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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  May 12, 2020 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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>> martha: that is "the story" up this tuesday may 12, 2020. if we look forward to seeing you back here tomorrow night at 7:00. have a good night, everyone. ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." you may have seen clips of it, dr. anthony fauci testified before congress today to explain how much longer messed quarantines must last and what other sacrifices the rest of us need to make in order to fight the war on coronavirus. dr. fauci has never been elected to anything that you would never know it, many of our leaders believe his every word is tantamount to law and in fact, it has been. just how wise is a man making these laws? is he rooted in science? we will let you decide in just a minute. but first no matter how long these lock downs do go on we are starting to see the outlines of
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the damage they cause so far. a recent working paper released, and more than 40% will be gone forever and those jobs will never come back even once all government restrictions are lifted. now if that turns out to be true, and of course we hope it isn't, but if it is that would mean nearly 14 million americans would be languishing in long-term unemployment. for perspective, during the great recession of 2008, whose effects we feel even now, job losses peaked at 10 million. so this is an unprecedented disaster for american families. what we are living through. and it's compounding what was already there. thanks to a series of ugly changes, many people were stuck in jobs with lower pay and fewer benefits than the ones they lost a decade ago. millions have no savings and are suffocating beneath the mountains of student debt and credit card debt.
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this was already a country with declining life expectancy and growing equality in the coronavirus pandemic accelerated those trends. so our main job before anything else is to fix that damage. everything depends on fixing it. so that is the sad backdrop to the house of representatives and new 18 page coronavirus relief bill which was released today. anything our congress does at the moment must first and foremost prevent ordinary people from slipping beneath the waves. in a statement today >> nancy pelosi assured voters that her bill come this bill, will do just that. >> we can all agree that we can open air economy as quickly as we can but we must do so based on science and data. we must do so in a way that reaches all americans in a way that addresses the disparities that we have seen, so that we can assess the full extent of the coronavirus and defeat it.
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we all know that we must put more money in the pockets of the american people. but it is also a stimulus to the economy. direct payments, unemployment insurance, mortgage help and food and student loan assistance among other things are essential to relieve the fear that many families are facing. >> tucker: among other things, speaker pelosi just said. what are those things? first thing to know about this bill is that it's big, maybe the biggest piece of legislation ever proposed in u.s. history. the estimated price tag for everything in this bill is $3 trillion which is close to 90% of the nation's entire annual tax revenue. keep in mind that key comes close on the heels of the last coronavirus relief bill which cost about $2 trillion. of course our usual annual spending is there. altogether that's an awful lot of expenses and everything will dollar will have to be borrowed
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because there aren't any left. when the smoke has cleared from all of the spending, only china will have bailed us out. china has the strongest balance sheet in the world. at that point, it will be there vessels. we spend all day reading pelosi's bill to find out. too few have done that, we did. here's what we found. first and most glaringly relink the last thing we need is more illegal low-wage of what labor from abroad. but this goes out of the way to supply illegal immigrants with billions of taxpayer dollars. according to house democrats, illegal immigrants must have a right to have the $1200 checks that american citizens received in the last bill. they also received the same direct payments as american citizens going forward.
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that's a group that's not even allowed to be here. and then the bill contains an amnesty provision for the duration of the coronavirus crisis. that's something we would like to cease extended a very long time, all illegal immigrants employed in so-called essential services would be shifted from deportation. their employer would be shielded, too. people who hire illegal aliens would not be prosecuted. they are critical to providing medical care for the rest of us. current essential workers as they are defined in this bill is in fact an enormous category that spans almost every part of the american economy. it includes employees in food services, laundry, waste management, child care, agriculture and restaurants. as well as any retail worker in america who works at a location that sells food or beverages. this is a blanket amnesty for
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virtually every illegal alien who has already taken an american job and once the amnesty is granted it will never be taken away. that on that, no matter what they tell you. anyone who lives in washington can confirm that. once past, it's not going away. at that point there will be no more debate about illegal immigration and the issue will be settled permanently. democrats will win every presidential election for the rest of your life, the rest of your children's lives and that's the point of this. but the bill keeps going from there. the bill would extend current visas and the democrats could call this bill the heroes act. they are telling you it will help health care workers. as of tonight thousands of american health care workers are being furloughed from their jobs or fired entirely. this bill remarkably orders dhs to expedite visa processing for foreigners who want to come to
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the u.s. and work in health ca health care. got that? american health care workers laid off and now they could be replaced by foreigners willing to work for less. we don't have to guess if that will happen, it's happened throughout american industries. under this bill it would happen to our health care systems as well. sorry unemployed americans, better get used to drawing a government check. then there is a long section in this legislation about drugs, the bill is strongly in favor of drugs probably because when you are high you are less likely to think or worry about what else is in the bill. the bill mentions cannabis 68 times. in order for the federal government to produce an annual report, expanding access to financial services for minority owned and cannabis owned majority businesses.
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people are calling you a racist and, it orders all federal agencies to the greatest extent possible to hold deposits in minority owned banks. okay, fine. but what is the pandemic and our response to it have to do with race politics? stupid question. the democratic party will comic party, everything has to do with race politics all the time. it's a primary way they get and keep power. race politics is the only program they have come up with more crime and increased censorship. that also contains prison break provision. this bill would order the release of every federal prisoner who has asthma, diabetes or is over 50 years of age, unless the bureau of prisons affirmatively proves thainmate in question is proveno commit violence against a specific person.
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and here is the censorship part. it's part of a growing and ominous theme in that direction, the theme will prevent you from saying or believing what you like. this bill directs millions of dollars to the national science foundation to study the coronavirus "misinformation" we shouldn't be allowed. in other words shut up and stop disagree with our announcements. that's a message that it sends. but for the favored few, the democratic party's donor class, the bill is far more gentle. this bill would repeal the cap on state and local tax deductions. that would help almost exclusively high income neighborhoods in overtaxed blue states. why is that significant? that's a beating heart of the democratic electorate. this is a payoff to them. amazingly, you can't make this up. this is a very different kind of
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hero. he would make lobbying shops in washington, d.c., and wrote this thing? probably not scientists. lobbyists and ideologues wrote it, the same people who control the democratic party. the same people who won't badly want to control this country. we are happy to have you here tonight. this is one of those documents that as she read through it your eyes widen and you think, this can't be real. maybe your only advantages nobody does read it. >> that's exactly right. if you would attack me putting together a parity plan for elite government, democrats who only pander to their constituency of rich people into the states, illegal immigrants, and i still probably could not have put something together. if they are going to take out
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the $3 in taxpayer money, every single dollar of that should be appropriated to the american citizens and businesses who the government forced to go out of work. speaker nancy pelosi had an opportunity and members of her caucus work pushing for that type of legislation to be included in the package and they explicitly rejected it in favor of bailing out the lobbyist industry and in favor of funding things on environmental racism and injustice, diversity and inclusion, female minority and expanding access in order to put drugs on the streets in america. you literally cannot make these things up and of course as you mentioned, enriching the blue state, hollywood, and wall street liberals who are financing. let's say you are living in washington and you are on a
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$10,000 per month retainer from say, the government of cutter. you are a small struggling lobbyist trying to make payments on your second home. this gives you a federally backed loan. why are you not a hero who deserves this? >> that's the best part. the association that lobbies on behalf of associations, and without us you guys will be able to write legislation. simple circular logic that will could possibly exist. they literally say they half to write this out. it's one of the most -- >> tucker: it's of a right out of press release. and, it's one of the most naked money grabs that we could
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possibly see. there are literally millions of american citizens put out of work by their own government. millions of small businesses put out of work, and that lobbyist for the cannabis industry and others are seeing right now. it's unbelievable. >> tucker: i thought my mind could not be flown more but you have proven me wrong. >> thanks, tucker. at this point, children face virtually no risk from the coronavirus but today dr. tony fauci said it may be too risky anyway to open schools next fall. so should we question any of our reopening plans or is it time to ask a few questions about the faithfully vested tony fauci? that's up next.
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>> tucker: dr. anthony fauci appeared on capitol hill, and the topic of course with the ongoing debate over when and how to reopen the country, schools and workplaces and when to do it, and how quickly. dr. fauci left no doubts on how he feels about that question, opening up now after his two months of lockdowns is a very risky and indeed a dangerous prospect, letting americans work and learn once again could be at catastrophe. it's also referring to a handful of hot spots that have been hit especially hard, entire states
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he said it likely need to remain closed. >> what i have expressed of then and again is my concern that some areas, city states or what have you jump over those various checkpoints and prematurely open up without having the capability of being able to respond effectively and efficiently. my concern is that we will start to see little spikes that may turn into outbreaks. >> tucker: so just to be clear, dr. fauci was not talking about certain workers or even all workers staying at home for the foreseeable future. he implied that schools and colleges would be able to reopen only if there is a cure for this virus, or a vaccine. that prospect bridge too far. in other words no school until the coronavirus has been cured, stopped. there is currently no approved vaccine for any of the several
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coronavirus' out there, we still don't have one for sars. so that may never happen. once again it has never happened. dr. fauci's recommendation was headline news for every media outlet. and so predictably on with the hysteria. the children must stay home or countless people could die, that's the message. so i'm asking a very simple question, how does he know this exactly? is tony fauci right about the science? do we have any particular reason to think he is right? right now there is an awful lot of evidence indicating that america should cautiously reopen? sweden never shut down at all
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the state of georgia partially reopened weeks ago too much hysteria and finger wagging from the press and yet hospitalizations in the state of georgia are lower than ever. no one has explained why exactly schools must remain closed. it is a huge cost to that. when complete immunity? since then, quinn is not a requirement? they all are vulnerable to countless diseases, many of which are far more dangerous than this one. the flu, for example, is much more dangerous for young people then the wuhan coronavirus. it's not a talking point, it's factually true. and yet only this virus is being used to deny young people and
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education. what is this, exactly? some lawmakers are starting to ask that question because it's so obvious, there is no science on the other side. you can ask dr. fauci about it during the hearings tonight. >> the history of this when we look back will be wrong prediction after long prediction after long prediction starting with ferguson in england. we have some humility in that we believe we know what's best for the economy, and i don't think you are the end all. i don't think you are the one person that gets to make a decision. >> tucker: every sentence to dr. fauci must be prefaced with, as much as i respect you. that's required by federal law. but senator paul is onto something, a lot of wrong predictions have come out of washington on the question of the coronavirus and quite a few of them came directly from dr. fauci himself. we are not singling him out or attacking him, we certainly made
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a lot of wrong predictions on the show. but we are not in charge of the entire show, but that's for the sake of the aforementioned humility. today for example, dr. fauci spoke about how happy was to see americans going about their lives while wearing masks. >> for some sort of mask, this should be a very regular part with how we prevent the spread of infection. more and more, we can see many people out there with masks on which gives me some degree of comfort that people are taking this very seriously. >> tucker: they are following his words and he's pleased by that, he didn't expect to have this much power at the age of 79. the funny thing was though it was two months ago that fauci was in the courts of high officials, and he was saying
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that wearing a mask was pointless. >> right now in the united states, people shouldn't be walking around with masks. >> right now there's no reason for people to be walking around with a mask. when you are a middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel better an an ed it might even lock a droplet but it's not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. >> tucker: this might be painful for some people, it's kind of like learning a religion is fake. but it's supposed to be science. you are supposed to admit when you are wrong and you are supposed to be totally transparent with your reasoning. but they are not. back in january, 20 fauci was telling us, don't worry about
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the coronavirus. >> bottom line, we don't have to worry about this one, right? >> we need to take it seriously and do the kinds of things that the cdc and the department of homeland security are doing, but this is not a major threat to the people of the united states and this is not something that the citizens of the united states right now should be worried about. >> tucker: do yo wear a mask, don't wear a mask. it was just last month that dr. fauci told the rest of us, it was totally fine to have contact with strangers that you meet on the dating app. they should begin just to be safe. >> i don't think we should shake hands ever again to be honest with you. not only would it be good to
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prevent coronavirus disease but it would decrease the influence of influenza dramatically in this country. >> tucker: this is buffoon level stuff at that point and we are not doing this to mock the guy. i mean anyone who talks as much as anthony fauci does is apt to say some stupid things. the point is, is this the guy into whom we want to vest all of your trust? is this the guy you want to chart the future of the country? maybe not. this is a very serious matter, the decisions we are making right now. tony fauci has not been elected to anything and he's had the same job for nearly 40 years. that means a majority of american voters have ever even indirectly picked him for the role he has now. this is not the result of any kind of democratic process at work at all. yet, in the last four months, dr. fauci has become one of the most powerful people in the
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world. some, particularly in our media are clamoring to give dr. fauci even more power. why? some people think that he should be dictator for the duration of this crisis. dr. fauci, like every other human being is flawed. he says things that are wise and things that are profoundly silly. he is not, and plenty of doctors by the way think it's time for most if not all of the country are cautiously reopened. and no appointed doctors should make the call and because he is
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democracy. that ryan is the founder and ceo of american majority and he joins us tonight. ned, why -- and i don't want to single out fauci because he is not the longest of the leaders but he has often been wrong. why are we hearing calls to just obey him unquestionably? >> this to me as completely bizarre. i mean, i'm not sure what he's been right about and i'm not sure why we are actually listening to him over the last three months and for him saying what the future should look like. it feels like, and he seems to be making up things as he goes. he and dr. birx walked in the imperial college of model to trump and said you have to shut down based on on this model which we now know is so deeply flawed and so buggy that every paper and every decision that was made should be retracted or rejected. then they walked in the marine
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models from the university of washington also deeply flawed. they also know tucker, anyone in any business, if they had walked this into their boss multiple times, bad intelligence, they ended up severely damaging the company, they would be fired and then they would be ostracized. then here we have dr. fauci in front of the senate lecturing us on what he thinks the future should look like. i think he needs to treat the entire premise of being infallible but this devastating result is the end of progressivism in which we had it in a had an uneducated stomach on educated elite which would somehow you'd leave us to utopia. now we are finding this golden cap of the administrative state and dr. fauci -- you have to question the entire premise of this. >> tucker: the essence of science also been misled all my
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life is asking questions. how do they tell us -- it's foolproof evidence instead of, this is what we think might be happening. i have to tell you, he's in a role in which he is to advise the president, he's not the decision-maker. honestly i think trump needs to send them back to his office and shut the door and say, very nice, thank you so much for your thought. >> it's time to take control i would say. great to see you, thanks so mu much. >> thanks tucker. >> tucker: michael flynn's life and his family life was completely destroyed because it is that intelligence was unmasked on during a phone call. fox news as ed henry has the very latest on this.
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we will have the latest on this. when it's hot.
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stay cool. when it's cold. stay warm. when there's a lot to do. do it all. and do it right. without breaking a sweat. with the comfortable, versatile new kubota lx series. >> tucker: at the very end of his presidential administration, barack obama ordered jim comey and his goons at the fbi to investigate incoming national security advisor michael flynn. why? because he had dared have a conversation with the security
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advisor. the question in is, how did he know that phone call took place? because his in identity had been improperly unveiled by someone. who did that? soon we may know. ed henry joins us with more. >> we first broke the news last week right here about ric grenell bringing secret and intelligence in a satchel. breaking tonight we finally know what was in that bag and we are learning it's one of several batches of intelligence being declassified which may explain why other former intel officials have been lashing out and could be concerned about what's coming next. acting director of national intel, fox has that exclusive video that i mention from last week and then come bringing a list, we now know what was in that bag. that could be illegal because normally the names of u.s. citizens that get picked up on wiretaps are blacked out for privacy. in the case of general flynn,
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his name was originally redacted because he got swept in the wiretap of a non-u.s. citizen. the russian investors to the u.s. so when obama officials unmasked, during the presidential transmission and blend leaked it out to newspapers, it could be illegal because using that for political gain is against federal law. fbi agents as you noted surprised flynn for that question and at the white house january 24, 2017, just a few days after president trump's inaugural. significant because i'm told now that grenell has specifically classed by the names of obama officials one masses name between election day 2016 and inauguration day 2017. critical period, because remember in his final days president obama has at early january 2017 meeting with officials like comey, and sally gates has not revealed it was president obama himself who
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revealed to her that flynn was on the wiretaps. then susan rice wrote that odd email saying that for the record back about 15 days earlier at the meeting, president obama said do all these investigations by the book. attorney general bill barr has decided the probe was not done by the book and he moved to drop the charges. prosecutor john durham is now looking at this unmasking issue among others, wondering about whether there could be prosecutions. they are waiting for canal himself, and i'm thinking i could get sticky because of other info. that was a remarkable statement and an assessment declaring that
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russia meddled in the 2016 election, and most importantly, they claim that russia interfered. it turns out, obama cia chief john brennan had intel saying actually russia wanted hillary clinton to win. he was a former chief of staff, and brennan suppressed some of the intel that suggested russia wanted clinton to win. i separately have an intelligence or estimate that confirmed that information is one of the four or five other batches of intel that he is to classifying. they held back, there is more intel suggesting that russia wanted hillary clinton to win,
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and russia wanted trump to win. the people on the inside are telling me, there are a lot of critics out there saying this is hyper, there's nothing there. and then they said there's a whole lot more coming. >> tucker: i knew that was alive. i've been in d.c. an awfully long time. we don't have 17 intel agencies. that whole thing come one of them was with the coast guard i think. >> everybody agrees on something. nobody agrees on anything and they shouldn't. >> well you and i do sometimes. >> tucker: wealth the big creepy intel agencies. thanks so much for that, amazing. we will be watching weekdays from nine until noon, eastern. a lot of this stuff turns out to be fraudulent, they were lying about a lot. last week's house transcripts revealed that the russia hoax
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was built not just on deception but again on lies. so will there be consequences, and many more. and we are happy to have him on tonight. i've been operating on the assumption hard-earned that no one will ever be punished. do you think there's a chance? >> we realize that ray rarely did we pay the price, but attorney general bill barr is a different animal, a different creature. he's not someone that particularly cares about who is in power and who is not in power, obviously he has respect for politics and respect for people who've been elected to politics and been elected to come to washington. but he is a to the law and
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honestly as much as i want to see these people go to jail come to the fact that he is exposing him, the fact that he is exposing people like james clapper and james comey for their conspiracy to entrap somebody, a political enemy in order to punish him, the fact that he is exposing these people it's such a massive step. and obviously we are beginning to realize, and that list of options that was written down by bill priestap who is the head of counterintelligence for the affair that included a range of things, do we want them to tell the truth?
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and that chillingly reveals what those people are really after. they are after punishing political opponents and that's exactly what they did, that's exactly what they did when they unmasked flynn's identity. and it was illegal, and general flynn is a fine man. the point is, you have an out of control department of justice going after the political enemy and that is so completely unacceptable. >> tucker: ten seconds, mcconnell still runs the senate which is controlled by
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republicans so why isn't bill priestap -- we are need a reckoning. and what is he doing. it underscores just how much both parties are terrified of president trump. and they are the other persons fighting for the truth which is bill barr. and think god donald trump put them there. >> tucker: there are new reports of the world health organization that took orders directly from china. as bad as you think it is, there are stunning details i had.
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this virus is testing all of us. and it's testing the people on the front lines of this fight most of all. so abbott is getting new tests into their hands, delivering the critical results they need. and until this fight is over, we...will...never...quit. because they never quit.
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>> tucker: a new report suggests that corruption at the station may be deeper and more shocking than we even imagine. citing german intelligence sources, the newspaper durst >> says that on the 21st the director of the world health organization he receives a call from xi jinping. he urged him to delay a warning. and it's true to even know how to respond to this. dr. marc siegel joins us tonight to assess this. >> i will tell you how to respond to this. i've never heard the doctor say
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the word villain before. while i wonder about that phone call from president xi. after that january 21st call on january 23rd, he was saying this is a regional problem only. on january 28th, he said you know, china is being so cooperative and so transparent, so serious about this. why restrict that after president trump and he said why restrict travel? then on february 10th, he said this is just a spark. it may unite into a fire but it is just a spark at a time when
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covid-19 was spreading around the world. then on march 7th after many of us were calling this a pandemic, he said still not a pandemic. today is may 12. on may 12, i've been to the covid boards recently and i've seen wildly contagious beyond our wildest dreams, the worse that dr. wet redfield has seen in his lifetime. i've seen blood clots we were told about, inflammation in the lungs, and it causes strokes and blood clots. we didn't know that children were involved come that children could get sick. we are learning that over the last few days. i'm sitting here thinking, i have a question for you, dr. tedros. how many tens of thousands of people have died in the united states and around the world because you said that this was a regional problem only and didn't warn us, which was your job? >> tucker: i should -- i can't resist telling our view is that
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you don't have a teleprompter, he recited that timeline from memory and it's an amazing outline of deception and the consequences. dr. siegel, thank you for that. we will continue with the story. in california, prisoners infected with the coronavirus are being released. now, prisoners are doing exactly what you expect them to do upon being released and we will tell you that after the break. lockdowns may continue but baseball could soon be back. some good news for you tonight, when we return.
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♪ speed to the state of georgia has been cautiously reopening for weeks now. and so far, this isn't conclusive yet, things seem much better than the hysterics on twitter predicted. few states have unlocked on at all, and they are doing pretty well. los angeles, ha the lockdown has now been extended to the end of july. so what do these scientific basis for doing that? that's still not clear. they never explained. likely because there isn't one. millions of people at little risk from coronavirus, meanwhile will be hurt by this. we know that for certain. but we do have, we are happy to end the show tonight on some good news. baseball might be back.
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they may return in early july before los angeles. the downside would be empty stadiums. if that plan is approved, which would be a little closer to normal, normal is what we want to. now, every step is a welcome step. california inmates are trying to use the coronavirus to get out of jail free. trey sides the latest on that. hey trace. >> hi tucker. 30 inmates in two separate forms have now tested positive for coronavirus. when it began, there was an effort to track the origin of the virus. sure enough, they found images of what appeared to be inmates trying to infect themselves with covid-19. in one video, a inmate fills a container with hot water and within a minute three other inmates shared the water. they put the fou the water on tr
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foreheads to make it seem like they had a fever. even sniffing a mask that had already been worn. los angeles county sheriff says as a direct result of what we have seen in the video, 21 men tested positive. watch. it's because somehow there was a mistake that they tested positive, there was a way to force our hand in somehow releasing more inmates out of jail. and that's not going to happen. >> although, the jails and los angeles county to publicly have about 17,000 inmates. because of covid-19, there are fewer than 12,000. so the virus is getting some sprung. tucker. >> tucker: thanks so much, trace. boy, there is a lot of bad news out there. some nights we feel bad, a little guilty bringing it all to you. but keep in mind, there is good news out there. usually it sitting right next to you. other people.
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they are always the best thing about being alive. so enjoy them if you can. that's it for us tonight. have a healthy and happy night. we will be back tomorrow. in the meantime, the great sean hannity takes over. >> sean: and tucker, great comments. thank you anyway. great show as always. welcome to "hannity." buckle up. we have a lot of issues. we need to address urgently. we will lead the charge against a blue state bailout that is nothing but waste fraud and abuse. and it is corruption. by the way, as always, we will lead the charge to hold the deep state accountable. we have a lot of updates tonight. we begin with this fox news alert. judge emmet sullivan has now postponed any case about michael flynn. this is a


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