tv Hannity FOX News May 26, 2020 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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wish we weren't, but we are. that means, though, almost 9:00 p.m. eastern and it's almost time for the great sean hannity out of new york. >> sean: i was very interested in that segment. everything you said about the martial arts instructor was dead on. as you know i've been training for seven years. i have not stopped my training. but there is no contact, like usual. none of n this, in other words. but a lot more core, no grappling, obviously. it's been great. doing it outside, doing it on cement instead of a gym. it's working. >> tucker: got to be outside. it's good for you. >> sean: welcome to "hannity." buckle up tonight, tracking multiple big stories all across the country. what is a bizarre confrontation with a man in central park, update about her job status but will also show how an irate mom in one staten island grocery store angrily
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confronting a woman who didn't have her mask. pandemonium. new england patriots owner robert kraft will join us on the reopening of america. i've got to get in a tom brady question too. john solomon here with big new major news on the corrupt origins of the fbi's russia collusion witch hunt, including new, never released texts from the strozk and page and how this goes directly into the office of barack obama. plusus fbi director wray is now finally ordered an internal investigation into the flynn probe. a little late come director. you have a lot more catching up to do. the new york toilet paper times, they spent on memorial day weekend accusing military of celebrating white supremacy. wow. nice way to say thank you to all of those who fought, bleed, died, and serve this country and protect our liberties. that would not be the 99.9% of our military. we will show you the disgusting
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coverage straight ahead. big breaking news, joe biden has finally emerged from his basement. sort of. very quickly, right back to his basementan. monday after two long months of hiding, he appeared in public for the very first time. he laid a wreath at the delaware war memorial and following his brief appearance outdoors, biden headed right back into his basement where he's continuing to bumble his way from one virtual part-time campaign podcast after another. so it is now still officially day 72 of biden's basement run and in all honesty it's all he can seemingly handle. but joe biden thinks he's doing just fine. just listen to joe. >> i don't want to get down into giving nicknames. but this is a fella who... looks like he's having trouble controlling his own emotions. what worries me is all the stuff
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about biden's hiding? the fact of the matter is, it's working pretty well. >> sean: hiding is working great! someone on his staff might want to remind him about a couple of reason train wreck interviews prettyle much daily now. because on friday, biden actually declared he was going to beat joe biden. take a look. >> are you prepared now to say you are going to govern as a progressive and enact programs in the mode of sanders and warren, and if so, what does that say and moderate democrats democrat or independents or even somede republicans dissatisfied with president trump? say i have ared to record of over 40 years, and i'm going to beat joe biden. look at my record. >> sean: we'll let you decide. what "progressive" means, new green deal, economic death for
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america and that's not hyperbole. at this point, he's doing a pretty good job of beating himself. also on friday, he had another disastrous interview withda rado host charlemagne and it was so bad that one biden staffer tried to interject to prevent his confounded boss from having to answer more questions. take a look at this. >> black people saved your political life in the primaries. they have things they want from you and one of that is a black woman running mate. what do you say to that? >> what i say that that is i'm not acknowledging anybody who is being considered, but i guarantee there are multiple black women being considered. multiple. >> that's really our time -- >> you can't do that the black media! >> i can do that the black media and white media because my wife has to go on at 6:00. i'm in trouble. >> sean: i'm in trouble!
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moments after that cringeworthy exchange, biden told the same host that, "you ain't black if young don't support him in the election. take a look. >> a long way until november, we've got more question. >> if you got a problem figuring out whether you are for me or trump, you ain't black. the one okay. biden projecting >> sean: charlemagnesaid that biden is an intricate part of the system that needs to be dismantled. the founder of bet called on o biden to apologize to every black person he meets throughout this campaign. even prominent biden supporter congressman james clyburn who bailed him out of south carolina was clearly taken aback. watch this. >> my friends aren't impressed about that. in this instance, joe did not do as well as i had hoped in
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responding. but i will say this. i go about my business every day comparing joe biden to the alternative, not the almighty. >> sean: biden's ultimately half-hearted apology, said he shouldn't have been such a wise guy. what biden set on that radio program is more than just a one-off campaign gaffe. we know that. it's part of a long never ending disturbing of racial rhetoric. remember in 1977, biden worried that his children would grow up in a "racial jungle" if integration is not done in an orderly way. 1993, said that intercity crime is caused by predators on our streets, supported a crime bill that ramped the prison sentences all across america. donald trump fix to that, by the way. slight observation. he told a crowd, you have to have a slight indian accent if you want to work at a 7-eleven or dunkin' donuts. 2007, how did we forget when he
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called barack obama, the first mainstream african-american who is articulate and bright and clean! it's storybook, man! his words, not mine. he bragged his state was a state, the guy also played the race card, they will put you all back in chains. 2019, bragged about his work with segregationists to get things done in the u.s. senate. this is just the tip of the iceberg. let's take a look. >> the largest growth in population is indian-american, people from india. you cannot go to a 7-eleven or a dunkin' donuts unless you have a slight indian accent. i'm not joking. >> what kind of a chance would a northeastern liberal like joe biden stand in the south? >> better than anybody else but you don't know my state. my state was a state, my state was a border state, a large black population in the country. >> the first mainstream
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afro-american in america who is -- that storybook. >> they'll put y'all back in chains. spew and articulate, clean? in addition to what you saw, biden has a bad habit of lying about his role in the civil rights movement. he said he participated in sit in protest, he was later forced to admit that was a lie. plagiarism themselves when we recall the first time he ran fof president, neil connect in that case, recently lied about being arrested in the south african government while on his wait to see nelson amendola. he claimed that the naacp had endorsed him every time he ran. in the recent endorsement, the naacp said he never endorsed joe biden because it is nonpartisan organization.
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the question tonight, with just 161 days until election day and you the american people become the ultimate jury, does anybody actually believe that this 77-year-old lifelong politician, do you really believe he has the stamina, the acumen, the mental alertness, the moral accompanist compass needed to serve nearly in his 80s? we asked our lawrence jones, or 2020 corresponded t to go in the streets of new york to find out what new yorkers thought about crazy joe, forgetful joe's comments. lawrence? >> good evening, sean. black voters have long been the base of the democratic party but years of inaction, after joe biden said black voters don't cast their vote for himma and black, voters taking a different look. talking to voters in harlem and this is what they have to say. how do you feel about your
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biden's comments? >> people have their opinion and they say what they want to say. i'm a human being. people make mistakes. and i just take no offense to it. >> trying to walk around it by saying that we are not validated unless we vote for him, because if we vote for trump we like white people. you can tell me who i like and don't like. that was uncalled for. that's the only thing i can say. i have no other words for it. >> i watched that i interview. he tried to have swag. he changed his tone. >> yeah, his tone. like he was black. >> do you think they take the black vote for granted? what's the black agenda question of what has joe biden done for black americans? >> ain't done too much for nobody! >> do you feel like people expect black voters to automatically vote for democrats? >> yeah, because that's how...
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>> everybody thinks because you are black you've got to vote democratic. these democrats do everything for a black person? it's not about black or white, it's about situation and circumstances and what can be done and can be done.>> he doesn't. he doesn't at all. >> shotton, as you know, and a lot of black officials did not like what biden had to say. charlemagne did an interview on msnbc this weekend that the burden is always on black voters to save the democratic party. i don't think it's going to be this way, sean. >> sean: it's interesting, we have biden-obama, 13 million more americans on food stamps, 8 million more in poverty. up until coronavirus, we had record low unemployment for african-americans, hispanic-americans, asian-americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment, african-american youth a unemployment, the president's help with black colleges, opportunity zones, criminal justice reform. none of that was done by biden
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or obama. none of it. >> none of that was done, sean, and the question is will the trump administration pound the pavement and present that agenda to black americans to change it up a little bit. if they can do it, i can see some changes. if they don't, it's going to be a race. >> sean: we've been missing you. m.i.a. great to have you in the game back on tv, my good friend.d. >> i see you, brother. >> sean: biden's racial rhetoric not the only glaring issue. now swirling around his campaign, the criticalro allegation of sexual assault against him not being swept under the rug. on sunday, even congresswoman omar telling a newspaper that she believed tara reade's claims and justice never should be denied but it also said she'd vote for him and that biden must answer for his role in the surveillance of unmasking the trump officials in the lead up and the 2016 election, like when he unmasks general flynn before he left office eight days to be .xact what did biden know, what did
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barack know, and when did they know it? in the coincidence almost too good to be true, mueller's pitbull andrew weissmann headlining a virtual fund-raiser for the biden campaign. it's almost like the guy running the mueller witch hunt was a partisan anti-trump democrat all tralong. we aren't shocked. upcoming documentary "uncle tom," larry elder. siebold writes lawyer leo i miss leo terrel. i know if i mention the words o.j. simpson, i'm going to lose him again. i can even mention this! welcome back. i'll give you first crack, leo. good to have your back, my friend. >> let me be very clear because i'm going to be consistent with all my colleagues. joe biden insulted america with his comments. what he said when he tried to somehow define blackness is ridiculous. i'm not going to say here on your program and defend
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joe biden. it was insulting, condescending. i may disagree with my colleague larry elder. he mayh be a republican. but it's not based on blackness, based on policy. respectfully, joe biden made a huge mistake. he has to correct it that he cannot assume that blacks are going to vote for them automatically. huge, huge mistake. >> sean: larry elder? >> ha! wheree was my friend mr. terrel when lester ayanna pressley said, we don't want to see anymore black faces, we don't want anymore brown faces who don't want to be brown voices. are you kiddingg me? standard democrat 101 dogma. if you don't believe that race and racism are the problems were everything right now, if you don't believe that blacks are dogged by a systemic raise racism, you are an uncle tom. he was maligned as somebody who was a carpetbagger, had gone to harvard, and was not black enough. obama even complained about it.
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michael steele, former chair of the g.o.p. when he ran for senate, they were throwing oreo cookies at him, sean, oreo cookies! and the senate president, a white man, a democrat, publicly called him an uncle tom. he apologized, but the other democrats who are privately high-fiving did not apologize because this is what they've done in time immemorial, if youc don't believe a certain thing if you are black, if you are a brown,n, you sellout, and, leo terrel, how, they do not condemn that, but you condemnlo biden -- >> you know what? he "won the argument," sean. i agree, joe bryden was wrong. but larry doesn't want to give me any credit for that. he wants to bring up ayanna pressley. he just change the subject. nothing changes. >> the same thing that biden said... be one we do have records here,
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>> sean: we do have records here, ari. 13 million more americans on food stamps, 8 million more in poverty, that was obama-biden. then you have historically black colleges, all the aid that president trump game. the opportunity zones, that's donald trump. criminalrt justice reform. talice johnson, that's donald trump. that wasn't biden, that wasn't obama. i think if we are going to play these identity politics game, i think trump has a solid record to run on. >> here's the numbers to keep your eyen. in november why i thk this stupid statement joe biden made will come back to him in some degree in november. republicans lose the vote 9-1. 90% goes democrat, 10% goes republican. african-americans turned out
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surgeons from about 10% of the electorate to 13% of the electorate. hillary clinton won the appian american vote only, she will make it 92-8, did worse than obama. the opportunity trump had who did better thanbu mccain and better than romney is for trump to get 13, 14, 15 percent of the black vote. the difference is if you lose it 10-1, it's very hard to win back the presidency. if you lose the black vote eight, nine, one, you can actually win pennsylvania, minnesota, wisconsin. a lot of those big states with big cities. ohio. that's want to donald trump has in front of him. 12, 13, 14, 15 percent. >> sean: let me go back to leo. i want to know if leo terrell prior to corona looks at the unemployment rate for african-americans and can say the words good job president trump. can you look at for example be health of historically black
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colleges come as a good job? and you say that the president's criminal justice reform, good job? can i hear the words, good job president trump come up appian americans issues? >> can i give you the -- quiet, larry. yes, i can give them credit for that. but larry elder and you, sean, and ari, have to tell me one thing? why are there so many blacks dying this proportionately due to the coronavirus? i will give trump credit on your program. but i need -- it's been carnage, sean! the disproportionate blacks dying due to corona. it's a fair question. sean: let's go to ari >> the sad fact of the matter is, health does hit people in poverty and the poor more than it hits others.
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historically true because of the incidences of obesity, diabetes, health care problems who technically lower income have. that's the african-american profile sadly in america. it's the underlying health conditions and it should be acknowledged and the government needs to do a lot more to go into african-american communities and deliver more health. >> sean: what ari is saying, larry, obamacare, those promises were not capped. millions lost their doctors, plans, on average across the country were up. you get the last laird. >> ask leo terrel if black people are just personally affected by coronavirus. secondly can you imagine had donald trump at a rally it said something like, if you haven't decided whether or not you want me or biden, you ain't really white. end of the world! they be marching on washington for this racist statement biden made is redirecting what democratic dogma 101 is
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concluding my friend leo terrel. >> you didn't answer the question. i'm not going to reply. >> sean: leo, this is a record. the first time you didn't take out your ear. it's, throw down your micropho microphone. >> i'm here for you, sean. >> how are those kids doing? >> sean, you think o.j. simpson is innocent? he things o.j. simpson is innocent! >> sean: busy breaking news night tonight. you won't believe whatft shutdon government witmer's husband was doing. way too youie see these videos over the weekend. my gosh. straight ahead.
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>> sean: the failed governor of shutdown michigan doing more damage control today after it was revealed her husband commanded access to dock where the boat is because i'm the husband of the governor! after after her office allegedly denied it ever happened, governor witmer is saying it's a failed attempt at humor. take a look. >> i do feel compelled to address the most recent one about my husband mark.
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my husband made a failed attempt at humor last week when checking in with the small business that helps with the air airboats up north. knowing it would make a difference, he said to mary to mean, would it move them up the q? >> sean: put me down as someone who -- when democrats are caught in a massive blunder, it shrugged off as a joke, dismissed. look at disgraced governor ralph northam. you make the baby comfortable and the mother decides northam? he issued zirconium lockdown orders in hisd state and there e is pictured not social distancing and not wearing al mask at the beach this weekend. why is it when democrats are implicated in what is a massive scandal, the mob in the media, they play nonstop defense for them? look at the deadly nursing home scandal. look at the states, new york,
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new jersey, pennsylvania, and yes, michigan predemocratic governors of these states, the s resulting in thousands and thousands of preventable deaths. failed democratic leadership, directing nursing homes. by law, they must take in covid-19 patients even though they had no m means to take care of them. democrats left senior is vulnerable, abandon those who are most at risk. it was the opposite of what was done in florida, georgia, texas. it's a massive scandal. the mob and the media, could you imagine if donald trump send covid patients into nursing homes, how the mob would be reacting today? in new york, it's almost 6,000 of their covid deaths, nursing home deaths. new jersey, 42% of all the coronavirus deaths. get this, in pennsylvania, because of that stupid order four days after cuomo on march 29th, it's 57% of
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pennsylvania's death. michigan, they still won't report their nursing home fatalities because the governor lockdown whitmer, we need transparency. maybe you want to release those numbers. it's time for real accountability so w we don't mae the same mistakes moving forward, especially new york governor cuomo. completely mismanaged, start to finish, done nothing but deflect blame, put on powerball power points, get every single decision wrong when the colossal level and attacked the president, blame him when all else fails. take a look. >> what new york did was follow what the republican administration said to do. that's not my attempt to politicize it. you can't save everyone. you are going to lose some. that's life. thatat nursing home should have referred that patient and told the department of health, i can't handle these patients.
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when the department of health takes bernadette, they no longer get paid for bernadette. oh, money. we have been helping them with more ppe. again, it's not our job. >> sean: not our job? whose job is it again? you were screaming for 40,000 ventilators. florida governor desantis got it right. they got it wrong and people died. cuomo repeatedly downplayed the virus all winter, blame the president for a ventilator shortage that he had been warned about years earlier. the president even sent in, let's see, a military hospital ship. he sent in and demand that ship from amanda the 3,000 beds in the javits center, converted those facilities to take on covid-19 patients and they saw hardly any patients. just a little over a thousand of
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the 3,000 bed facility at the javits center, there were other hospitals built throughout the state. andrew cuomo, new york democrats, they were basically forcing an overwhelmed nursing home, you've got to take these patients. by the way, i am not responsible for your ppe and i'm not responsible if you can't handle it. by the way, you did it forr mo money. now he's blaming trump because all else failed. governor, it's time for you to admit your mistakes. admit your mistakes were deadly. you put the elderly, your signature, your executive order, your decision. donald trump had been saying, we will back you up but you make up your own mind on these things. you put the most vulnerable at risk andn people died as a resut of you not protecting the elderly. the saddest part of this, it didn't have to be like this. instead of takingns responsibility, these democratic governors all do the opposite. look at his bombshell new report from the guardian revealing for example in new york that cuomo gave immunity to nursing home
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executives following big campaign donations. don't forget by the way, the volunteers that came from other states to help new york in their hour of need? they all have to pay new york state income taxes. thanks for coming and helping. even the new york health department is covering their tracks. actuallyri deleting cuomo's executive order with his signature links to this nursing home disaster. meanwhile, tensions are beginning to boil over in every corner of society. don't believe me? take a look at this video. a mob of shoppers in staten island staten island, new york, operating this poor woman. apparently she wasn't wearing a mask, launching vulgarities, verbal attacks at her in the middle of the store. take a look. >> [bleep]! [bleep]! >> get out! >> [bleep]! get out! >> sean: i happened to notice somebody, i'll turn the other direction.
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i have better things to do in my life than start to be the mask police. lake of the ozarks, packed with partygoers this holiday weekend and i understand these are young people. the experts keep saying over and over they are at a much lower risk. but if they do get this and, again, there is no mask wearing here that i see or not much at all. i see no social distancing. if they get the virus and are in contact with older and more vulnerable americans, that could be a disaster for others. that's why in the short period of time, only temporary, if you can social distancing's, please wear the mask. do it for your mom, dad, grandma, grandpa. you don't have to listen to me, i'm not a doctor. we also need to use common sense. need to be cautious, take precautions because we don't want it to spread the vulnerable people. we've seen what happens when we do. just like i've been saying, i've been very confident there is a way forward to be practical, productive while protecting the most vulnerable while opening up the country. by the way we are getting the
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country back to work, back to work safely, and at the same k,time preventing predicable new hot spots from emerging, pouncing on them when they do.g like meat packaging plants atco south dakota, iowa, washington state. democrats, they are playing politics with the nation's safety and economic security. take a new democrats are in a panic that "we are about to see the best economic data that we see n this history of the country." that'll be the third quarter, hopefully the fourth quarter of its second quarter will be an unmitigated disaster because the country shut down. imagine being so consumed about their politics of hatred because they want the economy to fail because they think it increases your odds, if joe biden the ever breakable one wins and 160 days. we actually have american suffering down needlessly. as i said, every grocery store i went to when youou are at that i went through throughout all of
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this, every week i see the same guys. i put it on my twitter account. this guy robert, great kid. there every single time i went to the grocery store. this particular story, not a single person contracted corona here they all wore masks. some more shields. they put a plexiglass between the cashiers and the customers. a lot of people moving in and out of the epicenter. dr. fauci said last week that if we don't focus on reopening soon, we are going to do irreparable damage to the country. americans must do what we do best. create, innovate, work like hell to rebuild the country, and do it safely be here with reaction, senator john kennedy. senator of louisiana. i'm amazed at the ingenuity. i was a critic of governor kemp, for example. i didn't like the idea of salons that they had more distance, people have their hands underneath a slight opening a plexiglass. the people giving the manicures,
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et cetera, has a glove and they mask on. the client has a glove and masks on. i see the same thing happening with casinos, i see the same thing happening withth restaurants. i like america's genius in ingenuity and the ability to adapt. >> well, sean, i've set it on your show before i've said it on your show before. there are two types of people in government. there are those who trust government more than people, and people who trust people more than government. i trust the american people. some of my colleagues treat them like, but i believe the american people can govern themselves. i believe the american people understand the coronavirus is serious. most ofus us won't get it and if we do get it, it won't kill most of us. but it will hurt badly, generally, the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions. most americans respect the
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virus. >> sean: i think -- >> americans also understand... i'm sorry? >> sean: go ahead. >> most americans also understand that we aren't going to get back on our feeter economically if we all sit home and watch netflix. i think most americans are ready to go back to work and they understand they can do itre sa safely. every politician in america today republican or democrat needser to be focused on two things. doing everything they can, we can, to help people, the elderly and those of pre-existing conditions, and everything we can to get the economy reopened in a safe and response above matter. i was listening to your commentary about the governors but when we started the pandemic, the governors said we want to be in charge.
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if you accept the authority you've got to accept the responsibility and own your mistakes. >> sean: it was a disaster. the decision to put these covid patients and elderly care, it was a disaster. people died needlessly. >> it was a mistake. and my advice to governor cuomo, we've made it in all levels of government. call it a mistake. he should own it. just like governor whitmer should own what her husband did. she shouldn't lie about it. she just say straight up, my husband acted like a butthead. >> sean: senator, we love having you on. when we come back, update with thispd woman who had a bizarre confrontation with a man in central park. let's say she's looking for work. also protest this hour in minneapolis. four cops were fired after an
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african-american man died in police custody. trace gallagher haspo that full report. also breaking news, text messages between peter strzok and lisa page. new evidence that brings all of this once again right into the office of then president barack obama. what he knew about spying on the trump campaign. later, new york new england patriots owner robert kraft, talking to us abom and what happened to tom brady straight ahead these folks, they don't have time to go to the post office
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they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the amazing services of the post office only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again!
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>> sean: a disturbing story right here in the state of new york after a woman caught on tape threatening to call the police on an african-american man in central park. care to explain what is just bizarre video and the whole story, chief breaking news corresponded trace gallagher it. i understand this woman has gotten fired? >> indeed she has. happening in a section of central park called the ramble, an area that attracts hundreds of bird species. christian cooper, who is black, goes there to bird watch because he knows dogs are not allowed off leach and won't bother the birds until amy cooper, who is white, came by with her dogs off the leash and christian cooper began recording. wash >> i'm going to ask you to stop
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recording. >> please do not come close. please call the cops. >> i'm going to tell them there's an african-american man threatening my life. >> please tell them whatever you like! >> she did call saying the man was threatening her when she was clearly not an throughout the call she appears to be a choking her dog, you can even hear the dog yelped. then she says this the police. watch. >> i'm sorry. i'm being threatened by a man in the ramble is! please send the cops immediate immediately! i'm in central park! >> thank you. >> you can see he was a ways away from her. amy cooper was quickly vilified and now says her life is being destroyed but she has since apologized saying she's not racist but says her behavior was inexcusable and indefensible. even had to surrender her dog until the matter is resolved and as you said, sean, she has been fired from her financial job.
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>> sean: the man was asking very nicely to put the dog on the leash and couldn't be more polite. wow. shocking, sad, pathetic. trace gallagher, thank you. developing tonight, john solomon uncovering more damning evidence of indicating barack obama in the biggest abuse of power, corruption scandal in our nation's history and has laid out a comprehensive timeline of the mounting evidence tying president obama to the framing of michael flynn. much more just ahead. but first acting dni director has now declassified more russia probe documents, including transcripts of calls between flynn and his soon to counterpart kislyak clearing the way for the release by newly sworn in dni director john ratcliffe and in a letter, grenell also exposing hoechst or ron his "cherry picking certain
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documents will release. the host of "justice," just as jeanine pirro, and investigative reporter john solomon. let's talk about the new developments and you text messages. >> the new text messages are from january third to 2017. it's the day before the fbi makes the fateful decision that they are not going to close down the flynn investigation even though they have no evidence of criminality. what you find out is that strozk, page, and their boss bill priestap that the white house is trying to get a hold of the flynn transcripts, it gives us a state of mind that the white house was driving the flynn decisions in this very critical time leading up to the president from taking office. >> sean: let's go to the legal
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aspect. as it keeps unfolding and it keeps coming to the office of barack obama, i want to know what barack knew, what joan knew, what they knew when they knew it. from a legal aspect, what do you see tonight, judge jeanine? >> clearly obama's hatred for flynn, sean, was something that most people understood. he fired, his administration fired flynn in 2014 because flynn did not buy the "isis is on the run," or a bomb acting on syria's redline. we have an fbi fearful of reporting to the president, there was no derogatory information on flynn, so fearful that they chose not to close a file for there was no derogatory information and instead go forward with a counterintelligence investigation. when you have now the president who has these fbi agents who were working for him clearly aware of the fact that bill
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priestap appears to be the exception, but when everything comes out, we'll know for sure, they are actually changing their behavior is so that they do when investigation and try to get them involved in entrapment or a perjury trap. >> sean: my sources say that they are all lawyered up, all the big names we are talking about. who do you think is in the most legal jeopardy? >> right now, strozk, page, comey, mccabe. the question is who points to obama? he was running this. >> sean: you said it, in those text messages, he wanted to be kept abreast every step of the way. >> everything, that was the text message. >> sean: he knew it, it even shocked sally gates on january 5th 2017. when we come back, patriots owner robert kraft sold one of his super bowl rings for over a million bucks, donating it to
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covid relief. a plane sent to china to bring back million of masks for americans serving on the front line. to pop up the hospital at the javits center in new york city. he also sold his prize super bowl li ring for over a million dollars as part of a coronavirus fund-raiser. he joins us now. first of all, beautiful ring. thank you for all you've done for it i'm going to put up on the side of the screen all you've done, only a tip of the iceberg. the ring in particular, that had to be hard to give up. they are not easily obtained. i know you have a lot of them, but... >> no. that one is pretty special. i had a good friend, michael rubin,ha who started the all in challenge, and he said to come up with something special that would garner a lot of support. and, youal know, i thought about
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that super bowl and we were down 28-3 with 2 minutes to go in the third period and had a 99.6 chance to lose and we came back and it was a great victory. in some ways, i feel the mood of our country is a little down now, and we are still the greatest country in the world. we are going to come back. i thought that our ring epitomized that and i am happy to a say that patriots fan who wants to be i'm not a mess right now bought it, but i hope you'll come public with it. >> sean: can we ope open the stadium successfully? i've talked to the head of the yankees, so many different owners. people go through these turnstiles that take temperatures. if you want to go to the game, you have to wear a mask. drink your beer through a straw.
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it's inconvenient. you do it for other people. it's proven safe in new york for who did this diligently. your thoughts? >> we b very much, we are preparing to hopefully play football this fall. we are working hand-in-hand with our we believe we develop protocols will allow us to do it in a safe way. first for our players and personnel, and of course the fans. i believe we can do it. >> sean: okay. tom brady. bill belichick, brady, kraft. one ofli the best trios in nfl history. can you comment on that? >> well, i'm privileged... we are about to sign our second century in the nfl. i'm t privileged to have the greatest quarterback in the history of the league in the
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first 100 years and the greatest coach. it's been a great joy to have this partnership for 20 years that we were able to keep it together. >> sean: mr. craft, thank you for all you are doing. your generosity speaks volumes. thank you, sir. when we come back, police protests inir the minneapolis. we'll update you next. bottom line is, moms love that land o' frost premium sliced meats have no by-products. [conference phone] baloney! [conference phone] has joined the call. hey baloney here. i thought this was a no by-products call? land o' frost premium. a slice above.
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we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i remember setting up shipstation. one or two clicks and everything was up and running. i was printing out labels and saving money. shipstation saves us so much time. it makes it really easy and seamless. pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the box, and it's ready to go. our costs for shipping were cut in half. just like that. shipstation. the #1 choice of online sellers. go to and get 2 months free. i'll start... oh, do you want to go first? shipstation. the #1 choice of online sellers. no, no i don' go. i was just going to say on slide 7,
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talking about bundling and saving...umm... jamie, you're cutting out. sorry i'm late! hey, whoever's doing that, can you go on mute? oh, my bad! i was just saying there's a typo on slide 7. bundle home & auto for big discosnouts. i think that's supposed to say discounts. you sure about that? hey, can you guys see me?
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>> sean: also breaking tonight protesters in minneapolis with disturbing video showed an who later died, now for police w officers have been fired. we'll have more on tomorrow night show. let not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham is standing by. happy monday -- happy tuesday. >> laura: happy tuesday. those are disturbing images, sean. let's see what develops here. people on edge across the country but there is a lot of room at the same time we have challenges, a lot of room for real optimism which i'm going to hit on tonight despite the fact -- >> sean: that's awesome. florida, georgia, texas, great stories. aa lot of great stories to tell. >> laura: absolutely. great show. i'm laura ingraham and this is this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. despite the decline in covid numbers, why are some citizens subjecting their citizens to sustain these absurd lockdowns? we are going to speak to a couple of folks who are suffering under
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