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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  May 9, 2020 9:00am-12:00pm PDT

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>> videos this morning from the beach and boardwalk at ocean city, maryland on a very chilly mother's day weekend. the beach and boardwalk are back open as several states across the country begin to restart their economies. welcome to america's news headquarter from washington, i'm leland vittert. gillian, you need a tee shirt, a sweatshirt and a jacket. gillian: i'd take it, i'd be the first one out there, beautiful. leland: nice. gillian: it's great to be with
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you, i'm gillian turner. president trump says that restarting businesses and reopening the country, after the devastating april jobs report that revealed over 14% of americans are newly unemployed. we go now to david spunt. he joins us live from 1600 pennsylvania avenue with a look ahead at president trump's reopen strategy. david. >> hi, gillian, good afternoon to you from a chilly afternoon at the white house. president trump was supposed to be at camp david this weekend meeting with advisors. plans got changed. he's going to be meeting with senior military advisors at the white house in the cabinet room later this afternoon. the white house not specifically saying, gillian, what this meeting is about, but it comes after punishing numbers came out, as you mentioned, the worst jobs report in u.s. history. 20.5 million americans lost their jobs last month, pushing that rate to 14.7%, the highest since the great depression.
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fox news has told a phase four stimulus package won't pick up for another month or so. republicans in the house and senate don't buy it. they want a package now, arguing they're into the sending enough to state and local governments. they met with 19 members of congress to discuss the jobs numbers and how to move forward, making it clear he's taking his time. >> so we're in no rush. we're in no rush the democrats-- the democrats have to do what they have to do, but i would say we're not looking -- we want to see what they have, but i can't say that we're in a rush. >> now, the white house is pushing back on allegations that it shelved new c.d.c. guidelines for reopening the country, which eventually may slow down the president's mandate and timeline herement now, this morning, c.d.c. director robert redfield put out a state i want to read to you, the reopening guidance
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shared prematurely was in draft form and had not been vetted through the interagency preview process. this is a it eiterative, and i not yet comfortable releasing a final work product. also, coronavirus getting somewhat closer to vice-president pence and president trump. katie miller tested positive for coronavirus and also a naval aide, a valet to president trump tested positive and director stephen hahn is in isolation. the president, vice-president, and stephen hahn have tested negative. and ivanka trump, her personal assistant has tested positive, but ivanka trump has tested negative. gillian: we know that katie
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miller's husband steven works at the white house and no word, david, as you mentioned from the white house whether he has tested and what he has tested, but we'll keep everybody up-to-date on that, thanks, david. >> sure, thank you. gillian: several white house staffers and members of the secret service who work in close proximity to the president on a daily basis have now tested positive for covid-19. we know that. fox news also confirmed one of them as david just mentioned for us is the vice-president's press secretary, katie miller. joining us from break down testing efforts at the white house and across the nation is director of harvard's global health institute, doctor, we always love speaking to you. thank you for taking time again out of your very busy weekend for us. we appreciate it. >> my pleasure, thanks for having me on. gillian: so, first question is about these white house staffers and then we'll open up the conversation to testing more
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generally. the white house says they're now going to test everybody who comes into close proximity with president trump to prevent higher probability of him contracting the virus. that sounds great, but tell us, is that even a realistic goal in the sense that you can test somebody once and know they're fine that day, but if they're going to see the president the day after, are they going to be testing white house staffers every single day and is that what they'd need to do? >> it just tells you how difficult it is to maintain a completely safe environment and obviously, keeping the president and the vice-president safe are of the highest priority and so, i think they probably do need to be doing daily testing, but even that isn't going to be 100% foolproof because we know you can have the virus and test negative. it's a pretty good test, but it's not perfect. so i understand the strategy they're using. i think it's the right strategy. but it's a reminder that even in the white house with daily
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testing of all the staff, it's not 100% in terms of making sure that no one who is infected gets near the president. gillian: is there any way to get to 100%? or you're just saying take it off the table, it's not something that anyone could realistically do? >> again, the goal is-- 100% i don't know how we can get to. you can get pretty close. the way you do it, you limit the number of contacts to the president, i make sure to test those people. you keep those people reasonably quarantined, they should not be going to restaurants or bars, not that bars are even open, but keeping them in relatively confined spaces and i think you can protect the president, i'm not saying it's impossible, but 100% is pretty hard, but you can get really close with lots and lots of testing. gillian: now when we look at the rest of the united states, we're kind of split states that are
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staying shut, states that are opening, trying to open their economie economies. you say there are protests against governments keeping businesses closed, excuse me,but you say to the folks, don't hate the stay-at-home orders, hate the lack of testing policies that got here in the first place. >> even the president at the white house, testing is not the only thing we need, but it's a critical part of take -- keeping the workplace safe. that's the strategy we should should go using. not everybody needs to be tested every day, but we need a lot more testing as a key part of keeping people safe. we can open up and get our economy back and make sure people don't get infected and die in large numbers.
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we can do both, keep people safe and open up the economy, testing is the really fundamental part of that. >> good reminder there, good point that maybe the white house on this is leading by example. so when the president talks about testing not being a universal necessity, look at what the white house staff is i am -- i mplementing to keep him safe. a number of young children are getting the sort of secondary inflammatory diseases resulting from covid-19. we know that one five year-old has now died in new york. tell us about what you see in this sort of new developing piece of the puzzle. >> yeah, so one of the bright spots of this terrible pandemic and one of the sort of silver linings has been that kids have generally done very well. they do get infected, they do
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spread the disease, but they certainly themselves don't end up getting very sick and it's very, very rare when a kid dies. when a child dies of anything, including covid, it's a tragedy. what we're seeing, we're learning a lot about this virus, including it sets off an immune reaction in kids can cause a lot of difficulties. most kids still end up getting through it okay. i don't want people to get excessively worried. it's something we have to watch, if kids end up getting sick, that's something we'll have to pay a lot of attention to. gillian: and obviously, a devastating game changer not just for americans, but for folks all over the world. docto doctor-- dr. jha, thank you for coming on. >> thanks for having me. >> we've heard from david spunt that they want to hold off on bailouts before they see how the
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first ones worked out. good night -- guy reschenthaler, good to see you. >> are you looking at waiting to see how it's done before spending more? >> leland, yes, i am. for two reasons, number one, we haven't spent all the money from phase three, the cares act. we have money to be disbursed. let's take a wait and see approach and see where the money is deployed before we go to phase four. we don't want to incentivize the blue state governors from keeping the economy shut down and they're going to turn around to the federal economy-- or the federal government say we need to be bailed out an of they've destroyed the economy. we should take a nuanced approa approach. leland: when you take a look at
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your state of philadelphia in terms of the unemployment rate. about a 14% unemployment rate in the united states. last seven weeks, 1.71 million jobless claims filed in pennsylvania. that's 26.2% of your labor force. those people conceivably have gotten the initial stimulus checks, 1200. right now they're sitting on the unemployment roles, any reason to get them something else. >> what's happening in pennsylvania, we're number one for claims in unemployment. yeah, we're only the fifth largest state. the reason being the governor has taken a draconian approach, used a one size fits all model might be good for philadelphia, but not for the rest of the state. he announced a shutdown through mid may, hair salons, barber shops, gyms, restaurants, he put a ban on over a group of 25
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meeting. these go too far. what the governor should do, protect those in nursing homes. we've had roughly 3600 deaths in pennsylvania, 1200 have been in nursing homes. the governor failed to protect the most vulnerable in our society, those in nursing homes. instead he turned around and just decimated our economy and really, really was hard on small businesses. so pennsylvanians are ready to get back to work. we can do that and still protect those in nursing homes. leland: we have a map to put up in terms of what is and is not open in pennsylvania, while we talk about this. obviously, your state has been very hard-hit as you point out. the area you represent had as abouten particularly hard-hit when it comes to tourism and the other industries that you have there. what options have you talked about on this task force about holding china responsible and getting some type of payment back from them.
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>> i was at the meeting yesterday with the president and leader mccarthy. what i wanted to focus on with china, one, what happened in the early days of the virus. i think that china and the world health organization worked hand in glove to fight transparency to see what we didn't get to what happened in wuhan. what we have to do, we have to move our supply chain back to the united states. if we can secure those supply chains that will go a long way. leland: moving supply chains takes years. what's the option to actually get some type of cash or real concessions out of the chinese, at least on paper, it doesn't seem like they're even leaving up to phase one of this trade deal that the president touted. >> one thing we can do. i think the supply chains will move nfaster that. if we're not getting good concessions in the trade deal we can increase tariffs from china
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and get compensation that way because at the end-- >> congressman if we increase tariffs, it's the americans that pay the tariffs, not the chinese, economics-- >> yes and no, there's free trade and there's china. if we retrade from china it will bring the jobs back to the united states and put our supply chains around the world. >> increasing tariffs on china are increasing the price of the goods we need. supply chains, you can do what you can, but you can't build a new mask factory in one, two, three months in the united states and can't build pharmaceutical chains. you're talking about raising the prices to consumers and so many of them are out of work. >> two things, we've retooled a lot of our manufacturing centers to make masks and ppp, never
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underestimate the entrepreneurial nature of the american people, secondly, you're right, it might be a short-term hit, but we've taken a short-term hit. and unemployment-- we take more of a hit is the answer? >> no, in the long-term what we do is stop the exploitation from china. we cannot allow them to control our pharmaceuticals. we cannot allow them to control the economy. and here, leland, they're taking a lot of our intellectual proper we need to bring supply chains back. >> okay, all right, we'll continue another time. thanks, congressman appreciate it. a lot more tomorrow, fox news sunday. chris wallace has an interview with treasury secretary steve mnuchin, a lot of these issues will could many up. and media buzz, a look at the doj, dropping those charges against michael flynn. more coverage on that as well. 11 a.m. eastern tomorrow, gillian. gillian: well, former president obama speaking out, delivering
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harsh criticism of attorney general bill barr's decision to drop criminal charges against general michael flynn. he was fired from senior top intel and national security posts by both presidents trump and obama. mark meredith has more on what he said and the ensuing fallout over attorney general barr's decision. >> good afternoon. former president obama discussed this on a phone call with staffers. trois some of it was given to yahoo!. and flynn had pled guilt to lying about his communications with the russian ambassador. the justice department announced thursday it plans to drop the case against the former national security advisor. obama says he was shocked by the news. >> that's the kind of stuff where you begin to get worried
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that basic, not just institutional norms, but our basic understanding of rule of law is -- is at risk. leland: now, president trump praised the justice department's decision, he also praised flynn this week, calling him an innocent man. the white house says it believes the fbi was trying to target and trap flynn during its conversations with him. not surprising though, the reaction up on capitol hill is split down party lines. >> they fixed the whole jury against flynn. he was set up as bad as anybody i've ever seen. i'm glad the charges were dropped. he's been exonerated, but they want to try to cover up the fact that however high this went. >> i don't think there's any question of so much of what they're doing right now is being done because they know the country of necessity is focusing on life or death. i think that this is an effort to distract the public
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attention. leland: but this story isn't going anywhere, a lot of democratic lawmakers are asking the inspector general to look at this, even after the flynn case may be dropped by the department of justice. gillian: he can bet on that. this may be the most polarizing issue in washington d.c., it's not going anywhere, thanks so much, mark. >> you bet. gillian: leland. leland: it took two plus months, but two men are behind bars and facing murder charges in the shooting of an unarmed jogger in georgia. steve harrigan, what we're learning, hi, steve. >> leland, greg mcmichael, a former police officer, and his son were in court. charged with murder of a 25-year-old black man jogging
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through a suburb in southeastern georgia, ahmaud arbery. they're facing charges and this languished a long time. 74 days, no arrests made until a video surfaced, was leaked and appeared on a local radio station that appeared to show the two mcmichaels pursuing arbery in a pickup truck. each of them were armed and arbery was not. one got out with a shotgun and there was a scuffle. and the arbery family says that this is a modern day lynching. we want the georgia bureau to investigate the entire case from top to bottom and why people did not do their job as if you put the shoe on the other foot, why didn't we have equal justice and due process for the benefit of ahmaud arbery like you would have had if there was a young
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white man laying dead on the ground. >> no action from local police for 74 days, but once the georgia bureau of investigation did get involved, they made two arrests within 48 hours. but state officials say the reason for the delay needs to be investigat investigated. >> the family deserves answers. the community deserves answers. the state of georgia deserves answe answers. >> greg mcmichael says he and his son were chasing what he called a suspected burglar and says the shooting was in self-defense. leland, back to you. leland: some big questions about the d.a. initially assigned to the case as well. steve, thanks so much. in michigan, three people are under arrest and charged in the killing of a security guard. a woman, her husband and son all face first degree murder charges. the woman and her daughter had a dispute with the guard over the store's face mask policy. the county prosecutor says the two men later went back to the
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store and then shot the guard. we'll be right back. that's mine. i'll buy you a pony. advanced hydration isn't just for kids. pedialyte helps you hydrate during recovery. and other money managers don't understand why. because our way works great for us! but not for your clients. that's why we're a fiduciary, obligated to put clients first. so, what do you provide? cookie cutter portfolios? nope. we tailor portfolios to our client's needs. but you do sell investments that earn you high commissions, right? we don't have those. so, what's in it for you? our fees are structured so we do better when you do better. at fisher investments we're clearly different. so chantix can help you quit slow turkey. along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit. with chantix you can keep smoking at first and ease into quitting so when the day arrives,
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>> tara reade, the former senate aide accusing joe biden of sexual harassment and assault called for the presidential candidate to drop out of the race.
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jacqui heinrich joins us now from new york with what biden is saying about that. >> hey, leland. tara reade not only called for joe biden to drop out of the race, saying he should not be running on character, she shared details of the alleged assault which she claimed happened in the hallway of the capitol building in 1993, and biden denied the allegations. she said she would only take a polygraph test if he took one as well. >> he was kissing my neck and he whispered did i want to go somewhere else in a low voice. he said some other things, i can't remember everything he said. but he said something vulgar. >> may i ask what? >> he said i want to (bleep) you. >> reade said she never filed a
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formal complaint about that alleged incident, but filed a limited sexual harassment report with the personnel office, but doesn't have a copy. and the senate can't disclose whether one exists. biden denies and pointed out inconsistencies, when she came forward and not claiming this at that time. every day more and more inconsistencieses arise. women must be able to schoyer stories without retribution and harm. at the same time we should never sacrifice the truth. truth is that she is allegations are false and the material to back them up under scrutiny is proving their falsity. reade is representeded by attorney representing kelly.
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a and-- >> in other words, we haven't heard the end of this, thank you. you. >> music icon little richard had as passed away. singer died this morning. he sold over 30 million records during the course of his career with a number of huge beloved hits, including tooty fruity, and good golly, miss molly. >> hi, gillian. he was the father of rock and roll and he helped to shatter the color line on the music chartsment he was born as richard wayne and left home to pursue bringing, his big break, tooty fruity. rip it up, long tall sally and
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good golly, miss molly. his band included then unknown greats like james brown and others. they inspired the beatles, and elton john. he was inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame in 1986. >> i started at a young age, i started singing and-- but my dad didn't like my singing. my mama did. my dad told me i was hollering too loud. when i said woo hoo! he said shut up. he thought somebody who jumped on me. >> the richard family doesn't appear to be releasing the cause of death, but his bass guitarist charles glen told tmz the singer had been sick for two months and he died in his tennessee home surrounded by his brother, sister and son. reaction now coming in from
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across the music spectrum. gene simmons tweeting his contributions simply can't be overstated. and ringo starr tweeting, god bless little richard, one of my all time musical heroes. little richard was 87 years old. gillian. gillian he . gillian: he lived a long and epic live. adjectives to describe him. leland and roy horn of the duo siegfried & roy died of covid-19 come mplicatio complications. and he was an illusionists and used tigers in his act. he spent years in vegas with partner siegfried who said in a statement that the world has lost one of the greats of magic. horn was 75 years old.
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>> the decision that we made, understanding that there's risk associated with it. the decision we made is that there are 45,000 mississippiens who work in either barber shops or are regulated by the cosmetology board. 45,000 mississippiions. we've had 200,000 over the last months and almost a quarter in government shut them down. leland: slowly trying to open up, some lifting restrictions and some not, especially in states like michigan. joining us now, radio talk show host tony katz heard wild wide on the internet and indianapolis. and are we getting to the point
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americans are saying, i don't care what the government says, i'll do what i want to do and get my life back. >> no, i don't think it's that angry. it's the idea that government handled this wrong. we can actually handle ourselves. i think the big difference there. i think the anger is in the idea you told us that lockdowns were the way to keep people safe, but lockdowns don't keep people safe. you can argue social distancing might engage safety, but the people are believing they're able to handle it. and costco handled it, and trader joe, and the line was 100 people long. the market can handle it, and government-- the idea if you open the salon because you need to feed your hungry children as shelly luther in texas, maybe, you get a fine. we don't want any of this and
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that's why shelley luther is out of jail? is there a danger if people continue to be locked down and continue to ignore things as we saw with shelley luther and we've seen with other states and other issues, that then on the really important points, people then don't listen to the government about, say, what you were talking about, social distancing? >> i don't think it's a question about listening to the government. i think there are plenty of people who just don't listen to anything. i think there are plenty of people, shockingly to me, who are willing to sit at home, wear their government appointed gray garb and await further instructions. the rational people are ones who recognize they can walk and chew gum at the same time. there's a story out of california, california doesn't want the people involved in the parades and wave at their students and that, this, that and the other. and we're going to do this and you're stepping over the line.
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that's rational thinking from rational people. leland: the local police seemed to agree that was a ridiculous rule. and as we put up a map, some have begun to reopen, and some have not. red is partially reopen and yellow is limited reopening. you can see, is this a blue state/red state issue? is it that simple when you look at the map? >> one of the most awful things that we have seen from this is that coronavirus has become political and has gone down this road. it's awful. there's this two america's conversation that is happening, one america says liberty, another america says you're going to kill my grandpa because you're greedy and all you want is money. if you think that americans want
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haircuts. >> it's giving a haircut-- the answer on the other side, have the government print more money and send everybody $2,000 check every month who is out of work. we don't have to worry about the coronavirus, we could sit at home for the coronavirus in gray t-shirts. >> who knew that kamala harris was translated into the republic. printing money doesn't work, we've got the history and the data. what you have to do is what senator rand paul says, you have to open up the economy, people can be safe and engage the economy. that doesn't mean that people who are really susceptible, you read the doctor out of the indianapolis, one of the 12 doctors most represented on linkedin, people who are susceptible, people older, elderly, shouldn't be-- separate themselves, there are smart things to do.
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young, healthy people, they should get out. leland: you have been one of the earliest proponents of that, questioning whether the government mandated lockdowns were economically viable and the world has come around to a lot of of your thinking. chabot shalom. take care. >> thank you. >> millions are falling behind on rent and many are struggling after being furloughed or even fired after the pandemic. alicia acuna has details how some states are helping up helping out renters to stem the tide of what is becoming a brewing housing crisis. >> hi, gillian. many governors have stemmed the temporary bans on evictions, authorities on housing say it's
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postponing what will be an avalanche. and tenants say without income they cannot make lease payments and are pushing back against landlords. many of these americans have never been evicted or face the possibility of making monthly housing payment and those who studied the long-term impacts of families being ejected from their homes saying it will affect for generations to come. >> through no-fault of their own, this is a uttn utterly devastating situation for families that transcends the moment and will have negative effects for children and their communities. >> the issue is multi-layered, colorado governor polis is preventing evictions not only for the families, but court system. >> they're putting it off for another month.
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reasonable in this situation, they want to avoid the flow into the consumers. >> and tenants eviction is prohibited and they can use security deposits as payment. lan lords are taking a hit, for many rental properties are their income or retirement. >> the properties are ongoing, you always have your utilities, insurance and property maintenance. >> now, the latest numbers by the multi-family housing council show 80% of renters made their payments on time in may, but the trend shows a boiling crisis, gillian, with these unemployment numbers, it's really only expected to get worse. gillian. gillian: well, at least it was 80% for payment for this month. so a lot of people are getting through that. we'll see, we'll bring you the latest numbers on june. thanks so much, alicia. >> sure. leland: and speaking of those people, the 20 1/2 million people who lost their jobs in
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april across the country, we're going to show you how not government, but your fellow americans are stepping up to help you. >> you better get back up to camp pendleton because you're going to war. people didn't know what the korean war was. >> you experienced some of the worst of a war zone. >> we did. >> i think it's important that people hear those stories. >> we're fighting for the marine corps and also fighting to survive. cancer won't wait.
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overnight they became our offices, schools and playgrounds. all those places out there, are now in here. that's why we're still offering fast, free two day shipping on thousands of items. even the big stuff. and doing everything it takes
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to ensure your safety. so you can make your home everything you need it to be. wayfair. way more than furniture. >> with nearly 15% of americans newly unemployed, lots of local communities across the country are banding together now, starting to step up to the plate
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to help american families. here to tell us about one group who is doing fantastic work, think together founder and ceo randy barth joins us. randy, great to have you on the program. you guys together essentially helped out families where parents of local school children in your community have lost their jobs, is that right? >> right. so it's an education organization that provides academic support programs for low income students across california and we started it in the shalmar neighborhood 25 years ago after a gang shooting. and we've been in that neighborhood a long time and we know the families very deeply. so when the economy shut down-- (inaudible) so we were able to
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step in and-- with food and-- >> randy, just to let you know, we're having some audio issues there. for our viewers who-- we're trying to fix them on your end and our end, and get them running. let's go to another question and see how it goes. >> sure. >> we may have to cut from you and go after the break. how much have you raised so far. >> over $100,000. >> an impressive amount. >> we're spending $15,000 a week in support so we're trying to, you know, get about three month's worth of resources, you know, for our families, so, we need to raise some more money. gillian: so one of the reasons
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we wanted to have you on today is because you have a great message. you say that this pandemic is obviously a tragedy, it brings with it massive challenges, but it's also an opportunity for americans. it's an opportunity for americans to step in and help close this opportunity gap. >> absolutely. >> between the nation's poorest school districts and the richest. tell us about that. >> yes. well, the name of our organization is think together, which is teaching, helping, i think spiring, nurturing kids, but the together is kind of the call to action. we started as a volunteer organization 25 years ago and it's about young and old, rich and poor, different ethnic groups coming together and we believe that we're all called to serve and we're better when we're serving each other and we educate each other and come together and-- (inaudibl (inaudible). gillian: randy, one of the other things you guys are doing is
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helping these families look ahead and help kind of helping them to work through with their kids in advance what school is going to look like whenever it is that they do return, whether it's weeks and months, next semester, in the fall. you say pretty much the entire educational landscape is going to change. tell us about that. >> yeah, so we have a school consulting arm that was worked very successfully in helping to close the achievement gap in low income schools and so they have used data to help -- and then togeth together-- >> i don't want to jump in and interrupt you, we've lost your audio again, major technical difficulties there. we'll bring you back on the program sometime soon.
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sorry we've having these problems. viewers at home, go to think together, and randy, not sure if you can hear us, but thank you in laying out some of the awesome goals that you have. thanks for having me. gillian: we'll be right back. so you only pay for what you need! [squawks] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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freezing temperatures across the country, yeah, we're talking about really cold air that's settled in, we've seen it over the last 24 hours, unfortunately, it's going to continue. and we'll take a look at those, this is what people woke up to across the country and temperatures down into the 20's, 27 degrees in cincinnati, 31 degrees for folks in the chicago area. that was this morning's low temperatures. with that came a big winter system. if you live in interior new england, you already know this. there is snow on the ground as we speak, widespread one to three inches. at some higher elevations, we s see-- plus, this system is continuing to wind down. you see it just off the coast of maine and still a little light snowfall across the region. temperatures are starting to climb a little bit, but windy,
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sitting in the 40's, feeling closer to freezing. here is your temperatures across the country. currently you are beginning to see a little bit of a warm-up, still 39 degrees in cleveland. still 44 degrees in new york. this larger cold system is going to linger at least for a little while longer. we've got freeze watches and warnings, once again, for tomorrow morning so this is from tonight, it's going to be cold in the midwest, it's going to be cold in the mid atlantic. unfortunately, more cold weather continues to be on. we'll have more news coming up after the break. n one second.. sure. okay... okay! safe drivers save 40%!!! guys! guys! check it out. safe drivers save 40%!!! safe drivers save 40%! safe drivers save 40%!!! that's safe drivers save 40%. it is, that's safe drivers save 40%. - he's right there. - it's him! he's here. he's right here. - hi! - hi. hey! - that's totally him. - it's him!
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brought to you by the national association of broadcasters and this station. leland: look at reopening of america, at least 39 states there you can see in red have partially reopened, several others limited reopenings and you can see the district of colombia, mostly shut down, welcome to america's news headquarters here from dc. i'm leland vittert. gillian: leland, great to be with you, i'm gillian turner. president trump is saying he's laser focused on getting americans back to work and reopening the economy but more than half of u.s. states are still worried they don't have enough testing, enough testing capacity to make sure they do it in a way that's safe for all their citizens. david spunt joins us from 1600 pennsylvania avenue with the
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president's plan, david. david: white house is responding to allegations that cdc guidelines reopen the country of all 50 states, getting people back out, maybe cdc guidelines did not jive with the president's mandates and timeline for getting things back together, but taking a look at those mandates, we are looking at 14-point plan that says basically nottia -- not a one size fits all. now this morning cdc director robert redfield put out statement, was in draft form and not vetted through the interagency review process. effort to ensure effective clear guidance as presented to the american people. i have not seen a version of the guidance incorporating
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interagency input and not comfortable releasing a final work product. when asked about this yesterday here at the white house, meeting with members of congress, president trump says he wants to leave reopening the states up to local governors, listen. >> relying on the governors and the governors are the ones that are doing that and if i see something wrong i will clamp down on it very hard and very strongly. david: virus getting to a naval valley, someone in direct contact with president trump tested positive for coronavirus as did the vice president's press secretary, fda commissioner steven hahn self-isolating because of his contact with someone who tested positive. he tested negative, though, also, gillian, ivanka trump's personal assistant tested positive and the first daughter to have tested negative. days after the punishing numbers came out, the worst job's report in u.s. history, 20.5 million
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americans lost their jobs last month pushing the unemployment rate to 14.7%, the highest since the great depression. gillian, president trump was supposed to be at camp david this weekend with senior advisers but we found out last night he's having a meeting with senior military leaders in the cabinet room 5:00 o'clock this afternoon. the white house not talk about the specifics of that meeting, of course, when we get details, we will bring it back to you, that happening behind me at 5:00 o'clock, gillian. gillian: thanks, we would be certainly be looking for a read-out on that meeting, thank you so much, david. leland: also the federal government is studying best ways to help states hit hardest by the coronavirus, christina coleman following that and what they need as well, hi, christina. christina: today health human services with remdesivir, associated with a faster recovery from coronavirus and it will be used to treat
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hospitalized covid-19 patients in parts of the u.s. that are hard hit by the virus. each case has 40 viles of donated drug and as of a few days ago the delivery process started to shift the cases to connecticut, illinois, iowa, maryland, michigan and new jersey. gilead committed to supplying 600,000 viles over the next six weeks to treat covid-19 patients. many medical experts welcoming the help. as of today 177,000 fatalities due to covid-19 in the u.s. 1.9% increase compared to yesterday morning. and we've averaged 2,039 deaths in the u.s. over the past 3 days and out of the more 8 million covid-19 test that is have been issued in this country, 15.3% have come back positive. another major concern right now are children suffering from an
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inflammatory condition possibly linked to covid-19. 3 cases of this have been reported here in los angeles and in several other places including louisiana and new york. >> the illnesses taken life of 3 young new yorkers. these children happened to have the covid antibodies or the symy showed when they came in to the hospital system. this is the last thing that we need at this time with all that's going on, with all the anxiety we have. now for parents to have to worry about whether or not their youngster was infected. christina: fever, abdominal pain, inflammatory condition although this is obviously scary and coming at a time when parents are dealing so much working from home and homeschooling and trying to make sure our kids and healthy right
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now, doctors are reminding the public that most children with covid-19 develop only mild illness, leland. leland: if any illness at all sometimes. christina coleman in los angeles, thank you. gillian. gillian: president obama is now criticizing attorney general bill barr's decision that came this week to dismiss criminal charges against president trump's former national security adviser general michael flynn. president obama made the comment during a private conversation with former members of his administration. mark meredith has the details. mark. mark: hey, there gillian, fascinating, because we are not getting this type of look from former president's conversations. this came as a call from former staffers and details of the call were leaked out on yahoo news. they posted portion of the clip. president trump said he was surprised that how much of the news of the michael flynn case
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was being downplayed last week and he felt that after flynn pled guilty to lying to the fbi about lying to communication to russian ambassador would be something that would get more attention. obama says he was shocked by the news. >> that's the kind of stuff where you begin to get worried that basic not just institutional norms but basic understanding of rule of law is -- is -- is a risk. park mark now the white house says it believes the fbi was trying to target and trap flynn over comments. president trump praised the justice department's decision this week. he also praised flynn calling him an innocent man. >> he was targeted by the obama administration and he was targeted in order to try and
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take down a president and what they've done is a disgrace and i hope a big price is going to be paid. mark: democratic lawmakers are calling for the justice department inspector general to review drop of the case and house speaker had this to say, attorney general's general barr's polarization knows no bounds and it's without precedent and without respect of rule of law. the trump campaign also appears to see as an issue they can capitalize on and going closer to november and something they plan to ask the vice president about later on focus about what the obama-biden administration knew back then and what it could mean for the justice department going forward, gillian. gillian: reminder that president trump himself also fired general flynn from a top post at the white house he served as national security adviser for the first 2 few months of the administration. mark, thanks very much.
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leland: with that, former deputy assistant general, cochair of white house investigation's group, bob, good to see you as always. seems both sides have the rule of law on their side. you were the attorney for peter strzok, for james comey, would you be worried about potential charges by this administration? bob: i don't think i'd be worried about charges but i think i'd be worried about, you know, ethical complaints and other attacks on my professional conduct because frankly from the filings this week it looks bad for them. i mean, i think that lots of lawyers, defense lawyers in town like to give the benefit of the doubt that the government is acting in good faith and occasionally makes mistakes but from what was layed out this week it sure looked like a concerted effort to go after general flynn and a lot of unusual activity at the senior levels of the fbi. leland: this brings up the
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question of this guilty plea. you have a career military officer who served with distinction and honor, people can agree or disagree about some of his actions after he left the military and their thoughts about that but why the guilty plea? as we read through this case the idea of those fbi agents being put on the stand with their credibility issues, seems it would be hard for the government to approve this beyond all reasonable doubt. >> two things to defend lawyer and defend general flynn for entering into into the plate, first of all, they didn't have a lot of material that just came out. leland: would they have gotten in discovery or brady? >> they did not get the material that showed that there was no predicate for the interview. leland: okay. bob: unaware of the defense he would have had. it's strange with national security cases they have still not seen a transcript of the actual call with sergey kislyak and you're representing someone
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and the government has the precise transcript and so you are kind of defending yourself in the dark, so i think, you know, it does happen. defense people, innocent people plea guilty all of the time under pressure when circumstances are wrong and looks like that's what happened to general flynn. leland: if we look at not necessarily in the legal light but political light, adam schiff is now taking much the same view of nancy pelosi on this going back against bill barr and his decisions accusing them of playing politics, take a listen. >> i would say to bill barr, over much of the obstruction of the administration we have uncovered a great deal of the president's misconduct, russia, ukraine and we will uncover the misconduct going forward. leland: not sure what gas-lighting history means but that aside, in some level, though, it shouldn't matter whether it was misconduct in the administration or not and you
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have somebody who was charged with a crime and at least according to the current attorney general this is something that was not a crime and this was something that the fbi put him up to. bob: yeah, you have one of those situations where the flynn case was handled unusually from the beginning. the prosecution was unusual, and you had literally described an oval office meeting discussing the conduct of general flynn and whether or not there might be potential criminal liability for it involving both the president and the vice president and other senior ranking intelligence officials. that's incredibly concerning that that result in prosecution. now with all of that coming to light, you now have another unusual situation which is the government dropping the charges after guilty plea, but seems to me the people that caused highly unusual situation can't complain that it's unusual situation kind of on the back end. the whole thing is extremely unusual and concerning because it's -- >> leland: we need a white board
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to tally all of unusuals. in all senses it's a crazy situation but also there's some real odds who have been put in the middle of this and put on meat grinder who at least on the face of it are trying to do their job and serve the american people and one of them among the group put through meat grinder is k.t. mcfarland. listen to her thoughts. >> they were trying to entrap me in perjury which they couldn't do. they understood that they got flynn to plea guilty to a crime he didn't commit and they were questioning me in a different way as if i was going to support their claims about flynn. leland: where did this go from here legally? am sot point we -- at some point we will have to divorce the criminal part of this.
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bob: right. so, for example, you have the unmasking activity by susan rice where various trump administration officials were likely unmasked during the transition which was probably and illegal act, when their communications were monitored for intelligence purposes and were unmask today political opponents. you know, is flynn the only one or are there more things that happening. these are concerning. mcfarland, anyone who had russian on the salad went through meat grinder and they will want their day -- they want their day of vindication. that may not happen in court, it may be more politically and legally how does this fit in to the whole unrelying investigation in 2017. leland: dan, waiting for reports
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on that. bob driscoll. gillian: different states across the country finding in different phases of reopening, some remaining shut down this weekend. we are joined by two officials in the front line against the local fight of coronavirus, the push to reopen. we have the mayor of new jersey and from fairfax, virginia county executive brian hill, gentlemen, thanks so much for being with us this afternoon, we appreciate it. billy, i will come to you first, your city is reopening now despite a statewide stay at home order that you say you understand is still in place but there's uncertainty because you say the governor is not really being forthcoming with information. >> we have opened up the first of may on the city, we opened up
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the golf course, the lake, the library, the youth center. we just felt like -- we sent a letter back in the middle of april with our plan. we got 3 phase plan, first one was 25%, we are going to go 2 weeks if we don't have increase of 10 or more, we will move up to 50%. with that the same plan, 10 or more cases don't develop and we will go up to 75 and then fully open, we send it to her and asked her to review and see if it was okay, meeting her guidelines and give us response and without any response from her we would take it that she was okay with our plans and so we moved forward. gillian: so you did not hear back from her?
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>> no, ma'am, we did not hear back from her. gillian: now, brian, moving over to fairfax, you say -- you say fairfax, i want to get your words right, are still in an exponential growth phase presumably you're seeing lots of new cases every single day? >> we are seeing new cases every day. our governor, governor northam has put out a 3-phase plan, we are not able to hit phase 1 as of yet. we are working with public health officials to ensure that the community is safe and we do not have a community wide transmission. again, fairfax county is 1.2 million population. we border washington dc as you know. gillian: yeah. >> so we are working together with all of the jurisdictions to ensure that we are in the same
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place. gillian: yeah, billy, back to you, talk to me about this problem that you're seeing in new mexico. we are hearing about it in other parts of the country too in california where the big retail chain stores are given the green light to reopen, places like wal-mart, target and cosco but the small mom and pop store run by families are being forced to stay shuttered. >> yes, ma'am, small towns like eunice, we don't have the luxury of wal-mart and targets, it hurts our business. they rely on the town and everything else to support them, to pay their bills and the employees and everything else and so we are taking -- we are taking a hit, of course, we rely on the oil and gas industry big time and with oil and gas and the small stores mom and pop stores being shut down, we are taking a double hit, so it
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should be fair across the board. if wal-mart and target and all of them can open up and sell what they sell and mom and pop do the same things, they should be able to open up and do business as normal just with the same requirements that they have, the ppe and everything else, the 6 feet apart distance. gillian: right. bryan, this isn't easy, the pandemic on everyone, let's make it fair, let's give everybody a chance here to recover. bryan last look quickly, do you anticipate where folks are back to normal? >> i don't think we would ever be back to normal because we don't have a vaccine for the disease but i do see being able to get to a point where we can release some actions going forward in phase 1 and hopefully in phase 2 and eventually in
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phase 3. at this juncture i can't place when we are going to do, however, we are allowing businesses to be open as we speak. they have modified how they are dealing with their customers, and before i get off i would like to tell everybody happy mother's day. gillian: very nice. thank you for that message, gentlemen, we appreciate it, we appreciate your time and we wish you the best of luck going forward. leland. >> thank you. leland: new developments in a kentucky church that took the governor to court to hold services. we will tell you the court's ruling when we come back.
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♪ ♪ gillian: kentucky churches will have people in pew this is weekend. as long as churchers enforce social distancing and hygiene guidelines, they can reopen their doors. two churchers over rules that restricted services, kentucky's governor announced churches will begin in-person service later this month. it is now been bumped up. leland: defense secretary say it is fcc is creating a potential
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national security threat by allowing a virginia-base satellite company to deploy a mobile network that they say could disrupt gps signals critical to military operate. lucas tomlinson live at the pentagon with more on how this fits together even gps in your car, lucas. lucas: the blue dot in your iphone telling you where you need to go, also at risk and not often republicans and democrats are getting along on capitol hill but dozens written fcc asking to overturn decision over grave concern which they say is unacceptable risk to gps. >> top pentagon said they were blind-sided by recent fcc decision that could harm the gps navigation system. critical to not only dropping bombs but also life for ordinary americans. >> we were completely caught off guard. lucas: defense secretary esper
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and top diplomats are at odds over ruling. secretary pompeo calls it necessary and attorney general barr backs pompeo. the head of air force says the fcc's decision giving company legato making 5g accessible nationwide is a threat to national security. >> without question they are putting a ground admitter and space signals will cause interruption. lucas: fcc try today pull a fast one on the commander in chief. >> a few powerful made a hasty decision over the weekend in the middle of the national crisis against the judgment of every other agency involved and without clearing the president in on this. lucas: they want to hear from fcc and company in the state. >> they haven't persuaded me. the reason we only heard one
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side of the case. lucas: we standby the decision 100% and will not be dissuaded by baseless fear among -- fear-mongering and company logato says it would be instrumental to 5g. >> i see the science, i see the studies, i see the results. lucas: dozens of companies who use gps including airlines and package delivery have also expressed concerned. leland. leland: gillian. gillian: rock and roll legend died at 87. aishah: gillian not a lot of
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details, appear to be releasing the cause of death and apparently told tmz the singer had been sick for about 2 months and passed away in tennessee home surrounded by brothers and son. richard was born in 1932 in georgia to conservative family. he left home as teenager to pursue singing. his big break came from tooty fruity and good golly miss molly. he was known as one of rock and roll's founding fathers who helped to shatter the color line on the music charts and inspired artists like the beatles. >> i'm in a better place.
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i want my sisters and brothers to be educated and i figured that the only way i saw out is music. it was my ticket out of poverty. aishah: reaction from across entertainment world. chance rapper learned recently how richard developed the beatles, saved the rolling stones, god bless little richard. one of all-time musical heros and little richard was a genius pure and simple and paveed the way for so many artists and adding rest in peace to one of the true creators of rock and roll. little richard was 87 year's old, gillian. gillian: aishah hasine from new york, leland. leland: how president trump might press the chinese for alleged cover-up of the coronavirus. congressman leading the charge when we come back.
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>> house republicans have launched a new task force to look at the chinese government's role and potential culpability in this spread of coronavirus beyond china's borders back in december. thank you so much for your time. >> yeah, thanks, gillian, thanks for covering this. gillian: so as i understood it the new task force is looking backwards, looking at what china's government knew and when they knew it and also looking a little forward how to hold the chinese government potentially accountable, is that right? >> yeah, that's right. i mean, this was clearly a cover-up and i think you will see a number of groups help unfold what china has done to
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unleash this virus and not manage it but i think we are also as you mentioned looking forward and what i like about this task force is it has representatives from all over the country, all types of rural, urban and other districts and covers committees finance, trade, education, health, of course, military, because what china is doing as it explicitly seeks to dominate a new world order where it calls the shots, not the united states, is it has a hold of society and hold of approach and that's how we look to combat what they are doing from the united states. gillian: one thing the house doesn't have though, democrats, house speaker pelosi originally was going to join up with you guys and a bipartisan task force but she later reneged. tell us about what went wrong. >> well, i don't know why she reneged but this has been --
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these negotiations have been going on for some time and i think democrats absolutely should be involved and this is a national security and i think this would be the national security much like how we had to face the soviet union for moat -- most of the 20th century. this would be the case of 21st century. this shouldn't be about politics here. two things are at play, joe biden is so bad on this issue, he's on record many times as doing that and then number 2, this kind of narrative the democrats want to craft that any time we want to deal with china there's a distraction from their perspective of what they believe were president trump's failings. that's just ridiculous. this is about dealing with what i think is the most existential threat to the united states to liberty around the world and free order that we have ever
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faced. gillian: so is the task force -- i guess this is a really two-part question, number one is the task force planning to do investigating of its own and number 2, do you have a handle of virus and the timeline iron clad, are you going to present your findings to president trump or where do you hope to take it is the question? micheal: we will incorporate a lot of what the intelligence community is doing and receive classified briefings and i think coming out of this is really pulling together a number of efforts. gillian, we talked about what we are trying to bring supply chains home and how we are blocking our federal pension plans and even state pension plans. how they are trying to steal technology and putting
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businesses out of business and compete with us militarily, what you're going to see is putting all together for legislative packages and recommendations to the president. gillian: yeah, another really important element of that package you're working on is seeking to hold the chinese communist party responsible for what you're calling infiltration of u.s. universities, tell us about the chinese efforts on that front? micheal: i don't know many americans appreciate. over 400,000 chinese students in our universities as we speak that doesn't make them bad kids. what they need to understand is their victims, the chinese communist party force them to vacuum technology, robotics, artificial intelligence and send it back to beijing where it gets fast-track right to the chinese military. that's one piece. the other pieces are actually recruiting american professors to what they call program and
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taking hundreds of billions of dollars in institutions and research funding and these advanced technologies and then go in moon-mighting in -- moon-lighting in institutions and we cannot -- look, china is looking to dominate us technologically and economically and then even mutually military is in chinese writing and has to stop. gillian: congressman, we have to leave it there. an important message. we all know whoever dominates in artificial intelligence dominate it is future of the globe, really, thanks for bringing that to us and we will check back with you soon. micheal: i think the silver lining in all of this is a wake-up call, gillian, thanks so much. gillian: you bet. leland. leland: we celebrate america coming together members of civil air patrol work to go assist a dozen states delivering ppe,
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test kits an other critical supplies as the nation battles coronavirus outbreak. fox news correspondent eric sean on how they are helping. eric: they have taken into the skies of america to face common enemy, coronavirus, airplanes across the country enlisted in the battle from the air patrol. >> motivated to get out there and do whatever they can to help in local students, the state wherever the case may be. eric: created on eve of world war ii to protect the homeland. now flying missions and helping on the ground in the battle against covid-19, the patrol is made up of 66,000 volunteers, some cadets and fly 60 airplanes, mostly single engine
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that are being used to transport covid lab tests, mask gowns, food and other supplies. major general mark smith, commander and veteran air force fighter pilot said crisis and why it was created. >> transport personal protection equipment, whatever types of supplies authorities within the state needs to get from point a to point b in a timely manner. eric: in kansas in colorado, test for remote areas much faster than driving. lieutenant colonel used to fly f-16 in air force and now airline pilot. on this day he was flying for the civil air patrol and assessment. it allows me to do something i
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love and give back to the community and civil air patrols cadet programs i get to help educate and motivate the next generation of aviators. eric: the civil air patrol flies drones and conduct search and rescue missions among other duties and those continue as they are also flying against covid-19. in new york, eric sean, fox news. gillian: farmers also feeling the heavy impact of covid-19, many forced to let their crops rot in fields and dumps of profit as demands dropsment one farmer facing this very choice coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ what happened daddy?
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well, you see here... there's a photo of you and there's a photo of your mommy and then there's a picture of me. but before our story it goes way, way, way back with your great, great, great grandparents. see this handsome man, his name is william. william fell in love with rose and they had a kid. his name was charles and charles met martha... isn't she pretty? yeah. leland: desperate americans out
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of work trying to feed families, farmers across the country are pouring milk down the drain and plowing through crops because of lack of orders. joining us dean, how tough is it right now for you guys? >> it's pretty tough. the grow of the crops like we have and not have a home for them is pretty hard. leland: give me an idea, when you say you don't have a home, people are still eating, everybody is consuming roughly the same number of calories they were before, where is the big dislocations and disruptions here? >> well, the restaurants are all closed. that's the problem. >> and school. >> schools. what we have in storage at our farm is cabbage and butternut squash and a lot of that goes to restaurant trade. leland: the obvious answer that the usda among others have talked about is buying your crop
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and the milk from dairy farmers, et cetera, and then giving them to food pantries that are now experiencing unprecedented demand. is there a reason you think that hasn't happened yet because it seems pretty predictable? >> the problem is that we have almost 2,000ton of cabbage in storage and how much of that can you move to the food pantry, not that much. leland: you have 2,000 tons of cabbage? >> yes. leland: where is it? >> it's in cold storage. refrigerated storage. leland: you're having to pay for to store this but you don't have anybody to sell it to? >> right, right. there had been some sales coming up now but lower prices. we sold some a week ago $3 for 50-pound bag and normally our contracts would be 11, $12, a
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quarter of the price it should be. leland: forgive me for my ignorance, i can't imagine you are covering the costs for prices. >> no we are not. leland: terrible position to be in, so what -- what's the plan right now, where are we in the growing season, what can you all do? >> well, the crop that we have in storage, we just have to hope that markets open up more and start paying for money, but then that's the problem for the coming year, all the cabbage plants that we've had ordered because we didn't know this was happening, we got those to plant and we don't know if they are going to be sale forit or -- for it or not. leland: this seems economic travesty which can turn to economic and food disaster because you and other farmers will go out of business there's not going to be a cabbage crop
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or dairy supply when schools come back, et cetera, what help do you need that you haven't gotten? >> well, one of the big things is especially here in new york is we not only fighting the covid-19 but we are fighting the highest wages for farm workers in the country because new york has an overtime rule that none of the other states have and two of our biggest competing is georgia and rate is 14.29 an hour. almost $3 over the rate without the overtime and they get as much money for their crops as we do here in new york, so we are battling -- >> leland: dean and betsy, i
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know it's a tough time for you, our thoughts and prayers are with you. hopefully something gets worked out that you have cabbage crop in cold storage, let us know what happens. we will be thinking about you. >> okay, thank you. >> thank you. leland: we will be right back. ♪
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gillian: u.s. air force is saluting washington state healthcare workers with flyover today. military aircraft cruising over more than 40 healthcare facilities in the western part of the state to show support for everyone working inside. took off from joint base. leland: nice to see. and this, the international olympic committee with plans for the tokyo 201 olympics despite uncertainty because of the coronavirus pandemic. they are rebooked the same 43 tokyo venues and they are not making any plans they say to push back the game further. ♪ ♪ gillian: and fallout over the justice department's decision to dismiss criminal charges against michael flynn. what one former president has to say about it all coming up after the break..
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leland: this is the board walk in ocean city, maryland, live pictures at 2:00 p.m. on a sunny saturday in may. and the beach is deserted, not it isclosed. in fact, the maryland beach has reopened, but because right now the windchill in ocean city, maryland, is 39 degrees. we're glad you are inside with
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us. we're live from the nation's capitol. i'm leland vittert. >> that beach is still gorgeous, isn't it? leland: even better to look at than to be at. >> i prefer to be there, personally, but maybe after the show, if we were allowed of course. leland: we're allowed. the beach is open. the beach is open. but nobody's there because it is -- >> no, i know, but we're not supposed to drive from another state to go to that beach. leland: interesting. >> us being in d.c., yeah, uh-huh. leland: learn something new every day. >> before you pack your bags, you better check. great to be with you. i'm gillian turner. president trump says this weekend reopening the u.s. business for his top priority. the latest jobs report that came out yesterday shows just how badly, how devastating the pandemic has been on the nation's economy. david spunt is at the white house with the latest projections. david? >> gillian, president trump is also here at the white house this afternoon. he was supposed to be at camp
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david this weekend, meeting with several advisors. that meeting got switched, and he's now going to meet with military advisors in the cabinet room in about three hours, waiting to hear more about what that meeting entails, but this comes, though, after that grim picture, a frightening picture for many, the worst jobs report in u.s. history. almost 21 million americans lost their jobs last month, pushing the unemployment rate to 14.7%, the highest, gillian, since the great depression. that's just in april. that does not account for those who haven't been able to file for unemployment yet. fox news is told a phase four stimulus package won't pick up for maybe another month or so. democrats in the house and senate want action now arguing the administration is not doing enough to send money to state and local governments. yesterday here at the white house, president trump met with 19 republicans to discuss those job numbers and how to move forward, making it clear that he's taking his time. >> the democrats have to do what
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they have to do, but i would say we're not looking -- we want to see what they have, but i -- >> the virus doesn't discriminate getting closer to the president and vice president. vice president pence's press secretary katie miller tested positive for coronavirus, also a personal valet to president trump, a member of the u.s. navy, he tested positive. we're told president trump and vice president pence have been tested every single day. they have not tested positive. they're continuing to test negative. also first daughter ivanka trump's personal assistant has tested positive. ivanka trump has tested negative. fda commissioner, food and drug administration commissioner steven hahn was around someone who tested positive. hahn tested negative, but he's in isolation for 14 days. i'm also told that many people here at the white house close to the president will be tested on a more regular basis, a lot of deep cleaning and sanitizing to make sure the president and his staff stay healthy.
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gillian? gillian: david, quick question, are they testing members of the press over there on the weekends too? or not as much? >> not today. they were testing people yesterday, members of the press got the rapid test results because of the vice president's press secretary. she was around several members of the press over the past few days. they made those tests available. as far as today, they are taking our temperatures when we walk in the white house grounds, but no indication yet that there's going to be any covid-19 tests taking place. gillian? gillian: thanks for that, david. appreciate it. leland: comments made by former president obama during a private meeting are now emerging, and they reveal his thoughts about attorney general bill barr's decision to dismiss the case against michael flynn. mark meredith has the audio as well as more on the fallout over barr's decision. no surprise perhaps president obama and president trump disagree on this one. >> yeah, that's right. really not a surprise. i think it is surprising that we're hearing the recorded
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conversation of a former president because that's really something we don't hear about. this was a call that took place this week with the former president as well as some of his former staffers. the audio was leaked to yahoo! news. they posted some of it on-line, and the portion we really have focused on is the case about michael flynn. the former president saying that in that conversation he feels that the flynn case has been down played these last couple o flynn of course as you know had pled guilty to lying to the fbi about his communications with the russia ambassador. the justice department announced thursday it plans to drop the case. obama says he was shocked by the move. >> that's the kind of -- where you begin to get worried that basic -- not just institutional norms, but our basic understanding of rule of law is
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at risk. >> now president trump praised the justice department's decision, also praised flynn this week calling him an innocent man. as you remember, president trump was the one that fired him back in 2017. the white house says it believes the fbi was trying to target and trap flynn over his comments. the president tweeted about this on friday morning, writing, congratulations to general flynn and many others. i do believe there is much more to come. dirty cops and crooked politicians don't go well together. reaction from lawmakers appears to be split down party lines. >> they fixed the whole jury against flynn. i mean, he was set up as bad as anybody i have ever seen. i'm glad the charges were dropped. he's been exonerated, but they want to try to cover up the fact that however high this went -- >> i don't think there's any question that so much of what they are doing right now is being done because they know the country of necessity is focusing on life or death. i think this is an effort to distract the public attention. >> this is far from over.
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we have heard from several democratic lawmakers that are calling for the justice department's inspector general to review the decision to drop the case. this is something that will play out over the next several months, still to m co. -- to come. leland: also to play out how that tape got leaked. we will look into that. mark meredith, thank you very much. >> you bet. gillian: tara reade, the former senate aide who has accused joe biden of sexual harassment and assault when he served in the u.s. senate is calling for him to drop out of the presidential race. jacqui heinrich joins us live with more on what reade is saying. jacqui? >> tara reade said former vice president joe biden should step down from the 2020 race and be held accountable. she also acknowledged her decision to come forward with her allegations was in part
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political, saying everything is political, and this is about watching her abuser be elevated to the highest office in the country. reade shared details of the alleged assault and also described a limited report she claims he filed with congressional personnel over a sexual harassment claim in biden's office. reade said she first tried to raise her concerns with biden's staff, but was rebuffed. she does not have a copy of the complaint, and the senate cannot legally disclose whether one exists, but multiple employees in biden's office deny ever being approached by reade. >> you have to look at the source. i mean, they are still working with biden. they are not just biden's staffers or former, they are with him. except mary ann baker is retired but she was with him. their job is to cover what he did. there are people who enabled and allowed his behavior to continue, and they know who they are and in a way they are complicit. >> a newspaper uncovered a court
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filing from reade's ex husband stating reade complained to him about sexual harassment in biden's office and struck a deal with the chief of staff to leave her position. he said the event had a traumatic effect on reade. the document is part of the response to reade's petition for a restraining order against him amid their divorce. biden's campaign again denied the allegation citing news articles they say demonstrate inconsistencies in reade's story. deputy campaign manager said the truth is all these -- excuse me, the truth is that these allegations are false and the material that's been presented to back them up under scrutiny keeps proving their falsity. reade is now being represented by an attorney who also represented some harvey weinstein accusers. he was a prominent donor and supporter of president trump's 2016 campaign, but says his taking on reade's claims had nothing to do with his past support for the president. gillian? gillian: thanks for that.
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leland: as david spunt reported the white house says they want to wait on any more coronavirus bailout spending but with skyrocketing unemployment democrats are looking to provide more federal aid to hard hit states as well as individuals and perhaps local governments. joining us now is the member of the house armed services committee, john garamendi, friend of the show. welcome back. we appreciate it. >> good to be with you. leland: lay out for us the case for additional spending immediately. >> bankrupt cities, bankrupt counties, states in deep financial trouble. the state of california had a 20 billion dollars surplus in january. and the revise of its budget, they are going to have a 50 billion dollars deficit. counties that i represent are running very very serious deaf -- serious deficits. they are laying off and furloughing workers, only a matter of a few weeks before
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they will lay off police, fire, cities, education, all of those are dramatically affected here in california, which is one of the richer states and a state that as i said had a serious surplus just two months ago, three months ago. leland: we did a story couple days ago about a city in missouri where the police all offered to take a pay cut so they didn't furlough about 10% of the officers. we're watching video next to you, which is apropos of the government, the u.s. government, the u.s. treasury printing off checks, which reminds us that the federal government can print as much money as it wants effectively. state and local governments can't do that. is there a reason to put state and local governments though on a little bit of a diet and not just open up the spigots, if you will, to prevent all the things you have just talked about? >> well, they are on a diet and have been on a diet for the previous ten years as they were coming out of the great
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recession, there was serious layoffs from that recession. in most cases, in the communities i represent and beyond, they have not yet been fully re-establishing their police and firefighters. there are still fewer than they were before. yes, they have been on a diet. and california, jerry brown was known to be a very serious penny pincher and put the state on a diet, as a result of which was a significant surplus that's now gone. so there are very very serious proble problems. we're looking at the essential protections that people count on, ambulances, police, firefighters, all of those are in jeopardy and in some cases in my area already we're seeing the furloughs take place. leland: some states said they had a rainy day fund, but this has been a rainy couple of months and could be a rainy couple of years as we look at what tax rekreemeceipts -- rece are going to look like. one of your fellow members of the democratic caucus there from california has tweeted this and
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proposing this, we need monthly $2,000 checks sent out to every american making less than $130,000 during this period. at least according to him, whether or not they have a job or not, whether or not they have been affected or not. is there a danger in doing that? >> it's a bad idea. leland: wow, okay. >> just what you said, it is a bad idea because what have you accomplished besides perhaps rewarding people like me, that i still have a job, still doing it, still employed and while we have 14% unemployment, let's just say it is really close -- [inaudible] -- 80% of the population is still working. you have to be very very careful how we spend taxpayer money or borrowed money. now, going forward, we clearly need to get the government, these local governments, state governments operating because they are according to the president the ones that are on the front line. he has pushed the
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responsibilities to the state, to the local governments, and if they are going to lay off the essential people, then we have a very serious problem. we also know that we need to do testing and tracking. all of that will be done by the state or the local governments, even though i do have a bill in place that would position americorps and other federal voluntary agencies to step up. leland: congressman, we appreciate your time. we're taking a couple hits on your audio, so we're going to leave it there. we will have you back. i hear congress might be back in session in the coming weeks. look forward to having you on from d.c., sir. >> it will be a pleasure to be with you. leland: bring your winter clothes because it is 39 degrees here. see you soon. >> it is 93 where i am right now. leland: that sounds pretty nice. enjoy it. >> it is, thank you. gillian: i would make the trade. lots of states are now easing up restrictions on big american chains like wal-mart and target, so a lot of small and family owned businesses are still stuck, prevented from reopening. joining us to talk about the
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challenges to small businesses is kristen evans. she owns two independent bookstores including the book smith, well known book shop as well as a bar and event space in san francisco. we're also joined by the owner of a glass company out of lancaster, pennsylvania, walter rowan. thank you both for joining me today. we appreciate it. kristen, i want to go to you first because i understand you were planning for weeks on reopening today, and then as i suns -- then as i understand it yesterday, you got word that due to the bay area restrictions, you actually can't. is that right? >> the governor had announced the state of california could open up as soon as this past friday, but we learned on thursday that our local county is going to hold off another ten days, so now our opening date will be on may 18th. gillian: so how are you going --
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how have you kind of circulated this with your staff? have you talked to them about this? it is an extraordinary challenge to place on a business 24 hours out. >> yes, so we've been making preparations in anticipation of trying to get our doors open. we are shipping books still from the back office, and we're doing inventory inside the store. we have a limited number of people that are currently working for us. the plan is to add curb-side delivery, so the store will still not be fully opened to the public, but will be allowed to essentially provide books at -- [inaudible]. gillian: i see. walt, coming to you next, you have 35 full-time employees, but you've had to sadly furlough all of them. >> that's right. gillian: as i understand it, you have received a ppp payment from
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the government, so that should solve all your problems; right? >> i wish it were that simple. the problem is that the ppp came out, and all small businesses around the country that were able to get one of those loans as we were were amazingly grateful for the help. the problem is there's still lots of questions about how to use the money and how quickly to use the money. so there's a real problem with the fact that we get eight weeks specifically to use the money from the moment the money came into our checking account, and for me, that's been about two and a half weeks already, and in pennsylvania, my county is still closed down, so we are not allowed to be in our business and to be open. so there's a real disconnect between the timing of the use of
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the money and the ability of businesses to open up relative to the health crisis that we're all facing in the individual space. gillian: this is really important because i think a lot of business owners around the country facing the same strange conundrum. you know, you get this payment, and the temptation is there to spend cash on hand when you have it, but is it wise, you know, in the long-term, in the medium to long-term to use this money now or to sit on it and wait until you're operational again? >> i've talked to dozens of business people just like me, and every one of us is going through that exact question. how do we use it? when do we use it? i think the answer is what is the absolute most effective economic use of that money so that both the company, the employees, and our economy, the taxpayers get the biggest bang
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for that money? and right now forcing us to use it in an eight-week period of time, when a lot of us are not even going to be able to open is effectively wasting that money, so we have to -- the sba has to simply adjust the regulations, and there's a lot of ways to do that. the simplest is to simply give the businesses a better option to start using the money the minute they're opened back up. that would be one solution. there are others that allows to turn it into a grant, turn it into a longer term note that can be forgiven later on. but the eight-week window is just enormously problematic, and it misses an enormous economic advantage for the country. gillian: also something that not a lot of folks are talking about, so it's great to go through that with you. walt and kristen, we have to leave it there, unfortunately,
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but we appreciate you sharing your stories, struggles with us. hopefully viewers out there will learn something from you and connect with that. we wish you the best this week going forward. leland? >> thanks. leland: the music industry is mourning the loss of rock legend little richard. we are following the reaction from the streets of new york where he once played a few times. >> hi there leland. we don't really know how richard died early this morning. we do know richard's family isn't sharing the cause of death just yet. his bass guitarist, though, told tmz that the singer had been sick for about two months and that he died in his tennessee home surrounded by his brother, sister, and son. now he was born in 1932 in georgia to a conservative family. he left home as a teen to pursue singing. his big break came with major
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hits, like rip it up, long tall sally and good golly miss molly. his band included then unknown greats like james brown, billy preston and jimmie hendrix. he was known as one of rock and roll founders, he inspired artists like the beatles and elton john. he was inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame in 1986. >> i started as a young age. i started singing, but my dad didn't like my singing. my momma ma did. -- my mama did. my dad told me i was hollering too loud. when i was -- he would say shut up. he thought somebody had jumped on me. >> the innovator, the musician, performer, who influenced generations of artists has left. you were awesome. your talent will reverberate forever.
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well done, sir. rest well. and senate minority leader schumer also adding on twitter in the world of music, it doesn't get much better than little richard. we have lost a musical giant. little richard dead at 87 years old. leland? leland: we will be right back. looks like they picked the wrong getaway driver. they're going to be paying for this for a long time. they will, but with accident forgiveness allstate won't raise your rates just because of an accident, even if it's your fault. cut! sonny. was that good? line! the desert never lies. isn't that what i said? no you were talking about allstate and insurance. i just... when i... let's try again. everybody back to one. accident forgiveness from allstate. click or call for a quote today.
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gillian: three americans are now under arrest. they have been charged with killing a security guard in flint, michigan. they are all facing first degree murder charges. they had a dispute with the guard over the store's face mask policy. the county prosecutor says the two men later went back to the store and shot the security guard. leland: the two white suspects accused of killing a 25-year-old black jogger are behind bars two plus months after the crimes. steve harrigan in atlanta where the georgia attorney general is promising answer and an investigation on the delay. hi, steve. >> this case dragged on for 74 days with no arrests. the two made their first court appearance on friday. greg and travis mcmichael, father and son, are accused of
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murder, accused of pursuing, chasing down in a pickup truck a 25-year-old black jogger, ahmaud arbery who was jogging through a neighborhood in southeastern georgia. the case languished until a video turned up posted and leaked on-line. it showed the scuffle between the three. the young mcmichael getting out of the cab of the truck with a shotgun. the two scuffled briefly. three shots were fired, killing arbery. the video has sparked tremendous anger across the country and protests. >> [inaudible]. -- in a neighborhood minding your own business! it is not your fault that two extremists, two cowards, two thugs -- [inaudible] -- and killed you! it is not your fault! >> while local police did nothing, made no arrests for more than two months, once the georgia bureau of investigation got involved, things changed
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quickly. they made two arrests within 48 hours of being on the ground. officials there say more arrests including the man who filmed the encounter could be ahead. >> we're going to go wherever the evidence takes us. let's say hypothetically if we believe tomorrow, in a week, three weeks there's probable cause for an arrest, then we will do it. if we don't believe there is, then we won't. >> the elder mcmichael, a former police officer with a history in law enforcement told police that the shooting was in self-defense. back to you. leland: a lot of questions about whether it was police on the scene or district attorney there who did not want that pair arrested. a lot more to come on this case. steve, thank you. gillian? gillian: next, we're going to bring you an update on a story we have been following for a couple of months now. a colorado nurse who contracted the coronavirus early on in the outbreak recovered is now speaking out about her problems with state-run testing, after
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leland: politico europe reports the u.k. might quarantine incoming travelers for two weeks as they try to prevent new cases of the coronavirus from coming into their country. ryan chilcote live in london with how countries around the world are dealing with the pandemic. hi, ryan. >> yeah, hi there. countries right around the world are opening up beginning in south asia, pakistan for one has begun to ease restrictions. the country's prime minister simply saying that his government can't afford to continue to support millions of pakistanis who need to work to pay their bills. meanwhi meanwhile, in switzerland, a country where $200,000 is an average salary, quite a contrast, more than a thousand people lined up for free food. the line was more than half a mile long. evidence that low income workers even in the world's richest
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countries are really struggling. in madrid, a more hopeful picture, people out enjoying exercising today after the government opened up the roads. but the city won't advance to the next phasing of easing as was hoped on monday because the infection rate is still too high. here in the u.k., the deadliest country in europe in terms of the coronavirus, people are waiting on british -- the big british prime minister's big speech tomorrow where he's going to outline his road map for easing restrictions. boris johnson who nearly himself died from the vairs virus is saying the first changes may be very minor, in fact may be tightening, the pm expected to announce anyone entering the u.k. come the endover -- end of the month will have to quarantine for two weeks. airlines are saying that could be death of travel and tourism in the u.k. not only do they say will people be reluctant to come to the u.k. from outside the country but even brits they say will think twice before they go traveling when they know when they come
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back, they will have to spend another two weeks at home. back to you. leland: the law of unintended consequences continues to follow on, ryan, thank you very much. gillian? gillian: meanwhile, back here, stateside, still a lot of serious concerns from epidemiologists and public health experts about whether enough testing is being done and even can be done before the country can fully have every state reopen. joining us now is someone who has first-hand experience with both state and private testing efforts, she has been through the wringer, a nurse in colorado who spent 58 days in isolation before being cleared of covid-19. now, lisa, this isn't your first time joining us. we have been tracking your story. how are you doing? how are you feeling about everything today? >> i'm feeling great. i'm doing really well. i have been out and about, so i'm past the whole virus, but i
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feel really good. gillian: tell us about -- so let's go back to the beginning for our viewers who waren't familiar with your journey. tell us about testing efforts at first that you went through when you were first diagnosed with covid. >> i was diagnosed with covid on march 8th. i went to the public health department, on march 11th, four days later, i received my results back. then i had to stay in isolation for about 14 days. i stayed in isolation for 14 days. and then on march 23rd, i was able to get another test that came back negative. and then as a healthcare provid provider, i took the most conservative method that there was out there, which is trying to get two negative covid-19 tests in a row. i never achieved that until we basically -- my husband and i took matters into our own hands. i went through tests through the state and we ended up going --
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[inaudible] -- on april 23rd, and we got three negatives in a row. it was really hard because we live in a really small community, and so there's a lot of factors that can play into the testing that they are using right now, climate, contamination, so there's a lot of things that can play into it. it's all depends on the site that you are going to. every one that i went to was different. they put the swab in my nose differently. some of them would pull up on the nose. some of them would pull the nose down. everything -- all the tests were different, so it all depends on the sample size that you get as well too. yeah, we just went through -- we just went through some major testing, and it took 58 days to get cleared. gillian: now, if you put your professional cap on and talk to us as a nurse for a moment, what
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is your take away from that experience? i mean, we can't have that replicated across the united states millions of times. i mean, there would be total chaos. >> well, as a healthcare provider, i think it is definitely really difficult. we need point of care testing. we need rapid testing. there's not a lot of healthcare providers, you know, that could stand through the testing like i did or be in isolation for 58 days. it is just -- it was really hard and not being able to connect with my patients, take care of my patients, but, you know, with all the hospital staffing shortages and stuff like that as well too. testing, we need to get it up to standards. all the tests that we're using now are emergency use only, even the testing that's only 67% -- [inaudible] accurate, so we need a different form of testing. being a healthcare provider, i
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knew what to look for. i talked to the cdc. i was talking to the state. you know, i was basically an advocate for myself. there's a lot of people that don't know those avenues, but having my own clinic, it helped, being able to have access to those tests, being able to send them off, being able to talk to, you know, the state, the cdc, different doctors at lab corps and all the testing, the sensitivity and specificity, so if you don't know that information, it's hard to navigate the system, but testing is key, like a different type of tests. you know, it's very -- the testing method that we're using right now is painful as well too. i went through a total of 13 tests all together. gillian: wow. >> being a healthcare provider, it's hard. to put your patients through that, it is difficult. gillian: yeah. i mean, that's what i'm saying, you know, it is hard to imagine that this is something that works, and it can be replicated nationwide without tremendously
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dire consequences for a lot of folks. lisa, thank you very much for sharing your personal experience with us, your story, also providing your professional expertise. we really appreciate it >> we appreciate -- i appreciate you too. thanks for getting the story out. thank you very much. gillian: you bet. leland? leland: all right. walk down the street today and you see this, a mother, daughter team in canada who found a unique way to spread according to this script joy and keep people safe. the pair dressed up in inflatable dinosaur suits and giant masks in toronto causing smiles and double takes while handing out home made masks to people on the street. [laughter] leland: takes a lot to leave me speechless. you have been trying for a long time, but that did. gillian: the key motivating question is, do you have to stay 6 feet away from giant dinosaurs on the sidewalk or just from
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other people? i don't know the answer. i'm just throwing it out there. leland: these are the questions of a coronavirus time. it looks like the dinosaurs are staying 6 feet away from each other. [laughter] gillian: they are, which i mean there's got to be. [laughter] gillian: so ridiculous. there's got to be -- [laughter] gillian: all right. leland: all right. i will read the tease for you. we're going to take an inside look at how one small business is taking a swing at reopening safely when we come back after the break.
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gillian: the federal government is moving forward once again with border wall construction plans. they have given a contract to an alabama-based company to build a 14-mile stretch of the wall in land near texas. u.s. customs and border patrol says that construction should begin early in 2021. leland: retail businesses around the country face their own challenges in trying to reopen, especially ones that rely on contact with their customer. we have founder and ceo of second swing golf, as they have reopened one of five stores, one in arizona and continuing to try to keep their employees paid with on-line sales.
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we appreciate you joining us. you are one of the first businesses that we talked to that had gotten a ppp loan. how has that worked out for you guys? >> i mean, yeah, thanks leland for having me on. it's been really good. i think what congress has passed has been working really well, the family first, sick leave, ppp, in general, and for second swing, we have never really raised any private equity or venture capital money so we feel fortunate to have a great partnership in bridge water bank that we work with. over the last 15 years, if you take a look at it, we started with an sba loan, that helped us get moving and going. since then we haven't done a whole lot. now we're into really the ppp standpoint. that process has taken a little over eight weeks. it's given us nice confidence to bring back employees and it's allowing to us make sure that more team members stay in play over the long period. leland: as you look at things right now, the administration will tell you the reason that the ppp loans were necessary was because there was going to be
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all this pent up consumer demand as america begins to reopen. you're both on-line and brick and mortar. have you seen that demand with the reopening of golf courses and thus a big resurgence of people wanting new golf clubs? >> i mean, i think when you take a look at, you know, course, and everything going on, we were performing about 20% ahead of plan when the pandemic hit. then four weeks after that, it really dipped down really quickly. things dipped down about 70%. since then things have been coming back in a nice fashion. we're happy things are coming back in a good way. leland: that's good to hear. from 20% overbudget to 70% underbudget is pretty incredible swing, almost like going from an eagle to double bogey which are experiences some of us have had in our lives on the golf course. part of your business obviously is selling golf clubs. another part of the business is buying golf clubs that are used from folks. conceivably people who are out of work, one of the places that
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they could raise money pretty quickly is selling their golf clubs. have you seen an up tick in people trying to sell golf clubs or has that not taken off yet? >> folks are trading in golf clubs, what they look to do is they trade when they buy new clubs. if they haven't been able to buy new clubs, the trade side of the business has been soft. the shining light for us is second we have been able to take a lot of trades and handle the inventory that way. and the good thing that way too is we can disinfect it when it comes in and go from there. we are adding curb-side trade-i trade-ins o tour stores. -- to our stores. that starts next week. that will be a nice way to get inventory flowing in and coming in. leland: i'm looking at pictures from your stores, inside, you've put in one-way lines, etc. how is that working so far in arizona? >> i mean, we're only, you know, a little less than one week into this, and early indicators are i mean our phase one approach is
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really by appointment only. we are sticking close to one-on-one team sales member with you the whole time. it is by appointment only. we're able to kind of control the environment. once the folks leave the store, we are able to take the inventory and make sure we disinfect it properly. we have added plexi glass shields in the store as well. we have hand wash -- leland: real quick for you. great in phase one, to be able to have the one-on-one appointment only kind of environment, but there's no way to go on as a business like that, is there? >> well, i mean, we definitely need to get things back to normal. this is really just kind of a trial run here. the volume we're doing is maybe 20% of what the plan would normally be at this point in time. leland: wow. >> we need to get things moving for sure in a quick manner. leland: simon, i know you have built second swing through 08, 09 great recession and now you have the coronavirus to deal with. we will keep checking in on you
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and see how the business goes. keep up the good work and all the folks out there employed. >> appreciate it leland. thanks for having me on. leland: god speed. good luck. gillian: looking at snowy images coming out of springfield, new hampshire this morning, looks more like mid march than mid may. we will bring you the forecast coming up next.
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gillian: it is a tale of two very different forecasts across america this weekend. some parts of the country, spring, summer is coming. other parts of the country feels like, i don't know, it is still winter, maybe. meteorologist adam klotz joins us from new york with what to expect. adam? adam: hey there gillian. here in new york, it feels like winter, and that's going to continue, and it's been that way for a big stretch of the eastern half of the country. take a look at the temperatures we saw early this morning. spots 27 degrees in cincinnati, 29 degrees in buffalo, 31 degrees in chicago. a very cold air mass that's settled in, and with that it brought snow to areas of new england, widespread parts of couple inches of snow, but portions in vermont and new hampshire, 6 inches of snow or
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more last night and into this morning. maybe still some light precipitation in some of those areas, but it is winding down. it is going to warm up today especially in the middle of the country, 60s. 45 degrees in new york. 45 degrees in cleveland. we will have another cold night ahead of us. these are freeze advisories stretching from north georgia alabama all the way across mid-atlantic and new england, cold temperatures once again down at freeze organize below freezing -- down at freezing or below freezing. cover those plants if you have the opportunity to do so because we could see temperatures low enough to damage some of those. gillian liske you said it is a tale of two sides of the country. out west, extreme heat, 102 degrees this afternoon in phoenix. that will be stretching there the next few days. we're looking at real heat in the desert southwest. gillian, what do you think? i would rather be there, unfortunately i'm dealing with
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the cold temperatures. gillian: unfortunately about this season is that if you don't like where you are, you are stuck there. it is not like you can hop on a plane. we're stuck with it. adam: that's true, no escape. gillian: we appreciate it, adam. adam: no problem. leland: now we have a more important pressing question, where would the dinosaurs prefer to be right now? do they prefer the cold or the heat? gillian: i feel like you put those up on the screen again just to torment me. leland: there might have been something to that thought, yes. [laughter] leland: we will leave you with the dinosaurs. gillian: join us tomorrow, special mother's day.
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more states looking to return to normalcy amid the coronavirus pandemic, with the vast majority of states easing restrictions despite the outbreak continuing here in the u.s. right now there are nearly 1.3 million confirmed cases with over 77,000 deaths. hello everyone. welcome to america's news headquarters. i'm arthel neville. eric: i'm eric shawn. hello, welcome. we will keep you up to date over the next three hours on the fox news channel. the partial reopening of many of those states coming a as record 20.5 million jobs were lost last month, sending the unemployment rate skyrocketing, to


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