, and the entire time was that you need to start them little bit earlier when they start having symptoms and that's the best way to get them treated in the most effective way. the fda emergency authorization recently, what it does says, you can't use the list of patients on the hospital. because the mortality rates are so high in the hospital, you have to use it earlier and so they're only allowing doctors to use it in situations where it's almost too late to treat them. so i think we have to be aggressive on the front end and
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our experience in our observation is that patients did well when they were treated with mild symptoms and prevented them from going to the hospital and also prevented their mortality rates from going out. that was significant and were happy with the outcome and the families are happy with the outcome. no side effects, i think it's a positive result and the fda is not serving us well but by issuing orders and backtracking from previous emergency authorization and allowing us to use the drug more freely. >> laura: i hav think they haveo resend the order, people are not going to live because of this morning. i know it's not their intention, but prophylactic use in the emergency pandemic situation seemed to be working for you guys and probably going to work in other places and work around the world and dr. armstrong, i can't tell you how much i admire what you do on a daily basis. so much in so many of us had
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parents who were in senior facilities. the nurses on the doctors, they do really hard work and you made a courageous call and i really, really appreciate it. thank you for sharing your story tonight. >> laura>> thank you for having, thank you, laura. >> laura: from the protesters to punishers of the people? blue cities and states are going overboard and forcing their lockdowns over the weekend and mayor lightfoot of chicago gave this morning. >> we will shut you down, we will cite you, and if we need to, we will arrest you. it don't make us treat you like a criminal's if you act like a criminal and you violate the law, and refused to do what's necessary to save lives in the city in the middle of a pandemic, we will take you to jail. period. >> laura: she also yelled at a small group of teens hanging them out in the parking lot and things got violent end nypd
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arresting a couple for violating social distancing groups. if they threaten to a bystander with a taser before beautifully beating them to a ground greed f what's going on? maryland, g.o.p. state says they threaten to arrest him if he spoke at a rally hosted by my next guest. founder of the open a maryland and civil rights attorney, founder of the center for america liberty and filing a lot of the actions. did they arrest for speaking at your event? >> yeah, it's true and the delegate even submitted that as evidence in a federal lawsuit. strange days in maryland. laura: it's governor mary hogan praised president trump today or yesterday and offered some positive comments about what the president was trying to do to help all the states which is great treated but i can tell
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you, for my little informal survey, a people and i maryland, virginia, everyone is done with this. they want to be safe and careful, they are done they want to save their livelihood and their children's learning. you've been doing this all up and down in california. >> we have eight lawsuits in the eighth lawsuit today and will be filing another lawsuit on behalf of a orthodox jewish congregation that's been discriminated against by officials. so, laura, over finding the beginning everyone was giving the government the benefit of the doubt but as we see numbers die, thankfully, we see the repression increase on a daily basis and it's becoming very petty, arbitrary, tyrannical, and needless to say, unconstitutional. respect to the situation, maryland, same thing here in california and the governor has banned all protesting. it's unconstitutional and i'll
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be having a temporary restraining order hearing with the federal court on thursday on that. to a beach lawsuits and another one today in federal court and laura, it's arbitrary, and it's like a mean teacher in school who punishes you in school for something you didn't do. were all adults. >> laura: all right, joe biden thinks the covid crisis is the perfect time to run through his -- or you know, whoever is running his show, their agenda. >> i truly think that if we do this right, we have an incredible opportunity to not just take out of the crisis but a chance for the country. it's more fair, more just, more equitable for everybody. >> laura: all right, maryland, you have larry hogan a "republican" a pretty liberal republican, republican nonetheless. is he trying to help the biden agenda or what's he doing? working with ralph northam to have attacked and all open when
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you open? don't open before i open? >> here in maryland, he has the in the superspee supersede anyt. we see that exactly, bypassing every constitution in the article on the state and federal level and he's never made the case for the emergency that he is morally claimed as the high ground to lock everything down. more importantly, to decide who is essential nonessential. it's mind-blowing. >> laura: well, the governor cuomo up in new york thinks that folks should be punished now are not wearing a mask. >> is a statewide order that i put in place that i'm proud of. i think local government should enforce it and it's should be a penalty. you can literally kill someone. and you literally kill someone because he didn't want to wear a mask. i mean, how cruel and irresponsible without me? >> laura: i can't wait for the
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science switches back on this one and there's like 312 different examinations of whether you can get it in a quick passing someone on the street outside. i think the answer to that is a small chance. >> that's right, no signs here, laura. but there's a motion and manipulation, mass hysteria and out-of-control power mongering by these people. the next thing to they're going to do is ask for information from churchgoers. this is private information going back to the civil rights era when liberals tried to harass members of the ncaa p and it will use it and what's next, aa members and their members? it's a massive crisis. >> laura: well, keep on keeping on. but the churches that turn over their lists of parishioners, well, they are given their hope to back rope to hang with. it's always for security and
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safety. that's how it rolls. is it possible the covid to cover up was even worse than before? senator lindsey graham here with the reaction. don't go away. ♪ every financial plan needs a cfp® professional --
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♪ >> laura: an explosive new u.s. intel report revealing the real motivation behind china's covid cover up. now, according to reports the dh as official say that china can field the severity from the international community in early january. while stockpiling its own medical supply. the chinese government attempted to hide the action denying there were restrictions and obfuscating and delaying provision of its trade data. oh, how sweet. and respond, the trump
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administration is wrapping up the plant to claw back key industrial supply chains from china and also weighing more tariffs on chinese good. joining me now, south carolina senator lindsey graham, senator graham, terrific to see you. the problem for the administration as i see it, correct me if i'm wrong, we have to have this economy back in some semblance of shape by the summer. for the country, for his reelection. if you go after trying to hard, how was i going to? >> have to do two things at once, you have to reopen the economy by the summer and hopefully by october the economy is being opened and the virus is in retreat but we can't give china a pass. here's the deal, i'm 100% convinced without chinese communist party deception that the virus wouldn't be here in the united states. i'm 100% convinced they will never cooperate until they are made to do so. if we can't let the democratic party give china a pass so we can do two things at
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once. we can build an economy here in america and break the supply chain back. punish the heck out of china don't give him a pass and the economic future isn't about to getting china a pass. >> laura: some of them media lackeys had been doubling china's role. >> the president is attempting to hold up china as the bogeyman and the situation. >> the reason we're in the crisis we are today, not because of anything that china did. >> we have to work with china, work with china on covid-19. on all pandemics, i think the president is all over the place and even heading in the wrong direction. >> laura: now, senator, your older colleague and pal joe biden, he will take us back to the status quo? 2016 when all was hunky-dory with china, right? >> he is a turn to china
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apologist and the reason they don't want to be hard on china is because it would prove trump to be right about china and it's pretty sick. this drug, hydroxychloroquine, and may be the reason it's not used more because trump keeps talking about it but i find it very odd the democratic party used to be tough on china and all of a sudden very apologetic when it comes to china. to my democratic colleagues, without the chinese communist party deception, this was human to human transmission, you would not have 60,000 it was something dead and millions of americans out of work. i will introduce sanctions thursday that will hinge in the heck out of china until they cooperate with us and close the markets out. this is a third pandemic coming from a wet market and it is time to push back against china and the democratic party is a wall. >> laura: senator, the amazing thing is how much cover china is
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getting. our colleagues in the media. okay, check out what part of what they said. china has outperformed while america has disastrously faltered and political. it sentiment shared by even educated internationalized chinese observers to end the very group once inclined to look to america as an exemplar. senator, i know it's under like chinese propaganda but it was a real piece from politico. i was like, you've got to be kidding me. >> laura>> for what drives chiny want us want trump to be responsible. the virus didn't come from trump tower, it came from china. so the media and the democrats are trying to lift up china because if you put the blame on china where it lies then trump is right. that's pretty sick. that they want to give china a pass and they want to give trump credit. we're going to vote on the floor
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of the said that regarding sanctions to hold china accountable to make them change and i hope mitch mcconnell will bring the bill up and both parties will be on the record come november of their view toward china. laura: question for you, is someone hammering like right next to you? >> either that or -- >> laura: what is that? >> either that or it's the asian hornets that have come to this building because they're knocking down the door. i don't know what the heck it is. if like what's going on. as someone trying to break out of jail? >> laura: it's like the chinese are literally coming for you. >> if these are the harness, if the hornets can do what's behind me, were all in trouble. >> laura: oh, my gosh, senator graham -- >> if you don't see me, call somebody, laura. >> laura: we even have to deal with the asian hornets now. we're going to get in trouble for even saying asian. by the way, one requester before the banging. china secrets to joe biden
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secrets. okay, we've got all the stuff going on with biden and his secret cabinets in waiting. don't you believe that whether it's kerry or bloomberg that -- if he wins in november, this is going to be china's decade, if not china century. >> the biggest winner of biden winning would be china and iran and we go back to doing business with iran and give them more money and be more peace towards china and trump stood up to china. the reason they want trump at fault and not china it make trump to be right. it's pretty sick that a party can't admit that a foreign power created this problem and not donald trump. >> laura: senator, thank you for joining us and next time, bring a hacksaw and one of those tool belts, okay? all right, will talk to you soon. coming up, new details on what could be tara reade's complaint against joe biden and will we ever get to see the actual documents. raymond arroyo is to break it
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all down. "seen and unseen" is next. ♪
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♪ >> laura: all right, time for the "seen and unseen" segment where we expose the big cultural stories of the day. if another new twist in the tara reade it sexual assault allegations against joe biden, joining us now with all the detail raymond arroyo, fox news contributor. raymond, last week, biden as the secretary of the senate to relieve tara reade complaint
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against him if it exists so what's the problem? >> the problem is, secretary of the senate now says she can't release the record of. "the senate legal counsel advises that the secretary has no discretion to disclose any such information. disclosure of senate records it is not authorized if not prohibited by law. laura, i'm told by senate staffers tara reade's complete could be locked down and any documents related to her separation or firing from the office could be locked down until 2043. meanwhile, "new york times" laughingly suggested that the democratic national committee should investigate her assault charges with a "unbiased and apolitical panel." >> laura: good luck. that took the cake, don't worry, because he states and this was a withering cross-examination i have to say by the reverends this weekend. >> oh, yeah.
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>> with my colleague, mika brzezinski, the trump campaign asked in the interview that about the statement, the only thing that joe biden did was himself a deeper hole but that cannot be one set of role for joe biden and another set for everyone else. do you want to respond to them? >> i don't want to respond. >> and -- >> laura: moving on. moving on. of >> may be joe biden can come and investigate the charges. this is absurd. as expected, joe biden once again, soon lost his way and train of thought. >> we are now learning, it was "the washington post" or the times, i apologize for not remembering, everyone who in fact gets -- is found to have the covid. look at, if, if, we didn't havee circumstances that occurred last election, we have a woman president.
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>> lawyer, he so addled it, a tragedy. if let's face it, all the documents that everyone's referring to and trying to chase down, it's a scavenger hunt the biden has set up. it's undoubtedly at the university of delaware, he could release them for the university and they both decided to lock them down for his advantage. what's amazing is how democrats are circling the wagons, laura, on the sexual assault charges against biden. there once blinded and any woman who came forward has to be given complete credence and it's radically changed. this is a governor gretchen whitmer addition to be biden's vp. >> just because your survivor, doesn't mean that every claim is equal. i know joe biden, i've watched his defense, there's not a pattern that goes into this. i'm very comfortable that joe biden is who he says he is. >> laura: wow. >> that argument, the red and
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her image they are. >> laura: i don't know what that was. a major look demonic, by the way, raymond, i love how you add an extra syllable to her name like witmer. you're confusing me now. >> i'm giving a little little theatrical flair, witmer, it's witmer, and it's clearly rising. she was both on "snl" recently holding a canadian beer while imitating the governor. showing how attentive she is to "snl," the governor sends the actress in michigan be your package. it bears noting, this is the same governor who adamantly refuses to allow bars to open our permit take out drinks in her own state but at least, she can get michigan beer i guess. >> laura: okay, whitmer goes down. it's a close match up between
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whitmer northam and newsom. doesn't that sound like the attorney? call witmer, northam, and news newsom. >> something like that. >> laura: now, she better be careful, raymond, of the new group is out there and i saw this on twitter. michelle obama, file for fec, fec election commission said they want the former first lady to be biden's running mate. >> her netflix documentary which drops tomorrow could be called up a goat becoming president." >> listen. >> it's not getting back on track, it's creating my next track. i'm doing what you're doing, and figuring out what do i want to do? what do i care about? >> laura, all she lacks is an opera voice over and he knew song. the campaign videos almost complete and i think she could
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get back without much asking. >> laura: michelle obama would be -- i mean, if she ran, let's face it she would be a toward the forward she ran. giving up a pretty cushy life of netflix and martha vineyard to, i mean, that's pretty fun. >> did you see what deadlines are today, they reviewed the documentary on netflix and of course she's on the board of netflix. here's what they wrote. "if michelle obama is running for something, someone needs to tell this netflix film. it after watching a little bit of it, it's hard to disagree with that take." >> laura: she's not going to be anyone's number two, she's going to be number one, not number two. >> laura:>> laura come up with n the lead you're bound to be number one very soon. >> laura: that's very subtle, raymond. i'm going to call governor whitmer's office and talk to her about that beer. >> don't get the whitmer sampler, you don't want that. >> laura: oh, that's bad, such bad fun. four people got that.
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all right, raymond, thanks so much. while millions of americans struggle to put foot on the table, nancy pelosi and house democrats have recommended that their colleagues telework through the summer. oh, that's convenient. congressman jim jordan can't ms. reaction next. ♪ for at least eight years. for me, the greatest benefit over the years has been that prevagen seems to help me recall things and also think more clearly. and i enthusiastically recommend prevagen. it has helped me an awful lot. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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♪ >> the capital will be closed for a period of time. other members. >> what about the public? >> laura: old nance has done a complete 180 since the money back in march and now it seems like she's never not coming back at the house in session. if even if the senate is back in d.c. with a chuck schumer grousing about it. house temperature is recommended
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the colleagues telework through the summer. of course, beach houses, not be valid, why not? republicans are going to play along. they put forward their plan to reopen the house. g.o.p. congressmen, jim jordan and lee zeldin. congress meant jordan, do you remember that we're talking about this five weeks ago? remember? >> monday night, lee and i were on the show and you where the first so thank you for doing that. i said today, farmers are planting and truckers are moving goods and groceries are stocking shelves and frontline health workers have not missed a day, but somehow the u.s. house can't go back in session? the oversight committee should be having hearings on the wealtd health organization and they should be having hearings on the threats we've seen delivered from the governors around the country. that's what we should be doing. instead were sitting at home. >> laura: if i'm president trump, i wouldn't do anything to work with
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nancy pelosi in the house of representatives until they actually start looking like they're all hands on deck here, congressman zeldin. if it's a war against invisible enemy, and gentl it should not e have a invisible house of representatives. >> if they can't make their way back to washington, d.c., it's one thing but if the rest of us are ready to go, like let's get on the plane, the train and get your car and get back to washington and get to work. after we wasted a half a year on this impeachment scheme, where the house was trying to bring down the presidency, right now in a way, where embarrassing ourselves even more. we found a new way to reach an even further low because as jim just pointed out, there's all the people that have been deemed essential that are busting their butts and they are doing their jobs and here you have the masses in the house of representatives who want to get to work. if there is a member for some reason or there's members for
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some reason i can't make it back, we'll figure something out. but let's get to work. >> laura: i've a a question, unless you're physically ill or has been diagnosed with the illness or covid, why wouldn't you be able to get back? i mean, there's way to travel to united states. i'm sorry, this is just a weak sister moment for nancy pelosi. oh, she's like on the cover of all the these magazines, women of the year, no one messes with the nancy with a gavel and stretch over with their articles of impeachment and the pens and everything. now when the country needs the house of representatives to be all hands on deck, she's like, no, were going to stay at pacific heights in the tony mansion. >> the president is working 18 or 15 hour days and we've got tk for its meetings all over the country but the task force that needs to meet and deal with the big issues that confront our nation is the united states congress. if we are not in session and
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that's wrong and the american people instinctively know that's wrong. as we said, let's get on the plane and the train and get in the car and get back to washington and get to work with the kind of hearings we should be having. >> laura: first of all, nancy pelosi has access to a private plane currently sheet used to breed pretty easy for her to get back to california without any worries about covid. here's what she said about the possibility congressman zeldin, of payroll tax cut. >> this is all to be related to the coronavirus. we have an enormous, enormous costs. much of it incurred because the president was in denial early on, delayed the reaction which caused deaths. that we want to say, okay, that was then and let's start now and do things in a positive way. nobody's putting anything on the table and saying unless we have this, were not doing that. if you should not either. >> laura: it congressman selden she said that democrats were not conditioning the passages of any legislation
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after what they held in the last two measures. >> if you remember, there was bipartisan deal that was going to come to a vote in the senate and as soon as the speakers plane landed in washington, d.c., she blew it up and we waited several more days for the deal to come together. and the speakers concentrating just so much power in herself, inside her gavel right now because she's actually right now writing a bill, a next to bill. a trillion plus whatever that number ends up being. it's filled with her partisan priorities and we are not part of the process of going through a committee and hearing ideas and debating topics. learning what we need to do better about spending the last few bills. >> laura: you don't have to do that, you just got to print money and borrow some from china and japan and all will be well. it shouldn't pass any more of serrated pieces of legislation. congressman jordan, you wrote a
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letter to the fbi director today about the outrage with the flynn case, the director and tell us a little bit more about that we have about 30 seconds. >> where has chris wray been? why do we have to learn this because bill barr put the u.s. attorney looking at mike flynn and why didn't chris tell us? we sent them a letter today and we said we need to learn about this? when you do, why didn't you tell the united states congress and devin nunes has been trying to get the information. if we want the documents, we want the three oh two that was changed and we want to talk to the agents who were there when the interview that mike flynn and why they changed that three. give us the documents and talk to him who is in the room when that interview, that's what we want to see and we give him till may 18th and will hopefully he'll give us the information we shot had a long time ago but hopefully we'll get it 18th. >> lauraso he went to court agef the fbi who does a great job, they have to deal with a cloud hanging over the agency and the bureau. congressman, thank you for working for the american people
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and other of your colleagues are not essential apparently. coming out, chris, reveals, well, who calls him every night before bed. could that be the last bite? yes. ♪ complete the 2020 census. your responses are critical to plan for the next 10 years of health care, infrastructure, and education. let's make a difference, together, by taking a few minutes to go online to it's for the well-being of your community and will help shape america's future. ♪ confident financial plans, calming financial plans, complete financial plans. they're all possible with a cfp® professional. find yours at they're all possible with a cfp® professional. when bugs move in we stress out and spray. well, we used to.
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>> i have spoken to you almost without exception every day. 11:00 at night, waiter, waiting for my showed an. >> if i cared about you, boy, you put on a great act in front
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of the tv, you are wiped down badly. >> i want people to know who they are getting in tony fauci, the head and heart that comes together is the real deal. >> laura: that was nice. he found a way to connect during the pandemic with the doctor how she every night. raymond is going to talk about that later in the week. i will leave it to him. that's all the time we have tonight, shannon bream and the "fox news @ night" team take it away now. >> shannon: we love that tony and you too, laura, near the revolutionary freedom trail, despite warnings from president trump's own coronavirus task force about social distancing in the crowds. and new predictions about how many american lives may be lost to covid-19. also, the coverage of the accusation, and now the presidential


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