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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 15, 2020 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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me sit in his seat. i hope you have a great and wonderful weekend. we'll have great time. ♪ ♪ >> laura: i'm laura ingraham, this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. can you believe it's almost six months into the covid pandemic might at least now we know more about the virus, and the so-called experts who botched everything from ventilator needs to how lethal the virus actually is. but of course, the new reality, the information that is coming in, the accurate data, the picture of this whole thing, it hasn't stopped the left-wing politicians from trying to use the crisis for political ends. we are going to get into that tonight. also, just how damaging will it be for our kids to keep them out of school in the fall, or maybe
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even all of next year? i kid you not, some are even considering that. and why do some of those experts seem to be okay with it? one of the most preeminent figures in pediatrics is here with me tonight, he has some powerful warnings for parents and legislators, and it's friday, so you know it is raymond arroyo, and we have some follies for you. biden's latest bungle from the basement, and raymond has some thoughts on the space force flag. what is that about? that was unveiled today. but first, the masks are off. that is the focus of tonight's "angle." president trump took to the rose garden today, and what did he do? he announced his new vaccine task force. he set the bar high with an aggressive timeline, but he gave america, at the same time, just what she needed: optimism for
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opening. >> we have the best and most devoted workers ever to walk the face of the earth, and now we are combining all of these amazing strengths for the most aggressive vaccine project in history, and i just want to make something clear. it's very important. vaccine or no vaccine, we are back, and we are starting the process. >> laura: i was doing the fist pump right there. yes. democrats, on the other hand, they prefer us to cower and crouch in outhouses. they are pushing -- panic porn. they say we need multiple vaccines, not just one, and even if we have them come we don't how effective they will be. they say we need as many as 300,000 government paid tracers and hackers, hundreds of millions of tests, all of that before we can open again. and a purple unicorn on every street corner. the basic point here is
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democrats just don't trust you, and frankly, they don't even like you, so of course they want you to stay indoors, off the streets, and even out of out of your churches. with only a few exceptions, blue state governors all favor lockdowns over liberty. one of the absolute worst is michigan's gretchen whitmer. >> certainly not an exercise of democratic principles, where we have free speech. this is calls to violence, with the racist and misogynistic -- these protests, you know, in a perverse way, make it likelier that we are going to have to stay in a stay home posture. >> laura: you are not behaving. washington state's jay inslee is punishing people with another extension of his stay-at-home order, to the end of may now, even though they flattened the curve back in april in
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washington state. this is insane. so when will he give up his vice grip on power? >> it's just a long ways away from that. because we know that the numbers are still so high an hour virus that it just can't justify opening up all of these business right now. >> laura: it's not infections, jay, it's hospitalizations, and deaths, that's what is the key here. illinois governor j.b. pritzker's escalating his threats against the disobedien disobedience. >> businesses and individual professionals that are licensed by state agencies will be held accountable for breaching public health orders. local law enforcement and the illinois state police can and will take action. >> laura: oooh, big threat for a big man. well, and gavin newsom's california, local officials are slapping already suffering businesses with $1,000 citations and threats for jail time for
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not complying with everything from mask wearing to social distancing, the way they are handling their businesses, whether the stickers are on the ground. l.a. county, the most populous in the state, is extending its lockdown at least another three months. i thought that was a joke when i first heard it. meanwhile, the mayor of l.a., he is power tripping. >> we are still getting reports each day of nonessential businesses that continue to operate as normal. this behavior is irresponsible and selfish. if we see continued noncompliance, they will end up facing misdemeanor charge and a dwp will step in and shut off their water and power. >> laura: and by the way, these prohibitions -- i love that shutting off your water. [laughs] the prohibitions, they aren't written in law, they are done through gubernatorial edicts. so as long as it is called an emergency, these governors think they can travel on your rights with impunity, and they are doing that.
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but lawsuits are being filed, that's good news this week. people who have never protested before in their lives are picking up lacquers and protesting, even when their livelihoods are threatened, if they still have jobs, or if theh jail time. you get the sense being out there and how americans are just fed up. >> we have a day care center in franklin county, is not open hallway, barely open enough to keep us afloat. >> these things are typically a choice. there is a measles outbreak, and all the people who are sick stay home. they are making them stay home, it makes no sense to me. >> i think americans need to realize their freedoms are being taken away, and if they don't stand up for them right now, there won't be any freedom to stand up for her. >> laura: but do any of you watching tonight think that pelosi and schumer care about those people? of course they don't.
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if you've lost your job, if your child is struggling with distance learning -- don't you love that phrase? if you are struggling with loneliness or addiction or depression, you are just collateral damage on the way to the new normal. >> all of us are going to be living in a new normal, whether that means wearing a mask, working in shifts. >> we are returning to our new normal, with all of what we talked about through all phases. >> what we have to do is design a new normal. a way of life to carry us to the other side. >> laura: their idea of a new normal, not so much dr. birx, by the way, i'm talking about the politicians -- she got caught up in the lingo. it goes far beyond finding a vaccine or hand washing or covering your sneezes. that's all fine, that is just common sense. the new normal for them is basically everything that hillary ran on and lost, plus some new radical ideas from climate change to mass amnesty
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to guaranteed income and to a massive wealth tax. if the pandemic ends, democrats lose their leverage, and they know it. that is why every chance they get, their media allies stoke the fears of a weary and worried nation. they want you to be afraid. very afraid. because when you are afraid, they have more power, they have more authority to tell you how to live your life. and make no mistake, they want this to continue indefinitely. they are playing the only car they have, the fear card. but there are increasing size in these polls and on the streets that it isn't working. there is traffic again around d.c., maryland, and virginia. i noticed it today. and the always lively new orleans, we will hear from raymond in a moment, restaurants are closed down, but many are out and about, many, he told me, just ignoring the mask-chambers outside of coffee shops. freedom brigades of ordinary citizens are activated, enterprising americans are
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making adjustments and innovating smartly. naturally, nascar will be the first national sport to reopen, albeit without fans. west virginia university's football coach, he announced the fall season is on. the sec better follow, talking to you, alabama. my friends at cambria in minnesota put out a video of an old paul harvey broadcast today that really seemed apt. >> history i studied, ours and others, the more certain i am that there is one fertilizer essential to the survival of said of civilization, and that fertilizer is sweat, and i mean the kind of steamy, streaming, s run from a man by hard, physical work, and somehow the sweat gets into the soil of a farm or factory or city or state or nation, and everything thereabouts gross tall and strong and tough enough to stand against any storm.
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>> laura: "to stand against any storm." the work ethic of america, the need to work, and work hard, of course he nailed it. paul harvey always did. americans have thrived on the idea that although life is often hard and challenging, you and your family have the freedom to decide how you want to live it. democrats may live and shut down nirvana, but the emerging consensus is this: if you want to stay at home, you can stay at home. but for the rest of us, we'll make our own decisions, thank you. now we know more about this virus, extremely low lethality's or otherwise healthy younger americans, they do pretty well. seniors, they need special care, since the so-called experts say it will be around forever, time to move on with our lives. the testing issue is just another democrat red herring, more impossible hoops to jump through. testing and tracking for the rest of your life, since the virus will be with us forever, just like the flu, they say.
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the virus has taken many lives. and it's awful. it's a tragedy. it has wrecked a once great economy. but it has also shown, for all the world to see, who these new radical democrats really are and what they want. their petty dictators who want to fundamentally change the america we love. you know, the old normal. the masks are off. and that is the "angle." joining me now is victor davis hanson, senior fellow at the hoover institution. victor, at what point do the democrats just surrender and reopen? or do they just drag us all down with them? >> yeah, i thought they were the party of science, and science is if you have access to western medicine, and we do, and most people are not 65 or older like i am, and they don't have comorbidity, they have about one or two chances in a thousand, what they risk every day with an elective surgery, less chance of
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dying. so we have to change the dialectic. the people in georgia and florida and texas are going out, they are the people who are creating capital and labor and investment, that is the kind of money that pays for the other people to be locked down, because just because you have a pension or social security or your high school teacher, and that check comes in the mail and you are locked down, that doesn't mean that is real money. we printed $3 trillion. nancy pelosi wants to print 3 trillion more, that is a construct. the only thing that will pay for your salary if you want to be locked down our people in georgia or people in florida creating real wealth. the sad thing is this whole thing -- and every dimension has been weaponized. nancy pelosi put in that recent bill, agenda that never had 51%. if they were to pass, we would have six or $7 trillion in annual debt, and it would be the largest redistribution con in our history, that somebody would have to pay for, either with negative interest rates or gas taxes or income tax.
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it would really be a fundamental shift to the left, and then on the more mundane level, getting all of these napoleonic figures that come out of the woodwork, the county commissioner, the mayor, and they are destroying the first and second -- even the fourth and fifth amendments on edict that have no legislative majority. nobody voted for them. >> laura: victor -- >> power hungry. >> laura: the power-hungry, little many tyrants, they are so annoying at every level. is not about science, it's about them and perpetuating power, but victor, you know what i'm really amazed by it is after they have been exposed for screwing up the old folks home, in new york, governor cuomo is claiming well come he is letting the region -- half the regions in his state -- reopen, but this didn't sound very, well, openi opening. >> residential commercial construction with masks, the employer must provide the masks. any gloves, no congregate
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meetings, for retail businesses, anyone in the vehicle must be wearing a mask. the store owner must make hand sanitizer available. store owners should not let you in the store for an in-store pickup. >> laura: he was talking about curbside pickup. i mean, it is just a mind-numbingly detailed stuff that people can figure out on their own. i think. >> it's tragically ironic, laura, because governor cuomo, the new jersey governor, or the mayor of new york, which account for about half the deaths of the united states and those two states come along with massachusetts, if they said instead of that speech, we are not going to send active cases into nursing homes, we are going to clean the subways every night, and we are going to social distance on public transportation, we wouldn't have half the deaths in the united states in two or three states, and you can really see how this is becoming weaponized,
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and with the 2020 election looming in the distance because i think people feel the narrative used to be that donald trump caused the virus and it's going to be an epidemic, but if the case is level off and we have another danger greater than the virus, and that his economic collapse, now they are almost saying, well, he's keeping us locked down. we can't get at it, he is herbert hoover all of a sudden. when you see joe biden locked in his basement, you get the idea that they do not want him out on a campaign trail in july and august. >> laura: no. >> or even september. they want him to have a tele- campaign from his basement, starting after labor day, where they carry him across the finish line, because they have an existential problem with him, he's not cognitively able to run a physical, muscular campaign. >> laura: they are science people, but the science of telling us one thing -- at least, depends on which scientists you talk to. victor, great to see you tonight.
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have a great weekend. "the ingraham angle" has long questioned the conventional wisdom of the true lethality of covid-19. at one point, we were led to believe th the mortality rate wd be devastating. with certainty it is well below 1%, but there is another shocking trend emerging. how covid debts are being counted. just today, colorado lowered its death toll by nearly 20%. how did they do that? they sen simply separated peoplo died from covid from the total number of people who died with covid, get it? that's not to diminish any deaths, they are all horrific, but if public policy as being based on these numbers, the public needs the right numbers. joining me now is dr. scott jensen, family physician and minnesota state senator, also with me is jim desmond, san diego county supervisor. dr. jensen, do you expect more states to follow colorado's lead, given what we are learning
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about individuals who die with covid, and not from covid, being counted as covid? >> i think so, absolutely. i think we saw pennsylvania subtract 200 something from there. i think minnesota is actually leading on this. minnesota came out recently and said we are going to separate our probables, if we don't have laboratory confirmation, we are going to call them separately. they decided not to use johns hopkins for their data source. i think minnesota saying we are going to try to do it the right way. i think colorado is to going to duck as well they should. because this is a big deal. hennepin county and minneapolis, we have commissioners saying that they don't think some of these dollars that are coming from the feds should go to counties that don't have any covid because they should get it all, the hennepin county, the big city, and yet, those smaller out state areas, they had to invest in preparation. they had to shut down, follow all the rules.
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we knew this was going to happen. we knew that the numbers were going to drive the claims to the dollars. >> laura: well, you always follow the money in cases like this, and mr. desmond, you took a lot of heat for your discovery of what was happening in your county in california, tell us what you discovered. >> well, we've had 200 deaths in san diego county, and each of the families who lost a loved one, my heart goes out to them, but yes come out of those 200 deaths, only 6 had no underlying conditions, that's not to say the virus wasn't a catalyst or minimizes those deaths. it's just a fact, like all the others, that i need to consider to make good decisions, and the whole concept of what i was talking about what was that when this came out, we want to do safely open up our businesses, in san diego county. we are now 28% unemployment and rising, with no end in sight. and for us to advance to the
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next phase of opening businesses -- >> laura: well, yeah -- sorry to chime in, but the cdc, "the washington post" is reporting, at the statistics branch at their national center for health statistics set i think the evidence points to the fact that we are underestimated, rather than overestimating, the system is designed to collect data on causes of deaths, not what condition the person might've had. that's the problem, dr. jensen. i mean, they have a lot to protect here, do they not? i don't have an enormous amount of faith right now in the cdc. i wish i did. i wish i didn't feel the way i feel about it, but something stinks to high heaven here. >> i think the cdc has got to be recognized for what it is, it is a political organization. back in the 1940s when its original creation was, if you will, to defend against malaria, totally different. mission creep has taken over, and the cdc has chimed in with a lot of other political organizations, and this is why i
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think we saw corners to speak up in pennsylvania, it's why i've spoken up. we've had physicians speak up all around the country, and in california and montana. we are not going to go down without swinging. a lot of it is just malarkey. in the policy is being driven by flawed models that don't represent science, and i think that this has been problematic from the word "go." >> laura: i've got to say, you think about california, and what an amazing state california is. i know it is really liberal, but is incredible. i spent a lot of time there. live there is number when i was in law school. it's an incredible state. to lockdown so much of the state for the proportional deaths -- 40 million people in that state of california. 40 million people. and what is the death count today? it's horrible, but compared to new york or new jersey? they were in pretty good situation in california.
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like, 2400 deaths, i think, ultimately. >> well, and our governor still -- keeping us locked down, and he's given unattainable goals in the counties for us to attain, and that is that we have to have 14 consecutive days of zero covid-related deaths for us to move to the next level. and we are a county of 3.3 million people. we can never achieve that, and we need to know all the facts. i need to make informed decisions. we need to open our businesses safely come and get our jobs back. >> laura: you're going to have a lot more deaths from all of the things that come from economic devastation. if california doesn't turn it around, i can tell you that. both of you, thank you so much, and enjoy your weekend. i hope you can enjoy your weekend. from criminalizing every day activities like standing less than 6 feet apart to releasing inmates on the streets because of covid-19, our leaders have given law enforcement the shaft, and moments know mike and moments can we speak to the fresno sheriff lewis had just
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about enough. stay there. my age-related macular degeneration could lead to vision loss.
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♪ >> it contradicts everything in regard to community relations. put cops in a position to confront people for things that aren't really laws. >> the whole point of the video was to bridge the gap between citizens on law enforcement, because these orders that are going out or causing a lot of tension, and in my opinion, it's going to cause violence at some point. >> laura: from coast to coast, current and former law enforcement officials are sounding the alarm on what it's going to take to enforce these extreme social distancing rules. arresting people for not wearing masks or staying 6 feet apart takes some valuable resources and manpower away from the other
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nightmares that police officers are facing. recidivism of the thousands of inmates being set free over covid fears. it's even harder on law enforcement in california, where the state eliminated cash bail why of the pandemic raged and continues on today. police take advantage of the defective estate out o get out e card. hundreds of suspected criminals have been released on $0 bail, as of yesterday, all right? as of yesterday, 87 of them have ended up back in police custody. a recidivism rate of 12.5%. fresno county sheriff margaret mims says she is so busy dealing with the nobel crime wave she is not even going to enforce these lockdown mandates, and she joins us now. sheriff mims, great to see you tonight. why would the state set bail at 0? we touched on this issue before
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on "the ingraham angle," there is a lot behind this, but it certainly seems like an open-ended invitation to commit crimes. >> well, there are two reasons why. first of all, to reduce the population in jail, to reduce the incidence of covid infecting inmates. without taking in to consideration what counties had already done to fix that problem. the second reason was to put out arraignment states. when someone is in custody, they must be arraigned within a few hours. are not in custody, they can set that date out to. now that courts are pretty much closed, they are open for a very few matters, but they are closed down, they need that extra time for arraignments for people who are arrested. >> laura: well come i think people have to understand what types of crimes sheriff's are being committed by people who are released, this is not jaywalking, okay? here's some of them. assault with a deadly weapon,
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injury of spouse or coinhabitant -- that's spousal abuse -- buy rape, meth for sal, and denver last week, you may be aware of this, these incidents keep popping up in the news. someone recently released, cornelius haney, has now been arrested for the murder of a 21-year-old woman. after he was released. i mean, we are so with the police officers across the country, but i don't how you deal -- i honestly don't know how you deal with this situati situation. >> well, this $0 bail, which is different from no bail. no bail means you cannot be bailed out, you have to stay in jail. this is $0 bail, which means people arrested for auto deaths, assault with a deadly weapon, the intent to commit bodily injury, elder abuse, child abuse, they automatically get
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released from california jails with a citation to appear, which flies in the face of anything in my 41 years in law enforcement, has nothing to do with public safety and everything to do with ignoring victims and giving inmates and people that commit crimes a free pass. >> laura: sheriff, i hate to tell you, but that's part of the new normal. people are just getting that new normal that goes away beyond hand washing. sheriff, we wish you the best, and i hope your officers aren't having to do be social distancing enforcement. that is the least of your concerns. thank you so much. and the uss mercy, the navy medical ship that was sent to alleviate hospitals, departed l.a. earlier today. you might remember that this is a ship governor gavin newsom begged president trump to send in order to take pressure off of health systems that was sure to be flooded with covid cases. well, that never happened,
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thankfully. in fact, the mercy has 1,000 beds and only treated a few dozen patience for the two months it sat in l.a. harbor. how much did that cost? we don't know yet, just like we are still in the dark about the bill for sending a different ship, the usns comfort, to new york city. that the ship also has a thousand beds, but only treated 182 patience by the time it left in late april. also had to be refitted because it was going to not take covid patients, then it was like to take covid patients, very complicate it and costly. these ships weren't the only overflow measures taken. remember all of those field hospitals the federal government set up. we've got in the bill for those. according to npr, the army corps of engineers spent $660 million setting up at least 17 field hospitals around the country. some of which were meant to hold thousands of patience. well, in practice, most of these
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facilities didn't treat a single patient. in fact, four months into the covid pandemic, nine of the 17 field hospitals saw no patients at all! the most egregious examples might be the three field hospitals set up just outside of new york city, in stony brook, old westbury, and white plains. alone, those facilities cost more than $320 million to build, and despite being nearly covid-19 epicenter, none of them treated a single patient. the combined capacity of those three hospitals was supposed to be 2,160. even the field hospitals that didn't treat patience only saw trickles. the ones set up at mccormick place in chicago, for instance, was originally meant to hold 3,000 patience. it only treated 37 patients before shutting down.
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it cost of $65.6 billion, though ultimately it is great news, these hospitals never reached capacity, anything close to capacity. so the same time, there should be a lesson here. while the medical experts demand that we take the virus serious seriously, they should have some humility, and perhaps be a little more skeptical of models predicting tidal waves and tidal waves of death. now, why does this matter? millions of americans are struggling just to get by right now. they are fearful they will never have their old lives back. they shouldn't have to worry that the government is shoveling money out the door, wasting it. their tax dollars are at stake. coming up, joe biden basement blunders, and what does raymond think of the space force flag? he is here to tell us. "friday follies" next. i am robert strickler. i've been involved in communications in the media for 45 years. i've been taking prevagen on a regular basis
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and may cause existing parasitic skin infestations or pre-existing cancers to worsen. do not use in breeding, pregnant, or lactating dogs. most common side effects are vomiting and diarrhea. feeling better? i'm speechless. thanks for the apoquel. awww. that's what friends are for. ask your veterinarian for apoquel. next to you, apoquel is a dog's best friend. >> laura: it's friday night, and that means it's time for "friday follies." biden bungalows, reporters a stumble, and grumbles? that's so bad. joining us with all of the details as raymond arroyo, fox news contributor. raymond, we miss you in the studio. i can't believe how long it's been since you've been here, but we are unveiling a new segment tonight. it's called "joe-down blow." what is the latest? >> he is still below. there is no timetable of when he
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might emerge, kind of like the groundhog. last night, he appeared on msnbc with possible vp and waiting, when he spoke of the pandemic, the confusion started. >> put together a pandemic board like we did in world war ii, when president roosevelt put together a board that related to dealing with how we are going to deal with world war ii. we squandered a critical time, and so, i just don't -- and now he's trying to play this china card. i mean, i don't know -- >> he runs out of steam in the middle, i've never seen anything -- >> laura: raymond, i have not seen that until you displayed that. that is terrifying. >> it's tragic is what it is. he is having trouble holding conversations, and at one point last night, he started speaking to a pretaped questionnaire throughout the interview.
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, he's tracking notes, and to my eye, looks like someone is talking into his ear during these interview, laura. i don't know if that is his chief of staff, his communications director, but at those moments, he breaks eye contact, even looked off-camera at one point, and then there are the bizarre attempts to read the teleprompter, clearly scripted. watch. >> there is a thing called cobra. that means the portion that the company that can no longer pay in their share of that health care policy that would be paid fully by the federal government, while this pandemic last. >> now laura, that is with audio and visual cues. this is the embarrassing performances he's coming up with, but i don't know how long the biden campaign can continue this game of telephone in the rest home. at some point, you've got to let him be interviewed one on one by someone. >> laura: all right, raymond, biden got on msnbc, a softball on tara reade, and he messed
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that up. >> if they believed tara reade, they shouldn't vote for me. this is totally, thoroughly, completely out of character, and the idea that any public place, in a hallway, i would assault a woman? i mean, i -- anyway, i promise you, it never happened. >> now laura, that is interesting, because a lot of them need tooer, they are saying we believed tara reade about our supporting joe biden, he gave them permission to abandon him, it's amazing. >> laura: hazards of reporting in the age of corona? >> yeah, there are, corresponds working from home found out the hard way, laura, one california reporter trimmed her bangs and a bathroom mirror on air, and her naked husband was in the shower behind her at the time. talk about a hairy situation. a spanish reporter was on air for a live hit when his nude mistress paraded through the shot. morning tv is particularly
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hard-hit, "good morning america" had a shot so wide that viewers could see the reporter had no pants on. look, he had a jacket on. and i feel bad for cbs morning anchor tony to kubo, they went to him for a live shot and he was caught catching some zs, laura, a 1-year-old at home might do that to you. >> laura: well, that distance learning, raymond, is taxing on parents. at the white house today, the president unveiled a new space force flag. my kids were watching, this was very exciting. they just thought they would see a spacecraft, too, but they didn't. some are grousing about it. everybody is complaining about something these days. they said it looks like a "star trek" logo rip-off? come on. >> well, here's what happened. the government was ripped off years ago by "star trek." they base to their logo on the old nasa logo, the v with the little satellites going around it? so they ripped the government off, now the government is
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ripping them off, but i got to tell, between this logo -- what did he call it today? warp speed vaccine? maybe gene roddenberry needs a posthumous medal of freedom or something, laura. we are doing a lot of borrowing from "star trek" today. for we go, i've got to pick up on the covid report you just had to. >> laura: real quick. >> in new orleans, we had a 1,000 bed facility erected in march at the convention center on the riverfront, cost $165 million, and served only 190 people over the last three months. the louisiana deferment of health tells us there are 17 people there now. i went down there today, there are more cops protecting the place than people inside, you got to rethink these things. the money -- >> laura: your mayor wants to keep it open maybe all the way to mardi gras. make the floats there or something. raymond, will talk to you soon. talk to you monday. coming up, dr. fauci says your
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kids are not ready to go back to school this fall. one of the preeminent pediatricians in the world says that's wrong. he's here to tell us why, next. but we can offer what we have. so from all of us working early mornings on the farm, long days in the plant, or late nights stocking shelves doing all we can to get you the milk you need. we hope it makes your breakfast a little brighter. your snacks more nutritious. and reminds you when it comes to caring, there is no expiration date. milk. love what's real.
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♪ >> even at the top speed we are going, we don't see a vaccine playing in the ability of individuals to get back to school this term. what they really want is to know if they are safe. >> if we keep kids out of school for another year, what's going to happen is the poor and underprivileged kids who don't have a parent able to teach them at home are not going to learn for a full year, and i think we ought to look at the swedish model and our kids get back to school -- i think it is a huge mistake if we don't open the schools in the fall. >> laura: every mother in the country was giving a standing ovation to rand paul for that one. if opening schools is as risky
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as dr. fauci says, why are other hard-hit countries already doing it? italy and spain reopen schools in september, the u.k. began sending some kids back to school june 1st. belgium, which had the worst covid death rate in the world, will begin reopening schools next week. despite this, most u.s. states are keeping school shut down the rest of the academic year, and parents are not even sure if they are going to be going back in the fall. that prospect has a lot of people worried, including me, because i have three kids at home. we know what happens when kids are kept out of school, signed from not learning as well, depression, anxiety, isolation, sometimes drug use, the worst of all domestic violence, and these lockdowns are especially difficult with at risk families and at risk neighborhoods. just listen to the concerns of parents, though, across the country. >> with my son being autistic, a lot of times, there are these things were i can't like, hey, here is math worksheet from your teacher, spend 30 minutes on
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this. have to sit there with him, and we go through -- i probably only worked 15 hours last week at my regular job. >> i try to pick up something they can work on, and eventually i give up and let them play "minecraft." >> a lot of anxiety and refusing to do the work, basically. >> laura: well, one of our nation's most respected pediatricians, dr. dimitri, agrees with rand paul and says kids need to get back to school, now, and he joins me now. doctor, how can so many health officials running our pandemic response be missing out on this huge issue that even european countries seem to get? >> i think part of the problem, laura, it's a complicated problem, right, and it requires a lot of diverse expertise to try to solve it. so personally, i'm an epidemiologist, pediatrician, and a parent. as an epidemiologist, i know a
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few things about this virus. i know first that children, the vast majority of children are very, very low risk, of any serious consequences of this disease. even now with the new reports of systemic inflammatory response, the overwhelming majority of kids will not suffer seriously from this. i know, also, that we don't know how contagious children arm, which is to say we don't yet know how likely they are to pass the virus on to other people. some studies suggest they are less likely to do it and adults, some suggest they are as likely to do it as adults. as a pediatrician, i know that keeping kids out of school is causing enormous harm to them. we know from studies now out of china that depression rates and kids who have been locked down, are up 20 to 30%. we know children in low income families in particular who are being homeschooled and are not getting an adequate education,
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because their parents are working, because they don't have high-speed internet, and those kids are falling further and further behind, and then, as a parent, i know that my children are desperate to get back to their lives, which, for them, entails going to school, or college. those are the perspectives i bring, but there are many other perspectives that have to be taken into account. >> laura: hold on, dr. christakis, i want to bring this up. there is inherent risk in life. i mean, you send your kid off to school, i mean, my boys play really hard on the playground. my youngest is a real -- [laughs] he gets bumps on his head, broken bones, i mean, it's a risky deal, not comparing that to a contagious virus, but at some point, the kid has got to learn, and andrew cuomo says this could be the new normal for education, we have more distance learning. i don't buy it, that the
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distance learning, especially for the younger kids, is a good -- is as good in any way, shape, or form as being with their peers and learning from an adult other than a parent. >> so, two things. first, i think that the analogy to taking your child that your child taking risks that they themselves will suffer the consequences of his different, right? if my child goes skateboarding and suffers an injury, no one else is going to be heard as a result of that. the concern of the contagion is they will pass that risk onto other people. that said, i do agree that the notion that distance learning is the new normal isn't going to work, especially for the youngest children, especially for children with special needs. and i want to point out that the most optimistic estimates, in my opinion, speaking now is a pediatrician, epidemiologist, is that we won't have an effective vaccine for at least two years. at the earliest. and i would also point out that even when we do have a vaccine,
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children should be the last people to be immunized. i say that precisely because they are very low risk at this, which means that the vaccine itself could be more dangerous than getting the disease, so if we are waiting for children to be immunized before they go back to school, we could be looking at two, three, four years, that's an eternity, particularly for young children. >> laura: no, no. >> who cannot meaningfully engage in distance learning. >> laura: dr. christakis, we've got to go. and their parents, then, can't work. most parents can't afford two or three other people to help with their children, so that means the parents can't work, that is the trickle-down effect to all of society. >> absolutely. >> laura: dr. christakis, if it's possible, we'd love to have you on next week, because there's a lot more we want to get to with you, and i know you have a lot to say. but we have to go now, but i'll have you back next week if you can come on, because this is a critical issue. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you very much. >> laura: and coming up, first the left again for your freedom,
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now they want your traditions. a disturbing new development, i'll tell you about it, next.
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speak to the virus has already taken so much from us. victims and so much else, our ability to even honor our heroes, and now the boy scouts won't be allowed to plant flags at veteran cemeteries, why? because it is up to the health experts, we are not going to leave our house again, let alone
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honor our war heroes, this cannot stand. it's time to read proclaim our lives and go back to our friends and family and help the elderly stay safe. hold on to your freedom. shannon bream and "fox news @ night" team take it all from here. ♪ >> shannon: hello, welcome to "fox news @ night." i am shannon bream in washington. we begin with a fox news alert. the acting director of national intelligence making another move tonight to that is not sitting well with democrats. offering bipartisan intel briefing from the run-up to the november election. the latest feud breaking out as the white house says why it has branded the michael flynn on flagging controversy obama gait. and after weeks of protest, the fight for freedom from lockdown has support in michigan


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