tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News May 14, 2020 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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that is what is at stake. live free or america dies. we hope you set your dvr so you never miss an episode. we will never be the hate-trump media mob and let not your hearts be troubled.rss laura ingraham with a big show as always. >> laura: hannity, the growing discontent among the american people. you feel it and it's crossing political land, generational lines, ethnic lines, new immigrants who started small businesses not too far from where we are broadcasting here in washington and northern virginia, they are seeing all their dreams and hard worker right on the tubes in this extended lock down, shut down, stay at home order, whatever you want to call it. you see there is a palpable sea change in public public opinion and we are going to cover some of that tonight. >> sean: you've been on this and you've been making phenomenal points. if all the medical manufacturer guys can be so profitable, if all these guys can stock the
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shelves and run our grocery stores in new york in the epicenter of this and wear gloves and masks, okay, that is a big part of the answer, i don't have the whole answer but let's start with the states that were, florida, georgia, texas and not do what michigan did. >> laura: i will take florida and texas over new york and california any day. >> sean: why do we live here? put that online, hannity says he is dumb. >> laura: all right, we will see you tomorrow night. i'm laura ingraham, this is to "the ingraham angle" washington tonight. there's growing evidence that americans are fed up with these prolonged lockdown. tonight we are going to talk to a washington state police officer who was suspended for daring to speak out against what he says are these tyrannical lockdown orders. also the media, they turned a blind eye to fbi abuses from the russian investigation to general flynn, so have any of them apologized?
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congressman jim jordan has a message for them tonight and the battle of liberty versus lockdown is poised to become a major 2020 inflection point. tom bevan brings us some polls that show that trump is already on the right side of this. but first, on the not so bright side, that is the focus of tonight's angle. >> laura: -- at the invitation of democrats. his name is rick bright, but he didn't seem very. he claimed he was unfairly retaliated against over the administration's position on hydroxychloroquine, among other things, but all you need to know here is that he hired deborah katz and lisa banks. remember them? they are the same lawyers who represented kavanaugh accuser
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christine blasey ford. here's the upshot. trump, bad, medical establishment that says we are not able to return to normal until there is a vaccine, very good. >> are a window of opportunity is closing. if we fail to improve our response now based on science i fear the pandemic will be worse and prolonged. without better planning, 2020 could be the darkest winter in modern history. >> laura: oh, brother. if you wanted to be a dramatic actor, you should have applied to juilliard, dr. bright. of course the facts are really matter. the only thing that matters for democrats is that bright is sitting in the trump administration and he is obviously against reopening america anytime soon. in a sense, bright is just their proxy, which means a fast to sainthood. >> when i was younger, we use to read a book called president kennedy called profiles in courage, and you
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know, your courage being here reminds me of some of the courage i read about in that book. >> i want to personally thank you on behalf of all americans for your courage to testify before us today. >> thank you, dr. bright. you are a great american. >> laura: call the nobel committee. this reminds me, by the way, of another occasion when democrats fond and as americans yawned. >> these are patriots, these are people like marie yovanovitch, people like lieutenant colonel vindman, who are really at the controls. >> lieutenant colonel vindman, courage mattered. >> you interacted regularly with ambassador taylor and you know him to be a man of integrity. he's a patriotic american, isn't that right? >> superb individual. >> laura: superb all right. superbly playing their supporting roles in the trump resistance show. eventually however, american see right through the hype and they learn the truth about motives and credibility.
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last night, john solomon told us about any documents showing ambassador yovanovitch that she had bad, numerous discussions -- not bad, but numerous discussions about hunter biden and burisma, despite telling the committee otherwise. they are pawns of the left. they are lionized for political purposes and forgotten soon after. if he'll democrats really cared about what mattered right now, the pain and suffering of the 36.5 million americans who are unemployed, they'd be focusing on getting this country up and running again, not running a new scam in the trump resistance. but they don't want us to reopen america. listen to what nancy pelosi said about her own state's most populous county. >> of course i agree with the decisions of the people on the ground and their particular venue and location. you just cannot think that this is just -- pretend it went away and go out there. you have to say, it's
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inconvenient but it's even more inconvenient if you are going to be infected, or worse. >> laura: she was reacting to mayor garcetti basically saying this could go on and on. most democrats in congress prefer that america stay shut down and scared. why? because then they can force trillions more in spending and be poised for a complete remaking of america. and america where the government decides everything for you from what you set your thermostat to have any miles you drive, et cetera, et cetera. hello, 75% tax rates. a green new deal? you bet. government run health care? a must. open borders? that's just for starters. the problem for them, though, is that facts are never on their side. or should i say sideshow. >> everything he is complaining about was achieved. everything he talked about was done.
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while we are launching operation work speed, he's not showing up for work to be part of that. and hydroxychloroquine, dr. bright literally sign the application for fda authorization of it. his allegations do not hold water. >> laura: that is secretary azar of course responding to something allegations made by dr. bright. today's one ring circus is just another reason that voters across america should see nancy pelosi and the gang for who they really are. not serious about helping americans who need to get back into the workforce. they are predictably selfish and utterly destructive. in fact, it is they who have been engaged in egregious and vindictive patterns of retaliation since trump was elected. but remember, the retaliation isn't just against president trump. they are now taking it out on
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you. unlucky for them, the american people are savvy. according to cnn's own new polling data, trump is up in 15 battleground states. take that, brian stetler. leading biden by a seven-point margin. biden may lead nationally but it's hillary clinton learned the hard way, winning the popular vote doesn't put you in the oval office, necessarily. looks like the voters may be blowing the whistle on the democrats. and that's the angle. whistle-blower nostalgia should resonate with my next guest, who was front and center during the impeachment fight and of course today, in his current role. michael cavuto's assistant secretary for assistant affairs at hhs enjoins me now for his first interview in his new role. michael, first of all, congrats on the job. it's great to see you. for americans who are just tuning in, how does a doctor with 25 years of government experience suddenly get
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transferred from a key role in our vaccine development to lower profile role at nih in the middle of a pandemic, pray tell? >> i guess that's really what it's all about, the profile he had. he was transferred over to a very important operation where they are working on brand-new diagnostics, vaccines, therapeutics to save the american people and perhaps save many millions around the world. but instead of going over there and seizing the opportunity to make history, dr. bright for some reason instead went and hired christine blasey ford's lawyer. i don't understand why. i was locked in my house like everyone who is watching you tonight until a month ago when the president called me and asked me to report to work. i come to work in washington 24/7 like everyone else does. there are 84,000 people at hhs who are working every day and dr. bright, who makes $285,000 a
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year can't find his way to work? to me, that is -- for everyone back in my hometown who are locked down, losing their businesses, who aren't being able to go to school, that has got to really smell up to high heaven. >> laura: here is what the bright's attorney had to say about the hhs response. watch. >> this is such a tragic response. there is no responsibility being taken for the fact that lives are being lost needlessly every single day. we still do not have very, very basic things that dr. bright testified were needed. it's just tragic that we continue to be lied to by this administration. >> laura: michael, has she actually proven you guys to be a liar, or has dr. bright proven any of that? >> of course not. when i first arrived here at hhs i was introduced to all the senior leaders here. incredibly brilliant scientists and people devoting their lives to saving the american people in this pandemic.
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dr. bright wasn't one of them. he wasn't a senior person here. he certainly didn't have his ability and all the work of the people were. he was involved in an operation within an operation and frankly, he didn't know what other people were doing. if he was meddling in things he wasn't supposed to be doing. from my perspective, we just stood up operation warp speed, and i would suppose to be a place where dr. bright was going to work. it's going to bring a vaccine to the american people at the behest of president trump. by the end of the year is going to be albert einstein and salt all wrapped up in one and dr. bright can't find his way to the new office and he makes $285,000 a year. that has got to resonate with the american people who have lost their jobs and they are sitting at home. >> laura: whole new territory here but i get that point. this is what bright claimed about his changing views on hydroxychloroquine.
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>> when did you sour on it? >> when it was determined that the drug should be available to americans outside of the country outside of supervision. that was march 23rd. >> and that is the time you decide to, no, this is not what we should do and we should not be looking at hydroxychloroquine at all. >> i didn't think that was the proper, safe way to evaluate that drug. >> laura: isn't that quite a flip-flop? he's the one who signed the request to get the hydroxy. now he says he didn't know it was coming from pakistan? isn't his job to know? >> of course and he did know it was coming from pakistan. he's the one who ordered it. everyone around here just remembers him being a documented supporter of hydroxychloroquine, and when he filed his complaint, he made it all about that drug because he knew it was a hit right at president trump and that's what this is. he sounds like st. francis but
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he's really just the second coming of christine blasey ford. it's an attack on president trump, it's an attack on secretary azar and it's an attempt to really politicize this for november. that's what this is. it was about hydroxychloroquine on day one. now it's about how he tried to save the american people. all he had to do was come to work and maybe he can help out. >> laura: finally, is the fda considering rescinding its warning about hydroxychloroquine, given the new information out and the study out from nyu. obviously france, huge amount of data supporting its use and it's been used a people for decades and decades in their own lives and obviously for lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. >> i can tell you the people in the fda who are here in the building with me looking very closely at hydroxychloroquine in all the potential therapeutics to attack the coronavirus. i know they are looking at many different things and if it turns
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out to have efficacy, i know they will examine this and move forward with it. i'm pretty sure they're looking at this very, very closely. >> laura: all right, we appreciate it. i know nih is asking for volunteers for hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin for mild to moderate cases of covid and i say about time, what took them so long? thank you for coming on tonight. a latest attempt to smear the president and discredit the potentially life saving treatments that he supports, including hydroxychloroquine. now, needless politicizing over a drug that people have been using, as i said, for decades, that has been used by people in their lives for other conditions and off label use, it's been used for off label use for years and years and years but suddenly trump mentions it and it's radioactive. out there, my next guest says
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that the state pharmacy board is requiring her to reveal patients' medical diagnoses in order to attain the drug. dr. joins me now, if you are in texas. isn't that a violation of privacy that you are being questioned as a physician in that manner? >> absolutely, this is what was very alarming to me. when i wrote a prescription and had the pharmacy call me and let me know that he could not fill that without me disclosing the diagnosis of the patient, and so we had a couple on the phone and i told him i couldn't do that, and he was insistent that the laws have been changed in the pharmacy board has passed a mandate that that drug could not be discussed unless it was accompanied by a diagnosis. >> laura: cvs pharmacy released a statement to "the ingraham angle" night, we will put that up in a second. here's what it says. we balance to the off label use
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of certain prescription medication to treat covid-19 and ongoing patients who were prescribed these drugs. pharmacies making decisions to help ensure there is adequate supply of medication to meet patient needs while complying with all applicable regulations. dear friend of mine just told me that she was called by the pharmacist and was interrogating her. this is a cbs pharmacist -- interrogating her over a prescription she wrote for hydroxychloroquine, for one of her patients. she said, what are you talking about? and they were insistent. and she ultimately finally got it but not without the hassle back, again, it's curious given your own experience with this drug. >> it's been an extremely difficult situation for me in the last couple of days. yesterday i wrote five prescriptions for hydroxychloroquine an end i sent
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them to a pharmacy that i used and have used for the last 20 years and i actually had a phone call from the pharmacist letting me know that she was not going to refill another prescription for me for hydroxychloroquine. i told her she couldn't do that, that these patients were sick and that if i wrote the prescription she needed to fill them and she told me that she was not going to fill another prescription for me. i said i need your name and i'm going to call the pharmacy board and she said i have the right to deny to fill this prescription for you. so i asked her, are you out, do not have any? she said she had 100 pills in the pharmacy. i told her, let's just order some more. you can overnight this medication. >> laura: it is like $0.05 a pill, it costs nothing. >> the prescription costs $13. and i had so many very, very sick patients in the office. now, today was horrible because i treated 15 people that needed 15 prescriptions, could not go there, had to scour all over to try to get these prescriptions. >> laura: really quickly, do you find good results giving hydroxychloroquine to mild to moderate patient quest to find
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good results? >> i have severe patients in the office. i've patients that have been diagnosed with pneumonia and been turned away from a clinic. i thought patients that have been turned away from hospitals. i've got patients coming in with temperatures of 102.9. white blood cell count 17,000. all positive covid tests. there are reasons to give them medication for. there he will be in trouble with the licensing board and the issue we have now is that i've got pharmacists who are refusing to fill this medication. so this is critical now. i have a huge problem on my hands. i have patients that are coming in from austin, houston, san antonio -- >> laura: this is ridiculous. but answer the question really quickly, it's working and patients that you've treated that you've been able to prescribe it to? correct? >> every patient that i've treated. serious, moderate, have had
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resolution of symptoms within 24 hours. within five hours their fevers are gone, within two days. the long restriction, which is the most important, resolves within about 42 to five hours you see dramatic improvement. it's incredible. i'm surprised myself. >> laura: i hope the fda is watching this. people's lives are on the line because of these restrictions, or these warnings, i should say, because it's trickling down to the pharmacies in the pharmacy board. you educated a lot of people with this segment tonight. thank you for explaining it, we really appreciate it. >> thank you. >> laura: coming up, washington police officer suspended after speaking against what he says are tyrannical lockdown orders. he joins me next. plus we expose exactly how much the media enables the disgusting
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as the covid-19 pandemic sweeps the world we urgently need your help. our elderly jewish brothers and sisters who are so precious to god, have no access to food, medicine; or to keep themselves safe from the virus. and right now, we must take extraordinary measures during these extraordinary times to fulfill what it says in god's holy scriptures, comfort ye, comfort ye my people. your $25 will help rush an emergency food box filled with liffe-saving food and germ fighting supplies to an elderly person in israel. when you call right now, all gifts will be matched dollar for dollar doubling your life-saving impact. this is shoshana. she's a 97 year old widow who lives in jerusalem. she tells us about the day joseph mengele sent her parents and grandparents to the gas chambers. her pain is evident even today.
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right now, our teams are on the ground delivering emergency aid and food boxes to elderly jews just like shoshana. your gift of only $25 helps deliver a box filled with with life-saving food and sanitizing supplies to the door-step of an elderly jew fighting to stay alive. when you call, all gifts will be matched dollar for dollar; doubling your life-saving impact. during this pandemic our god is bigger than any crisis. when god says, "to share our food with the hungry", that's forever, and it's more relevant than ever before. go online or call right now. you can be a miracle for an elderly jew today.
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♪ >> i'm seeing people arrested or cited for going to church, for traveling on the roadways, for going surfing, opening their businesses. i want to remind you that wherever you stand on the coronavirus, we don't have the authority to do that to people just because a mayor or governor tells you otherwise. we don't get to violate other people's constitutional rights because somebody in our chain of command tells us otherwise. it's not how this country works. >> laura: that viral videoo may end c up costing my next guest s job. port of seattle police officer greg anderson, he was put on leave earlier this week. the police chief says anderson suspension had nothing to do with his anti-lockdown views. is that really the case? is this coincidence? greg anderson joins me now.
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you're a police chief says you were suspended because you were wearing the uniform in that video. were you urging people to commit a crime, greg?er >> absolutely not. yeah, it's interesting how initially, it was put out to me that the video needed to come down and it was obvious that it was due to the content, but it was looked into and they needed to find a policy violation in order to terminate me. so, still under investigation, we will see how it shakes out but i think it's pretty clear the reason why they wanted the video taken down. >> laura: if you were in your uniform and committing an act of charity, helping someone across the street, a cat out of the tree as you were driving home, off-duty, had your uniform on, i don't think they probably would've had a problem with that.
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nkit makes no sense. you're expressing your own viewe about a really important situation that affects the lives of everyone in seattle, this continued shut down. what has been the reaction to people who've seen your video now that it's gone completely viral? >> it's actually been overwhelming.ll the whole point of the video was to bridge the gap between citizens and law enforcement because these orders that are going out are causing a lot of tension. in my opinion it's going to cause violence at some point. so we've literally received tens aof thousands of emails from citizens and law enforcement thanking me for speaking out, helping people open peoples w eyes, helping law enforcement officers kind of look inward and ask themselves if they are doing the right thing when there are divorcing these >> laura: governor yesterday said the day before if you don't comply to the stay-at-home orders, he said we will bring you your food and your medication if our contact tracers find that you are positive. even if you show no symptoms.
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it will bring food, but my question is, what if people decide, i'm not doing this? they are going to ask you or your colleagues to do what? put a lock on the door?? i don't understand what you're supposed to do in that circumstance. >> none of us do and that is why i spoke out. again, i wasn't personally asked to carry out any of these orders. just seeing it happen nationwide, i wanted to talk about it before it became a big issue within my own department and around seattle. but, i mean, the fact is if people want to leave their house and they want to go to church or they want to go for a drive, i don't have the authority and non t, other police officer has the authority to tell them otherwise in the absence of a crime. so i feel like they are putting us in a difficult situation, asking officers to go out there and, enforce these things. but the thing is they are not the ones who are going to meet
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the resistance, both as the orders are being implemented or if they get litigated at a later time, it's the officers that are going to be seen at fault for it, not the politicians that made the orders to start with. >> laura: greg, i think you have a legal action here. no doubt about it, you have a legal action, so i hope if this goes further that you're considering legal action, because this can't stand. you're trying to warn people that violence will occur. police officers' lives will be put in danger and the public at large will have their lives but in danger if this keeps going. it seems like if that is the motivation and we have certain o inalienable rights, h certainly not during an extended period of time. when you flatten your curve weeks ago in washington, is that correct? >> that's exactly right. and like i said, i did a lot of deployments in the military and i understand what chaos and
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anarchy looks like in the streets and when humans are pushed and they are deprived of things that they need like food or security, it can go bad really quickly and i don't think that's out of the realm of possibility. and talking to officers that i'm friends with all over the country, many share my views. so i've felt that it needed to be put out there and i think the proof is in the pudding because it has resonated with officers across the country. so i just think it was something that needed to be said and the time for me was last weekend it worked out well. >> laura: this is the time for people to stand up, speak their minds, whatever you believe. make your voices heard. do not be afraid. we are a nation of smart risk takers in this country and i'm really glad that you took that risk to make that video. i think a lot of people's eyes are wide open. thank you very much. >> thank you for having made. >> laura: best of luck. we are pleased probably to see the wisconsin supreme court ruling if the government will ever shut down last night. some of the residents of
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wisconsin. they flocked to bars in droves to enjoy the company of their neighbors and friends but not every supreme court is going to rule on their state leader's shut down so what else is there? in california, elon musk was c able to hold the state of california hostage after he threatened to move to an open state. but most of you are not as rich and influential as musk, is so what do you do?os most of you can't rely on your estate supreme court to hold folks accountable. so to whom do you turn? increasingly to my next guest, civil rights attorney and founder. i want to repeat it, the center for american liberty, and you're taking on cases across t the country, you only have a limited staff in the limited budget but it should be a lot bigger. you tweeted about a different set of rules that i just laid out, which inspired your explain. >> well, the problem here we aro seeing as there's all kinds of
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different rules that are being applied to people depending on their position in their acts of authority, laura, and that is really the problem. you mentioned elon musk and the fact that he was able to basically throw a fit and he's a very big employer in a county he was able to get his rules changed just for him and operate safely but the half-million barbers, nail stylists and others who are representing california are not able to do that. they don't have that kind of access. they are small businesses andnd they are left out in the dust. the type of civil rights violations your prior guest talked about, they are happening all over the country, even in red states. the state has almost no cases, so this is power that is going to the heads of red and blue state officials and governors and it's out of control. and we really rely on those cases to go to the court. the federal courts are supposed
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to be the refuge when the states violate your rights and fortunately we are getting a mixed result in that regard but we are going to keep filing lawsuits and hopefully find one of those judges. >> laura: civil rights, office of civil rights of the justice department, if this isn't why it exists and i don't know why -- this affects people of color, people of every ethnicity, people who are recent immigrants, people who are long distance -- this affects everyone. this is a systematic deprivation of basic civil rights, the right to earn a living, the right to travel, right to associate, right to appreciate the government. every single liberty is at stake here in many of these dates that are still shut down, and officer anderson, does he have a case and if so, what would his case be?? >> he does have a case in the way he described it, he was first asked to take down the video. his target was his protected
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speech. he's entitled to his opinion but on top of that, he and every other officer have taken an oath to uphold the constitution. comes before the orders of any petty official so i think he does have a case. he had a case for the violation of his first amendment rights, civil rights, due process and probably some washington state constitution as well. looking at a case like this in california as well, laura. >> laura: stay out there, keep doing what you'ree doing, thank you for doing what you're doing. the aclu is nowhere to be fine basically if you're not an illegal immigrant the aclu is not going to help you at all anymore. it used to be, help anybody no matter what your b political persuasion, no matter where you are but now the aclu is just m.i.a. thank you so much. >> thank you, laura. >> laura: coming up, we name and shame the so-called journalist who fanned the flames of the fbi corrupt investigation into mike flynn. then congressman jim jordan response, next.
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>> fox news has turned over the equivalent of hours of its programming to what they are calling this unmasking. >> they were completely authorized to do so and there requests were approved by the nsa. >> requests, which all of them were fully authorized to make. anything to distract from theo real public health crisis. f>> laura: the media are outraged that we would dare
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question abuses of government and surveillance for the politically driven fbi. that's stuff the liberals used to care about, by the way. but here is why they don't want us to question this. because in the age of trump, the media have completely abandoned their journalistic ethics in favor of just cheerleading rank abuses of power. if it gets trump out of office then green light it, baby. they don't want to be held accountable after years of peddling nonsense. now back in the early months of the trump presidency and following the flynn revelations, people like nbc chuck todd and andrea mitchell were saying things like this. >> you have a presidency right now that i think is beyond saying it's in crisis mode. you know, it's on the brink. >> not only does he aligned himself with his former national security advisor, his fired national security advisor, but he is repeating the lies, if you will, in describing the investigation as a democratic
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witch hunt. you cannot accept the fact that there was russian interference than the story will consumeem him and the presidency will never get going. suck it up and admit that this needs an investigation. >> laura: okay, instead of apologizing for all of their own politically driven hyperbole, the two nbc stalwartsll ended up doubling down. over at "the new york times," an article bylined by five writers included this laugh line. obama advisors grew suspicious that perhaps there had been a secret deal between the incoming team and moscow, which could violate the rarely enforced two century old logan act. still waiting on the correction there. and jake tapper spread collusion and rumors onnt the late-night circuit. >> laura: i think it's, well, i guess it's coming, like
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christmas or the end of the shutdown. here it is. well, "the washington post" article that tapper referencedst in the sound bite that we didn't play is what set this whole thing in motion. columnist david ignatius is the first true report on his call in january 12th, 2016. now what is most galling about his rule in this is that a fellow "washington post" reporter at the time recently admitted that he had leaked info on flynn first but rightly decided it wasn't newsworthy. so why did ignatius run with it and where is his apology for starting this mess? joining me now is congressman jim jordan, ranking member of the house oversight committee. congressman, since the media are not going to search for new leads, you know, it's led to folks like you. one fact missing thus far is what did the actual request for unmasking say? because unmasking is not
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illegal. these people have the authority to do that. but what is a request for unmasking actually saved by all those individuals whost file thm against flynn? >> what was their reason and why so many people, and why all of this interesting time customer committee with cheerleaders for this entire effort and their cheerleading took place at interesting times as well. think about january of 2017 during this transition. on the fourth of january you got peter strzok telling agents, don't drop the case against flynn, keep it up, comey told me to keep pursuing flynn. the next day, he meets with president obama in the oval office and talks about mike flynn. january 6th, comey goes up and briefed him on the dossier that he already knows is false, misleading and paid for by the clinton campaign and then that leaks. the fact that he had that conversation, thendy he pointed out january 12, david ignatius' story lakes and what did they do
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on the 24th of january? jim comey sends two agents, sneaks them into the white house to set up michael flynn. that ignatius story help all that play out but they are cheerleaders not just in a general sense for the democrats but they are cheerleaders at interesting times in the sequence of events. these are the kinds of things we need to get answers to. >> laura: as someone said earlier today, i can't remember what i was watching but it was like the journalist becomeswh participants in the ongoing saga to try to kneecap trump or take out one of his top people to then kneecap trump. so they become participants, rather than curious, aggressive journalists. maybe there is a deeper story here. what's your motivation and they came to me? instead just repeating it, with being a liberal reporter means never having to say you're sorry.
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>> and they should have toe say that because remember what the president said. they spot on our campaign. this is not true, no collusion between anything our campaign did, anything i did and russia. he said those things and oft. course he said this whole thing was a witch hunt. now after all these facts come out we see exactly that. each of those three statements by the president has proven to be true and yet they just keep on going with their narrative because they are so determined to go after this president. this is a simple principle here. when you drain the swamp the swamp fights back, even when they know they are wrong and even when it's proven they are wrong they keep fighting back. >> laura: last night during a "ingraham angle" exclusive, you sent a letter to pompeo about this. tell us very quickly, about 30 seconds. >> what she said in the deposition and the impeachment hearing is different than what he said. i give them a tremendous amount of credit because he pushed her and got her to say it was just a
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briefing i was getting ready for my confirmation but it turns out, she talked about burisma and hunter biden a lot more than she indicated.d. we want to see the documents unredacted so we can get a better and closer look about what really took place here. >> laura: we're talking about the lionization of whistle-blowers and people related to whistle-blowers, and that ay story fits right in with it. thank you so much. >> you bet, laura. >> laura: up ahead, remember when living in georgia meant a certain covid death sentence? at the state is reopening and defying doomsday predictions. plus, tom devens lays down the latest lockdown polling and guess who is winning. we will tell you, next. ♪ st lockdown polling and guess who is winningngngngng
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governor bryan kemp again reopening his state's businesses late last month we were told this was reckless and dangerous. he tweeted on april 20th, mark this day because two and three weeks from now the georgia death toll is blood on brian kemp's hands. may want to revise that one, ronnie. and cnn followed up with this analysis, georgia's fervently pro-trump early breakout from a coronavirus shutdown is stirring fears of a deadly new wave. cnn, the trump tie in there, how utterly pathetic. the same day, "the washington post" scream georgia lead to the race to become america's number one death destination. "the washington post," understated as usual. democracy dies in doomsday predictions, i suppose. then this view from "the atlantic" on april 28th. george's experiment with human
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sacrifice. how did these people even employee as journalist at this point because breakfast will come it's just bad writing. let's do a fact-check, how did that experimenter now? so far, so good, actually. the load actually declined to 12%. on monday, state officials at hospitalizations and ventilator use hit their lowestst level sie tracking began in early april and the number of daily deaths has been down 30% since april 21st according to "the atlantic" journal-constitution. now that georgia's economy is ramping up, did the naysayers really expect us to trust their next death rattle? and what of the american people think about the lockdown? it is after all an election year. here to break it all down is tom bevan, cofounder and president of real clear politics. lockdown lackeys are touting a new cnn poll that has biden up on trump nationally. 51-46. at that same poll show trump
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waiting in 15 battleground states by a seven-point margin. what do you make of this? >> i think what it shows us is democrats are all in for the lockdown. we u are starting to see this me and more in the data. the problem for democrats, which they ran into in 2016, a lot of democrats are congregated in california, new york, illinois, in a bunch of other blue states, and while there are all in on the locked on folks in swing states, not as much, so that is you see the disparity, where joe biden has the national league but he is losing in the battleground states. >> laura: they thought they had trump on the ropes because the economy totally crashed. jobs, horrible. job numbers obviously. unemployment numbers. but in the end, people have to determine who is going to be best suited to bring the economy back and this is where this economist poll comes in. 30% of independent voters believe the economy will improve
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them i can trump is reelected but that only 18% are optimistic. what does that tell you? that is a wild figure. we need those independent voters to show up whether republican or democrat, you i want them for y. >> independents are going to be key in the swing states where it is close. the thing about donald trump, his approval rating has held pretty solid, his overall approval rating in the mid 40s and our real clear politics average. his approval rating on the economy is still over 50%. people are still giving him credit for the economy. they think that message that he can rebuild the economy still resonates with those folks. biden touting a similar message, i brought us out, bring a side of the 2008 recession. i over thought about and can do it again.i as of the repeating messages now and he has the upper hand in that. >> laura: the economist poll also showing that way more democrats than republicans want to wait months or even a year before the economy reopens, so
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that makes your point, people in northwest washington, some of the suburbs there, and you know, may be in parts of l.a. county, they're perfectly fine to stay in shutdown, i guess. i don't get that but they are comfortable with that. they think, i guess the world will be a better place a year from now. d >> we really do now have sort of two americas. the>> lockdown left. 90% of democrats and a new cbs poll today think a top priority of america should be staying home and stopping the spread of the virus. only 38% of republicans feel the same way. 62% of republicans at the top priority should be getting the economy roaring again. we have a real divide on what the priority of america should be and represented by the leaders of the parties. donald trumpn is pushing, republicans are pushing, and democrats are on the other side of that so we will see what happens.e
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>> laura: all right, sorry to cut you off but thank you for being with us tonight. up next, another american on the chopping block for positions on covid, we will tell you about. ♪ for back pain? before you take anything, i recommend applying topical relievers first. salonpas lidocaine patch blocks pain receptors for effective, non-addictive relief. salonpas lidocaine. patch, roll-on or cream. hisamitsu.
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85,000 jobs as of today, lives of millions of people, millions of jobs. >> 85,000, 1 million jobs. maybe that is why polls are going the way they are in battleground states, doesn't know how many are unemployed but he is going to fix the economy. shannon bream, take it away. >> this is a long week, you've been all over it and we will try a cleanup here. >> i will watch in a moment. shannon: here is what we are working on. a whistleblower testifying on capitol hill making dire predictions as the increasingly been battle who says it could take 5 years to get the coronavirus under control. a brand-new study by four top economist says targeted, not once on ko 1-size-fits-all
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