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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  May 7, 2020 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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of the investigation was a questionably wide net. >> i call these people warriors, we can't keep our country closed down for years. >> they are worried, their warriors because they social distance. >> the phrase american warriors, the president bestowing the title on americans doing their part to put the pandemic behind us. >> how the mainstream media is picking a fight of this one and for those of you getting used to the perks of working at home you are not alone. >> half the country says they would do this permanently. "fox and friends first" continues right now. jillian: a good morning, you are watching "fox and friends first" on thursday morning. todd: going beyond the scope of the russia probe, newly released memo reveals bob mueller did not just have authority to
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investigate russian leaks but also to go after members of donald trump's team. >> reporter: griff jenkins has reaction from lawmakers. >> what this is is the long-awaited mostly and redacted memo released by the doj written in august of 2017 by then acting attorney general rodriguez and stein to robert mueller outlining the scope of his investigation revealing that mueller was given much broader authority than previously known to investigate a wider range of alleged crimes including, quote, any links and/or coordination between the russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of donald trump and any matters that arose or may arise from that investigation. the memo details pursuing criminal allegations against carter page, paul manafort, george papadopoulos, michael flynn and an unknown individual that is redacted, the crime involves foreign governments
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acting as an unregistered agent, failing to report contact with a former government as was making false statements to the fbi. now the chairman of the senate judiciary committee is reacting. >> the legal foundation is crumbling. i wish a democrat would take this seriously. i supported the mueller investigation because i didn't know. now i know why mueller didn't find anything. >> the transcript cleared for release show top intelligence officials, with the trump campaign and russia. house republicans sought earlier this week some 6000 pages of interviews conducted by the committee with 53 individuals. house intelligence committee and adam schiff is in, quote, panic mode with questions over previous statements of direct
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evidence, fox was told it is possible we could see more releases this week, perhaps as early as later today. >> donald trump praising people making sacrifices during the pandemic. rob: the white house lamp the media for undercutting their progress. several states are loosening restrictions. jillian: more economies open up nationwide. >> reporter: donald trump in announcing the coronavirus task force, no longer shifting its focus but continuing down its original path. powerful language from the president calling the virus and attack worse than pearl harbor or 9/11. >> i'm calling the nation warriors, we can't keep our country closed down for years.
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>> reporter: when asked to clarify these wartime words, kaylee mcinerney had this moment that is getting a lot of attention. >> this graph is a testament to the american people who is no exaggeration, american warriors as they follow social distancing guidelines. >> the presentation of that phrase as well, what is the thinking behind that description, putting themselves in harm's way. >> it is the opposite. they are warriors because they stay at home, because they social distance. >> reporter: a handful of states easing their restrictions, hawaii, maryland, mississippi, montana, vermont and michigan where the democrat governor was sued by republican lawmakers for extending the state of emergency, new jersey extending its emergency declaration until
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june 5th. people in massachusetts must cover their facing indoor public places and outside when social distancing cannot be properly maintained. extremely troubling new stats out of new york showing 66% of the state's new coronavirus patients were sheltering in place before seeking medical attention in hospitals. >> we thought they were taking public transportation and special precautions, but now, these people were literally at home. >> reporter: this is bill diblasio threatens for lows for layoffs of essential workers if the city does not receive federal simplest funds to build budget gaps filled by the pandemic. >> one of two americans detained speaking out on state tv, describing his alleged role in
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an attempt a coup on nicholas maduro. it is unclear if he was speaking under duress. venezuela is calling this a concession. he was detained with erin barry, us special forces, tried in a venezuelan civilian court. the us has denied any involvement in this. jordan goudreau who claimed responsibility for this failed mission is under federal investigation for arms trafficking. a lot to unpack on this story. the senate will try to override donald trump's veto of a resolution restraining his actions against iran. the senate vote is expected to fall short of the 2 thirds majority needed. approved the measure after donald trump ordered the drone strike, to get permission for further military action. >> the supreme court split over allowing employers to deny employees access to free contraceptives because of
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religious reasons. demonstration has been challenged by the state of -- joined us earlier to weigh in. >> a vital case but it is not a closed case. religious groups like little sisters of the poor serve the weakest in our community, the trump administration came up with an exemption from the obama administration's hhs contraception mandate that allows the little sisters to serve without being strong-armed by state attorneys general into violating their conscience. >> reporter: the court which would decision by late june. >> if you ever wondered what it is like in the cockpit of a fighter jet this is an inside look of a navy blue angels jet setting over parts of texas and louisiana as a flyover suits are men and women.
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>> the navy flight team has been flying over cities across the country honoring those on the coronavirus front lines. that is so cool to see that. rob: it is nauseating to be in their too. you hit those g forces and still there >> i would not do well with that. >> we will talk about the weather with janice dean. there you go. we are bummed out about the weekend forecast. >> janice: i know it is about you. remember it is my birthday. at least a text from you, my friend. let's look at it. not only are we talking big birthday, mother's day, we are breaking some records in terms of record cold temperatures, something a lot of folks will be talking about across the
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northeast, upper midwest, parts of the mid-atlantic and even dc could see some snowflakes on friday into saturday. freeze advisories for many states below freezing in parts of the ohio river valley towards the great lakes. we had a burst of snow yesterday. our next round comes friday into saturday. watch the future radar as we go further out in time, in the planes, could bring stronger storms today. there has been a push to the northeast and you see that line of snow pushing into pennsylvania and upstate new york. we will see a jackpot of many inches of snow in parts of new england, look at main upwards of perhaps a foot of snow on may 9th. this is quite incredible to see these cool temperatures and the fact that we are going to have measurable snow. forecast lows on friday, look at
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saturday, that hermas is directly from the arctic, pretty incredible, 20s and 30s more reminiscent of february and march temperatures instead of may. there is your forecast. also want to make mention it is very warm across the southwest and the self will be deal with potential for some thunderstorms across the central plains and we will watch the potential for snow on may 9th, my birthday. >> a virtual baby for you. >> i am open to anything right now. i have an open sweater. >> saturday's a big day for janice. we will do something good. >> i will be thinking about you. thank you. 10 minutes after the hour, texas's top leaders standing with a salon owner jailed in dallas. >> releasing thousands of convicted felons and for some reason they are not worried about her, a woman trying to do
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her job. >> a point there. the state attorney general outraged by this, lieutenant governor already paying her fine. >> tony katz says it is absurd pandemic or health crisis gets license to eliminating her rights, he joins us with that message. >> already nurses week on "fox and friends first" and ray wants to thank his hero, his daughter who is working at saint luke's hospital in easton, pennsylvania. >> kate wants to thank these nurses in colorado for helping keep america healthy. thank you all.
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>> he was fighting for her 18 employees, moms without jobs and what this judge did was a total disgrace. >> releasing potentially thousands of convicted felons and for some reason i'm not worried about her, a woman just trying to do her job?
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>> top leaders in texas showing support for the dallas along owner serving a 7 day jail sentence for reopening her business and slamming the judge locked her up. >> this all comes down to a conversation on liberty and he joins us to explain, the story has exploded. what do you make of it? >> there is a lot to unpack in this story, who knew that you could get arrested for wanting to make sure you are able to feed your kids and your employees were able to feed your kids. and who knew there was a part of society that thought how dare you want to feed your kids? we really have two americas, the one america that recognizes that even with a pandemic, even with a virus liberty still rains, it still matters, still valuable, the constitution doesn't go into it for because of a virus and another america that says we have a virus, we will sit home, we will where our government appointed gray garment await
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further instructions. it is one thing to want to listen tools, another thing to not recognize when those rules endanger lives in right now locked down was are endangering lives. >> is a statement from governor abbott on the situation, quote, i join the attorney general in disagree with excessive action by the dallas judge, potentially lutheran jail for 7 days, jailing texans for noncompliance with executive orders should always be the last option. surely there are less restrictive means to achieving that goal than jailing a texas mother. i've seen a number of comments online, people saying she received ppp, i have been searching high and low for details about that, i haven't found much on it but that doesn't always tell the whole story because you don't know how long people have waited for this. i know people who have waited months for this and haven't received it even though they have been approved, that doesn't always tell the story. >> the pictures i have seen i have seen her wearing a mask so what she hadn't staff had i don't have an answer.
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>> ppp. >> personal protection program. i apologize. whether or not she received that money is a secondary question. the primary question is whether or not you are allowed to open your business. if people want to start looking for the cracks initially moved their armor that is not the story. the story here is whether or not you are allowed to run your business the way you see fit in the idea that opening a business is going to get everybody killed, that is where we are. we are in a place of liberty versus you are going to kill my grandma and that is not the case. if we want to talk about unintended consequences of shutdown, canada announced 35 people died because they couldn't get surgery because elective surgeries were shutdown. now tell me about what it is we
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are doing, there are real-life consequences here and people have been very willing to just throw liberty to the side. liberty can't be thrown to the side. of fundamental a valuable thing. >> we been doing this for a while, the frustration is building up. i want your final word here. a lot of people that have power in texas are on her side. is only going to step in on this? >> i got to assume the ag or governor abbott is going to step in but the people who have to step in are the people. they are the ones who have to say we don't do this, the rational mind does not throw somebody in jail because their employees are not feeding themselves or feeding their children, doing the right thing. the people of texas, the people of america have to say we can do two things at once, we recognize the seriousness of the coronavirus but we need to be able to stay alive, there are no solutions, there are only trade-offs and sometimes you have to make hard decisions. americans were born for hard decisions and they can make this one and i have no doubt texas
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can do the same. >> the top leaders are all behind her supporting her. >> big story, thank you for the perspective. 18 minutes after the hour and american detainee admitting the character of nicholas but there was like a movie but how much stock can we take from this confession. it was aired on state television and was likely made under duress? >> dan hoffman said it was a page out of the astro's book, he joins us live.
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don't bring that mess around here, evan! whoo! don't do it. don't you dare. i don't think so! [ sighs ] it's okay, big fella. we're gonna get through this together. [ baseball bat cracks ] nice rip, robbie. ♪ raaah! when you bundle home and auto insurance through progressive, you get more than just a big discount. i'm gonna need you to leave. you get relentless protection. [ baseball bat cracks ]
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nicholas madero releasing the interrogation video of luke denman. >> one of the green berets allegedly hard to capture madero in a failed to on sunday, the white house is denying any involvement in the attack. >> dan hoffman joins us with expert insight as to what comes next. this is truly an incredible story and now the president being involved in this. what is your take away here? >> it is indeed absolutely bizarre interrogation that took place yesterday. venezuelan state tv is not exactly known for its accuracy, objectivity and independence. it is a tool of president nicholas madero and he is using our captured former special forces soldiers as a propaganda tool right now and there's no evidence that they were at all linked with the us government but madero would like to portray them as such because he wants to brand his opposition, legitimate
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opposition has us puppets. >> you say this is a page out of castro's book. can you elaborate on that? >> far from being any elaborate crew attempt against madero, reportedly an effort by this roughly 60 venezuelans in two us special forces soldiers to take the airport and capture madero, very small incursion and what madero understands if he portrays it as something larger than he will whip up popular support, he knows he has been guilty of fraudulent elections and massive human rights violations in a country suffering from low oil prices and he believes this will give them a chance to direct the eye or of his population outward against the united states rather than where it should be directed which is against him. >> the interview claims the
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president hired them to do this thing. is mike pompeo responding to the idea the us was involved in this. >> there was no us government direct involvement in this operation. if we would have been involved it would have gone to family. the mother regime decides to hold them we will use every tool we have available to get them back. >> if we had been involved it would have gone differently. who came up with this scheme? the alternative the government? is this? >> there is no evidence this has led to guiaido but one who owns a security company in florida, he reportedly put himself under investigation for arms trafficking. i am sure the fbi is investigating and talking to him in learning all the details but he has admitted to being the ringleader of this fiasco and i applaud secretary pompeo for all he is going to try to do to get
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our us citizens out of time's way but remember there are executives in venezuela being detained unlawfully, we don't have dramatic relations with venezuela, they were broken after madero's fraudulent election. that will make it more difficult for us. we don't have the leverage we would like to have. rob: venezuela needs money. does come down to a ransom situation? >> our official policy is not to pay money and for hostages which you will see the united states gathering all the facts and finding a way to engage with venezuela but this will be a challenge as it is with hostages held in other places like iran and korea. jillian: you have to keep family in the background.
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thanks for joining us. it is 26 after the hour. china blocking an international probe into the origins of the pandemic. we are with mike pompeo vowing to hold them accountable. rob: a lot of americans getting comfortable working from home, this pricing number who would take a pay cut to keep working there.
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your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. >> welcome back, china refuses to allow an international investigation into how coronavirus started demanding the us prove the virus began in its wuhan lab. rob: mike pompeo accuses beijing of withholding vital information. >> reporter: the chinese government continues to deny access for international investigators to visit that lab where some believe the covid-19 outbreak began.
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beijing ambassador to the united nations said that once a final victory is declared of the coronavirus access may be granted. tensions remain high between the united states and china as the trump administration double down this week claiming the chinese are hiding information. mike pompeo said during a briefing yesterday that china has an obligation to open up and be transferred. the spokeswoman responded overnight. >> translator: we urge the us to stop spreading false information, stop misleading the international community. >> site continues to deny early coronavirus missteps there is significant evidence according to the intelligence network of censorship and destruction of evidence, speaking this week with fox news senator rick photo pledged to hold sign in the world health organization accountable for their actions, shifting gears, one of the story are following out of the middle east fox news is learned iran is responsible for a cyber attack
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that took place late this month against israeli water infrastructure, sources telling fox news american servers were used to carry out the attack. the us department of energy is responsible for us cyber infrastructure, the senior official telling fox news that it was very important to focus on the fact the united states continues to push back against malicious cyberactivity when it comes to attacks against the united states and its allies, the official declined to comment on the specifics of the story calling it an ongoing investigation. >> more to come on this. >> face covers will be required at one of america's busiest airports. >> shaka sony from foxbusiness joins us live as the tsa could move in that direction. >> good morning to both of you. los angeles international will require all travelers to wear face masks starting next monday. mayor eric garcetti made the announcement after public health officials outline how shelter in
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place orders would ease there. major airline to begin to require passengers to wear these masks and the tsa is reportedly considering a nationwide policy for all agents to wear masks at all of the nation's airports, we will keep you posted, new tsa documents obtained by foxbusiness show the tsa received 1.3 million in 95 masss from customs and border protection despite guidance the mask is not required, the tsa had no plans to go to the masks for healthcare workers despite a mass shortage, the information obtained with from a whistleblower complaint charles bill cobb said he pleaded with tsa to donate the masks to frontline healthcare workers but to no avail. rob: frontier airlines seeing the light after what i thought was the dumbest idea they could have possibly come up with. >> the click a money grab.
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imagine an airline trying to get more money. frontier airlines has decided not to charge passengers extra to guarantee the empty middle seat next to them after widespread criticism. lawmakers and consumer groups up in arms after the plan was first floated. a major airline announced they were already blocking some or all free of charge to encourage social distancing. frontier ceo said we recognize the concerns that we are profiting from safety. that was not our intent. >> right! what were you trying to do! thank you for that, that story made my whole week. countless americans forced to work from home during the pandemic. a new survey shows half of them would consider a pay cut to keep doing it. >> the one pole study finds people are enjoying the perks including 52% liking the flexible schedule, 48% say it saves money, no commute, 47%
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like easy access to their kitchen, 45% like wearing whatever they want, also getting out of bed 10 seconds before your workday. >> keep sending your comments in. a willing to reduce the salary why not? might be less stressful, cost-saving travel. >> lien rights my husband is retired, being home 24/7 even if i'm working from home. jillian: i don't know how productive you could be from home. rob: i like coming in and getting something done. americans finding creative ways to keep the faith during the pandemic, drive in church services. davis says the situation shows god is in control and has a plan. jillian: the national day of prayer, we are asking you to send in photos and thank you messages to the healthcare heroes in your life fighting on
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the front lines of the pandemic. >> amanda wants to show her thanks to a nurse on the front lines of new york presbyterian hospital. jillian: a nurse at yale new haven health in connecticut, thank you all.
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>> 64 kids are hospitalized with a rare disease linked to covid-19 in new york, most children are recovering but some of them can develop a potentially deadly inflammatory syndrome. five new cases emerged in nearby new jersey, the symptoms appear to overlap with kawasaki disease which includes bloodshot eyes, rash and swelling. a new thing we are keeping an eye on. a task force is dealing with the threat of the so-called murder hornet. greg abbott instructing experts at texas a&m university to create strategies to protect people, farms and other bees from been this invasive species. he's not the only one word, the
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hornets kill honeybees, it can mean devastating losses and crop yield and honey production. jillian: it is national day of prayer and is your's observance might be needed more than ever because a record number of people say they are clinging to religion in the midst of the pandemic. our next guest made headlines last year for wearing a man of god had been on the field. joining me with his message of hope for his fellow americans is new orleans saints linebacker d' mario davis. 64% of people found strength in religious or spiritual faith during the pandemic. you are not surprised by that. where do you find your strength? >> i'm not surprised by that at all. when you think about things
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being taken away from you, things you find security in, things you find comfort in you realize you are not in control and when you realize you are not in control you start to realize who is really in control and that keeps me hopeful insane and to remember as long as god is on the throne i am going to be okay. age 28, things working together for those called, i find hope in that because it doesn't say all things will be good especially like the first time but all things work together for good. the one that is on the throne, hebrew tells us we should hold on to the hope that we profess because the one who comes to this space and so even when we are not faithful god is faithful so we can trust his promises and that is why i hope in times like
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this. jillian: the fine was eventually repealed and you raise a lot of money for local hospital in mississippi, i'm curious what healthcare workers mean to you right now. >> oh man. we are so thankful for people on the front lines taking care of everybody and they are the reason we have hope and we are definitely grateful to everyone on those front lines putting their lives on the line so we can be safe. there is not enough thanks and gratitude we can give. jillian: we can't let you go without talking football was releasing the full 2020 schedule in a 3-hour telecast today, not expecting to meet changes but there are contingency plans in place that one of those will be
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starting in october, maybe not having fans in the stand. what do you see happening and what do you think about it all? >> it is always exciting to see the schedule and this rollout. a lot of interesting things. this year is different. we don't know if we what to expect but one thing i trust is they will act responsibly and to what is in the best interests of everybody and to know that we are leaders and influencers around the nation as a dominant and important league and do that responsibly. a lot of people watching our action and we owe it to the people on the front lines to
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make sure that we act responsibly and do what is in the best interest of everybody. jillian: a lot of people myself included craving football. i know your too. we will watch to see when details become available. thank you for joining us with the message of hope. have a good day. rob: let's check in with steve doocy for what is coming up on "fox and friends". >> we are submitting mother's day with jillian and her family and a little bit. coming up with china facing intense scrutiny, congressman michael walsh says we need to direct our attention to how they are, quote, infiltrating america's hire education. he will join us to explain. congressman dan crenshaw sounds
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off on the texas salon owner who got jail time for reopening her business. given the choice between feeding her family or going to jail she took jail. also on deck judge andrew napolitano. joey jones, and the expression warriors, tammy bruce also with us on this thursday. a landmark hearing for the supreme court over obamacare's contraceptives mandate. we we hear from one of the original plaintiffs in the case, the little sisters of the poor, on what this means for religious liberty. and 8-year-old making it his message to deliver care packages to veterans in retirement homes of healthcare heroes who are taking care of them. we have a busy 3-hour stick got 14 minutes from now on the channel you trust on your morning news, back in just a couple with more "fox and friends first". 49...50!
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watch your favorites from anywhere in the house with the xfinity stream app. free with your xfinity service. now any room can be a tv room. stream live tv, on demand shows and movies, even your dvr recordings. download the xfinity stream app today to stream the entertainment you love.
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jillian: highlighting he rose, a proclamation to honor america's nurses. >> running into those hospitals. america's nurses waging a heroic war against the invisible enemy, they are saving lives. rob: a nurse practitioner from kentucky who left her family after being furloughed to respond to the crisis in new york. jillian: thank you for joining us.
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what are you doing with on a daily basis? >> in new york i am back at home. it was very busy and chaotic, leaving on saturday. rob: you were right in the thick of it as somebody on the front lines. give us details of that experience. >> it was very chaotic, the hospital i was at, you could hear codes going off, 10 to 12 of those a day. in the icu i was in, a huge icu, people everywhere, doctors,
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nurses, respiratory therapists, your used to just one patient in an icu bed but because there were so many patients we had two patients in a room sedated and on a ventilator, alarms, people everywhere, it is not what i am used to seeing. jillian: i'm sure this takes a toll mentally. have you felt the love from the country for our front-line workers? >> more than ever. i'm in our how much respect and admiration the country has a well-deserved for every front-line hero. everyone who walks into the hospital, the paramedics, gives me goosebumps when you go outside, applauding for 3 or 4 minutes.
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>> what they do every night at 7:00, it is fantastic. you are back home in kentucky. the family had a tough time, the family didn't want you to go. >> they were okay with it. my son broke his wrist two days after i left and we had to put down our dog of 13 years from an unexpected cancer diagnosis. the first week was rough to be away but i couldn't get home fast enough to be with the dog, the sun didn't need surgery so i stuck it through, we face time every day and got through it. jillian: we thank you so much.
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>> that is wonderful, thank you. we will be right back. .
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rob: welcome back. safety a vo cats waiving red flags where teenagers can get their driver's license without ever taking a road test. jillian: carley shimkus here with reaction. carley: with wisconsin becoming the second state after georgia
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to waive the road test requirement for people trying to get a driver's license. starting may 11th, patients of 16 and 17-year-olds can simply sign a waiver confirming that their child has completed 30 hours of supervised interest driving. as for folks 18 and older, well, they can simply vouch for themselves. the wisconsin dmv says in a statement nearly 98% of drivers pass the road test on the first or second try. this tells us the training is effective. we feel parents are in an excellent position to assess thirteen's readiness for independent driving. but the national safety council called the move short-sighted and dangerous. a lot of folks on social media agree. cindy tweets this seems unwise and mick chiming in saying i won't be driving in wisconsin. meantime georgia became the first state to make this controversial decision and has already given out nearly 20,000 licenses without road tests. wow.
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jillian: okay. aoc says that basically we should be treated like we are in school. take a listen to this. >> we are able to use those to elevate the general consciousness, then what we do every time we add a small layer is kind of like when you go to class or when you go to school. >> so new york congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez says we should change the nation's slowly by schooling americans and some folks felt like she was talking down to them. well aoc doesn't hide what she thinks of her constituents and theresa says we are not in school and will never be socialists. but i think the larger point here for relating us back to the coronavirus pandemic. many of us think time to create fundamental change. hillary clinton calling it a terrible crisis to waste. and aoc talking about her tactic to overhaul how this country is run in a slow fashion. rob: ease into it, i guess. and here is a moment.
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supreme court now via conference call. not so esteemed when there is a toilet flushing. take a listen to this. >> and what the ftc has said. [flush] >> topic, then the call is transformed. carley: kid in me. another example of working from home gone wrong. supreme court made history this week by holding oral arguments this time over the phone. as you heard the distinct sound of a toilet flush could be heard in the background leading to laughs online al writes odor in the court. another personal says i hope this is written into the transcript. yadda, yadda, yadda. sound of toilet flushing; i can't, .the interesting thing hs that the attorney who was talking at the time was making an argument for the right to robo call, which i'm sure a lot of people think san argument
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could be flushed down the toilet. rob: charlie from the top deck. what a way to beautifully wrap up the show. jillian: thank you everyone. have a good day. steve: good morning, it is thursday, may 7th, 2020. we start this show today with a fox news alert. a once classified memo now raising questions over the handling of the russia probe. brian: yup, it reveals former special counsel robert mueller had more authority than previously thought. will. ainsley: griff jenkins constituency with a look who was targeted on the team. griff: here is what we are seeing for the first time a mostly unredacted memo released by the justice department. it was written in august of 2017 by then acting attorney general rod rosenstein outlining the scope


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