tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News May 6, 2020 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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to have to -- >> that in the story they gave turned out to be false. they took them out of the hospital. laura. >> laura: why would people need to push panic? we are in the middle of a pandemic. i think people have kind of seen it, they know the tragedies, they understand the cost and the damages. it's bad. i don't think they need to make it any more bad for america. i think we get it. >> sean: the interviews they did with hospital workers -- >> laura: i saw. >> sean: yeah, they're saying they were taken away from their jobs to go be on the line of so they could have a better staging a fake news shot. >> laura: it's this is -- is they are kind of moving -- there like the cardboard cutout of the academy awards, when people have to go to the bathroom. in this case, there is no one going to the bathroom, there's no one in the line.
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hannity, fantastic. glad you showed that. >> sean: have a great show. >> i'll see you tomorrow. i'm laura ingraham, this is the "ingraham angle" from washington. an alarming story for each night, one new york city police union's warning mayor de blasio that the city could collapse. it's social distancing enforcement continues. former nypd commissioner is here on that. also a dallas woman is sitting in jail tonight after she defied the stay-at-home orders to open her salon. the attorney general of texas wants her released, he's going to tell us how he intends to do that. and raymond arroyo on the latest drama, let's call it broke well. along with a troubling story about asking churches to track their parishoners. seen and unseen as i had.
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but first, my thoughts on america and shut down. day 51. now, it's hard to imagine that they are actually people out there who seem happier when most miserable. and conversely, their miserable when most of you happy. but that sums up things on the left in the age of trump, and especially during this unprecedented covert crisis. now, with the pandemic, as a kind of cover, they are kind of excited about ramming through this new vision for a newex america. i'm not just talking about one where we wash her hands as often as we should, or cough into her elbows. the goal here is to remake america into a progressive society, supposedly, a more equitable society. >> we're not going back to normal. it's back to a new normal. >> we may never have the normal that we had prior to covid-19. >> let's take this experience, and really learn how we could do differently, and better with our education system because of
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technology and virtual education. >> laura: now, let's face it. these people, a lot of them, didn't like the old to normal. why? because in the old normal the people elected donald trump. today, "the new york times" published a shockingly honest op-ed about what really irks the left about traditional america. one word, freedom. open states, lots of guns, america is paying a heavy price for freedom. the title read. and in predictable fashion, columnist praises europe's more enlightened approach to lockdown, then complains that we're just too free for our own darn americans who question mandates on mask wearing are stupid, selfish, and dangerous. just like those gun rights advocates. this is what he says "in this narrow world view, freedom has a price. it's a price that will be calculated, and then set by ae.
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select few. the rest of us, nearly pay it." wait, they are actually complaining about a select few setting the rules? but isn't this how the left prefers that? they certainly don't prefer ruled by the people. people who still believe in quaint things like the first and second amendment. the left prefer rule by a few. maybe a few billionaire technocrats, or by an elected bureaucrat. and by liberal governors who prolong these shutdowns without legislative oversight at all. the entire of the people by the people for the people thing hasn't really delivered that progressive utopia that the left so desperately desires. but maybe, just maybe, the pandemic will. >> there is a primordial american tradition going back to
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the founders of being freedom of even though where a country founded on slavery and, we are blind to other states of stress. what have you. >> laura: let that sink in. we are freedom obsessed. yes, i am. guilty as charged. freedom obsessed. most people want to go on with their lives. you get the sense, you can see it around you. they understand that walking out the door every day entails risk. sometimes serious ones. the old normal, so then, means little league, high school proms, graduations, it means to church on sunday or other types of worship. work on monday. it means dinner with friends and family vacations every now and then. of course, it is a horrible tragedy that so many americans had to die because of this virus that started in china, it's awful.
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but it would be an even worse tragedy if we lost our country because of it. we can never bring back those we've lost, but we can try to repair the cultural and economic damage before it's too late. this is how parents describes the old normal. you know, that normal at the end of 2019 before the coronavirus? "households are in good shape. unemployment is at half-century low. wages have been increasing faster than inflation, and consumer confidence remains nearest high of the cycle." that likely helps them feel particularly jolly this holiday season, it may open the walls to celebrate. it seems like a long time ago now, doesn't? rather than being happy that they were doing so well just a few months back, the airheads in the liberal media just becamefe more bitter, it seems. as democrats became more committed to impeaching trump at the time and the american left became, frankly, just more unhinged. as most in the country were
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enjoying life precovid-19. they were engulfed in anger and resentment. their faces told the story. pelosi, schumer, schiff, waters, and there were thes, trump hating anchors and pundits pretending to be journalist. they all felt dejected and demoralized. nicole wallace, don lemon, chuch todd, jake tapper. but now they kind of see their opening. reenergized, reorganized, may be reinventing. >> so what do we need to do to make sure that we actually help real people, and that goes for renters, but it also goes for mom-and-pop landlords, you know, one of the first things that we talk about which is our first demand, is rent cancellation.
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>> laura: i mean, i've never seen her happier.'v she looks like, glowing. before they argued that trump was putin's puppet, now they say that he's a murderer for not being more like putin, and not ordering the nation to close. remember, in their utopia, you may get free bread and milk, but you won't have your freedom, my friends. they will call the shots. you will be traced and tracks, not just for viruses, but in every aspect of your life. if you don't believeer me? let's take a look at the place they're placing for itsie responsible response to the virus, china. it has begun a bold mass'r experiment in using data to regulate citizen's lives by them to use software on their smartphones that dictates whether they should be quarantined or allowed into s subways, malls, or other public spaces. this is all being done for your own good, of course.
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that's what the left wants you to think. but is that what really, americans want? those are my thoughts at the end of day 51, america and shut down. joining me now is dan bongino, fox news contributor and host of the dan bongino show. former aide to chuck schumer, host of the aggressive progressive podcast. chris, democrats to me, at the end of last year, what america was doing really well, based seem to really angry, upset, em , frustrated, and resentful. and now, we will never go back to that old normal. do democrats really want us to change the basic way of living because of a virus that was released in china? >> absolutely not. ii think everybody was very hapy with the economy before this crisis broke out. they might have been unhappy the
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chances of beating donald trump but now that the light has been shown, his incompetence, they are feeling good about that. things are going to change after this virus. there is going to be an opportunity for us to re-examine how we deal d with health care, how we monitor outbreaks like this, how we behave in public to prevent future outbreaks. but suggesting that progressives and liberals and democrats want to clearly reshape society is not accurate. it's not what's going on. look, after world war ii, japan and europe, they built new ttrains are faster and got peope around. here in the united states, we are still using 19th century technology because we never had the opportunity to rebuild after the war like they did in europe and asia. we are going to have an opportunity after this to rethink about how we t communice with each other. >> laura: what are you talking about? >> nobody is talking about changingau society. >> laura: if you want to go back to post-world war ii, i'm all for that because we had a
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booming economy, we had manufacturing. we had american jobs. we didn't ship them overseas. , dan bongino, and we weren't interested in remaking america. we love the country, we've taughtak we've taught patriotism in schools, we still had prayer in schools. all that was wiped out by the left. they found it oppressive and they were resentful by the time b '60s rolled around. i want to play something that new yorkyo governor andrew cuomo said about not letting the crisis go to waste. watch. >> i want to make sure we don't miss the opportunity in the moment. let's take this moment in history to actually improve from where we are, and to build it better. how do we have more social equity and society? a better safety system, better housing, better economy, better education, better health care? >> laura: dan, what does that have to do with covid and how is that responding to a virus that came out of china? >> it has nothing to do with that, laura. and the constitution which
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limits government, doesn't limit you, the bill of rights, it limits government. it only matters, the constitution only matters if it matters any time of crisis. the constitution was precisely designed for moments like this. and if i may quote father bob sirfo rico, and noted supporterf economic libertarianism, he said, once, it's not that government is too big, if that government is too stupid. government has a knowledge problem. if the smartest people were in government, they wouldn't be populations andd bureaucrats, they would be in the private sector making money. having worked in government as a secret service agent and left, i unfortunately came across this first hand. i'm sorry to say -- not all, i don't want to stereotype like liberals do. but most of the dumbest people i've ever met were in the media and the press pool, and happened to be members of government now dictating to you how you can run your life. chris somehow denying this -- chris doesn't really read the newspaper often, so forgive him. >> i do. >> laura: will he hasn't read
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on education or liberty, did you notice there is an up attack ona the attack on the homeschoolers? did you see the push in the media in the op-ed column, the tax against health care, liberty. have you seen the push for massive government spending and new taxation structures? the three big things that happen, the democrats want more of, they want more democrat education, more government in your health care. >> laura: chris, go ahead. >> i find it hilarious that you are so offended by the governor of the state of new york, who is doing an excellent job, saying that after this crisis -- >> [laughter] >> he wants to build back our economy -- >> terrific. >> okay, dan. pipe down, dan. he wants to build our economy back better because the economy is in shambles and is in shambles because the president of united states -- >> why is he asking donald trump for aa bailout?
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>> he was playing golf. >> why did he ask donald trump for a bailout? >> new york is asking for its own money back from the federal government! >> [cackling] that's funny! >> laura: i think it might be a good idea for andrew cuomo to focus on what he didn't do, perhaps, he's already said there were mistakes made, i guess, any nursing homes.s, there were a lot of problems. if we can't keep our subway cars decently clean as a matter of course, if that's too, can do for him, sorry, i don't want him touching my i kid's education ii happen to live in new york. e they've done a lot on educational front. i don't see how that has anything to do with a chinese virus. john amend great to see both of you. >> nice to see you. >> laura: it's not just ordinary citizens sufferinge under what the left is calling "the new normal" read some of the most essential employees
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this country has are also feeling the pain. the nypd's union is warning mayor below the brazeal if hehe continues to use officers to enforce social distancing rules? the city will fall apart before ourpa eyes. former nypd commissioner bernie kerik. what the heck is going on iner new york city see with the social distancing enforcement? >> i think the atrocious, i think it's outrageous that the mayor will put the cops, the mayor and women in the position to do this, because itthi contradicts everything you think about with regard to community relations. it puts thet cops in a position where they have to confront people for things that aren't really laws. so you have them out there doing things that the attorney general and several federal judges so fa have said "may be unconstitutional." what does that mean? they put their hands on somebody, get in a physical
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altercation, they have to defend themselves. they are going to getoi sued, ty are going to be in violation of the constitution or someof civil liberty, there is going to be civil rights suits. somebody is going living in than house because they went out and followed in order by the mayor that should've never happened in the first place. i think it's atrocious. i think it's going to be horrible. >> laura: bernie, there's an ongoing conversation about how much benefit would glean from social distancing. i know it's that, oh -- they've had a lot of socialil distancin, now that the subway still going, new york has an enormous number of cases. we don't really know -- we don't have a scientific study on how much it helped. we do know that if new york doesn't get back to business,ba new york is over. they'll have to declare bankruptcy at some point andpt that means everybody is going to pay. at some point -- >> it's just not new york city. it's new york state.
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it's new jersey. these leaders and mayors and governments are breaking people. they are breaking people mentally, financially, professionally. they are destroying their lives and it's easy for them to sit back and say, just do this. he doesn't give a damn about the peoplell in new jersey that have to live from paycheck to paycheck. >> laura: mayor de blasio opposes, by the way, burning, extending line of duty benefits to the family members of city workers killed by covid. >> he actually opposed that legislation. this takes me back>> personallyo the aftermath of 9/11 when we had members of congress and politicians who would not support and indemnify and financially support the men and women dying of cancer. they are doing it all over again and who was leading the charge? the mayor of the city who is not
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telling his people, now telling these cops come and go out and do something they shouldn't be doing in the first place. >> laura: complement joe borelli, he fired back telling us that the bellagio is not honoring i'll make the he's using dead corrections officers and sanitation workers to leverage a bailout. leverage a bailout?ai those arere tough words. but are they accurate? >> i think the mayor forgets -- the mayor is responsible for new york city. not theyo president, the mayor. giuliana used to have a plaque on his desk when you walked into city hall that said "i am responsible." in the aftermath of 9/11, it was the mayor who was responsible for new york city. not the governor. not the president. the mayor. he had to deal with the crisis. he had to prepare for the cris crisis. he had to work on the response, the rescue, the recovery, the investigation with the help of
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not just calling out the president saying, you will give meve this, this guy is just tryg to take all the money he can get to bail himself out from his prior lunacy. >> laura: well they certainly find benefits for illegal immigrants and they didn't want the federal government telling what to do then. now they want the -- >> w and sanctuary cities. >> laura: bingo. your voice is important with this. we stand with the nypd. thank you so much. >> thanks, laura. >> laura: coming up, how the stay-at-home orders might be killing our panic down the cancer . and raymond romo with the latest drama from the cuo-bros.
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>> laura: it's about time we reported some good news on the covid-19 front and we have two items to bring to you tonight. the first, we been waiting for this. this is the first peer-reviewed study by renowned infectious disease specialist dr. raoult and it's published for the world to see including our fda. this is a retrospective study on 1,051 covid patients treated with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin. the results are pretty stunning. this is the key finding from raoult's team. in 973 patients, 91.7% of patients. poor outcome for 46 patients, 4.3%. eight deaths, they were older americans. but eight deaths, french citizens -- excuse me. only a handful of side effects. the upshot was using only hcq, hydroxychloroquine and speak 25
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before publications occur is "safe and associated with very low fatality rates patients. they key seems to be is to take this combination according to these doctors early, not wait until you're hospitalized. we now have multiple studies across the globe and report from treating physicians regarding the safety and efficacy of hydroxychloroquine, along with hundreds and thousands of lupus and rheumatoid arthritis patients who have been taking the drug for decades without complications. time for the fda, the president himself, to pull back on the misguided and unnecessary warnings that were issued a few weeks ago. and in another potentially positive development, two u.k. scientists analyzed the evidence on the risk of children spreading covid. this was their take away. at the current time, children do not appear to be super
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spreaders. governments worldwide should allow all children back to school regardless of comorbidities. some infectious disease docs to be fair take issue with that claim and say that children who carry the virus can transmit it. the lead scientist behind that paper that will be joining us tomorrow night. i look forward to it. a question "the ingraham angle" has been asking since the slot then began is how many lives will be lost from ordering people to stay at home? we have depression, we have opioid addiction, other addictions, spousal abuse, et cetera. the shutdowns have already had a devastating impact on cancer treatment. data from community oncology treatments show a huge drop including a 17% decline for chemotherapy appointments in united states. cancellations and no shows are up 80% through april. joining me now is dr. william
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grace. oncologist and hematologist. good to see you again. not only is this terrible for patients, but doesn't it threaten to unravel an entire medical profession that this goes on much longer? >> yes, laura. basically three venues where we give oncology treatments. those doctors are associated with hospitals and paid by hospitals, largely in the northeast, those doctors have been drafted to take care of covid-19 patients. and so many of their patients have their treatments either attenuated or a reduction in the intensity because you don't have a safety net they are to protect them when they get very aggressive therapies, which is what they need often. one group of ??? not getting serviced. a number of doctors independent practitioners, small practices, and they have very, very, very
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thin margins. and with those thin margins, if they are only able to practice two days a week out of five because of social distancing or they have to not see as many patients, if you are down 80%, you're beneath the margin of profit. many of those practices are going to go away. doctors are going to retire and you aren't going to see this oncologists in those places will have to see other venues. the third venue, the one doing the best and probably the most notable of those practices is new york blood and cancer. i spoke to many of my colleagues who work for them, they are getting all the ppes they need. all the products they need to care for their patients and they've noticed that they've been able to continue on treating those patients without any encumbrance. that's pretty much where we are. >> just so people understand this, the human costs of the
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stay-at-home order for calming -- is excruciating for families, having its own health hold. watch. >> right now in washington, d.c., we had a 20% excess mortality from noncovid related deaths. most of the patients this week with breast cancer and will likely diagnose another person, focusing on covid is exceedingly important, let's not forget the continuing diseases that are present. >> laura: dr. grace, i feel like this has been missing from the national discussion. it's certainly missing from the coven task force, which is only focused, the sole focus on the virus itself, not on all these other effects. >> that's right, laura, talk to the surgeons and radiologists, a lot of women are not getting the mammograms.
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no screening for cancer care now in the northeast. there is no surgery being done on breast cancer. these people are being put on hold. there will likely be a survival impact from this pandemic that will see in the numbers. >> laura: thank you so much for expending all of this to us. after thousands of deaths, de blasio finally thought to have new york city's transportations, i mentioned in the last segment, believe it or not, cleaned. despite that lag, what they are doing is interesting for the transit authority will be using powerful ultraviolet lights on trains and buses to kill the coronavirus. dr. david brenner of columbia university is spearheading the effort. it's fascinating. he said while it's not 100% clear that uv lights will will work, it's "inconceivable to me that it wouldn't kill this particular virus." we decided to invite him on and he came on. great to see you. with your level of confidence in
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this, why would city officials have waited so long? >> i think the main reason is that in order to disinfect the trains with conventional ultraviolet light, you have to empty the trains. you can't have people inside the trains. it's only since they decided to stop the service in the middle of the night, they have the possibility of doing this treatment. >> laura: i remember when this was first raised a few weeks back, a colleague of mine brought it up to me and folks were looking at it in texas as well and people were kind of laughing at it saying, this is ridiculous. this is another fantasy. there's no way this will have any effect on speed 26 or any viruses. it is too simple. you can't do it in restaurants. they were kind of dismissing. why do you think that is? >> well...
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ultraviolet light to kill bacteria and viruses has been around for more than 100 years now. and it works really well. to use for example a lot of operating theaters overnight to decontaminate these theaters. so come the morning you have a nice clear you down the clean environment with no bacteria or viruses. it's very efficient at killing microbes. >> laura: what about the potential harm to individuals exposed to ultraviolet light to mark is there any danger there? >> yes, the german side of uv light being used in these studies is not safe for human exposure. that's why they are doing overnight, bringing the lambs into the cars.
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they are closing the doors, shuttering the windows, and they are turning the lambs on. >> laura: okay. that explains it. so it won't be on continuously throughout the day, which could pose a problem. >> that's correct. i should say the standard conventional ultraviolet light will be used in that way. we are working on a new type of ultraviolet light which actually still kills the viruses but superhuman exposure. >> laura: we want it everywhere. you brainiacs have to do that for us. >> okay. >> laura: thanks so much. incredible stuff, incredible technology that's been around for a while but got to make it better. coming up, big city mayors using covid to restrict freedoms?
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raymond arroyo. the mayor of your own city of new orleans has unveiled a new plan to reopen h businesses with strings attached. >> lots of strings attached. mayor latoya contralto, laura, going out of her way, refusing to relax restrictions even as the rest of louisiana begins opening up. >> we may not be in community spread much longer, but we have to continue the rate of testing and even do more when we reopen the state. >> here's what the mayor is proposing, laura. each business in new orleans will have to keep a record of who comes into their establishment. customers will have to address their records, phone numbers, and their comings and goings will be recorded. essentially everybody has to be tracked. that's what she's proposing. >> laura: no way! that sounds a lot like what the
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mayor of kansas city in missouri was proposing, right? >> right. that mayor quentin lucas. asking businesses in his city to keep customer logs as well as houses of worship, which he considers a nonessential business. he amended the policy on monday but he still saying, laura, churches can only have 10% of their capacity or ten people at the services. that at costco,at at walmart, they didn't do that in the grocery. those churches are asked to keep records of their parishioners in case of an outbreak. basically what we are talking about here is if you go to a 7-eleven in new orleans, if you go to a restaurant, you have to fill out your information or they are going to have to suck it out of your phone or maybe we should be like disney, have one of thoseha magic bands were you checking everywhere you go and they track you even when you go to the toilet. >> laura: this is like china! >> right. >> laura: this is crazy. i think i'm going to have to get
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my louisiana bar license, raymond. i will gap down might have to get the bartering go down in the pres people. all thesee businesses, if you want to survive, get together, restaurants, small business owners, sue this mayor for this outrage. that is absolutely draconian. 's ridiculous. >> we never had tracking like this during influenza outbreaks, the aids crisis. >> laura: this year was one of the worst pneumonia and influenza years we've had since 1968, one of the worst seasons. nobody talks about that anymore. i wonder why. seem to have launched a new reality sitcom over there. ♪ >> always good to see you, big
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brother. >> good to see you out of the basement. the missus did it. >> obviously harbors a deep resentment. [canned laughter] layla called me before the show and said, go easy on you. so i've been going easy on? you. speak to delilah. >>il who is that? >> from the bible. speed >> he's driving home this narrative that chris cuomo was in his basement. i know it's jokey and fun, but that proved to be a lie. the man was between us is positive out with no mask mixing and minglingng while hectoring everyone else to stay indoors. it's absurd. >> laura: its scintillating television when you compare haircuts. i love howir chris was a little slow on the uptake with the delilah reference. > what? delilah? how do you not know that?
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>> as the cuomo bro show continued, chris asked questions that really touched us. >> trump says i shouldn't come on this show because you harass me and berate me. >> do you want a pat on the ba back?>> first it's ad hominem ad hominem, at home and on... >> they should do a sitcom show because there is a policy that cuomo implemented in new york, 25% of the victims of covid are in nursing homes because he passed an executive order that said they could not refuse patients. drope the jokes, stay on the news, this is journalistic malfeasancee. >> laura: it's a little tedious at this point. the supreme course holding orall arguments. otherwise occupied, listen closely. >> what the fec said if the
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subject matter of the call range is the topic, the call is transformed. >> laura: what? >> laura, you are the clerk. was that an absolute or constructive discharge? i need to know. >> that argument was flushed right down the justice or clerks -- it had to be a justi justice! >> a could be one of the people arguing the case. but whoever it was, arguing a case, stay out of the bathroom. a good rule of thumb. thank god they were not on zoom. we might've got the visual picture. >> laura: judge ct, clarence thomas, using his voice. i like hearing that. he was in his element pure he was cool. >> ruth bader ginsburg got to hear the arguments from the
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hospital. she's out of john hopkins tonight. we wish her well. >> laura: great to see you, good night. h as always, give my best to your mayor. as a dallas judge locked up a hair salon owner for trying to feed up her kids, texas attorney general ken paxton want to release. going to tell us how he might do that next.
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reopen with 25% capacity. on may 2nd and 3rd, texas recorded its highest daily total of new coronavirus infections but health workers say it's too early for those numbers to have anything to do with lifting restrictions and it'll take weeks toil determine what impact the reopening actually had to. last week, texas governor greg abbott did tell state lawmakers "when we begin reopening there could be flareups. know that we are ready for that." this friday governor is allowing hair and nail salons to reopen which is too little, too late for shelley luther whose spending a week in jail for reopening her north dallas hair salon. district judge eric moore called luther "selfish" and if she apologize he would not send her to jail. she refused. watch. >> feeding my kids is not selfish.
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they are going hungry. >> both governor greg abbott have called for luther's immediate reach, found that out of touch that during this national pandemic, a county that released hardened criminals for fear of contracting covid-19 would jail a mother for operating her health salon in an attempt to put food on her family's table. as of now, shelley luther remains behind bars. >> laura: thanks so much. joining me now is the ever mention texas attorney general ken paxton. great to see you. you want the salon owner out of jail. how are you going to make that happen? >> it's a complicated question. we are operatingon under differt that judge, she was held in llcontempt so the governor can't actually pardon that. it's really public pressure.
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we can't get an appeal done because she is only going to be there seven days but she ought to be released immediately. we are hoping public pressures and shows like this can highlight the adjustment that's happening to this mother. >> laura: these are individuals who are trying to save their lives. when you talk about something you've devoted years to buildi building, that is there lives. it's tied to everything they dreamed of, everything they worked for, their blood, sweat, tears. i saw somebody say online that she's fighting for her life. >> you couldn't have said it any better. i have a business and youav have rent payments and all sorts of payments incurring when you can't make money and this is a woman who has children and she can operate and all she's done, she hasn't sold drugs, she hasn't hurt anybody, she hasn't killed anybody.
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and yet they are releasing prisoners in dallas and putting her in jail. >> laura: in dallas county where she was sentenced, they release about a thousand inmates. the county has led over 1370 walked free. and one of the inmates were charged in possession of other people's ids, i.d. fraud and breaking into a car. the other prisoners set free in harris county is now in charge of beating his ex-girlfriend, throwing her and hernd grandmotr to the ground. how is it these people are being set free while people just wants to put food on the table, run their businesses responsibility are being locked up? i can't believe this is america sometimes and i can't believe this is texas. >> it feels more like china and america and let alone happening in texas. this is exactly what you said. we've got rhonda manuals statement rahm emanuel statement, don't let a good crisis go to waste, they aren't
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worried about her a woman trying to do her if you want to have to say that i've been listening to a lot of the elites criticism of b job red state that they're hitting hardest year. despite the fact that texas has a relatively few covid-19 does. we don't want anyone to die to from it, but comparison to new york or new jersey, per hundred thousand, per million is one fraction florida in florida also had an exemplary record but they are just laughing at texas you are out there killing people because you go to a bar or barbecue or something? >> it's made no sense at all. we've done our best at balancing public health and saving lives but allowing some people
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semblance of their lives, how is that wrong? i literally don't get it. >> laura: we are going to be following this closely. thank you for what you are trying to do and give a voice to this at the very least. up next, what might sports look like post covid? a scary look in thehe future. bur bur without odors, stains or fuss. new ortho home defense max. bugs gone. stress gone.
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the first game was thrown by a boy literally in a bubble, he rolls his way to home plate where he gives a high-5 to the plastic to a couple of players. is that our future? he is adorable but the ball, now. shannon bream in the fox news at night team, take it all from here. >> how do you get your french fries and hotdog and everything when you are in the bubble? >> have a great show. we begin tonight with a fox news alert. a showdown in texas over a beauty salon owner now sitting behind bars because she kept her salon open saying she couldn't let her children or her employees star. tonight what dan patrick is found to pay her $7,000 fine and offered
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