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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 12, 2020 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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appreciating. and if you are a fan of matthew mcconaughey, i hear he is going to be on "special report" tonight. jillian: i'm going to be asking that. rob: the female viewership will skyrocket for "special report" at 6:00. jillian: we got to go. have a good day. steve: good morning, everybody. it is tuesday may 12th, 2020. 6:00 in the east. we start with this fox news alert. president trump doubling down on his obama gate accusations, ainsley. ainsley: yes, he is. he is sounds off on the controversy surrounding michael flynn's case. brian: griff jenkins live in washington with the president's new comments and old email raising new questions about what president obama knew, am i right, griff? >> that's right, brian, ainsley and steve. the old and the new. first president trump continuing to unleash on his predecessor who he accused on sunday of being guilty of the biggest
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political crime in america. asked in the rose garden yesterday what crime he was referring, to here is what president trump had to say. >> obama gate, it's been going on for a long time. it's been going on for from before i even got elected and it's a disgrace that it happened. if you look at what's gone on and look at now all of this information that's being released and from what i understand it's only the beginning. griff: this as we are learning the senate judiciary committee is taking heard look at previously replaced older inauguration day email that former national security advisor susan rice sent herself first flagged by senator grassley in 2018. now the committee has renewed interest in it because rice's emailed documents to president obama's guidance in a january 5th meeting about how law enforcement should investigate russian collusion. we now know it was the same meeting that obama indicated his knowledge of the flynn wiretapping and unmasking. in that email rice writes. this. the president stressed he is not
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asking about issue in yacket or instructing anything from a law enforcement perspective. he reiterated that our law enforcement team needs to proceed as it normally would by the book. meanwhile, more documents are expected to be released soon. the acting director of national intelligence ric grenell has declassified information that would show high level obama administration involvement in the origins of the russian collusion probe. finally this guys that durham investigation is expanding and going, quote: full throttle according to sources u.s. attorney jeff jensen who just completed the flynn case you will remember. so a lot of moving parts here and a lot more we should find out soon about. brian, ainsley, steve? steve: whoever those guys are thank you very much, griff, for the live report from washington, d.c. by the way, it was in that susan rice email to herself that apparently she said oh, and by the way, joe biden was in that
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meeting at the oval office as well. so it looks as if what they are trying to do is figure out who in the obama administration revealed the name of michael flynn to the press. keep in mind between the time that donald trump was elected and the time he was inaugurated there were multiple requests. a high ranking administration official can ask for a name to be revealed to them so they can understand what sort of context they are reading in an intel report. but, and this is the important thing, it is against the law to leak unmasked information or use it for political gain. and mollie hemingway says that's exactly what happened to michael flynn. the attorney general is going to hold them accountable. >> attorney general barr by caring transparently about the rule of law doesn't care about the rule of law while the people who lie on 302s or destroy 302s, these fbi documents who
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destroy evidence who illegally spy on the trump campaign with these warrants that were ill gotten who i will locally interview people, that's not rule of law. that is a problem and i think people are aware that attorney general barr cares deeply about rule of law and wants to hold people accountable for not caring about over the course of the last several years. steve: and you know what, ainsley, it is said by flynn's allies that those phone calls with the russian ambassador, that phone call was absolutely legit. it was to be expected within the incoming administration. but the phone calls and the records and unmasking all weaponized information from the intel community and that's why they want to hold people accountable. ainsley: yeah. our sources say that the republicans on the senate judiciary committee are now taking a closer look at all of this. they are trying to put together this puzzle, we knew about the susan rice email that she sent to herself inauguration day in
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2017. we knew because of that because of senators grassley and senator graham. now we learn about this when this information is coming to us the 53 reports have been leaked out to us. over the last week. and now we know that sally yates talked to the president. the president told her what was happening that he was aware of the conversations between michael flynn and ambassador kislyak. she was very confused. why didn't i know about this kind of thing? because she is with a top ranking official at the doj. shouldn't she have known about that? she was in this meeting with all these high ranking individuals. and one of them was susan rice and we have learned appears to be was joe biden, brian. brian: yeah. on top of that, too. president trump kicked this all off. i have got to wonder what he was thinking. he knew if you hop on a yahoo call with your alumni somebody is going to leak it out maybe thinking it would be for the betterment of president obama or take on president trump. he comes out and says it's unpress debted for somebody to have charges dropped when they
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commit perjury. really have you heard of the name bill clinton? what about andy mccabe who lied to the fbi and had a full blown investigation about who leaked that material to the media. and it turns out it was him all along. he apologized to the fbi. guess who didn't prosecute him? william barr. that horrible attorney general that needs to be reprimanded in front of congress. by the way, i would pay good money for tickets to see william barr defend his decision on michael flynn to adam schiff and company. if you look at the "wall street journal" called out president obama for what he said about michael flynn and the president. the "new york post" today, their headline just how far did the then president obama go to cripple his successor in the obama administration went on a full scale leak offensive handing "the washington post," "new york times" and others a nonstop tore rent of anonymous allegations of trump ties to moscow which we know did not
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exist. now, the only definition that i think obama has is i really thought that president trump, future president trump sold out to russia our government, which is ridiculous. deal with it straight on. ask straight out. you were dealing with russia for 8 years. you know what they are capable of, you know what misinformation is you also saw one of the most disorganized unique campaigns in the history of elections. do you think they are coordinating with another country to beat hillary clinton? when you saw all the mistakes that she made along the way. this is all coming to a head. i am amazed more people didn't call out former president obama for his statement yesterday. and more people aren't curious about michael flynn and what went on there. i cannot wait for michael flynn to speak out and defend himself. steve: well, brian, we had the president on this program on friday. we asked him why don't you just call barack obama and ask him what they were up to. he said he didn't need to do
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that because documents would be coming out in the coming weeks. so, stay tuned for that all right. meanwhile, we are going to shift gears to another fox news alert. a new milestone in reopening our economy. residents in the state of ohio getting the green light to go shopping today. retailers and malls will open their doors at a limited capacity. meanwhile in the state of colorado, state parks and campgrounds can finally reopen. ainsley: this as four white house officials prepare to remotely testify before the senate today. you have dr. anthony fauci and he says he will warn that states opening too early will cause, quote: needless suffering and death. senator chuck schumer hopes fauci doesn't hold back. >> this will be one of the first opportunities for doctor fauci to tell the american people the unvarnished truth without the president lurking over his shoulder.
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dr. fauci, let it rip. brian: right senator schumer by the way talks to everybody all the time. he did certify curie's podcast. don't worry about the unvarnished truth. president trump says states will receive $11 billion to expand testing capabilities. i will pause. this major investment will ensure that america continues to conduct more tests than any country on earth by far. brian: the u.s. expected to surpass 10 million tests some time this week. meanwhile, guys, one of the big stories is some these states are opening up too slow to really help businesses and their constituents who are told you have been decurved, you are back in business. they have been decurved and not back in business. one you saw protest in west virginia and michigan. elon musk does from putting people in space and giving us the next generation of green
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cars mr. tesla is upset. he has an auto plant in california. the only one left. and he can't get it going again. and he thinks it's totally overkill because he knows alameda county can do it. steve, he is sounding off and he's not as usual sitting on his hands. steve: well, yeah, he is not sitting on his hands, brian. he has called the panic on the coronavirus dumb. called the quarantine fascist. what is he doing? he is going to reopen the factory and start making model 3s and model y ys. asap. tesla is restarting production today against alameda county rules. i will be on the line with everybody else. if anyone is arrested. i ask that it only be me. he continued later: yes, california approved unelected
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county official illegally overrode. all other auto companies in the united states are approved to resume. only tesla has been singled out. this is super messed up. and so he is also filing suit against alameda county and the orders to stay closed. said it's a violation of his due process and equal protection clauses of the 14th amendment, ainsley. ainsley: yeah. he threatened to move down to texas or over to nevada. we will see if he ends up doing that i'm sure the county is worried about that because he employs 10,000 individuals. and supervisor on the city council or on the county council on the board scott haggerty i recognize he employs 10,000 of my constituents. i don't want him arrested. i don't want employees he is courted out. i think cooler heads need to prevail. i was wondering if they would arrest him when he opens up his business. it sounds like the supervisor is not in favor of that maybe they can come to a come pro-mize. we will have to see how this all
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plays out. this is what the county said. their statement was: we have notified tesla they can only maintain minimum basic operations until we have approved plan that can be implemented in accordance with the local public health order. and the governor was asked about it and he basically said, look, it's up to each of these counties to determine how they want to handle. this all right. brian: i will tell you, yeah, the other thing is, ainsley, you look at california. 40 million people, each county has a different story to tell. i know it's a tough job being governor in a state that size or any state. you have to drill down on these counties and urge people not to travel within their own state for the short period of time. the same thing in pennsylvania, the same thing in michigan, the same thing in virginia. the same thing in new york. they have to find a way to go down and stop with the only two people in a boat. stop can you play golf but not tennis. go in and look at alameda county
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and decide what the way the mayor thinks is to go after meeting with the chamber of commerce in that town. that is the only way to do. this the way they are doing it now as the president tweeted out and i will paraphrase it looks political. it looks like let's take our time to maybe keep the economy down for republican president. and that makes people get into their partisan corners instead of working in the same way. that's really where we are at right now. how to reopen responsibly. but not holistically. there is no way manhattan deserves the same call clue columbus as new york and so on. jillian mele somebody who is poised to tell us what else is happening while we were talking about reopenings. jillian: that's right. good morning. let's begin with this story. the man who reported the shooting death of ahmaud arbery says is he scared for his life. >> i'm not feeling safe at all. i haven't felt safe in at least
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35 days now. the threats have been real. >> brian says he is just a witness and hopes the video will bring justice to the arbery family. so far he hasn't been exactly clear why he was recording and following arbery that day. travis and gregory mcmichael charged in the murder. the doj is considering federal hate crime charges. two states holding closely watched elections today. christie smith is facing off against mike garcia in the 25th district. they are running to replace katie hill amid a scandal last year. garcia will join "fox & friends" live in the next hour. seventh district is tom tiffany running against democrat trisha. the winner will replace retired congressman sean duffy. nebraska is holding its primary today. it's the nation's first in person election since late
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march. officials are wiping down voting booths and social distancing. the white house announcing overnight president trump will head to pennsylvania thursday to visit a medical equipment distributer. owens and minor incorporated was parity of project air bridge which bought n-95 masks. surgical gowns and gloves from e u.s. from overseas. the perfect victory song for covid free patients heading home from a new jersey hospital. watch this. ♪ you can't go home ♪ it's all right, it's all right, it's all right ♪ who says you can't go home. jillian: university hospital in new york blasting bon joviy's song who says you can't go home every time a covid patient gets discharged. i hope they hear that song a lot. send it back to you. steve: jersey strong. jillian, thank you very much. straight ahead on this tuesday, president trump clashing with the press over his coronavirus response. joe concha says those reporters
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are playing a gotcha game and joe is here to explain coming up next. >> now i'm calling on -- >> -- sorry i'm. >> young lady in the back. >> i wanted to let my colleague finished. >> ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much. necessary to stop the spread of covid-19. to help, we're offering free prescription delivery, by simply going to or calling your local cvs. so, stay safe. because the more we stay apart, the sooner we can all get back together.
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>> your senior staff tested every day. when will it be that americans across the country will be able to get tested every day. >> how can you ensure americans it's safe to go to their own workplaces when the safest place in the country cannot contain
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the coronavirus. >> when will the rest of america have the same access that members of your own white house have to testing? steve: there have you got some of the correspondents at the white house briefing yesterday calling out president trump over coronavirus testing and safety procedures jest guest accusing them of playing the gotcha game media reporter for the hill joe con challenge. what do you mean gotcha game? >> look. when you ask these questions of the president why should you get one thing that the rest of the american people don't have. it's not even ridiculous we are at ludicrous speed at this point. that would mean, for instance, senator angus king of maine. i mean i just had a steak named angus king. he says should receive the same testing regimen the white house get. how are we going to administer 330 million tests per day? who is going to handle that part? and by the way, you know, the president does get things like
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secret service. does have things like bullet proof ground transportation. there are things that our leaders get because of the importance of their job that maybe not every single american gets. but the gotcha game really comes down to this, steve. that when we talk about per capita testing. you are talking about, again, 330 million people to scale that, we will take some time. it's not south korea where it's 1/7th the population. the gotcha game also comes when we talk about death tolls you almost never hear the media talk about what we are doing in terms of our mortality rate per cap attachment let me tell what you john hopkins says for instance. they say of the 10 countries that are affected most by coronavirus. the united states is the second lowest. only to germany, which has been a model to this point. but many other countries you are talking italy, spain, belgium, denmark they had all significantly higher numbers. then i look at florida, steve. i see governor desantis which
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has received the exact opposite press coverage because cuomo has. the rhetoric from cuomo great desantis not so much. he opened his state. do you know how many deaths florida had just yesterday 14. in a state that has 22 million people. has one of the oldest population in the country. four major cities, miami, orlando, jacksonville, tampa there are ways to do this where test something important but adults have to be responsible as well in terms of social distancing. washing their hands, wearing masks and gloves. there is a several parts to this equation not just the testing, steve. steve: absolutely. the genesis of this crisis has been in the beginning the press has complained we don't have enough masks and -- then we got enough masks. just thought the medical kind. but we do have enough now for our medical personnel. then it was we didn't have enough ventilators and now we have enough ventilators and now ultimately, it's all about the
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testing, which, when to your point when you have got 350 million people it is hard to test everybody. not everybody needs a test. meanwhile, joe, one of the other moments from yesterday was where cbs reporter asked the president a question and he had an answer that is getting a lot of attention today. listen. >> said many times that the u.s. is doing far better than any other country when it comes to testing. >> yes. >> why does that matter? why is this a global competition to you if every day americans are still losing their lives and we're still seeing more cases every day? >> they are losing their lives everywhere in the world and maybe that's a question you should ask china. don't ask me. ask china that question. okay? when you ask them that question, you may get a very unusual answer. steve: and then she asked but did he not answer why should i ask china. i think in reading the pages of the "new york times" what is he
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referring, to joe, is the fact that apparently the united states government is about to accuse china of hacking into our computers to try to figure out how we vaccine. maybe that's the competition is he referring. to say what do you think? >> the reporter said this is -- why are you saying this a global competition? because of context, right? and the fact that china continues to insist it's only had 4600 deaths from coronavirus. less than half of what we have had in new jersey. so, look, i have seen this narrative saying that trump attacked this reporter because she is asian-american or because she is female. well, you haven't been paying attention for the last three years. the president gets trun lunch aa with gotcha questions with jonathan carl and rutger from "the washington post. no. the president pushes back on all kinds of reporters not just if you are female or certain race. it's a lazy and stupid argument
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to make that we are seeing just to push another stupid narrative. all right. steve. steve: joe concha joining us from his remote location. >> stay safe, steve. steve: you bet. you too. the state of georgia back for business for two weeks now. so how are things going? our next guest was one of the first to reopen and counts his half empty bar as a big win. this is the moment when america comes together. >> some uplifting stories. people looking out for each other. >> america's best shine brightest when needed the most. >> spirit of generosity has been enormous. >> took an oath to be here for the public, so we are not going anywhere. >> we are resilient. thanks to her citizens the america we know will come out of it stronger than ever before.
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ainsley: it has been two weeks since georgia reopened for business and customers are slowly starting to go back to all the restaurants there. and our next guest was one of those first to reopen and counts his half empty bar as a win. executive chef and co-owner of marlow's tavern in atlanta, john methods jr. and he joins us now. hey, john. >> good morning, ainsley. thanks for having me today.
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ainsley: good morning. you are welcome. how did you do it safely? >> this has been the biggest challenge of our personal careers. incredible work done by my team. we really started out with the guidelines from the cdc, from the white house, from the georgia restaurant association. national restaurant association. we put in a lot of guidelines on our own to ensure the safety of our employees, our guests to make sure we build their confidence quickly when they come back in to see us and dine in with us in our restaurants. we are thrilled to do it. >> what percentage of your staff wanted to come back and did come back? >> we took this on a case by case basis every restaurant we operate. in volunteers first. a lot of people pleased and wanted to come back quickly and get back together. we are about 35 to 40% of our team is back. remember, we are not taking care of all of our guests. there is limited capacity. georgia has guidelines 10 per 100 square feet right now. very limited in our capacity.
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we are about 35 to 45%, exengsd depending on the silz of one of our restaurants. we are taking that day by day. the good news is for us, we have actually increased our sales of over he a low number of just to go and curbside and delivery of about 30% first few weeks opening up which for sauce big win. ainsley: we are looking at the tape on the floor that prevents people from sitting too close to each other at the bar and then do you have plexiglass up? there looked like plexiglass. >> yeah. we have done a lot in terms of controlling our crowd. we actually have people at the front door making sure that they are -- we are a gathering place upscale neighborhood bar and tavern. and so our intent is to make sure we can control that crowd, help keep everybody safe. making sure that the people that do come in have a comfortable dining experience. we have plexy between the booths. we have the tape in the bar area so we are not allowing the gathering. you wait outside or in your car at your house before you get. in and just making it really
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easy for everyone to use. ainsley: what are all the customers saying. i have friends down in florida. dan bongino was on yesterday it was pretty emotional. tears in his eyes. one of the most exciting days in his life and he said i'm serious. another friend went to a little french restaurant. so excited and nice to be surrounded by other people and be in a restaurant scene. >> we have had people come in. first of all, some of the people have been locked up for a long time obviously and sheltered in place. we took the time from to right when the shelter in place lifted here in georgia and started opening our restaurant slowly and methodically to make sure we had the best practice in place and put in air filter systems. as people came in to our restaurant first of all i want to come out with just me and my husband, me and my wife to get away from the kids that was first. second was really getting in the neighborhood and being served. that's the benefit of a restaurant industry. you know, over 50% of the dollars spent on food and beverage is spent outside the
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house. and we are there ready to receive them and give them a great experience. come in and realso a and enjoy and hopefully have great food and drinks with us. ainsley: how are they feeling now that they have been working for two weeks? >> we gave them a little bit of a lead-up time to make sure they can get comfortable with what we are doing. we wanted to ensure their safety first. we paired our menu back. pared some of the offerings back. these guys are really thinking of us and our guest so we can deliver that food and beverage safely. i'm telling you most of them appreciated it. we have a few that are waiting to see how everything plays out. the rest are going to be, you know, kind of coming in as we need them, once we get to a higher percent occupancy as we work through the phases. phase 1, phase 2, phase 3, et cetera. ainsley: how many locations do you have in atlanta? >> we have got 15 locations in atlanta and continue to grow down here.
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we have -- ainsley: not all of them are open? >> yeah. so far we have staggered them out to make sure that we can open them safely. get our teams in place in the training and everything that's that's critically important. ainsley: our team was looking at menu chris over there wants your tavern burger. i want your asparagus fries. stephanie wants "your word" fire cracker shrimp. you have meals that you can cook at home and build a craft six pack. your menu is awesome. >> we can't wait to get you down here to atlanta and come in and we will buy you guys some cocktails and definitely all that asparagus fries can you handle. ainsley: my best friend cindy lives there. i'm going to tell her to come by your restaurant and say hi to you. >> ainsley, thank you so much. i appreciate all your support. ainsley: you are welcome. all right. god bless you. okay. john durham is going full throttle in his review of the russia probe. when will we get the final report? we're going to ask congressman jim jordan live coming up.
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>> marri. >> no, it can't be. i just sent you back to the future. >> i know you deny d. send me back to the future i'm back, i'm back from the future. >> great scott! >> it's your shot of the morning. the cast of back to the future reuniting. ainsley: that is so cool. michael j. fox. christopher lloyd and leah thompson all are recall lines from the trilogy on youtube. >> hit 35 years ago. the reunion helping raise money for a charity benefiting healthcare workers all across the country. 20 minutes now before the top of the hour. and jillian joins us with the headlines. hey, jillian. jillian: good morning. so cool to see. start you off with this
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california inmates accused of trying to infect themselves with coronavirus in a bit of a twisted scheme to get out of jail. the los angeles county sheriff's office releasing videos of people drinking from a shared cup and breathing from the same mask to try to catch the virus. the sheriff calling the whole thing deeply disturbing. mistaken belief among the inmate population if they tested positive there was a way to force our hand and somehow release more inmates out of our jail environment. that's not going to happen. jillian: in the section of the jail where the video was taken 21 inmates were diagnosed with covid-19. well, colorado shutting down a restaurant for opening up on mother's day despite covid-19 restrictions. the state's health department ordering c and c coffee and kitchen to close after this viral video showed it packed with customers not wearing masks or social distancing. governor jared polis says the punishment was a warning.
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>> if the state didn't act and more businesses followed suit, it's a near guarantee that people would lose their lives. jillian: the cafe's owner says he should be allowed to reopen with restrictions like other businesses in the state. mike toy son is now 53 years old. he is getting back in fighting shave. watch. this. >> i'm gang. >> you heard that right? tyson posting this training video tease ago returned to the ring. one australian promoter is offering iron mike $1 million. his ehave ander holyfield may be enfor a muchma. he famously bit off a piece of holyfield's ear in 1997. those words i'm back we will see. that's amazing. how old is he? brian: he didn't look good. he is 53.
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but he did not look good in his last two fights. he lost to a nobody and then he got crushed by len knicks. ainsley: i'm talking about how built is he. jillian: talking about two different things. brian: you mean he looks good. ainsley: his muscles. all right. thanks, brian. thank you, jillian. brian: i missed it. ainsley: brian's book "sam houston and the alamo avengers" is out today in paperback so it's a little more affordable. on top of that fox nation special sam houston and the fight for freedom. how exciting. >> two part special rolled out in may as you know everything is delayed. but it is shot already. the fox nation people put together a little bit of a preview with the new information included in the paperback. why don't we take a look. ainsley: okay. brian: the eternal resting place
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of none other than sam houston here in huntsville, texas. a man remembered for a myriad of things. some may say the courage he showed at the battle of horseshoe bend. others would say the leadership he showed in winning the battle. or the stewardship of texas as it started as a country and later as a state. there is one word then compasses it all. and it is patriot. [gunfire] fighting under andrew jackson the war of 1812 and almost killed, houston would survive and count jackson as his mentor and defender the rest of his life. he would rise up the military ranks, become a lawyer. the only american ever elected governor of two states. and after living with the cherokee indians became the most high profile advocate for personal indian rights. >> nobody even gets close with the history and the things he did he ran for president. i have a suspicion that had he stayed in that race, he would have been elected president of the united states. brian: houston made his name in texas traveling to mexican province in 1832 when revolution
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took route decided to take the mostly american rights away. 60 years after our american revolution we had another. >> he was a ruthless dictatorial leader and he decided i'm not going to be known for giving away territory on northern mexico so i would rather defeat the texans than kind of make a negotiated settlement. [gunfire. brian: when it was time to into a fighting force general sam houston got the call. sam houston was giving command but his rag tag army told them not to mission. take the mission now fort called the alamo they did it anyway. he told them after they took it from the mexican army to immediately leave. they stayed and fought. >> this is 180-plus people who weren't professional soldiers and so now they are here. they are about to face the unknown they are red to believe
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they would probably be killed they make this extraordinary decision to stand and be courageous. >> march in a 3,000 man force surrounds, squeeze. crush and kill the texans including commander william barrett travis, jim buoy and famed frontier'sman davy crockett. why we still remember the alamo today. after 400 more men lost their lives when they ignored houston orders to abandon the fort at goliad, houston finally got his men's attention. american forces became his objective because he knew his first fight with santa ana would be his last win or lose. [gunfire] brian: finally a break houston would shape the battlefield. santa ana would fool liberally box his forces in and literally be caught napping at the battle of santa -- >> 18 minutes the name of your
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book why 18 minutes? >> that's the time it took for the texans to overwhelm a completely surprised medication can army it. went on two hours but 18 minutes the total time to achieve victory. sam houston's win. he chose not to kill goliad. instead he had him sign over texas. perhaps sam houston's most laudable act was something that was unsuccessful. he wanted to keep texas out of the civil war. away from the confederacy. >> sam houston stood up and made his plea to these members of the legislature. do not succeed this is idiocy. he went back to the governor's mansion and agonized over what he knew was going to harassment texas was going to leave the union and it was going to cost him his governorship. brian: he wrote to houston and offered to send in reinforcement to keep texas out. sam declined.
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>> he received that telegraph and wadded it up, through it in that fireplace. brian: he thought hundreds of thousands of lives would be lost and the south would lose. he was right on both counts. but when texas refused to listen to their governor, the governor left the office. sam houston, far from perfect but indispensable at making america the country it is today and the man texans are proud to call their own whose legacy still looms large today. brian: can you watch sam houston and the texas fight for freedom on fox nation. we will get that up and running in may and june and of course let everybody know about it. and special thanks to everybody that put that together because everyone is working from home right now. the book is out in paperback with that new information on lincoln we start in 1812 and go all the way up to the civil war. i do my first thing, guys. hopefully you won't have to deal with this in the fall. doing a virtual event tonight go to brian
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zoom. book signing with magic books on zoom. we will see how that goes. like a big brady brunch chalkboard it will be interesting. steve: fantastic. brian: it's out today. ainsley: how do more people get more information on that, brian? brian: just go to brian and click on events and you will come aboard much like we zoom for janice over the weekend. we will see how this goes. ainsley: congratulations. steve: of course get the book right now at amazon and barnes & noble and wherever you get books. congratulations,. brian: brian thanks. steve: nearly 2,000 former department of justice and fbi officials are now calling on the attorney general to resign after he dropped the case against michael flynn. the judge on that coming up next.
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steve: as we wait for a federal judge to sign off on admission michael flynn's case nearly 2,000 employees resign over the way he has handled it. ainsley: in a letter they write quote attorney general barr has once again assaulted the rule of
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law. we also call upon congress to formally censure barr on his repeated assaults on the rule of law and doing the president's personal bidding rather than accounting in the public interest. brian: here to react fox news senior analyst judge andrew napolitano. judge, this is has created great outrage among some on the left and right. many of which are in the legal profession. where do you stand? >> i don't know how these 2,000 former justice department officials could articulate the view that attorney general barr is wrong and is acting politically on behalf of the president without having seen the documents that he has seen, all of which were summarized in the materials that were part of the motion, the government's motion it dismiss an indictment against general flynn. there is a culture in the justifiable department and fbi as well and in the law enforcement. never admit you are wrong.
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the attorney general with whom i have disagreed on many issues, this time did the unthinkable. he looked at the document and said you know what? we were wrong. there shouldn't have been an investigation in the first place. the fbi had no business going to the white house to talk to general flynn. they had a transcript of his conversation with ambassador kislyak. obviously a set-up. we are going to throw the case out. now, that's one side of it. the other side of it is this case ha is not gone until judge sullivan says it's gone. and before judge yo sullivan, general flynn pleaded guilty twice. in the second guilty plea -- both of the guilty pleas were unoath by the way. the second guilty plea the judge interrogated him very aggressively are you doing this to get an upper hand with mueller's people or are you pleading guilty because you are truly guilty? he said i'm pleading guilty because i'm guilty. judge sullivan has to address. this am i going to just accept this government's motion?
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am i going to hold a hearing? why did it take them two years to recognize that there should have been no prosecution of general flynn in the first place? these are all issues that will be addressed by the court. ainsley: if there are no charges, judge. >> say again? >> i didn't hear you ainsley. ainsley: we are running out of time. sorry. i was just say going there were no charges how could they charge him if they dropped the charges but we have got to go, judge. >> the charges aren't dropped until the court allows them to be dropped. so right now have you somebody who pleaded guilty and found guilty. the court has to undo that. ainsley: okay. steve: all right. we're going to step aside. those two coming up next. brian: huckabee and jim jordan next. introducing ubrelvy™. it's the migraine medicine for anytime, anywhere a migraine attacks without worrying if it's too late or where you happen to be. one dose of ubrelvy™ can quickly stop a migraine
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confident financial plans, calming financial plans, complete financial plans. they're all possible with a cfp® professional. find yours at ainsley: we begin with this fox news alert. president trump doubling down on obama gate accusations. brian: yup, signing off on the controversy surrounding michael flynn's case. steve: which we were just talking about with the judge. griff jenkins is live in washington with the president wants new comments and an old email raising new questions about what president obama knew and what was going on behind the scenes, griff. griff: a lot town pack, steve, ainsley and brian good morning. first the new. the president accusing to accuse his predecessor of being guilty of the biggest political crime in history. when asked which crime he was referring to, the president
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said. this. >> obama gate. it's been going on for a long time. it's been going on from before i even got elected and it's a disgrace that it happened. and if you look at what's gone on and if you look at now, all of this information that's being released, and from what i understand that's only the beginning. griff: this as we are learning the senate judiciary committee taking a fresh look at previously released email that former national security advisor susan rice sent herself on january 20th, 2016, inauguration day. it's generating renewed interest because rice's email documents president obama's guidance to top officials in a january 5th meeting about how law enforcement should investigate possible russian collusion. now, that's the same meeting that we now know because of former acting attorney general sally yates said obama was fully aware of the flynn wiretapping and unmasking. in this email rice wrote the president stressed that he is not asking about, initiating or instructing anything from a law enforcement perspective. he reiterated that our law
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enforcement team needs to proceed as it normally would by the book. meanwhile, more documents coming soon. the acting director of national intelligence ric grenell declassifying information that will show high level obama administration officials involved in the origins of the russian probe and unmasking. and finally as poor possible consequences fox is told the durham investigation is expanding and going full throttle. durham has asked u.s. attorney jeff jensen to his team. jensen just completed the film case no indication on timing of when that will wrap up. brian, ainsley, steve? ainsley: thank you so much, griff. let's bring in mike huckabee former governor of arkansas mike huckabee. >> good morning. great to be with you guys today. ainsley: wanted to get your reaction to what the president is calling obama gate. why would susan rice be emailing herself on january 20th about a january 5th meeting?
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>> i have no idea why she was emailing herself other than maybe set-up so she would have as james comey would say a memorialization of her comments. but the one thing that becomes clearer and clearer. the highest levels of people in the obama administration, possibly the president himself were well aware of the attempt to entrap michael flynn. this is disgraceful. it's disgusting. and it's one of the most, i think, outrageous acts of treasury that we have seen in our country's history. i know that's a bold statement. but when you have people who are trying to set up for failure the incoming administration by acting in a way that i think could easily be called criminal, folks, that's a big deal. it's a big, big deal. brian: so, governor, there is talk from nadler and schiff that they would like michael flynn and maybe william barr to defend themselves in front of their committee. i think that would be the best thing that could ever happen to
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the trump team and to the attorney general and to michael flynn. do you know how bad michael flynn more than likely over the last two and a half years wanted to defend himself? do you know how much william barr actually knows about this case so far? and it can go toe to toe with anyone legally? how much would you like to see that fight or am i off base? >> hey, i would pay to see it on pay per view. that's for sure. bill barr can handle himself with anybody. is he one of the most not only intelligent people to ever hold that post but incredibly articulate and amazingly calm through the whole thing. he has nothing to prove. he is a guy who simply really does love the constitution. and he acts like it. i wish some of the people in the previous administration had shown that much respect for the civil liberties that are due every person in the constitution. and i think general flynn can handle himself. can i say a word about sidney powell? thank god for her and the great legal representation that she gave to general flynn for all that he has been through. and then to see people, even like the former president,
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misrepresent what michael flynn did. saying that he was guilty of perjury, which he was never accused of that he is a lawyer. he knows better. these are people who are scrambling to protect themselves because i think the cover may be about to be pulled off and the scab is coming off. and the blood and the ooze is about to come forth. steve: yeah. the question is who does he go to to get his reputation back because he has lost so much. governor, let's switch gears a little bit. global pandemic. some people are dying from this thing. we know now the importance of social distancing and isolating people who are vulnerable. over 65 co-morbid conditions, things like that. the president has scaled back the number of briefings he has given the press. but he did have one yesterday in the 4:00 hour. and it was contentious. it was largely about among other things and testing and the uneven approach how the people
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at the white house have plenty of tests but the people of america don't. watch. your senior staff as you just referenced is able to get tested every day. when is it that americans across the country will be able to get tested every day. >> how can you ensure americans it's safe to go to their own workplaces when the most cure place in the white house cannot contain the spread of the coronavirus. >> when the rest of america have the same access that members of your own white house have to testing? steve: so what could you make of that governor? >> well, it's an absurdity. when the press on one hand say why don't you wear a mask? why don't do you greater things to protect yourself and then they start doing more testing. and now they complain and they say well, you know, you get more tests than everybody else. i think the president was absolutely right to walk out on these goonsz. they are not interested in getting information so that they can parlay that to the public. they are interested in trying to play the gotcha game. this is a president who is
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working around the clock along with his team to try to deal with a just incredible challenge and i think we are all seeing that we have taken these incredible steps to protect people but i don't care what he does. it's never going to be enough. maybe they should every day on television take a swab and jam it up the nostrils of every reporter and make sure that they're tested on live television. i would imagine that the president would enjoy applying that swab up their nostrils if he had have a chance. ainsley: joe concha from the hill had a great response to this as did you as well, governor. listen to what he had to say earlier. >> by the way, you know, the president does get things like secret service. does have things like bullet proof ground transportation. there are things that our leaders get because of the importance of their job that maybe not every single american gets. the gotcha game really comes down to this, steve, that when we talk about per capita testing, you are talking about,
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again, 330 million people to scale that, we will take some time. it's not south korea where it's 1/7th the population. the gotcha game comes when we talk about death tolls you almost never hear the media talk about what we are doing in terms of our mortality rate per capita. ainsley: so many gotcha questions yesterday. the president finally said i'm out. forget it. this press conference is over. what was your reaction to that? >> applause. cheers hallelujahs. he needs to not put up with this nonsense anymore. if the press want to be expected. they need to street the presidency with some level of respect which they haven't since president trump took the oath of office. and, you know, i don't think he owes them any sense of time and effort when they are showing such a lack of respect for him, his office, the white house, and even the coronavirus. they are more interested in the political games that they may be able to win for their friends
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nut democratic party than they are to pass information onto the american people. so maybe the president should invite local reporters from around the country to come to the white house for the press briefings, leave these washington press corps people completely on the sidelines, because they have disgraced themselves and their profession by the way they have behaved. brian: governor huckabee, he doesn't even have to bring them. just put them on the flat screen. sean spicer did. >> absolutely. brian: i think they should do it again. it's not fair to the rest of the country. the rest of the country isn't obsessed with what testing is going on in the west wing. they want to know about michigan. they want to know about california and what's working in georgia what might not be working in texas. it's very easy to do. go washington, then go flat screen back and forth. i think they should go back to that. and we saw that with the town hall that fox did. meanwhile, let's pivot for a sengeghtsd the president did have a series of announcements about testing and $11 billion that are going to go to states for testing.
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that is not enough. they want another rescue package, another $2 trillion we don't have that nancy pelosi wrote on her own that's going to get a vote this week. but that's not enough. governor newsom and two other states have another q listen. the challenge is enormous. budgets tear short falls bigger than any state or county they directly impact public safety. it's not just states asking for bailout. quite the contrary. it's requesting that we support those that we need the most at this time. our public safety officials. our public health officials. and make sure that we do justice to our public education systems. brian: there we go. when we need money, it's constant firefighters and education. we should look at that budget to see where the money is going entirely. that's a huge deal and that's a huge sum of money.
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should they get it? >> it depends on where it goes. if it's going to bail out their pension programs that were overly generous and ridiculous and unlike any other state, of course not. that's what a lot of people fear. without careful auditing there is no way to know. here is another thing, what we need more than bailouts is we need people to get back to work. safely, of course. but, at the same time, you can't just continue to print money and pass it out to people. look, i know democrats love to get money for not working but america is not built on the idea of just getting a check or walking to the mailbox. we have got to get people where they can go back to work and earn a living and put the bread on heir table that they have earned by the sweat of their brow. that's how this country was built and rebuilt from the disaster we have been through. steve: all right. mike huckabee joining us from his location down in florida. mike, thank you very much. all right. it is 7:11 now in new york city.
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and the greater tristate area i forgot i was in new jersey. jillian joining us now with the headlines. jillian: just a few miles away. a new milestone is reopening our economy. the ohio residents getting the green light to go shopping today. retailers and malls will open their doors at partial capacity. in colorado, state parks reopen campgrounds this as four white house officials prepare to remotely testify before the senate today. that includes dr. anthony fauci who chuck schumer says shouldn't hold back. >> this will be one of the first opportunities for dr. fauci to tell the american people the unvarnished truth without the president lurking over his shoulder. dr. fauci, let it rip. >> dr. fauci says he will warn that states opening too early will cause needless suffering and death. the man who reported the shooting death of ahmaud arbery
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speaking out for the first time. william brian says is he scared for his life. >> i am not feeling safe at all. i haven't felt safe in at least 3 to 5 days now. the threats have been real. >> brian says he is just a witness and hopes the video will help bring justice to the arbery family. so far he hasn't been exactly clear about why he was recording and following arbery that day. travis and gregory mcmichael are charged in arbery's murder. the doj says it is now considering federal hate crime charges. the attorney for the women accusing joe biden of sexual assault is asking him to authorize a search of his senate papers. douglas wigder wants biden to open up his records he is looking for a complaint tara reade filed in the 1990s accusing the then senator of sexuasexualharassment.
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biden has denied her claims repeatedly. understanding on the front lines fighting covid-19. ♪ for the land of the free and the home of the brave ♪ jillian: the academy award-winning actor creating this patriotic psa called "it's about us." that's a look at your headlines. send it back to you. ainsley: he always does things like that. seems like a great guy. thanks, jillian. 7:14 on the east coast. still ahead, you heard it over and over again. >> i think there is plenty of evidence of collusion or conspiracy in plain sight. >> have democrats found any evidence of collusion? >> yes, we have. brian: yes, we have. ainsley: our next guest says schiff lied about trump and the russian collusion and the media let him.
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♪ >> plenty of evidence of collusion or conspiracy in plain sight. >> have democrats found any evidence of collusion? >> yes, we have. >> there is clear evidence on the issue of collusion. >> you can see evidence in plain sight on the issue of collusion. >> there is ample evidence of collusion in plain sight and that is true. >> steve: you know for years house intel chair adam schiff claimed evidence of collusion between the 2016 trump campaign and russia. but the transcripts the committee released last week show that no proof of that actually exist. our next guest says schiff lied and the media let him. columnist and author of the plot against the president lee smith
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joins us live. how are you doing. >> good. how are you doing? steve: good. the nature of the intel committee they have access to all sorts of classified information so that when people heard adam schiff say there's evidence of collusion you thought maybe he has got something. when we saw those transcripts last week we realized nobody had anything and it looks like he was telling a big fib. >> talks like evidence of collusion in plain sight. the car knack great collusion conspiracy. instead of the press calling him out and saying where is this rabbit you keep promising to pull out of your hat. the media for three years helped
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hide the rabbit. that's the issue. we saw last week the hat was finally turned inside out or in mr. schiff's case as it turns out the magical blue turban was turned inside out and what happens? there is no collusion there. which is something, of course, that all reasonable people have recognized for three years or else schiff would have shown the evidence of collusion. and the press would have demanded instead, the press played magician's assistant, helping schiff obscure what was going on for three years. steve: you write in the pages of the ne "new york post" an op-ed that came out a few days ago. cnn's jake tapper says quote i don't know anybody who got anything wrong he is quoted as saying then you write don't expect anyone in the mainstream media to express gross journalistic malpractice this time either. the tragic fact is the once
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prestigious press organizations including cnn as well as msnbc, the "new york times" and "the washington post" weren't fooled by the collusion hoax they were an essential part of it you write, lee. >> yeah. it's very, very sad what happened here if you see that a lot of these very important press institutions they still go by the same name. but they are no longer -- they no longer serve the purpose. they serve two decades ago and in some cases a decade ago. what they are now, again, these are operations to help sustain democratic policies and that's exactly the point of collusion. wondering why for three years adam schiff kept talking about collusion, hiding in plain sight and the media never called him out. part of this was the main purpose of collusion was to play to block president trump's agenda, right? and waited until ideally they
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wanted to knock president trump out. but at the very least to obstruct and block that agenda since a lot of that agenda had to do with reversing the different initiatives that barack obama proposed. things like the iran deal, open borders, things like this, and so the purpose of the collusion narrative was to hold down the administration, to block the administration from being able to do different things. and sure enough, low and behold we saw last week we saw president obama raise his hand and say hi, everyone, i'm here. i think a lot of people were surprised but this is absolutely what's been going on for three years. it was leading to this moment where barack obama had to step back in the picture especially with the presumptive democratic candidate being joe biden who was not actually there. so barack obama had to say look, i'm here, don't worry, everyone settle down. this is why he made these
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comments on friday to basically explain and to put a book-end on collusion, what mr. schiff has been selling for three years. and to explain the purpose of it. this is what has been going on. steve: but, as it turns out, according to what we have seen so far, there was no collusion after all. holy cow. lee smith, the author of the book plot against the president. thank you for joining us today. >> thank you very much. steve: you bet. 7:24 here in the east. a high profile special election today in california has some democrats on edge. republicans looking to flip a seat they lost less than two years ago. republican candidate and former navy pilot mike garcia joins us live next.
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brian: america's favorite past time could return for the 4th of july mlb and 40 team owners signing off on a proposal to salvage the season. rob schmitt here with 2020 baseball could look like. rob, the big problem is the union now. right? >> it is. brian, i want to give you good news. you talk about politics all the time. make you smile here for a second. major league baseball will be presenting, brian, the plan to the players union today. and it does have to get through this like you said. it calls for 82-game season about half a season with games held between teams that are in the same region and the biggest hurdle as you were talking about is the league asking to share revenue with players who would then be taking reduced salaries. so that's kind of the deal they are trying to make with them. the union head, tony clark, told
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the athletics that the deal amounts to a salary cap and accusing mlb of taking advantage of a global health crisis. that's his perspective. in the meantime the washington nationals pitcher sean do little tweeting about having enough testing so there is obviously covid worries as well. any plan that gets put into place would actually need the government's approval to go through. we will see how that all goes. the big negotiation happening today that's when mlb presents to the players to see what they think of it. now let's go to nascar one other sport we want to talk about. that returns this sunday at south carolina's darlington raceway. it is the first race for nascar in nine weeks there will be some changes. including racers not being able to celebrate a win or have any contact with each other, also if a driver crashes the emergency team must immediately put a mask on that driver. also, only two officials per team will be allowed in the garage and control tower and the fines could be as big as 50,000
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feds you break any of these rules. racer denny hamlin says the first race could be tricky. >> just got to be going through all that protocol this week and making sure get it right. i'm sure after this first race things will be a lot easier for us and it should go quite a bit smoother. >> all right. so no fans in the stands for nascar at this point going to have to see if there is baseball. you can watch they're weekend's race on fox. something good to watch on tv, brian. which i think is what everybody wants. brian, who is your guy a yankee guy. >> met guy, i don't hate the yankees. i'm a rare breed. other thing to keep in mind i know the yankee president was on last week saying eventually they are going to get fans in the stands, they need it for their bottom line or else not going to be able to pay the players. rob, interesting. golf in june, too. now, i have got to turn it over finally something else.
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meanwhile, here is ainsley with more. ainsley: thank you so much, brian. today's special election in california putting democrats on edge as the republicans seek to flip that democratic seat in the state for the first time since 1988. the race gaining national attention as a top republican made this warning on "fox & friends." >> this is clearly the democrats trying to rig the election, steal it at the last minute. now, i can tell you the president and his team are watching because if it can happen in los angeles county, they are going to do it all across the country. ainsley: joining me now is former navy pilot and candidate for california's fifth congressional district mike garcia. hey, mike. >> good morning. thanks for having me. ainsley: good morning. you are welcome. this has been such a bizarre race to follow. i know at the beginning of march you were in this fight and you and the lady that you are running against christie smith, a democrat, you were the top contenders. now have you this special election today. you and wisconsin have these two special elections. what's so bizarre about this is
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also in march it was determined that the two of you are going to face off again in november. no matter who wins today. because you're trying to feel the vacant seat that was left vacant by katie hill to admitted to having an affair with a staffer. tell us about your district and why many think the. >> different northern l.a. county and venture i can't county. simi value santa clarita and. it's been a wild ride. special election name to give it now. i have been running for 15 months and fantastic opportunity. this will be the first seat recovered by a republican in california since 1998. so we're on the verge of making history. we have been in the lead in frankly in the middle of everything after 200 -- about 420,000 ballots were sent out with self-addressed stamped envelopes. the lay county registrar's
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office added a location over the weekend here. it does stink a little bit. it looks a little fishy. but i'm confident we will still prevail. ainsley: i have heard those locations that they add have to be near public transportation and usually public transportation is in a city. cities are usually full of democrats, the rural areas have the republicans. is that why people are upset about this added voting site? >> yeah. i don't think it's so much the location. although that may play into it. it's just the fact that they are adding sites in the midst of the election. we have had 120,000 votes already returned with me showing about 11,000 vote lead. so it just looks bad to be adding places in the midst of coronavirus where everyone had full access with the vote by mail as well. that's what we're keeping an eye on. and, look, i'm not sure it's going to benefit the democrats in the end. it may very well benefit us to have more accessibility here. so, we're just keeping our nose to the grind stone and keeping
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working. ainsley: the girl you are returning against christie smith she was talking about her experience versus yours. you are a former navy pilot and she was mocking that watch this leaked footage. >> we both virtual coin toss and i texted my team okay he has pictures of planes behind him i have constitutional law books. [laughter] the irony. ainsley: she says the irony of that she says without question i have the deepest respect i have great respect for mike garcia's service to our country. >> it's bad in the middle of around election like this. especially on the hills of katie hill. we are tired of the childish behavior and sanctimonious behavior and in a district where we have such a large veteran population as well as a large aerospace industry. she knows my resume. she knows i wasn't only a naval aviator but i have a master
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degree from georgetown in national security studies. i have been a businessman for the last 11 years. i own my own small business. so, for her to behave like this is true colors. when someone shows you their true colors you tend to believe them. this district is tired of that behavior. it was really a poor move on her part. ainsley: polls open today. we will be following it, mike. wish you all the best. >> thank you very much. thanks for having me. ainsley: you are welcome. we did reach out to christie smith's campaign for a statement but we have not heard back. john durham is going full throttle in his review of the russia probe. when can we expect that final report? congressman jim jordan joins us live next. so you only pay for what you need! [squawks] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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>> obama gate, it's been going on for a long time. it's been going on from before i even got elected and it's a disgrace that it happened. and if you look at what's gone
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on and if you look at now all of this information that's being released and from what i understand that's only the beginning. some terrible things happened and it should never be allowed to happen in our country again. >> what is the crime exactly that you be accuses him of. >> you know what the crime is the crime is very obvious to everybody. >> well, let's bring in congressman -- g.o.p. congressman jim jordan member of the house judiciary committee to answer that question. congressman, always great to see you. what is the crime that you think that they are pursuing? >> they tried to trap and they did trap michael flynn. they tried to set up and trap the president. brian, think about three weeks in january of 2017. january 3rd, chuck schumer announces if you mess with the intelligence community, i have six ways from sunday to get back at you. january 4th, the very next day, peter strzok tells the two agents who want to drop any pursuit of michael flynn he says no, no, no. don't drop it. comey and mccabe want to continue to go after mike flynn. the next day january 5th.
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they have the now famous meeting in the white house where president obama is in with brennan, clapper, comey, after the meeting is over he pulls comey aside and starts talking to him about michael flynn. the next day, brian, january 6th. those same people, brennan, clapper, comey go to trump tower to talk to president-elect trump, briefed him. comey sticks around afterwards to tell president trump about the dossier. the dossier that jim comey already knows is false. he knows is russian disinformation and paid for by the clinton campaign. he tells the president about it to try to set up the president. 12 days later jim comey sends two guys into to the white house. sneaks them. in doesn't follow protocol to set up michael flynn. the common denominator through all of that the common guy is jim comey. i hope -- i hope john durham in his investigation is looking hard at holding jim comey accountable for all that this stuff that played out over the last three and a half years. that's what the president is referring. to say. steve: you know, congressman, it
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was in, i believe, january or february of 2017, shortly after the president trump took office that it was revealed on the front pages of the "new york times" that apparently in an effort to spread this information about russia across the federal government in the final days of the obama administration they opened the flood gates and put everything about flynn and russia out there so they would leave tracks, essentially for the investigators. that's what they did and that's what got us to this point. and then suddenly out of nowhere on friday, barack obama does this conference call with 3,000 people from his administration who worked in government then and talking about what michael flynn did and how it's an injustice what a.g. barr did. why did barack obama appear
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talking about this particular case less than 24 hours after they dropped the charges? >> it's obvious because we now know what took place on that january 5th meeting in the last days of the obama administration as they are trying to get ready to set up president trump on january 6th, 2017 go trap and set up michael flynn. what they did between january 6th and january 24th, 2017. they started leaking information to friendly press people to further this narrative, to help them with their story and now they are trying to and don't forget, when i mention jim comey don't forget in may of 2017 when comey gets fired what's the first thing he does he? leaks his memos to get special counsel bob mueller appointed so they can continue their cover-up. the insurance policy started off. this is real important i think the insurance policy started off investigation of president trump. >> that's what they were going to go do go get president trump in the election. 2016 when they started this investigation. that transformed into keeping protecting the people who did
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the investigation making sure the american people didn't find out the truth. the good thing is we have attorney general bill barr as attorney general and finding out the truth what's going on in the justice department. ainsley: abuse of power. president obama is weighing in on this telling the president the rule of law is at risk. telling his people, i'm sorry, in that leaked phone call the rule of law is at risk. keeping mouth shut. it's classless. had you your shot. you were there for 8 years. what do you make of the timing of all of this. the durham investigation is going full throttle. they are looking at everything. why release these 53 transcripts over the last week. what's the -- is this because we are revving up to get this report from durham? >> let's hope so. i think the comment from the former president is because we are now getting the truth. we now have these notes we got from bill priestap last week. we now have these transcripts that show every one of these individuals interviewed behind
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closed doors interviewed under oath said there was nothing there yet we we had 3 and a half years they put the country through. $40 million. bob mueller. 19 lawyers. 40 fbi agents. all he put the country through. we know this and i am so impriced with thimpressed with e attorney general. he was sworn in a little over a year ago. he said that first first time he testified he had it right there was a failure of leadership at the upper echelon of the fbi. how true that was. mccomey was fired, baker fired. strzok let go and then fired. lisa page left the fbi. those were the top people who ran the two biggest investigations of our lifetime. the clinton investigation and then the trump/russia investigation. they were wrong on both of those. it's time to hold people accountable. as i said before, jim comey is the -- he is the common denominator through all of this, i hope john dump is lookin durht him real closely. brian: let's move on and talk a little bit about ohio and something ohio is going to be
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doing. ohio is moving ahead not as quickly as some people would want and they are going to be opening up salons, barber shops, spas, restaurants and bars allow for outside dining and another phase later in the week. talk about what you are going to be doing, jim. you are named to the house committee on the coronavirus investigation for a while republicans thought i don't know if i should be on this why are you getting on this? >> because leader mccarthy. steve scalise top republican great move by the leader. kevin also said what this is really about. he called this impeachment 2.0. is that is so true. 8 different entities, brian, already providing oversight of you who the cares act. those dollars are being allocated to small businesses and families around the country. we already have 8 -- we have special inspector generals. we have a special commission created in the legislation itself. but the democrats want a ninth. why? because the first 8 are providing oversight for the taxpayers of this country. but the ninth is political.
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the ninth is going to run interference for joe biden. you know that because who did they name as the chair? jim clyburn. joe biden's number one supporter in the united states congress. who did they put on this committee. maxine waters. jamie raskin. two partisans said all kinds you have terrible things about the president. this is designed to go after the president. we will have to present the truth. get to the facts and underscore the unfair process that this whole thing was created supposed to be bipartisan it's not 7 to 5 in favor of democrats. went after certain businesses with the letter they sent yesterday. whip scalise responded to that letter with something that we sent out i think last night as well. so, this is partisan but we are going to have to focus on the truth and the american people, i think, will see it for what it is. brian: never stops. steve: let's hope. so jim jordan, thank you very much for joining us today. thank you, sir. >> you bit. thank you, guys. steve: good luck. stay safe. it's 11 minutes before the top of the hour. new york's governor has unveiled
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a four phase plan to reopen the states at least three regions. education is at the bottom of the list. next guest says the governor needs a plan for schools and needs the plan now. we'll be right back.
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brian: here we go parts of new york will slowly reopen for the first time in two bhonts. governor cuomo four fame phase approach education at the bottom of the list. this as parents head back to work. what are they supposed to do with their kids? next guest is urging the governor consider a plan for schools and camps. "new york post" columnist carol mark wits joins us now. carol, why are schools last? >> that's the question. i don't understand how we can open the rest of society but open schools last. the fact that we have put schools in the same category with broadway shows and concerts and other events that don't necessarily have to happen is kind of wild to me and the fact that governor cuomo is getting so little push back on this is even crazier. brian: right. dealing with the union situation but you know the stats show that kids very rarely give off this virus to adults kids aren't
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really carrying it in any measurable way. here is what the governor said that i consider scary and you pointed out in your column. listen. >> the old model of everybody goes and sits in a classroom and the teacher is in front of that classroom and teaches that class and you do that all across the city all across the state, all these buildings, all these physical classrooms, why with all the technology you have? brian: he doesn't want kids back in classrooms? >> that was a terrifying comment so casual get rid of formal schooling. it didn't seem to resonate in a big way. yeah. nobody wants to get rid of physical classrooms. i think it's just a crazy thing to suggest at this time where we are all indoors for a pandemic to say oh these kids will never go back to their regular lives. they will never go back to their teachers or friends or any of it
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all a big deal there is a reason why we don't do it virtually we could have for the last 20 years. a really big exont of sitting in the classroom and learning. any parent doing home schooling or distance learning actually not whom schooling, distance learning can tell you this is not an effective schooling method. this is not working. brian: it is no. other thing is when kids are not in the classroom they're also growing, socializing, interacting unscripted situations. those are the friendships you build for a lifetime. you are not going to get that if everyone is at home in front of their ipad. >> yeah. the other comment i keep making governor cuomo divided everything into essential and nonessential. here we are two months into this even longer where the subways are just starting getting cleaned when they're the biggest vector of infection. the argument goes well they are essential. schools are essential, too. they're actually very essential.
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brian: absolutely parents and tea parties need it. make it a priority. instead of sitting back. someone has to be leaning forward cleaning out schools putting quick reaction together. parents have got to come together too. if they want to go to work they need to know their parents are in the school. we need to go back to the old format. a shame you are only the one pointing it out karol, your final thought. >> sooner rather than later. phase four could mean school doesn't open until 2021 and that's a real problem. brian: got it. karol mark wits. thank you very much. >> thank you. brian: kayleigh mcenany is going to be here talking about the president coming forward and reopening america and liz cheney. we're also giving payment relief options to eligible members so they can take care of things like groceries before they worry about their insurance or credit card bills. right now is the time to take care of what matters most.
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brian: we begin with a fox news alert president trump is doubling down on obamagate accusations. steve: that's right, brian he is sounding off on the controversy surrounding michael flynn's case ainsley: griff jenkins is live in washington with the presidents new comments and an old e-mail raising questions about what president obama knew, right, griff? griff: a lot of questions ainsley, brian, steve good morning. the president is accusing his predecessor of being guilty of the biggest political crime in american history, when asked in the rose garden which crime he was referring to the president said this. president trump: obama-gate. its been going on for a long time. its been going on from before i even got elected and it's a disgrace that it happened and if
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you look at what's gone on and look at now all of this information that's being released and from what i understand it's only the beginning. steve: this as we're learning the senate judiciary committee taking a fresh look at a previously released e-mail from former national security advisor susan rice who wrote it to herself on january 20, president trump's inauguration day documenting president's guidance to job officials in a january 15 meeting 15 days prior regarding how law enforcement should investigation russian collusion and that's the same meeting that we now know because of former acting attorney sally yates, president obama was aware of the flynn wiretapping. in it, rice writes this. the president stressed that he is not asking about initiating or instructing anything from a law enforcement perspective. he reiterated that our law enforcement team needs to proceed as it normally would, by the book. meanwhile, more documents are coming, possibly as early as today. acting director of national
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intelligence rick grinelle declassified information that according to sources talking to our own ed henry will name top obama administration officials who un masked flynn specifically between election day 2016 and the inauguration of president trump. so, we can't wait to see that. that will be interesting finally as far as will anyone pay consequences we're told the investigation is expanding and going "full lot" el. in the last hour, we had the house oversight committee ranking member jim jordan on this program and here is what he said. >> james comey and i home john durham and his investigation is being looking hard and holding james comey accountable for all this stuff that played out over the last three and a half years. griff: durham added u.s. attorney jeff jensen who just completed the flynn case to his team and there's no indication of the timing for the durham investigation. ainsley, brian, steve? brian: all right, so griff
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we're about to find out maybe who el salvador knew about the unmasking as we flash back to 2016 and president obama surges himself basically into 2020 with his zoom call, and then with his dedication to defending the vice president biden and really campaigning for him and in fact if you saw the latest campaign ad, it looks like barack obama is running for president. joe biden is just in it in a cam eo. president obama talks the whole time meanwhile judge napolitano weighed in on this whole flynn case and why there was a whole need to investigate and he's wondering why others are condemning the investigation who don't know the facts. listen. >> there's a culture in the justice department, never admit you're wrong. so the attorney general with whom i've disagreed with on many issues, this time, did the unthinkable. he looked at the document and said do you know what we were
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wrong. this shouldn't have been an investigation in the first place that's one side of it. the other side is this case has not gone until judge sullivan says it's gone and he has to decide am i just going to accept this government's motion? am i going to hold a hearing? why did it take them two years to recognize there should have been no prosecution of general flynn in the first place? brian: good point. i've never seen people so definitive in their belief. one that there's a major case and number two, that flynn is getting away with lying, but if people are going to go by that standard, steve, bill clinton, andy mccabe, both caught also one with bill clinton's case lying under oath, and i guess if i use the vernacular english knack you harry reed barack obama he got off scott free. steve: that is one of the things that the president said former president did say on friday, you know, we had lee smith with us about 45 minutes ago he wrote a book on what's been going on the
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last couple of years and he said since this russia collusion thing, adam schiff was on tv so many times talking about he has evidence about russia collusion and yet those documents that were transcripts i should say that were released last week made it very clear. nobody in the obama administration had any information that there was ever any collusion. it was just something that adam schiff said on tv. now, just a moment ago on tv here, griff jenkins was reporting about that note that susan rice, the national security advisor, sent herself. it was an e-mail. sent it to herself on the last day of the obama administration and essentially talked about how law enforcement should investigate the 2016 race. one of the other things in that note was going back to that now famous january 5 meeting in the oval office, she said that joe biden was actually at that meeting. in the last 40 minutes, joe
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biden was on good morning america and i believe has been interviewed, and it's interesting he was asked, what did he know about flynn after being in the oval office? and he essentially gives two different answers in the space of one minute. he said first of all, he didn't know anything about it, because they were dealing with the financial crisis and one minute later, he said you know, i knew they had asked for an investigation. listen to this. >> i know nothing about those moves to investigate michael flynn number one. number two, this is all about diversion. this is a game this guy plays all the time. the country is in crisis we're in an economic crisis, a health crisis. we're in real trouble. i thought you asked me whether or not i had anything to do with him being prosecuted. i'm sorry. i was aware that there was, they asked for an investigation but that's all i know about it.
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steve: within the space of one minute, ainsley, he said i don't know anything about it and one minute later, oh, i thought you were asking something else. yeah, i knew they wanted an investigation of michael flynn and that's where it started, ainsley. ainsley: it's hard to believe anyone any more because adam schiff has so much evidence and then you read these 53 transcripts and all the players out there on television saying they had so much about russia collusion they all admitted under oath they didn't have anything there wasn't any evidence, so then when you hear joe biden say that and change his answer and i'm glad george pushed back on it and said i thought you said you didn't know anything and he said oh, i thought you were asking about the investigation, i did know that there was an investigation i thought you were asking whatever, what do you say i thought you were asking if i knew the details of it or whatever. it's just so much, everyone changes their answers. we want to know the truth. there was no collusion that was
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found. the president is the one that is exonerated here, and then michael flynn goes to prison and when you read these transcripts and figure out how it all happened it is just so insane that this went on. it is an abuse of power. let's bring in gop congresswoman liz cheney the chair of the house gop conferences and member of house armed services, congresswoman george to you. >> good morning, great to be with you. ainsley: what do you think happened biden it turns out now was in that january 5 meeting. >> well it absolutely looks like a whole bunch of people, president obama, vice president biden, former national security advisor susan rice, all are acting as though they are very very nervous. all are acting as though suddenly they're concerned that the american people are going to learn the truth. when you write an e-mail to yourself, which looks like sort of a reminder, note to self, make sure people don't think that we've been abusing the law,
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and then you watch president obama for the first time speaking out publicly within the last 48 hours or so, and of course what you just played vice president biden not even being able to keep his story straight within one minute of each other, so i think that there clearly were some very deeply troubling things that the administration, the obama administration was doing and we absolutely have to get to the bottom of it. the american people need to know the truth. brian: so i think what's happening here, if they would give this to the obama administration and i believe their intentions are pure, there little thought trump was colluding with vladimir putin and they were handing the government over to a compromised candidate, and part of that compromise was led by michael flynn a man who writes extensively about his russia sentiment and fights in wars and knew about russias politicos presence in the middle east and now spoke out against it so do
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you think the obama people really thought that trump was selling out the country to russia? >> i don't know what they thought. i think that that's why we need to make sure that they are asked those questions. i think that clearly, they believe, they were above the law , and when you look at what was going on in terms of un masking the sames of u.s. officials that were in the classified documents, when you look at what they were doing after they fired general flynn, clearly, there was some sort of a vendetta underway. when you look at james comey, you know, james comey on tape publicly on video saying that he knows that he basically violated the rules, violated the practice when he sent his fbi agents over to interview general flynn so they clearly were trying to criminalize their political differences and they need to be investigateed. steve: and you know, congresswoman cheney, we heard in the book "shattered" that came out that detailed the race back in 2016, that the night of
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the hillary clinton's loss, john pedesta and robbie mook had a conversation and that's where the whole, well the reason she lost story started was because china helped the trump adminitration and that was born, according to that book, that day more on that a little later on. in the meantime i know you are part of a task force regarding china, and how china has deceiv ed the united states of america, and apparently there's now a story out in the washington post and the new york times that says the administration is about to accuse chinese hackers and other entities like that of trying to steal our secrets as we rush to figure out how to make a vaccine >> yeah, look i think there's no question, the chinese communist party, the chinese government absolutely directly responsible for this pandemic for the deaths, for the economic devastation that we're seeing. i think they clearly decided at some point when they knew that they had human-to-human
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transmission in wuhan they understood that the economic devastation was going to be huge and i think they believe that they would rather have that spread around the globe than simply something that they suffered from, so we watched them stop travel from wuhan into the rest of china, but then let the travel continue around the world. there's no question they caused this virus to be spread. they have to be held accountable and i think that their role in the world, the extent to which they clearly cannot continue to be a member of the civilized community of nations, because of what they've done, because of the lies, it's something that we've got to take a very close look at and i think you're going to see across-the-board steps both to make sure that we move our supply chain, steps to ensure that they do not have the seat at the table that they have had in the past, steps to ensure that we educate the american people so that they understand the vast array of steps the government of china has been taking for so many years now, really to try to defeat us, and we've got to make sure we're defending ourselves
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and that the united states leads the free world. the world has got to live by rules set by countries that believe in freedom, not set by the communist chinese party. ainsley: congresswoman it looks like you're there in washington. when are you guys going to reconvene and what's the latest on the relief money? >> well we are hoping every day that speaker pelosi will in fact do her job, that she will stop negotiating simply with herself and her own party members behind closed doors. what we're hearing now is that either later this week or first thing next week they are going to put a bill on the floor that will include i'm sure many very wasteful priorities of the democrats radical agenda guide them to include. we're also hearing what's very troubling, ainsley, that they are going to put on the floor a motion to allow remote voting. now, this is something i think that from the perspective of being responsible, we need to think about how congress operate s during a pandemic, but i think it is really in defensible that the democrats will not give concurrent to the
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republicans in terms of the procedure itself. when you're going to change over 200 years of history when you're doing something that clearly effects the constitution, it should never be done in a partisan way, and the democrats under speaker pelosi are absolutely unwilling to say they will seek the agreement of the republicans for any changes. brian: yeah and unless the majority goes to the republicans, she's going to continue to do this. she's not even dealing with her own party let alone your party. >> that's right. brian: congresswoman thanks so much for joining us. >> thank you, brian great to be with you guys. ainsley: thank you. brian: same here. meanwhile let's go go to jillian you have the latest breaking news that's happening right now around the world? jillian: that's right so let's start with this. a new milestone and reopening every economy. ohio residents getting the green light to go shopping today. retailers and malls will open their malls at partial capacity. in colorado state parks can reopen campgrounds this as four without officials prepare to
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remotely testify before the senate today that includes dr. fauci who chuck schumer says shouldn't hold back. >> this will be one of the first opportunities for dr. fauci to tell the american people the un varnished truth without the president lurking over his shoulder. dr. fauci let it rip. jillian: dr. fauci says he will warn that states opening too early will cause "need less suffering and death." >> the man who reported the shooting death is speaking out for the first time, william bryant says he is scared for his life. >> i am not feeling safe at all i haven't felt safe in at least three to five days now. the threats have been real. jillian: brian says he's just a witness and hopes the video will help bring justice to the family but so far he hasn't been exactly clear on why he was reporting and
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following arbery that day. travis and gregory mcmichael were charged in the murder. the doj is considering federal hate crime charges. >> closely-watched special house elections today in california democrat christy smith facing off against republican mike garcia in the 25th district running to replace katie hill who resigned in the scandal last year. garcia joined us earlier to weigh in on exactly what's at stake. >> this will be the first seat recovered by a republican in california since 1998 so we're on the verge of making history. jillian: in wisconsin's 7th district, they are replacing retired congresswoman shawn duffy and nebraska is holding its primary today and the nations first in-person election since late march. officials are taking extra precautions including wiping down voting booths and social distancing. that's a look at your headlines i'll send it back to you. steve: can't be too careful, all right, jillian thank you very much.
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8:16 here on the east, the video is stunning. inmates appearing to try to infect themselves with covid-19 to get out of jail in los angeles. reaction to that, coming up. these are extraordinary times, and we want to thank the extraordinary people in the healthcare community, working to care for all of us. at novartis, we promise to do our part. as always, we're doing everything we can to help keep cosentyx accessible and affordable. if you have any questions at all, call us, email us, visit us online. we're here to help support you when you need us. take care, and be well. to learn more, call one eight four four cosentyx or visit
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brian: the video noteworthy these are inmates in a los angeles county jail, sharing a container of water, deliberately trying to contract covid-19. a different group of inmates have the same idea taking turns wearing the same mask. the sheriff says their attempt is to get out of jail and it's misguided. >> it's sad to think that someone deliberately tried to
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expose themself to covid-19. there was some mistaken belief among the inmate population that they tested positive there was a way to force our hand in somehow release more inmates out of our jail environment and that's not going to happen. brian: well the sheriff says 21 inmates of about 50 did test positive here to react is the president of the new york city's correctional offices, eli as dean and elias, first off, this is not a bad plan, considering what people do to break out of prison. you got 17,000 and 5,000 in los angeles who can blame them? >> well first, thanks for having me on, and as we said in the beginning, you're not going to solve a public health crisis by creating a public safety crisis. it's not surprising that the inmates in la are doing that we have inmates in our jail deliberately coughing on correction officers trying to
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get them sick which should be a felony, but in new york city, inmates don't even have to do that, because they've released more than 1,700 inmates over the last couple of months and they've given them cell phone, gift cards, and hotel stays as well. so i wish we had that sheriff here in new york city and we probably wouldn't have that problem. brian: right, but it is, i mean you look at these areas in a locked up environment, once one person gets it, it's much harder to contain it so how would you solve this issue? >> well, i think that the best way, especially here in new york city, our inmate population is lower than its been in the last 30 years so we have the ability to spread our inmates out. we have the ability to reduce or change the officer-to-inmate ratio but it doesn't seem to be something that our public
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officials or our commissioner is interested in doing, and the reality is theres no other way to put it. you are not going to solve this covid-19 problem by releasing people into the streets. they've done it in new york city , and most of the people that they released have already come back and have already committed other crimes. here in new york, i don't know about anywhere else, but tens of thousands of inmates commit the same crime, they commit crimes two to seven times per- year and they are in-n-out of our jails so if we really want to figure out a way to deal with them it's not by releasing them into the streets or the cities of new york, and having them spread this virus more over the country and throughout the state and throughout the city. i think the bottom line is that when it comes to safety, every city in new york should be safe and we need people who can
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really make real decisions, decisions that are good for america, good for new york, good for correction officers, those of us who are forced to work in this , you know, in this environment. correction officers don't have the luxury of working from home so we've had to come to work every day. when they reopened the government, we never closed. brian: i hear you,elias, i always wonder why these public officials don't go to guys like you, to ask what the deal is, to ask how to make the situations better. instead they sit in their place and they make decisions they know nothing about and that's what we're dealing with with this mayor that we have right now. elias thanks so much. >> okay you got it thank you very much. brian: all right, hang in there meanwhile, she became a symbol for americans wanting to get back to work, salon owner shelley luther is getting back in business after getting free from jail and she joins us live, with an update, next.
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ainsley: temperature checks could become the new normal for workers, diners, and travelers in the coronavirus era grady trimbul from our sister station, fox business joins us live in la grange, illinois testing out some of the new technology. hey, grady. reporter: hey, good morning, ainsley and this type of technology is already in use at meat processing plants, food and beverage facilities as well as auto manufacturing facilities. i want to show you how it works, so when i step up to this camera , we have a second shot to show you what this camera is seeing and you can see it recognizes my face and it shows you my body temperature and that it's below 100.4 which the cdc says is too high. i want to bring in nick duback,
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with the duback electrical group. this is one of your technologies but you see this as a way to kind of transition back into normal life. >> i do this innovation will be very important in getting america back to work and it'll give us the ability to removal this personal protective equipment, give people the level of comfort and reduce that anxiety that exists in the market and in the public space today. reporter: thank you, nick and they told me they've already had customers who have this installed and it spotted people with a high external body temperature they've pulled them aside for further testing and that's exactly how this will be implemented at businesses across the country. guys? ainsley: okay, grady, thank you so much. all right, over to you, steve. steve: all right, thank you, ainsley. a texas salon owner becoming a symbol for all americans wanting to get back to work when they can do so safely. after defying her state's lockdown, shelley luther was sentenced to seven days in jail.
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but following an uproar from state officials the texas supreme court ordered her released after serving two days here with an update salon owner shelley luther. good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. steve: you know, i think you are about one of the most famous people in the world last week, when you stood up to that judge and he said i'm going to give you the opportunity to apologize and you said nope, not going to apologize. put me in jail and they did. why do you think your message struck such a cord with people when you were saying look, i had to reopen my business, because we were going broke. >> i think it struck a lot of cords because that was america, like it still is. there's a lot of people that aren't getting the financial help they need, and across the nation i'm getting letters and messages from people that can't get through to unemployment, and it's sad, and so i think people, it was just
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relatable to people. steve: i understand. listen, my sister tried for three or four weeks to get through to the unemployment in kansas finally did but i hear what you're talking about. tell us about how before this happened, your hair stylist s were coming to you saying look, they closed us down , we're going to start going to people's houses to cut hair, because we need the money, but you didn't think that was safe, right? >> no i didn't think that was safe at all, because the salon is a safe place because we have certain types of material on the chairs that can be sanitized there's no like cotton cloth that can hold any kind of bacteria, and i can make sure there are safety precautions on top of what the stylists are already trained to do. you know, social distancing by putting chairs six feet apart things like that outside, and
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maybe just having a little bit more control over the atmosphere i didn't want them to spread the disease and of course i didn't want them to get the disease, the virus. steve: right. indeed. stories emerged over the last day or so that apparently while this was going on, a lot of people didn't realize that you had applied for a small business loan or a grant and you wound up getting the money, right? >> yes, i applied for it, two of them, the idl and the ppp right away. the first day that they were available to fill them out. i didn't hear anything for weeks and weeks and weeks, and then all of a sudden two days before my court trial, money drops in my account and i had no idea what it was. there was no e-mail. there was no information. no letter, no instructions on how to spend the money, so it was difficult to even know what it was or how to spend it, so i
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don't know. everything is so confusing and crazy coming from the government right now. steve: yeah, if they don't give you instructions it's hard to know exactly what to do. you know, i was talking to one of my neighbors from across the street and he's a small business person, and he's been frustrated about how the government at various levels has been picking winners and losers when it comes to businesses. for instance they said your business, you know, a salon you're going to have to close down. when it comes to winners and losers you're a loser, but in your town, right next door, the pet groomer is deemed essential so they get to be open and the cbd guy gets to be open but you don't. that, i think, is really impacts a lot of people because, shelley , every job is essential to somebody. >> uh-huh that's actually been my biggest argument. it's a form of discrimination and what's really bad about it
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is the way that they're picking their essential/non-essential doesn't make sense and then if you cross one county line to another, the rules change, so how do they expect us to follow rules when you don't even know what they are if you step into another county? steve: yeah. you know, we had the president of the united states on our program on friday. he mentioned your case. you've heard from a lot of people all over the world. what are they telling you? >> well, i mean, i'm opening a lot of mail, and people sending in donations and just a lot of it was just proud of the way that i stood up, but when the president spoke about me of course that's a big major deal. you wake up one day and the president of the united states is talking about you, it's a little bit surreal. steve: but it had to be crazy being in jail for a couple of days. you might be sitting in the local jail going you know, i don't know if this was the right
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thing to do. was it? >> i never thought that. that never crossed my mind. i was more concerned of my family and my boyfriend and daughters at home and i just felt helpless a little bit because i wanted to make sure they were safe. they didn't ask for any of this so that's more of what i felt. steve: yeah. exit question. you have reopened. the state of texas reopened salons and barber shops on friday anyway. how's business? >> business is booming. we have people traveling from across the united states to come in and get a hair cut just to prove a point that they support us. so this is really, to me, giving people that sense of liberty back, and i'm just really proud to say that we were happy to be part of that movement. steve: well i know ted cruz stopped by for a hair cut last
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week, so a lot of attention. shelley luther joining us today from addison, texas, shelley thank you very much. great to hear your story. >> thank you. steve: all right it is 22 minutes before the top of the hour. top white house health officials will testify before the senate this morning, what can we expect press secretary kayleigh mcenany from the white house, coming up, next. for nearly 100 years, we've worked to provide you with the financial strength, stability, and online tools you need. and now it's no different. because helping you through this crisis is what we're made for. instead of using aloe, or baby wipes, or powders, try the cooling, soothing relief or preparation h, because your derriere deserves expert care. preparation h. get comfortable with it. and my side super soft? yes. with the sleep number 360 smart bed, on sale now,
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>> i know nothing about those moves to investigate michael flynn number one and number two this is all about diversion. this is a game this guy plays all the time. the country is in crisis we're in an economic crisis a health crisis. >> you reported to be january 5 , 2017 meeting where you and the president were briefed on the fbi's plan to
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question makeover those conversations he had with the russian ambassador kysliak. >> i thought you asked me whether or not i had anything with him being prosecuted i'm sorry. i was aware that there was, they asked for an investigation, but that's all i know about it. brian: is that all he knows about it? we will find out, kayleigh mcenany joins us right now from the white house. she's actually the press secretary now, kayleigh great to see you. >> good to see you brian. brian: good to see you. just get your take on good morning america's interview with joe biden as it relates to michael flynn. is it a distraction to bring up the michael flynn case and do you have answers you need to get from joe biden? >> yeah, look it is not a distraction to bring this up. any time the fbi writes down on a piece of paper, asking whether their motive and interviewing someone if their end goal is to
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"get someone to lie" in this case, getting michael flynn to lie, that should trouble each and every american and they go on to say so that we can get him fired, this is incredible what the fbi did and again, it's not our hard working rank-and-file at the fbi those men and women are heros. this is some of the top official s in the obama era and they are very real questions and now that we know that president obama was aware of the flynn un masking and the former vice president too. ainsley: so today you have top white house health officials that are testifying in front of the senate in front of the senate committee today, and senator schumer, dr. fauci is one of those that's going to be testifying, and senator schumer had advice for dr. fauci before he testified, listen to this. >> until now we've mostly heard from the members of the coronavirus task force through the distorted lens of the white house press conference where the president often prevents them from answering fully, interrupts their response
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, or even contradicts their fact-based advice. this will be one of the first opportunities for dr. fauci to tell the american people the un varnished truth without the president lurking over his shoulder. dr. fauci let it rip. ainsley:fauci has been saying he's worried if we open too soon it could cause the pandemic to come back. we're all worried about that but we also want to get back to work , but then when you hear schumer talking like that he's trying to pit the president it seems against fauci and fauci against the president. they're working together, right? >> well look, yes, absolutely. dr. fauci is here each and every day at the white house and so is dr. birx and so are medical experts on on the task force who routinely not every other day but every day have been meeting. perhaps senator schumer was napping every sunday morning when we put dr. fauci out on the
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sunday shows when we put dr. birx out on the sunday shows they have routinely had an opportunity to speak directly to the american people and when dr. fauci has been given that opportunity on your very network , ainsley on march 23, he said, "the administrations response has been impressive" and he can't imagine under any circumstance, anyone doing this better. president trump has led dr. fauci recognized that, dr. birx has because they've all seen behind the scenes over in the west wing the extraordinary work of this administration. steve: yeah, you know, stories are out that apparently china, the country of china wants to reopen trade talks with the united states, because they are in terrible financial health right now, but apparently the president is saying nope, not going to do it, because as we have heard him repeatedly, he thinks china is the reason that they have infected the entire world with the thing and they simply were not forthcoming with that. is that accurate?
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china wants to reopen and now it's like forget about it? >> the president has said he has no interest in reopening the china trade negotiations and what an acknowledgment by china of the great work of this administration. the fact that they want to re negotiate the deal because they know that they negotiated with the great deal maker, president trump, who got an extraordinary deal for the american people. china buying $250 billion worth of american goods. the china tariffs giving us the ability to get billions to america's farmers and to purchase agricultural products and this is a big win for the american people and it appears based on that evidence china knows that but president trump has no interest in re negotiating especially given that china put american lives at risk at the beginning of this pandemic. brian: right, so this continues with the press and i want to talk about china after this because the president has made a move to pull out our financial, some pensions out of china and their investment there , but this was in exchange towards the end of yesterday's
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briefing, let's listen. >> you said many times that the u.s. is doing far better than any other country when it comes to testing. president trump: yes. >> why does that matter? why is this a global competition to you if every day americans are still losing their lives and we're still seeing more cases everyday? president trump: well they're losing their lives everywhere in the world and maybe that's a question you should ask china. don't ask me, ask china that question, okay? when you ask them that question you may get a very unusual answer. >> sir why are you saying that to me specifically? president trump: i told you i'm not saying it specifically to anybody i'm saying it to anybody who asks a nasty question like that. brian: do you want to expand on that? i guess she was saying maybe the president was saying that because she's asian? was that figured into that at all? >> no that's a ridiculous assertion but what i would note is that leave it to the members
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of the white house press to make it about them, to take a question, to turn around and somehow say how dare you ask this of me, me, me. well guess what it's not about me. this is about the american people. president trump says ask china about this , ask china about the facts that they slow walked information that alongside the who that american lives were put at risk. china has real questions to answer here, but believe it about the white house press to make it about themselves. ainsley: all right, kayleigh thanks so much for being with us >> thank you. ainsley: enjoy the day. okay the virus has impacted weddings across the country but one venue is helping infected couples by hosting their ceremony for free. two of those newlyweds are going to join us, next. pets are family and we know it.
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ed: good morning friends breaking this morning acting director rick grin el has declassified the names of which obama officials unmasked the names of general flynn, the names of u.s. citizens picked up on wire taps are supposed to be blacked out leak ing it is illegal, so senator mike lee on what's next plus members of the president's task force on coronavirus including dr. fauci, oura-team tees it up, join sandra and me, top of the hour, guys. ainsley: thank you, ed.
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a texas wedding venue is helping couples impacted by covid-19 celebrate their special day by offering ceremonies free of charge. joining me now is bride and groom-to-be sidney and haystack den all good. thanks for being with us. >> thanks for having us. ainsley: you're welcome, sell, how do you feel and how did you find out about this? >> we are super excited and super thankful that they're letting us have their ceremony at their venue. we found out about it through a women's group through a local church that i'm in, for engaged women, just all going through the same thing at the same time. one of them posted the venue in that group and i sent them an e-mail. ainsley: now did did you already have a wedding planned and you had to cancel it because of this >> yes, so we actually had a wedding planned for the same day , for a different venue, but just with everything going on,
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they had to reschedule that so we'll actually have our reception at our original venue in september. ainsley: oh, that's wonderful. cheryl you're so sweet to do this. you are blessing so many couples and allowing them to get started a little earlier than they thought because of this virus. why did you do it? >> well you know, we had faith. we're a wedding venue in the city of grand prairie, and we, like everyone, had been effected by covid. all of our weddings have move on to other days and we had a beautiful garden with nothing going on, and one day, we had a vision and we said why don't we just open up the doors and let people rather than getting married in a justice of the peace office, or in a garden, why not make them get married inlet them get married in a beautiful venue so we opened up the garden and the response has been tremendous. ainsley: well we're all trying to help our neighbors at this time and you definitely are. you're providing marriage is love for so many different
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families in a time when we need it so much. we wish you all the best. i know you're getting married on friday. you're going to have so much fun and it'll be one of the best days of your life. god bless you all, thank you. more fox & friends straight ahead. they're our neighbors, and our friends. but now, they are forever our heroes, too. and while they're working to keep us safe, prudential is proud to provide over one million health care workers with benefits that help bring peace of mind in times like these.
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>> sandra: anticipation is building on capitol hill where just one hour from now members of the crime i task force including dr. anthony fauci will be testifying via teleconference before a senate committee. more than 40 states that move forward with plans to reopen their economies. as soon as that hearing is underway we will be bringing that to you live. but first, another fox news alert. fox news confirming that acting national intelligence director dr. ric grenell has declassified information about obama administration officials who were behind the unmasking of michael flynn.


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