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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 18, 2020 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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family with a woman killed in may by a man who was supposed to be imprisoned until august, sean. spent all right, unbelievable. that is all the time we have left. set your dvr and never miss an episode., let not your heart be troubled, laura ingraham, happy monday. >> happy monday, sean, and working out, zero cash bail working out beautifully. all of these people being released and being arrested for fairly serious crimes and this is a sneak peek into the utopia created on the tables of covid to. >> sean: now they will want red state citizens to pay off their contentions. >> laura: i was cheering you. i was cheering you that you did that. why should georgia be on the hook for new york? new york wants to stay home, that is fine and continue this that is fine.
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but why should georgia and florida and texas have to pay for that? >> sean: my advice, don't allow your senator or congressman to do that. mick. >> laura: sean, fantastic show tonight. i was cheering you when i was getting my makeup done. you take care. laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle" from washington. we have a good show for you tonight. we take aim at the medical establishment. now some of the top journalist in organizations with progressive causes. why did the nih with trails of the treatment that the president of the united states admitted to taking? my medicine cabinet will break it all down. joe biden with a weakened and groundbreaking social distancing techniques. raymond arroyo has it all in "seen and unseen," but first, what is really essential? that is the focus of tonight's "angle." after almost two months now of
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lockdown from america is finally reopening. golf, nascar. they were on television this weekend and most states are in the process of dismantling their restrictions. >> getting to the beach and for a lot of families, getting back to normal which is great. >> it is a sign of hope and light at the end of the tunnel. >> we are appreciative that the judge, once again reinstated the first amendment rights with a biblical command to do it. >> don't feel comfortable, don't go out, but i will say this, i think it is great to see things opening back up. it is going to be wonderful for the country. the one if you don't feel comfortable stay home. that's what a lot of people are saying but this is an exercise in basic freedom and it was met with babylonian response of outrage from the usual lockdown lackey. >> they were still a great deal of trepidation and uncertainty about where all of this is headed. we are in a precarious situation right now.
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>> experts warn too much too soon. >> what i think you should take from it is that we are, in fact flaming the fire here. >> second waves are persistent and real. >> laura: of course blue state such as washington, michigan, california, and illinois are slow walking there reopening. but it is hard to see and watch what is happening around you. it is hard to see it lasting much longer. while the virus took a devastating toll on the country, hospitalizations coast to coast have either declined or leveled off. that is good news. and also promising vaccine news also came out today from moderna. wall street reacted well with the dow jones jumping four percentage points. more good news. of course we hope and pray the reopening does go well. but now that we have moved past the immediate hospital crisis, it is time we think hard about what the state leaders have done in the name of safety.
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now from the outset without the involvement of state legislatures, governors told us what was and what was not essential. certainly the central businesses could remain open. liquor stores, pot dispensaries come abortion facilities, pet and garden stores become stores comedy central. churches, jams, schools, basketball, tennis courts, playgrounds, nonessential. so what criteria were used? for many people of faith, communal surface is essential and arguably for them the most essential thing in their lives. and while i'm really glad i could buy mountain bike for my son a few weeks ago, why are those shops open the outdoor exercise classes not allowed? so we see this as a all subjective, self subjective in the end and driven usually by unaccountable technocrats, but it has profound consequences for our lives. only now, we know how screwed up
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imperial college projections were. we talked about that i believe early april but now everybody understands it. no wonder the chief modeler neil ferguson wouldn't share his computer code within the one that he used to drive those projections. now that we serve the carnage, human and economic, we should take stock of what really is essential. number one, better experts. it is time to clear out the cobwebs. why are people who screwed up so badly in the past still in the public and private sector and they keep getting it wrong, and staying in their jobs, why? number two civil liberties from obviously essential freedom to associate. freedom to worship, freedom of speech, freedom to disagree with the prevailing winds. these rights are innately a
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bowl. they can only be a bridge for a narrowly tailored purpose, not indefinitely. >> i'm here because we all deserve freedom. we've done everything we've been asked to do and enough is enough. i think americans need to realize the freedoms are being taken away, and if they don't stand up for them right now, there won't be any freedom to stand up for it. >> laura: these rights are arguably more during the crisis right now during the good times. i remember when liberals used to believe this. now the american civil liberties union, well, it seems only to defend illegal immigrants and abortion rights or persons perhaps, but these things that we have been deprived of these last few months we don't hear from the aclu. number three, teaching the constitution is essential. how many today really know what it says, what it means? why it even matters and why does
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declaration matter? these documents ultimately protect us from a government drunk on its own power. one that ends up subjugating its own people for their own bottom line or their own status or their own good. number four, a prosperous economy is essential. that means not just for the elites at the top, but for the middle class and entry-level workers as well. >> we are not getting paid. >> to pay my bills. >> my wife is a small business owner as well. we actually had to close the doors there so that crippled us. >> laura: democrats answer a socialism peer that will only bring misery. we have seen out across the globe over the decades in the last century we have seen it. a growing economy means a healthy america across the board. number 5, ending social media censorship is essential.
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if something or someone doesn't comport with the w.h.o. guidelines on covid-19, guess what? if you put that in a video, your post that may be evidence, it will be pulled down. >> anything that would go against world health organization or a violation so remove is another important part of our policy. >> laura: unbelievable. in a moment you will hear from my next guest a victim of such censorship a renowned epidemiologist and biostatistician. number six, science that isn't infected by money or politics is essential. from climate change to covid-19, we have seen far too many members of the permanent medical establishment. may be compromised or at least the appearance of being compromised by ties to big pharma or maybe even their own political proclivities. that has to end. that has to end in order for
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more americans to trust new vaccines, other treatments or even their point of view on issues. and number seven, you come at the american people, you are essential. your voices, your hard work, your devotion to family, to your faith to play by the rules. this is your government. they work for you. never let them forget that. i have always had more good sense to most of the so-called experts out there who want to order you around and enjoy it. keep punching back. keep questioning. don't be afraid. you have a president who wants you to be healthy. who want you to be prosperous, but most of all, who want you to be free. because without freedom, the rest really doesn't matter all that much. and that is "the ankle." my my next guest has has been silenced as a result.
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former head of epidemiology and research to find at rockefeller university. he recently posted a video questioning the effectiveness of widespread lockdown. after unmasking 1.5 million views, he said youtube inc. tip for violating the terms we mentioned in "the ankle." doctor, why do you think there is so much pushback to your line of thinking? >> because i think so many people have invested so much of their ego. and so they have a problem to acknowledging that maybe it was a little bit too much. >> laura: when you think about this, doctor, there are a lot of reputations come a lot of money, a lot of status that is tied to a particular way of thinking but a friend of mine said all great medical discoveries has come for
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someone kind of bucking the trend, whether research or just thinking about proper responses. is that a decent point? >> yes, i think it is. and what we see here is that so many people are directly or indirectly depending on money from the government. and this in itself is restricting freedom of speech. >> does that mean pharma money that goes to universities for research? does that mean a drug company giving money to research that is affiliated with nih or cdc? is that what you're talking about? >> i think it is more of the nih itself. and the companies usually don't care. but the nih does. so i think for instance, irreparably coming from the nih.
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then you tend to be a little bit more careful in whatever you s say. >> laura: dr. john of johns hopkins university is defending the lockdown, professor, watch. >> lockdowns were necessary. they actually have change the course of the epidemic in the united states. we have the largest epidemic in the world have five times as many cases as any other part of the world. and you can see over time the curve is moving the right direction. we need to get control of this epidemic in the country and they'll reset. >> laura: doctor, did the lockdowns really, in your view change the course of this virus and what it was going to do anyway? >> no, not at all. what we see in europe is among other different countries, the exception where it took a little bit longer for the virus to get. although countries in -- europe weather restricted the freedom of the people, when they did it
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and when they released it. and so some released it earlier in denmark and germany. but there is no rebound, so there is no evidence that the shutdown actually had any effect. >> laura: you are very adamant, i believe about children in schools. and why the data didn't indicate that they should be pulled out of schools. tell us about that. >> i think what should have been done very early on, and that was the end of february when the first step in the united states seem to happen in nursing homes and seattle. but what should happen at that point in time are nursing homes should be isolated. but the school should be kept open. what happened is, the nursing homes were kept open and schools were closed. from the perspective of epidemiologist, that does not
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make sense because children, the more children that get infected, the more it is for the elderly to take them out of the nursing homes. >> laura: dr. one final questions really quickly, sars had a six month arc and then it was gone. dr. fauci said there is no way it will do that in the case of this virus. is that the case in your estimation and if so, why? >> respiratory disease epidemics and this is just one of those, they come in last about two weeks, they peaked for about two weeks. and so lasted a bit longer and smaller countries. but after three, four, five weeks, the whole thing is over. we have immunity and we don't have to think about it anymore.
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>> laura: dr. wittkowski come i hope you keep speaking out. i think it is so essential and thank you so much for joining us exclusively tonight. >> you are welcome. >> laura: florida, georgia and texas have been open for weeks now. and so are the dire predictions of both experts experts media megaphones have come true. texas daily hospitalizations are down 18% after peaking on may 5th over the past two weeks. florida has reported 65% decline in the number of daily dose. last week georgia reported all-time low numbers for critical care hospitalization and venue. despite this good news, the public is so shell-shocked from all the dire predictions are staying home. in fact data from the reservation site opentable reveals that alanna volume restaurants down 60% and people are terrified of. bernie marcus, home depot cofounder and bernie a member of the white house reopening task force how do you come back
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with the media narratives that are keeping people afraid, so afraid of leaving their home still? >> welcome i think the media has done a wonderful job of frightening america. the truth of the matter is, what governor desantis did and the governor did in georgia is a example of speaking of understanding that people need to get back, need to get out of the house and start businesses again and needed to go to work again, but the bureaucrats all over the country still have the blue states as you know are still closed and god knows when they will open. people up there are struggling. in this desperation time for many of them. >> laura: and bernie, reading stories about the summer tourism, a lifeblood of so many communities across the country. they are not seen reservations come back yet. and that means they will not
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have their income for the summer, which sustains them for the whole year. that is terrifying. >> well, it is, and laura, the message you are getting through is so important to getting your message through to the american people. my age bracket is really the problem. if we take care of my age bracket at 70 or above, i think we can end a lot of the problems out there. people 70 or above have to be so careful because you are compromised in many different ways. but you know, we are only a small portion of the population. we are closing down everybody in addition to the school kids. it doesn't make any sense. and dr. wittkowski is absolutely 100% right. remember this, that a lot of these rules are made by bureaucrats, government employees, people who get paid no matter what happens. but the poor guy out there who works for a living who gets paid
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hourly, he's got to struggle. money doesn't come in if a governor decides he wants to close the state, he still gets paid. his family still eats, but the people who work with him, i'm sorry to tell you, i don't have the same situation. it is pretty sad. >> laura: bernie, a troubling headline from cnbc, one-third will not reopen. 55% will not rehire the same workers. that is according to a new facebook survey. what can we do about this now? what can president trump do more than he's already trying to do? pretty much nobody out there other than you and a few bold ceos are out there fighting for the everyday worker? the small businesses, that is america, small business of america. >> that is what job creators network is doing. actually i started at about 12 years ago representing small businesses. you know, laura, businesses at
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100% less people, 100% less people working for them represent about 15% of the workforce in america today. now, these people, unfortunately are not being hope to much by the ppp. what is happened, number 1, a delay, number two kokomo employees didn't come back. 75% of the money that came out of this program is for employees only 25% to pay the rent. now if you are a restaurant and running 25% capacity, you are paying a full grant. your paying utilities, insurance, air-conditioning, everything else. and nobody is coming in and their employees are not there. you don't need 100% employees. so what we are trying to do is change the program, perhaps number four coming down that they will make provisions that the number 1 this thing will go
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longer, maybe five year payout for businesses and that may be part of that 75% could be used to pay the expenses of businesses and they will not survive. if they don't survive, the economy and this country will not survive either. >> laura: no, bernie, i could not give you a more thumbs up. we have to be watching for the commercial real estate too. i'm keeping my eyes on that because if we see faltering in commercial real estate, all bets are off. bernie, thank you for speaking for small businesses. i come from a family of small business owners. and thank you for what you are doing and the job creators network. we really appreciate it. >> thank you. >> laura: coming up from a prominent medical journal taking a major swipe at president trump. what does that tell us? do you think it is about the science and why is the media freaking out about the president taking hydroxychloroquine? my medicine cabinet has it all next.
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♪ >> laura: over the weekend, a big deal medical journey with this op-ed. and not from treatment but rather attacking the president. here's what they said to come americans must go to the president and the white house come january 2021 and public health should not be guarded by -- guided by politics. in the centers for disease control to lash out at trump for not providing enough support. so why would a liberal medical journal like lancet speak out on behalf of the cdc? perhaps they share similar progressive goals. real clear investigation notes that today's cdc budget is more than $8 billion or 200% larger than it was 20 years ago. of that less than 10% goes towards fighting infectious diseases. and remember they are the centers for disease control so
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what do they spend their money on? trans gender, beauty pageant same, stars. and they have put money in issues like bowling, workplace wellness, and they funded a used conference with pro-abortion groups and of course most pretensions, gun violence, and in it instead of these projects, maybe they should be better prepared to face down a pandemic. joining me now is the cardiologist's ceo of cardiology and dr. lozano, owner of the medical center in texas treating her patients with hydroxychloroquine. doctor, let's go to you first. does all of that fall under the cdc? >> i suppose it most. the house appropriations committee keeps giving the money. but i think the pandemic is a stress test, ones that the cdc failed and i think resting on the laurel since 1950s.
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and we have been giving them money. i think that is something that has got to change. >> laura: dr. lozano, when people hear the lancets, like the job, the journal of medicine or whatever it is, but that is the big publications. when the lancet criticizes trump, what shall be think? >> we can accept the medical journal has gone political, and so we cannot justify their work as a legitimate research. >> laura: dr. lozano, quickly to you before i go back to the other doctor, the president said today that he is using a particular drug as a prophylactic against hydroxy. this is what he said. >> i'm taking hydroxychloroquine. >> i was waiting to see your eyes light up when i said this, when i announce the spirit have been taking it for about a week and i have. >> every day? >> at some point -- every day i
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take a pill every day. >> dr. lozano, people on television, news anchors are freaking out about this. what about this should we, the american people should know, is that irresponsible to be taking hydroxychloroquine, and why do they care? >> i think the people of the united states need to know they have a brilliant president of the united states and that he wants to keep himself safe and healthy so he can guide us through this pandemic. he's done an incredible job. he is saving thousands and thousands of lives and i commend him for coming out publicly and sharing with his people that he is taking this drug and it is completely safe and that doctors need to prescribe it immediately. >> laura: i know they are taking it, dr. and places like turkey which made it free of charge to everyone, australia and this pushback and conflicting studies for sure but
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taken early or moderate point of the disease or prophylactic is being seen with some benefits so far but the studies are still coming in. nancy pelosi said this about the president's decision. watch. >> are president and i would rather you not be taking something that has not been approved by the scientists, especially in his age group and in his, shall we say weight group, morbidly obese as they say. >> laura: and it looked like anderson was smiling there. dr. oskoui since pelosi does not listen to the facts, can you spell it out and is he okay to take it as a prophylactic? >> i think the drug is clearly say. looking the impact insert, the brand hydroxychloroquine there is no cardiac monitoring prescribe the mics prescribed by the fda. it's been used for decades safe with no cardiac monitoring. with the few studies you have seen and that are sloppily done
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where they don't control for electrolytes and other antivirals, the critical aspect here is it is very reasonable. in india for there is a protocol of using prophylactics, this is pro-for last six in health care workers. it is being studied in spain for that reason. there's a lot of good reason to think this drug works with coronavirus back and 2005 to data in the last six months and so i think if i had problems with covid-19 and that air-conditioning of the white house like he did ten days ago, according to dr. carson, it would probably take it too prophylactically. >> laura: the establishment went crazy over this announcement. watch. >> i'm not aware of evidence-based that would indicate it is effective for this indication. >> there is no evidence that tells us that taking hydroxychloroquine is either safe or effective. >> he shouldn't be taking it. right now to be clear, no
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evidence to treat this disease. >> laura: dr. lozano, what do you know from prescribing it that these doctors don't? >> well i'm not sure if they are seeing patients or high up on the scale of the bureaucracy. so i would tell them to come over to my office and i will show you what it does. so i believe this drug is life-changing. it is incredible how quickly it works. i think we should look at turkey. they are making it available to everyone. i feel like the problems with cdc, a pharmacist refused to give my patient this medication which i even mention to her, the president of the united states is taking. and so, in executive order with this mandate by the pharmacy board and all patients that have
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this medication given to them by the position can obtain it without any difficulty. >> laura: dr. oskoui, my concern is people should be monitored and i know you monitor all your patience and most of you do, but i think people aren't getting it when perhaps and i said perhaps, it could actually benefit them and it is very safe. again, be under observation. >> i think that is exactly correct. her experience as my experience. the problem is a lot of these major medical centers are trying to force patients in the clinical trials which they have to make huge amounts of money on. hydroxychloroquine has out him data that is very favorable in france, italy, and china. there is a reason why several countries have compensated the entire national stock. france did this late march. so i think we shouldn't have pharmacists or doctors that have a secondary gain blocking
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positions from working with a patient/doctor relationship as we have done for decades. >> laura: dr. oskoui, dr. lozano, george washington hospital group or hospital has put out a warning about hydroxychloroquine citing that new york started that came out last week. that was the late stage, later stage patients that people would indicate you shouldn't take. coming up, biden emerges from the basement and holds a gaggle of a different sort. raymond aurora will has it all n "seen and unseen." s gone.
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♪ >> laura: it is time for "seen and unseen" segment. we expose a big cultural stories of the week. all right, joe biden fumbles his way through another event and social distancing gets a little scary. joining us with the details, raymond arroyo fox news contributor. all right, raymond, do we have more joe down below? >> well, he has climbed the stairs so we is slightly less than below tonight. the biden campaign hold out a new weapon to jump-start its fund-raising efforts. >> hi, devon, hello, carol, does elizabeth moran. oh, my, wow! >> wow, didn't carol seemed thrilled, laura? lauren brought out the big surprise the big guns who quickly forgot he was on his cell phone and watch this
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closely. >> take it away, joe. >> carol this is joe biden. i'm counting on her a big deal not just for her endorsement but big deals and leadership. we will do our best not to disappoint you we will take this country back and build a better country. >> i bet he is relying on her, laura. this was like the cold call for the place for mom's call center. it was just a little bit odd. >> laura: she should have grabbed, she should have grabbed that beer. remember him the mic in her kitchen with that beer? >> laura, this is why the $1 million beneath trump in april. these calls. you don't want to give up any. >> they went biden addressed the graduates and a pretaped address. it was more troubling than his donor call perhaps. >> some of you are ready to redefine what it means to be a global citizen and lead the way regardless of age, gender, race,
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zip code. >> laura: say something. or his eyes closed? they look closed. is he sleeping? >> he's having trouble reading, laura. and that was 97 second bite. that was a whole speech. there were three edits and i am by the way, when you keep talking about a global citizenship, i think you will lose a big portion of the millennial spirit that is what is happening. laura, biden did an event with bp and waiting kamala harris for asian-american pacific island organization. it started with a disclaimer and of course, went downhill from there. >> you will hear a pond on the other side of the property come a lot of canadian geese. you can hear them honking away. in the aa ip community will not be broken. our community is a country. our entire country will not be broken. >> someone in the background fishing. >> was at a goose?
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>> laura: the geisler card in delaware, my thoughts. did he get the acronyms right? i wasn't following. >> no, i think he bungled that too. you see they have a push to draft obama into the race. there was every coverage of the commencement over the weekend where he took a shot at trump. the ideas to make the election between obama and trump as pbs -- advocated this week in. listen to this. >> president obama really getting into a general election territory and starting to gear up the might of the obama name. he is ready for this fight. what you see this week is president trump really leaning in on 2016 and sting's is back where he was in 2016 witches, offensive with obama. >> laura: okay, send me a memo when we are done singing lean in the first of all. of all the political
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persuasions, stop saying it. they desperately need obama. who else will they have? he is only person they have who has the factor, and the kids, a celebrity, a smart guy. so trump has got to make up between him and biden. >> michelle obama may be becoming something that her husband is not becoming a third term president. it's not going to happen, laura. >> laura: know and before we go ocean city restaurant has introduced a new social distancing measure. its customers are outfitted with tables ramped by inner tubes. that is idiotic. >> laura these are the walkers for the inebriated set. we could use these in new orleans from time to time. according to advanced industrial technology, a new device, laura to be worn by visitors visiting the normal in all florence commit is called eagle proactive. it is an essentially an electric dog collar and measures the
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distance between two people and if not 6 feet apart it will buzz and turn red. if you've ever wondered what it is like to be fido near that electric fans, you will figure it out pretty soon. i don't like this at all. >> laura: that little pumper thing, isn't that what my kids used to have when they were learning to walk. it is like now, we are reverting back to infancy during the covid. >> before i go come i want to reach out and say goodbye for just a moment. it's been so long so i want to reach here and see. [buzzer] >> laura: raymond, please. stay safe. don't get buzzed. >> i shall. i will keep my innertube on, don't you worry. >> laura: mardi gras next year we will wear those inner tubes. and california announced zero bail dollars for low-level felonies to reduce the spread of
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covid in jail. how has that worked out for the citizens? trace gallagher has the report next. chris cuomo claims nursing home top priority amidst the covid crisis. but a daughter who lost her mother response to that claim next. doing all we can to get you the milk you need. we hope it makes your breakfast a little brighter. your snacks more nutritious. and reminds you when it comes to caring, there is no expiration date. milk. love what's real.
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the best seat in the house."
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♪ >> laura: last week we highlighted how california was letting suspected criminals walk free on $0 bail. that policy turn 1-month-old over the weekend. so how is it working out? chief news correspondent trace gallagher is tamed by you in the west coast newsroom with the latest on the story, trays. >> zero cash bail for petty theft and also those accused of child abuse, sex crimes and gun. and the coronavirus programs. and here is example how it's working.
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the jails in fresno have released 711 people, 87 of them have committed no crime spirit and how is this for rapid-fire recidivism? in california, daniel was released last wednesday at one: 15 in the afternoon. at one call 25 he carjacked a woman and when she refused to give up her keys, he began to choke her 11-year-old son. she gave him the keys, he fled and was arrested. then to code teens accused of stealing $14,000 worth of making nike gear up. then went on facebook to mark their release. nana nana boo-boo is a [bleep], and you are all mad. and they posted that on the facebook page of the police department that release them. then the san francisco bay area arrested seven times in two months for robbery, attempted carjacking and several assaults. apparently the seven times is a term because his bill is
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$200,000. it is hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys when everybody is wearing a mask. a clerk i in the santa ana store says he was not concerned at all about people wearing masks until one of them pulled a gun. he called it the perfect script for a robber. by the way, since state coverings became a thing, santa ana, the crime is up 50%, laura. >> laura: oh, my goodness that is shocking, think it's much. and after thousands of nursing home residents died has a direct result of a terrible policy, new york, new york, governor andrew cuomo actually had the goal to say this today. >> we now have a top priority which we had from day one which is our nursing homes be the most vulnerable population of the most vulnerable place. senior citizens and the confluent facility. so protecting the nursing homes and seniors has been top priority. >> laura: her mother tragically died from covid after attracting the disease in a nursing home. now she wants accountability.
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she joins me now, vivian, first of all, of course we are deeply sorry for the loss of your mother. and you just heard what governor cuomo said. they take it very seriously. and they say it is a top priority in priority handling this, right? so what type of legal action might you take? >> right now come all things are on the table. we are still trying to decide for her as the protections that he gave to these facilities. which, you know adds injury to insult, insult to injury because we lost our parents. many of us were blindsided by the fact that there was even covid in the facilities. and so at the end of the day when all of this settles, not only were our parents exposed, but they passed away and now
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they were all getting protectio. >> laura: governor cuomo said this yesterday about the nursing home deaths. watch. >> whom can we prosecute for those deaths? nobody. nobody. mother nature, god, older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. we can't keep everyone alive. >> laura: vivian, your reaction to that comment. >> it wasn't mother nature or god who mandated that these places take covid patients. so this is squarely him. >> laura: witness the last time you talk to your mom? >> i talked my mom -- i saw her last time march 11th. i gave her a kiss, thinking i would see her. and i told her to keep her
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spirits up and we would see her shortly. never imagining at the last day i would see her. >> laura: and the communication from the facility, vivian, when did you hear that she had contracted the virus? >> we were never told she contracted the virus, which is very odd because they made an entry in my mother's records that we were informed. in fact, they called us because we were coordinating her release, which was supposed to happen march 30th. have they called me according to them on the 23rd, we would have had one full week before she started showing symptoms. and i'm sure my sister and i would have been on top of getting her out of there or getting medical attention in time of which we were denied the opportunity. >> laura: have you been in touch with others who have lost their parents were relatives in these senior facilities, vivian, and what have they said? >> we started the facebook page
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voices for seniors because we were so blindsided. we cannot believe we were the only ones going through this. it was very lonely because we were thinking how could this happen to my mother on the eve of her going home? she was supposed to go home on monday the 30th, yet she waited for 12 hours for care? having a hospital 100 feet away which is walking distance. and they left her they are suffering and gasping for air. we were blindsided when two days later she passed away. we were expecting her to be with us for many years to come. >> laura: vivian, this is just shocking dereliction of the basic duty to the individual patient. and i think we have a lot to answer for, not just in new york, but the way we treat our most vulnerable americans at elderly facilities across the united states, even before this. i have seen it with my own eyes. and i'm glad that at least people are talking about this. but thank you for sharing this.
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i know this is a difficult time for your family, vivian, thank you. >> thank you for giving us a voice. >> laura: up i had a preview of the new normal in new york city when we retur return.
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>> laura: all right. we just got word the white house has announced it will temporarily freeze money going to the w.h.o. and a letter sent to mr. tedros tonight, saying if they don't agree to sensitive
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changes going to transparency and all these other issues we brought up with taiwan having a seat at the table, they will keep this money frozen for the next 30 days. that is big news. we will get into more of that tomorrow night. up next, shannon bream and the "fox news @ night" team take it all from here. shannon? >> shannon: we will pick it up from there, laura. thank you so much. tonight, the president announcing he is taking hydroxychloroquine as a head against the coronavirus. critics call it irresponsible. speaker nancy pelosi even questioning whether it is safe due to a condition she claims the president had. we'll hear from the former white house physician dr. ronny jackson who joins us live next. tonight, senator lindsey graham announcing he's going to hold a vote to subpoena a school's high profile name that recognize.


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