tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News May 7, 2020 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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>> sean: mother's day is sunday, that book is coming out soon, let not your heart be troubled, laura has chris christie on tonight. >> laura: this has been a wild day, abuse of power all the way around. finally, we are beginning, slowly, to get justice, although very delayed and a lot of pain and suffering along the way, it's actually outrageous. speak to people's lives were ruined, the attorney general to his credit is looking to apply the law, what they did here is corrupt, and abuse of power and disgrace. >> laura: were going to pick that up when you left off.
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i'm laura ingraham, this is the ingraham angle. today wasn't a very good day for abusive and reckless obama reckless obama justice department officials, it started this morning when the supreme court unanimously overturned the ridiculous bridge gate conviction and that was followed up this afternoon when the department of justice prosecutors decided to withdraw their case against general michael flynn. a huge win for a man who was a victim of a brazen entrapment attempt by a rogue fbi under the sleazy jim comey. these two cases had one thing in common, political score settling that was masquerading as legitimate legal action. one man had a front row seat to both of these miscarriages of justice, former new jersey governor chris christie. he will be here as our exclusive guest in just a bit. but first, the relentless abuse
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of power, that's the focus of tonight's angle. today's doj announcement that it was dropping mike flynn's prosecution is fantastic news come a long overdue. where does general flynn go to get the past three years back or the millions of dollars he lost defending himself, or the pain and suffering it because him and his family? as happy as i am for him and i'm happy, i'm utterly disgusted this could have ever happened to a decorated war vet come at any american who just wanted to serve his government one more time as national security advisor. what they did to flynn is what you get for working for a government that the democrats don't like. what they did to flynn is merely a part of a focal year continu
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continuum, that would benefit all of us by the way. they saw his victory, in 2016 as a sin for which trump and his supporters must be punished and their credo is rule or ruin. we will either rule the country or we will ruin it. and they have worked overtime to accomplish the latter. tonight we are naming names, members of an abuse of power hall of shame. these stories can't be understood in isolation, they are all evidence of a deeply undemocratic strain that is becoming a cancer on the democratic party metastasizing throughout the entire body politic. before the fbi's effort to entrap flynn, the obama intel chief and the obama doj and fbi put in motion the russian collusion investigation.
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they abused their power against low-level aides like george papadopoulos. they abuse their power in filing at pfizer applications to survey all carter page. and they abuse their power in the lying on a russian dossier funded by the clinton campaign even when they could not verify its claims. fbi director comey abused his power, and the entire flynn saga as well. so an acting attorney general sally gates who allowed an interview with the president's new nsa chief to go forward and of course there was the cricket fbi agent peter strzok and his insurance policy that he mentioned to his lovebird lisa page. they went after him on a pretext, they already knew he had spoken with the russian ambassador because they had the call transcript but they set up this interview in hopes that he would step into a perjury trap. one former fbi head of intel
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noted before the flynn meeting revealed last week, they showed just that. this was the only justice that could have been handed down. here now, a man who was with flynn from the campaign to transition and who sat face-to-face with mueller, rudy giuliani. today seemed to signify the real beginning of the unraveling of the deep state as we know it, do you agree? >> i believe it's a very important day. justice has been done for a man who has been treated totally unjustifiable way. this is a man that the obama administration was out to get from the time that he wouldn't light for them and it had something to do with him and it had something to do with the fact that they knew they were trying to frame trump and they didn't want to flynn in the way, they wanted him out because they thought he was the only one that would understand their tricks.
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call me was saying he wouldn't have tried this on a more experienced administration and they wanted flynn out of the way because they knew they were going to carry out strzok's insurance policy to remove illegally a sitting president of the united states. these people are terrible people, it's one of the worst thing that's happened and they should be prosecuted for conspiracy. >> laura: documents released revealed, something very interesting. obama knew all the details of the wiretap to flynn and sergey kislyak. this wasn't surprising. remember when they said he had to be kept in the loop, remember that memo?
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>> you're not surprised, are you? i'm not surprised. >> laura: i'm not. >> flynn outed obama years before when obama wanted him to lie about isis. flynn knew where the bodies were buried. he was a dangerous man and it isn't just to get trump, it's to facilitate their attempts to get him, they wanted flynn out of the way. they have accepted it before, on the ridiculous foreign agents registration act case and they held onto the case, they held onto the case, they never really prosecuted it because they achieved their objective by leaking it. but then when mueller came in and he had weissmann around who would prosecute a little baby or anything if they had to do with trump, that was probably the stupidest thing they did. they had achieved their
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objective when they got him fired. >> laura: here is how adam schiff responded to the doj dropping the case. >> we lost 50 years worth of ground and solidifying the independence of the justice department after watergate, this is back in the category of an emerging democracy where the rule of law is not yet firmly established were prosecutorial decisions are made on the basis of politics. it gets back to the rudy giuliani truth isn't truth, kellyanne conway entitled to alternate facts world that donald trump lives in. >> laura: since one has adam schiff been concerned about the truth? >> i think adam schiff is part of the conspiracy to unseat a lawfully elected president. lighting for two years, misrepresenting he had material evidence which he didn't have, we take a good look at that
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whistle-blower, it's going to take you right back to the beginning. you know that. adam schiff has been involved in this from the beginning and some of them are easy. comey and strzok and page, possibly clapper and brennan but did it go as high as obama and can you get shift? those of the two big questions. i think he's been a part of this since the beginning. >> laura: thank you so much, great to see you tonight. >> he's a complete sleazebag. >> laura: from jerry nadler to adam schiff to jim comey, the common refrain from the resistance is the real corruption is within bill barr's doj. why are they deflecting? three years of work has now completely fallen apart and the rule of law actually matters again. >> when the special counsel report was released last year, you are accused by critics of putting your thumb on the scale in the president's favor, are you doing the president's bidding in general flynn's case?
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>> i want to make sure that we restore confidence in the system, there's only one standard of justice. a partisan feelings are so strong, people of lost in a sense of justice. >> laura: joining me now is sol wisenberg and john eastman, former supreme court clerk. it's not really a surprise that people are losing confidence in the justice system. what happened over the course of four years, all the things i laid out could have actually happened in the united states of america. >> i've been on your show many times and i've never hesitated to criticize president trump when i felt he deserved it but i'll tell you something, there's one thing that he has repeatedly said and boy is it true -- what
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happened to me should never happen again to any other president or presidential candidate. you have to divorce your feelings about president trump from your feelings about the rule of law and what should be done. bill barr is an absolute hero. i can't think of any other attorney general who basically had the guts and the fortitude and the independence to do what he did. they ought to put out a new version of profiles encourage and add a chapter about him to it. >> laura: kamala harris, of course former doj official, she decided to speak out today -- this is what she said. >> the president has his attorney general, the hand of the president doing his political work, his personal bidding. we have to make sure -- hold
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down the fort in spite of the fact that there is an attorney general of the united states who is disrupting in america. >> laura: she's auditioning for the biden vp slot, right? >> i don't think she's going to get it but the notion that bill barr in repealing this ridiculous claim against the general flynn -- we don't have any indictments yet. what happened here is one of the greatest political travesties in american history and we don't have an indictment yet of any of the folks that were part of this conspiracy. both before the election of president trump and then to topple him once he's elected to. hiding information from him, targeting his top lieutenants for false claims, putting unbelievable pressure on them with threats against family members, why is it that the whole lot of these folks, rosenstein, mccabe, and comey
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are not under indictment? this is a conspiracy. they each breached numerous ethical by lying to the courts, by submitting false evidence could buy by not handing over brady material to flynn's staff and none of them have had anything done to them. >> laura: i know the president has made it very clear, he's frustrated. it seems like there have been myriad abuses and his abuse of power and trust -- these are abuses. they have ruined lives, destroyed -- we only mentioned a little sliver of the people whose lives have been ruined through mueller investigation and what happened with papadopoulos, all the way up to today with general flynn, what happened to him.
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these people go on and speak at colleges and universities, they get awards and kamala harris says bill barr is the problem. >> abuse of power is not the same thing, this is something conservatives have to learn, abuse of power is not the same thing as a violation of the federal criminal statute, those are hard to prove. ag barr has made this clear, if they have the evidence, they should be prosecuted. let's take a look at what jim comey did on the narrow issue of the flynn investigation, in particular of the incredibly sleazy questioning of flynn at the white house four days after he was installed as national security advisor, it was all engineered by jim comey. it's one of the grossest abuses of power by an fbi director in history, and yet that in and of
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itself, sending agents over under the guise of the logan act is not a crime based on anything i can see. >> laura: your reaction to that. is that a fair point? how are you going to prove conspiracy? >> you've got several things they have done that violates federal law and court rules. submitting false evidence that the court, bringing a false prosecution in order to get somebody to turn and lie against another target of your investigation, those are all criminal acts and they are violations of due process, and therefore violation of constitutional rights and that violates the statute against conspiracy, that's section 241 of title 18. each of them had ethical obligations as well. at the very least, they ought to be sanctioned by the courts,
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section 3.3, section 8.4 our demonstrably violated here and i hope that judge sullivan take some action. >> prove it. >> it's already before us, we have the evidence. >> no you don't, wait a second. you throughout eight or nine names, if you're going to cite somebody for a crime, give me the person to give me the crime, give me the ethical violation and connect that person to it. i get it, you're not allowed to lie to a court by cementing a false affidavit but yo who did that? it's hard to prove. >> we have kevin kleinsmith -- >> i'm with you on that. >> laura: may be saul will think their licenses will be momentarily jeopardized. he knows how hard it is to do
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this. great to see you both, great conversation. the flynn saga was a case study in media groupthink and a decorated general had to be a russian asset, he had to be lying to the fbi and why would he? because he worked for trump of course. >> it's safe to say that flynn has some serious criminal liability. answer: mike flynn is in significant legal jeopardy of criminal prosecution. >> lying to the fbi is a crime but the greater crime is treas treason. >> michael flynn was betraying his country, michael flynn was betraying his office. >> laura: "the wall street journal"'s kim strassel is somebody who follow the story from the outset and also recognized this case from the very beginning, it is striking how the goals of the obama doj, much of the media
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seem to be in perfect lockstep against flynn. >> you're seeing it even today, it is remarkable. even though we have this incredibly substantive doj filing explaining exactly what was violated and why they withdrew their case against michael flynn, you had all of these commentators saying you know what? he lied. he said he lied in his plea deal. these are the same people in any other circumstances would be saying "wow, all of those strong arm of the doj uses to get people to play guilty when they haven't done anything wrong." it's a complete double standard, they are closing their eyes to it and they have done despite amazing evidence from the beginning of this. >> laura: i was thinking about what would happen heaven forbid if joe biden were to win in november, if he's the nominee, if he wins, this whole group is
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coming back. this entire cast of characters or their alter egos are all going to be back in power and they aren't going to be checked by an aggressive media except for us, they aren't going to be checked, there's not going to be any check on them. i think people have the digestive that for a moment given what we've learned about flynn and papadopoulos and everything else that happened, this is the kind of person who will be running the justice department. it will be retribution and payback time. >> you have just made to me the single biggest? in this election, the single thing that people should care about most. what we learn from the last administration as they had no problem, the arms of law enforcement, the prosecutors, the people charged with distributing equal and fair and blind justice in this
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country abusing and warping those tools to go after political opponents. what we are seeing, we were talking earlier about the criticism of bill barr -- one thing that has been forgotten and is important is that bill barr may have ordered the review of this case, he may have agreed with recommendations but the guy who made the call was u.s. attorney jeff jensen who spent ten years at the fbi and ten years as a career prosecutor. they cannot claim he was engaged in politics in this, that's ludicrous and they have no pro proof. what bar is attempting to do is restore the rule of law. if that gets short-circuited by the biden election and the return of this crew, i don't know how we come back from that if we establish that as a precedent and something that is allowed to. >> laura: they are already talking about going after flynn again if biden wins. they are talking about going after people like flynn and others working in the administration, they're going to go after trump if he loses. this is what they are going to
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do, it's payback and retribution, that's all it is and you have done phenomenal reporting from the beginning. >> one thing i would point out too is it's not just that the fbi should never have gone after flynn but i want to keep throwing out there what the heck was bob mueller doing? we now know he was in possession of all of this information and he knew that the doj had declined to go after flynn on crazy logan act charges, he knew the circumstances of this interview and he did it anyway. i think we need to be reviewing his probe as well because this didn't end when the fbi handed off to him, it was just an extension of what the fbi was doing. >> laura: all of them conceded that they hadn't seen any evidence of this collusion yet they kept going from the top on down, they kept going. phenomenal reporting on this.
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between the supreme court throwing out the bridge gate conviction to the flynn dismissal, the only person who had a front row seat to both joins us in moments -- you don't want to miss it. doctor bob, what should i take for back pain? before you take anything, i recommend applying topical relievers first. salonpas lidocaine patch blocks pain receptors for effective, non-addictive relief. salonpas lidocaine. patch, roll-on or cream. hisamitsu.
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♪ >> laura: for three years, remember the infamous bridge gate scandal? it consumed the airwaves that msnbc and cnn. the case centered on two allies of former new jersey governor chris christie and their plan to strangle traffic on the george washington bridge as a form of political payback. the obama doj became involved in sought conviction on federal statutes that guess what?
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didn't really exist. they were convicted in 2017, sentenced to 14 and 18 months in prison respectively. today after this injustice has hung in the air for nearly three years, the supreme court unanimously tossed the convictions. in addition to the ridiculously egregious miscarriage of justice, there was a tinge of political retribution. the obama doj's actions -- some argued that the trial and its aftermath dramatically alter the course of u.s. history as it severely damaged christie's political ambitions at the time. here to respond to that is former new jersey governor and 2016 presidential candidate himself, chris christie. it's fantastic to see you tonight. your biggest takeaway from this unanimous ruling given all of the abuse of power from the justice department and outlying prosecutors that we've seen since trump first came down the escalator.
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>> this was the politically appointed u.s. attorney for new jersey by the obama administration who from the time he got into office and i was elected governor one month thereafter was looking for a way to go out and get us. he was told by many members of the bar that the case he was pursuing had no basis in law and he didn't get one supreme court justice to support his interpretation of the law. he invented charges, he dragged our administration about six and a half years since its investigation started and it was filled with leaks and improper activity and charged with secret deals between the lawyers in u.s. attorney personally. it's not over yet, i think we have to look at what happened
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not only with general flynn but also with this case. >> laura: we laid this out at the beginning of the show and it started with what happened with carter page with papadopoulos, you have to go back with what patrick fitzgerald did and all these people because they were conservative or aligned with conservatism in some way, you obviously had an unbelievably powerful political career, it erodes the public's confidence that lady justice is going to wait the case without bias and without concern for political parties but that isn't what it looks like right now. >> it isn't. it is political partisanship and personal vindictiveness which is what brought them to bring this case.
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no one thought this case outside of paul fishman, the very few people inside his office but that any merit to it at all as a federal charge, there were no crimes committed by these people and the fact of the matter is what he did was an attempt -- and remember where we were at the time. when he opened his investigation i was the front runner for the republican nomination for president and was out pulling hillary clinton and had just won in a blue state with 61% of the vote. he is a politically ambitious guy who wanted a high position in the next clinton administration and the best way to do that would be to take out her number one opponent at the time. the politics of this week and let me tell you how bad this was, if it brings ruth bader ginsburg and sam alito together on a case that shows you how bad it was. >> laura: everyone has to remember that governor christie is also a former u.s. attorney and he knows what he's talking
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about here. fishman responded to your comments, he said it's stunning but perhaps not surprising that chris christie's response is to concoct accusations of political ambition, partisanship and personal vindictiveness, the job of federal prosecutors is to investigate and prosecute that kind of wrong doing and to prosecute when appropriate. i did my job and my colleagues did there is. >> nine supreme court justices said it wasn't appropriate what he did, they dismissed it and it was a 13 page opinion. they gave him the back of their hand. they said the law was settled and everyone should have known what the law was and he did it anyway. here's the bigger thing, it's not just me. he dragged dozens and dozens of public servants who were working for me at the time through the grand jury, it cost money for
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lawyers, all for absolutely nothing, all to do what he wanted to do which was to hurt me and ingratiate himself with the clintons and the obama's. it's outrageous, i had that job for seven years and never saw anything like this, it shouldn't be. >> laura: you know how that rolls, i got to get your thoughts on flynn. part of a continuum of an abuse of power. what happened to michael flynn, all of the millions of dollars he had to spend in legal fees, all the carnage along the way for his associates and friends and of course the trump administration as well. thoughts on jim comey and the whole gang over there. >> the comey fbi was a complete disgrace and you can see it in any number of examples. jim put himself and his own personal feelings, his own prejudices, his own biases ahead of what he swore an oath to do and i've known him for a long time, we work together and we
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were both u.s. attorneys together, that was not the guy i knew back then. he became a very different person and what he did during his time as fbi director is a disgrace. guess what, because we do still have a great justice system, it eventually comes out in the wash. bill barr did what he needed to do today and quite frankly the united states supreme court did with the justice department should have done in our case. both are awful and both are an example of those politics inside justice. my old boss john ashcroft would have never permitted in a million years. >> laura: we have a real attorney general now, not hold her, not loretta lynch, not janet reno, we have a real attorney general who is doing his job and he is a hero in all of this. governor christie, congratulations and i'm sorry that all of them had to go through this. thanks for joining us tonight.
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>> thank you as well and thanks for giving me the chance to come out here and exonerate my team. >> laura: up next, a tale of two states. the media said florida's covid outbreak would be worth the new york's, why didn't that happen? governor ron desantis is here to tell us next. i recommend nature made vitamins... because i trust their quality they were the first to have a vitamin verified by usp... independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards nature made, the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand
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they were warning us that florida under the leadership of governor ron desantis was a ticking time bomb for viral spread to. >> people are going to die because of decisions that were made by ron desantis in florida. >> were already seeing states like louisiana and florida and indiana, they start to have surges in cases. >> the decision was reckless, it is a big gamble. >> laura: that ticking time bomb never went off. it's go through the stats. florida currently has five times fewer covid hospitalizations per 100,000 then new york. they also have 18 fold lower death rate, we were warned the virus would tear through florida's nursing homes and retirement communities, including at the villages but what actually happened? dozens of residents initially tested positive, the villages currently has zero. zero coronavirus patience in its
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hospitals. meanwhile in new york, the cuomo administration is ordering nursing homes to readmit covid positive residents and the results have been absolutely horrifying with more than 4800 dead. it remember all that fearmongering over floridians heading to the beach, how dare they go to the beach? at least one liberal columnist girlishly tweeting and deleting this is a good way to thin the ranks of trump supporter's. that turned out to be wrong too, two florida counties that kept beaches open have only seen a fraction of hospitalizations and deaths were adjusted for population and that's all it w was. this isn't surprising given the latest science that shows sunlight may be effective at killing covid. studies show that viral transmission rarely occurs outdoors. yesterday, cuomo was forced to
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admit the real super-spreader, people who were locked down. >> 66% of the people were at home which is shocking to us, this is a surprise. overwhelmingly, the people were at home. we thought maybe they were taking public transportation and we've taken special precautions on public transportation, but actually know because these people were literally at home. >> laura: despite locking down later than new york and allowing their citizens a lot more freedom, florida has yet to see the epidemic the experts all promised would come. joining me now, i'm so happy he's here -- florida governor ron desantis. those dire predictions have not come true. you guys must be lucky, can't be any of the approaches you've taken along the way, your thoughts.
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>> we focused on where the greatest risk was and that was to our elderly population but particularly our elderly in long-term care facilities. we acted very early to suspend visitation there, to make sure all the staff were screened before they went in there. we have required the wearing of ppe and have now sent out 10 million masks just to long term care facilities in the state of florida. i now have 50 national guard strike teams that go around the nursing homes and do testing and we just started -- we have a mobile lab but that has a rapid test lab on it, that's also going to nursing homes. you can get the results back in 45 minutes. if you look at the numbers come overwhelmingly that is where the fatalities are occurring. people 65 and up and 75 and up in florida, 60% of the deaths
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are 65 and up, let's devote resources to help those folks who are the most vulnerable. we did that in florida and some of the other states we've seen did not do that, they took their eye off the ball. >> laura: governor desantis, what have you discovered if anything about those spring breakers who were on the beach, there was endless commentary about how awful they were and they were selfish, terrible, rotten people, could you track any spike in the area or any increased transmission? what happened there? >> we have virtually no evidence of any outdoor transmissions leading to outbreaks at a beach or a golf course, fishing, anything that florida is known for. the transmissions typically occurred in a closed environment when you have repeated contact with someone such as in the ho home. our policy was never to try to drive people indoors. we had a golf course is open, we had a number of places with
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beaches open, we encourage fishing and running and we wanted to take advantage of our climate. i was criticized for that but i think if you look at the record, clearly you didn't see an outbreak. everyone was so upset about clearwater beach, i grew up about 15 minutes from there, if you look at the numbers they've had relatively few cases for having a million people. a lot of this is narrative, a lot of this is based off partisanship in the media, but it has not been borne out. you mentioned jacksonville beaches, they had a spasm in mid-april, they were reopening beaches but if you look since then, icu admissions have fallen off a cliff. hospital admissions down sharply. ventilator use down sharply. three weeks later, if this was going to lead to the apocalypse, why are we seeing all the indicators go down instead of up? >> laura: this is how governor cuomo is responding to concerns about the economy,
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watch. >> this is not a situation where you can go to the american people and to say how many lives are you willing to lose to reopen the economy? we don't want to lose any lives. you start to hear to me what our absurd arguments. >> laura: your response, you're either callous or you just want to keep people shut in. >> what i would say is focus on where the risk is. we've done that in florida with what we've done in long-term care facilities. that does not require the economy to be shut down at all. obviously a lot of states that have had way worse outcomes than florida, they did a harsh shut down but they didn't do things to protect the long-term care facilities. some of them were forcing sick seniors to go in there and that was infecting other people, i think it's a false choice.
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i think you can absolutely do both. >> laura: i hope all the beaches are open in florida. people need to be outside and enjoy the outdoors and enjoy the beautiful state of florida. we wish you all the best. the country is suffering and the economy is suffering but keep up the great work. coming up, samaritan's purse rushed to provide medical help that new york needed when their state became the epicenter of the united states but what the group got in return was a slap in the face -- the reverend franklin graham is here to tell us next. they're our parents... our brothers and sisters. and our children. but now, they are more than that. they are forever our heroes, too. at prudential, we're fortunate to know and serve them. and we're grateful to the heroic men and women working on the front line to move our nation forward.
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come in and help fight covid and many answered that call including samaritan's purse. they set up a field hospital in central park to try to alleviate pressure on new york's health system. how did governor cuomo return the favor? by demanding those workers pay taxes on income earned their while volunteering in the state. if that wasn't bad enough, new york city council speaker cory johnson launched a vile attack again samaritan's purse tweeting "their continued presence here is an affront to our values and it's painful for all new yorkers who care deeply about the lgbtq community." here to respond, franklin graham, president of samaritan's purse. i guess the old adage is true, no good deed goes unpunished. let's hit the workers and your workers and they are now being
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forced to pay new york income tax, and my siding that correctly? >> yes, you are. when we went to new york, we were asked to come by mount sinai and fema, we set up a hospital across the street on fifth avenue. we've had over 160 people at any one time working in the city. we treated 333 people in the course of five weeks. samaritan's purse pays the bills for our employees, so we eat it and these doctors and nurses agree to come at a certain price and after they got there, they found out they had to pay tax on what we were paying them. we are a nonprofit organization so we had to gross up there pay to cover their taxes.
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when we went to new york, we went to save lives, we weren't there for money, the state of new york hasn't given us a dime, the federal government -- this is all done by god's people who provide the money to samaritan's purse to do this and we had to do it all over again we would do it exactly the same way. we are just grateful for the opportunity to serve the people of new york and be able to do it in jesus' name. i want everyone to new york to know god loves them and jesus christ died on the cross for their sins and god raised him to life and he can come into each and every heart and change their life and make a difference today. this is what we do, we help people and we don't look back over our shoulder and have regrets, we move forward. we will take the tents to another location, we will keep moving. >> laura: this is what the protesters -- this is stunning, this is what they had to say about your charitable work, watch.
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>> the mayor, governor and mount sinai hospital brought a dangerous bigot to the city. >> how and why franklin graham became welcome into new york city? >> laura: didn't new york city welcome you guys into new york city? >> they did. they welcomed us and we have had so many wonderful people in new york. jimmy fallon sent us 100 cheeseburgers last week, every night, different groups have brought food to us and taken care of us and express their appreciation. we have been treated very well by the people of new york. >> laura: i think some activists, they talk about inclusion as they want to exclude charitable workers and they tax you on the way out the door. reverend graham, samaritan's purse is one of my favorite charitable organizations, if you can spare a little bit, it's an amazing group and incredible people, incredible generosity on
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this national day of prayer, thank you. >> thank you, laura, god bless. >> laura: still ahead to come, pelosi just can't find the right words again. well invested, well protected. voya. be confident to and through retirement. confident financial plans, calming financial plans, complete financial plans. they're all possible with a cfp® professional. find yours at
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words fail her. >> state local, the term is used. but the actual people who benefit are those -- health care delivery -- and security issues. >> laura: sometimes we all have to do that. you are pulling the words out of thin air. that's all the time we have tonight. shannon bream and the fabulous "fox news @ night" team take all the news from here. shannon. >> not going to lie, i do it myself sometimes, laura. >> laura: i'm like, where is it? there is a verb there somewhere. >> shannon: have a great night, thank you, laura. we start with the fox news ale alert. declassified documents shedding documents on who knew what and when and in the lead up to the russian probe of the camp. apparently surprised that president obama knew the details of tls
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