tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News May 22, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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continues, we look forward to seeing you back here on monday. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." months from now if and when we are finally able to assess this pandemic rationally and honestly, it will be clear that it was mostly a disaster for the old and the sick, 30-year-olds in brooklyn have made the most noise flooding the internet with their neuroses but it's old people who have suffered, more than a third of all deaths have occurred in long-term care facilities, we've told you a lot about the tragedy unfolding in new york. most 6,000 residents have died there after governor andrew cuomo forced facilities to admit infected patients, it's not only happeningmo in new york. in new jersey, connecticut, and massachusetts, deaths andce nursing homes account for more
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than half of statewide totals. if you're old and in a facility, this virus has been dangerous. the real story is even worse than that, thanks to bad many nursing homes have banned all visits from relatives, even those who have tested negative for the coronavirus. if that means for millionsny of aging americans, lockdowns, people suffering alone, marooned in isolation away from childrenf and grandchildren often in the final days of their lives. it's hard to imagine anything sadder than that but there is somethingg sadder. no visitors means no real supervision. no one who cares about the elderly can check in and see how they're doing. this is an invitation to the most awful kinds of abuse. take a look at this video, it's from the westwood nursing center wedetroit, we warned you and don't say this lightly, it's highly upsetting. we think you should see it. it goes on like that for 90
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it goes on like that for 90 seconds but we'll spare you. the monster throwing those punches is 20 years old, the helpless resident he is smashing in the face is 75. westwood nursing center said it had no idea the assault even happened. the video wound up on social media and was hosted by the attacker himself. people sought and called police, they arrested him. police will not tell us his name, it's not clear why, he deserves to be famous. if what is clear is the westwood nursing center was a scary place even before thee assault took place. a 2019 medicare inspection found that a resident had vomited on a curtain, two weeks later, staff still hadn't replaced or cleaned it. imagine all of what the
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inspectors didn't find. this is from peoria, illinois, o an elderly man beaten to the ground by a staff member. >> this is from a care facility, watch the 84-year-old man. he comes into the room with his walker and tries to get something out of a drawer. police say the caregiver struggled with him and throws them to the floor. fortunately he was not seriously injured. officers reviewed the tape, he was charged with third-degree elderlyhe abuse. >> tucker: imagine doing that, the woman who committed thatap crime is free today. she is still in the health care business, you can look up her linkedin page online, we justay did 10 minutes ago, she looks perfectly content. there are these three nursing home employees in north carolina, they are accused of staging fistfights between dementia patients for their own
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amusement. >> they uncovered two separate incidents. 32-year-old marilyn mckee is accused of physically assaultins a 73-year-old resident pushing her into a room while 20-year-old jordan filmed the encounter and did not help. in another incident, all three are accused of encouraging a fight between two residents, ages 70 and a 73. the staff members captured on the video saying punch her in the face. >> tucker: that happened just this fall, from what we can tell, none of these women is currently in jail tonight. apparently the crime wasn't serious enough, it's not like they try to open a gym in new jersey or dared to walk on dry sand in los angeles. these are not isolated incidents, far from it. consider the following headlines, they are all from last year, a florida woman
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accused of raping, everett man who has a history of raping patients, 50 year lawsuit over the rape of an elderly woman. at the nursing home didn't even know what happened, they didn't detect the crime because no one was watching. the victim's family was suspicious so they put a camera in the room. in texas, a nurse was arrestedwa for murderingg patients, police say he killed more than 20 elderly people before anyone noticed. n n all of that happened in a single year, last year, 2019. what's happening in nursing homes right now? we don't know, that's the point. family and loved ones aren't allowed in to see, chances are they would be heartbroken if they knew. how did this tragedy happened? okit wasn't by accident, our
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politicians did it, they did it to the most vulnerable people in our society, the ones who have earned our greatest respect, the americans who actually did build this country. now our helplessly elderly are locked in stinking cells cut off from the only ones who love them. some of them are raped and beaten, thousands die alone. they don't deserve this and they don't deserve the leaders whose neglect and bad judgment make that possible. charles hennessey is the author of throwaway culture and he joins us tonight. thanks much for coming on. it does seem like -- i understand the reasoningth wantg to isolate people in nursing homes but it does seem like a thoughtful politician would wonder what it would be like to be locked away alone with nobody visiting you. why couldn't we test family before they visit their loved ones in nursing homes? >> this is bigger than one
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politician, it is a monster issue. speaking as an ethics professor, i want to make this global point. i think a lot about historical moments, history calling us back on behalf of the most vulnerable, civil rights, pro-life movement, history is calling us again. nobody can watch that intro you just did not hear the voice of history calling us to act. the pandemic is forcing us to look at places we don't want to look and there are good nursing homes out there, we don't want to say otherwise. but now that we know the scope of the problem and the gravity of the problem, the only question is what are we going to do about it? >> tucker: we checked this afternoon, the more i thought about it the more upset i got, so many of the people arrested last year, every single one we could track down was free. no one was serving a jail sentence and you think of the things people go to jail for, what does that say? >> in my book, i try to argue
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that what's behind this is we have throwaway people. we have prenatal children, we have sick people we throw away through euthanasia, we have people we throw away with hookup culture in our jails and prisons systems. this is throwaway culture, we put people away so we get plausible deniability about our own death and dying and our family members so we don't have to think about it, now we are forced to look at it, this is one of the silver linings of the pandemic, we are now forced to look. >> tucker: it's such a deep point. your view is we ignore end of life questions because we don't want to consider the end of our own lives.po >> we have eight youth worshiping death denying culture that tries to revel in the moment and especially as you move away from transcendent views about our ultimate reality, we tend to live in that
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moment more and our death becomes that much more -- and especially those of our family members and we push it off literally to the places you highlighted. now we have to act, are we going to move to welcome these people back into our homes? are we going to demand from government, medicare and medicaid, pay the people who work in these homes a living wage? are we going to move aswa mediao cover thesee stories? you're leading with this today but 50% of the deaths, "the washington post" said 50% of the deaths from covid-19 were people who were in nursing homes or other long-term care facilities. you would think 50% of the coverage would cover those stories but is not close to that so thank you for leading with it but we actually need the media to step up and report these stories. >> tucker: why is that? it almost seems people are admitting they don't care about the deaths of older people who are shunted away in these
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facilities, they are focused on a relatively small percentage of people who are younger. it seems so disproportionate to me. >> is it too cynical to say it doesn't make a lot of money? how much money is in covering nursing home deaths? it's one thing our media has suffered from especially in investigative reporting and it's expensive to do investigative reporting. we may not have the resources especially if we are guided by cliques and advertising revenue. >> tucker: i think this is important and i think your point about denying our own mortality is exactly right. good to see you tonight. for months now, dr. anthony fauci has been one of the most persuasive and powerful voices in favor of the coronavirus locked down. now, suddenly, he seems to have pivoted 180 degrees.
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xfinity watchathon week has come to an end. but you can still keep up with the shows everyone's been talking about from favorites like starz, hbo and showtime. like the one that guy from work made a joke about that you didn't get. or the one with so many evil androids you'll look at your robot vacuum differently. even the show that makes this twitterer say "whuuuuuuuuuuuut!!!" everyone's got a show to recommend. say "watchathon" into your voice remote to upgrade now and keep up with the shows everyone talks about.
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♪ >> tucker: dr. anthony fauci has done more than any other american official to promote long-term nationwide quarantine, the lockdown that's destroying our economy. fauci suggested handshakes should go away forever, he told congress that reopening schools next fall might be a bad idea. then today, he seemed to wobble. here's what he said with an interview with cnbc. >> we can't stay locked down for such a considerable period of time that you might do irreparable damage and have unintended consequences including consequences for health. >> tucker: irreparable damage, unintended consequences? it might have been nice to hear a little bit more of that months
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ago when it actually mattered. back when doctors were being kicked off of youtube for saying exactly the same thing. barstool sports president dave portnoy noticed and had these thoughts. >> this is my whole point, i just did a brand that went viral last week because you're like if we open up the country, everyone's going to [bleep] die. now i put a little heat on him and now the wind blows and he's like we can't stay in forever, it causes irreparable damage, what is it? pick up [bleep] side or at least say you don't know what you're [bleep] talking about. if nobody knows anything, then what the [bleep] are we doing? >> tucker: he's been locked indoors for a couple months in new york city, he joins us tonight. nicely put. you're sitting at home, your
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monitoring this, you have a special interest because you're quarantined yourself, what did you make of what he said to? >> i was taken off guard, i've escaped to nantucket because that's why they didn't have the suit and tie. i thought i was taking crazy pills. i don't mean to pile on fauci but we are making very important decisions based on what he's saying and i think it's okay to say i really don't know. but i get the feeling if you asked him this question, what does one plus one equal, you're going to get seven different answers. it's okay to say you don't know, that's kind of my point. i don't think anybody knows the true answers. it's a moving target, it's a disease we never met with before but that's why i think at this point you let people, individuals t make decisions themselves. the only thing as i said before that we know for certain is if you continue the quarantine, tons of people are going to lose their livelihoods. of those people should have the
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choice to makeke the decision rather than depend on things -- listen, fauci may be the nicest guy in the world but he said wear masks, don't wear masks. he said the lockdown may go on indefinitely, we have to end the lockdown. it's tough to put that much stake in whathe he's saying. maybe trump got him in a room and shook him and said today you say this -- it's tough to take them seriously when you literally say the exact opposite and we're not talking months, we are talking days apart, what changed? >> tucker: i think your point about not knowing what the truth is is absently fair and important and i've been wrong on this show a bunch of different times but i admit it because i know people have youtube and they can check. fauci comes on and acts like he's always been saying this 12 days ago he's been saying the opposite, shouldn't he acknowledge the change? >> absolutely. any politician or anybody in general, i would much prefer
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somebody -- first of all, i have no problem saying i don't know. if you have a strong opinion, say it and if you're wrong, then say hands up, i'm the first one, when i make a mistake, american people appreciate that. i invested in chinese company that probably hates me for it, i made the wrong move. you have to say it, own up to it, no one is expecting any human being to be perfect. when you say a very important statement and act like it never happeneder at say something different, i'm like what is he doing? i don't know if he is doing it intentionally but either take a cider say i don't know and acknowledge when you make a mistake.
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right now, i don't trust what he says, i don't know how anybody could do. i don't know if it's intentional, i just honestly think this thing moves. there is o videos of fauci all through this, he's on different sides depending on the day, depending on the mood, we are making seemingly life-changing decisions for other people based on facts that are clearly not facts. >> tucker: exactly. yesterday, fauci did an interview with julia roberts, not the journalist but the actress. does that make you trust him more or less? >> i mean, there's an element that you want your lead doctor not going to a hollywood starlet but he's got a believable face. if you put him in front of me i would be like that i trust him, he looked smart. but i'm paying attention to the words. i like a pretty woman as the next guy so i'm not holding that againstrt him. >> tucker: i totally agree about the way he looks. when i see fauci on tv with the sound off i think i believe that guy.
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we've interviewed him on the show, it's nothing personal but i think people have listened so long because he looks like a guy you would listen to. >> he absolutely looks like an expert and to be honest, every single question or speech, he sounds like an expert. i'm like okay, i will listen and i believe but now there's good enough footage, they are hanging on what he says. when he goes in front of the senate and says if we open too. quickly there is going to be massive damage and death, those are heavy words to then go see the exact opposite a week later, it's almost the gravity of what he says in the moment, it's almost like he's losing. be very careful with the words, because what he says i feel like is what a lot of states are basing their reopening on. what a model, it's always a moving target and what we have to remember is, i don't think anyone knows the answer.
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it's tough to tell a business owner, you're going to lose your business because of what fauci said in the guy is like at what point, what yardstick are we using? >> tucker: i think at this point i trust julia roberts more. >> she's very believable, she's a very believable american. julia roberts, very believable very believable. >> tucker: very, good to see you. >> you too. >> tucker: to the extent you think about race at all and let's hope you don't think about it too much, you probably assume its determined by your ancestry, joe biden says you're wrong, het says he's the one who decides what race you are, we'll show you the tape. ♪
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this morning, he made an appearance on a black themed radio show called "the breakfast club" out of new york, the point was to pander, but these days he has to calibrate his level of toadying. even by his standards, he may have gone too far. >> i want a larger share of the black vote that anybody has, i come from a state the eighth largest black population in america. as they say it my way, they brought me to the dance, that's how i get elected. i get overwhelming support from black leadership, young and old. i was the only white employee on the east side because i wanted to work on the projects, that's what this is all about for me. >> tucker: for 50 years, joe biden has lived in one of the single whitest suburbs in america come outside wilmington, delaware. in 1975, biden traded one enormous house for another even larger estate, this one with a
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gate across the entrance, the main house alone measured over 10,000 square feet. so when biden says this is where i come from, here's what he's talking about. look carefully at that picture, not many black peopleut near joe biden's house, never have been. it's dated. given his lack of personal exposure to diversity, he may be forgiven for thinking all black people love drug dealers. nobody should be going to jail for a drug crime. he said as if every african-american voter is yearning for more fentanyl dealers on the street. when you are the personal savior of black america mothers no such thing as rest. in biden's case, that means deciding who is and who is not n black and separating the legitimate black people from these fake black people, that's joe biden's job, he has thatac power, watch. >> it's a long way until november, we got more questionst
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>> i tell you, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or for trump, then you ain't black. >> we looked at all the polls in 2016. >> totally different, 2016 is totally different, come on. give me a little break here. this is where i come from.. and you guys are wondering what he's doing? come on, get a life. >> tucker: for decades, deroy murdock believed he was black, joe biden told him otherwise, he joins us now in bewilderment. great to have you. what did you make of this news? >> come on, man. >> tucker: it allof depends on who you vote for. >> this is interesting, i have a degree in government and a political commentor for years but i guess there must be powers of the constitution that grant
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the ability to decide who is and isn't black, i guess joe biden has got that, i don't know quite how he discerns this. if it was a truly racist thing he said today. he would never say something like if your for trump rather than for me you're not white. he would never say such a thing. he would say read my speeches, watch my shaky videos out of my bunker in delaware, he wouldn't say such a thing. of course being a typical democrat, his view is if you're black you're supposed to kowtow to the entire liberal agenda, the democrat agenda and you're not allowed to think on your own or make up your own mind, that's something that's reserved for white people. >> tucker: it seems mind bogglingly patronizing andnd one of the few policy promises that he made was to prevent anyone from going to jail for a drug crime. you can make the case that you shouldn't pick people in jail for low-level drug crime, that's a fair position. but any drug crime. he seems to think that black america has no problem with drug
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dealing and i've interviewed a ton of people as a police reporter who would say i don't want crack dealers on my street, why doesn't biden understand that? >> you think he would understand that and there's a difference between criminal justice reform effort, but you got people who are drug dealers very violent, very dangerous and the idea that black people want themim running through their neighborhoods is mistaken. >> tucker: that's it, why doesn't anybody ever go on the left on the radio show and make a straightforward explanation of what they are for. is this level of pandering, is it effective? it's certainly ugly to watch and patronizing. >> for the people who say president trump is divisive -- this is a divisive comment. it was divisive in august 2121 he said to a group of like
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voters in virginia, if mitt romney gets elected president he's going to put y'all back in chains. when people talk to black people, they go into a southern drawl, it's very demeaning and patronizing and condescending. >> tucker: it is demeaning. deroy murdock, i hope you recovered from the shock, great to see you. >> i'm feeling better >> tucker: the fbi just revealed the name of a saudi official directly linked to the 9/11 attacks but they did it by accident. why have they been keeping that from us all these years? it's been almost 20 years, why haven't they told us? that's next on tonight's live special 0♪
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happened, we were going to find and punish the people responsible but somewhere along the way we lost the thread. that was replaced by cynicism and secrecy. no one has ever explained why. for years, the families of 9/11 victims have pursued a lawsuitve against the saudi government they believed were complicit in the attacks. for the whole span of the period, the united states government has prevented the declassification of critical documents including the identification of a saudi official believed to have assisted two of the 9/11 hijackers. last week the fbi revealed his name and they did it accidentally. he worked at the saudi embassy from 1999 to 2,000. if brett eagleton is one of the 9/11 family members suing saudi arabia, thanks much for coming on the show tonight. who is this guy? gives to him that give us a super quick explanation why we
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should care about his identity. >> i want to say thank you again for covering this story, why are you the only prime time host covering this? >> tucker: because i'm enraged. >> you have the attorney general of the united states weighing in on civil litigation invoking state secrets -- who are they? why are they weighing in on this? they have information about something they can't trust us with and we aren't mature enough to know it.g i digress. a>> tucker: i'm sorry, let me stop you there, you don't digress, that's at the core of my interest here. what are they hiding? i don't believe that for a second, i don't. if something is going on here, they are lying for a reason and what is that reason? i don't know the answer, what do you think it is? >> it's disgusting. i lost my dad on 9/11, there are thousands of other people who lost loved ones and family
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members and to find out -- we know the saudis are murderous thugs. our own government is taking their side in court, they are submitting in private briefings to the judge behind our backs, nobody can see it. they have this blunder where this guy's name comes out and what is so secret about that? his name came out and the sky is not falling, pandora's box is not open, who is this guy? he was living and workingfa in washington, d.c., he was traveling all over the country, he was coordinating with the hijackers. there is a hierarchy of command. right down to the hijackers handlers in l.a., right down to the hijackers. why is this a secret, why is this case shrouded in secrecy, why are you the only one talking about this? this should be dominating news, headline news, it's 9/11, at the largest attack on america's soil
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and our government is siding with the saudis. it's unbelievable. >> tucker: not just this government but the government before this government and the government before that. there has been a long chain, they are protecting some secret i'm not a conspiracy not, i'm the opposite of a conspiracy not, i'm an open-minded person but there's something going on here and i like the attorney general but i wish he would come on the show and explain so we can understand what they are doing and why. >> i wish he would explain if you're going to stab us in the back, at least look me in the eye and tell me why your siding with the saudis. it started with bush, it was perpetuated by obama and the jury is still out. trump hasn't helped us yet but am appealing to the president of the unites states tonight, he needs to know what his department of justice is doing.
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he needs to know that grenell and attorney general barr are misleading him, why are we siding with the saudis? we have evidence, he wasge livig in washington, d.c. he was facilitating and communicating, mountains of evidence when we don't hold them accountable, things like pensacola happened. the list goes on and on and it's time for us to stand up, we are americans, time to put our big boy pants on, our government shouldn't be telling us what we are capable of understanding, they shouldn't be protecting any type of secrets. >> tucker: i like ric grenell a lot i think he's done a lot of good stuff but i don't like this and i don't know why they are doing it and we have an absolute right as american citizens to demand an answer, thank you for coming on. >> thank you, i appreciate it. >> tucker: when robert mueller
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testified before congress last summer, he was questioned about the makeup of his investigative team which he put together. if the investigation was a bye the book nonpartisan operation designed to get to the truth, why did the team wind up with the 1313 democrats in zero republicans other than mueller himself who supposedly is a republican? in particular, he was questioned about his deputy, a guy who seem like he ran the whole thing. he was unambiguous with his response. >> andrew weissmann is one of your top attorneys? >> yes. >> did have a role in selecting other members? >> he had a roll. >> he attended hillary clinton's election night party? >> i don't know when i found out, i've been in this business for 25 years and in those 25 years i've not had occasion wants to somebody about their political affiliation. what i care about is the
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capability of the individual to do the job and do the job quickly and seriously and with integrity. >> tucker: it is not done, spare us your idiocy and pomposity. the press fell for it completely despite the existence of peter strzok and his text messages, the "los angeles times" lectured us that there was no evidence anywhere in the investigation. fortunately, the members of the team couldn't help it reveal what really thought. in november, andrew weissmann decided to make his former boss robert mueller looked ridiculous, he signed on as an msnbc legal analyst and put in work to revive the russia conspiracy not the lunacy, watch. >> why weren't the president and ambassador sondland worried about the fact that the russians undoubtedly in ukraine to be able to hear this conversation? >> why wouldn't they be? t >> the issue would be if you're sitting there thinking i don't
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really care because the russians are going to be siding with me in the 2020 election, then you're on the same team. >> tucker: that guy put people in prison, the system isn't broken or anything. he's an msnbc legal analyst. now weissmann is deciding he didn't do enough to undermine the credibility of the investigation. he's become a political activist. he will be headlining a fund-raiser for joe biden, he will be joining him for a so-called fireside chat, sounds very intimate. he has a right to his own political views and we are happy that they are public instead of remaining hidden as they were. let's stop pretending the mueller investigation was a neutral inquiry, it was a witch hunt with the people leading it. let's stop lying about that, it's clearly true.
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♪ >> tucker: it's memorial day weekend, thank heaven. in a normal year, it would be the best chance to travel with your family and spend time together on the road but it's 2020 and that means millions of americans are still living under suffocating coronavirus restrictions.e doctor marc siegel joins us to run through some of them and what it might mean for your holiday weekend, great to see you. >> we've established on this show that lockdowns don't work, the three countries that are leading the world and the number of cases, the united states, italy, and brazil all had severe lockdowns and yet they have the most cases and deaths. now as we start to relieve the lockdowns lightly, look at the stupidity that's being employed here. i have three examples. here in new york city, mayor bill de blasio says he's going to open the beaches, hooray for memorial day weekend but if anyone tries d to swim, e
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says they're going to be pulled out of the water. if there is a danger to your health, it isn't covid-19, it's his guy pulling you out of the water. a social distancing is usually ineffective when you swim. there is no coronavirus in the water, people don't swim close together. i think you should use security people as lifeguards. second example, new york andnd new jersey are going to allow tennis now. with tennis, you have to play singles. if you're 70 years old, you may love tennis but maybe you need doubles, maybe you don't have the window for singles anymore. if they make you play singles you could have a heart attack. to your health, the risk is much greater with the singles then with covid-19. let's think these things through. third, parades. my favorite thing on memorial day is parades come all across the country we celebrate our fallen warriors from the
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revolutionary war forward. this year, paradesn are being canceled across the united states including in bozeman, montana, where there has been less than 500 deaths in the entire state and one death, one death in the bozeman area, they are not handling a memorial day parade. how do we celebrate our fallen heroes? president trump has an idea, let's open the churches and the synagogues for memorial day. i'll tell you why that works and with social distancing there, believe me, we are going to pray -- if this can happen,g we will pray for the souls of our fallen heroes ifif we can't celebrate them in a parade, let's at least be able to pray for theiroe souls. >> tucker: it's like they're pushing us apart on purpose. speaking of ridiculous responses, i got a text from a friend of mine a minute to go who's driving from washington, d.c., into delaware and there was a roadblock, the backup went for miles and state
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troopers were walking right up to every car and demanded that people quarantine for two weeks. her point was if they are trying to arrest the spread of the virus, why are they watching up to every car? is that effective virus control? >> of course not, next thing they are going to be asking for immunity cards, it's going to be like science fiction. show me your antibody and i'll let you win. it is enough already, these measures don't work, social mdistancing works come out lockdowns, all of this stress leads people taking fewer precautions. we need to relax and enjoy memorial day, let's have a barbecue, let's go to the beach and swim. >> tucker: canceling every summer festival across the country which is the highlight of life in a lot of little towns is one of the cruelest and dumbest things have ever seen happen. o have the happiest memorial day, i appreciate everything.
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>> enjoy your barbecue, thank you. h >> tucker: for twog months, americans have been deprived of their right to wash up, that's a constitutional rights. now across the country, believers are stepping up to reclaim it and they have the support of the administration, that's next on tonight's live special. ♪
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>> tucker: welcome back. right. it's the reason the country was founded in the first place, and of course, it's in the constitution, right up there with freedom of speech. those in power have used coronavirus as an excuse to extinguish all of it. churches were immediately closed all over the country, and people were threatened if they dared to worship. that still the case in many states. in spite of evidence that lockdowns can be loosened
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without increasing infections, that has happened, and despite many businesses being allowed to open, never closed in the first place, liquor stores, abortion clinics, but still shuttered by decree. in general, they are nice people and slow to anger, butti believs are finally standing up to reclaim their rights. in minnesota, six catholic bishops have given parishes permission to resume holding mass, in defiance of governor tim walz's order, not sure where tim walz thinks he has the right to do that, but he does. in california, pastors have announced a plan to defy governor newsom and resume their services. now, all of these people are legal american citizens, so the governors may not look kindly on them. they should just call themselves illegal aliens, and they will get free subsidies. probably won't do that, though.
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but tonight, they are not alone. the president has announced that his administration support the reopening houses of worship. >> today, i am identifying houses of worship, churches, synagogues,hu and mosques, as essential places that provide essential services. some governors have deemed liquor stores and abortion clinics as essential. but have left out churches and other houses of worship. it's not right. so i'm correcting this injustice and calling houses of worship essential. >> tucker: the president said he would override governorss who refused to open churches, the administration later said it was just a guidance, reopening churches was still up to governors.s. it should not stay that way, governors can't veto the constitution. u the justice department should step in if they try. by popular demand, "final exam" returns on monday, a full hour against your favorite fox news
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host. that's it for us tonight. have the best memorial day with they, ones you love. ♪ ♪ >> sean: welcome to this special edition of "hannity." for the full hour, we will highlight the best moments of my interviews with president trump, and we start in april when we spoke about the w.h.o., china, and joe biden. let's take a look. i'm going to scroll a timeline of the white house, federal government, what they have done, just information for our audience at home, and i want to go back to ten days after the first known coronavirus case. it was given a name on january 7th, the first known case in the u.s. was january 21. your travell ban, which joe bidn called xenophobic, hysterical, and fearmongering, was ten days
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