tv The Five FOX News May 16, 2020 2:00am-3:00am PDT
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we'll have great time. ♪ that tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. we will see you then. here comes "the five." it's ♪ hello, everybody. i am jesse watters juan williams, dana perino, greg gutfeld, and kennedy. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." president trump keeping up the pressure on former obama officials who unmasked michael flynn. trump now demanding the public seek key documents he says disappeared with speeds meeting with fbi agents in january 2017. people like joe biden are desperate to change the subject. sleepy joe once again changing his story over if he was
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involved in the investigations. >> i was never a part or had any knowledge of any criminal investigation into flynn while i was in office, period. not one single time. >> jesse: biden trying to turn the tables on obamagate with an assist from the media. here's what he said when asked about not pardoning president trump after a hypothetical prosecution. >> absolutely yes. i commit. look, the attorney general of the united states is not the president's lawyer. it's the people's lawyer. it's not something the president is entitled to do, to direct either a prosecution and/or drop a case. that's not the president's role, responsibility, and it's a dereliction of his duty. >> jesse: all right, kennedy. you want to know why i know that they are feeling a little guilty about the unmasking? it's because when this story
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broke a few years ago, they denied it. they said there's no unmasking. susan power says i didn't even do anything. and now they are saying oh, it's repeat. >> kennedy: i think the shame is probably the best thing here. i don't have a problem with citizens of this country knowing what their government is doing behind closed doors. all this was so easily manufactured that everyone should take a moment to really consider what if this kind of power was turned on you and stop lying about it. okay? we don't want this from any administration, but when john brennan comes out and talks about an abuse of power, you have to say what about the power you had as the director of the cia? what about when you are working with the fbi and the dni and org to accept these perjury traps for michael flynn.
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all of that is an abuse of power and then lying about on top of it, that is just offensive. >> jesse: juan, if there was nothing illegal about the phone call between flynn and the russian ambassador, why do you think obama and call me sent fbi officials into the white house? >> juan: you got so much there. my point would be that there were so many people who were alarmed by these intercepts of these conversations without knowing who was on the line. that's why they asked for the unmasking and discovered that it was mike flynn. again, they didn't know. they didn't know who was on it. >> jesse: how do you know that? how do you know they were alarmed by it? >> juan: that is the nature of it. that's the reason that you request permission from the nsa saying on the basis of this content, i'm making a request to
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know -- that's exactly the procedure, jesse. >> jesse: the procedure. it's for knowledge. not if you're alarmed by a phone call. >> juan: for knowledge, exactly right, so you can have some context and understand the extent of the threat to us as an american people. to your larger point, donald trump has yet to explain what this obamagate is about, other than to try to distractible from his failing handling of the pantin pandemicy marino bartiromo asked exactly what crime did obama commit? he went off about peter strzok and lisa page. >> jesse: you haven't been listening to the president. as we have been listening to the president and talking about this obamagate thing on the show, it goes into the dirty dossier that they used and then fabricated the evidence to the judge. goes to the criminal leak of
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mike flynn. the insertion of spies into a campaign. it goes to the set up of mike flynn. all of these things come together and when he says obamagate, you can't just dismiss it as a conspiracy theory. >> dana: i think when the president says you're going to see something new -- sorry, i have a little bit of an echo. the attorney general that's put in a position of i have to deliver on this some way. now he has figured out a way to go to jensen, the u.s. attorney in missouri. his credibility is not at all in question. not at all. so he is the one who makes the recommendation along with career prosecutors that tell barr what they think and then bill barr takes the action that he does
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and that's been very methodical. one thing at that i think is pretty outrageous is that sullivan, the judge, wants to have additional people home outside the case come in and decide whether michael flynn should be charged perjury. that doesn't make any sense. you don't charge perjury through an extrajudicial process. you do it through the prosecutors. the prosecutors is that they want to drop it. that will probably happen sometime next week. joe biden is not able to answer some of these questions for these not completely out there. he was very specific. he said i had no knowledge of the criminal investigation. he didn't talk about any knowledge about our counterintelligence investigation. >> jesse: he was very careful. as you mentioned a couple days ago, it is a sticky situation because if you say i had no idea what was going on, then you are totally clueless and he look like you're out of it but then if you say yeah, i knew that the
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president had i guess at least half a dozen counterintelligence investigations in the trump campaign officials, than that kind of looks bad too. >> greg: when joe claims he has no knowledge, i believe him. 100%. but this scandal is like a joint. it's got obama's fingerprints all over it. and it is so much fun. it reminds me when i was a kid watching big time wrestling in san mateo, california, and all the wrestlers would beat up on pat patterson and then at the end he would come back and he was flipped the script and beat everybody. that's what's happening here with the russian story, the russian narrative, the script has been flipped and now it's the media on their heels. look, what drives me nuts, it's weird to see so many people in the press depressed. they are depressed that a war hero wasn't imprisoned. i would think they would be relieved that such a patriotic
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american hero was found innocent and now can live his life. but the really, really -- they are really, really pissed off that he triumphed against the set up. my original suggestion from two weeks ago, the best thing trump can do is appoint flynn to be head of the fbi. he has earned it and maybe that will clean house. can you imagine what it does to the media? it will be worse for them than the pandemic. >> jesse: as a great idea. i had no idea that trump was just roper doping everyone. up next, trump says america is back as the media trashes red states and gives blue states a total pass on reopening. cancer won't wait. it won't wait for a convenient time or for hospitals to get back to normal again. that's why, at cancer treatment centers of america,
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♪ >> juan: president trump not backing down in his push to reopen the country. this came during an announcement about fast tracking of a vaccine. >> operation warp speed. that means big and fast. its objective is to finished developing an manufacture, distribute a proven coronavirus vaccine as fast as possible. vaccine or no vaccine, we're back and we are starting the process. >> juan: states are seeing a difference in reactions to how they are reopening. let it go criticizing media coverage of how red state governors like florida's ron desantis handled the lockdown. new york's governor andrew cuomo is now facing more scrutiny for his handling of the pandemic after previously receiving high marks.
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dana, as we go into this reopening phase, i have a feeling like we are just in a grand experiment. lives are on the line. what do you think? >> dana: i think it's more than just an experiment. though you could look at, as greg has mentioned, 50 different experiments. i do feel like aside from the extreme like in los angeles, cutting off water to businesses, that's extreme. and then may be revelers in wisconsin, that can be an extreme. the extremes or hijacking the debate. what actually you see is governors are using data to inform their decision such as governor desantis and governor kemp. one, they would be responsible for the consequences of their decision but they have based it on data. people have been fairly responsible, and they are seeing their numbers continue to come down and they are recognizing that they're going to have to help their businesses have to figure out a way to reopen safely and responsibly. the other thing is the
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government cannot be your parent. the government can't do everything for you. we are responsible citizens. we are responsible adults. we are blessed to live in a free country, and the government has to trust us that we will make the decision for ourselves. there might be extremes. but that's not the vast majority of what's happening. i would also say say a prayer for some of these local officials who have to make some really tough decisions. talk to the mayor of point pleasant beach today, he was on "the daily briefing" talked about how they are going to reopen beaches. it's not going to be easy to tell people that if they are in a line, they're going to have to wear a mask if they are at the beach. they're going to have to have patrols. they are trying to do with care. we should understand and try to give them room to do what they need to do so we can reopening get the country moving again. >> juan: yap. greg coming to this idea, dan is talking about beaches. the weather is getting better. there's going to be more people outside, and i think if people are outside giving a social
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distance, i think there's a better shot at avoiding trouble than when we are indoors kind of huddled with the virus around. what do you think? >> greg: i have always felt that way and i have said it many times. the first suggestion about this virus is that it was spread indoors. it's an indoor sickness. i think it's a really smart idea to get people outside as the weather gets warmer. as for people who continue to accuse others of murder when they want to go outside and feed their families, flipped the script. when they accuse you of wanting death, say to them, well, you want more spousal abuse. domestic violence has been surging as these restrictions linger, right? so if they say you want people to die, well, you want spouses to get beaten up. i'll be absurd. but it's analogous. that's what the media is doing to people who just want to get
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back to work. you've got to flip it on them. piece of advice from greg. >> juan: we appreciate it. thank you. kennedy, i'm wondering what's practical? what can we really do until the summer camps and the schools get reopened? i know you have kids, so just wanted to hear your thoughts on how extensive can any reopening be if the kids have nowhere to go? >> kennedy: it's true, there's so much pressure on parents right now not only are we in charge of schooling and education and curriculum and being taskmasters and making sure everything is turned in on time and everyone is attending their resume meetings. you also to keep your kids physically active and at the very big challenge. the one nice thing is it is bringing people together and sort of reinvent buying what physical fitness means and getting outside and walking together properly socially distanced, i think that's a great thing and it leaves it up
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to families, what are we comfortable doing? to dana's point, yes, it's a laboratory of democracy and everything is going to open differently, just like every person is going to come back from an era very differently but also every business and every parent has to think for themselves what is the best way to keep my family safe while still functioning. took greg's point, it is a false dichotomy. it's not open up the states and people die or stay at home and the economy craters long-term. there has to be something in the middle and we have to be trusted as individuals to thread the needle. >> juan: i think that's a good point. jesse, let's come to the immediate angle. you saw politico critical of the american media for having previously been so critical of florida's ron desantis, the governor. when he was leaving the beaches open and the like.
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the reality is now we don't see any large-scale outbreaks in florida. on the other hand, very high praise for lots of republican governors. i am thinking of governor dewine of ohio, hogan and maryland, baker and massachusetts. is it fair to say the media has been unfair to republican governors? >> jesse: yeah, like, what does desantis need to do? cuomo is god and this guy botched it, and people are dead in nursing homes and it's getting worse. they did this all over the northeast. pennsylvania did the same thing. now there's a huge scandal because the pennsylvania health director withdrew her own mother from a nursing home while she forced other sick people to go into the nursing homes. now thousands of people have been killed. if the media had reported these things early on, every other governor in the country could've looked at that and said you know what, maybe we shouldn't be
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doing that. but they cover it up and they focus on red states like georgia, florida. >> juan: here is the presiden president. >> president trump: i think there will be successful meetings. we are getting a lot of gear out, a lot of gowns out, protective equipment. the governors have all been very think full. we received a lot of calls today from governors. they are very thankful at the job you're doing. that's good. you have any questions? >> reporter: [indistinct question] >> president trump: a lot of discussions going on at camp david. some military and some other than military. we will probably report back on it on monday. >> reporter: [indistinct question] >> president trump: i don't want to talk to them right now. we'll see what happens over the next little while. they are buying a lot of our
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materials. they are spending a lot on the trade deal, but the radio, i don't know. somehow i lost a little flavor for it, go ahead. we are sending a lot of ventilators to india. i spoke to prime minister modi and we are sending quite a few ventilators to india. we have a tremendous supply ventilators. go ahead. >> reporter: [indistinct question] >> president trump: say it. >> reporter: [indistinct question] >> president trump: i haven't seen it. go ahead. we are looking at that. we are making a lot of progress on vaccines. we will be speaking to you very soon, and i think we are going to have a very good couple of meetings at camp david. thank you. >> reporter:
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[indistinct question] >> juan: that was president trump on the south lawn of the white house. he was talking to reporters in advance of his departure for camp david this weekend. coming up, joe biden making new gaffes while questions mount over whether he is too comfortable campaigning from his basement. that is for you next on "the five." i jujujujuju this is an athlete, twenty reps deep, sprinting past every leak in our softest, smoothest fabric. she's confident, protected, her strength respected. depend. the only thing stronger than us, is you. ...little things... ...can become your big moment. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression.
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♪ >> dana: joe biden have been doing fairly well in many polls but is he to complement campaigning from his basement? the presumptive democratic nominee making another gaffe by mixing of jobs data with coronavirus deaths. >> we are in the middle of a pandemic that cost us more than 85,000 jobs as of today. lives, billions of people. millions of jobs.
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>> dana: biden raising some eyebrows with what he was saying to potential voters concerned about the tara reade allegation. >> i think they should vote their heart to that they believed tara reade, they probably shouldn't vote for me. i wouldn't vote for me if i believed tara reade tara reade. the fact is, look at terry reed's story, changes considerably. -- tara reade's story. >> dana: kennedy, the democrats, if you remember during the kavanaugh hearings and the me too movement when it was at its height, the mantra was to believe all women. now joe biden is basically saying if you believe her, don't vote for me. it's not showing that he's not going to answer in any other way? he is saying this absolutely did not happen? he is not cracking on any of that. >> kennedy: he was saying he doesn't believe her therefore she must belong then i wish someone would pose that question to him. do you think tara reade is lying?
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because what he's doing here is essentially victim shaming. it's a gross perversion of the mutually accepted rules of me too, particularly when they were applied to the kavanaugh hearings. i don't think he has answered this very well. as far as joe biden campaigning from his basement i think he's using a coronavirus to get out of the bait in the debates are going to be critical. we have to see spontaneous moments to make sure the person is going to lead the free world can do so and respond to bulbs and intellectual challenges. so far, joe biden has really been protected from that. >> dana: and he's doing these interviews pretty much with fairly friendly reporters, greg. he has that gaffe, the mess up at the beginning, mixing up the deaths versus the jobs numbers. i'm not sure how he gets better at any of this before he would have to face president trump in
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a debate before the election. >> greg: the way he gets better as not being seen. the only candidate in history where the strategy is less is more. imagine where advertising is a bad idea. research shows the more people who learn about our cod liver yogurt, the more people hate it. that is joe biden. that's why he's in the basement light granny in "evil dead 2." it's ironic that what's threatening the american public is what's offering immunity to job it living in a pandemic, even if there is no professional baseball, he still going to try to get to second base. >> dana: you know, greg says, jesse, that biden is benefiting from less is more. trump is trying more is more. he is everywhere, firing on all cylinders, doing everything he possibly can, talking to reporters six times today.
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the contrast is striking. >> jesse: trump has what it takes. biden just doesn't have what it takes. he doesn't believe in himself. if you listen to his answers, he's not even fighting for the votes. he is like, if you don't believe me, vote for trump. what do i care? he used end's speeches, you know, check me out. if you don't like it, vote for the other guy. there's no confidence that biden possesses. that's because he knows deep down he's not qualified to be the president. he's never been a leader. he doesn't have command of the subject matter. he's just not articulate enough to be the leader of the free world. we have had such beautifully articulate presidents in my entire lifetime. they mesmerize you. they bring you in. you can't stop listening to them talk.
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biden, you can't wait till it's over. he's going to have a tall mountain to climb because sooner or later, this pandemic is going to end and he's going to have to get out there. >> dana: yeah. presidents, i've understood presidential candidates need to show fire in the belly. do we have an amber in the belly here in the biden campaign? >> juan: i thought he was pretty strong. talking about the tara reade statement. i think that was a fiery statement, very clear statement that he didn't do it. he is denying it in the most uncompromising terms. if you think she's telling the truth, go for it. but i'm telling you it didn't happen. how you can be any more clear than that. so yes, i think there is fire in the belly. i think he's been strong on that point. he has denied it over and over. the reporting that has come out since box, i saw today at peace
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by pbs, nobody is backing up the claim, the allegation. so we will see where it goes. on the gaffe thing, i don't think it was biden. hang on. i don't think it was biden who said that his father was born in germany. i think that was donald trump. i don't think it was biden who said oh, yeah, george washington capture the airports during the revolutionary war. i think that was donald trump. so i wonder where is this coming from? >> dana: i worked for a president that had a few gaffes too. wasn't considered someone who couldn't answer basic questions. the fastest seven is up next. i have moderate to severe pnow, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are getting clearer, yeah i feel free ♪
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♪ >> kennedy: welcome back. it's time for the fastest seven. first up, a shocking prank on the new york city subway during the middle of a pandemic igniting a major backlash. watch. >> i accidentally dropped a whole tub of cereal on the subway. i was like oh, my god, the worst day of my life. not my fruity pebbles. i cannot believe this is happening. we can't believe this is happening again. >> kennedy: what a jerk. greg. doesn't doesn't violate one of the basic rules of pranksterrism and social media and that it has to be funny? >> greg: we are arresting people and admonishing people for violating certain restrictions during probably the most devastating time in this country and this guy is not in jail? i hereby would like to suggest a
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lot of the people that have to clean up this mess, all the hard workers who are already going through a lot of hell, they should be allowed to beat the crap out of this guy at any time. if i was on that subway, i don't know what i would have done. >> kennedy: is a very dangerous thing to do. don't you think you should be forced to clean the train with his tongue? >> greg: [laughs] >> dana: yes. >> juan: i like it. [laughs] i am glad i'm not your kid, kennedy. that is pretty strong. i agree with greg. this guy, someone's going to have to clean this mess up and it puts are essential workers at greater risk in the course of this pandemic. for a social media prank? i think this guy is low class. really not considerate of other people. >> kennedy: now! i mean, come on. to greg's point, i'm surprised
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he is survived. dana, this is what happens when you live your life trying to get liked. if they gave out phds from watching tiktok videos, my girls would be doctors. is there a deleterious effect here? >> dana: i agree he should have had to clean it up. i also admired the restraint of the fellow passengers who no doubt had to of been through some crap during the day. if i had been on the train, i seriously think i would've kicked him in the you know what you know where you can get a lot of attention, you can get attention by doing really great things. look at media, we are looking to cover stories, like the america together program. all of it is a great way to get attention. this was disgusting and i hope every person that he ever wants to date will find this first when they look him up on social media. >> kennedy: jesse, i'm going to come to you first on the next
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one. the pandemic is highlighting some age-old gender differences according to a survey. men are less likely than women to wear face masks because see it as a sign of weakness. never mind the fact that men are far more vulnerable to the virus. jesse, doesn't it make you manly to wear a mask? >> jesse: we are more vulnerable to the virus? i didn't know that. i better start wearing a mask. i didn't wear a mask at first just because i didn't think i needed to and then they started mandating it. so i rock the mask. i think guys would rock a mask if they had a good one. a lot of guys have dopey ones, they look like they're in the hospital. no. you have to get a cool one. or st gator -- ski gator so you look like a bandit. there's ways to do it. you just don't know what you're doing.
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see high thank you for mansplaining that. glad, you are also a man. one of the bad side effects of this mask forcing, people going out, they lived to go outside and yell at people who aren't wearing masks. >> greg: it's changed. people made fun of you for wearing masks. now they look stupid because masks actually are important. there's new research that says it can reduce the transmission of the disease by 80%. we were lied to about the masks early on because they didn't have enough masks. i just want to address the survey. it's an online survey. the opposite of science. this is clickbait to get on tv. the easiest way to get on tv is to do a story on gender differences. the key is that has to be critical of men. he cannot do a gender different story that's critical of women. it will never get on.
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you know that. everybody knows that. >> jesse: we do it on "watters world." [laughter] >> kennedy: doesn't show that women are in fact superior, we are able to overcome the virus in ways that men just aren't. >> dana: it's not natural for americans to wear a mask. it's not a cultural thing that we do. we actually share experiences with each other through smiles. it makes it hard, but i think peter looks pretty good in his mask. i think he looks attractive. if women want men to wear a mask, just start saying that they look hot. >> kennedy: even if the nfl doesn't have fans at games this season, especially early on, you can still hear the crowd roar. fox ports considering adding artificial crowd noise to tv broadcasts and even include virtual fans. i am all form of this idea. anything that brings sparks back. i don't care.
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i love a korean baseball, don't get me wrong but i need some straight up american football in my veins. are you pleasantly surprised at the thought of crowd holograms? >> juan: yeah, it doesn't matter to me. are you kidding? i'm in front of my tv. bring it on. play a game. as far as the crowd, i wasn't watching the crowd that much anyway. it's background noise. if they can insert something, fine. what's real and what counts is the game. >> kennedy: jesse, should they get even more creative in his shirt collar noises and barnyard noises? things we hear during world cup soccer? >> jesse: i don't think you want soccer noises during a football game. it's like a laugh track in a sitcom. half the time i don't know when to laugh until i hear the laugh
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track and that i know it's funny. it's like people don't even know what they're watching a football games once the crowd roars, they get into it. >> kennedy: i think it's great. any other creative suggestions, greg, to bring sports back sooner? obviously you might have to sequester teams. there are some big potential insurmountable challenges. what else could he do to satisfy our sports need? >> greg: just kick it off, that's what i say. i'm all for it. i think fox is doing a great job! that's all i've got to say. >> kennedy: all right, guess what's up next. it's friday. that means there is a need for alliteration. fan mail friday is coming up. open road and telling people e that liberty mutual customizes your insurance, so you only pay for what you need!
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the smartest person in my life, i would have to say my mom. she is incredibly intuitive. she has a couple advanced degrees. she is intellectual. she also has an amazing gift to get people to open up to her, like no one else and i think that's very smart. once you pollute plea abilities, the new rule the universe -- once you put people at ease, you rule the universe. >> greg: jesse. >> jesse: i'm going to go with my agent. he signed me and he must've known. brilliant man. great advice. keeps me out of trouble. very, very intelligent. >> greg: a juan, you can't say the same thing. >> juan: no. i was going to say greg. i can't say the same thing. all right. i guess i would say, you know, this is not question.
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i think there are people with emotional intelligence who know how to handle people and get along with people and relate. and then i think there are some people that are just book smart. i see this in my grandkids. my grandson is smart. unbelievably. but his sisters, they really can read people and play people and manipulate. they are something. different kinds of intelligence. >> dana: manipulate. peter, my husband, by far. unbelievable. >> greg: okay. i was waiting for jesse. i said person. i agree, i have to say my wife. in the last two months now, i learned more about her because now we are together 24/7. she is way smarter than me, that's for sure. all right, do we have time for one more? first trip you took without your
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parents. dana. it involved a biplane, didn't it? >> dana: the one to el paso? that was not good. that was not good. yeah, i think so. i didn't go anyplace exciting without my parents. yeah, okay, el paso. it was illegal and i saw things i shouldn't of seen and i'll never do it again. >> jesse: i went to puerto rico one time without my parents, and that was a big, big mistake. >> greg: juan. >> juan: [laughs] you know, i don't know how to answer that. i remember hitchhiking in upstate new york. that clearly was not with my parents. got into a big fight and stuff. but yeah, i think there were some trips without parents from a very young age. >> greg: kennedy. >> kennedy: well, they dropped me off on a cruise ship that i didn't see them for three years. no, it was a fifth grade class
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trip to seattle. we saw the space needle and ate at the restaurant that spun around and have three little burgers on three little buns. take that, dad. >> greg: i went to santa cruz. i broke into a nude beach by climbing. then i got caught and the security at the nude beach forced me to clean up the entire beach with my clothes on. beach with my clothes on. "one more thing" is up next. they're our neighbors. and they're our friends. they're our parents... our brothers and sisters. and our children. but now, they are more than that. they are forever our heroes, too. at prudential, we're fortunate to know and serve them. and we're grateful to the heroic men and women working on the front line to move our nation forward. to all the heroes, we thank you.
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introducing ore-ida potato pay. where ore-ida golden crinkles are your crispy currency to pay for bites of this... ...with this. when kids won't eat dinner, potato pay them to. ore-ida. win at mealtime. potato pay them to. straight from the world's best plant scientists, comes miracle-gro performance organics. organic plant food and soil that finally work... for twice the bounty. guaranteed. miracle-gro performance organics. ♪ >> jesse: time now for "one more thing." tomorrow night fox was going to be airing a special. it's called "graduate together: america honors the high school class of 2020" produced by lebron james. actually it airs at 8:00. i am being preempted by lebron james.
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that's fine. "watters world" is on at 7:00. you can also see it again at 11:00 after greg, just to warn everybody. we have mark levin, laura ingraham. you're going to love it. check it out. dana perino is next. >> dana: here's something you can love. love. i don't know if you follow andrew caught her on twitter but you should. he is a sports commentator. hasn't had work to do lately but he spending his time making all of us entertain. here he is having a zoom call that he wanted to show you. >> 913. if you're going to do that, could you switch off the video function so we don't have to see it? >> dana: check them out, he has all sorts of things he's done. commentating on everyday life. zero squirrels.
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you can find them at andrew cotter. >> greg: tomorrow night at 10:00 p.m. i have a gangbusters of a show, brand-new. charlie hurt, john rich kat timpf, cyrus. now let us do this. ♪ animals are great! ♪ animals are great! ♪ animals are great! during these times of a pandemic, it's always good to help each other out like these little rascals. couldn't get the stick over, didn't know what to do. his friend came over and helped him push it through that's the way it's going to be. americans helping americans. follow this example. get a stick. >> jesse: it's what it's like on "the five" sometimes. give the cohost a little bit of a helping hand and there they
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go. juan williams, europe. >> juan: well, jesse. nothing i can say can match this video so take a look. take a look at this. yeah, those are goats. 200 of them. they escaped after an electric fence got knocked down. the goats roamed the streets of san jose eating local plants and leaving behind a lot of droppings. how often do you get to see a goat parade? it looks like they broke out of quarantine. [laughter] >> jesse: they need a higher fence. kennedy, finish it up. >> kennedy: all right. new zealand has emerge from their locked down and the mayor of queenstown on the south island did this. he went bungee jumping from the suspension bridge. limited liability laws in new zealand so you can do stuff like this and not get sued.
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this like eric garcetti in l.a. going to a movie. it's run-of-the-mill for keyways. >> jesse: i ♪ >> i just want to make something clear. it's very important. vaccine or no vaccine, we are back and we are starting the process. pete: we are back and so is "fox & friends" on this saturday morning edition. welcome. president trump unveiling operation warp speed to fast track a covid-19 vaccine as he reassures americans the u.s. will make a come back with or without a cure. griff: on capitol hill house democrats barely passing their $3 trillion stimulus buy by just 9 vote: 14 splitting with the republicans to pass the bill.
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