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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  May 14, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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have a great night, everybody. we will see you then. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening, welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." yesterday we learned new details about domestic spying operation, catching in your throat even saying it. the domestic spying operation in the obama administration running from the white house against a political enemy. general mike flynn, chief among them. today fallout from that scandalh we have an update for you in justlo a minute on that. but first, it has been close to three weeks since the state of georgia began to gradually loose and coronavirus lockdown. startingn late april, the state allowed hair salons, bowling alleys, barbershops, and gyms to reopen.s three days later restaurants and
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theaters followed. hospitals were allowed to perform all needednd surgeries. they could stop pretending that the coronavirus was the only medical problem that patients faced. it's not. there is something especially radical about what georgia dated, but you would not know that if you were watching television that week. the decision was described as the most reckless public health decisions since 9 out of 10 family doctors endorsed camel cigarettes. saying that people would die because georgia was reopening. flattened by a tidal wave of corpses. it was that dangerous. even stacy abrams took a break from campaigning for vice president to offer an assessment. >> we honestly don't understand, the mayors of our largest cities who all expressed deep concern as our scientists. this makes no sense, and it puts more georgians at risk.t >> tucker: yeah, she seems to know what she is talking about. you should know that stacy abrams is delusional, at one point she announced that she was the governor of georgia,
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which from a mental health standpoint is one step from claiming napoleon. now she imagines she is a public health expert. best to humor her on that. just nod and look interested. chris hayes is not a scientist either. he is the art into male feminist. but he is still a strong view on epidemiology. he was so upset by the view that people in georgia might go outside of that permission though that he suddenly found himself arguing that everybody must obey the trump administration. >> if that sounds insane to you, you are not alone. and for the record, georgia does not meet the white house guidelines. it does not have a 14 day trajectory of declining cases. it is tested less than 19,000 people in a population of more than 10 million. mayors in georgia are describing the governor's decision as reckless, dangerous, and illogical. >> tucker: there voice of overpriced brooklyn. we must do what the white house tells us! he screams.
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on msnbc. that's how dangerous it was. mark this day rode one longtime washington reporter, because two and three weeks from now,te thoh georgia death toll is blood on governor brian kemp's hands. as it happens, we did in fact mark that day. it was april 25th, 2020 when the reopening's began. a that day georgia had 615 new cases of coronavirus. yesterday, 18 days later, georgia had a total of 555 cases of coronavirus. infections and death in georgia have been declining since early april. that's why they began to reopen. there still sick people in the state. there will be for a while. some will die. but as of tonight, george's numbers, the actual numbers are no worse than the national average.s that tells us a lot. we should be thrilled by this news, because it suggests that america can begin to return to normal, restoring rights stolen from the population, may be treat citizens like adults once
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again and not court medical disaster. he would think our leaders would be racing to the podium to share this great news. but of course -- going for the virus, life will never go back to normal. never. it is likely that there never will be a cure for the coronavirus. not asking questions about it, she endorsed the whole thing.
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because there are a lot of people in los angeles county that are saying, whoa, three more months, i can't survive this. i have a small business, i can't survive this as someone who is out of work. >> of course i agree with the decisions of the people on the ground in that particular venue and location. so yes, it is inconvenient, but it is even more inconvenient if you're going to be infected or worse. >> tucker: yeah, it is in communion. yeah, it is inconvenient. but not as inconvenient as getting infected with a deadly disease says pelosi. it's a good talking point, hat tip to the 16-year-old staffer who rode it. but as a factual matter, it is wrong. for the overwhelming majority of americans, the lockdowns are far worse than getting sick with the wuhan coronavirus. if you are under 60, the odds of dying from the virus are fewer t than one end of 1,000. probably less than one in one in 10,000. the government lockdowns are making them poor and destroying your life, those chances are far
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higher than that. ask yourself how many healthy middle-aged people do you know who have died from the virus. maybe you know someone. how many people do you know that are now unemployed and terrified of the future? probably a lot. washington governor jay inslee, not a math guy. he is not calculating the probability is like this, but he apparently believes that everyone in washington state faces the real likelihood of dying from the virus.l that's why he has ordered officials in the state to track who goes to restaurants and who they eat with. because that is not a chinese police state tactic or anything. >> contact tracing, obviously if you have somebody who become sick and they wereou sitting rit next to a person at a restaurant to be able to identify that person could be very valuable for their health to try to save their life. and so, we put that in place. >> tucker: it is kind of weird that the authorities are taking notes on who you are having
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dinner with, but it is for the public health, so submit. it's not like politicians would ever misuse that information or anything. so sleep well, and don't forget to send in a blood sample so that the government can see your dna for health reasons. no one in america is enjoying this more than gretchen whitmer. always the most mediocre people who love fascism the most. it gives them power they never thought they would have and do not deserve. she wants this moment to last forever. she is enraged that anyone would dare to complain about it. she went on abc yesterday and dismissed any citizen who disagrees with her, needless to say, as a racist. and then she promised the disobedient citizens in michigan will be punished with even more severe lockdowns. >> these have been really political rallies where people come with confederate flags, and not see symbolism, calling for
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violence, this is racist and misogynistic. and i ask that everyone who has a platform uses it to call on people to observe the best practices promulgated by the cdc and stop encouraging the behavior, because it only makes it that much more precarious for us to try to reengage the economy, which is what everybody says they want us to be able to usdo. >> tucker: yeah, not only is it racist, but it is dangerous to the public health and racist. she was later asked if she had evidence, proof that protesters were actually spreading the virus, and he will be surprised to learn, she didn't. and by the way, that question is misogynistic, so shut up. some people in michigan are finally growing tired of this performance. carl menke owning a barbershop would like to continue cutting hair. but authorities will not let him do that. they want to send in welfare checks instead. that's not the country he wants to live in though. >> i am 77, i have always
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worked. i have never lived for a handout spread i don't even know what they are. i have some of the call me and say, why did you not get on food stamps? well, i don't want food stamps. i want to work. when our governor said, you know, we will have another 28 days, that took me to my knees. i cannot take another 20 days. all of us as americans need to take responsibility forsp ourselves. the government is not my mother, never has been. as a matter of fact, this administration for the most part, i have been in business longer than they have been alive. >> tucker: gretchen whitmer was not amused by that. the governor is not my mom. misogyny. and by the way, cutting here is racist. so her administration tried to shut him down with a court order, because there is nothing going on in michigan right now. but the judge resisted that it is too far. so the lack he certainly redacted his barber's license. now he is shut down for good and
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will be even when the lockdown is finally ended. that will show him her to stop whining take your will --lf welfare check, big it. this is insanity. and we will look back and shame. politicians will see the maximum amount of power they can. that's why they went into politics and the first place. the question is for the rest of us. why are we allowing this to happen? we are joined by judge andrew napolitano. thank you so much for coming on. i mean, there does seem to be a point where the power they are exercising is so illegitimate, people should say something about it, no? >> yes, profoundly people should say something about it. yesterday the supreme court of wisconsin did. what it said to the governor's people, you do not have the authority for the lockdown, only the legislature does. and it has told us that they do
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not want u it. you cannot write your own laws and enforce them to the constitution. by the way, the american constitution for the lockdown is ending. don't expect the same thing that happened in michigan with tucker. the definition of a free state is one where the laws are written toar uphold personal liberties. the definition of a police state is one where the laws are written legitimately or not to uphold what the government ones. we are not gradually, all of a sudden in a period of six weeks going from a free state where this is happening in all 50 states to a police state. the example you just cited in michigan is a violative not only of michigan law in michigan i constitution, but the american constitution as well. she can't take it away from him, because he spoke out against h her.
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that's what the fascists did that we fought against in world war ii. >> tucker: and governed by the rest of us, they expect the population to obey as if it was law, which it is not. but at the same time, continuing to pay taxes and abide by the licensing schemes, et cetera. at what point are people justified in saying, you know, if you are not going to governn legitimately, maybe i don't need a license to run my barbershop? >> well, civil disobedience is probably the next step if these governors do not come to a sense of reason, tucker. because the authority that they are enacting is absolutely illegitimate. so you talk about jay inslee in washington, as we speak, he is beginning to open up restauran restaurants. but his health inspectors will tell the owners of those restaurants, we need the name and address of everybody in here if you don't give it to us, we
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will take away your liquor license or we will take away your license to own the restaurant. what do you do when they ask you for your name and address? you have no obligation to give that to them whatsoever. you have no obligation to give them any credit information or personal information about you. and the government has no right to collect that. they will try to do it. and they will not do it by enacting legislation that was written by the representatives that we sent they are, but will do it by unaccountable, unelected health inspectors. >> tucker: they will use the regulatory state to bolster their power. at the least democratic means of doing it. d that is the sub feat in. thank you for reminding us of that. insanity finally does return to the country, and we are hoping it comes soon. and using it rationally,
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yesterday will likely be seen as a turning point for the better. last night a short video appeared on the internet, not produced by epidemiologist, but shot on an iphone and a kitchen by a guy who runs a sport site. but in 3 minutes and 37 seconds, of barstools sports showed the lockdown strategy. here is part of it. what the [bleep] is going on? when was this flatten the curve, flatten the curve, till we have to find a cure, or everyone isat going to die. find a cure? who says we are going to find a cure? people have mentally prepared, we are doing what you asked. we are doing what you said. now you're changing the rules. >> tucker: and barely 24 hours, that clip, which you should look up before it is pulled down has been viewed close to 5 million times. we are happy to have him join us tonight. what inspired you to do this? to make this video? >> if we are being honest, tucker, i have been in the stock market, it tanked.
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i'm basically on fauci going before the senate and talking about the future and to the ela mayor saying he was going to lock the city down until they found the cure. so i am in new york city in the heart of it. i've been inside. y i've not gone outside in months. and to me, new york city is kind of had corona fatigue. the rest of the country, but everybody is trying to do their best, staying inside. social distance, flatten the curve, flatten the curve. that's kind of the culmination of the hearings or the senate, and the l.a. mayor, that to me came out of left field. i had not been hearing that. we were all -- i felt like there mawas a collective pause and vie in the country. especially new york. we are getting close. we are getting close. we are getting closer every update seemed more positive. there were open beds, people were -- you are not hearing though horror stories anymore. and then this comes out of left field, like we are no closer than we were two months
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ago it seems. and at this point, you know, i started barstool 17 years ago, and just at rand, and it really was political, and should not be left or right. if you gave me the choice, it took me ten years, a decade of working almost 24-hour days. no saturation to turn the corner and become successful, if corona hits at that moment, i would've been out of business. and everything that i worked, the ten years gone. flushed down the toilet. at the very least, and barstool is going to make it. thank god. we are in good shape. but a lot of people aren't. and at the very least, they should have the option, i don't know what to believe. but you hit different things. wear a mask, don't wear a mask. i think most doctors, fauci is even like, it's a new disease. we don't know what we are dealing with, fine, give me the choice then. let me go outside and risk
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potentially getting sick, or do i want to ruin my business? because if it was me, i would rather die from corona then have to start over working 9 to 5, how are you going to get a job? how do you put money on your family's table when the economy will be gone? that was the reason for the rant, at the very least i feel bad for people who aren't given the choice, what is worst? losing my business, my livelihood, or the chance of getting the disease? which we honestly know so little about, i feel like. we are nowh closer. that's what i think the problem is. >> tucker: you have been attacked as some kind of science denier for putting this on the internet. pretty bitterly. whole piece about how you are wrong. but you have taken it seriously from the beginning. you have been indoors for months. it's not like you denied the reality of the disease. >> tucker, a week ago i said everybody, i did the same exact rant except it was about masks.
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and a lot of people on the right would describe, hey, everybody wear masks,he you know why, because if there is a .0001% chance that somehow helps and gets people back to work, then throw it on. there's nothing to lose. so i've been on both sides. i'm not trying to make -- and by the way, the forbes guy, i have not seen the article, he sent me an email 5 minutes before it came on and said, basically everything you said was garbage. u th you want to defend yoursel? but apparently it already went to print. >> tucker: it went to print hours ago, that's kind of the way it works. sorry about that. nascar apparently is going back online on sunday, at darlington, i think. i know you are a nascar fan, do you think other professional sports will soon come back? should they? >> it sounds like they are. the hold up in baseball sounds more about the money side of it,
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but the nfl, i think they will. and i havee had my differences with roger goodell, i don't know if you have heard, but i am going to spend monday night football in his basement with him. >> tucker: he is submitting. >> roger goodell, he does not care about anything. hehe need be -- may be the guy that gets back in the street. >> tucker: that's probably good news. plan now that you have been held up and express to your frustration that you think the policies are stupid, which they are. how are you going to live going forward? >> the crazy thing is this is not about me personally. i feel bad walking around and seeing all of these restaurants, you're starting to see signsar saying we are not coming back. and the crazy thing is if you go for a walk on the hudson river, like today when it is 75, there are tons of people outside. so the policies aren't necessary keeping people inside, it's keeping businesses closed. and by the way, if lord is open in new yorkse is closed, guess what, i'm going to florida and
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then i am coming back to new york and lots of people will do that. so the whole thing is not going to work. the policies are flawed regardless of how you look at it. if you want everybody workingan together. >> tucker: a lot of people are not coming back to new york. i don't know if they get that yet. thank you so much for this. you look great for a man who has been in quarantine. >> thank you, i still have the purplele sweatpants on. >> tucker: they must be pretty rank at this point. good to see you. yesterday we learned that the obama administration was running an effective domestic spying operation and michael flynn was one of their targets. the media receive this news today in anger, not because it was such an obvious abuse of power, but because you now know about it. and you are not supposed to. we'll tell you what they said next. ♪il these days staying connected is more important than ever.
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♪ >> tucker: yesterday things to disclosures from ric grenell, the acting head of intelligence, we learned a lot more about the corruption that spawned the russia hoax that consumed three years of this country's time. we learned yesterday that 39 separate people in the obama administration requested to unmask mike flynn's identity in nsa intelligence reports.. in other words, they asked to spy on him. did they have the right to do that? a lot of these people were not criminal investigators or intelligence officers, they were political hacks looking for ammunition to hurt a political enemy. that is the most obvious and ominous kind of abuse of power. the kind the media exists to
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police. the reason we have a free press is so that they can push back against powerful people abusing their power. but they didn't answer. today after learning that, they were mad only because these revelations make the powerful look bad. >> obamagate conspiracy theory. that president obama, vice president biden, somehow involved in an illegal effort to target flynn or something like that. it is a conspiracy theory. >> these documents don't show ony political motivations. it does not show us that anybody who shouldn't have had access to the information was getting access to it. >> what does it say to you that t e president who has been in office more than three years is still obsessing over president obama calling in an obama-gate. >> this is absolutely 100% politics and really in the current environment, given what is going on in the country, i think it is really aha disgracel
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abuse of the d deep classification system, and an unfair disparaging community process. >> tucker: in the media 29 years, never0 seen this. and this is completely sincere.l if the trump administration did something like that to its political enemies, they would never defend them. that is a solemn promise, that is totally wrong. by the way, what's the next guy whoever that person is to occupy the oval office? how is that person going to govern the country when a group of supremely powerful on elected officials who cannot be fired have more power than he does? how can you govern a country like that? you can't. and the pressure push back against it. that's p the first thing they should do regardless of partisan interests. but you're the last person? that was a cnn legal analyst, telling you it was not abusive at all. you are crazy to think that itou
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was for the italian ambassador. or president obama's chief of staff. or the highly political u.n. ambassador samantha power to spy on the incoming national security adviser and the final weeks of the administration, and then send out leaks to the press falsely suggesting they broke the law by trying to prepare for his job. yeah. no, the real abuse they are telling you, you just heard it is that the public now knows about h it. the public now knows. you have no right to know. and it is an insult to the community that you know. that's the real crimeco here. this morning, cnn described the whole thing in a graphic on the screen as a "conspiracy theory." just to be clear, regardless of your viewsws on russia, we know for a fact it is not a partisan talking point, it is established at the obama administration to be is the process. you are not supposed to unmask the name of an american caught up in intel surveillance unlessn
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you have a national security reason to do it, and they did in it to. then they took that information and leaked it to to"the washington post." david ignatius, a columnist said. that's a felony. wemn still do not know who did . we should care. you cannot crush people using classified information and you definitely can't do it for political reasons, which they did. but the presss does not care. they stopped caring a long time ago. but actually caring about civil liberties, we are happy to have senator paul on tonight. i don't think i am imagining this. by these way, we have not coverd mike flynn very often on the show. i never thought it was an especially interesting story, now i do, because this is shocking. what is your take on this? >> here's the thing, tucker, i think it is worse than you imagine, and your viewers need to know that basically this is an end-run on the constitution.. they had no warrant to listen to flynn's what they do is they go on
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record the conversation of a foreigner, of an ambassador from russia, but they don't have to get a warrant. they either get a foreign surveillance warrant which does not really require fourth amendment, and i actually don't care if they do or don't on the ambassador, but they are really doing it to come around and get the american, so it could be all along, it could be all along that flynn was the target and they listened to as many people as possible to try to get flynn. but him being the target would be illegal. when they say that there is no proof that this was done for political purposes, what were the national security purposes. and in fact, one of the reforms we should do to this is we should not let them unmask anybody without writing down and affirming what was the national security interests that caused you to unmask this person? i think absolutely it was politically motivated, and they should prove what was the national security interests. you see, the national security advisor, the new one, and talking to the ambassador about policy, there is no national
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security interest inab that. only political shenanigans, because they were trying to gin up the whole conspiracy that was not going anywhere. >> tucker: there is no guarantee republicans will control either level of congress, we don't know. it is the republican senate going to do anything to get to the bottom of this before november? >> well, you know, we had a chance today and we had a chance to reform phis, and i had an amendment that said that fisa should never be used on americans or a political campaign, because the fisa court does not obey the fourth amendment. they only have the standard that is lower than the constitution that says, all you have to do is prove a relationship to a foreign government. they say carter page is there, we can do whatever we want, but that is not the constitution. so americans should always have the constitution to protect th them. t but they voted down the amendment, because the deep state always wins.
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the deep state always wins because most republicans actually support the deep state. >> tucker: have noticed that. and i know that you will never criticize your kentucky center, but mitch mcconnell should be ashamed. the viewers should know that he is the reason that a lot of things have not happen. nobody says that, you know it is true, i will not ask you to verify, but thank you for coming on. >> thank you,, tucker. >> tucker: how crazy are the russia-crazies about russia? so crazy that tonight today are defending senator richard burr against insider trading charges because they think that he was on their side on russia. it is bizarre. we have the details just ahead. ♪
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>> tucker: millions of americans were hit hard by the stock market crash in march, march 18th was a low point, but where was totally fine. selling off his net worth in mid-february.ely went to cash as they say on wall street, and then he sat back and said nothing as top government officials told us. don't worry, it's fine. it looks like insider trading, he denies it. he thinks that he is brilliant at timing the market. his last job was selling lawn mowers,in so probably true. the fbi does not believe it. yesterday they seized his cell phone as part of an investigation and went to his house. and we look forward to what they find. today finally stepping down as
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chairman of the senate intelligence committee, and spending the duration of the investigation, that they welcomed of themh element that should've months ago. but mitch mcconnell refused to fire him. but some in washington are not happy. why are they backing richard burr? well, for the same reason they have abandoned so many other principles and so much common sense. russia! mark bowman said this "this investigation riggs questions about bill barr, the attorney general targeting the one powerful republican who authenticated the russia investigation." so richard burr was one of the republicans, and there were a number of them who allowed the go on for three years, so of course, he should get immunity from investigation. that's their position. insanity. ultimately, the russia hoax was not created by richard burr or mike flynn's an excel phone call with the russian ambassador it
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was by the obama administration in collusion with the press and the so-called intel community and law enforcement, fbi. the senior fellow at the hoover institution, so grateful to have them on as he is tonight. thank you so much for coming on k paired what do you make of th? give us the overview as you are so good at doing. to speak on the last four yearss we have been living in an empire of lives, it was based on the christopher steele dossier and we completed the fabrication, and he said that all of the information that was secure and verifiable, and now does not even exist. we were told w that the mueller team were all stars, when they were incompetent. they try to fabricate at a cost of $40 million a nonexistent crime of collusion, and then when they did not do it, there were heroes and all of this, because they were a different type of legal team.
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and we have ty cobb and john dowd that were ridiculed as the country hit lawyers, and they outsmarted and out lawyered if i can use the term, the green team at every corner. going out of nowhere, and not an ivy league randy, but she has done a's very good job. it was not the harvard law graduate that told the truth, it was the x dairy farmer that was ridiculed as a hit could devin nunes. and then we found ric grenell and bill barr, the people had written off that were really courageous. and i think that we have to dispense as we look over this fiasco, the whole myth of the left being somehow the custodian of civil liberty. it will be a half-century since the committee investigators of the cia and the fbi, but this group of progressives, they take on every abuse of the cia, james clapper, james comey, john brennan, and we have to get rid of the idea that there is an
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independent, there is not one that exists. they a take the progressive agea that have the people going under oath, clapper, comey, and mccabe, saying one thing, and then they go out to cnn, msnbct and contradict themselves because there is no penalty for perjury. >> tucker: those networks are paying people as contributors. >> yes, they were working there to help their own case, while they were under suspicion, testifying when they were endangering to perjury for one thing, and sing another when they were underpaid to satisfy an audience and get ratings. and one final thing, i think that to the problem is that the sheer enormity and iconic representation of the administration could be so culpable. what do you do when the cia, fbi, dia, they are all culpable. and they have done something that we have never seen in our lifetime, it's almost an unbearable truth that we can
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even fathom. the extent it is so -- the magnitude is so great. barack obama lorded over this entire thing is incomprehensible to the left. it staggers the imagination. >> tucker: it does. and it must be fixed, there is no governing a country under this system.ys because democracy is meaningless if elected leaders do not have control. obviously. you know, you never disappoint. i appreciated. thank you very much. >> thank you for having me. >> tucker: across the country, politicians are imposing ridiculous requirements on healthy citizens, most of which have no basis whatsoever in science. alex berenson has been almost alone for the last couple of months in the press chronicling that. he joins us after the break. you can sum it up. usable musical
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♪ >> tucker: it looks like for healthy americans, no restriction is too burdensome as long as it is done in the name of public health, but strangely the leaders don't seem to care much about those who actually are at severe risk from the coronavirus. in pennsylvania new york, authorities ordering to accept patients. for some reason that scannell is not on the front page of "the new york times" every day. why is that? working in "the new york times," author of the book "tell your children," he has done what you are supposed to do. buried himself in the facts, he has press the powerful to account for their decisions. he is now the host of fox nation 101, on fox nation. we are happy to have him join us tonight. thanks so much for coming on. why isn't this -- so the premise is we care so deeply about
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protecting the population that we will do anything. shut down the entire country. given that now, why aren't they apoplectic and apologetic over what happened in nursing homes? >> that is a media question. i'm not as interested in that as thinking about what to go to moving forward. it seems like at last new york state and governor cuomo are finally taking the right action to try to protect some people in nursing homes. they are doing it 2,000 deaths late. but at least they are talking about not letting people who have covid be discharged back into nursing homes. for example, florida, which has had many fewer nursing home deaths per capita and per norm normal. the governor did not allow them to go back into nursing homes from the beginning. and they have been aggressive about trying to test people in nursing homes, trying to make sure that homes d do not have infections. the other thing that you can do with the nursing homes is
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rsprevent people from visiting, but obviously, there is a cost to people inside the homes when you do that. so everything is a balance. but clearly, the governors of new york and massachusetts and pennsylvania have a lot to answer for, and nobody is really asking. >> tucker: it sounds like at least in new york by your description that science is taking a primary position in decisions going forward, do you see that same impulse and other restrictions? are they following the science as they think through how long to keep the lockdown in place? >> that is a much bigger question where the answer seems to be no. and two, number one and one eighth, are that it is a veryy, slow walk of schools reopening, that schools are not even willing to reopen in the fall in any meaningful way, which is incredible and just terrible. you know, and a lot of europe now, elementary schools are already reopened, and then the other big issue is masks. the idea that we are going to
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trade and reduce restrictions on businesses, but in return, everybody in los angeles county has to wear masks when they go outside. this is absurd. it is absurd on a number of levels. there is very little evidence that it is transmitted outdoors anyway, whether or not you are symptomatic or with a mask. and there is a really good paper and the cdc journal in 20 -- i'm sorry, and february came out. so four months ago which means that it really predated the coronavirus crisis aboutis influenza and masks, and said basically that masks don't help reduce that transmission at all. so no, there is no science behind it. >> tucker: but you will still get yelled out, maybe you are arrested for not having one. the documentary streaming right now on fox nation. thank you for coming on tonight. we appreciate it. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: plexiglass, mannequins, blowup dolls, going out to dinner may look very
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different very soon. we will tell you how, plus adam corolla on the lockdown next. ♪ ro want to brain better?
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unlike ordinary memory supplements neuriva has clinically proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. try neuriva for 30 days and see the difference. ♪ >> tucker: it's bizarre, but >> tucker: trace gallagher has details on that. in fact, a new model for restaurants find the client tells a bit stiff and that
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ensure social distancing a lot of restaurants are considering using mannequins and blowup dolls, g rated, mind you. if one restaurant in virginia is planning to address his dolls and 19 attire and south carolina restaurant owner hoping that customers will find the blowup dolls and funny instead of twilight zone creepy and a nod o maybee maxwell smart and other restaurants considered using plexiglass to separate tables and people which is being done in europe and one for the restaurant was way ahead of the curve telling tucker almost a month ago that he was already planning to rip out and reconfigure booths. watch. >> making them a lot more functional for what we think is in the future. we are taking booths out, taking carpet out, putting in new flooring, new boots. >> we can also look forward to many as being disposable and restaurant employees wearing masks. trade magazines predict restaurants with patios are about to become very popular. tucker. >> tucker: as if we need more evidence america has gone
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insane. trace gallagher, thank you very much. consistently we have turned to podcast host and all-around wise man adamam corolla for wisdom. we are happy to have him back tonight. adam corolla, thank you for joining us. how was in los angeles. how are you feeling about this response to coronavirus? >> well, our governor gavin newsom just tacked on three more months to our sentence for good behavior, which is interesting. he said that until we have a vaccine, california won't be back to normal, but california hasn't been normal for 25 years. >> tucker: good point, noted. are you remaining normal, andor are you going to stay? you're a californian, you've been in l.a. all your life. are you going to stay there? >> i'm going to stay until my kids get out of high school but then i'm seriously thinking about moving, and if anyone wants to know where the answer
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is anywhere. but i am going to go to houston into a a couple of shows at the houston improv, and we are going to raise some money and give it to the houston a food bank over there. i'm going to do some live podcast over thereey and some stand up over there coming up on the 21st through the 23rd of this month. >> tucker: you're a regular a on the comedy store in los angeles, can you work there? are you going to get comedy restarted in l.a.? >> if i tunnel in and climb into the bottom of the stage i couldi get up on stage, but that's not going to open for a long time. meanwhile, houston is open, so mohammed is going to go to the mountain in this case. >> tucker: so you've got an entire state, the biggest state in the country with no jokes whatsoever. what's that like? >> i wish it was a joke.
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i mean, it's sad. people really love comedy, they really love going out and seeing it live. yeah, you can watch netflix and you can watch hbo, but you can also watch recordings of the pretenders and a youtube. going out and seeing live shows is great, and evidently, they've got it figured out in houston. i think they're going to do their social distancing. i think they're going to do the rooms at about half capacity. i'm used to playing to a half-full room anyway, so it should be fine. >> tucker: [laughs] that's pretty funny. maybe they should just let people decide for themselves what they want. adam corolla, thanks so much. >> that would be a novelty. >> tucker: that would be amazing if you are in houston or nearby, go see adam corolla life. anyone who's done i can tell you, well worth it. that's about it for us tonight. we are completely out of time. have a happy night with the ones lyou love. that's the upside in all of this. by the way, tomorrow, which is of course friday, the end of the
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week, we're going to be bringing you the very latest. we think there's more information on the mike flynn story coming out so we will bring that to you tomorrow, but in the meantime, the great sean hannity standing by for us in new york. hi, sean. >> sean: great advice, be with the ones you love. although you might be getting sick and tired of some of them here. perfectly normal, that's okay. all right, tucker, great show, thank you. buckle up, the news comes fast and furious. a lot of breaking news at this hour. democrats determine they want to lock this country down until election day and they want a forest full on socialism on the country, whether you want it or not. for them, this is no longer about, well, bending the curve, dropping the curve, stopping the spread. instead, they are, like they have for three plus years, they use everything, even a national emergency has a political weapon against president trump. they've done nothing to help the president, they can even acknowledge something like, the


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