tv Watters World FOX News May 30, 2020 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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violence outbreak among protesters, demonstrators calling for justice, very angry about the situation of how he died with the police officers need in his neck. you are watching fox news special coverage, i am harris faulkner, on the left side of your screen los angeles is coming up on their curfew and holding the line with several rows deep of law enforcement and several had riot gear on but it looks like a pretty quiet situation as they move forward against beyond them, you can see the signs that all of the protesters, that is l.a., and an intense scene playing out in new york city, brian yunus has made his way to union square where things have devolved in the last 30 or 40 minutes, people are challenging the law enforcement on the with some write your own, using rubber bullets
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fired, you've seen tear gassed and pepper spray, people dousing himself with water in this scene and outside the white house, it has played out with pliers and intense situations of philadelphia as well. union square, brian yunus is in the center of all of this. you made your way there from 25 minutes away, there is a lot of anger in it is late. >> yet it is, we just left brooklyn how far away from here, that was a completely different situation from what we see here. that was a situation when they were agitators and they were there for completely different reasons, here in union square in manhattan and you're seeing people with protesters, signs, they are completely saying george floyd's name over and over so you can see the restraint the officers are sitting there and getting yelled at by these protesters, this one guy here has been yelling
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consistently and saying george floyd's name all the time, you can tell the protesters are holding the signs. in the back i don't know -- do you see the fire, there is a fire in the back, this is similar to what we had with the situation all day, you see the frontline protesters who are here enchanting george floyd's name and talking about the injustice of the justice system and they're talking about how racism affects them and you see the fire in the back. you hear the clinking of the bottles. that's what happened in flatbush when the bottles are being thrown. here in union square the officers are around us behind this line in its attempt situation, all is going to take as a bottle to be flung over to perhaps charge and push back on that. so everyone is at a standstill, were a few feet away from police cruiser that was on fire that has been taken out and taking care of but this is a situation
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right now. we were talking before, i forgot to mention, eric gardner this happened about six years ago, the city has dealt with this in a personal way, they were protest then, they have had experience within -- even eric gardner, you remember in that situation when he was killed in a police chokehold, he said over and over again i cannot breathe, there's so many similarities to the situation and a lot of the protesters that were upset are upset now, they see the similarities between george flynn and george floyd saying i cannot breathe in his situation two. this is personal for many people in a multitude of different levels, especially in new york city they have doubled the situation and seen george floyd happened six years ago and they've seen again, the police here, if you can go this way the line of police officer. harris: we can see to that are burning right now.
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>> will try to get to a better view. harris: on the right side of your screen, i will ask to put up so we can tell what. you know what's interesting, you were saying earlier today that they said outside the white house. they were seen earlier today, you can see the remnants of a real protest and calls for justice with george floyd but then as time went on and things evolved, and fires broke out in molotov cocktails and bottles were being thrown and things set ablaze, and you see a trashcan fire and dumpster fires a short time ago, the leader the situation gets, it starts to be away from why they are all there. what about the report, are you seeing anything or people coming in from the outside, can you
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tell that, some you can by the way there dressed the data not originate in the community, what are you seeing in terms of that. >> the nypd commissioner said today during a press conference that they knew that they did -- one second period sorry security is pushing us for safety, just give us one second period we are okay now, commissioner said -- something was thrown -- if you need to move. harris: i saw. >> were gonna move now. >> were good here, we are okay here. >> you see the things being
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thrown. harris: some of them when they hit the ground, they explode, those are molotov cocktails, they have some kind of accelerant in them. some are just glass bottles, some are not, to your point from earlier you don't know what's being launched, so you have to move. >> that is right, you don't know what's being launched until it hits the ground. there is somebody that's being arrested or being sustained, she's being thrown to the ground, she is fighting, it looks like her friend or someone she knows is also taken down and that has her upset, the demand on the ground was talking to police and he was in front of the police line repeating george floyd's name. they are restraining three people on the ground right no now -- the police officer trying to restrain this man on the right and were being pushed back
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now. harris: in addition to this you had several glass bottles being thrown you can see them hitting the ground and some of them setting off an explosion, a, wet call them explosions, their molotov cocktails, when they hit the ground they have a reactio reaction -- i counted to in trash cans in the ground burning so you have all of that happened right around the time that they were taken the three people into custody and you see that in the center screen. >> there's a woman being taken into custody, we have a fire in the right, three people are being taken into custody right now, in the back they pushed everybody back, they have now cleared out union square entirely. the person who is kicking is the same guy who is here during the first live report, a couple minutes ago, he was the one that
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was front of the police officer's faces, not doing anything violent at the time, he was constantly saying profanities and getting in their face and now the events have turned and he's now on the ground and it's about 45 office situation. harris: absolutely, ecm and others another over in the whole process and they had to help him out. brian yannis i'm going to ask you to standby, we have warmer your city mayor rudy giuliani, you are here? >> i am right here watching it what's happening in my city with a tremendous amount of sorrow and a broken heart. i was married years and bernie kerrick is one of my commissioners, i can tell you we took over a city that had two
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riots in three years, this kind of thing, i never had this happen in eight years. ever. i have to tell you one thing that you probably don't know, you see the police officers and white shirts, those are not police officers, those are higher ranking officers, those of lieutenants, captains and above, that the difference between what happened in minneapolis the other night to mr. floyd and what happens in my city. superior officer should've been on the scene of when mr. floyd was killed, probably would not have happened. they would've stopped the officer that was out of control. that is why, when you see an officer in white, that is not a police officer, that is not even a sgt, that's a lieutenant or captain and possibly an inspector. that's a very high ranking officer, very equivalent to a captain in the army or colonel in the army. like the one there in a mask, he is there to watch the other police officers.
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he is there to make sure that they don't use any force except the force that is necessary to restrain the substantial violence. i think that's one of the things the other police officers can learn when the situation happens in mr. floyd, i have to tell you the shame of this, nobody disagrees, nobody disagrees of what happened to mr. floyd is out outraged i'm about as pro-police as you can get a up in a family with five police i worked with the police for 30 years of my life, the prosecutor, high-ranking justice department official and defended them in very difficult situations, also prosecutor put in jail seven police officers, i know the difference. and i don't play judge cases, but i cannot possibly not react with what the officer did. it was almost indescribable, he was warned numerous times that
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he might be killing the man. and it shocked me to see that the other three police officer did not stop it. but i know there was not a superior officer there, that went on for 20 minutes, in new york city a lieutenant or captain would've shown up and pulled off the man in seconds. and if i were there i would've pulled him off. i would've pulled them off and maybe he would've shot me but i don't know why nobody pushed that man off the man he killed. the shame of it, this is something that could united us, we very often do with police brutality, there is time to we had phony and completely exaggerated claims of police brutality with racial thugs and criminals who live off these to
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make money. this is a legitimate bad situation. it has to be recognized. it is the fault of the police that this happen, it is not just the one officer, it's a poorly trained police department, it's a poorly managed police department, that man was never trained, the other man standing there obviously never had any training, the never to hiding training in the police department is not organized to head any superior officer, if you look at the picture there may be more superior officers and police officers. take a look at that minnesota. you have to do that. cities run -- i'm sorry to get political, cities run by progressive, they don't know how to police, i am sorry, 30 cities went up last night, i look to
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everyone of them, they were progressive democratic mayor, this would not of happened when i was mayor of new york city. i think you can ask anyone, it should not happen because this is not protest for mr. floyd, this is a desecration of mr. floyd's memory. people don't steal liquor, they don't break open liquor stores and walkout, i watch that demonstrating to mr. floyd when you're getting liquor to get yourself drunk or set sell it, you don't steal bicycles, you don't steal televisions, these people are doing so much damage, it is really, really horrifying and we have to reject it. >> i went to ask, just in terms of what you are telling us that should've happened in minnesota
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was superior officers in the white shirts, you know with eric gardner in your city years ago, is that another situation. >> i was not the mayor when eric gardner -- remember if it was mayor bloomberg or mayor de blasio, i don't remember if there were superior officers on the scene, i tend to think they were. harris: it does not mean because there's a superior officer that they will absolutely make the right decision. it gives you a much better opportunity in the gardner case was closer than this, i'm not justifying it or not, i'm just telling you as a lawyer or prosecutor i would have a harder time prosecutor the air gardner case in this case. i don't think that murder three is the rate charge either i
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think it's murder in the second degree. i had a long text would judge the other day and we went over intent together unless it turns out that a fixation is not the cause of death then you have a problem in the murder charge, it's not attempted murder but if the fixation -- let's assume that that was the cause of a death, i would charge murder one in case he wants to please him down to murder to, he charge murder three of how we could get off with manslaughter and now will have a legitimate outreach and hopefully not this, you are absolutely correct to be outrage of what happened to mr. floyd.
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to be outraged over mr. gardner, i'm not trained to minimize mr. gardner, this one is so clear, we don't have to talk about another case. harris: i want to point to this because i wrote in my notes what you said, this could've been a point of unifying us all. i called 20 police friends of mine and generally they're the people who call me and say there being unfair to the police, they're exaggerating, they called me and they said were disgusted, were outrage, were shocked, think of your commentators. these guys were cops. they actually worked for me. they were cops, every single one of them, immediately, there is
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no disagreement between you and cnn about what happened, why are we having this, this man will be brought to justice and the fbi. harris: one thing we have not talked about, we will move pretty quickly because mayor -- the governor of the state of minnesota is going to be giving a news conference momentarily and i'm speaking now with the former mayor of new york city, rudy giuliani, a man who wanted to be in the white house who was run for president of the great nation, you have held so many different roles and to get your perspective on the leadership that we saw on the ground, something that is teaching us all interviewers who would've known what the crisp white shirts are in the leadership in the nypd and not just lower rank-and-file officers who were doing a job of restraints in a
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monster job with a huge population of people spilling out in the streets of new york. i want to get your last thought, how we move on from this, one thing that you would like to see happen, how do we bring this to an in, you had to riots. >> let's remind the police people which there are many in there should be, these protesters who are becoming rioters, they are the minority, most of the people that are outraged about what happened are at home, they're not doing this, it's a small minority and at the same token, officer is the minority, the majority of the police officers who you were praising for restraint, would you like to do that job, would you like to have the helmet on and have a mall type cocktail
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thrown at you not knowing when you will come to your children and they do it to protect everybody including minorities, they're mostly good people and so are mostly members of the community. it is all being ruined by a bunch of criminals, that's who they are, they are criminals, they want an excuse to loot the liquor store. and i would love to hear the governor's explanation. harris: they are moving in at union square. >> they have to, you cannot allow your city to be burned, you can only allow so much and then you have to stop, i believe in arresting the first person and the second the third unit doesn't happen, that's why i never had this happen and that's why i find the leadership. harris: we have seen this play out on the screen. i think this is caused by the weak mayor that should never been in the mayor, the minute that these people think they can take a police precinct, they try
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to take the entire city. harris: we have something that we are watching now and i'm sorry to cut you off. tell me what's going on in this scene got pretty intense. >> they just moved in, there is a couple of things that was thrown, union square park has been completely cleared out another throwing fireworks in the air. the police line is moving forward, they are moving in, they probably pushed in a half a block and people ran back and this is what we seen all day, this is a further pushback, they are warning them with an audible, this is the audio on a message that gets sent out on speakers that this is an unlawful assembly. >> they are warning people, they're pushing them back, when
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you have the commanders in white and rudy giuliani was saying they're ordering the police officers in the hold, we seen a lot where the guys in white who are commanders in telling the officers what to do in making sure that they are in between them in the protesters to make sure -- the glass bottle just came flying right there, will bring you back a little further. if you see this -. harris: you can't tell what they're going to do until it hits the ground. >> exactly. were moving forward now, what happens is a bottle gets thrown and then they decide the situation is not attainable anymore and then they push forward again. harris: the protesters go right along with them, they don't
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disperse, they move in concert with this which does not sound safe. >> right, fireworks. exactly, this is what happened, i'll tell you, some people are here to see what's happening, summer here that are actual protesters and some of the agitators. it's in the middle of manhattan, people are coming out and shooting on their cell phones but it adds to the situation and it creates chaos, the police officers have they line but they have people behind them and the people that are following what is happening and people in front of them. that's when it becomes a situation where they lose control, we will keep following the line as they push forward.
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harris: we learned a lot from former mayor giuliani, he was talking with supervisors and then we get to show us how that plays out on real-time moments after giuliani said is very helpful to understand the scene and how much management is on the ground supporting the police officers making sure that they keep a distance aligned between themselves and the molotov throwing. >> there also keeping us in check two. everybody is being moved right now, the supervisors are doing a good job to make sure the situation because of what happened yesterday, berkeley center, we sell the two videos where the officer was thrown off, somebody was pushed to the ground the police officer, the mayor said he wanted doing independent investigation and how the police and protesters reacted yesterday and the nypd has responded by putting in more supervisors on the front line in
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there doing the best they can in a dangerous situation, were being told to continue to move, we are at the end of the block and they've cleared the way at this point. harris: has the crowd thinned at all, it does not look like >> when we got here we saw two dozen people, that turned very quickly, was more than 2000, there was dozens of people at union square park and it's hard to tell the people come from other angles and stuff, there are more people establish when i was there and i've been pushed further back, i cannot give you necessary count. but it's not thousands of people on the streets right now. harris: this is lit differently because of where it is, union square, times square, that slip by daylight by all the storefronts and whatnot with their security lighting, we have more reps, one thing that rudy giuliani was saying if you
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arrest one, two and three, that will get the crowds to disperse because they see the police are going to take action. what are we watching in the center of the screen to see vehicles, can you see that? it looks like a vehicle that's been pulled through an intersection, i cannot tell what that is, police officers are running and a lot of people running. we have a situation where they're going after one particular individual at the scene and now more of them and they are pushing those protesters back, they've taken out the batons to be able to do that to clear the area quickly. i am narrating from a sky cam.
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>> i'm giving you guys a bit of perspective, the line is moving faster but the culture is pushing down west 14th street, you saw they were throwing something at cops, they caught the bottle and threw back actually it was a plastic bottle but look if you can show, this is the crowd that we have, it's not many people in the right side, it's a few people, photographers, there they go, another pushing and, the supervisor said doubletime, were moving, and were moving. we've been told to move doubletime, that's what were doing they are clearing up the street quickly, were gonna stay behind the line, the police line, let's stop here. the pushing through now.
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the supervisor just said doubletime that means the officer move doubletime quickly down the street to clear out, they're not playing games anymore in terms of clearing, the started at union square and this was pushing back slightly and now was a rush to put people down the block and they're getting everybody off the streets and sidewalks right now. harris: i want to tell our viewers as we were going back and forth, we can see the two vehicles, one of the scenes that we saw was actually in brooklyn where they had taken out there batons and we are going to toggle between the scene in brooklyn and where you are now in new york city on the other side in union square, the reason we are doing that to simply show you how many people are still on the streets, these two areas of the city are not anywhere close to each other yet you have competing scenes of law
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enforcement. you heard police commissioner bernie carriker joined me earlier this hour and said he led a force of 41000 police officers and still about that now, they don't necessarily need the national guard to come in here just yet, they have so many police officers, but also takes coordination and leadership in what brian yannis was giving a ground view of the leadership that rudy giuliani was telling us about with a white shirt and deceit to the center, the center left the guys in the dressier shirts, those are high ranking officials with leadership in the nypd. they are giving the call now for what to do, this is brooklyn, the scene where we have brian yannis at union square and they're nowhere near each other, they look similar, there is so many people out on the streets of new york and it does not take
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reminding all of us that were in the middle of a run a virus pandemic but i have not seen in new yorkers can tell you, we have not seen on the east coast, this gathering of people in months on any of our streets. i live in new jersey, i don't live in new york, nothing near me has look like this. here we are approaching 11:30 p.m. on the east coast, it looks like a summer night, a saturday night pre-pandemic without the destruction, brian yannis, were back with you in union square. >> we are doing -- here is the construction, here are the things that are being thrown in the street wood panels, deliveries for product delivery, is now in the middle, this is west 14th street, were making our way west, here's a door cabinet. these people have in grabbing
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things, a lot of stuff that you see on the side of the street in new york that is typically trash, they have been thrown in the middle of the street and some things were used to be thrown at the police officers. were -- the police have move doubletime to their way ahead of us, if you turn around you can show us how they cleared up the street, it's been completely cleared, the supervisor said move doubletime and that's what they did and now are moving and i believe that is sixth avenue, we have been pushed all the way to sixth avenue on 14th street, we've been pushed pretty far over and they will keep doing this, eventually you've reached the river, they are continuing to push through and make sure they cleared the street as quickly as they can. i misspoke windows, you can see the storefront so you see the officers and storefront of where things are coming from that are obviously a ground-level, that is still a lot of people, we're
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going to pull away from you and former u.s. attorney guy lewis, they are holding the line in union square, they're doing the same thing in brooklyn, they are doing the same thing in washingtonwashington d.c. in the charges against george floyd in the former mayor was telling me he wasn't the first and the last couple of hours but the most recent to say murder three, isn't there something stronger they could've charged that police officer derek chauvin and what can you tell us legally. >> i have gone over the complaint that was issued in the case, we were talking about this yesterday, they got in a preliminary report from the medical examiner and frankly i expected the charges to be much more aggressive, the complaint itself, four pages, principally relies on the videotape that we
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have all seen over and over again in two points real quick, they just charged murder in the third degree, not first-degree and not second, third-degree murder and then they charged a second degree, the lowest form you could on manslaughter, the charges were not aggressive by any stretch of the imagination, i went back and i looked at their principal piece of evidence right now and i was struck by two things, one the tape itself, you look at the videotape and has officers knee on its neck, almost three minutes after he has quit breathing and he is nonresponsive, secondly, the other thing i was amazed that, i don't think i've heard anybody talk about this, you look at this, the videotape very carefully, you see the officers
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knee rocking back and forth, grinding in to the neck and then at the end of the complaint, they say he did not necessarily, they cannot conclude he died of a fixation, i don't know, it raises a lot of questions in my mind. harris: reports that the family is working with doctor and we know him, he is famous the o.j. simpson case, he has done so many of the different -- take another look if you would, he will do that with another autopsy, do you think that is necessary at this point, do you think that's helpful and what if it comes out different, what do you do that legally? >> great question, here's what i think will happen, i think he will take another look and i think frankly, this feds are going to take another look, attorney general bill barr made
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clear that he has instructed the fdr, the department of justice to conduct a parallel investigation, usually that is not a good thing because look, i don't want my witnesses or their crimes, i want all this other evidence to be subject to multiple interpretation but look, i don't think this is just because of the floyd family has complained and wanted first-degree, i think a lot of us are looking at this and scratching our heads thinking i was expecting something a little more aggressive you look at thet and when it goes on and on like this, it gets further and further away from the concept that your pushing for justice for george floyd when the visual on the screen does not support that, the visuals on the screen support looting and desperate
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measures, attempts a violent and sometimes completion of violence, they certainly don't seem in concert with respecting and honoring the memory of a man who died pretty much on camera, he passed out after nine minutes of pressure against his neck and later died in custody. the images do not match, the first day or so when it was really fine carrying and more about george floyd, how much difference does that make in a case like this in terms of seeing an arrest and in terms of seeing charges at all, sometimes with the cases that there is no video, there is no protest and that's how we got here systemically, the complaints are not always heard, you mention the family of floyd in the complaint, sometimes out falls on deaf ears, what your calculation about the protest in the beginning having any effect? >> here is my fear, the protest as what were watching right now, what you're covering and what
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were watching right now her to prosecution. let me tell you how, at some point you will have a trial, you will have a group of people that you are trying to pick a jury from, i don't think you will be able to do it in minnesota and certainly the site of the crime, then the defense lawyer doing her job or his job, she will wind up saying, did you see all the protest, did you see how violent it was, can you be fair, you have juror after jurors say no, i cannot be fair, it will delay, it will hurt the prosecution of the case, nothing good, nothing good comes of what were watching in terms of a later prosecution. harris: we will have doctor michael do the second and were
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watching now, we're literally watching people set things on fire. this is unbelievable. these are crimes. this is not a protest. these are crimes. this is not honor of george floyd's death, horrific. gone forever, these are the images that now take over our psyches. sky lewis, i leave you with the last thoughts, it is more than just your job as a former u.s. attorney, you are saying that all of this together hurts the prosecution, it is not just that is your former justice, you want to win cases and you want this one to see justice. >> absolutely, i want my case, métis to be crossed, my eyes to be dotted and frankly that is why i am glad that we have the attorney general bill barr looking over their collective shoulders, he will be very
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aggressive on this i assure you, having worked with him, if he sees the need, he will absolutely engage federal prosecutor, the fbi and he will charge federal crimes, hate crimes and other crimes with the fed civil rights violation. harris: that is in the case of george floyd, as we look i see crimes being committed, we've seen destruction of property at a time when 40 million people are out of work, i made this point before, these people are destroying the infrastructure in the establishment that must support them when we all begin to reopen and get back to where we were or go forward to a better place. >> i have to tell you, i have gotten a call from a friend with the fbi earlier, they knew, they
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were the same kind -- maybe not as destructive but the same kind of protest into a lesser extent, riots that were going on down here in miami, they knew beforehand, they knew that some of these people were crossing the state line, some of your other guests have talked about, there was a coordination, not just a communication but a real coordination among some of the protesters who have nothing to do with the george case and just want to create problems, that's where the feds also need to get super super aggressive, it's a federal crime in a federal offense, five years in jail to cross the state line into participate in a right like a lot of these people are doing right now. harris: sky lewis former u.s. attorney breaking down the legal side. i appreciate your time and
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expertise. thank you so much taking a look at the mayhem in washington, d.c. as authorities on the ground, you can hear the use of rubber bullets, we have seen this play out, they break up the crowds with teargas and we are watching now, we watch the molotov cocktails, you see them in the air and you'll see it to the left of the screen, we learn this with brian yannis and you don't know which ones will catch fire, now potential teargas and pepper spray, you see people taking out water bottles and covering their faces, it's piercing pain when they feel that as they push these people back. as we watch this play out in another area, this is washington, d.c. -- excuse me washington state, forgive me. -- my producer is going back and forth. this is the nation's capital.
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but as we watch this play out, look at all the broken glass as their throwing bottles, we knew this is part of what was going on, that is potentially very dangerous situation because fires pop up depending on what side of the glass bottles. i apologize for going back and forth. we have our next guest who can join me now, i am eager to talk with jack brewer because he has a way of breaking down what got us here, they are the fires that we are talking about, you have the molotov cocktails and them hitting the ground and some catching fires and will ignite inside of a trashcan and we see this player, it is dangerous because somebody can be standing there and you just saw another one launched in there trying to put them out as quickly as they catch fire. jack brewer is the former nfl player, the spokesperson for the national association league and
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the ceo of the brewer group, you are with me, we are watching the scenes play out at the nation's capital, it does not get any easier. you and i spoke this week about the pain in the hurt that people were feeling. are you surprised that we are now seeing this for a third and a fourth night in the municipality. >> this is poor leadership in a lot of places, the mayor rudy giuliani did a great way of explaining that, it's a deeper issue and we talked about this before. the nation cringes when we watch the police officer who completely lost his fearing god, now we sit here and we watch our young generation, they have completely lost their fear of god, these kids are in front of burning buildings, they are looting taking self selfies, you are watching these kids go out here and create a violence taking selfies and going on instagram live in this is become
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a cultural fad, this is absolutely ridiculous and it's horrible for the family, the floyd family who has a horrific loss, this nation is trying to mourn, we put a spaceship into outer space today and we should all be celebrating as americans, we are watching this disaster across the street ever nation, it's really saddening and we have to start praying publicly together and holding our hands and our leaders, if you watch some of the leaders that are directing these kids are influencing them and saying we understand you go out and doing this violence, we need leaders that go into the community with god and we need to fear god to come back in our country, we the king said earlier, doctor martin luther king, when he marched he marched with his bible in his hand, we don't have that anymore and we can say what we want to but we are watching evilness, if you have racism in your heart
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and if you have violence, evil means you kill, steel industry, were watching that and police officer do it, now were watching the kids do it in front of our eyes and it is sickening. harris: as you work with police officers and law enforcement across the country, i am wondering if you had an opportunity in the last few days to talk with people that you are close to to see how they are feeling because you hear the term bad apples among them, but when you talk to young black, you hear there is legitimate fear, how do we bridge the gap, i know so many wonderful police officers in in town hall we did not have enough seats for all of them. but we have to work on this together, we cannot work on this together people are fighting like this, how will we get off the spot if we don't make the choice to do that.
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>> it will take us coming together, we have to go to d.c. and lock arms. i think it'll be the white people, the black people, we need white leaders to step out against racism and talk about love, we need black leaders to step out against racism and talk about love, we need to go and attack the police culture, i talked to so many law enforcement officers and law enforcement professionals who are sickened, they want a change in culture, the good law enforcement officers, the law enforcement officers over country want a different culture, we agree on this one, we are not fighting, this is not a protest against one side that believes this is right, everyone wants to stand up for this, no ma'am should have force put on him like that if he is handcuffed, that is ridiculous, everyone agrees, we have to come together as a nation and we need to have our leaders put god first and come back and have these conversations that we need to have and it starts from the
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top, president trump has the state in the forefront to speak loudly and boldly. harris: let me apologize to the audience, there was a man that had a bit of obscenity with taking his pants down on the right-hand side and we are not on a 72nd delay, i want to apologize, there is no way that we can control the cameras and all the pictures and everything that you see, but i am always eyes to the screen as much as possible and there is no way to see that coming, i apologize for that and jack brewer, is speaks to the issue that you are talking about. it's right there in front of our eyes. if you look at the music that our kids listen to, there is so much evilness, look at the movies of these kids watch, that penetrate your soul, in order for your soul to be clean, you need the word of god and love in
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your heart, you cannot think it's cool to be in front of a burning building of a person that has worked their entire life to build a building you go in, looted and burned it and taking selfies in front of it. we have an issue, a spiritual issue in our nation and we have to have leaders, leaders that lead with the word of god and whatever religion you are, lead with that religion, every religion is talked about love, let's love one another again. harris: quick question, where are the black leaders, i had a conversation with a previous guest that talked about representative john lewis and i said 55 years ago he was 15 years old, i read an op-ed by him, he has spent decades fighting for civil rights, it is time for the next wave, it's time for the next generation, where are those people, i'm curious, just a quick thought. >> are leaders unfortunately are
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our influencers, most of the women are half naked on the screen of social media, most of the men in the rappers and entertainers are talking about shooting ak-47s in the air, these are the people if you want to keep it real, these are the people that are leading our children, that is what is sad, people don't look up to the congress members of leaders, we have the city of atlanta which is an amazing black city run by a black female mayor, that is prosperous, so many good things happen in the city and she cannot control it, it's ridiculous you go into these places even in minneapolis, we talk about racism, minneapolis had a black mayor of the capital, a black ag, all of these things, we have people in place but we don't have any respect for each other anymore, we don't have any love anymore, that's what the real issue is. harris: jack brewer is preaching, governor huckabee was
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the very complementary of the mayor of atlanta inside what you're talking about cannot just be one person, cannot just be her, it has to be everybody together. always great to have you along in your here for the breaking news thank you for your time, perspective and heart. >> anytime, thank you for your leadership in keeping it straight and allowing me to give glory to god, everybody get on your knees and pray tonight, second chronicles 714, we all have to seek his face, he will heal this land. thank you. harris: jack, thank you very much. you are seen to competing scenes, these are just two that we can show you, seattle, philadelphia, not just this part of manhattan but brooklyn, washington, d.c. on the left, there has been so many issues in the origin of all of this, minneapolis where george floyd met his death as that police
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officer put his knee in his neck, is something that former mayor rudy giuliani has said at the point of unified for a moment and could still be that but yet now rather than talking about something that we can all agree was agreed using cruel and so many things to say about the video tape death, now we are focused in on the violence of peaceful protest that has devolved into something else in the later it gets, the more difficult it is to hold the line against people who do not want to go home and some of them are there peacefully obviously, someone to set stuff on fire and throw bottles that explode on the ground and so forth, this is a tough night, third and fourth night in some minutes of polities to watch this happen in america today. there are legalities to consider and we talked briefly with former u.s. attorney guy lewis
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about the department of justice and what will happen next, i want to bring in and the mccarthy former u.s. attorney as we round out this hour, what are your thoughts, we have another autopsy coming, doctor michael, what are your thoughts about the charges in this case of george floyd and look at what's playing out on the streets. >> if you look at minnesota law, they have brought the appropriate charges, i was a little bit surprised to hear some of my colleagues say otherwise, prosecutors have to prove stuff beyond a reasonable doubt including intent and in most cases murder one is not even available for even premeditated murders in less you have certain categories of victims like police officers. in minnesota, you have to prove premeditation which so far as we know they don't have proof of that at the moment, for murder
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to you would have to prove that they intended to cause death which is a very difficult proof under these circumstances, they brought this under in minnesota which is murder three which is depraved indifference which means a murder that is because not necessarily because you're intending to cause death or with any premeditation, but you do something that has such a depraved reckless indifference to human lives and then it causes death. from what i can gather looking at this, that's the charge that sits what happened. it's a 25 year murder, were not talking about small potatoes. i just don't think that they're being daring enough, i think they're trying to match the law of minnesota to the evidence that they have. harris: i don't know if you can see this on the screen, let's toggle from the details of the
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case, you have pointed out your differences with some of those who look at the case who have the same job as you and that's the point of talking about it. we are watching looting like you would not believe, this is california. how can this happen, i know how it happens, i see it playing out on the screen, this has nothing to do it george floyd, this has nothing to do with healing divider racism or anything in this country, this is straight up criminal behavior. >> you are right, i think rudy was absolutely right about this, the law does not enforce itself, you really have to take on the first and the second and the third acts to convey the understanding of people but the laws are going to be enforced and frankly to be faithful to your oath as a government and as
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a law enforcement official which is to protect the public, the idea that this is going to play itself out and people will exhaust itself has never been true in the history of humanity, what happens when you don't enforce order, it raises the appetite in the energy of the people who are anarchist and thrive on this atmosphere. if you are a law enforcement officer, you have to enforce the law, if you create a climate that people think it will be enforced, this is what you get. harris: can i ask you a question of where we are with the pandemic and all the restrictions that people have in the minnesota governor has said we have a balance first amendment right in keeping people safe, real quickly in the last two seconds, what is the legality. >> i would had a more optimistic
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answer about that two days ago than i do now, i think after the supreme court case on friday night at about midnight where they basically ruled against religious liberty and chief justice roberts wrote an opinion that basically leaves it to the elected officials to balance what they think the relative interests are as if we don't have a constitution that actually makes certain rights, fundamental rights that are supposed to be weighed heavier. i was very disappointed with the supreme court and i think it'll be very hard for the justice department to continue campaigning on behalf of civil rights. harris: former u.s. attorney andy mccarthy rounding out two hours of coverage at this point with a sobering look at where we go as we try to balance constitutional rights, the first amendment in staying safe from the pandemic and watching people break the law as they mourn the death of george floyd and all
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reporter: curfews in effect or about to be in a dozen u.s. cities as thousands of people protest the death of george floyd. i'm rick leventhal in los angeles. the curfews seem to be having little effect. not keeping people off the streets in minneapolis and other metropolitan areas from new york to l.a. a tense situation in chicago with squad cars damaged and local media reports that protesters were struck with batons near the trump tower on the city's eastsid
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