tv Watters World FOX News May 9, 2020 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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greg: we are out of time, thinking to dagen mcdowell, joey jones, tyrus, kat timpf, i love you america. ♪ [♪] jesse: welcome to "watters world." i'm jesse watters. >> two weeks ago we are probably first administration in modern history who hasn't had a major scandal in the white house. jesse: what a joke. the obama people got caught this week and it looks like it went straight to the top. remember the obama officials who told the country trump was a traitor. >> the great case officer, vladimir putin. he knows how top handle an asset and that's what he's doing with the president. >> do you think president trump
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is anne a russian asset? >> i think it's possible. >> he has take and series of step that if vladimir putin dictated them he couldn't have mirrored any more effectively. jesse: these people were lying on national television. they knew they were lying but they didn't think they would get caught. when house republicans put them under oath every single one of them said they had seen know evidence of collusion. ric grenell, acting director of national intelligence released the transcripts of these low lives, james clapper. quote never saw any direct empirical evidence. samantha power. i'm not in possession of anything. susan rice, i don't recall. andrew mccabe on the steele dossier, we have not been able to prove the accuracy. the obama administration
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wiretapped, spied on and investigated their political opponents and they never had any evidence of collusion. they didn't have any then and they don't have any now because there was no collusion. it was a frameup. what they have did was they went on tv and told everybody trump was a traitor, though. adam schiff did, too. these people are evil and they are sick. i hate them for what they have did to this country and i will never forgive them. and i will never forgive them for what they did to michael flynn. a three-star general who spent 30 years protecting america. the department of justice finally dropped the case against them. here is a.g. bill barr. >> what should americans take away from your actions in the flynn case today stay want to make sure we've restore confidence in the system. there is only one system of justice. >> when history looks back on this decision, how do you think
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it will be written? >> history is written by the winners. it depends on who is writing the history. jesse: that's so true. these people will rewrite history if they get the chance. the doj said there was no basis for james comey to send in fbi agents to interview flynn. the doj says the interview was unjustified. the doj said flynn's phone call with the russian ambassador was perfectly legal and totally appropriate. the doj said flynn did not violate the stupid logan act. and he never committed perjury anyway. we saw documents that showed fbi agents plotting to entrap flynn. floating their goal to get him, lock him up or get him fired. the reason the obama administration needed flynn gone was because he was about to
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uncover the scandal that the strum team had been illegally spied on and spleered. they needed flynn gone so shae sooo -- -- so their coup could continue. the president fumed over his injustice earlier. president trump: i hope a lot of people are going to pay a big price. they are dishonest, crooked people. they are scum, they are human scum. the obama administration justice department was a disgrace. and they got caught, they got caught. they are dishonest people of. but much more. it's treason. jesse: strong words and they are backed by facts. new documents tell us everything. they opened up an investigation on snrin just because he was on the trump campaign and traveled to russia once. the steele dossier was a hillary hit job and it was russian disinformation and they knew of
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it. and they used it anyway to get a warrant. the fbi doctored evidence to listen to carter page's phone calls. the papadopoulos conversation at the bar the cia set up. the manafort black book was a setup from a clinton ukranian contact. so obama's team illegally leaked flynn's classified phone call to create a russian cloud around him. obama prr knew what was going on. new transcripts so obama was aware of the intimate details of flynn's call. a call that wasn't criminal at all. this raised eyebrows because obama hated flynn, and told trump not to hire him. as we told you last week, flynn clashed with obama's cia.
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he didn't like how political they were and believed they were covering up the truth about with al qaeda. during the transition obama doj official salary yates attended a meeting with brennan, rice and clapper. they were discussing russian interference that they used as an excuse for hillary losing. and after the meeting gates and comey were asked to stay behind. he said he learned about the investigation of flynn and his discussion with the russian ambassador. obama was seeking information on whether the white house should be treating flynn any differently given the information. james comey membersing the logan act in front of the president which ended up being the b.s. excuse for unleashing this thing. another memo said biden stayed
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behind too and witnessed the conversation. remember the strzok-page text. the white house is running this? potus wants to know everything we are doing? naturally because counter-intelligence investigations are done solely for the commander in chief. it all connects now, doesn't it. sources telling "watters world" that attorney general bill barr was given a troac a trove of smn documents. yesterday president trump hinted this is far from over. here is the tweet. yesterday was a big day for justice in the usa. congratulations to general flynn and many others. i do believe there is much more to come. dirty cops and crooked politicians do not go well
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together. we'll have to wait and see how this unfolds. reports are that adam schiff is quote panicked. john durham is working around the clock putting together a winnable case in court. if this goes all the way to the top. bill barr will have to appoint a special prosecutor with a wider scope to get to the bottom or should i say to the top of obama-gate. joining me is sean hannity. your sources have been right on this thing it entire time. what are your sources tell you g you. >> i don't want to minimize this. they were peddling lies, conspiracy theories, hoax after hoax after hoax. we chronicled on "hannity" all of adam schiff's lies. you have just pointed out about
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obama saying we never had a scandal. all of this happened on his watch, this abuse of power and corruption. it's at a level that's so high i want your audience and our audience to know this is a danger to the republic. and you had the democrats following adam schiff off the cliff. he's getting testimony day after dade saying -- we have know evidence, clapper, we have no evidence, rice,' powers. we have no evidence. then he's going all over cnn and the media, the willing accomplices allowing him to push his propaganda. devin nunes told us the truth. it's taken three years of unpeeling the layers of an onion. there were people on this network -- an ensemble cast. buff it wasn't very big, though.
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all of the d.c. democrats, the photograph todathe -- the pravd. the truth has come out where does flynn go to get back four years of his life. we where does roger stone go to get his good name back. for a process crime we are going toapped send a team' of progressmen. heading a jury, and speaking out against the guy on trial? that's not a fair and impartial jury. we are going to set up a guy like papadopoulos? the long answer is i think we are getting to the truth. we have people committed to justice. jesse, there is can't happen in the united states of america. it can't or we don't have a country. if we allow this to happen again, this abuse of power, and
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people are going to be silent because they have a political agenda, then america as we know it dies. and we can't allow that to happen. but i believe we are getting to the bottom of it. barr, durham. there are good people who committed their lives to finding the truth. jesse: and i think it's going to happen. and i'm confident there will be justice. sean, thanks for making sure everybody knows about this story and we'll keep peeling back that onion. >> thank you. it's all hands on deck for the country. jesse, the democrats say they care about obstruction. they ignored hillary's deleted and destroyed emails. they will care about due process, they ignored fisa applications that were built on, well, what we now know to be lies that were unverifiable. we know they literally in the
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scope of miranda, rosenstein sent over things they had known back in february. they knew in february 2017 the steele dossier sub source did not confirm what christopher steele said. they said they are i believers, but if you are a democrat they don't believe. even if you have more evidence and corroboration of witnesses. this is a tipple point for truth in this country. and you i have never been more scared for the future of our country than after these two weeks ever. jesse: i think it's pretty clear the democrats only care about democrats and the rest of us care about the country. i'm not talking about all democrats across the country. i'm talking about the washington politicians. i'm honored to have you on the store.
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who jesse watters is hosting the number one show. you are killing it. we need your voice. thank you. jesse: damning video coming back to haunt joe biden. creepy and devastating video. creepy and devastating video. we'll show you. my time is thin, but so is my lawn. now there's scotts thick'r lawn 3-in-1 solution. with a soil improver! seed! and fertilizer to feed! now yard time is our time. this is a scotts yard. - sir. - you're talking about a first [runnigeneration americanren] from the streets of the imperial valley who rose to beat the odds. she worked nights and weekends
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[♪] jesse: main developments in the joe biden sexual assault situation. tara reade says they will take a lie detector test if biden does. a new document adds serious credibility to her claim. "watters world" has been investigating joe's character. democrats are dismissing the allegations saying we know joe and this isn't him. >> joe biden is joe. he brings his values and personal experience for a vision for america that is about fairness. jesse: imagine if the republicans in the kavanaugh hearing sai said brett is brett.
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here is "the daily show" from a few years ago. >> if there was video of kavanaugh like this it with have been over for him. joe has been creepy in plain sight for years. take a look on this biker's face as joe newsles up behind his girl. remember that? he got away with that only because he was vp. bind used to skinny dip in front of his secret service detail. agents say whether at the vice president's residence or his home in delaware. bind has a habit of sphwhimg his
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pool nude. female secret service agents find the behavior offensive. seven different women came forward and said biden crossed the line with them. lucy flores claimed biden smelled her hair and gave her a big kiss on the back of her head. she said she wanted find get away from her. amy says biden touched and rubbed his nose against her during a political fundraiser. she said she thought he was going to kiss her on the mouth. she decided not to complain because she was a nobody and he was vp. caitlyn caruso said biden hugged her just a little bit too long and laid his hand on her thigh. aly cole complained he was
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inappropriate with her. he squeezed her shoulder, complimented her smile and held her for a beat too long. stephanie said biden violated her personal space when he held her hands and touched his forehead to her at the oscars. an intern said he pressed his head to her forehead, then he called her a pretty girl. she'd called his behavior inappropriate. brett kavanaugh faced an allegation when he was in high school that nobody witnessed and it wasn't corroborated. kavanaugh had a pristine record especially with women. but the left said since he liked beer he was probably guilty of rape. there are all these women who say joe kreeched them out, not in high school, but recently.
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the media is just in on the joke. >> all the touchy feeley stuff. >> if you are going to run in 2020, you have to comaingt way you interact with women. jesse: we established joe is creepy. here is a news clip from abc news. >> i went to law school on a full academic scholarship. the only one in my class to have a full academic scholarship. i was in the top half of my class. i graduated with three degrees and 165 credits. only needed 123. >> biden now concedes he did not graduate in the top half of his class and does not have three degrees. bind went 0 school on a half scholarship, graduated in the
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bottom half of his class. jesse: joe joe biden is a play a plagarist. >> he quoted five pages of someone else's work without citation. >> i have done some dumb things and i will do dumb things again. jesse: he got caught plagiarizing and begged his law school not to expel him. let's be honest. joe makes things up and he steals things. here is how biden described the decision behind the bin laden raid in his own words. >> the president went around the table with all the senior people including the chiefs of staff, and he said i have to make this decision, what is your opinion.
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mr. president, my suggestion was don't go. jesse: biden was against the bin laden raid. peter ducey asked him about it. >> if you were handed a piece of intelligence that said you could save lives but you would have to pull the trigger. >> i did, we killed bin laden. jesse: he lies with ease. we have seen how creepy he is with women. is it that big of a stretch to believe biden was creepy with reade and lied about it. i'm not going to convict on television. but democrats can't dismiss the allegations based on great character. he's a serial leader and creepy with women. he and his brothers and son made
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millions through joe biden. do you believe joe biden didn't know his family got rich all over the world when he was in office? maybe joe just doesn't remember things. but that's a whole other issue. we'll have time to deal with that another time. we shouldn't believe what most politicians say anyway. we should investigate ourselves. biden says if tara reade filed a complaint it would be filed with the senate. we asked the senate secretary and she said that the records are confidential. and the records at the university of delaware. we are not allowed to see those either. see the game he plays? but there is some paperwork that just came to the surface. a court document from 1996 shows that tar a reade -- tara reade
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told her ex-husband she was sexually harassed by joe biden. biden. reade's husband said she told him about a problem she was having with biden. he said she eventually struck a deal with the senator's office and left her position. he said so far this is the first written record from the time to that substantiates reade's claim. there are friends, family members who have gone on the record saying reade told her about it's many years ago. all of this including her late mother calling into there arey
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king. >> i'm wondering what a staffer would do besides go to the press in washington. my daughter just left there after working for a prominent senator and could not get through the with her problems at all. the only thing she could have done is go to the press and she chose not to do it out of respect for him. >> she had a story to tell you about out of respect for the person she worked for she didn't tell it. >> that's true. jesse: democrats said kavanaugh had to submit to an fbi investigation. if he didn't, he was obviously guilty. underred same standards, joe should submit to a full fbi investigation. tara reade says joe biden should submit to a polygraph. >> is that something you want to do? i will take one if joe biden
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takes one. jesse: she says she has been under attack from democrats and it'andit's hurtful. >> it's stunning how they have been saying horrible things about me and to me. jesse: tara reade is not going to let this go. he shouldn't be running for president of the united states. >> you want him to withdraw? >> i wish he would. jesse: will biden drop out? nothing would surprise me. but he's slowly losing his grip on the nomination. a quarter of come krets want to replace -- a quarter of democrats want to replace him on the ticket. with rush limbaugh says he may not have a choice. >> they are faced with a hard cold reality. they have to find a way to get him off the ticket.
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they know at the highest levels of the democrat national party, they know joe biden has got to go. jesse: it's too early to tell. the summer hasn't started yet. but things are moving quickly. bind has always been a puppet. if he's told to go, he will go. but the democrats to kill the #metoo movement just for a shot at the white house. whatever the left decides to do here, it will be about winning at any cost. still to come. coronavirus is changing how cops catch criminals. and we'll tell you what crimes are skyrocketing during the lockdown. and happy cinco de mayo.
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>> live from "america's news headquarters" i am ashley strohmeyer, tesla is suing the california county to close the containing the corroded river, federal lawsuit speaks to the county order, ceo élan musk is also threatening to move the electric car makers headquarters from california to texas or nevada. he tweeted earlier today that it was the final straw. he has criticized shelter in place restrictions and cost regulators over the issue. the workers in new york are getting surprised delivered on american airlines and the three day trip include any destination in the u.s. or caribbean once is safe to travel, they were overwhelmed with coronavirus patients as cases surged in new york. i am ashley strohmeyer, now back
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to "watters world" and log on to with all youree headlines. ♪ chaotic disaster. jesse: the state of georgia got hammered by the media when governor kemp started to let people back to work. here is a headline. the state is about to find out how many people need to lose their lives to shore up the economy. turns out georgia got it right and the media got it wrong. see the trend line? a decrease of 66 new cases per day over the last several weeks. people are starting to push back on the shutdowns across the country. remember the salon owner named shelly luther who was thrown in jail in dallas? her crime, cutting hair so she could feed her family. texas corrected the judge's mistake.
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she is out now. but america is seeing the beginning of class warfare in reverse. the rich and the comfortable telling the working men and women to stay in their homes and shut up. i spoke with mike rowe about this earlier. when you hear stories about salon owners being thrown in jail for trial to make ends meet so they can meet their kids, how does that make you feel? >> it makes me feel smart. for years through my foundation i have been saying cookie cutter advice is the devil. it's the enemy of common sense. and we have been for the last three months dismembering cookie cutter advice like i have never seen before. by that i just mean we have taken this incredibly complicated situation and treated it as if it's the same from sea to shining sea. we treated the whole country
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stliect was a hot spot and virtually every citizen as though they were infected. and we did it in the name of safety. the unintended consequences of doing that have become i think the true headlines of the day. jesse: i asked dr. fauci about that. i said could you have just surged the resources into the zones and locked down retirement communities and put the pre-resources there instead of treating the entire country like new york? and he kind of hedged a little bit. you look back a year later and say if we had done things differently, maybe we wouldn't have shut the entire country down. maybe we didn't need to shut the entire state of wyoming down when they have as many fatalities as you can count on two hands. do you see a movement in this country for people going back to
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work regardless of what the governor tells them to do? >> city was one of those anowing b-list celebrities saying stay home. and i did it because i didn't know what was happening. i didn't think anybody knew what was happening. the country had to get its head around the totality of these projections. we couldn't afford to pretend that more people might die in this thing than died in the second world war. but we had to get our breath. but that was 2 1/2 months ago. the situation is fluid. there will be a reversion to some kinds of individualism. i don't know when or where, but it's bound to happen. jesse: you are right about the initial instinct. you had to shelter in place to get your head around this. but once the data comes in. you see the mortality rates
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dropping and certain regions of the country doing extremely well. you have to go with the data. the data says you can open up in certain parts of the country. but there are certain precincts who want the entire country to stay at home regardless of new developments that come in and regardless of new fatality rates and regardless of whether people can afford to stay home eternally. not everybody has the kind of job where you get paid to work from home. there is a huge disconnect between those two americas. is that one america listening? i can see that other america. they are losing their patience. you are going to see people when the sun comes out, and money runs out, they are going outside and you will not be able to stop them. the government better back off. >> i have been here before. in my lane, in my world with my
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foundation, i have been saying for years, look, when you tell an entire generation that the best path for the most people is a four-year degree and you call that higher education. what you are doing in the same breath is telling everybody who doesn't go that way that they are of lower education. people don't like that. when they realize that's what's happening they start to push back against the ivy league. that's what's happening around the issue of essential workers. we wind up in a pandemic and what we look at the essentialality of work through the lens of this economy, i don't understand how anybody isn't an essential worker. you have got 33 million people sitting on the sidelines who have been told they are non-essential. that pisss people off.
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no one wants to be told. even though they are grateful for people keeping the lights on. no one wants to be told they don't matter. that's what we are doing when we draw the line between essential and non-essential. a big chunk of the country is feeling alienated and i don't blame them. jesse: an essential worker in my brain. i'm not as essential as you are. this is the only thing i know how to do is talk. you are a guy who works with his hands, so we need all the guys like you 0 it there as soon as possible. you are looking good in your home studio. home studio. >> thanks, if you have a garden you know, weeds are low down little scoundrels. with roundup sure shot wand you don't need to stoop to their level. draw the line. the sure shot wand extends with a protective shield
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analysis of usa today, crime rates are plunging across the country as people stay inside. traffic stops, obviously way down which is driving down sharp declinesha in duis, drug offens, whatever. we've seen fewer robberies, seen fewer stores open, but calls for domestic disturbances and domestic violence are surging. >> did you fall and hit your head. >> i have a bump but i am fine, i got this. and if my husband don't come at me again he can go to the [bleep] motorhome tonight, he's not coming back in my house tonight, i will beat the [bleep] out of him. suspects have discovered a new weapon. police have to deal with corona coffers. >> i dare you i bleeping dare you.
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>> joining me now a man who has seen it all, sgt, one of my favorite tv shows, anas life pd, sgt, this guy is coughing, you can be charged with assault i imagine, something like that, what kinds of things are you dealing with right now. >> that is the thing that we are dealing with and even outside of coronavirus i think it's a disgusting thing to someone to confident human being purposely or spit at them, that some of the things that were seen. domestic violence calls are something that are on the rise, i still think those are underreported because you don't have a lot of people that are going to places of employment where they share their story with coworkers or reporter at that point. i'm concerned about the same
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type of thing of child abuse cases both physically and sexually. a lot of times the kids go to school and that's where it's reported and with kids are going to school right now that is something were very concerned about is well. jesse: that's one thing that's a result of these extreme lockdowns that are not reported, child sexual abuse, you have to weigh these things when you'reex shutting down entire parts of the country. >> as you mentioned we reduce the number of traffic stops, a lot of calls we typically respond to for reports have gone online reporting. were destroying to minimize the contact as much as possible to keep the offersb are safe. jesse: you have these quarantine parties or large gatherings and things like that, obviously there will be a call i hear noise it's rowdy is loud, here's our exampl example of people reg
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to the. >> people are worried about getting diet and you throwing a party covid-19. none of us are sick. >> people are told to sell quarantine. >> correct, i see this. >> obvious invest two months ago, were in a different place right now but different jurisdictions if you have a governor that's very tough for the lockdown and sending patrolmen out, you've seen in texas where they saw people really hard with jail time, do you feel like you guys can make the call on the ground and say maybe we don't need to take someone and booked them up there in a group or cutting someone's hair. >> that's exactly it, we in law enforcement going to these calls a lot in the most of it is just
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going to be our discretion, will give them a verbal -- let them though that you guys cannot be doing this, we understand you guys want to get together, this is tough and most people go about it the way we asked them to, they dispersed. another thing a lot of agencies in the jail to reduce the time of crime there allowing people to come in for. so for nonviolent offenses is a elot of jails that we can even take those people to jail which pre-coronavirus who would've arrested them. for example burglary and auto theft, even when we go to these calls were breaking them up and is going to be a ticket to get them to disperse. jesse: again just another unintended consequence as you burglary suspects getting released after they try to break in. insanity. good luck, stay safe, we don't know how you have a nickname but
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stay safe. >> things a lot dusty. take care. "watters world" wishing you a happy cinco de mayo. keep your number, $20 a month, no contract. don't keep that case though...available 24/7 at tracfone wireless. robinwithout the commissioncase fees. so, you can start24/7 investing today wherever you are - even hanging with your dog. so, what are you waiting for? download now and get your first stock on us. robinhood.
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thesene days, "watters world" travel back to 2016 when i crashed a cinco de mayo party in new york city ♪ ♪ happy cinco de mayo. what's the best food for cinco de mayo. >> cassidy, taco. [cheering] >> what a single day demaio me mean. >> finding friends, the french people so they one and everybody celebrated. jesse: you guys beat the french that's not much to celebrate. [laughter] where are you from originally? >> i'm from puerto rico. >> i'm from the dominican. >> i'm actually from nicaragua, come from humble beginnings. >> me too. >> wherefrom. jesse: philly.
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>> hey. >> i'm watters and this is my world. jesse: up next, that is all ♪ ♪ is that good? no you were talking about allstate and... i just... when i... accident forgiveness from allstate. click or call for a quote today. accident forgiveness from allstate. you try to stay ahead of the mess. but scrubbing still takes time. now there's new powerwash dish spray. it's the faster way to clean as you go. just spray, wipe and rinse. it cleans grease five times faster. new dawn powerwash. spray, wipe, rinse. ...little things... ...can become your big moment. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable.
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don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea or vomiting. otezla is associated ..fe reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you.
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if you have a garden you know, weeds are low down little scoundrels. with roundup sure shot wand you don't need to stoop to their level. draw the line. the sure shot wand extends with a protective shield to pinpoint those pesky bedfellows. it lets you kill what's bad right down to the root, while comfortably guarding the good. draw the line with the roundup sure shot wand. roundup brand. trusted for over 40 years.
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be sure to follow me on facebook, instagram and twitter. "justice with judge jeanine" is next. i'm watters and this is my world. [♪] judge jeanine: hello and welcome to justice. i'm judge jeanine pirro. thanks for being with us tonight. let's get right to it with my open. the release this week of long hidden transcripts fully expose the left's attempt at a coup d'etat where a faction of the government tries to take down the leader of the country. the evidence shows former president barack obama and the obama administration were the hub of the bloodless coup. more smoke emanated from that hub, each with a
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