tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News May 5, 2020 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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>> sean: i will take it. before we go. don't forget, by the way, make sure you preorder a copy of my new book "live free or die." a beautifulne gift card for mother's day. let not your heart be troubled. laura, how are you? >> laura: joy behar giving you a little bit of love, hannity. i think she likes you! >> sean: i can answer that oh, no, she doesn't. >> laura: there is a little bit of -- you know, when you hate love someone, she has a hate love for you. it's kind of cute. i sensed it. there is a little softness they are. >> sean: laura, let me say this but i don't care at this point i in my life what anybody thinks of me. >> laura: i know. so-and-so wrote this and said this, i am like, i don't care. when is football season going to be on in the fall?
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>> sean: baseball first! at stadiums open safely! >> laura: if we want to baseball and college football and the nfl. >> sean: amen. >> laura: it's a void. church is a void, mass is a void, but sports is a void. show tonight. >> sean: have a great >> laura: i will. rai am laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. nearly three weeks ago, i asked dr. anthony fauci if covid-19 could attenuate, change, get less of avirulent as time goes on to a new study from arizona state says the virus may in fact be weakening. also, did blue state governors and a feeling the heat question what tonightar will bring you a report on how states might be opening up earlier than the
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first sad and victor davis had in sin, love it when he's on, is going to tell us why it's now or never for the american recovery. but my first thoughts on america and shut, day 50. 50. hard to believe. after china's lies and deceit on the coronavirus, the american public i think is finally beginning to get it. they are seeing the communist nation for what it is, an enemy of the united states and of free people everywhere. a few research polls last month showed that two-thirds of americans now have an unfavorable view of china. in the rnc showed similarly negative views of china among voters. before this covid-19 case appeared in seattle, china had co-opted the world health organization, talked a lot about that recently, just as they have done with wall street, our top
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universities, and the american media, hollywood. their m.o. is always the same. dangle promises of huge financial support or profits. it's not everyone looks the other way on their horrendous human rights and economic record. by using this approach the last hurco decades orre so, china has grown in wealth, they've grown in power, and they've grown in prestige among every sector. they've made the cynical calculation that high-powered westerners would take short-term payoff in exchange for freedom and independence. they would sacrifice the latter. they were right, sadly. at least until they met their match in donald trump. his america first approach to trade put china on the defensive and forced china to the negotiating table, making concessions and eventually a trade deal. a trade deal that obama and bush
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could or would never make. the globalists were happy with their relationship with china during those 16 years. president trump, though, right now is trying to i walk a fine line. he's not as harsh on china as i would be but he has a different job. he is trying to balance our economic needs that are very big right now with national security. and let me be clear, no one, and i mean no one has done more to stand up to china and attack up the challenges that they pose than donald j. trump. his administration is filled with hard-core china realists. >> china is a very serious threat in the united states geopolitically, economically, militarily. and a threat to the integrity of our institutions. >> its assessed our vulnerabilities and decided to
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exploit our freedoms. >>k our message to china's rules are this: this president will not back down. the american people will not be swayed. >> laura: the problem is too many elites are still totally in the tank for china. w the worst offenders when you think of the really bad offenders outut there, the worst are perhaps the universities in their connections with china and thus the ccp, they run deep. since 2013, china has given a billion dollars to 115 colleges and universities. harvard was the biggest recipient pulling in 91.7 million. that's not all. aa huge numbers of chinese students handpicked by the ccp are admitted tomi universities including harvard, including by the way president xi's daughter who graduated from harvard just a few years back. harvard has even set up an academic center in shanghai. and itha established a
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harvard-china fund which supports teaching and research on china and also promotes harvard's presence in china. china has given harvard as i said 93.7 million, 267 million chinese students and scholars at harvard, harvard has an academic center in china. all of this that we just talked about, this is stunning stunning stuff. by the way, harvard's recruitment of chinese scholars and chinese connections, my favorite story. a rundown harvard researcher charles lieber was busted for allegedly the prc had paid him 50,000 bucks a month, plus living expenses, for his work at wuhan university of technology. get this, he ran his own nano science center at he received $16 million in grants from, wait for it, the
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nih. all the while he was taking big money from china to allegedly help themal recruit talent to tn steal our trade secrets. this was harvard's president last march. >> harvard is an american university. our institutions have a responsibility to contribute positively to our own societies and to the national good as to the world at large. but as universities, we fulfill this charge precisely by embodying and defending academic values that transcend the boundaries of any one country. >> laura: i love the soundtrack, by the way, underneath that. transcend the boundaries of any nation. as we see in the current pandemic, boundaries do in fact matter and the ccp's values
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aren't our values. i'm not trying to pick on harvard, just happens to be the biggest. china has plans amongst students and researchers across america, most recently at the university of texas, ucla, and the university of kansas. and again, you, the u.s. taxpayers, are perversely funding this! for more than a decade, i've been warning about the damage this has been doing to america. senator tom cotton, he's rightly outraged. >> it's a scandal to me that we have trained so many of the chinese come his party's brightest minds to go back to china and compete for our jobs, to take our business, and ultimately to steal our property. >> laura: what's most insane about this is how the media have lapped up china's propaganda. politico has praised china's handling of the pandemic that it caused.
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"the new york times" is worried. it's worried that covid-19 can hurt china. and cnn, it should just be rebranded "p.r.-cnn" given its shameless promotion of chinese propaganda. even when the ccp takes out prominent journalists from our top newspapers, even when the ccp imprisons a million ethnic muslims, as we saw this past month china ripped crosses off churches and other buildings, it'sdi a sick and twisted syste. it's the soviet union on steroids. we didn't do anything significant vis-a-vis trade with the soviet union, remember? we allowed no student transfers from the soviet union. though soviet students no soviet studentsat top univer. and it worked out best for us.
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reagan understood we won'tul enrich the ussr, that would be disastrous for us. weea beat them. it was peace through strength. trump has taken important strengths rebalancing our relationship t with china. and the coronavirus hit, courtesy of china. obviously china is hoping at this point for a democrat in the oval office. that's beyond obvious. and we know what a biden presidency would be to the prc, a gift. >> let me be clear. i believed in 1979 adsense and it said so and i believe now that a rising china is a positive development not only for thehe people of china but for the united states and the world as a whole. >> laura: as we get closer to election day, remember this. as many elites in academia, business and the media are doing china's bidding, you have a
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hoesident who has always seen them from what they really are: a communist power that's working 24/7 two eclipse us militarily and economically. if you think freedom will march towards beijing anytime soon, just remember chairman squartiananmen square. remember last year's hong kong protest. remember china's refusal to reveal all that it knows about the virus that has now killed more than 70,000 americans. and those are my thoughts at the end of day 50, america in shutdown. joining me now, is steven mosher, author of "the bully of asia" and dinesh d'souza, conservative commentator and author of new book "united states of socialism." we know china intentionally covered up this virus. we have all these americans dead. we've done cataclysmic damage to our country's economy.
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depression, anxiety.xi all the things raging across thr country beyond the death toll, which is horrendous.n' why isn't the left more enraged over that? >> they should be. china is everything that the left purports to hate. it's destroying its own environment. it arrests and execute little distance execute political dissidents. everything the left cares aboutg seems to go by the wayside because it all doesn't matter in the face of their effort to defeat and demean president trump who has for a long time as you point out seen china for what it is. he wrote a book in 1999, taking china to account for cheating on trade and manipulating its currency. he's been on china a long, long time but we've been through the bush administration, obama administration getting nothing but rhetoric, tough talk but very little action because china
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policy was set by the wall street financiers who were getting money from china and k street lobbyists who are making big money from china. now it's different. >> laura: is different now, dinesh, but it's not. back then, there were a lot of leftists on campus who were sidling up to the former soviet union. you see the same thing happening with china, except there is huge money payoffs at the university level. talk about that. >> yeah. china is certainly doing its best to buy influence, not just in universities, but also think tanks, and so on. these institutions are proving surprisingly pliable. with harvard, it's a little bit of a mystery because harvard by itself hasn't so much money. but harvard has shown a park liberty over the decade to sidle up towards these totalitarian regimes.s. if i can pull a single skeleton
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out of the harvard closet, 1934, a 1 harvard alumnus, a guy named ernst hans daigle, he was a celebrity because he had just. been appointed by hitler, a friend of adolf hitler, he had been appointed the head of hitler's press office. he was a big man on campus. they proposed to give him an honorary degree. he met with the harvard president. there was a faculty reception for him in boston harbor against the backdrop of a big german battleship flying the swastika flag. the point i want to make here is -- today harvard would never say a good word about the fascists, but the point is in the '30s they were perfectly happy to genuflect before this new and glamorous fascist regime led by a man named adolf hitler. >> laura: wow. that was in "boston magazine" i believe, dinesh. that was a disturbing and fascinating piece at the same time. stephen, there's a lot of intellectuals on the left, globalist intellectuals, that wants still to give china the
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benefit of the doubt because, compared to trump, you can deal with the chinese, i guess they think. i don't know. here's what ian bremmer have to say about china. >> t the trump administration really wants to be able to pin blame for what is going to be unacceptable mortality in the united states in the handling on all this on anyone but the trump administration. china is easy to do. a lot of finger point to link him and a lot of nationalism?? that's a real problem. >> laura: nationalism is the problem, not the country that has a a million people in chains because they happen to be muslim? >> nationalism is a problem in china because china is a nationalist, imperialist state that wants to extend its length not only over the rest of asia but over the rest of the world that i don't understand why these people are still living in the 1930s where they
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celebrated the egalitarian is him of the communist party under chairman mao. china has more oligarchs today than russia does and they are wealthier than russia and arguably more cruel and dictatorial. why aren't they paying attention to the violations of human rights in china? i think everyone is off balance off the on the left because of their disdain for the currentai president of united states who we ought to thank god that he was elected in 2016 because the situation in the u.s. and the world would be a lot more difficult now if he hadn't taken china to task three years ago. we are in much better shape now than we would've been under a different administration. >> laura: dinesh, when you think about what china does, look at the human rights violations. and you compare the horrors in south africa, with apartheid. the campus was mobilized against apartheid. it was really powerful.
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they were quite effective but where is the divestment from china? >> i think what's going on with the left is you see it has made strange bedfellows not just with china but also with islamic radicalism. and for the same reason, these are the most illiberal regimes in the world. china is one of the few governments that have a fully totalitarian system in place presiding over a billion people. you can't find that elsewhere in the planet. the islamic regime, we know how illiberal they are for they are against all the values the left stands for. we down the international politics is a project in of domestic politics, and the enemy of my enemy is my friend. the left sidles up to china, sidles up to the islamic radicals. they are batons to which the too beat up on trump and the conservative right here domestically in theer united states. >> laura: elucidating as always. thank you so much.
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and one of the biggest lessons of the pandemic is that we've been talking about for years, the need to decouple ourselves from china. start returning manufacturing back to the united states, especially our medicines. our medical supplies. the house g.o.p. has new legislation to do just that. joining me now, how's majority leader kevin mccarthy. tell us about the new bill introduced by your colleague mark green who is also a physician, how would it do this, bring these industries back home?av >> we have to bring them back home.e the number one thing you find is we don't make aspirin, we don't make penicillin. they are planning to overtake, going into our universities come and going into our press. they have gone in and take the critical materials away. they found those in the car masuda goals, the control 70% of the ingredients that go into generics and others. if the company opens up, they
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flood the market to put the privatect sector out. it's not bringing the company's back but having them make things themselves. part of that is modernizing stockpile inside america so they can have it t in america but abe to control it. we should allow our allies distort here as well. rule of law matters but watch what japan is doing today. japan is going as far as subsidizing to get the companies to come back. >> laura: i can hear heads exploding at d.c. think tanks that have fairly cozy relationships with china. oh, you're manipulative the market. it's cheaper to make it over in china. what do you say to that question if it's cheaper now, we can look at the cost now, congressman. >>er how many lives have died because of what china has done lying to the world? what china did not only to when they were lying to the world, they try to control the market when it came to the personal progression equipment, the masks, gowns and others. they wanted to haul that when a
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maple for the world found out. why would we ever put ourselves in that lace? what's dominic the democrats have no plans will china responsible. they have no plan to reconvening for congress. >> laura: speaking of that, chuck schumer sayingng even if did cover up covid, trump is still to blame. >> he spends half his time blaming other people or other issues. you know, he's now blaming china. well, guess what, mr. president? even if it came from china, and even if it came from china early, why didn't you do something aboutt it? >> laura: congressman, explain really quick. >> how can schumer say that representing new york? there is no greater state to realize what china has done to their own citizens, its own constituents, how many people have died because of what china
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did? president trump has warned this about china. took actions. when the world health organization told us youth can't get it from human to human, the president shut down the flightst from china coming in. the democrats attacked him for that for a month later almost, you had nancy pelosi telling everybody to come together. >> laura: you are my did congressman. i've only got about 30 seconds here. speaking closely, she has said now, emerged from pacific heights, whatever the heck she is, you will be hearing -- be able to hear from testimony from the hhs's former assistant secretary, the whistle-blower, next week. i don't know if she'll grace us with her presence or teleport, i have no idea. but what of that? >> why would they want to allow that was a blower to come forward and not the whistle-blower before?m adam schiff when he wanted to do all the impeachment, concerned about that whistle-blower to be protected to come forward, then he denied it. they only want to look at
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♪ >> laura: this couldld disappear. sars did pretty much disappear. this could as well, correct? >> the degree of admission of transmissibility of this is really unprecedented in anything i've seen. it's an extraordinarily efficient virus and transmitting from one person to another. these kind of viruses don't just disappear. >> laura: well, fauci's dismissal seemed pretty absolute but a team of scientists from
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arizona state university found a genetic mutation in covid-19 similar to one that weekend the 2003 sars virus. when sars first emerged in china in february of 2003, the w.h.o. warned it could have been the biggest health crisis in decad decades. but it was fully contained in july 2003 in about six months. there have been the reported cases of sars in anywhere in the world since 2004. it certainly would be great if covid suffered the same faith and burned out. joining me now is my medicine cabinet for tonight, dr. remain romain osqui. and dr. jensen, minnesota state senator. what do you think about this new study, the stuff being written as the genetic sequencing continues of all the various strains of the virus. what is the probability that a mutation like the one in the
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sars does exist in covid-19? >> we know without question that viruses do mutate and sometimes they --dash we've had innumerable epidemics in 200 we know this happened. some of these just fizzle out. despite people running around saying the sky is falling, the sky is falling, it doesn't ,happen. if a virus does mutate such that the virulence has decreased, two things have happened. one, it's good. not going to be as lethal, not going to be as severe. the thing that's bad as you might have more committee transmission and what you end up is exactly the same you had with sars. 3-4 years after the sars crisis, people had sars antibodies through them, the epidemic fizzled, and we had studies
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showing five, six, seven years later people still had antibodies against sars. i think that's actually good news. >> laura: the media is kind of dismissing this, dr. oskuo i want you to raise the objections were raising on "the angle." >> when viruses progress, they don't make this phenomenon is known as muller's ratchet. there is a a nice study out of university of pittsburg medical center that shows different strains, using that strain to document this. this is virology 101. they usually mutate, as well as herd immunity, that no longer make people so well. >> laura: i want to get to these new studies on hydroxychloroquine.
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saying hydroxychloroquine is dangerous for doctors dominic patience with in the largest reported cohort of covid-19 patience tont date, treated with hydroxychloroquine, plus or minus azithromycin, no t sins of ppe or arithmetic death were reported. two studies competing of hydroxy's use, are these studies of equal value and what are the takeaways? >> the short answer some of the larger more robust study much better done in new york showed a great safety profile. it's critical when you prescribd this drug, you monitor these stations to make sure they take the drug appropriately, and make sure most importantly you exclude other drugs that may have an adverse interaction. that's what the fda says about many drugs. there is a smaller study out of boston, kind of sloppy, where
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they actually didn't really address that issue. a lot of these patience got diuretics that are known to cause arithmetic issues i recommend genic issues where they had more problems. ultimately at the end of the day, the conical issue is paraguay unnecessary drugs and treat these patience with mild to moderate >> laura: scott gottlieb, scoton the big form of some forf companies, informal advisor to white house,it saying doctors ay from hydroxy preclinical studies show that it's kind of a minimal benefit. a doctor save the entire senior center by using this hydroxychloroquine earlyus on.
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what are your thoughts on what gottlieb said ande is it happening? >> i think maybe he's making an over statement. my wife was on hydroxychloroquine for ar deca. it was originally an antimalarial drug. it usually causes prolongation, or it can. in the one study, 201 people, not one of them developed -- to me, i think the downside of this drug, the side effects are being hyped up. if you actually look at the number of drugs that do what hydroxychloroquine could do, talking about levaquin, antibiotics, seroquel, talking about and hide the antidepressants. there arere rules of drugs thato this but there isn't anything critically unusual. from my perspective, people with traumatic arthritis, lupus, hydroxychloroquine can be a wonderful drug and i think it's very safe. >> laura: gentlemen, thank you very much but we'll talk more
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about remdesivir with the medicine cabinet tomorrow which is a new drug being held. coming up, have blue state governors, are you feeling it? they are starting to crack on these shutdowns. trace gallagher has a report on the earlier than expected re-openings before victor davis hanson tells us which ones to keep our eyes on next. (somber music) - this is an urgent message from the international fellowship of christians and jews. there is an emergency food crisis for elderly holocaust survivors in the former soviet union. - this is a fight against time.
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what we're dealing with is coming out, meeting someone who's 85, 90 years old, can't get around, has no food, has no water and just wants to give up and die. and that's where we come in. we are called to comfort these people, to be a blessing to their lives. - [presenter] for just $25 we'll rush an emergency survival package to help one desperate elderly person for a month. call right now. - in ukraine there's no support network. they don't have food cards or neighbors that come in to help. they're turning to us because they have nowhere else to turn. - [presenter] your gift is a lifeline to help these elderly jewish holocaust survivors.
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help them to live out their final years with dignity and love. call right now. - what i pray is that you won't turn your eyes but you will look at their suffering and your heart will be changed. - [presenter] with your gift of just $25 we can rush an emergency survival package to help one desperate elderly person for a month. call right now.
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end these lockdowns? after banning beach going, california governor gavin newsom looks like he's starting to crack it, announcing today that some retail would be allowed to reopen this week, though he tried to save face by declaring, "we aren't going back to normal." across the country, governor ralph northam now says virginia will begin reopening on may 15th, that's only phase one though.. he's still getting resistance from the mayor of d.c., right next door. are we about to see more blue state governors wave the white flag? and start reopening? fox news breaking chief correspondent trace gallagher live in our west coast news tomb roomwith the latest. >> though most californians support california's state at tremendous pushback from citizens and officials alike but some cities have filed lawsuits against the governor, calling his actions unconstitutional. but just as rapidly as a new beach closers were put into
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place, the governor has lifted them. and also starting phase two of the plan to reopen, which includes various retail stores to open for curbside service. newsom has had more reopening announcements will come this week. he's finally realizing the state is not one-size-fits-all. watch. >> the ability for containment plans and protection plans to be put into place in regions and counties throughout the state of california where we recognize the different conditions and we believe different criteria should be put into place. >> virginia, maryland, and d.c. took a different approach into the lock down but it looks like virginia will go it alone coming out. virginia governor ralph northam says may 14th he'll begin rolling back restrictions on retail stores. virginia republicans have been in recent weeks reopening businesses. marilyn governor larry hogan and
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d.c. mayor marilee bowser have not got much pushback. finally we should note that michigan governor gretchen whitmer has gone against her state legislature to extend the state lockdown, saying that she won't bow to pressure. >> laura: unreal. great support. thanks so much. and why is this pressure mounting for blue state governors? here is one reason. american workers are just getting crushed, especially those who can least afford it but according to the new data analyzed by the university of chicago, nearly 50% of hourly wage owners for small businesses are not working. and those who are, they have seen their hours cut 50% on average. hourly owners and industry like retail, hair salons, they have pretty much seen all their workn evaporates and many of them, all their income and savings. this is not something as we've
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said before -- actually, we've said this since the end of march, this goes on much longer, it's not sustainable. joining me now, victor davis hanson, senior fellow at hoover institution. victor, these are grim figures. grim. how long before newsom, northam, maryland with larry hogan, and michigan, as other states open around them, people from those states are just going to travel to the other states making the situation even worse, correct? >> i think so. i think people realize something there officials don't. these models, i'm speaking from california where next week we are supposed to have 25 million cases, with the lethality rate, we have a million dad and we only have 50,000 cases wit 52,0. even the monstrosities of the bureaucracy in europe, germany's
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policy will apply to spain, or italy's policy will apply to germany. itma doesn't work that way. we are a very diverse country. just three straits, massachusetts, new jersey, new york account for 55% of all the deaths, yet they only have about 11% of the population. but they've had about 5500 deaths. so they felt like there are radically different situations for this one size fits all doesn't work. we have two problems in the country where one o is all of us are in this together but we have to ask those three states and fhy 11% of the states have separate fatalities? is it the weather, population density, elevators, subways? wrong on the masks, wrong and antibodies, wrong and almost
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everything and the t people have lost confidence because they don't address these basic practical questions they want to ask. a >> laura: but, victor, bill gates has all the answers. bill gates wants to use this to transform american education and will be working with cuomo to do that. obviously rolling out these vaccines, even though we see this virus changing and perhaps even attenuating, weakening. there is a lot of other things going on here that are driving this, using this horrible virus and the horrible tragedy that's bull pollen on the country to radically alter life in america. and make people at least in the short term a lot less free, victor. that has to be driven home. that has to be driven home! you are losing your freedom. you are losing your freedom if you can't travel, can't go see a show, can't go to a restaurant, can't go to church, can't go to school. at some point you have to ask
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yourself what is life? >> we've been through the and lost 600,000 deaths. we been through world war ii and we lost 42,000. b fdr is not praised because he put japanese americans in a camp and progresses don't sound so glad he suspended the first amendment during world war i. every president that has tampered with the constitution, his legacy regrets it. that's the problem. other hypocrisy problem. g bill gates, i think he's done a lot of great things but he's deeply embedded in the chinese project. he's got commercial ties there. he's got huge financial interests. he is not a credible observer of the chinese role in this. when he says we are criticizing china too much but i'm not blaming andrew cuomo. but he's in a state where there were two disastrous decisions. one was people were encouraged
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to go out and people were sent into nursing homes that had the virus and those were devastating decisions. i don't think people should be so haughty without a little bit of humility givenen the record. >> laura: absolutely. victor, being an expert, and credentialed expert means never having to say you are sorry. including neil niall ferguson, hanging out with paramore and breaking the florentine. he's no longer with the imperial college after screwing up demolishing s themodeling and getting into a g mess. up ahead, the biden campaign has a new plan to attract african-american voters. is this going to work? candace old ways and next. and spray. well, we used to.
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♪ >> laura: presumptive 2020 democratic nominee joe biden is out with a new plan to bring in riafrican-american voters. the "lift every voice" platform sounds a lot like bernie sanders. a lot more than moderate joe. it includes universal pre-k, free tuition for public colleges, elements of the green new deal. of course, and incarceration for drug use alone. the question is, is that going to attract more black voters. here to debate, candace owens, founder of the blexit movement. also with me is leo trarell, civil rights r attorney. do black voters want the >> the same stuff we've led to the 1960s that led to the devastation of our community? i d think not.
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if this is a platform that joe biden is going to go towards, he should partner with a technology firm to try to create a device that wipes out the memory of all black americans regarding his own racial record. a man whoho once called segregation integration "the most racist concert you can come up with." a man who voted against busing on the basis that black people wanted to be segregated. this was a man who was proud to have authored or at least be a part of thee process in authorig the crime bill of 1994. he used to call it the biden bill of 1994 which further deprecated black americans. his time in his campaign would be better spent developing technology toom wipe out the memory ofe all black americans because this is not going to work. it's foolishness. >> laura: leo, joe biden has obviously a sizable lead as you look at polls now over donald trump.
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but what is happening to small businesses in the united states during some of these extended shutdowns in blue state america, does that present, put on your objective cap here, does that present an opening for trump to say, we just want to give you your livelihoods back, a lot of small business owners in the african-american community? >> thank you for having become a laura. give me 30 seconds yet to respond. i'll talk about right now instead of the last 30 years candace was talking about. fact one, coronavirus has affected blacks at the disappointment disproportionate rate higher because what you said earlier,r. african-americans are unable to work at jobs, minimum wage jobs, they can afford to take off.ay they have been hurt by this virus more than any other grouph second, the stimulus money, laura, $2 trillion. you don't see black businesses receiving the $2 trillion. you don't see them getting any portion of that. candace t did not talk about th.
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>> we always talk about that. >> african-americans having jobs. laura, as you've mentioned, they work minimum-wage jobs. they can't work at home. they have to go out there. as a result, they are infected by the virus. finally, tuition? free tuition? do w you know why that's important? haso african-americans can becoe a professional like a lawyer and we can work from home.rt that's why free tuition is important to elevate blacks from minimum-wage jobs that candace and president trump like to put them in a professional position like leo. >> laura: leo is in as white-collar position as are many african-americans but not every african-american works in a minimum-wage job, although a lot of folks do here they have been very hard hit. >> yes. >> laura: but, candace, these stimulus checks went out to small businesses.
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it was depleted pretty fast, that ppp. you have to apply for it. you have to apply for the money. i know a lot of people who applied for it and they did get the relief. but at some point that relief runs out. >> that's absolutely correct. first off, this is a strawman argument to say that black americans didn't receive any of the stimulus checks but we have no empirical data. we are asking dominic being asked -- i know some black small businesses that receive the money because they applied earlier. asking dominic that's what happens, you can't just print money out of thin air. the best way to look at that why this is a dangerous route and why people are asking for more free money, take a look at the welfare system. $22 trillion have been injected in the welfare system since its inception in this country and black americans are poor today but since when it began pure that's we are.
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selfish. rather feed their kids. if you think the law is more important than what is being said, i'm not going to judge the salon. >> give her liberty or give her death, that is not selfish. that's all-time we have tonight. take it all from here. >> 7 days and a $7,000 fine, they are not getting around. former vice president biden's nomination got bumpier with a federal judge and obama pointy tonight require new york to hold its presidential primary in june. this would restore bernie sanders and other former presidential contenders to the ballot
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