tv Hannity FOX News May 12, 2020 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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about being alive so enjoy them if you can. that's it for us tonight. have a healthy and happy nightba and we will be back tomorrow. in the meantime, the great sean hannity takes over at 9:00 p.m. eastern. >> sean: i feel great! great show as always. thank you very much. yes, on the family issue appeared welcome to "hannity." buckle up. we have a lot of issues as a country we need to address. the charge to open this country safety, will lead the charge against a blue state bailout that's nothing fraud and abuse and his corruption but we'll leave the charge to hold the deedeep state accountable. we begin with this fox news alert. judge emmet sullivan indifferently postpone any ruling in the case against lieutenant general michael flynn. this is an outrage. the doj, they drop their entire
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case against flynn and all they need is judge sullivan to sign off on the measure which is pretty much standard. judge sullivan wants to drag this out. why? he's inviting outside groups to file amicus briefs in this particular case. in other words, the judge is giving time for anyone to make a case against flynn obviousvi exoneration. how much more evidence do you need? you already treated sidney powell and treated general feeling unfairly in your court room and you know what we are talking about. flynn's attorney, sidney rick powell wrote that no for the delay should be tolerated. we've watched this judge attacked general flynn and his attorney unfairly and wrongly ruled that there is no brady material withheld when there was and judge sullivan needs liberal groups and deep state people that are supportive of all thingsgs obama and their attornt
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to justify all the injusticel pluralists in his courtroom. it is now time for a new and impartial judge in this case. flynn was subjected to gross prosecutorial misconduct. he went bankrupt to legal billse he lost his family home, his reputation was destroyed, nearly four years of his life now gone. judge sullivan wants to slow walk this thing to the very end and gave everyone with a political agenda an opportunity to smear general flynn some more. this is a disgrace. this is not justice. this is a travesty of justice. we've seen an awful lot of this not only in this case but all across the board. we will have a lot more on breaking news and just moments. also tonight, nancy pelosi has zero shame whatsoever. she clearly now exploiting again, she did it the first time, this is now the fifth time. going back for money. she withheld money for the national endowment for the arts and national endowment for the humanities and the kennedy
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center. this should make your stomach sick and we will review the democrats' brand-new $3 trillion socialist wish list, wait to use he was on it. we'll show you how far left politicians and blue states, they are literally trying to steal from fiscally responsible red states in order to fund all of their waste, all of their fraud, all of their abuse. states like new york, new jersey, illinois, and california. by the way, i say this to my own detriment, but truth is truth here. later we'll check in on the sleepy joe biden. still campaigning in his basement. and not very well. we start tonight with the person who represents everything that is wrong in the washington swamp. that it be speaker pelosi. for weeks, her and her democraticth colleagues, they've been totally completely missing in action, sheltering in multimillion dollar gated mansion communities in place. as it turns out,ie they were buy behind closed doors, completing -- get this, a
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347,000 word wishlist, filled with $3 trillion in more spending, the 3 trillion in loan guarantees from the fed. despite calling it a "covid relief bill," most of the proposal has absolutely zero to do with the ongoing pandemic. in other words, they are treating the coronavirus like it's christmas morning. just like they did, they kept workers and hospital workers and business small and large waiting for the first stimulus bill. for a week and a half delayed it. for this one, they want $20 million for arts and humanities foundation, $50 billion for colleges and universities. $3.6 billion for the democrats' male in voting scheme. $25 billion for the post office. $1 trillion blank check, $1 trillion, to bail out fiscally responsible states and localll in other words, your hard-earned tax dollars roughly $10,000 per
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u.s. citizen, will now be used to pay off mostly in new york, california, new jersey, illinois, and all their waste, fraud, abuse. this includes unfunded pensions. this includes their reckless entitlement programs. this includes state governments that love wasting money after they tax their state and chase anybody out of their states. look at new york for example, they had their $90 million failed light bulb factory, or the $750 million disaster solar power plant. yeah, that went belly up also. and now, elon musk owns it. california's 900,000 electric buses. the 12,000 public transit employees making more than 100 grams each per year, the 23 million dollar in illinois that encourages people to ride bicycles, you are going to bail them out. don't forget illegal immigration in these sanctuary states and cities. new york state, they spend and
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estimated $7.5 billion on illegal immigrants annually. new york city just passed $100 million bill to recover the medical costs of all of its illegal residents. century state of california, they pay out a whopping $23 billion each year to illegal immigrants. is that what you want your tax dollars spent bailing out? that's where it ill go. fiscally irresponsible states, they should demand that their congress, their men and women, and senators, reject it's literally robbing future generations. thankfully though, pelosi's money grab doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell, at least of now, becoming law. yet another political stunt. pelosi herself can't even sell>> her own bad bill. >> minority leader kevin mccarthy called it a liberal wishlist of a bunch of items that you wanted to have passed even before the coronavirus pandemic happened.
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>> putting that aside, i can't be bothered with what others say, what i'm proud of is what we are doing. our caucus has agreed thatt everything is coronavirus senses that relates to the virus. it's too deadly to our lives, our livelihood, to our democracy for us to use it for any other purpose. >> keep in mind, the massive spending plan calls for a trillionrs dollars just for stae governments and $10 million for small business grants. she has no shame. the democratic socialist party has no shame. never let a serious crisis go to waste because you get things done thate you never thought would dream happen. that is rahm emanuel 101. instead of seriously working to make this country a better place, opening up this country safely, being productive, just like they have for three plus years, nope. all they want to do is become obstacles. all they wanted to do -- they aren't helping people recover
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from the pandemic. she's playing politics, exploiting a crisis while she's been missing in action pretty m much the whole time. here now with ample report is our own chad pergram who is most likely sheltering in place somewheree tonight. >> in our alexandria, virginia, bureau here tonight. they are going tooi put this bil on the floor friday. as you say it's going to cost $3 trillion, $900 billion will go to the states.s. also money in here for the u.s. postal service, direct payments, and e even money for domestic violence. mitch mcconnell, the senate majority leader does not like this bill. he called it a liberal wish list. listen to this from kevin mccartney, the house majority leader. he said that democrats would fund planned parenthood and sanctuary cities. moderate democrats say the measure was too expensive and still some democrats wanted mo more, how speaker pelosi said spending as much money would never be cheaper because of historically low interest rates.
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the bill would likely pass on sunday. pelosi doesn't send bills on't e floor with lacks of the vote. didn't want the house to vote to what he termed a message build. did you negotiate this with the senate republicans or that makes it a messaging bill to the liberal wing of the party. they will probably pass it on friday, going to be a very late night in the house ofve representatives. six votes spread out over the course of days, practicing social distancing. they are only bringing about 80-90 members at a time to theo chamber to vote so each boat takes about an hour, hour of a half. they are also going to approve remote hearings and also proxy voting on the house floor. what does that mean? once the house finishes boating on friday night, that's probably the last time you'll see house members in the house chamber for at least a couple of months. >> sean: thanks for the details. open the country safely. americans dying to get back to
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work. they want to go back to work. they've already invested $3 billion, unprecedented amount of dollars. fortunately in loan guarantees. none of this pork spending, none of this bailout of blue states. let's open the country. the left is now waging a nonstop campaign of fear, hysteria. despite declining covid-19 infectious rates, hospitalizations, deaths, democrats, the mob in the media, they seem to want to keep this country locked down indefinitely. dr. anthony fauci also seems to favor what the democrats want, and that is massive restrictions with no end in sight. today, he was even pessimistic that schools could reopen in ther fall. senator rand paul, he wasn't pleased. i agree with senator paul. p take a look. speak of the history of this when we look back will be of wrong prediction after wrong production at the wrong productionon starting with ferguson in england. we ought to have a little bit or
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humility in our belief that we know what's f best for the econy and as much as i respect you, dr. fauci, i don't think you are the and all, you aren't the one person to make a decision. we can listen to your advice but people on the other side saying there's not going to be a surgeon we can safely open the economy and the facts will bear this out. >> sean: i believe dr. fauci is a good man for dedicated his life, six presidents, in helping to save lives. deserves a lot of credit. no secret either that dr. fauci like so manyth others have been wrong a lot. january 26th, he said the coronavirus is a very, very low risk to the u.s. february 29th, he said there's no need to change our lifestyles. march 8th, he said there's no reasonon to wear a mask. he said it's fine to get on a cruise ship as long as you are young and healthy. now he wants us locked up indefinitely for there is some good reasons why dr. fauci and t others were wrong. trying to manipulate at the data from world day one. every model we've looked at it
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statistically drastically wrong for they once predicted millions of americans would die from coronavirus. to date, under 100,000 have passed away. one death is too much. we all understand that. there is no denying that covid-19 is t serious. it's a deadly pandemic. but for the predictions, the models have been dead wrong every step of the way. we never got close to the most dire scenario, thank god, and now it's time to reopen our country and economy safely. americans are a free people. it's up to all of us to calculate the risk and make our own decisions. we can learn from things that were done right in this crisis. businesses that never closed. i'm rightve here in the middle f new york and long island. grocery stores, they never closed. farms, they didn't close.or factories that made all that medical quitman that saved new york? they never closed. truckers, supply line for all the food and medical supplies? they never stopped trekking. without the kids i know working in my local grocery store, every
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single week i see them, we wouldn't have survived in new york or long island. they are and were we must learn from them. we are learning that businesses can use plexiglas, we are stockingfrom the guys the shelves in grocery stores that those masks kept them from getting an contracting coronavirus. at sports venues, we've talked about, okay, they have turnstiles, you can check people's temperatures. every people in the stadium gets a real test. that means ticket handlers and food handlers and coaches and sports athletes and trainers alike. we learned from florida that if you focusri on these people that are elderly, high-risk, those with long-term care facilities, and others, they, if you put them at the forefront of being protected, you are going to do a hell of a lotr better than they did in new york where they put covid-19 patients in nursing homes. almost 30% of new york deaths are a result of that stupid decision on march 25th. the entire country does not need to be locked down.
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if you look at new york deaths in connecticut and new jersey and florida, georgia, texas, most of the covid deaths in the country. the economy can and must reopen. we the people must not stand for a government that attempts to restrict its people indefinitely. but we can do it safely. i suggest everybody for the short term, everybody wear a mask, for example. it's proven to be working especially when i go to the grocery store and all those workers, i see them week after week, they see a lot of the public. they did and contract covid-19 but many americans across the country, they are defying these lockdown orders. restaurants in colorado opened its doors, they were packed with customers who made the decision that they think for them it's safe. a judge in michigan sided with a barbershop that decided to operate during the lockdown. vowed not to enforce the governor's strict stay strict stay-at-home orders. not a sheriff in wisconsin also
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refusing to enforce his state's restrictions. elon musk, he has reopen his tesla factory out in california and tonight there is one key reason why many democrats are in favor of a lengthy shutdown. clearly they want 3 trillion more dollars for their socialist wish lists and sadly that would be exploiting the crisis. they want to take advantage of the federal spending, they want to use this pandemic to turn our country into their socialist utopia.he rahm "dead fish" manual, don't let a good crisis go to wake. i do not want anybody else to get sick. nobody does. this was particularly rough. but we did learn from the workers in the grocery stores where i am, they didn't get sick.. they wore masks, they wore gloves. they stock the shelves, they fed the people in york and long island. we learned that if it wasn't for the manufacturers and medical equipment, new york would be
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done. we would've lost many more lives. we learn from florida, if you focus on older people and sick people, you do a lot betterlo tn new york that sends covid-19 patients into nursing homes. that was dumb. >> well, none of us, sean, wants anyone to die. i don't think any of us, not those of us in good faith, want to see permanent damage done to our economy. that's why i'm so disappointed in speaker pelosi's bed. i think it will set us back. and -- >> sean: go ahead. >> in my opinion the speaker has moved from folly to farce. it reminded me of the old jack nicholson line, go sell crazy somewhere else. we are all stocked up here.
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it's not a serious or mature effort to legislate. it's dead is fried chicken in the senate. it's dead is fried chicken with the american people once they find out what's in it. she knows that. and everybody who has a brain above a single cell organism knows that. it's political pageantry and i'm just very disappointing. it's going to set us back. >> why would you be disappointed? i'd expect nothing less from her. she has not been helpful nor have the democrats. president putting in place travel bans and quarantines ends of the queen travel bans. the president, not for donald trump, new york would be dead. he banned he barely gets a thank you. >> her bill would require us to borrow $3 trillion.
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that's $3 trillion. that our kids have got to pay back. her bill would rewrite our immigration laws. her bill would release many federal prisoners. her bill represents a federalel takeover of our state elections system. her bill would turn over all of our public safety decisions, or most of them, to osha, which would probably promptly require all of us to abide by osha rules. i don't want to have to wear a face mask in the shower. that's the sort of stuff that osha promulgates every day. i was hoping for a serious, mature honest effort, but that's not what this represents. just as i said, political pageantry. certain members of her constituency, the pronoun
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police, the nature cure quacks, certain members of the media, they all suck it up like a hoover deluxe.t once all the american people find out what's in this bill, they aren't going to like it. they are not going to like it. they are going to say, what does this have to do with getting back to work and making people safe? >> sean: it is repulsive, senator. she did it, the first bell? this is now the fifth bill. she wants a trillion taxpayer dollars and every liberal wish list made. your state is fiscally responsible. all the red states are fiscally responsible. i just gave you a small snippet of wasteful spending in new york, new jersey, illinois, california. with their open borders, sanctuary statuses. i do not think a responsible citizen should pay for it. i have 30 seconds. >> we should not. louisiana should not have to pay for the excesses and the patient
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system in illinois. shouldn't have to pay for the sanctuary cities in california. >> sean: all right. senator kennedy, good to see you as always. joining us now, how do we reopen the country? expeditiously and safely, white house economic advisor larry kudlow. i know you are going to answer this, the bill is dead on arrival print we spent $3 trillion, larry kudlow, needed to spend it. kesmall business, big business. the president did it all. we can't afford it. robbing future generations. any more money has to stop. but what can we learn from the guys who stocked the grocery stores that never got sick that were masks, what can we learn from florida that targeted the elderly and the sick, prevented such a tiny percentage compared to any other states with -- what can we learn from the mistakeshe from new york where they put
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covid-19 patients in nursing homes? >> look, i think the presidents mitigation has succeeded in large measure. in a short period of time, a couple of months, he's completely built a safe health care infrastructure with ppe and masks and testing and tracing and so forth. i think now we should be focusing on how to safely reopen the economy. that's going to be number one. there is a lot of hardship, a lot of heartbreaks that have happened because of the shutdown in the economy because of this virus. now the virus numbers are flattening out, let's reopen the economy, let's get folks back tn work. it's so interesting to me. you were talking to senator kennedy about the peloso bill. look, i doubt president trump willli go for it, another $3 trillion in spending before we could see what the total impact has been of the prior
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$3 trillion in spending. that's point number one, we are going to pause for a bit. we will price out speaker pelosi's proposal and so fourth and take a look at it. but having said that, contrast or spending with president trump's pro-growth tax and deregulation program. he wants capital gains for investors andor businesses prety wants to help these small businesses by putting liability restrictions and other deregulation measures. he wants to help restaurants open up. he wants to provide new deductions for meals, for tourism. he wants an infrastructure package. it's an entire differentg approach. it's a growth approach so we can get a big booming economy, we should provide growth incentives and not go through wish lists which has been submitted before and failed in earlier
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negotiations. >> the second quarter we know, the numbers are shockingly horrific. third quarter begins july, july, august, september. the president has been -- next year being the biggest year. why can't we open stadiums, outdoor facilities if everyone's willing to go through a temperature turnstile. we tell the sick and older people that this year you have to stay home, in a nice way. not to be mean. and everybody wears a mask there would that not be safe? with that not be safe if people choose to go? >> i think it's good guidance. when we put out guidance, a lot of states have followed our guidance or develop their own guidance. got to be safe, got to be secu secure. has to have best practices for sanitation and washing hands and so forth. no reason why you can't put a temperature on your forehead. we do it every day going into
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the white house complex. no reason you can't have testing where testing is necessary. i agree with you. i've been on conference calls with some of the league o commissioners and sports fans. that's what they are aiming to do. instead of putting out a lot of new money, let's figure out what works and doesn't work. let's provide some low tax deregulation measures. he built it once, can rebuild it again. let's not just jump into something before we figure out, after 3 trillion is produced. that's all i'm saying. >> sean: larry kudlow, thank you. breaking tonight, a federal judge has postponed the resolution in flynn's case. might be time for a new judge. acting director rep you the name of obama officialsls wo illegally unmasked flynn, i believe illegally. sara carter with a full report.e
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breaking news on intel that shows the russians wanted hillary to win. "the new york times" didn't get it. what is lindsey graham's plan in the senate? next. doctor bob, what should i take for back pain? before you take anything, i recommend applying topical relievers first. salonpas lidocaine patch blocks pain receptors for effective, non-addictive relief. salonpas lidocaine. patch, roll-on or cream. hisamitsu.
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♪ >> sean: new >> sean: new developments in our quest for equal justice as the department of justice under attorney general barr has received a list of unmasking requests in the flynn case. they were declassified by the acting dni director, that would tbe ric no plans to release the names, and the release would come from the office of the director of national intelligence. here to explain, fox news contributor sara carter. ric grenell at del handed it to the department of justice but it's going to be the dni directed at the t sides. >> what's happened here and it's confused everyone. the director of national intelligence ric grenell turned over the list, a list of unmasking americans reported on this in 2017, this was after the eight november 2016 election. up until january whent president trump took office.
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there were a number of obama officials actually involved. he's turned over that list to the department of justice.ur john durham is actually looking into this as well because as we know, michael flynn's name was unmasked. highly classified. that was in "the washington post." his conversation with former russian ambassador sergey kislyak started this whole mess. right now, the department of justice is looking over the documents that ric grenell has turned over and what i've been told by senior republican lawmakers is that they are going to take a step back, they believe these documents will be made public, they will be made public soon, but they are going to take a step back and allow the dni and doj to work through this and decide who is best to release the document, and that's wheret they are at right now. >> sean: there is a 300% increase in unmasking. we learned that samantha power's in her sworn testimony before the house intelligence committee said that -- 300 people? wasn't done by me.
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who did it? we need to know why the increase in unmasking. and how did obama know about the unmasking in that january 5th meeting? >> absolutely. >> sean: good questions. thank you, sara. big breaking development from our own had ed henry. amongst the batches of intel being declassified by the acting dni director ric grenell, we have evidence that john brennan actually had intelligence that the russians wanted hillary to win. remember, "the new york times" finallyy said, oh, it was likely russian disinformation from the get-go. in these newly released house intelligence committees investigations and transcripts, wera learned that podesta said, hillary knew we were paying the russians and it was coming from russia. buckle up. much more to come. especially as the senate judiciary committee is prepared to issue subpoenas to deep state
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bad actors who refused to comply with the investigations into the russia probe. the committee is seeking more answers as relates to the infamous january 25th, 2017 discussion between yates, brandon, clapper, comey, rice, and barack hussein obama. himself and his office. herere now, the judge's decision to postpone ruling in the flynn case is also on the agenda but we have senate judiciary chairman lindsey graham. that february 5th meeting is important. the unmasking is important. i'd like to know why they were unmasking because we are not supposed to unmasked americans. i thought we were supposed to practice something called minimization, senator. >> the question for us as a congress, did the obama administration use unmasking as a political weapon? that's the question i want answered. that january 5th meeting, i'm dying to know exactly why sally yates didn't know about the
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flynn investigation but president obama did. i would urge ric grenell, who's done a terrific job, to release the names of people who made unmasking requests. let me go back to something you mentioned with sara. trey gowdy asked samantha powers, did you make 300 300 ret to unmasked american citizens ands she said, i made nowhere near this number of requests. but the nsa in their files have 300, almost 300 request being made by samantha powers. if she didn't do it, who did? >> sean:ea what does it mean that sally gates and comey on that january 5th oval office meeting were held back and sally yates expressed shock that barack obama knew all about the contents of that phone call and the unmasked phone call of general flynn? >> it means the obama administration intentionally unmasks a conversation with the
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incoming national security advisor to president trump. that is astounding. if i ever find that the intelligence community is unmasking my phone calls with foreign leaders where i discuss foreign policy via a united states senator, heads would roll. i find it unbelievable that the outgoing administration is surveilling the incoming administration. that is incredibly wrong. at the minimum, unethical. >> sean: what about the realization now that in fact you have one guy, giving the bills from fusion gps to pay for the russian disinformation and podesta saying that in fact hillary kind of knew, we all knew we were paying for op research and some of that was from russia. in i the end, "the new york tim" actually got something right. the tour of the paper times.
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they figured out it was russian disinformation which means if it came from the russians, the bad intel on trump, the bad op research was designed to help hillary, not trump. >> the warranty used from carter page, the information came from the russian intelligence community. for my democratic colleagues, this is not a distraction, this is an undermining of the rule of law. >> sean: senator, look forward to it. those hearings begin when? >> first week in june, we are scheduled unless the judge screws everything up here by noi issuing a ruling. i can't believe the judge is conflicted about what to do here. hedismiss the case. >> sean: dismissed the case but that's what usually happens but not unusual. four years of this man's life. it will be the office of director of natasha no intelligence, that'll release the issues of unmasking we have. up next, do you the ever confused joe biden came
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disaster. >> sean: "good morning america" were quid pro quo joe, the ever confused one begrudgingly admitted knowing about the flynn case while he was in the obama administration. after first denying, he kind of gave in. >> what did you know about those moves to investigate michael flynn. was there anything improper done? >> i -- >> you said you don't know anything about it but you were reported in january 5th 2017 meeting where you and the president were briefed on the fbi's plan to question michael flynn over those conversations he had of the russian ambassador kislyak. >> i thought you asked me if i had anything to do with him being prosecuted. that's all i know. id>> sean: i didn't know what i know. the ever confused joe got
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defensive about critics claim that biden is hiding in a basement. doesn't like thet. truth. take a look. >> on the campaign trail now, everybody says biden is hiding. we are doing very well. we are following the guidelines of the medical professions,in following the guidelines of the experts. i >> sean: joining us with the reaction, fox news contributor's governor mike huckabee, katie pavlich. looks like he's hiding to me, governor. you see when they were doing the latest disastrous podcast, he timed the taking off of his aviators, am i on yet? am i on yet question might take them off? >> sean, i things we ought to call in punxsutawney joe, he goes every few weeks to see the shadow. hethe goes in the whole notherx weeks. every time he comes out, he
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opens his mouth and he eats both feet. this is a guy whose total diet consists of his toes. because i've never seen a guy who puts his foot in his mouth so often. that interview with george stephanopoulos, come on. these guys are coming him a tongue bath every time the interview him. they don't ask hard questions. but even george couldn't let that slip and goes back and ask him basically the same question and joe gives him a completely different answer. >> sean: can't make it up. rasmussen, they aren't enthusiastic about the ever confused joe. k you keep hearing they are going to try to replace him. i don't think it's going to be easy to do. do you see any scenario where they would try that? >> well, you have the dnc chair being very hesitant to even delay the convention to august recently so it's going to be tough for them to decide to remove joe biden.
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but the more and more we get closer to the election, it's clear that joe biden isn't up to the task. he is not acting like an essential employee as he continues to com to in pain froe basement. a lot of the work being done whether it's the campaign ads or things being organized for him are just as campaign, he's not leading the charge on any of this. if you look at the messaging they are trying to put out, saying that the president is the one who ruling that the economy inmy an ad in states like wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania. okay. let's look at the economy under barack obama's administration where gdp growthh was anemic and the average w rate was less than 2%. they know that president trump built in the economy when he came into office and they were probably pretty confident he could do it again. i want to touch on the flynn situation and joe biden saying n don't know anything about it but that was just aware of it. this is a very serious situation for joe biden because he was part of an administration that
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weaponized the intelligence community against a political opponent, private citizens opening up the investigation that was going to be closed and there were serious concerns whether he could be empowered and in charge of those intelligence agencies, who could do it again. >> sean: he was in the room. do they keep them on the ticket, governor?>> >> you know, i think they have to. whathe are they going to do? the trouble is he said he was in that meeting. the big question is why were gathey investigating michael fln at all? he can't deny that he knew about that. >> sean: i want to know if biden supports the $3 trillion pelosi socialist wishlist bill. that's an easy question. we will give joe a time to prepare for the question. joe, answer the question.wr think of your answer, have somebody write out the answer for you canik read it like you usually do like this. we'll see what happens. thank you, both. when we come back, new jersey park littered with feces and
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>> sean: some of these lockdown measures are having unintended consequences. in new jersey, the public health cost of lock downs are becoming more apparent as the state, down my police superintendent saying parts are becoming littered with human waste,ma feces. bathrooms remain closed. rather than focus on real solutions to than and keeping americans out of work. just listen to governor wittne governor wittner governor whitmer is a scolding message. remember, she did an awful job in michigan. desantis did it right, she did everything wrong. take a look. >> for people who want to voice their frustrations, that's fine. but i expect people to follow the law. these executive orders are not a suggestion. they are not optional. they are not helpful hints.
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this is in order to prevent the spread of covid-19. >> sean: with a reaction to this, fox news contributor dan bongino, fox news correspondent at large geraldo rivera. i will start with dan tonight because dan is going to make more sense than geraldo on this. i'm just guessing. the draconian measures in these states have hurt now they are forcing law-abiding citizens to do things they would never otherwise do. if you follow florida's measures and follow what the store shelves stockers in long island did and wear a mask and you aren't old, you are okay. mostly. >> sean, the coronavirus was never a single variable problem. only simple minds like some media folks on the lib side thought that. it wasn't. it's a multi-variable problem and i believe these extended lockdowns, i'm not kidding and this is not intended be
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hyperbolic, will be the single biggest financial health and economic financial disaster in american history. i can't think -- the extended lockdown. the initial locked and when we had variability about what the virus dead and who would affected? i get that. but, sean, the other variables that the liberal media counterparts aren't considering, what about the food supply that is strained? what about the hospitals going bankrupt? what about the missed medical procedures, the missed cans suicide, alcohol abuse, drug abuse. did you think any of this throughug before you put the constitution on suspension or thought you did and bankrupted your citizens and cause mass poverty? >> sean: geraldo, we learned a lot. if we e protect the elderly and vulnerable and wear masks, that takes us a long way down the road to safety to put a plexiglass and all the other new ideas that people have people have. >> sure. sure. one idea test is the issue of
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open or stay close has become able to cope up all the republicans want to open. others want to keep her clothes. i think that's a recipe for disaster. i think we've got to be on the same page. >> sean: if donald trump cured cancer, youil know they would -- okay, do you agree with me that if we protect the elderly and the vulnerable and wear masks for a short period of time -- not forever. >> yes, i certainly do. but, sean, you started this program tonight with an ode to the people who kept you fed in long islandd and in new york. the people who pick the crops, who keep the store shelves stocked. this document, march 19th 2020 indicates how millions of them emwere undocumented immigrants o have been deemed essential workers. this is critical.
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millions of americans would be starving but for undocumented immigrants. this is the department of homeland security document. >> geraldo, 30 million americans unemployed. if you are going to make this about immigration, you are going to have an audience of one, that's geraldo rivera. i'm sorry. >> those unemployed americans are going to go in to pick the crops? >> sean: wait until you see the video, actor kevin james put together a video mocking some of the more extreme coronavirus measures next. when we started our business
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>> sean: actor kevin james put out a short film mocking snitches who report their neighbors were not social distancing. take a look. >> i can't... i'm going to die. this is our life now, okay? >> put your hands on your head and get on the ground! >> good seeing you. absolutely -- [phone ringing] >> 911, what's your emergency? >> i've got a couple of handshake ors in front of me.nt >> are they still in the vicinity? >> i'm staring at them right n
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now. >> run! >> sean: hope you dvr, never miss an episode. go to my book "live free or die:d america and the world on the brink." let not your heart be troubled. laura, take it away. >> laura: hannity, phenomenal show as always and i'm glad you are talking lot aboutre freedom because we don't stand up for our basic civil liberties. even in our difficult times, will lose themes forever. >> sean: so serious. i agree. i'm worried about it. >> laura: fantastic show.ha we'll see you tomorrow night. i'm laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle" from a very busy washington tonight. how soon we have the names of the obama officials who unmask the incoming trump administration? congressman devin nunes. and "the wall street journal"'s kim strassel has answers. nursing harms are counting for an overwhelming maj o
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