tv Hannity FOX News May 20, 2020 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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trace gallagher, thank you so much for that. meanwhile, abortion clinics in the state remain open. they have good a special birthday to acknowledge on this program. cher turning 74 today. >> sean: that's the worst part of the show, like i give a flying flip about her birthday. she's nuts. >> tucker: there is a reason we said that! there is a cher fan in our midst. i'm not a cher fan. i did that for a very special person in my life. >> sean: that makes a difference. tucker being nice. headlines. i'm so happy i have that. i've got a show to do. welcome to "hannity."nn breaking tonight, the u.s. senate investigation into joe biden's -- yep, quid pro q quid pro quo, zero experience hunter, now heating up.ha the very first subpoena has been now issued with only 167 days
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until you become the ultimate jury. joe biden still hiding out in his basement. struggling more than ever to get words out of his mouth. we all have the very latest from the bumbling campaign from below, plus we have major progress to report from florida, georgia, other states that lifted lockdown orders, really good news. coronavirus infections in those states going down by a lot. it is time to reopen the country immediatelyy we'll also start with dennis miller is back, we'll put a smile on your face and also tonight will have a full report on the state of california. you see it, they are looking for a lot of americans' cash. they want a big bailout for their 54, $56 billion budget busting budget they have every
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year. that would be their debt. but they are giving a fortune in cash with their century status to illegal immigrants, writing them checks here illegally. here, merry christmas, all while demanding a budgetem bailout frm we the people. but first tonight, our top story, it is time to open this country right away. this is the cover of "the new york post" tomorrow. it reads, "the big apple is dying, its streets are empty, b tens of thousands have been plunged into poverty, our leaders have no plan, no answers, new yorkers have already learned the social distance. businesses can adjust. the elderly and sick can continue to be isolated, but it needs to end now." here's my prediction. new york city, new york state leaders, so-called leaders, they will not listent' until it's tos late. grab your wallets if you live in new york, you're about to getng robbed. they areo going to rob you because they'll never be able t get their way out of this mess
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they created. by the way, the writing is already on the wall. look at this new study, jpmorgan first reporting cnbc, infection rates have declined and not increased in states where lockdowns have ended, in the absence of conclusive data, these lockdowns were justified initially. but millions of lives were being destroyed with little consideration that the lockdowns mightn not only cause economic devastation but potentially more deaths than covid-19 itself. these endless one-size-fits-all lockdown orders, like the governor of michigan, they need to and now. right now. we know how to do this, we know how to do it americans are screaming to get their freedom and their country back and they are even willing to wear masks in the appropriate situations. florida got it right, texas got it right. guess what, it's time for all the statesll to follow their led and, by the way, we can learn
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from some states that were successful, more importantly we need to learn from the abject failures, meaning new york, new jersey, pennsylvania. new jersey print look at your screen, new cases in florida down 14% since reopening, cases in georgia done 12%. tens of thousands more people lost their lives in new york than in florida. tens of thousands. tens of thousands more died in new jersey. thousands more died in michigan. thousands more in pennsylvania. what happened? this is where we learned from the dumb ideas and the dumb policies from the middle of corona, started in york march 25th. florida went out of its way to get covid-19 patients out of nursing homes, protecting the most vulnerable and the elderly population of that state. in new york, march 25th, in new jersey, i believe they did it march 29th, pennsylvania not to be outdone, they did it on
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april the sixth, michigan screwed everything up from the beginning, they all forced nursing homes to take in covid-19 patients where there were no covid-19 patients. this policy became a deather sentence for many elderly people in all of these states, this was a literal death sentence. did they do it on purpose? i don't think they did it on purpose. did they do it because they are stupid? yeah. big part of the reason.da all of these mandates, these four states for example, new york, new jersey, pennsylvania, michigan, those dumb policies killed thousands of patients and the mob and the media, by the way, you owe governor desantis a huge apology, accused him of wanting to kill grandma because he open florida's beaches. grandma wasn't going to the beach in her bikini, grandma was sheltering in place because he already sent the national guard and every state agency to every
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elderly care agency and nursing home in the villages so they were preparing the whole time. others were. take a look. >> florida has the absolute best data. so any insinuation otherwise is just typical partisan narrative trying to be spun. part of the reason is that because you've got a lot of people in your profession who wax poetically for weeks and weeks about how florida was ting to be just like new york. way to two weeks, florida is going to be next just like italy. we are eight weeks away from that and it hasn't happened. we have succeeded and i thinkt people just don't want to recognize it because it challenges their narrative, challenges their assumptions. >> sean: going forward we'ved learned a very hard lesson. if you protect the elderly, we can save their lives. if we don't, they will die. where more people will die.
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let's do the right thing. we've got to protect those by the way with health problems. we also need to learn as we reopen from those who never stopped going to work -- they aren't talking about reopening medical manufacturing center is bare farmers are not talking about reopening. packers aren't talking about reopening. truckers are not talking about reopening. the guy that stopped all the shelves in y york aren't talking about reopening. those that work in drugstores, they aren't talking about reopening because they never closed. people in the food, medical supply chains, they wore masks and they wore gloves, and other ppe. guess what? all the people i served, nobody contracted covid-19. they kept their states like new york alive. new yorkers would've starved to death. nobody would've worked at any hospital. they kept the shelves full, the pouringquitman comes into new york every single day.
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so we learned from that success, we also learn from failure. it's now time to reopen. sadly pelosi seemingly wants to drag this shutdown on as long as possible.n remember her motto? never let a good crisis go to waste. she's literally very busy with two important tasks. one, writing another massive socialist spending bill that will never become law. number two, she's raging about all things donald trump. take a look. >> you're asking me about the appropriateness of the actions of this president of theat united states? it's so completely inappropriate in so many ways that it's almost a given. it's like a child who comes in with mud on their pans or something. that's the way it is. he comes in with doggy d on his shoes and everybody who worked with him has that on the she was
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too. >> sean: the 80 year old pelosi makes joe biden seem coherent by comparison.rt almost. what if we start commenting on her looks the way she's commenting on other people's looks. i wonder how that'll go over with the mob in the media. where do we begin? pelosi using the crisis to funnel money to some of her favorites. $1 trillion of a blue state bailout as we've been discussing. by the way.sve you said, you house republicans, secretary mnuchin, larry kudlow, who will join us tonight, all of you, do not give them one single penny. fiscally responsible states are not responsible to bail out the fiscally irresponsible states. call your senators, everybody watching tonight and your congressmen and women andd a tel them no way. no bailouts unless it's covid-19. that's it. they don'tan want to open up at some point, they've got to pay for it.
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protections for the marijuana saying no to that. once money for illegal immigrants. say no to that. she wants to change voting laws? a double hell no. planned parenthood has alreadyre received $80 million in federal stimulus funds. planned parenthood lodged a $45 million political arm to defeat republicans and president trump in 2020. i don't think we, you, the people, the taxpayers should be bailing out planned parenthood when they spent $45 million on political ads, even though they say they would be returning the $80 million. good, finally. but are you connecting the dots here? planned parenthood spending a fortune. until they got caught, they wanted you, we the people, the pay for it all. one of the defective leaders of the democratic party, congresswoman ocasio-cortez is
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now facing a new wave of criticism. remember, she killed off all those amazon jobs that wanted to move into her district, high-paying jobs, career jobs for people. well, the job losses are now piling up post covid-19 in new york. all while amazon, they are hiring hundreds and thousands. here with more, louisiana senator john kennedy. senator kennedy, the people of yoursne great state, i'm stuck because of my job right now. i'm going toia negotiate new yok out of my deal. i don't want to stay here anymore. i'm stuck, but the people of your great state should not be bailing out the waste, fraud, and abuse from new york, pennsylvania, california, they shouldn't spend a single penny. even though this is going to hurt me, i'm telling you, please tell the people of your state, i send my love, great respect, and don't send a penny. they don't deserve it.
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>> well, i will send that message, sean. i t don't think we are going to have a fifth bill. some of my colleagues disagree with me, but i think it's way less than 50%. the reason is speaker pelosi overplayed her hand. her bill was so grandiose. it's not a coronavirus bill, it's basically a remake of western civilization bill. i think that the republicans in the senate were so shocked when they saw it that at this juncture she can take her bill and eliminate every a other wor. and cut the cost by 75% and it still wouldn't pass. and if she does that, she takes
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it back to the ocasio-cortez wing in the house, they aren't going to support it. i think she overplayed her hand here. >> sean: everybody -- we learned the lessons. there was a time in the middle of this where we were all as a country very worried about your state of louisiana because of mardi gras. by the way, that was another dumb decision by another dumb democrat. but with that said, you were able to deal with it. i the president did his job like he did in new york, new jersey, every other state. but you were able to take care of the hot spot a lot better and a lot faster. why? >> are private sector. we had help from s government. the trump administration was very responsive and very generous in terms of ppe, in terms of ventilators. they even built us a brand-new
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hospital. but one of the things i've learned from this pool of misery that we found ourselves in is that we have the best private health care delivery system in the world. it proved to that. i know some of my democratic friends say we need government run health care. but let me tell you something. if you support government run health care. i want you to close your eyes and imagine living in a world designed by the post office. because that's what we will end up with. the private health care delivery system proved its superiority through this crisis. >> sean: you are giving dennis miller a run for his money when it comes to being very funny but you are very factual. >> i'm not in miller's class period way above my pay grade. speak on thank you for doing
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what you are doing every day. tell your fellow republicans know. then answer is no. no blue state also breaking tonight, records show the biden foundation ---- look here, they paid 120 grand to the exact same law firm, you know, the one they funnel money through for hillary's dirty russian disinformation dossier that she paid for it to influence the 2016 election. biden paid it in 2018. the question is why prayer will update you on the story as it continues to unfold. we have noticed one holier-than-thou super patriot jim comey has been awfully quiet as of a late. by the way, his name recently disclosed in the newly unredacted susan rice letter about the cya. this is susan rice writing susan rice about a meeting 15 days ago saying, three times in a row, barack obama said "by the book."
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by the book. do it by the book. may be finally took my advice and maybe he's taken the right to remain silent and using it. it's a little bit late, jim, your leadership at the fbi is u under full, complete and rifle fire. 19 days after that meeting in the oval office with you, clapper, brennan, rice, yates, the team, obama. 19 days after, you didn't do anything by the book. you burned whatever the book is. you ambushed and signed off on the ambush of a 30th 33 year veteran by the name of michael flynn. what b is by the book, what part of by the book is all that about? as for the actions of susan rice, her obvious cya letter of obama's infamous january 15th oval office meeting is frankly bizarre. it's clear that she was well aware the obama administration surveillance of general flynn
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and so many other trump associates during an interview on march 22nd, 2017 commission lied about too. she lied about the benghazi story as well. she went on five separate morning shows and told one lie after another after another knowing it was a lie. remember, whenever the obama administration, whenever they are out there and they need someone to lie, they turned to susan rice. one egregious example after another. she appeared on those five differentdi sunday shows, knowingly lied about the benghazi attacks. joining is now with the reaction is florida congressman matt gaetz. congressman, let's get your reaction. january 5th is an important day. that's also the date that denis mcdonough, the chief of staff of ben of obama's, he also amassed a general flynn. now we are getting questions about other people being unmasked including trump familys members and may be people in the media. people like me, john solomon, sara carter, gregg jarrett. who knows at this point, matt.
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>> if lies were music, susan rice would be mozart. if i were writing myself an email where three times i say i bdid everything by the book, tt is certainly more incriminating than it is exculpatory. when you look at jim comey, look at the last three tweets by jim comey. you have a flower, an attack on the department of justice investigating him, and praise for the remove disgraced chairman of the intelligence committee richard burr. ric grenell had been the director of national intelligence back in 2017. jim comey would probably bel under jail because the disclosures laid bare the coup before the american people. obama was involved, biden was involved, susan rice was involved, and jim comey was set up to be the inside man going from the obama administration to the trump administration and remember all of that weird journaling he was doing to set the president up on obstruction of justice? now it is?, exposed.
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finally we can get justice from the investigation that ag barr is overseeing. >> sean: at the end of that meeting, comey and yates were asked to stay back. under testimony in the house intelligence committee testified under oath t shocked to learn tt obama himself and obviously biden learned everything knew everything about the unmasking of general flynn. >> for yearsrs it was an open question whether or not this was something that was clapper-brandon drivenn or obama-biden driven. the reason disclosures we got during the coronavirus quarantines implicated both obama and biden. remember, joe biden's own namen appears in the unmasking documents. biden either someone directly involved in this coup attempt os his name was being bandied about and he was out to lunch. either way is terribly incriminating for the obama-biden administration.
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>> sean: matt gaetz, thank you for being with us. doing in your podcast, by the igway. member nations of the world health organization, they have now rejected officially of the president's plan of holding the w.h.o. accountable, and their utter failure o in handling coronavirus but why are we funding what is a corrupt organization that spewed propaganda, carried the water for china's communist party? thanks to the w.h.o.'s arrogant refusal to agree here, and the w.h.o. guess what? the president's demands for accountability not happening? great. you have saved the u.s. taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars. i want to say thank you to the w.h.o. tonight for being stupid and being a propaganda arm now for china and choosing not to do the right thing. not one more penny to them either. defund the w.h.o. while we are at it, again, what
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did i say earlier? not one more penny should be allocated for any blue states, for their unfunded pensions, their waist, their fraud, abuse of our top tax dollars. california, $54 billion budget deficit. now they are giving $500 in cash to each and every single illegal immigrants in that century state that calls for a special state trun hotline. dial $4. you work hard for your money. california is giving it away to illegal immigrants. no red state should pay penny for their economic malfeasance. here now is the national economic council director larry kudlow. it's a simpleal answer. no money. why would we give any state -- this is the tom cotton bell, to any state that has sanctuary status considering the billions of dollars, larry, that we pay for illegal immigrants, education, criminal justice system, and our health care system, they are giving checks
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away to? >> listen, the president himself has said several times that any potential aid to states have to be accompanied by ending sanctuary cities. which of course affects the large blue i states and other places. so do i, i think the more formal negotiations, right now we are pausing to see the impact on the economy. by the way, there are some hopes up for the economy. we'll get to that any moment. we are going to look at all this, we aren't going to fund mismanagement, not going to fund poorly managed pension funds. there might be opportunities to assist where covid-19 is involved in terms of frontline -- >> sean: we passed $3 trillion. >> that's different. is going to be tomorrow's cover of "the new york post." and it says, it needs to end
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now. if we end it now, the big apple is dying. it's streets are empty. tens of thousands have been plunged into poverty. our leaders have no plans, no answers. already learned to socially distance. the elderly and infirm the can continue to be isolated. larry, there is your answer. we learn from florida and texas, we also learned from the medical manufacturers and all the people that work in grocery stores and drug stores in new york wore masks. why don't we follow those successful models and learn from the idiotic mistakes of new york, new jersey, pennsylvania, michigan? >> you know, reopen! reopen safely. wearing masks in some places are going to work. keep an eye on the virus data. make sure you've got testing around and take the temperature. i agree. reopen. the fact is we have reopened in
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some ways in every state right now. that's really good news. the president and vice president said that yesterday in the cabinet meeting. here's the thing. you are actually seeing small signs of an improving economy. . businesses are opening left and right and today the congressional budget office just said we are going to have near 20% growth in the second half of the year and 4% growth next year. credit that to the trump incentives of lower taxes and regulations. reopen. >> sean: april, may, june are going to suck. if we open up, then july, august, september, can be the beginning of turning this larry kudlow, thank you. b when we come back, mark cuban. he owns the mavericks.
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owner of the dallas mavericks and the hitw show "shark tank." i love that show. mark cuban. how are you? >> thanks for having me on. >> sean: i have a plan to reopen the nba i want to throw by you and i've been talking to other owners of other sports franchises. robertay kraft -- maybe you can play basketball outside. every single person that works, whatever the stadium, wherever the game being held, they have to have the covid test that day, one of the abbott tests, which is more available than before. take the temperature, i'll show you this thing on the screen, a temperature turnstile. you take the temperature, a high temperature, aren't allowed admission. you have this really cool mask that people will get if they go watch the dallas mavericks and it's at' dallas mavericks back about mass to keep people safe. if you want to go to the game you have to wear the mask like
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the meaningful manufacturer did like the guys who stock the stores in new york, you can drink beer through a straw, may be a hot dog if you put on your mask quick. thoughts? would that work? >> we played games outside before so we are in the right direction. a lot safer to do with outside. i'm not a big a fan of if you take the really quick extra strength tylenol you can beat those tests. we are getting to the point, sean, you would hopefully be able to play games. i don't think we are ready for fans yet, but let's take that first step. >> sean: what if you did every other seat? a big stadium, the equivalent of a yankees stadium -- >> we really have to do everything safe. when we can get to where we have fans, we can group quarantine people together. let's say the hannity family comes together, we don't need to put seeds when all of them. the hannity family, cuban family -- we have to take first
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steps for uss to make sure all the plans we have are effectively safe. >> sean: listen, i want that. sports are a big part of the american psyche, culture. i'm willing to wear a mask to go. i will wear it. i will drink my beer through a straw. you said about donald trump, i want to ask you about this. you said supporting biden, you said you would prefer him. okay.. iw don't have a problem if we have different politics. let's start with coronavirus alone. you tell me all the things bunker joe did on coronavirus that you admire and then i'll tell you what i think trump did that i admire. let's start that way. >> well, biden is not in charge of anything right now. he's a candidate. can't put them in the category. listen, what do you think -- what have we got to lose to listen to what we've said that donald did right?
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>> he called the travel ban for a donald trump, will you give him credit ten days after the first known case -- >> 100% credit. >> sean: quarantine come up first in 15 years. subs can travel bans, good idea? we know the models and medical professionals were wrong. i am not blaming them. >> those were predictive. they are supposed topo be 100% accurate, they are supposed to be guidelines. >> sean: okay. trump built all the hospitals in new york. sent navy hospital ships, every ventilator, mask, gloves, gowns, everything, because new york was prepared for nothing. and he even converted those hospitals to covid-19 capabili capability. you've been saying donald trump has not been doing a good job this. i say he does a phenomenal job saving new york fast. >> i would be involved in some
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of those conversations and what happens when ppe got in short supply it, what i suggested they do was match up the demand along with the supply. but they wouldn't do that. so no one would take inventory of where all the ppb e was around the country and because they wouldn't present that mark of information, hospitals started hoarding and we didn't know where the manufacturing sources were coming from, so we got even to more and greater short supply of ppe. the white house had the opportunity to fix that. they knew they could've fixed it. but they didn't take the actual steps because no one was truly in charge. president trump really had the right idea in putting people in charge, but he had one group doing one thing and another group doing another thing -- >> sean: i can tell you that's not true. >> no, -- >> sean: governor cuomo, his own task force said you'll be shy ventilator's. new york mayor comrade
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de blasio said they needed 10,000. they had nothing. absolutely nothing. and they managed every ventilator, they saved every bit of ethical equipment for the man the javits center, 3,000 beds, they man v the hospital ship thy took, converted them and change the ventilation systems. new york was dead without donald trump. that's just a fact. >> so you are exactly right on jared and what he did read the problem is jared wasn't the only one working on it. multiple groups working on the same thing and that created confusion. are you right about new york? yes. did they handle it correctly? no. but could have been handled a lot better? absolutely, sean. when we started dealing with ventilators, both the white house and state of new york, we started getting all of these ventilators, nobody did anything. there were reports saying that 88% of people on ventilators were dying. not the elderly but they were dying. at the state level or the
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federal level in the white house came out and said stop using so many ventilators. both parties made mistakes and it cost people their lives. >> sean: butut you can ask the white house to make medicalsp decisions for hospitals and doctors. let me ask you this because you said you are supporting biden which i don't understand -- you are too smart. i've watched you onn "smart shark en tank." this doesn't make any m sense to me. let me show you a montage of your candidate and you tell me out of this montage that you are going to vote for this guy and explain why. i'm trying to understand your thinking because i think a lot of you. i think you are a good owner in the nba, outspoken on spring york, capitalist here is joe biden, your choice on candidate. >> good evening. >> looked, tomorrow'san superstars. excuse me, i want to tell you
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all. i'm rushing ahead, aren't i? all men and women created -- you know the thing!ag do you agree with me? go to joe. 30300. sean: 1 of the things i like about mark cuban on shark tank is you call it like it is. let me ask you. >> joe biden is the king a malaprop's. but -- >> sean: no. you don't think this guy, if you had a fastball, curveball, slow pitch, that they are all gone? come on. doesn't that scare you? >> you know what? both sides scare me. i'm not going to lie. joe biden scares me and some merits, and president trump scares me and more areas right now. i tell you why bread donald doesn't put the best people in place any longer but he did in
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the beginning and i was proud on beginning but now he just wants people who are loyal to him. that's a problem. it created more problems in this pandemic. >> sean: if you had many knives at your neck and she is in your neck like he's got, you'd probably want to fire those people too. but prior to covid, record low unemployment from every deck of demographic in the country, something that biden and obama never pulled off. leftward. >> deserves a lot of credit with what happened with the economy. those days are behind us now. he can't be playing to fix them. this is what bothers me about the president. he is the most powerful man inlw the world and he always plays the victim card. dems are out to get me, the medium is out to get me. you've got to be a leader, strongest man in the game.>> he hasn't shown that strength. >> sean: mark, they spied on the guy! they spied on a candidate, transient team, spied on the
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presidency. those are bill barr's words, not sean hannity. >> who cares? he's the most powerful man in the world. be powerful, be a leader. >> sean: he fought back. >> you are supposed to be the world's best counterpuncher. he hasn't knocked anybody out. i liked the way he stands up to all these people who calls them out, that's a great thinker but the man has got to be a leader and he hasn't shown that yet. >> sean: do you know what's one thing that he's never going to do question my keys donald trump. he got elected as donald trump. he saved the country as donald trump.e' he'll bring the country back as donald trump. great to have you on pit i want to sit next to you during the first game when your team opens up. i will sit next to you and -- i won't bring any new york speed 26 with me. i promise. >> sean: i'll >> i want to watch you eat that hot dog through the s mask. >> sean: you just got to chew it. god forbid if you get the
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don't bring that mess around here, evan! whoo! don't do it. don't you dare. i don't think so! [ sighs ] it's okay, big fella. we're gonna get through this together. [ baseball bat cracks ] nice rip, robbie. ♪ raaah! when you bundle home and auto insurance through progressive, you get more than just a big discount. i'm going to need you to leave. you get relentless protection. [ baseball bat cracks ] ♪
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>> sean: also breaking tonight, senate republicans have issued their fir into the probe in the shady dealings involving quid pro quo joe, zero experience hunter whos made millions with absolute connections by dad into the corrupt charisma holding h scanl ron johnson is with us. also senator johnson, by the w way, you been writing the acting dni director ric grenell on the unmasking of the trump team, now extending the time frame as of january 2016. we are hearing now reports they may have been unmasking a lot more people besides michael flynn 49 times. t maybe even members of the trump family and may be media people asbe well. >> shone from really looks like the obama people were going on a massive fishingsh expedition.
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as i've said before, what america is known for, we are revered for our peaceful, cooperative, well wishing transformatiotransitions from oe presidential administration to the next. what we witnessed here was complete corruption of that transition. really meant to sabotage the trump the administration and they were quite effective at it. it's a shame and it needs to be exposed. >> sean: unmasking is if they pick somebody up on surveillan surveillance, nsa people are rightly doing to protect us, they are supposed to keep the name of the american citizen. we have fourth amendment rights, a bill of rights, thehe constitution. they didn't do that. they literally were unmasking the names of americans at a 300% increase in the rate of doing so. what are we going to learn, who where they unmasking. do you know, how do you get to the bottom of it?
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>> again, credit ric grenell in his acting position there for just tremendoushe transparency together with attorney general barr as well. we still have an awful lot to learn. it's pretty surprising that one of those unmasking her's was vice president biden. i would assume that the unmasking was done at a lower level. i've talked to some members that it have been very rare for people at the white house to ask for unmasking but samantha power credit for a few hundred of these unmaskings, claims she wasn't responsible for any of? those. so many questions raised by this, it's not a pretty picture, i'm now we also know because my staff went to the fisa report with a fine tooth comb, we found the footnotes that were redacted. the russian disinformation 2016 campaign was actually boughtt ad paid for by hillary clinton cut outs, and the fbi knew that the
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steele dossier contained russian disinformation. we are learning awful lot of the information logjam during the break. >> sean: they knew the sub stores debunk that, also warned before the first fisa application in october 2016. they also knew him as of januare sub stores did and confirm what christopher steele put in. didn't have premeditated fraud in thete court, we have about 16 seconds. >> daniel well there was no russia collusion with the russia campaign el didn't look at the fbi abuse. a lot of questions need to be answered. >> sean: you've done a phenomenal job with this, you, charles grassley. they must be held accountable. thank you for all you are doing. when we come back, dennis miller is back. apparently has a lot to say tonight. i've been told, a little birdie toldt. me, one of the geese in joe biden's backyard, about biden, pelosi, and the shutdown
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you live out in that naughty land of california, don't you? >> sean, right here, governor newsom sent me a save the date card for next year's quarantine. that was nice of him. i'm hoping is san francisco and los angeles confined in their hearts to become sanctuary cities for real americans who merely want to go outside without masks on. please, don't turn them -- sean, you demented leprechaun, my podcast numbers are through the roof and i think it's because i'm on the show t on wednesdays now. thank you. we have made so much money over the last week, we were actually able to airbnb dr. tony fauci's home studio to do our show out of this week. we got it for 283 bucks for the entire weekend and i'm really excited about channel 19. you know something, sean, the
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fact that he keeps the coronavirus it's really shaking for me. you's never saw jonas salk come through a bead curtain. what's in the news, what do you got from you, seany. >> sean: you are right about fauci. he got a lot wrong. h he did the best he could. i'm not going after him personally. but he was wrong a lot. the models were all wrong. here's what i wanted to ask you. aoc has a little problem. she believes in socialism, believes everything free, believes in it so much she doesn't pay her own taxes. >> i know. i saw that she had a failed business venture a while back, 1600 bucks. it's now up to 288, which i believe is the air, by the way, coincidental, that we'll see somebody that stupid make it into the house of representatives. if you take an iou from aoc, you are going to be sol in the next
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few days. that's not a great -- if she were a couple of years older, biden would have to pick her up. did you watch biden this week? is cuban blocking is cuban blocking here? he can't look at that -- what does he call him? he calls him president tweedy. this doesn't surprise me, because he thinks the hhs secretary alex azar is speedy gonzales. my sources on the ground in the basement at biden's house says that he thinks he saw a pretty putty tat the rare bleed, a place holder that no idea where he's at but he can't be president. i don't want him walking mike
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pompeo's dog, fo for god's saken he comes up with an empty leash and he'll say it, where is binky? think he went night-night. he's not presidential. >> sean: i wanted to ask you about the doggy doo nancy pelosi -- >> nancy pelosi iss from nancy pelosi. she knows that's not doggy doo. that's human! >> sean: we will continue. when we started our business
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>> sean: all right. my new book "live free or die." we hope you set your dvr. let not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham. hello. you had a great show last night. >> laura: thank you, hannity. first of all, i already ordered three copies. >> sean: laura is lying just like liberal joe. >> laura: i'm not lying because i'm your friend. and i actually follow what you say. you need to be supported! m you need a few more pins for your lapel. i'm going to send them now too you when i get them. >> sean:to i'm going to give the story of "the punisher" exclusively when the right time comes.- >> laura: you are going to come on excessively. it has to be in my hour. >> sean: that's what exclusive means. >> laura: you are smart. thank you. awesome show. weil
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