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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 13, 2020 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> i'm a heterosexual and i think i agree with that as well. jillian: thanks for watching on this wednesday. be back here same time, same place tomorrow morning. rob: i guess come back. right? thursday. jillian: "fox & friends" starts right now. bye-bye. brian: here we go with a fox news alert. pumping the brakes. the federal judge overseeing the michael flynn case delaying the decision to drop it ains 80s the move drawing immediate backlash from flynn's attorney and from critics, steve. steve: no kidding, ainsley. griff jenkins is live in washington where we could soon howard k. stern who from the obama administration was involved in all of this, including the unmasking of michael film's name, griff, from that secret document. griff: that's right, steve, ainsley and brian, good morning. remember dni unmavericked the names unmasking of flynn list to
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the justice department unmasking to be clear means revealing the names of u.s. citizens contained in intelligence reports. to say do for political reasons is against federal law. as our own ed henry broke the news last night, this could present real problems for obama officials bowers the unmasking came between the period of election day and inauguration day. and sources told ed grenell has four or five more batches of intel to release. one in particular could pose real issues for former cia director john brennan. flynn is left in legal limbo a little longer. unusual move in a criminal prosecution given the doj abandoned the effort. outside groups will be allowed to offer opinions. judge emit sullivan ordering the courts to accept amicus briefs or friend of the court filings. the court will enter a scheduling order governing the decision of any amicus cure ray
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briefs. sydney powell responded the brief has no place in this court. no further delay tolerated or further expense caused to him and his defense. this would be further extended if sullivan calls for evidentiary hearings as well. senator rand paul offer an amendment on the senate floor today on fisa abuse had this to say. >> they brought him in to try to create a crime. what a terrible traverse city of justice. the ultimate thing for us in the legislature is we should not let these abuses of power happen again. i'm pushing hard to make sure we take this power away from government. >> the timeline for grenell's release of that list sun clear. could be as soon as today. we will have to wait and find out as the flynn case plays out. brian, ainsley, steve? brian: thanks a lot, griff there are so many different elements to this. one of which you just know how the judge feels when he came out last time he saw flynn and said you sold out your country which is farcical. this is the guy killed zarqawi. sitting there eating sand for
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months and devised a way to get the afghanistan surge to work even though the president hamstrung him. it's inconceivable. we will talk to brett tolman about that. people appointed to this the judge's ruling appeared to be prompted by unique requests filed one day earlier by the team of watergate prosecutors who pursued the investigation of richard nixon. they sought to file a friend of the court brief. and it looks like the judge says great, i will go to delay of game. maybe he is actually waiting to see if trump is going to win or not and hoping the next justifiable department will adhere to that meanwhile, to pivot over to what else is happening with the masking and unmasking. are we going to get the names of the people that have involved in the unmasking of trump officials as they wait to take office? senator lindsey graham is incensed by the possibility that he was actually listened to. >> the obama administration intentionally unmasked a conversation with the incoming
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national security advisor to president trump. that is stunning. if i ever find that the intelligence community is unmasking my phone calls with foreign leaders, where i discuss foreign policy as a united states senator, heads will roll. i find it unbelievable that the outgoing administration is surveilling the incoming administration. that is incredibly wrong. it's a minimum unethical. ainsley: thank you, brian. brit hume said as far as the attorney is concerned unpredictable what he is going to do. he was prepared to announce a sentence, right? then charges were dropped against flynn and he even suggested as you were saying brian, he was once a traitor, he then walked that back. as far as the declassification of obama officials who unmasked
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flynn's name sources are telling ed henry they are going to four or five other batches of intel could get sticky for john brennan. they held back intel that russia wanted hillary rodham clinton to win. senate republicans are furious about this. the senate judiciary committee wants to request top obama officials to testify now to get to the bottom of this. who are some of those they want to testify, sally yates, james clapper, john brennan, comey and mccabe, steve. steve: yeah. it's a laundry list, ainsley of the people we have heard from over the last couple of years about what a bad actor that michael flynn was and now we are seeing so many details that they could have somehow been involved. it will be interesting to see what sort of executive privilege the obama people do try to exert over the senate saying, look, the president was entitled to my fair assessment, so i'm not going to tell you what was said behind closed doors. who knows what they're going to do.
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going back to the judge thing, you know, a week ago we were talking about how, you know, look at that michael flynn finally has been vindicated in. this the government went after him. but for the judge to suddenly say i'm going to take these friend of the court reviews, these amicus briefs that it's so unusual because it was 24 times the judge refused to hear from third parties who would say things favorable to flynn. now that the doj is saying okay. brian: unbelievable. steve: you are out of any sort of trouble, now the judge wants to hear oh, do you have something bad to say. ainsley: unbelievable. steve: group identifying themselves as watergate prosecutors. on monday we have already got a list. here is a list of the bad stuff michael flynn did. judge, you cannot, cannot kick this out. so that's where we're. ainsley: it's not over. brian: right. unbelievable. i just feel so bad.
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his life remains in limbo. i'm just wondering what moves he can actually make. to another fox news alert now. a stimulus showdown democrats introducing a massive hold on tight $3 trillion relief plan. their biggest bill yet. ainsley: inside the 1800 page legislation lawmakers included extended payments for unemployment, hazard pay for front line workers. nearly $1 trillion for state -- excuse me, state and local governments and 10 billion for small businesses. steve: but a few provisions are raising eyebrows including $20 million for the arts and humanities foundation. nearly $4 billion for mail-in voting. and $25 billion for the post office. that has been running in red ink for decades. >> our caucus have agreed that everything is coronavirus centric and also in a timely way
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that relates to the virus. it's too deadly to our lives, to our livelihood, to our democracy for us to use it for any other purpose. steve: well, the republican controlled senate says the plan is dead on arrival. keep in mind the republicans were not asked to help with this. and neither was the white house. so, while, you know, this is how washington works. earlier about a week ago, we heard they were cooking up a 1.2 trillion-dollar plan which is their idea to help bail out local and state governments. so, it should not surprise anybody that they know that the republicans are going to say, what are you kidding in? we are not going to do that and bail out legacy programs at the state and local level. so what do they do? they say it's not 1.3, it's 3 trillion. that way essentially this is an opening bid. all right. we need 1.2 so, let's ask for 3 and then eventually we will get
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exactly what we want. brian: nobody thinks about what happens when we get out of this and who is going to pay all this back? what's the dollars going to be worth? and how we are ever going to get out of this debt. they have things coronavirus related $10 billion for endowment to the arts. everybody knows you have to be able to paint during a coronavirus outbreak. cannabis, we have to be able to smoke pot at a very good rate. we have to have it accessible. we all know that they also are going to limit the president wants power to fire inspector generals. we all know we need that ability during a pandemic. that is sarcasm. senate john kennedy is outraged as most of the democrats, dealt out of this 1500 bill, too. listen to the louisiana senator. >> in my opinion the speaker has moved from followly to farce and when i saw it, it reminded me of
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that old jack nicholson line go sell crazy somewhere else. we're all stocked up here it's not a serious effort to legislation late. it's dead as fried chicken in the senate. dead as fried chicken with the american people once they find out what's in it. ainsley: i love it. dead as fried chicken. go sell crazy somewhere else we are all stocked up over here. asking for $3 trillion. i thought this was a relief bill for small businesses. guess how much small businesses are getting in this package 10 billion out of 3 trillion they are getting 10 billion. you are right. brian, when you talk about cannabis. you know that it's mentioned in the covid stimulus bill, in their covid stem bus bill
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cannabis is mentioned 68 times. this is what makes american people so bad. this is the personal tax dollar. guess who is going to pay it back. our grand children. that's how big the debt is steve? brian: whoever they are. steve: ainsley and brian. ainsley: i can't wait to meet them. steve: the democrats are hoping that this particular rescue plan resonates with the american public. two things we have not mentioned so far is the fact that there would be another round of checks to go out to everybody who got one before. and everybody loved those checks. so they don't care about the post office. and they don't care about cannabis. they care about their check. and if you are unemployed, the $600 bonus from the federal government on your unemployment insurance would continue through january. so, the democrats are hoping people see that and go, hmmm sounds patriarchy good to me. let's bring in dr. marc siegel fox news medical contributor. doctor, you know, the reason we
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called you on was because dr. fauci was appearing on capitol hill. >> good morning. steve: good morning to you. via remote because everybody is kind of quarantining these days. everybody wanted to ask him are we reopening too fast? and here is what that doctor had to say. >> depending on the dynamics of an outbreak in a particular region, state, city, or area, that would really determine the speed and the pace with which one does reenter or reopen. some areas, city, states, or what have you, jump over those various checkpoints and prematurely open up, without having the capability of being able to respond effectively and efficiently, my concern is that we will start to see little spikes that might turn into outbreaks. steve: okay. so dr. siegel, the worry is that if states reopen too fast they
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don't follow the national guidelines, there could be those spikes, there could be an outbreak. but the president has been encouraging the states and localities to follow the guidelines all along, hasn't he? >> yes. absolutely, steve. and the main guideline we are talking about here is that if you have to see a decrease in the number of cases that occur over a two week period. a decline. and we have seen that in many regions now, including new york. i think the big question is when you apply it to the map, you have to look at the map. the map shows that the vast majority of cases are still in the northeast and california. not in the midwest or the far west. so you have to look at the regions. >> that's number one. number two is wha is what does reopening mean? the main point i want to make is the strategies that work the best in terms of mitigation are social distancing. if you can observe that as you start to reopen you may not see the spike in cases that
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dr. fauci is talking about. the idea of lockdown historically has never been proven to work if if you do it after the cases are already through the communities. the way we have now i think social distancings is the key. can you reopen the regions and preserve social distancing. brian: one of the neath unique things about you standard the economic and are in the medical field doctor fauci every time he talks you can hear the stock market fall. i don't think he is really factoring in what damage is he doing look at south carolina and florida and look at georgia. why doesn't focus on what's going right there despite his warnings that is going -- that is going on the right track and then you look at something like los angeles where they say we will see new august. and the college system that they say we are not even going to try to open it up in the fall. there has got to be a logic there because we can't exist in lockdown. why do you see it and why do so
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few others see it in the medical field not see it? >> first of all, brian, i understand the hills industry of this. st. louis in 1918 did lock down the entire city but they did it in advance of the spanish flu spreading there from boston. you can't do it in the middle of the issue and have it be the only solution. secondly, you are talking about something that's really important here, schools. i agree with you about that. we have to have our universities and our schools open in the fall. there is no question about it. and we haven't seen the majority of the severe cases among our young or among our teens and our young adults. so we have to figure out a strategy that works there. the economy is dependent on it. the third point i want to make and this is really important. we are focusing so much on testing. and i'm a big believer in testing. i want to point out something that dr. fauci did not say yesterday, which is our best test are not 100 percent accurate. oftentimes you get a false negative. if you test people in areas
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where there are not a lot of virus, brian, you are going to get a false result. you are going to think it's negative and it really may not be. if testing could be part of the strategy but it can't be the whole strategy. again, it comes back to responsible behavior, social distancing, and understanding the economy the way you just said. huge collateral damage. huge collateral damage in terms of suffering and death if we don't consider the economy here. ainsley: you know when i listen to fauci, i take it and i think the president listens to these healthcare workers and he listens to the economists. he is trying to factor in everything. when he asks fauci something, that's not the end all be all as rand paul was talking about yesterday. he is trying to look out for everyone's best interest as a medical expert. and then the president can use that information to make decisions going forward. but he's not the president. the in the is going to make the ultimate decision. i did like fauci you know i'm from south carolina. he said the reopening of south carolina was the best he has
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seen yet. governor mcmaster has done a wonderful job of doing that conservative way but getting people back to work. yesterday senator rand paul did challenge dr. fauci. listen to this. >> one size fits all that we are going to have a national strategy and nobody is going to go to school is ridiculous. we ought to have a little bit of humility in our belief that we know what's best for the economy. and as much as i respect you, dr. fauci, i don't think you are the end you will all. i don't think you are the one person that gets to make the decision. >> i have never made myself out to be the end all and only voice in this. i give advice according to the best scientific evidence. you used the word we should be humble about what we don't know. that falls under the fact that we don't know everything about this virus. i think we better be careful if we are not cavalier in thinking that children are completely immune of the deleterious effects. ainsley: dr. siegel, he said he has a great relationship with the president. i love that exchange because rand paul is a survivor
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coronavirus and he's also a physician. so that's two doctors talking. that's why when you get many people when they get a disease, they get a second and third opinion because not all doctors are going to give u. the same diagnosis or same treatment message what do you think about that exchange? >> i actually agree with you totally ainsley. dr. rand paul is not only ophthalmologist and practicing surgeon he has had emergency rooms and covid ward since he recovered from covid-19. he was making a couple really great points there which is one is i have the antibodies. we don't know what degree of immunity that means. but we think most public health officials think it's a large amount of immunity. we are in the direction of immunity. so dr. paul is saying senator paul is saying let's use that information to allow us to get people back to work. and that's really important and that's been really overlooked. it's why rand paul doesn't think he needs a mask in the senate. because he is over it. because he has the antibodies.
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because he is immune. that kind of information is hugely important. steve: sure. it's all about getting back to work for some people. every job is essential, dr. siegel. that is why even though he threatened to pull tesla out of california. sudden bely alameda county out in california says you know what? as long as you do safe practices and social distance, tesla, can you fully reopen on monday. that's what it takes. every company is different got to figure out what they have got to do to keep them apart. now they are open. >> steve, i want to give a shoutout to governor desantis in florida wonderful job preserving the nursing homes and instituting really great behavior of testing everybody, patients and workers. whereas in new york we have had enormous problem with that i want to give governor desantis a shoutout for that that's what we need responsible behavior. steve: all right.
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very good. dr. marc siegel we thank you very much for joining us on this wednesday. all right. we are going to step aside. coming back brett tolman says the judge is out of line on the flynn case. you will hear him coming up next. care of things like groceries before they worry about their insurance or credit card bills. right now is the time to take care of what matters most. like we've done together, so many times before. discover all the ways we're helping members at i'm a talking dog. the other issue. oh... i'm scratching like crazy. you've got some allergic itch with skin inflammation. apoquel can work on that itch in as little as 4 hours, whether it's a new or chronic problem. and apoquel's treated over 7 million dogs. nice. and... the talking dog thing? is it bothering you? no... itching like a dog is bothering me.
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brian: fox news alert. the federal judge in the michael flynn case delaying a decision on whether to drop his charges at doj's request. judge emmet sullivan 72 years old now allowing outside groups to weigh in including former watergate prosecutors who reportedly filed a brief against flynn here to discuss it brett tolman. your take on the judge's move? >> i thought i had seen things in 20 plus years in the federal criminal justice system but this is a first. i mean, this is an outrageous
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decision by a judge who has now placed himself into that awful category of a an activist who is willing to set aside rules, set aside ethics, set aside precedent and go in a direction because is he politically motivated to do so. brian: right. obviously sidney powell has done remarkable job as the general's new lawyer says in court has consistently on 24 previous occasions refused to permit any third party to inject themselves or their views in the case. no further delay should be tolerated or any further expense caused to him and his defense. what she is talking about is he is now inviting anyone to weigh in and tell me what you think of this case because the prosecution has bowed out. that inconsistency, does that open up a legal challenge? >> well, yeah there is a couple issues there. i mean, sydney powell is correct that this court is now going against its own rulings, which
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is sacrosanct in the judiciary you follow your ruling so there is con sis ten? i cases. in this cases allowing, with all due respect to the watergate prosecutors, i mean, i don't assume that i can step in as a former u.s. attorney and second guess the decisions of those actual seat that have the authority and have to make the decision on this case but for some reason this judge wants to invite them in. sidney powell is going to have to do some quick acting. she may file a writ of mandamus that would allow her to immediately appeal this decision and this approach by this judge to the circuit let's face it. if this looks like what's going on this is strategy then at the heart of what this judge is trying to accomplish. that strategy is offer to anyone who practices. it's the u.s. -- you know, the united states attorney's office that brings the case. it's the united states against michael flynn. and when the united states says
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we're no longer going to pursue it because we don't have the evident, then the audacity of somebody outside of that coming in who has no authority is outrageous. brian: right. so we will see. sullivan says he will at an appropriate time set up appropriate schedule for outside parties. general flynn's life is in hyper space. this guy has already called basically general flynn he said he sold out his country. we know how he feels against a three star lieutenant general who did horrible things like killing zarqawi and devise and help implement the surge in iraq over 33 years. so this is personal. let's pivot real quick and get your take on the acting dni ric grenell declassifying the names of former obama officials who unmasked michael film. should we get those names in public? what would stop them from just letting us know who was involved in this. >> we absolutely should get it. recall in 2017 there were
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stories coming out that there were -- there was a concerted leak effort of unmasked conversations and unmasked individuals. i mean, susan rice herself was interviewed and caught in a lie on this very issue in 2017. so, right now, finally we are getting some transparency. thank god that we have a person in that position who is willing to say, look, the person people are owed transparency. above all, president trump and his administration is owed transparency. because they were the ones that were actually targeted by individuals who have authority to unmask communication. brian: gotcha. that. >> alone -- brian: michael flynn case he was the first to pay the price. thank you brett tolman. >> thank you. brian: somes can state lockdown governor threatening to cut off aid.
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one of the governors behind the battle to reopen has a message for the governor. that's next. happen every day. people are surprising themselves the moment they realize they can du more with less asthma. thanks to dupixent, the add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. dupixent isn't for sudden breathing problems. it can improve lung function for better breathing in as little as 2 weeks and help prevent severe asthma attacks.
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ainsley: at least 10 counties in pennsylvania making plans to reopen without the governor's approval. in response governor tom wolf is threatening to take away their federal aid. here to react is pennsylvania state g.o.p. senator scott martin who is part of the push to reopen. good morning to you, senator. >> good morning. thanks for having me. ainsley: good morning. tell us what the governor is doing and why you disagree with his plans. >> well, all along we have had one of the most draconian lockdowns of all the states. as a matter of fact, we had the only state that didn't allow real estate to occur. we were shutting down mom and pop businesses. plus he created an arbitrary waiver process where he gave about 6100 hand chosen businesses across many industries the ability to
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continue to operate while shutting down the vast majority of our economy. and the numbers that the governor were establishing in terms of his metrics were really trying to get behind the science of it. and even when counties hit his metrics, they were counties that he still would not allow to move to his next phase, which he calls the yellow phase of slight reopening. ainsley: sorry to interrupt you. letter to county officials are going vote to reopen and come up with a plan. are you worrying about not getting the federal money the governor is threatening with you that. >> the way the american cares act was established counties got a direct allocation from the federal government so lancaster county where i'm from they got theirs. that's only seven counties. there are 60 other counties in pennsylvania that i'm sure are going to be relying on these funds in response to covid-19 that the federal government
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sent. so it would be historic for a governor to put things into a federal related program. i question whether he has the ability to do it. does he mean is he going to cut funding for other vital programs that the state provides for, human services. abused kids. kids with developmental disabilities. the threatening and name-calling after the county started to push back a little was really uncalled for and not logical whatsoever. ainsley: any chance you can work with this governor that he will compromise and start to work together a little bit. >> certain counties. the problem from the very get go, the legislature, local officials nursing homes in particular have been begging for collaboration and transparency in. this even the media as well has had a really tough time and they get ask follow up question. ainsley: i know have you had bad outcomes with nursing homes in your state.
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keep us posted. let us know how the vote goes today. thank you so much, senator for being with us. >> thanks for having me. ainsley: you are welcome. members of the obama administration under scrutiny as new questions arise about the origins of the russia probe. could they be forced to testify. senators josh hawley is going to react next. okay, big fella. we're gonna get through this together. [ baseball bat cracks ] nice rip, robbie. ♪ raaah! when you bundle home and auto insurance through progressive, you get more than just a big discount. i'm gonna need you to leave. you get relentless protection. [ baseball bat cracks ] you get relentless protection. i don't have to worry about that, do i?are irritated. harmful bacteria lurk just below the gum line. crest gum detoxify, voted product of the year. it works below the gum line to neutralize harmful plaque bacteria and help reverse early gum damage.
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leads. steve: there you have got the former attorney general for the united states of america eric holder. bring in the form foorg for the state senator josh hawley. senator good morning to you. >> good morning. >> why are we hearing now from eric holder and a couple of days ago barack obama talking about how how bill barr is certainly delegit nice the department of justice. what's going on with those guys. >> probably because they're about to get caught. the more we learn. the more that we see that the obama administration took unprecedented action to spy on the trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election, to mislead the fisa court, a secret court where if you are a target of an investigation you don't get to appear before the court and we know that the obama fbi
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dirktly mislead the fisa court. now we learn about the flynn nonsense how they unmasked general flynn, perhaps breaking protocols and doing so, sharing intelligence that was not shows supposed to be shared, supposed to be classified. the more we learn, the worse it looks. which is why we need a full investigation into what went on. brian: i know lindsey graham wants to come out, senator. former deputy attorney general sally yates and perhaps he talked about wanting to talk to other members of the obama administration like susan rice. do you and do you think they will come if you ask them? >> i do want to hear from all of those people. i think it's entirely appropriate. i think we actually probably need a special counsel to look into this and do a full fledged investigation. the senate should do too. no substitute. put them under oath. if they won't come, we should
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subpoena these people so that they can look in the eye of the american public and tell everyone what exactly they did. why did they break these protocols? why did they authorize spying on the trump campaign? why did they lie to the fisa court and try to get wiretaps on trump affiliates? why did they break protocol with flynn and go after him the way they did? we need answers to all those questions. ainsley: senator, i know you are pushing to withdraw the united states from the world trade organization. how is that coming? are you able to do that and what's the response? washington. >> this is simple. this is about protecting american jobs and standing up to china. and the truth is that china has joined the wto. we have lost over 2 million jobs in this country to china we have the option under our treaty when we joined the wto to vote in the united states senate senator to withdraw. no senator has introduced a motion to withdraw i have.
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it's time we vote on a system that discuss favors the united states and enables the rise of china. why would we scene going along that these rules that china is violating. this system that china is hijacking. it's time to we stood up with our allies and partners and reform the system and actually did what's best for our country. steve: well, senator, china is hurting economically and the president made it clear he is walking away from any new trade deal. now i know a number of your g.o.p. senator colleagues are sponsors a bill to allow the president to actually to actually sanction china. how would that work? >> here is what we need. we need on investigation and i have introduced legislation to stand up an investigation of the origins of this coronavirus. we know it started in wuhan we know the chinese government is.
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level of damages china owes this country and the world and then we will penalize china and allow us to get the damages. i will say i think american citizens, including american states audited to be able to sue china and american courts ought to be able to seize chinese assets to pay back the people including everybody in this country who has he suffered because of the lies of the chinese government and the party. if we want to give sanction china as a part of it i'm all for it. brian: they intimidated and threatened australia new zealand. they told the european union not be so critical of us change your communications to make your evaluation of what we did less harsh. now we find out the cia believes china tried to stop the w.h.o. from sounding the alarm and they basically the w.h.o. barely denied it. while stockpiling the ppe. with all these facts out there what are you doing or what is anyone doing to rally the world around this cause?
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>> this is why i think we have got to have an investigation led by the united states that will bring, in to your point, brian, bring in other nations. now we see that the united kingdom is going to cancel their contracts with the chinese telecom company huawei so angry about the way china has lied and lied and lied. this is our chance to build a coalition of our allies to say hey, you want to do something about this? quit talking about it. let's start standing up to do something about it. make china pay. change the trade system to make sure china can't keep cheating. can't keep weaponizing the international trade system against us. by all means, let's hold them accountable for the terrible behavior, their lies in making this pandemic possible. and come back again, brian, to say i think american citizens ought to be able to sue. we ought to be able to go to court and our courts ought to be able to seize chinese assets. ainsley: i know certain states are suing and certain individuals already have said they are going to sue.
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thank you so much, senator, for being with us. >> thank you. ainsley: you are welcome. let's hand it over to jillian she is back in the studio. good morning. jillian: that's right. we start with a fox news alert now. a trump-backed navy vet poised to retake a california house seat for the republican party. mike garcia holds 56% of the vote against democrat christie smith. the seat left open by democrat katie hill. hill resigned amid accusations of an inappropriate relationship with a staffer. in wisconsin, republican difficult any winning the special election in special. picking up. he will fill the seat left vacant by sean duffy. will secretary of state mike pompeo meeting with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. pompeo landing in tel aviv overnight wearing an american flag mask cause see here. is he expected to discuss a number of topics with the israeli prime minister. >> we'll get a chance to talk about the vision of peace.
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we are some months on from the day you came to washington. remains work yet to do and we need to make progress on that. i'm looking forward to it. >> the two also set to talk about iran and coronavirus relief efforts. meet the press host chuck todd apologizing for airing this he edited clip of attorney general bill barr discussing michael flynn's case. >> when history looks back on this decision, how do you think it will be written. >> well, history is written by the winners. that largely depends on who is writing the history. jillian: in the full clip he believed dropping flynn's case upheld the rule of law. he said not intentional. >> we did not edit it out that was not our edit. we didn't include it we only sought shorter of two clips. that cbs did air. we should have looked at both full transcript. a mistake i wish we hadn't made
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and one i wish i had made. i'm obviously very sorry for that mistake. jillian: president trump is calling for todd's firing over the incident. a look at your headlines. send it back to you. steve: okay. now we know. jillian, thank you very much. all right. it's exactly 11 minutes before the top of the hour on this wednesday. still ahead, could so-called stealth voters be the secret weapon toe president trump's re-election in 2020? our next guest is looking at the numbers. his undercover interview is coming up next. ve you truly transformative sleep. so, no more tossing and turning. because only tempur-pedic adapts and responds to your body... you get deep, uninterrupted sleep. during the tempur-pedic summer of sleep, all tempur-pedic mattresses are on sale! duringthat liberty mutual customizes your insurance, i just love hitting the open road and telling people so you only pay for what you need! [squawks]
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steve: now for something else could so-called secret voters be the key to president trump's re-election. one study found 53% of stealth voters backed president trump in 2016 but didn't tell anybody, especially not the pollsters. our next guest spoke to those voters, some of them. >> it's not worth dealing with it. because you do have a target on your back. it's easier for me to just be quiet and let them attack whoever they want to instead of directing that anger at me. steve: here to discuss david brody host of the pod's honest truth on the new just the
3:54 am david, good morning to you. >> hey, steve. good to see you. steve: okay, who are these stealth voters and why don't they want to discuss with people, particularly polsters, who they are going to vote for? >> right. steve, look, they are all over the map. this is antidotal. they are out there. we know that for sure. you can't put it in a test tube. it will be a surprise on election day as to how many and where they show up potential battleground states. here's what we know. when i was talking to many of them and believe me my inbox was filling up. we talked to three. there are so many more that were filling up my inbox. but here's what they told me. they said, look, if a polster calls my house, i'm not talking to them at all. this is exactly what we have seen. at least from a trend line standpoint with internet polls. we know that president trump does better in internet polls than he does when people are just calling the home. so, it's very interesting. look, they believe they do have a target on their back, steve, and the stories even one lady a
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woman named jane as we call her she says she is scared to death. she says she actually fears for her life with all the anti-vitriol out there against this president. steve: well, and apparently, mr. brode, it's not just unknown people that people are afraid of, they are afraid to tell their family members. it's like i don't want to get in an argument with my dad or my mom or my kids about who i am going to vote for. and as we famously saw, in 2016, when trump was elected president, you know, the polls were wrong. and you know, it looks as if that stealth voter factor was in play back then. >> right, steve. you make a really good point. motivation science, one of those social science journals that you cited at the beginning that more than two to one stealth voters going for trump, they put a reason behind that and the reason they say is that they don't -- these stealth trump voters don't want to get into confrontations with family members. as a matter of fact, when i spoke to who we are calling jane, john and richard, they all
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said look, it's not worth it. as a matter of fact, many of the family members, it's not just about that they know that these family members know how they feel, many of their siblings have no clue that they are a stealth trump voter but they go ahead and play the game and they just kind of deflect and move on. steve: well, i'm sure the president is counting on those people to go out and vote in some fashion that first tuesday in november. david brody, thank you very much for joining us from your home office. thank you, david. >> you bet. thanks, steve. steve: all right. coming up next on this wednesday, senator mike braun and mollie hemingway next hour. plus news in a couple. your work is essential.
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all carvana cars come with a seven-day return policy. so, if you need to keep moving, we're here for you. at carvana-- the safer way to buy a car. ainsley: we begin with fox news alert. pumping the brakes. the judge overseeing the michael flynn case delaying the decision to drop it, steve. steve: that's right. ainsley. the move drawing immediate backlash from flynn's attorneys and flynn's critics as well. brian: griff jenkins is live in washington where we could soon learn who from the obama administration was involved in all of this. griff, could it come as early as today? >> yeah. it, could brian, ainsley, steve, good morning. probably as soon as today. we will have to wait to find out. doj says they are not releasing the names behind unmasking flynn acting dni ric grenell declassified last week says it's
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well within grenell's rights to do. so unmasking to be clear means revealing the names of u.s. citizens blacked out in intel reports. doing so for political reasons is a crime. and as our own ed henry broke the news the unmasking came between elections day and inauguration day presenting potential problems for the obama officials behind the unmasking and sources tell him grenell has four or five more batches of intel to release in particular considering former cia director john brennan in russian election interference and whether brennan had intel that he suppressed that russia may have preferred hillary clinton over trump to win in 2016. senate judiciary committee chairman lindsey graham who intends to call many of the obama officials to testify. brennan possibly included had this to say if i ever mind the intelligence community is unmasking phone calls united states senator heads would roll.
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i find it unbelievable that the outgoing administration is surveilling the incoming administration. griff: meanwhile flynn is left in legal limbo given the move doj efforts. now be allowed to open their opinions in friend of the court filings. judge emmet sullivan writing at the appropriate time i am can you say curiae believes. sydney paul responding the amicus brief has no place in this court and no further delay should be tolerated or any any further expense caused to him and his defense. could yo sullivan calls for evidentiary hearings as well. far from over as we wait for those names to drop from grenell. brian, ainsley and steve? ainsley: thank you so much. griff. when i first heard this news, guys, i was wondering is he cooking this maybe to save himself because is he an obama judge. i was thinking maybe he can do this so he can give others who
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disagree with flynn's charges being dropped gives other individuals, people a chance to speak out. hear their opinions and then maybe he will exonerate flynn. or is he doing this because he really really believes that flynn should be behind bars that he is guilty of this? breath brett tolman said who is the former counsel senate judiciary committee -- brett tolman -- sorry, brian, you interviewed him earlier and he is the former a.g. of utah. he weighed in on this. brian: of utah. steve: u.s. attorney. >> this is outrageous decision by a judge who is now placed himself into that, you know, awful category of an activist who is willing to set aside rules, set aside ethics. set aside precedent and just go in a direction because he is politically motivated to do so. the united states against michael flynn and when the united states says we're no longer going to pursue it because we don't have the evidence, then the audacity of somebody else outside of that
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coming in who has no authority is outrageous. ainsley: all right. i was listening to different people weighing in on this last night and they were saying that this judge already planned to sentence him and is he furious with the ruling. that's based on things he has said in the past, guys. steve: well, you know, anxiously, when you hear brett tolman who has been around the block in washington working for the senate as lead council in judiciary he is saying it is political. look at the genesis of what happened. it was last week when the department of justice announced that they said you know, we are going to drop the charges because there was some shenanigans going on and then apparently this group called watergate prosecutors reached out to the judge and said hey, we would like to make a filing as a third party and tell you why you should not drop the charges. and then yesterday, the judge said, you know what? i'm going to accept things from third parties and not drop the
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charges. but it's so extraordinary at this, the 11th hour, that he would do it because according to flynn's attorney, sidney powell, 24 times in the past groups have said we would like to make third party comments on mr. flynn's behalf in a favorable way and the judge said no now doj drop it. okay. forget about the people who wanted to say good things. i want to hear people exactly who are critical. regarding the judge himself he has revealed his hands before. back in december of 2018 during a probation hearing what the judge said i can't make any guarantees but i'm not hiding my disgust, my disdain for this criminal offense. i mean, arguably, that undermines everything this flag
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over here stands for. arguably, talking to mr. flynn, you sold out your country, so that comment did not surprise brit hume then and his actions do not surprise brit hume now. >> i'm not surprised to hear the judge sullivan wasn't prepared to accept what the department wanted to do without some process going forward. he was prepared to pronounce sentence and he had already let it be known in open court that he didn't have much use for michael flynn and basically had suggested he was a trader at one point. remarks he later tried to walk back. so, i don't think he has much use for the defendant in this case and i think it's unpredict being what he will be able to do. steve: it is unpredictable what he will be able to do. brett tolman said, brian, it's political. as for the department of justice, they have not yet responded to the judge's action.
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brian: pretty much covered it. essentially michael flynn can't get on with his life between 3 and $6 million in debt. can't get another job. can't plush a book. can't even get pardoned by the president because he has not been sentenced yet. so he sits there as somebody who was brought down according to the attorney general unjustly. so now as we watch all these other names get unmasked and we see what was in place as the administration's transition from obama to trump, we see the first person who was a victim of this, michael flynn, sitting on the sidelines and we're wondering why this judge is doing it. perhaps he is waiting to see if joe biden wins. and if joe biden wins, the new justice department comes in and says let me take up that flynn case again. ainsley: delay it that long? >> i think he might. he says right now there is no schedule on when i'm even going to get to these amicus briefs.
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the person that sits on the sideline is michael flynn and 72-year-old judge goes back to what he was doing. ainsley: logan act. no attorney when the fbi stormed into the white house. he pleads go ahead. people are saying then why did you plead guilty? to protect his son because they threatened his son. okay. on to other news, it's 7:08 on the east coast. a fox news alert. today restrictions easing for businesses in arizona. the state reopening pools, gyms and spas under social distancing and sanitation guidelines. steve: meanwhile, a much different move in los angeles. the county's public health director there says their stay-at-home order will most-likely be extended through july. about three months. brian: are you kidding? as communities are divided over the next steps. white house health experts covid-19 resurgence during the testimony. >> it's important tomorrow if a size we are not out of the woods yet. >> my concern as some areas,
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cities, states, what have you jump over those various checkpoints and prematurely open up without having the capability to be able to respond effectively and efficiently. my concern is that we'll start to see little spikes that might turn into outbreaks. brian: so what you do, if there is a little spike that turns into an outbreak you have a quick reaction team go in there and handle it. you desanitize. and you continue. waiting for it to be eradicated when you first told us to bend the curve, we bend the curve, now you want to totally eradicated. i don't know if you heard but we really can't do that nor can we sit on the sidelines. we can't -- there is not enough toner in the country to print enough money to sustain our country to not work. so, to me, it's how do we stand up places like south carolina, florida, and governor where it's doing it and working toonsd throw up your hands in los
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angeles and say gentleman do anything for three months to throw up your hands and say in los angeles and california state college system and say we probably are not going to come back in any semblance of participants on campus of students on campus in the fall, it is may. you are not even going to try for the next five to six months to make it work? what kind of attitude? this is america. and here is a counter to my argument, ainsley, they did a poll, a pugh research poll. 68% of americans continue to say there is greater concern that state governments are too rushed. 31% agree with me that we're taking too long. so, i just countered my own argument. if this poll is correct i have not met many of those 68% of people i just want to put it out there. ainsley: i know, it is groundhog's day, isn't it? i love new york city. this was my dream to end up here. but it's first time probably since i have been here i will say my gosh, i wish i lived in
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florida or south carolina again, you know. because we talk about july. all thinking it might be july here too. i want to keep everyone safe and that's most important. i would love to go down and see my mom though but i'm so soldier about doing that and getting her sick. so matthew mcconaughey, he released that psa. remember that? we talked about it a few days ago. just talking about bringing us all together. being unified and it's about us. listen to this. ♪ land of the free ♪ and the home of the brave. ainsley: so he is just saying let's take politics out of this and let's be united as a country and support one another. is that possible? brian: no. we're seeing it.
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the red states are trying to open. the blue states are outside colorado who is -- the governor is going to be coming to the white house today. i don't see it. he was on with bret last night too, ainsley. ainsley: watch. this about a month ago, i could feel that this united purpose we all have as americans to beat this enemy and this virus that purpose got hijacked by bipartisan politics. all of a sudden the narrative became if you want to go to work you are on the far right. if you don't want to stay home you are on the far left. this created a false divide. sort of two wars in america an us vs. them war and us vs. the virus war. you know, we try to fight both of those wars, we are going to lose both of them. this is not about politics. it's about us. the u.s.a. and we have got to take care of each other right now. steve: is he absolutely right. got to take care of each other. it's all about being responsible
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and figuring out how i can keep if if i'm asymptomatic, i don't have any symptoms, i don't infect the next person who i walk by and that's why they are suggesting in crowded places you wear a mask, you socially distance. businesses all across the country are trying to figure out okay, as we slowly reopen, how can i keep my employees safe? the federal government is trying to figure out how to make sure that businesses are not sued for opening up after they follow the guidelines because they are -- according to the republicans in the senate, there will be just an avalanche of frivolous lawsuits they say towards hospitals and nursing homes and healthcare workers as well. so we know it works. social distancing, responsibility, and those who are the most vulnerable. we have got to isolate them. keep them away from other people. people over 65 and people who have co-morbid pre-existing
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conditions. so, it was great that matthew mcconaughey was on with bret last night for six and a half minutes. he is right. this should not be political. all right. 7:13 in the east. jillian joins us with a fox news alert. jillian: that's right. good morning. let's start here. a trumped back navy veteran poised to retake a california house seat for the republican party. mike garcia holds 56% of the vote against democrat christie smith, a seat left open by democrat katie hill. she resigned amid accusations inappropriate relationship with a staffer. in wisconsin republican tom tiffany winning the state's special election in his 7th congressional district. tiffany picking up 57% of the vote. he will fill the seat left vacant by sean duffy. a 10th police chase through los angeles with a child in the car. he ended up getting a flat tire leaving a trail of sparks as you can see while trying to swerve around officers. and then watch what happens next. the suspect finally stopping the
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car, handing the small child over to an officer before surrendering to police. the child appeared to be unharmed. major league baseball could send a detailed plan to keep players safe as soon as today. the league and players union discussing health concerns on their first round of meetings. not really surprised here that it ended without a deal on restarting the season as salary cuts did not come up. it's unclear when both sides will meet again. the league is hoping to start an 82-game seasonal in early july. so we will see. okay. so we all got a glimpse of dr. fauci's home office as he testified before the senate over video yesterday. well, people on twitter pointing out the stacks of books behind him others took notice of the decor including an old stereo. one person tweeting in part, quote: i picture dr. fauci wheeling around his office on his chair referencing medical books from every corner. that wasn't the only moment catching the eye of twitter. tennessee senator lamar
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alexander dog stealing spotlight. rufus snoozing during the entire hearing it. is funny to look around the different dogs in the background. ainsley: so cute. brian: you don't know what real or not. hey, jillian. thanks so much. that was first time ever they were able to have a committee meeting remotely. so, some were in studio. some were in the committee room. some weren't. thanks, jillian. meanwhile. top white house health officials testifying before the senate about the pandemic. senator mike brown was one of the senators asking those questions. did he get the answers he needed? i have an idea. let's ask him next. there is one thing we can all do together: complete the 2020 census. your responses are critical to plan for the next 10 years of health care, infrastructure, and education. let's make a difference, together, by taking a few minutes to go online to it's for the well-being of your community
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bureaucratic swirl. the fda appreciated private and academic development of tests for weeks. while we look to get therapeutics and vaccines through the system in a quicker method. >> the fda can promise you to do that. steve: we had top white house health officials virtually testifying before a senate committee about the pandemic yesterday we just saw one of the members of that committee republican indiana senator mike braun. he appeared as you can see right there from the senate but we understand we are having a problem. oh, there he is right there. i was just tap dancing for a moment, senator. we have restored the signal to the russell rotunda and there yoyou are. senator reheard from dr. fauci he said his worries parts of the
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country reopen too early there could be more spikes. there could be more deaths. we knew that didn't we? >> we did. i think what makes it confusing because the time this came on the scene until now the healthcare experts i think have been dual the ones we needed to pay attention to i would have never done a one size fits all out of the gate because indiana is different from new jersey and new york. but we are at that crossroads to where we have got to do two things at once. i was sitting between senator paul and tim scott both made great points. i wanted to point out that testing has dominated the discussion. it was ppe, then ventilators, then the number of icu beds. all solved. and now that it has gotten down to testing, we lost about 40 days out of the gates when the cdc mostly wanted to do its own test and that's the bureaucracy the president has run into.
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that's what we have been dealing with. so, that makes it difficult to really know what to pay attention to. steve: sure. senator, you say the democrats do not want to reopen the country. why? >> well, i think they have leaned on this in a way that has made it highly politicized. i think they mostly replaces that, you know, did have the brunt of dealing with the coronavirus. new york, new jersey. but that doesn't mean that you should from here forward discount completely what might happen to the economy if we don't do a smarter process going forward. and i have, even before we left here, said that we need to be focused on this point in time with a smart restart and if we don't, you are going to have bankruptcies and all kinds of issues that was indicated because it's more complicated than a one size fits all.
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steve: yeah. in the house, nancy pelosi and company have come up with an 1800 page bill that would be essentially a $3 trillion rescue package that does all sorts of things including a trillion to state and local governments which is what they had wanted all along. 3 trillion is more than double what they had suggested before that they were going to ask for. isn't this just the opening bid, you know, we need 1.5 trillion so we will ask for 3. that's how it works in your town. >> no doubt about it. it's all part of the kind of dysfunction that's here. when i came, hundreds of billions used to be the big denomination. now it's trillions. we have structural trillion-dollar deficits. we added 3 trillion. and 3.5. now asking for this. this is completely out of line. and, yes, it's just a bargaining
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ploy. we are concerned about businesses opening up. being exposed to trial lawyers and frivolous lawsuits. that will be the bargaining chip. many of us that are true fiscal conservatives here are going to have trouble paying any price for something that we should do anyway, protecting businesses that are trying to get this economy going. so, it's part of the song and dance here. sadly, i'm on the budget committee, and that underlying that whole process as well. we haven't done a budget that we have adhered to in 20 years. this doesn't surprise me that we are doing this now amidst a crisis. steve: just to be clear, senator, this bill is dead on arrival in the senate, right? >> it is, yeah. it's out there. this is the same thing they tried to do on sunday before we left with all the extraneous stuff to get their kind of wish list out there. that's not going to go anywhere. it's really irresponsible to do it. steve: all right. senator, thank you very much for
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joining us in person today from the russell rotunda. >> you bet. steve: all right. 7:25 here in the east. elon musk may move tesla out of california. and our next guest is seizing the moment by sending a personal letter inviting him to texas. the county judge who wrote it comes up with us next.
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immediately accommodate you and tesla motors. we have a motivated, pro-business governor. what we no longer have is a shelter at home mandate. musk replied tweeting, quote: note is much appreciated. the man who wrote that letter is i had dahidalgo county judge. hey, judge. >> good morning. ainsley: i understand why you love south texas so much i used to live? san antonio. no state tax. were you impressed you wrote this letter and he responded to you. >> i was impressed and of course, we would love to have him and his company down here in our area. it would be wonderful for us. ainsley: it's not so far fetched doesn't he have a facility there for spacex. >> spacex is located approximately 60 miles from where we are right now he is
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also present here. he has got operations south of us. [speaking spanish] plant produces some of his parts there on the mexican side. so he is very familiar with our area. ainsley: judge, if is he watching right now, what does texas offer that california doesn't? i don't want to talk about what california doesn't do i want to mention what texas does do. you already mentioned we have no income tax. for the 15th consecutive year texas has been vote dollars as the best state to do business in the united states. here in south texas where i'm located we have warm weather so you are not going to be worrying about shoveling snow at any time. you can be productive 12 months out of the year we have a very young workforce. many of our people here are between the ages of 15 and 25.
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we have two pioneer, great university. university of texas rio grand valley, texas a&m, mcallen, we have a medical school. south texas college that can train people on vocational areas. we are just a wonderful place to be and to do business in. our crime rate is very low. but i want to tell you one of the best thing about us is if you look at the consumer price index we are at 85%. if you look at one to 100. we are 85. anything you buy here is 15% cheaper than the average price in the united states. we all need to be competitive in a world and a world economy. so, if you are looking for a place that is very suited for automakers, here it is. we are sandwiched right in between the united states and mexico which are two huge markets for automobiles. we have a great tament of oarmaker suppliers already in
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place because of the industry. can i go on and on some more. i hope he gives us an opportunity, you know, to talk to him about other things that we can do for him. ainsley: such a great state. family values, faith is important to most texans. really good people, too. thank you so much, judge, for being on with us. >> absolutely. it's my pleasure. ainsley: have a good day. okay. a federal judge delaying his decision to drop the case against michael flynn. mollie hemmingway says that move is bizarre and she is on deck to explain.
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during the tempur-pedic summer of sleep, you turn 40 and everything goes. tell me about it. you know, it's made me think, i'm closer to my retirement days than i am my college days. hm. i'm thinking... will i have enough? should i change something? well, you're asking the right questions. i just want to know, am i gonna be okay? i know people who specialize in "am i going to be okay." i like that. you may need glasses though. yeah. guidance to help you stay on track,
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no matter what comes next. ♪ ♪ >> the more we learn, the more that we see that the obama administration took unprecedented action to spy on the trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election, to mislead the fisa court. now we learn about the flynn
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nonsense, how they unmasked general flynn, perhaps breaking protocols in doing so. sharing intelligence that was not supposed to be shared that is supposed to be classified. the more we learn, the worse it looks. which is why we need a full investigation into what went on. brian: that was senator josh hawley a short time ago. let's bring in mollie hemingway to talk about this story that michael flynn in front of this judge finds out that his decision in his life cannot get into gear because this judge is asking for amicus briefs. so any side can weigh in on the michael flynn case because the prosecution won't. here to try to make sense of it is mollie hemingway. mollie, i can't say we are expecting this, but you knew this judge was a wild card because the last time we saw him he seemed to have a personal animus towards a three star general. >> he seems to have struggled a little bit about w. this case and most notely when he accused mike flynn of treason he later kind of walked those comments back. but he is very emotional about
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this case. but this is a very weird decision that he is making. now, normally when you have the department of justice saying we have found out evidence that makes us feel that this prosecution was illegitimate and that we couldn't even prove that mike flynn lied in a court of law if we had to. that's it. that's kind of the end of the story. this judge previously, 24 times refused to let third parties enter things into the docket or get involved in the case. now all of a sudden he says oh, it's fine. third parties who have no standing, who have no relationship to the case can affect what happens from here on out. it's just bizarre. there is no rule governing. this there is no need there is a separation of powers issue. but, like i said, the judge has had a bit of struggle here. ainsley: well, the former obama attorney eric holder weighed in on this. listen to this. >> what we have a president who is bound and determined to delegitimize those parts of the government that he thinks pose the greatest threat to him. it's all part of a plan to
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somehow make those institutions weaker so that he can do the kinds of illicit things that he has been doing. and he is facilitated by this attorney general. this attorney general is actually complicit in this by weakening these institutions. is he doing all that he can to weaken the very institutions that he leads. ainsley: mollie he was president obama's attorney general and admittedly, his wing man. does that surprise you? >> that does not surprise me. it's interesting that he is coming into this story because i think he is also pretty close with judge sullivan, which is interesting. this entire talking point that caring about destruction of evidence, illegal interviewing, illegal wiretapping, failure to share with a defendant exculpatory information, caring about those things means do you care about rule of law. and failure to do things properly means you don't care about rule of law. and so everything seems up or
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down. attorney general barr has been very transparent about what he has found. what his people's investigations have found. it's laying it all out there. it's completely at odds with what we saw at the end of the obama administration with a lot of illegal criminal leaking against trump affiliates to creed what w received completely durable theory about collusion with russia. they seem to be projecting quite a bit when they talk this way. steve: you know a lot of that leaking regarded michael flynn and in particular there were a number of obama officials who asked in the last year of the administration hey, can you unmask this name in this document because i need the context, they said, to figure out what they're talking about. well, last -- couple days ago, we saw ric grenell walk into the department of justice in his briefcase he has the official list of all the obama officials who ask for the unmasking of mr. flynn.
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now the department of justice has it. and there's mr. grenell right there with the briefcase. what's interesting, mollie, is the department of justice does not intend to release the names, they say. but, it will help mr. durham who is investigating all this stuff connect the dots. i'm sure a lot of those same people have already talked to the fbi and if what he is learning now is different than what they told an fbi agent and what it appears to be in these documents, that's a problem for them. because lying to the fbi as michael flynn found out can get new a whole world of hurt. >> well, it can get you into a whole world of hurt. it also is something that is not prosecuted frequently. you might remember that andrew mccabe was shown to have lied to the fbi about his illegal leaks. he wasn't prosecuted. james comey had -- they could
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have gone after him. attorney general barr decided not to. it's kind of interesting that nobody complained about rule of law when those decisions were made. finding out a little bit more about who was involved in unmasking can help us find out a little bit more about these very illegal criminal leaks that were deployed against mike flynn. that's what's so interesting that we have learned about in this document dump in recent weeks. we have transcripts showing that nobody thought that there was russia collusion even as they were publicly suggesting there was. we also know a little bit more about that campaign and how important leaks were and beginning right in that month prior to the inauguration. we saw a lot of criminal leaks deployed to the "the washington post," "new york times," cnn, and we still have not had anyone held accountable for those. unmasking doesn't mean that those people were the criminal leakers but it can point us to who were the criminal leakers. steve: right. brian: maybe we could look at who these organizations hired after the administration was done. maybe that might give as you clue.
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the department of justice says it's not up to them to release the names. it's up to the dni's office. i'm very curious, i don't see any advantage to not releasing these names. we got this far, can we at least go the extra mile. mollie it's going to be interesting. thanks so much. >> thank you. brian: go ahead. ainsley: there she is again. brian: mollie, one more time just to repeat yourself? sorry. >> no, just saying if ric grenell wants to release them that is his work product. the department of justice has it and they can use it. just because the department of justice isn't releasing it doesn't mean it won't be released it could be we released by the people who own it. brian: go over to jillian have you been updating the other news stories. >> a story we continue to follow. now, this a mother of ahmaud arbery calls for the death penalty for the men charged in her son's killing. gregory and travis mcmichael
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are behind bars in georgia accused of shooting and killing are a berry. quoting from my point of view my son died so they should die as well. the father and son were arrested earlier this month after a video surfaced online this video right here showing the alleged incident back in february. the mcmichaels say they thought arbery was a robber. arbery's family says he was out on a jog. more than 100 inmates set free amid the coronavirus pandemic now back behind bars on new york'newyork's rikers island. 45 of those were for burglaries as the city sees a rash of break-ins. now to some trending stories on first up, the "new york times" says one of its reporters, quote: went too far when he blasted the trump administration's coronavirus response on cnn. the times says it reminded the journalist that his job is to
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report facts not his own opinions. next congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez is booted from a union backed progressive party ballot line in new york. a judge removing the freshman lawmaker from the working families party ballot after falling short of two signatures that she needed. and finally hackers demand $21 million from a los angeles lawyer of a-list celebrities. the hackers threatening to reveal personal details of his clients including elton john and lady gaga. to read more about these stories and many more, can you download the fox news app. send it back to you. steve: all right. thank you very much, jillian. all right. it is a dozen minutes before the top of the hour. and what kind of a day do you have in store? for that we turn now to janice dean the weather machine in her weather bunker. janice: yes. good morning to everyone. we have a couple of things we are watching. first of all, an area of tropical weather across well east of florida that we are watching for possible development. this could become our first tropical or subtropical storm.
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the name would be arthur. the good news it is going to remainly offshore. we are expecting a busy season so we will keep you up to date on that. next big story is severe weather across the plain states, hail, damaging winds and tornadoes later on today across some of these areas across oklahoma, texas, up towards the midwest. and then the rest of the country fairly quiet. we are expecting a warm up by the way along the east coast. 80s by week's end here in new york city. steve, ainsley, brian, back to you. ainsley: all right. thank you, janice. >> you are welcome. ainsley: is he a real life active valor navy seal who interrogated the bad guys. now he is on a new mission to serve his countrifully congress. derek van ordon joins us next. when a stuffy nose closes in... (whimper) breathe right strips open your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. (deep breath)
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brian: all right. he starred in the hit movie act of valor playing himself simultaneously serving our country as active duty navy seal. >> america is in between. >> is it? >> cool concept. >> right here?
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do you think this is some kind of game? now that retired navy seal is not acting. is he running. running for congress in wisconsin. joining us now is g.o.p. congressional candidate derick van orden, republican. derek, great to see you. >> it's great to see you too, brian. thanks for having me. brian: so after spending 26 years in service. five combat tours. why is this your next challenge? >> well, i finally figured out that my congressman ron kind was spending more time trying to beach is the president of the united states from all that fake russia stuff you were just talking about than he was representing the people in the third district of the state of wisconsin where we are at. and what really the straw that broke the camel's back for me is that when he had the gull to write a letter condemning the president's attacking of general soleimani for the missile strike that he ordered. i have friends that are navy seals that were killed because of general soleimani. there is a gold star family not
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10 miles from my home whose son was killed in basra in 2019 because of general soleimani. i decided enough is enough. wisconsin, third district, deserves better than ron kind and so i stood up and i'm going to take him out of office and start representing the people of this district as they deserve. brian: republican or democrat it's always great to have them in congress. you have sean duffy. have you dan crenshaw and scott walker endorsing a candidacy. what is it going to take to win and flip that seat. >> we also have mike gallagher from the gait state of wisconsin endorsing us also. it will take persistence. i will not bear false witness to anybody or about anybody. i'm going it tell people the truth about ron kind, what he has done and what he has not done i went to less than 30% of committee meetings one year. he manages to tell people is he a moderate democrat when in fact he votes with nancy pelosi, adam schiff, jerry nadler and the
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squad 95% of the time. that's a solid a. he has the ability because he raises so much resources through these special interest groups to get his message out to the district. what i'm going to do is i'm going to bring the truth about ron kind's congressional record and his work ethic which is lacking to the third people to the district in the state of wisconsin and i firmly believe they are going to vote me into office because we are the heartland of the heartland here. we are hard-working, family-loving, community supporting people. brian: i got news for you derrick knows how to fight. he won't need face paint for this one. lastly, is wisconsin opening up quick enough for you. is the country opening up quick enough for you? >> it is not. governor tony evers has proven that his crisis management skills are not lacking. they are absent. so the state of wisconsin, we are working people here in the heartland. we want to get back to work. i think that he took an extra judicial measure by having our health and human services secretary extend this order for
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another 30 days. we are going to find out today hopefully from the wisconsin supreme court that in fact that is inappropriate and we need to get back to work. americans work. we support our families we love our -- brian: gotcha. does the trump team know you are running? what's been their response real quick? >> well, we are looking forward to some vigorous involvement from the trump team. i mean president trump built arguably the strongest economy in the history of our nation. and we're going to go to d.c. and i'm going to back his play to rebuild this economy that people like governor evers and ron kind destroyed. brian: all right. thanks, derrick. we reached out to congressman ron kind we did not hear back. if he is ready, we are ready amongst our guests next hour senator tim scott and mehmet oz. t thing to do. we're also giving payment relief options to eligible members
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steve steve it is 8:00 o'clock on this wednesday may 13th, 2020 and we start with fox news alert. the federal judge is pumping the brakes to overseeing michael flynn's case delaying decision to drop it that was ordered last week by the department of justice. brian: the move drawing backlash from critics. ainsley: griff jenkins in washington where we can soon find out who was in the obama administration involved in this. griff: doj says it's not releasing the names but well
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within acting director rick granell's right, unmasking, by the way, means revealing the names of u.s. citizens blacked out in intelligence reports. doing so for political reasons is a crime. the unmasking came between election day and presenting potential problems for top obama administration officials and could have additional intelligence coming in addition to this list. one former cia director john brennan amid reports that russia may have sought to elect hillary clinton over donald trump in interference. senator josh hawley, member on this program earlier this program is now calling for hearings. >> the more we learn, the worse it looks which is why we need a full investigation. we probably need a special
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counsel to look into this. we should put them under oath. if they don't come, we should subpoena. griff: legal limbo, in an unusual move the judge abandoning request for the time being in allowing outside groups who put their opinions in the filings and is the appropriate time the court will enter scheduling order for governing submission of briefing. it could be further extended if judge sullivan calls, guys, evidentiary hearings, that could drag it even further. brian, ainsley and steve. steve: that's right, we have not heard from the department of justice on that. thank you very much, griff. you know, when you look at the judge at the 11th hour now
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saying, okay, hold on, department of justice regarding the charges against michael flynn. i want to hear from third parties, that's such a crazy thing because 24 times according to michael flynn's attorney sidney powell, 24 times, the judge said, nope, don't want to hear from third parties who might actually support mr. flynn, but now that the doj is saying get rid of the charges against him, the judge is saying you know what, i would like to hear from people who have critical things to say about him in particular they've already heard from a group called the watergate prosecutors, they told the judge on monday, we'd like to weigh in on kicking these charges to the curb. nonetheless, mollie hemingway says the judge's behavior is a head scratcher. >> this is a very weird decision he's making. normally when you have the department of justice saying we have found out evidence that makes us feel that this prosecution was illegitimate,
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that's it, that's the end of the story. the judge previously 24 times refused to let third parties enter things into the docket or get involved in the case. now all of a sudden he says it's fine, third parties who have no standing, no relationship to the case, can affect what happens from here on out. it's just bizarre, there's no rule of governing this, there's no need, there's a separation of powers issue. steve: brian, we had bret and said it looked political to him because if you look at what the judge said back in 2018 for probation hearing, essentially he said to mr. flynn, arguably you sold the country out. doesn't sound like he's a flynn fan. brian: he isn't. all in the backdrop of what griff was alluding to and that's the eminent release perhaps of others that were involved in the unmasking of trump officials. now the unmasking here is the
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premise, sergey kislyak is talking and we don't deny -- listen who he's talking about. senator lindsey graham, were they listening to me, was the president of the united states is wondering, were they listening to me. soon we will find out who might or may not be doing it. i will not jump into conclusions because thankfully we might get answers soon and then lindsey's graham committee, susan rice, james clapper and say, hey, would you testify to, what were you listening to, there's a lot to this case. i think people are starting to pay attention now. ainsley: yeah, i think they are too. you're exactly right, brian, we need to hold the people accountable so we don't know who is being wiretapped and who is being listened to and who will want to go into office now, who will run into president or be
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part of the president's team, is that your computer, brian? brian: yeah, wanted to know if i wanted to set up a facebook account which i don't want to do now. i want to listen to you. ainsley: didn't you do that ten years ago? when you look at flynn's life it can break your heart. think of what happened, you don't need an attorney, logan act, then the fbi agent said you know what, he doesn't seem to be dishonest to me, okay, no derogatory evidence, let's drop the case. no let's keep the case open, okay. he loses his job at the white house, $6 million later he's in debt. losing his house, they threatened his son, then finally charges are dropped, all comes to light and the judge is holding it up again and could hold it up past the election. it's just insane, steve. steve: all right, ainsley, let's pivot now and talk about the
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other big doings in capitol hill yesterday. there was a hearing regarding the coronavirus and we saw dr. fauci and the cdc people and everybody involveded in the federal response that's why we are bringing dr. mehmet oz who has been along with us during the pandemic, good morning, doctor. dr. oz: good morning, steve. steve: we heard from dr. fauci yesterday and essentially what he said is something that he has said all along, if we reopen too quickly, there's a possibility that people could die and spikes in various parts of the country. we knew that was coming from him, didn't we? dr. oz: we knew it was coming, the keyword from the senate yesterday, but the word was humble and it was interesting to have rand paul who is a position as most folks can remember mixing it up with dr. fauci. i have the tole you it was informative. rand paul wanted to challenge
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the accuracy on some of the models of the decisions and challenged that states are from so different than each other and i'm a rural state, it's flawed. then task force encouraged that they at the county level because the decision should be customized. they both sort of said the same thing which is that we know even less about this disease than we think. a good example visually, rand paul was in the room not wearing a mask. he's in the senate not wearing a mask, why because he's been infected and whereas dr. fauci and others have argued you could get the infection even if you have been infected. brian: right, dr. oz, people at home that might have missed it even though we are all sheltering at home theoretically. here is the exchange with senator rand paul and dr. fauci. >> i think the one size fits all
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that we will have a natural strategy and nobody is going to go to school is kind of ridiculous. i think we ought to have humility in our belief that we know what's best for the economy and as much as i respect you, dr. fauci, i don't think you're the end all, i don't think you're the one person that gets the decision. >> i've never made myself to be the end all and only voice. i give advice according to based scientific evidence. you used the word you should be humbled based on what we don't know and that falls under the fact that we don't know everything about the virus. i think we need to be care nfl we are not cavalier in thinking that children are completely immune to effects. brian: we are looking at some things with children and kawasaki-like disease that's being treated with 55 plus and that's true, however, shouldn't we also go to school on the success georgia is having, shouldn't we also go to school on the success that florida is experiencing and south carolina,
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even dr. fauci said that's the model. why can't we be aggressive the disease and standing up for our economy as we are in the scientific excerpts on this. we have to somehow get the economists with the scientists work to go reopen the country, dr. oz, is that possible? dr. oz: i think it's possible to open schools this fall. i think the best lessons we can take are from other countries that are doing exactly that and try to learn what's working and what's not. dr. fauci's argument and reasonable is we should not be cavalier about the decisions because obviously there are a lot of kids involved and their teachers and the support staff and schools. it's not just about the kids but countries that have never closed. did that close, what's going on there and getting into the details without being arrogant but the word humble comes up, appreciating that no one has the solution that will address the all for everybody. for example for rand paul, if you're in rural school, you may have different criteria of success than urban school when
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you have more pressure on the population density. but i think it was a very healthy thing for the country to hear the debate between dr. fauci and dr. paul. you have two physicians, both knowledgeable and decisions made around models that turned out to be flawed. ainsley: that just shows you, when you get sick many people get a second opinion, third opinion, not every doctor will have the similar prescription. dr. robert redfield, cdc director, he was talking about the nursing home issue. listen to him. >> the long-term care facilities have been particularly hard hit by this pandemic. all nursing homes now are required to report cases in either their individuals that are patients there or staff to cdc, this is critical. we get in front of this and do comprehensive surveillance of everybody in these nursing
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homes. ainsley: dr. oz, what's your reaction? dr. oz: it is the single most important thing we have to do to protect our population right now and, again, we have to hammer home that we need to test and protect the vulnerable populations. 35% of covid deaths are in nursing homes, 35% and so right now dr. birx said yesterday that we want to test all of 1 million residents at the 15,000 nursing homes around the country. i strongly think we ought to do. in the states that have been hurt badly, the vulnerable population 80% over people of 65 are the ones -- i'm sorry, 85% of the deaths of over 65 are, many of them addressable, we can test in the age group and remember 90% of hospitalized patients have at least two chronic medical conditions. we know where the problem areas are. those are where we need to focus testing and survey lens and protection and especially for people who are sheltering in
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place. we need to be able to figure out how to help people live in crowded environments if they're in one of the vulnerable populations. steve: dr. oz, i essentially repeated what you just said about an hour ago, where i said, you know, going forward social distancing works. elon musk cannot able to reopen entire factory because they need to social distance and keep workers safer and alameda county has caved and we know what works, that's social distancing to the general public but also at the same time if you're over 65 you have a comorbid condition, you should be isolated from the rest of the population, you just never know. i've gotten a number of e-mail from people who are over 65 and they say, wait, you're telling me that i'm going to have to isolate until this thing is over because i'm vulnerable, you know, is that what you're saying dr. oz: i tell you it is painful
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for people who are older separate themselves from their children, grandchildren, the generation that gives them life force, dealing with this in families over america and that's the population most at risk and we need to be clever about how to protect populations and i'm focusing on people doing their best sheltering in place and we know in new york city, 66% of the hospitalized patients now were doing everything right, but they were in an environment where someone had to leave the house to get medication or go shopping for food or whatever and they ended upcoming home infecting the entire family. it's finding out ways to protect them being especially diligent in -- in preventing their exposure of covid-19 but that doesn't necessarily have to apply for everybody else. how do you mix the two populations? people who are not vulnerable and people who are not vulnerable, allow them both to
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thrive? brian: dr. oz, it's a moving target, thanks so much. dr. oz: take care. brian: all right, let's go to jillian mele, jillian, you have breaking news on another person who was once in donald trump's orbit. jillian: let's bring with fox news alert. paul manafort has reportedly been released from prison over covid-19 concerns, multiple reports say manafort was freed this morning in pennsylvania. manafort has various health conditions that put him at high risk including high blood pressure, liver disease and respiratory problems. former campaign manager will serve rest of sentence no home confinement. scheduled to be released in 2024. he was scheduled to sentence to 7 and a half years for charges connected to the mueller probe. we will keep you updated. now to this, restrictions are easing for businesses in arizona. the state reopening pools, gyms and spas under social distancing and sanitation guidelines. much different move though in
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los angeles, the county's public health director says their stay at home order will most likely be extended through july. navy veteran poise today retake a california house seat for the republican party. mike garcía holds 56% of the vote against democrat christy smith. seat left open by democrat katie hill, she resigned amid accusations of inappropriate relations with a staffer. in wisconsin republican tom tiffany winning election in seventh congressional district. tiffany picking up 57% of the vote. he will fill the seat left by sean duffy. and today medical workers in texas, the air show can be seen over san antonio at 1:20 local time this afternoon before flying over austin. the air force urging everyone to social distance during the spectacle, meanwhile the navy blue angels honoring midwest first responders.
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the display of appreciation flying over chicago, detroit and indiana yesterday. those shots from inside the cockpit never get old. it's so cool to see that. ainsley: our military is amazing so coordinated. thank you, jillian. top white house health officials warning about reopening the country too soon and our next guest was at the senate hearing and senator tim scott says the gold post for flattening the curve keep moving. he will join us next.
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turn into outbreaks. >> the consequences can be pretty dark, correct? >> the consequences is serious. brian i don't know, maybe we handle the outbreak. key member it was white house task force warning about reopening too soon clashing with some senators and agreeing with others including our next guest, he claims the gold post flattening the curve, flattening the curve and move the goal post. tim scott with what he took from yesterday's hearing. senator i sense your frustration in reading your comments and talking to you in the break, we did what they said, now can we please have our country back. >> we have to, brian, here is the fact our country needs to start the process of reengaging the concept of being in business, it's who we are and it's what we do and we should get back to doing what we do really well. bottom line is this, states like north carolina, frankly the dakotas fewer than a hundred
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deaths of dakotas combined, any death is death too many but however if you put categories of those things you cannot do under the shutdown, if you have cancer, you had to put off oncology treatments and appointments, if you needed a heart stint, that was considered elective surgery, that has major healthcare consequences to the individuals and to our nation. there are millions of people who have been shuttered from their employers, i had the numbers who were working plus family members, we could see 50, 60, 70 million americans without health insurance. this is a tragedy. we can go back to work and solve a lot of the problems and frankly south carolina we are doing it right. we have seen the static case level, we have seen our hospital capacity more now than before the virus started. we could isolate the hot spots to mitigate the spread of the virus, we've had a seven fold
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increase in contact tracers and we are adding more this month and in addition to that we will test every single patient or resident in an elderly facility, every single one in south carolina. that's how you start the engines and let's get ready to rumble. brian: that's why senator fauci -- excuse me, dr. fauci said south carolina seems to be the model, so that's great, but the problem is and i feel like i'm in the minority here, they say according to pew poll, 68% of americans say they have greater concern about opening up too soon than too slow. only 31% are worried about opening up too slow. i haven't met many of the people, where is the mindset? do you believe the poll? >> i think the numbers are off. two-thirds of college students say with treatment or without treatment, with vaccine and without vaccine, i want to be
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sitting in a classroom come the fall. that's august, by the way. so we are seeing a sense of urgency about getting this place opened back up and here is the other thing, brian, that we should keep in consideration, let's get it in focus. 99.9% of us will be okay at the end of this entire pandemic. brian: yes, and the problem is led to believe based on what's going with red and blue states, the blue governors are reluctant to open up states and the reds seem more than willing to do it and i'm wonder if you see politics in this. >> i smell the stench of politics, partisan politics driving behavior for election results and not focusing on super sound science as dr. scott atlas said, super sound science. it's where we should focus our attention. that leads us to the conclusion that if you don't have two underlying conditions the
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chances are you will be okay. if you're under the age of 60, the chances are really high you will be okay and in south carolina if you're under the age of 20, we've had not a single death, so we have a lot to celebrate and we need to look at the information and the facts through a prism of optimism and not simply through the prism of the worst-case scenario every single time we start talking about the pandemic. brian: simple, trust the american people to be responsible from wearing masks and plexiglass in buildings to desocialization in order to get our country back. there's a huge downside that nobody is talking outside the president to not working and not doing anything and writing checks on an account which has no money in it i specially the 3 trillion the democrats want to spend. thank you for joining us. watch south carolina, watch georgia, look at florida and learn from it. appreciate it, senator. tim: god bless.
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brian: you got it. straight ahead, ready to race, all eyes on nascar this sunday as drivers return to the track without fans but what can we expect, nascar pit reporter from fox business. they're our neighbors, and our friends. but now, they are forever our heroes, too. and while they're working to keep us safe, prudential is proud to provide over one million health care workers with benefits that help bring peace of mind in times like these. ♪ with benefits that help bring peace of mind
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steve: get ready to start your motors and i'm not talking about your lawn mowers, nascar is back, first race in ten weeks is happening in darlington, south carolina and all on fox, live sporting event, pinch me. here with what we can expect this weekend is fox nascar pit reporter jamie little, jamie, good morning to you.
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>> good morning, i live hearing you say that a live sporting event is happening this sunday and we cannot wait. steve: i know it. i'm getting sick in the new york city area the last time the new york yankees won the world series, you can only watch that so many times. tell us what we are going to see this weekend on fox because it's -- it's essentially what we've always seem with the nascar race, there just won't be any people in the stands, right? >> yes, for sure, we are going to have a race and we are going to have all 40 of our drivers out there, so that'll look the same, once the green flag drops, it'll be racing like you're used to seeing at home but behind the scenes things will look different. they'll be scale-down amount of people and the pit boxes won't be as full and won't be any fans in the stands. from that perspective it'll be weird for the drivers. it'll feel more like a test where it's quiet but they'll be a reporter there. we will be covering the race and i think looking from home things
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will look the same and that will feel good. steve: i think you're going to be open for a whole fan base, look at how many people watch the nfl draft a couple of weeks ago. people who had never watched the draft before, but it was live and so they are going to be watching this weekend particularly because you might not be a nascar fan but you did see that gigantic crash with ryan newman at daytona, this would be his first race back. >> absolutely, huge opportunity on so many levels and like you said people will be tuning in just because they are curious and they want to be entertained an people will be watching to see how can we do this safely and how can we social distance but still enjoy a sporting event. like you said ryan newman, victory lane and at that point a lot of us didn't know if the driver survived or not. he's been given the all clear and he would be back in the
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race. we've been video racing, there's a thirst for racing live sports and we will have new eyeballs on sunday. steve: in the meantime, have the drivers been practicing, you know, it's hard to get in the car and go around the track, have they been using simulators? >> no, nascar mandated they weren't allowed to be on the racing simulators and -- until last week so there hasn't been much practice so nothing in real car. i talked to crew chiefs, they are not expected to speed drivers until starting grid on sunday. that means no communication in the garage. so drivers will show up, they'll be in motor homes and separated. they won't be by anybody else, not even pr reps and they will show up and get in race car and that is it. it'll definitely be different for them.
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steve: that's a good reason to watch, they haven't been in the car for ten weeks, let's see how that goes. the best news, jamie, it looks at this stage as if it will be a full season of nascar on fox, right? >> jamie, yes, that's the great thing. mask or has -- nascar has been working so hard to make this continue. the champion won't be the winner of 36 races. we are obviously racing in south carolina. all the races in north carolina, no flights, no hotels, keeping people safe and then we move onto charlotte next weekend. so right now it's all about keeping safe while at the same time entertaining everyone and you mentioned it, these guys will go into darlington, i can't wait to see what happens. [laughter] steve: no kidding, it's going to be crazy. jamie little, thank you very much for joining us.
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you can watch the live darlington live daytona 500 on fox, it's going to be great to see them back in the cars and an actual live sporting event. meanwhile 24 minutes before the top of the hour. house democrats unveiling the 3 trillion-dollar relief bill with zero input from the white house and the tammy bruce says it's aimed for november and not helping the country. tammy is next state farm is announcing the good neighbor relief program
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we're returning $2 billion dollars to our auto policyholders through may 31st. because now, more than ever, being a good neighbor means everything. like a good neighbor, state farm is there. and you may have a lot on your mind. we want to help, with real questions from you, and real answers from experts. we can get through this together. visit
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>> this bill goes out of the way to supply the illegal immigrants who in case you need to be reminded have no right to be in the first place with billions of taxpayer dollars, the bill in favor of drugs probably because when you're high you're less likely to think or worried about
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what else is in the bill. the bill mentions cannabis 68 times, the bill believe it or not also contains a prison break provision. it's like a saturday live sketch. the bill mentions diversity at least 20 times. what does the pandemic and our response have to do with race politics? stupid question. and the democratic party everything has to do with race politics all of the time. it's the primary way they get and keep power. ainsley:ance all right let's bring in fox news contributor, get tammy bruce on fox nation, hey, tammy. tammy: good morning. ainsley: nancy pelosi disagrees with tucker and saying everything in the bill is for coronavirus, listen. >> what i'm proud of is what we are doing. our caucus have agreed that everything is coronavirus centric and also in a timely way that relates to the virus. it's too deadly to our lives,
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livelihood and democracy for us to use it for any other purpose. ainsley: everything tammy, why does it include the post office, mail-in voting, of course, arts and humanities, colleges an universities, domestic violence? tammy: what the democrats say do one thing and say another, the bill brought to you by the same crowd that brought san francisco to everyone. all you need to do is look at the condition of nancy pelosi's district and her city and you see the amount of destruction. these are individuals who are -- look, this is a messaging for november. they are throwing everything in there and it's because they have no other vision. it's because they can't compete with the president but it is a very stark vision and look, i really appreciate it. they are moving forward with dystopian view, paying people's rents, paying people's college loan, it's about extending the
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unemployment for more and more months. they are telling everyone that there's no future, there's no vision and that they'll be everybody's dystopian sugar daddy where the trump message is, of course, we enjoyed the last 3 years which is that there's hope for the future, there are jobs, this is the american future is not over, you know, obama was telling us that there was going to be a new normal and you were just going to be delivering praise december for the rest of your life and you were never going to have anywhere where else to go. they seem to be want to go return to that. clear thing is obviously this bill will go nowhere and say democrats don't love you and americans are tired of that lie. we want to work and have our digfullity back, what is happening now is unnatural. it's not just inhumane, but inhuman to be in the situation that we are now and the president wants to change that and the democrats, of course, want to use it to drive more
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fear because the citizenry is in fear the more you can control them. steve: real quick, tammy, they have a section called more advice for joe biden. i don't remember them ever giving helpful advice to donald trump because for a variety of reasons apparently, but essentially this tells joe biden, gives him a road map, how can he beat donald trump from his basement. [laughter] tammy: look, it's become the news letter for the democratic national committee, hasn't it? that's what it is. it's like when i was with the national organization for women, you put out little news letter and just for the base. i appreciate that they are being honest now about what they are but there's a signal in here that's the real story. you have people like axel rod who were hasser -- master minds
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for obama and you have major democrats having to write an opinion piece in "the new york times" to influence the biden campaign that tells you that the campaign is not operating on all cylinders and one other point. the financial report. the republican -- the gop plus the trump campaign have $255 million on cash on hand. the democrats would not say how much they have, but the biden campaign has $26 million. that shows you the desperate difference in enthusiasm and capability. brian we have the new york sometimes advocating on how joe biden can defeat donald trump and how joe biden needs to beat donald trump and just in latest example, having said all of that, joe biden has 6-point lead nationally and in contention in every battleground state. i know it's may, but he's got
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his hands full. tammy: well, he does. it's interesting the last 3 years seemed to have been an audition for the kind of president we need right now with what's in front of us and the president has to make sure that the swamp, the deep state that surrounds him does not continue to move us into this now sludge that we are into that we need to trust the american people because we want to emerge from this. you know, living life is a dangerous proposition but we do it any way. life is important even though waking up in the morning can be dangerous. we understand the dangers, americans are smart people, we are not infants. the president understands that, his point of view needs to prevail about trusting in the intellect, the enthusiasm and the passion of the american people, that's what will prevail. hide in your basement or be in front while being, of course, smart about it while being cautious as we are in life.
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we don't drive the highway at 200 miles an hour, we will leave that to nascar on sunday. we are going to do it smartly but that's what the fight is and i think he will prevail. that's what he needs to do. he needs to do his job and be himself. ainsley: tammy, thank you so much. get tammy bruce on fox nation at you can sign up now and get first month for 99 cents. okay, let's hand it over to jillian who has headlines for us. jillian: tesla has given green light to regular -- legally reopen alameda county plant. ceo elon musk let employees return to work this week defying stay at home order and musk threatened to move to texas or nevada, the company that is. joe cortez joined us earlier. >> we would love to have him and his company down here in our
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area. approximately maybe 60 miles from -- from where we are right now. jillian: musk taking to twitter to thank president trump for his support. second protest to open pennsylvania set for friday at state capitol. activist against tom wolf's plan to open in phases. he's threatening to withhold federal money to counties that break the shutdown order. state senator scott martin joined us earlier, his county is opening up despite the order. >> my question whether he has the ability to do that, is he going to cut program for vital programs that the state provides for? jillian: tomorrow president trump is expected to visit medical distributor highlighting covid-19 efforts. that's a look at headline, let's send it back to you. steve: he will get out of the white house again. jillian, thank you very much. let's travel now to janice dean, the weather machine with fox
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cast for this wednesday, jd. janice: we are watching a couple of things. early season tropical system just off the coast of florida. we think this is going to develop. the name will be arthur, subtropical or tropical, the good news will remain offshore but still have to keep an eye on it and bermuda needs to keep an eye on it and early morning storm arthur if it's name. the other big story is severe threat across plain states, isolated tornadoes for some of the areas that have been hit hard this year and the story warm-up finally in parts of northeast where temperatures will soar 80 degrees by friday. that's your fox cast. steve, ainsley, brian, back to you. brian: that'll be good. i will believe it when i see, janice. thank you very much. the front runner for the grandson of the year, a man treating his grandma to a day at
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the salon at his house. they join us live next. everyday you're eating acidic foods; you're constantly weakening that enamel structure. pronamel repair allows more minerals to penetrate deep into the enamel layer and it repairs it. it is pretty phenomenal.
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sandra: good wednesday morning, the judge presiding over michael flynn case pumped the brakes, his former deputy kt mcfarland
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says he was framed. she will join us live at the top of the hour. plus house unveiling 3 trillion-dollar bill. how are republicans responding this bill? senator bill cassidy of louisiana will join news a moment. twitter says you like working from home, stay there. the breaking news from twitter ceo jack dorsey, come join us live from america's news room on this wednesday morning, we will see you at the top of the hour. ainsley: well, he's a kitchen beautician and should be grandson of the year. online sensation for treating grandmother for spa day at his house. matthew joins us along with his grandmother bobby, good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> good morning. ainsley: good morning. matthew, how did you become the kitchen beautician? matthew: her beautician had closed and i recorded it so that all her fans could see it and
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see if i did a good job or not. ainsley: welshing it is so cute. you can watch it on if you want to see the whole thing. how did he do? >> well, i feel good. [laughter] ainsley: were you worried when he used the curling iron? >> well, no, not really. [laughter] ainsley: how did you learn to do all of this, matthew? matthew: i watched the lady that cuts her hair and watching her do it and i picked up on a few things and the lady that does my hair gave me a bit on how what i should or shouldn't do. ainsley: what do you miss most? i know that you're hunkered
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down, you're going between grandson's house and son's house. how are you getting through this? >> working on puzzles and watch television all of the time and i just -- i just -- [laughter] ainsley: we are all doing it. ii know you miss the mall. watch full story and you guys are precious and you do get grandson of the year and mrs. windham, your hair looks beautiful. more "fox & friends" what happened daddy?
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>> thanks to everyone who watch the show today and thanks to everybody who got i will more ao avengers. sacred dvr or vcr or betamax or whatever and watch fox & friends. >> sandra: fox news alert, a judge pumping the brakes on the justice department moved to dismiss all charges against michael flynn. i'm good morning everyone, i'm sandra smith. >> ed: pleasant afternoon to you, i'm ed henry. this news coming as we learn more about obama era officials unmasking general flynn during the course of the fbi's russia investigation. here's senator lindsey graham on hannity last night. >> if i ever find that the intelligence community is unmasking my phone calls with foreign leaders where i discuss foreign policy with united sta


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