tv Hannity FOX News May 7, 2020 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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caught in the criminal justice system. >> tucker: thanks so much for that.. it would be interesting to know how the exit got shut down. now, the great sean hannity from new york. >> sean: great show as always, welcome to "hannity." we begin with a fox news alert that will take the next ten hours to give you all the news we have, we are trying to break it down as best we can. we have two breaking news stories we are tracking tonight, moments ago, we received definitive evidence that the corrupt, compromised congenitald liar, that guy that i've been telling you about, adam schiff, he has willfully been deceiving you, we the american people for years. transcripts he's been hiding from the house intel committee's witch hunt into russian interference have finally been released, thanks to the director of national intelligence.
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and attorney general william barr, documents revealing bombshell no information on what barack obama knew about deep state spying. breaking tonight, the department of justice and attorney general barr have rightly dropped all charges against lieutenant general michael flynn, that means the four your nightmare will be over and only if the presiding judge agrees with the doj's motion. flynn was we've told you for years and innocent man, he's an honorable man. a 33 year veteran who served his country with distinction butan because of his support for president trump, he like the president and many other people were subjected to years of total by a corrupt group of dirty cops to quote joe digenova.
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the first time he set it on the rsow -- that's not how we believe cops act. it was only 1%, not the rank and file. what happened to general flynn is just the tip of the iceberg. we're going to lay out a comprehensive timeline of this corruption, we will detail the very real crimes that we believe were committed by these few high-ranking bad actors, we'll call out what is the media mob, the acting cheerleaders for government malfeasance. there were going after phony stories like russia collusion and ukraine quid pro quo, ignoring the dirty dossier, disinformation from the get-go. they ignored you're not gettingr the million unless son millions just tomi go after donald trump. it has been a two tiered justice system. speaking out, we have part of the interview he gave earlier tonight. flynn's attorney sidney howell,
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the great one mark levin will weigh in and thank god she is free, we will have an exclusive interview with shelley luther, the salon owner that was told you apologize to the government or you're going to jail. a far left wing judge put her behind bars, slapped her with a $7,000 fine because she wanted her employees to be able to feed their kids and she refused to apologize for trying to feed her children and those who work for her -- she's a hero for standing up to that judge. we've got to address what is the foundation of this great republic. our constitution, liberty, equal justice under the law, equal application of our laws. peoplele who abuse power, people who are corrupt. the powerful use of intelligence misused, people with agendas. what was an attempt at stopping donald trump from being president and undoing an election.
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they didn't like the choice of you, we the people so they did everything in their power, a lot of corrupt things and illegal things to take donald trump down. eothey tried ever since he was elected and even before he was elected. shortly after the doj announcement, lieutenant general flynn tweeted out this video of his grandson, it reminds us that there are good people and there is hope and sometimes with good people in power, justice can and will prevail, take a look. >> the united states of america. one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> sean: maybe he can teach joe biden how to say things, he got it right. it looks like general flynn's
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grandson understands the core american principle better than some of these corrupt bad actors who try to persecute his grandfather. let's take a look at how we got here. start in early january 2017 before president trump was even sworn into office. the fbi determined flynn had done nothing wrong. comey's crossfire hurricane investigation found no evidence of collusion. thanks to a recent document discovery we learned that by january of 2017 there was no derogatory material on flynn in the fbi's file, zero in the defense intel agency files, zero derogatory material as it relates to material in the cia files and we know that by january 4th, the case against flynn was supposed to be closed. that is until the fbi leadershia on the infamous seventh floor got involved. that same day that peter strzok completed don't close out the
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case, incomes jim comey. the fourth day into the trump administration, asked what is our goal? truth, admission or to get to general flynn to lie so that then we can prosecute him and get him fired or get him fired? those words should never come out of anybody in the fbi, every the goal should be justice and the truth always, that's not a question that he should have ever the fact that he asked it and uot answers is scary. that quote quite literally is the definition of a perjury trap. in jim comey's fbi, it was all means to an end, january 24th, mr. higher loyalty superas patrt himself jim comey directed his agents to ambush general flynn at the white house and asgh he bragged about to take advantage of the chaos in the white house, something he wouldn't do in the obama or bush administration's or get away with and push aside
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all due process which would be going through the white house general counsel. in other words, he's a disreputable right-hand man, he told flynn you don't need a lawyer, that was a lie too. comey sent the men. like the t idiotic, pompous that jim comey bragged about, he bragged about the whole dirty trick on camera. think about this, does this sound like a guy that has a higher loyalty to truth, honor, law enforcement, the constitution of the united states? because to me, he is the dirty cop that joseph digenova warned us about. >> you look at this white house now and it's hard to imagine two fbi agents ending up in the same room, how did that happen? >> i sent them. something i probably wouldn't have done or gotten away with in a more organized investigation, a more organized administration, in both of those administration
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there was process. so if the fbi wanted to send agents into the white house itself to interview a senior official, you would work through the white house counsel and approval and it would be there and i thought it's early enough, ndt s just send a couple guys over. >>ys sean: you think that's funny? really? 33 veteran of this country, you don't need a lawyer, you're sending them in, you're setting him up, you're doing things he wouldn't do to anybody else, wow. jim comey was using the logan act -- 1799 law that nobody has ever been prosecuted under, ever to squeeze lieutenant general flynn. nobody ever found guilty of violating that obscure law since 1799 and get this, the agents that conducted the ambush, they didn't think that flynn was lying. we don't have the original notes that strzoky and paige were
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talking about altering later on because in search of a crime you have people like strzok and page doing the bidding, they made significant revisions to the original 302, they changed the interview notes. they set him up again. they invented the perjury trap, that's by saying you don't need a lawyer. what does our goal here, do we want him to lie or set him up so he gets prosecuted? all the while comey and mccabe and rod rosenstein, they themselves premeditated fraud on the fisa court. despite knowing full well that hillary's bought and paid for dossier, even the new york toilet paper times figured out was likely russian disinformation from the beginning. she paid for russian interference and they used itiks the basis for the fisa warrant applications. we learned an awful lot in the
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papers about that. that was the take away of carter page's civil liberties and constitutional rights. in june of 2017 well into the trump administration, they signed off on the fourth pfizer renewal. the only problem is they knew months earlier that it was useless, they had debunked it, they knewblne it wasn't true. they knew the sub source after three interviews had said that's not accurate. august 2nd 2017, you had the acting ag rod rosenstein providing robert mueller with a letter detailing the scope of the investigation. that consisted of a few dozen baseless charges and a few allegations totally unrelated to pollution. the accusations against general flynn had previously been debunked by the fbi in early january, premeditated fraud on a fisa court, they were warned before the october 2016 fisa t application. we have a newspapers andrew mccabe admitting -- he actually said i don't know if
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any of its true and he also said without it, they never would have gotten the phis application approved.d that is what guys like adam schiff have been hiding the people all this time. the probe was a political witch hunt, it a hoax, it was ae conspiracy against donald trump. this was an attempted coup to undo a duly elected president and take him down. that's why they turned the screws on flynn. i'm looking at the tweets by idiots like schiff and nadler -- the fbi didn't think he was lying. when they finally threaten to put his son in jail after he was bankrupt and after he had to sell his house and had no more money left at that point to pay the legall fees, they said they have to lock up the guy's son, where do i sign? like the great soldier he was, he dove on the sword to protect
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his family, that's not lying, that's prosecutorial misconduct. that is abuse of power, that is corruption at the highest levels. today the president referred to it as treason, take a look. >> he was targeted by the obama administration and he was targeted in order to try and take down a president and what they've done is a disgrace. i hope a lot of people are going to pay a big price. they are dishonest, crooked people,ac they are scum. they are human scum, this should never have happened in this country. the obama administration justice department was a disgrace and they got caught. very dishonest people. much more, it's treason. >> sean: what they did to general flynn, george papadopoulos, roger stone, paul manafort, it was all a means to an end based on russian lies.. they didn't care that they ruined a 33 year veteran'sn lie
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or his family's life, these bad actors, they wanted to undo your election, your, meaning we the american people at all costs. the mob and the media were all cheering it on, wrongly, every step of the way. this is the tip of the iceberg, let's take a look. >> did flynn go rogue when heve spoke to russia? >> that would be a bigger scandal than almost anything we've ever seen and any presidential administration. >> breaking news, "abc news" brian ross is reporting michael flynn promised full cooperation to the mueller team and is prepared to testify that ass a candidate donald trump directed him to make contact with the russians, yes! >> we're going to hear back to michael flynn's guilty plea, it's made it a historic day in d.c. >> the fact is michael flynnmi betrayed his country. >> michael flynn betrayed the nation.
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>> sean: michael flynn did nothing wrong, where are the apologies, where does he go to get his good name back, where does he go to get his house back? how does he get four years of his life back? those idiots in the media mob have been lying, smearing, slandering, besmirching, character assassinating everybody and anybody in their psychotic rage against donald trump, like they're doing right now, like they do every day. the washington compost, the new york toilet paper times, fake new cnn, they carried the water for all of the lies, conspiracy theories come every hoax, every bad actor, they publish every deceptive lie and leak and they lie to purposely mislead the american people every second, every minute, every hour of every day to bludgeon the president you, we the people elected. not only is it a disservice to the contrary, they too must be
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held accountable, this is dangerous what they have done here. tth they got awfully close to succeeding on a mountain of lies that they perpetrated to because they are too lazy and too corrupt to search for realal truth. all of those so called news outlets missed the vegas abuse of power they have ever had in their lifetime and they peddled conspiracy theories in the end. we on this program were searching for truth and justice, we went our own path with our ensemble team and after a long wait, this is the beginning, justice is coming. senator chuck grassley said the durum investigation into the investigators will likely result in prosecutions. jim comey, i hope you're worried tonight. your corruption has been laid bare for all to see. i will say our friend joe digenova -- my family had a lot of police officers, my mom was a prison guard, my dad was a probation officer, there were two guys in my family who made
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it to the fbi. there was a reverence for them unlike any family member. tonight, told me he sees himself as an american hero because he so delusional on twitter he's complaining about the dojgh seeking the truth and dropping its case against flynn -- the doj has lost its way. career people please stay, america needs you, the country is hungry for honest, competent leadership. he is probably asking his fellow deep stators to stick around, i don't think anybody will be taking any advice from the disgrace fired fbi director. it soon, if there's equal justice, equal application, i want to a long time ago. you have the right to remain silent and i suggest you use it. joining us now with more is general flynn's attorney, sidney powell. it's been a long time -- here's what we're learning. we are learning that mccabe, this is interesting, he knew the
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debunked dossier was needed to get some fisa applications and he had no idea if any of it was true. he said without the dirty russian dossier of hillary clinton that none of the fisa applications would have gone through. >> they all knew it was false. this was a deliberate, malevolent, concerted effort to destroy an honest man and thereby get to the president ofr the united states to destroy him. there is no doubt about it whatsoever, i would encourage people to read the actual documents themselves, the government's own report, the agent's own notes, they are all attached to the government's filing today and our filings in the last ten days or so. it's important for people to see it for themselves, the actualn evidence and the government's own handwriting and documents. >> sean: what about barack obama new -- acting ag sally gates, she was shocked. this is when susan rice in the day donald trump was
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inaugurated, went back in the white house to talk about the specific meeting and in this meeting, barack obama said he knew all about this and all the details of the call with general flynn and his soon-to-be counterpart which interestingly, rice and samantha powers admitted they talk to their counterparts before they got into office which would be a normal course of duty but sally gates talking to all the people in the meeting including vice president biden, including jim comey and others that wereki there as well. that obama knew the details of the wiretap. who would have told barack obama, i want to know what biden do and when he knew it. >> probably susan rice whoho was working for mr. brennan on the counterintelligence investigation -- we have to go back to at least august 15th
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when strzok and paige texted each other about the insurance policy they discussed, it's the very next day august 16th before the election that they open the file on general flynn. the day after that they slipped the agent into the presidential briefing and complete of trust that supposed to exist for a presidential briefing to spy on general flynn because he is there with president trump for that briefing. >> sean: marion mccord in her testimony suggested the leak of flynn came from the obama white house, the column, the infamous one that was put out, the president was informed general flynn talked to his soon-to-be counterpart, that's correct. at least in theory, the leak could have come from the white house. at least in theory, go further if you would after you discuss
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it with sally gates, we now know that obama knew about all of this. at this point in time, president obama was in the white house and we were discussing it wasn't until the incoming vice president-elect went on "face the nation" that we discussed advising the incoming white house. is this something a presidentnt would know about? i think we just lost cindy unfortunately -- tough times. we turn to tonight's other breaking news. as i speak, we've been combing through this, a lot of interviews and hundreds of pages, we are getting as many headlines as we can for you released from the house intel investigation that adam schiff has been hiding. adam schiff lied, now we have a timeline of him lying that we can share with you, he continually told the media that the investigation was producing ample evidence of collusion. for example, he said on
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march 13th that "i can certainly say with confidence there is significant evidence of collusion between the campaign and russia" according to these transcripts he's been hiding all this time, he was hearing the exact opposite. july 17th, james clapper told him "i never saw any direct empirical evidence that the trump campaign or someone in it was plotting and conspiring with the russians to meddle in the election." samantha power testified she was not in possession of any of the evidence. a susan rice said there was no smoking evidence, it gatesen herself concluded no collusion at all, that's what they were telling shift but schiff is telling the world something else. according to these documents, officials have little proof of any collusion well into the brush of probe and get this, look at december 19th 2017 justf months after signing off on the fourth renewal, andrew mccabe says we've not been able to prove the accuracy of all the information.
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he also testified he didn't know if the material was ever true. another words they committed fraud and were warned not to do it repeatedly before even the first one. they knew definitively in february 2017 that none of it was true. mccabe also testified the fbi didn't believe papadopoulos was interacting with the russians but they went after a witch hunt on him too. the biggest bombshell from the surrounds obama. joining us now from, we have john solomon, gregg jarrett, sara carter, we have a deep dive ahead of us it's going to be a long read. >> for what we can already read, the transcripts show there was no evidence of collusion that any official could testify to more than 18 months into the investigation of the fbi. most importantly, one anecdote
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that i think speaks volumes, the fbi opened up a case called operation hurricane cross fire on the allegation that somehow george papadopoulos was colluding with the russians. andrew mccabe said they knew he didn't have any russian contacts. they predicated information against a man that they knew he had no evidence of conduct, that's how bad the fbi's conduct is. >> sean: if you were too award crimes to fbi deep state actors, who would be on the list? >> it's a long list, but the three people who were surely at the top of the investigative microscope would be james comey, andrew mccabe, and peter strzok. i think there are three distinct areas that the u.s. attorney john durham and william barr are looking at, that would be lying to the fisa court, the flynn case to be sure and the overall collusion investigation, how it
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was handled by the fbi and federal prosecutors. i think we need to be reminded of what william barr said to. this was an investigation launched by the fbi without a legal basis and later used it to sabotage the following federal criminal statutes would be in play. obstruction ofof justice, perju, fraud, conspiracy to commit fraud and deprivation of rights under color of law, otherwise known as abuse of power. they are very serious about holding people accountable because barr said on our air "if people broke the law and we can establish that with the evidence, they will be prosecuted to. i think that also includes people in the obama white house, the intelligence community,,
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john brennan and others. >> sean: let me get to sarah, your all three coming back tomorrow. your take. >> this was a conspiracy not perpetrated just against the fisa court but against the american people and we know it now because we have the transcripts and everyone in the united states can read these transcripts and see what happeneded here. it was clearly a fraud against the american people and a fraud against the duly elected president of these united states and i agree with president trump, this is seditious and it's treasonous and people need to be held accountable. >> sean: you three have been amazing, all four of us are going to be reading all night, by the time we reconvene, we'll have a lot more to give you. t you three. when we come back, the left is losing it, they can't handle the truth.e donald trump jr., lindsey graham, mark levin. also, this poor woman, this salon owner, thank god she's out of jail. she will join us for exclusive
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good morning, mr. sun. good morning, blair. [ chuckles ] whoo. i'm gonna grow big and strong. yes, you are. i'm gonna get this place all clean. i'll give you a hand. and i'm gonna put lisa on crutches! wait, what? said she's gonna need crutches. she fell pretty hard. you might want to clean that up, girl. excuse us. when owning a small business gets real, progressive helps protect what you built with customizable coverage. -and i'm gonna -- -eh, eh, eh. -donny, no. -oh.
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closed, comay sent agents to the white house, they set him up and ambushed him. of course there is no bigger liar than the compromised corrupt congenital liar shift. he suggested flynn was a russian agent, he smeared an innocent man, he lied aboutup it again ad again and we now know he was being told otherwise and he still lied to. he's spreading more information on the lies tonight tweeting "this dismissal does not exonerate him but it does incriminate bill barr." it incriminate you, congressman for being one of the biggest liars to ever serve in the house of representatives. hopefully your day of reckoning for being called out will be probed also. here with reaction donald trump jr. i know none of this could have o been easy on your family, a lot of innocent people had their lives upturned including view, certainly your father, your
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sister, your brother-in-law, but then you got flynn, papadopoulos, you got manafort, and roger stone, all for nothing. >> not for nothing because adam schiff had an agenda that he wanted to run with and the media was more than happy to carry his water for him. i was there is probably the number two target that that investigation and you saw it, literally during my closed door supposed to be secret testimony, during it, during the bathroom breaks presumably adam schiff is the guy leaking to cnn. i came out of after nine and a half hours of straight testimony i look at my twitter feed and from 10:30 a.m., cnn is reporting what's going on in the room, not really what i said, adam schiff's version of what was said that.. it turns out none of those things were accurate. the big bombshells that theyif d when they finally got us, none of them ended up being true.
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it didn't stop them from running with it as though it was gospel for days, some of the things they never even corrected even though it was totally false. i'm really glad thatm i have a guy like ric grenell in the intelligence that forced adam schiff's hand. he didn't do this voluntarily, he did this because he was worried with the dni would do in releasing these things ahead of him. it would be interesting to see if adam schiff actually releases it all because he's protecting someone and i know it isn't me. >> sean: he knew that grenell would do it and he knew bill barr was seeking the truth and he couldn't hold it back any longer. it's been a rough road for you and your entire family starting with your dad, how many times did i hear you might be going to jail, jared kushner might be going to jail, that your fatherr was going to be impeached over this and now we know that he knew it was a lie. thanks for being with us. joining us now, senator lindsey graham of
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south carolina. your reaction to all this news because to me, this is a danger to the republic, a clear and present danger to the rule of law. >> the other side of the story, this is a good day for america. it shows the system eventually does work. i hate that don jr. and his family went through what they did but bill barr did the rule of law a service, grenell did the truth a service by forcing shift to -- without the dossier, there would be no warrant against carter page. my job is to try to coherently without revenge but with accountability in mind explain to the american people how the system failed, how and why and a start with the general flynn case. as soon as his case is dismissed, we will be pursuing the flynn investigation and to
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try to explain how it got so off the rails starting with offering general flynn a chance to come to the committee and tell the country what it was like to go through this. > sean: now that we know all of this and now that we know the timeline, now that we know he was told repeatedly by all of these people, i thought the attorney general's interview on cbs was amazing but now that we know that shift was repeatedly told no evidence of collusion, he would go out and tell the american people something differently. how is that possible when all of those people were underin oath d he's the one that's lying. >> i think don jr. made a goodod point, who leaked the classified interview to cnn in real time? i hope somebody will look at that and try to find out who leaked this classified information in real-time.
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this is very important. we now know from the cave without the dossier there would be no warrant against general flynn.n. one of my goals is g to build on the horowitz report. he said the russians disavowed the dossier, it was hearsay and bartok but he couldn't answer the question that the case had fallen apart, that's my job -- i'm going to try to answer that question in front of the country. >> sean: how soon? we need this yesterday. >> we are dealing with slippery characters, i'm not going to do something against the law, and talking tog people russian sources, i want to know what they say before they talk to mccabe and call me. >> sean: they knew in february 2017 it did not confer the steele dossier at all. they knew that early. we will be watching, stay tuned,
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thank you. when we come back, speaking out about the doj decision too drop charges againt flynn, also a "hannity" exclusive, thank god. a poor woman who owned a salon just out of jail, she never should have been there -- she just got out, straight ahead. ♪ should have want to brain better? unlike ordinary memory supplements neuriva has clinically proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. try neuriva for 30 days and see the difference.
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♪ >> sean: our department of justice gave the deep state a taste of honest justice, equal application of the law, proper use of the constitution. they dropped criminal charges against general flynn. we had a mountain of evidence of reasons of why we should do it, attorney general barr sat down with a former colleague, he gave his views on this development, take a look. >> a crime cannot be established here, they cannot have a basis for a counterintelligence investigation against flynn at that stage. i want to make sure that we restore confidence in the system, there's only one standard of justice. >> sean: here now author of "the new york times" best seller on freedom of the press, he also hosts on the fox news channel, i
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call him the great one mark levin. i see the attorney general is a straight up law and order guy and i don't see him having to answer the question what is our goal here -- is it tod get an admission or get up so we can prosecute or get them fired? >> i was chief of staff to another great attorney general. you know what this is? this is barack obama's blue dress. that's what? that is without the dna on it.ob let me explain what i mean. we are supposed to believe that during the obama administration, the fbi went rogue, the department of justice went rogue, the cia went rogue, the nsc went rogue, we have all these leaks in the newspapers, "the new york times" and "washington post" that anybody can read and see and barack obama didn't know anything -- poor barack obama, poor joe biden. the fact of the matter is they've never been asked about
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any role they had come any knowledge they had come a presidential briefing documents have never been made public, this is a massive cover-up of the greatest scandal in american history. we expect and we don't like it when the russians interfere with our elections and they ought to pay for it, but weth don't expet the obama administration on the democrats to interfere with our election and to send spies into the opposition party's campaign, to lie to a federal court, to fix evidence and to try and use the 25th amendment to take the president of the united states out.a that's why calling this all along a silent coup. here is obama's blue dress, why is this important? this tells us that obama knew,ll he started by saying he learned the information about flynn and his conversation with the russian ambassador, he specified he didn't want any additional information on the matter but was seeking information b about the white house should be treating flynn any differently. he does want information and what does he mean?
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we should treat flynn differently. it's assumed he means don't give him intelligenceat information,i don't think it means that at all. i think it means take out flynn. why do i say that? it's assumed he means don't give him intelligence information, i don't think it means that at all. i think it means take out flynn. why do i i say that? because we have as you know this january 20th 2017 memo, self-serving email from susan rice -- 12:15 she writes it, for 15 minutes the president of the united states has been inaugurated. first sentence, president obama began the conversation by stressing his continued commitment to ensuring every aspect of this issue is handled by the book. everyone has been focused on by the book. i'm focusing on his continuing commitment. you don't have a continued commitment if this is the first time you knew something on january 5th.
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the fact of the matter is obama has known all about this. as a former chief of staff to an attorney general, i can tell you that you're not going to go to the fisa court without letting the president of united states no. you're not going to send spies without giving the president a heads up. you're not going to mess around with a dossieres like they did without the president of the united states knowing about the dossier and the one man who is never questioned about this by any reporter any investigative organization is barack obama. i would tell the president of the united states today, this is why they attack you, in order to take attention off of obama. donald trump deserves a huge apology, a huge apology from the obama administration and from the democrats -- she'll never get it but why? he's the victim of the spying. he is the vict blue dress as i .
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they impeached donald trump over of perfectly fine phone call transcript. look at this, we have the people who sat in on that meeting, we have the acting attorney general, she doesn't know what obama is talking about on the phone call. want to know why? because obama was working with the fbi andlk the intelligence agencies. >> sean: you have honed in and i'll tell you one other thing. now john durham has all the transcripts, they are all under oath. now they should be questioned again. you have as always hit the nail on the head. number one show every sunday night. when we come back, this dallas hair salon owner jailed for opening her business, told to apologize the politicians released from prison, thankfully today. she's next.
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lockdown orders. she was released from prison after support from the governor, the lieutenant governor, the ag of texas. she joins us now. thank god you're free, how are you doing? >> i'm doing a lot better now, thank you so much. >> sean: when the judge said to apologize, we had your boyfriend on last night -- it reminded me of william wallace of "braveheart," the prisoner would like to speak a word -- you need to apologize to the politicians unlike what? >> i think he was referring to the county commissioner, that was the last thing i was going to do. the way that he had acted during this entire thing was just ridiculous. i just couldn't, i couldn't bring myself to apologize.
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>> sean: i admire your courage, how was jail? i'm sure it wasn't pleasant. >> it's definitely not pleasant, but fortunately it had a wreck area that had other individuals in there. the worst thing was was i didn't get the call anybody when i got there the whole first night and that is scary because i have a daughter who turned 17 at home and if my boyfriend wasn'tst the to talk to her, i wouldn't have come home and she wouldn't have known where i was. >> sean: that's scary. tell us why you decided to open on what measures for safety did you take? >> we were shut down march 22nd so it had been several weeks that the government was telling us the money was coming. the dallas county judge clay
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jenkins kept pushing back the date weeks out in advance before hearing any new comings of what was going on with masks or whatever. when he finally pushed it back a final time i just looked up and i said i have to open, my stylists are calling me, they are not making their mortgage. right now i'm still not caught up, i'm two months behind and my stylists were telling me they wanted to -- what do you think if i go underground to go to peoples houses? m and i just said that's not a good idea because we can't control the environment there. weai don't know if it's been disinfected or anything like that and i just decided i would open to create a safe place for the stylists and make sure i wasn't the reason they weren't making money. >> sean: i had heard you did. this thing is real, i'm in new york, i see this from a different perspective -- when
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you opened, were you all wearing masks or were you planning to wear masks, how do you plan on doing it?ks i was impressed with georgia, they had the nail salons and plexiglass, everyone is in masks and gloves, you were using all of that, i heard. >> we weren't using -- we tried to use the gloves at first and that's hard for the hairstylists, but we made sure that i had no clients waitinge inside the salon. i had chairs 6 feet apart and when the stylist was ready wearing a mask, we didn't let any clients come in without a mask. they instantly sanitized their hands, the hairstylist sanitized their hands. they did the cut and that person left. there were no magazines and no
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drinks -- everybody has to wear a mask to come in. >> sean: how many people work for you? >> they don't work for me but i usually have about 19 stylists in there at a time. >> sean: i'm going to make a donation to your shop, i want you and your workers to at least get over the hump, you can pass that on to our producers, i'mov sorry you had to go through that, i'm glad you're free and we are praying that you can open safely soon and you showed a lot of courage, you're an inspiration. more "hannity" after this.
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don't bring that mess around here, evan! whoo! don't do it. don't you dare. i don't think so! [ sighs ] it's okay, big fella. we're gonna get through this together. [ baseball bat cracks ] nice rip, robbie. ♪ raaah! when you bundle home and auto insurance through progressive, you get more than just a big discount. i'm going to need you to leave.
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♪ >> sean: mother's day is sunday, that book is coming out soon, let not your heart be troubled, laura has chris christie on tonight. >> laura: this has been a wild day, abuse of power all the way around. finally, we are beginning, slowly, to get justice, although very delayed and a lot of pain and suffering along the way, it's actually outrageous. pple's lives were ruined, the attorney general to his credit is looking to apply the law, what they did here is corrupt, and abuse of power and >> laura: we're going to pick that up when you left off. i'm laura ingraham, this is the
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