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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  May 31, 2020 3:00am-7:00am PDT

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>> [bleep]. >> what did i tell you? [shouting] [sirens] >> go, go, go. jedediah: riots erupting in at least 30 cities overnight. police and rioters clashing in minneapolis, new york, los angeles and d.c. griff: the national guard deploy ing. pete: in atlanta, rocks, bottles thrown at police. mayhem spanned several cities, blocks in multiple boroughs here in new york city. thanks for joining us here with the sunday edition of "fox & friends" of the great to
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be here with jedediah bila and griff jenkins here in new york city. we could have gone to almost every major city at any particular moment. most had curfews at different times. you can count the clock down and police moving in. finally minute in place decides to set a curfew to attempt to enforce it even though it was hour, hour 1/2 before they decided to do so. this is not slowing down, rioters felt embowlenned by local leaders not strong in responding. >> that is exactly right. a large vacuum in terms of leadership. a lot of people around the country, many of these cities who wanted to peacefully protest. who wanted to get out to make voices heard, talk about george floyd, who was unjustly killed,
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make him the focus, celebrate his life and the need to bring justice to the family. they didn't feel safe enough to go out because the protests turned into violent riots. what do we do, we have the right to protest in our country, that is cornerstone of our republic but i can't get out there because the riots are destroying our community. they are suppose towed make sure the communities are kept safe and right to protest to be protected, they are not doing their job. a lot of people were expressing that frustration as well. griff: great point, jed. i was watching yesterday afternoon when bryan llenas was up in brooklyn when things were starting to get hot. there were con ton phrases, and -- confrontations and bottles thrown at police. a nurse shouting at protesters calm down, give them space, back up. bryan, said you're trying to
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calm them down. she said yes, because black americans are hurting, we need to address what happened to george employed. we can't when bottles are thrown at police and confrontation going on. minneapolis has been ground zero. mat flynn has been the reporter there. night after night, day after day. what is going on now? reporter: night after night in minneapolis there was violent rioting and looting, fires everywhere you might look. seems last night law enforcement gained control in the city. there was rioting. people broke the curfew. police were shot at. it is a low bar as you said pete. seems like law enforcement gained some ground. the national guard strictly enforced perimeter of the city.
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shutting down major highways thoroughfares into the city. we had a tough time getting around. this morning the city is largely empty. the largest mobilization of the national guard in this state seems to be finally working. no major fires overnight. that is a pretty big deal. for several days there has been this thick cloud of smoke blanketing this city. a combination of rioters setting businesses on fire. we watched many personally burn to the ground. seems like overnight there were no major fires to report, which is a great note of accomplishment here in this city. so overall, seemed like last night could have gone one of two-ways, ended up perhaps, being a little better than anticipated and law and order might finally be on its way to being restored here in minneapolis. pete: matt, do you get the sense we're at that tipping point even though it took too long? are there planned protests for
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this evening. will curfew be tonight. will the national guard be on site? what does it look like going forward? reporter: tough call to make, pete. if last night was any indication, seems like police and law enforcement put out a show of force. they used tear gas and rubber bullets. they made arrests. they are going on the offense. they are no longer standing by. thousands of national guard soldiers have been deployed. seems like that is working. pete: you're man on the ground. matt, thank you very much. we'll be back to you as well. folks in minute in place realize you reward bad behavior you get more of it. it took days and days, entire precinct burned to the ground. rioters running the city and looting it. i was struck when minnesota public safety commissioner took to the podium, days into rioting and destruction in minnesota, he
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said, losing the third pre-sent was a rallying cry forn a rallyg cry across the country, if we lose another pre-sent it is fear it will embolden folks. are you learning on the job as public safety commissioner. this one, we don't see this ending tonight, this lawless behavior will not stop until we make it stop. yes, because you're in charge. the amazing part is, the attorney general of minnesota, keith ellison has posed in the past with pictures and guidebook of an fifa. when you have the leadership of your state empathetic with radical elements triggering a lot of violence and rioting they're caught in between their own head, incapable of backing small business owners. when you see businesses that is los angeles. you see the same in minneapolis. you create confusion that allows agitators to take advantage, guys. jedediah: when you have the lack of leadership at local level
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that will make presidential leadership even more important. president trump is vowing to stop the mob violence and riots over george floyd's death, a dallas man who confronted protesters with a machete to protect his neighborhood is assaulted by a group of protesters. president trump will have to come out. he will have to speak. he will have to, he is going to have to make a strong statement here because a lot of individuals at the local level who should be doing their jobs are not. take a listen to president trump on the mob violence. >> the mobs are devastating the life's work of good people and destroying their dreams. my administration will stop mob violence. in america justice is never achieved at the hands of an angry mob. we will stand with the family of george floyd, with the peaceful protesters and with every law-abiding citizen who wants decency, civility and safety and
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security. we are working toward a more just society but that means building up, not tearing down. pete: of course the president is entirely correct. decency, civility, safety and security. when you look at the clip played before the president, from dallas. reports on the ground are, i think we'll put it up, a store owner left with no option other than to wield a machete, the tool he has at his disposal to defend his store. and the mob descends on him, dozens of men, and when you see the crowd disperse, it is scary, avert your eyes if you don't like, if you can't handle it, he is left, his body, we didn't even show it, thank goodness, it is lifeless. we don't know the condition of this individual. griff, when you look at images, this has nothing to do with george floyd. the whole point of the protest was unarmed person killed by a police officer, here you have someone trying to defend their
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store, killed by the mob. seems like the exact opposite message they were supposed to send. griff: it sure is, it of course dishedesecrates memory of george employed. it appears from social media accounts he is in stable condition, we pray that he is. i really believe, it is time for president trump to do an oval office address. remember george h.w. bush's address after the l.a. riots was one by many political analysts one of the most effective in his presidency. that gentleman tried to defend his business with a a a machete brings to the many african-americans, but the president must stand up and do what president bush did. on one hand reassure order will be restored and provide the security and reassurance and guarranty that our cities will be protected while shifting to
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the need for empathy in the really, calling for healing in our country. this is unacceptable. it can't continue. everyone knows it. and let's not forget, we're in a time of a pandemic and historic recession. it is time for the president to speak to the whole nation and to be the uniter in chief. pete: waiting for all the protesters to get their citation for not social distancing. shows you hierarchy of priorities in moments like this. we had darren porcher, former nypd lieutenant, talking about what is occurring before our very eyes. >> in many cases they are rioters and protesters. there is a distinct difference between rioters and protesters. rioters commit to lawless acts. protesters are mere live coming to speak their peace. i've seen solution do nothing, stand back, what that does, it
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exasperates the problem. it is necessary for law enforcement to do what is necessary to protect the overwhelmingly majority of people in the communities. that story owner, commercial business owner has a route to be protected. >> that is exactly right. we keep pointing out the distinction between protests and riots. what you see unfolding in these cities. this violence. these are not protests. these are the not the protests that define america. we are a nation that should be defined by peaceful protests where people make their voices heard, where people feel safe to go into the spaces to make their voices heard. don't have to be afraid someone will throw molotov cocktails at their face. not be afraid to stand up for what they believe in. we have jack brewer on the show. jack brewer is in a unique position to speak on this he grew up in minneapolis. he is spokesman for the national association of police athletic leagues. he is talking about what the country can do to heal and come together and the challenges
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we're facing right now. listen what he had to say. >> something started off in a peaceful protest and entire nation mourning the loss of george floyd. now it has turned into violence in our streets. it is just plaguing our streets right now. it is unfortunate to see, unfortunate to see the attacks on police officers and the likes, it is devastating. feels like we're at war with ourselves. we have a bunch of law enforcement officers agree with the american public that this thing was outrageous but yet they're the ones now being attacked. that is what is so s it. pete: jed, feels almost like even further what you said, the people who want to be peaceful protesters, if you go out at this point, you're almost contributing to the agitators who want to use the size of the crowds to create more violence, right? it creates word opportunity to express yourself combine that with fundamentally unserious leaders like in minneapolis, don't worry, everything is going
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to be fine. untangle your guarden hose, water down your fences in case the looters and rioters come for you. it is a bad time. griff: a bad message. jedediah: these people, these people that we elect, shame on them, because you are elected to do a job and these are the times that we need you. you're not elected to sit in an office and shift paperwork around. you are elected to be a mayor or governor when crisis hits you are the person in charge expected to lead that community. if you are not leading that the community. if you are not backing up law enforcement in the face of lawlessness, shame on you. griff: if you're a leader, lead, good point, jed. coming up, images of unrest out of minnesota drawing comparisons to what happened in baltimore five years ago i witnessed first-hand covering the events on the ground. a con aggression add leader candidate says if people are not careful, minneapolis may never be able to recover.
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, fox news alert. comparisons being made between the violence and looting happening right now in minneapolis and the violence and looting seen in baltimore after the death of freddy gray. i covered the baltimore protests in 2015. talking to some of the locals, once curfew starts we don't know what happened. >> they through this rock. they hit the car. griff: they smash ad window. did they take anything. >> they smash ad window while we were in here. afraid of our life. >> total chaos. animosity. i understand people want to have their voice heard. >> if they comeback to this community, this is a long call. griff: our next guest is running for maryland 7th congressional district, former seat of elijah cummings. sheep has word of advice for leaders. kimberly,,ing back at the burned
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out ccvs and we're seeing this play out across the country. >> griff, in baltimore, 380 and 320 businesses that were hit, over 150 car fires, 60 structural fires, and 27 pharmacies were looted. they have a lot of counting yet to do in minneapolis. we do know over 200 businesses had been hit. majority are small businesses that will try to rebuild. i will note the difference in baltimore we had over 200 arrests of bad actors n minneapolis they're so soft on criminals, not tough on crime. they're not arresting anyone. that makes a huge difference. i did want to point out. i believe devastating, burning the third precinct was a terrible idea. a lot of cases will have to look at, police brutality, police involved shooting, things that
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had evidence within the third precinct now missing or destroyed. i imagine a lot of guns were taken off the street in that precinct that probably ended up back on the street. you have the coronavirus pandemic this, is kind of the perfect storm. you have got people wearing masks, concealing their identity. as we know, we saw democrats during the pandemic had to release prisoners because they were vulnerable to the virus in prison. i'm sure they're involved in some of this chaos. griff: as we pointed out in that intro, the footage of the pharmacies being looted, i went with the dea several months later out on the streets and number of narcotics that the criminals had seen an opportunity, they flooded the streets, heroin, addicts, drove the demand on the streets and that became a problem with gang warfare a year later, still remains one today. do you anticipate that being a concern that minneapolis and other cities should worry about? >> absolutely. just last year we had record number of homicides.
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this has been going on since 2015 which was when the death of freddy gray happened. we have more homicides. we have more drugs on the street. more crime and violence and we still have police brutality. things only get worse from here. on top of it, this is why i'm running for office, in 2015 we had millions of dollars sent to the penn north corridor. here in 2020, we still haven't seen the money. i hope residents understand they won't see much relief come their way. then they will have to deal with the aftermath. so i will continue to pray for minneapolis and all the cities involved. griff: all right. kimberly klacik, we'll see, if you do indeed win it will be interesting to help hard hit baltimore. >> thank you. griff: atlanta, one of the hardest hit cities, led by rioting and looting, how do we recover from something like that? alveda king, the niece of martin luther king, jr., says the crisis has a new opportunity
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for community leaders to help stop the? violence. she joins us next. ...with this. when kids won't eat dinner, potato pay them to. ore-ida. win at mealtime.
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jedediah: a fox news alert. the atlanta's mayor pleading for peace as the national guard is deployed amid chaos in the city. >> so what i see happening on the streets of atlanta is not atlanta. this is not a protest. this is not in the spirit of martin luther king, jr. this is chaos. we are better than this as a country. jedediah: as rioters destroy the city known for its peaceful protests since the days of mlk are they taking these words out of context. >> in the final analysis a riot is the language of the unheard.
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what is it that america has failed -- jedediah: in a new op-ed, our next guest, the niece of martin luther king, jr. calls to heed the words of her uncle and end violence and racism. alveda king joins us now. welcome to the show. thank you for being here. obviously such a distressing time in our country now what we've seen going on. not only the unjust act on george floyd but do you have advice how to bring the communities together and some level of peace amid the horrific images we're seeing emerge. >> good morning. thank you that you would ask the question that way. the world is still reeling from covid-19. america is just shaken by the te death of george employed. now, today is a special day. it is calledp pentacost.
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people of faith would get that. we need an anchor. i believe if my uncle, dr. martin luther king, jr., he would say, do not fear, have faith in god. now that particular quote you violence being language of the unheard, it is only language of the unheard. we need leaders to hear. i believe the president is doing, talking to all the families. i believe that. he is not the only one that should be giving, give consoling a community and a family. where are our leaders? our leaders in our own cities right here in atlanta. our mayor here in atlanta has done an incredible job, telling people to go home. she spoke with that authority as a mayor and a mother. however, all of us can calm this storm, burning and looting is
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not good. it does lead to more violence. violence begets violence. so i believe when martin luther king, jr. said injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere, certainly this horrendous kill something terrible. however, we can lead from our own hearts and our own communities and say to each other, this is bad, but we must stop the violence. jedediah: you know, al vide today, your uncle also talked about how riots were destructive, self-defeating. was such an advocate for peaceful protest to bring about effective change. what do you say though to protesters who are out there, saying you know what, if i don't do something like this, if i don't act out violently i will not be heard, i will not effectuate change? what do you say about people feel like there is implicit racism everywhere and if i don't do something major to be heard,
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this will continue and i will not have a voice? >> people of america, your voices are being heard. now let us come together in y, faith, in love, and communicate, solve the problems. violence will not do that. and, i was, in the 1960s, our home was bombed in birmingham, alabama. i'm the reverend and alfred williams king and naomi king. our home was bombed. i remember our father was standing on a car, we got out safely, he was standing on a car, to people, please go home, don't be violent. if you have to hit somebody, hit me. i rather you go home. i am safe, my family is safe. i believe if daddy was here today, my grand dad my, my uncle
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martin luther king, jr., talk to the leaders, continue to pray for america. continue to pray together. without peace there can be justice. they say no peace no justice. it is no justice no peace. people can hear each other, we can begin to move together towards feelings. jedediah: al vide today, i'm incredibly grateful for your voice. people are incredibly grateful what you bring in terms of leadership when so many mayors around the country are not offering leadership. thanks so much. you have an op-ed at people should absolutely check that out. thank you for everything you do every single day in times of distress. >> i'm praying. let's pray together. stop the violence. jedediah: absolutely. thank you so much. minnesota republicans calling out lack of leadership in the state as violence erupts another night in minneapolis. one lawmaker tells us about the
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changes he thinks need to happen to move forward coming up. or make me feel like i'm not really "there." talk to your doctor, and call 844-234-2424.
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[shouting] griff: rye oats turning deadly in indianapolis. one person shot and killed amid the unrest. two others hurt. darren johnson from our fox
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affiliate in minneapolis joins us with more. good morning, darius. reporter: good morning, everyone. this is the sunrising behind me at monument circle where those protests were underway. earlier yesterday afternoon before they began to turn into riots to get violent this is the street where many of those protesters met with police last night. many of them starting to throw rocks at police, frozen bottles of water. kicking in some of the glass at the city-county building which is also the police headquarters. if you take a closer look behind me, you see some of those dumpsters are still in the streets this morning after many of those rioters set them on fire throughout the night. right here behind me, you can actually see where a lot of the glass has been burst out of many places right here downtown. this is one thing we're continuing to see across the circle city this morning. one thing that they're doing, they're taking projectiles, anything they can get their hands on on from trashcans and scooters we love to use all the
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time, throwing them through the window. they're putting graffiti everywhere saying i can't breathe. a lot of our crews were tear gassed and taking on pepper balls as well as police tried to disperse crowds throughout the night. while they tried to disperse crowds throughout the night. there were also four separate shootings leaving five people shot, three people dead. three of those shootings happening here downtown in the middle of a lot of these protests. i want to show you guys right here, this dumpster truck or this actual department of public works truck, this is where a lot of protesters were standing last night. you can see where they have george floyd's name on there. right next to it is rajun reed, a man shot and killed by police in indianapolis here in may. it captured on facebook live t caused a lot of outrage here in the city. this morning a lot of people are out here seeing the damage for the first time. they are getting that cleanup underway, while police are still trying to exactly figure out if
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protesters will be back out here later on this evening while as calling for justice. and hoping that people can stay calm throughout all of this and bring justice here in the city. griff: darius johnson, with our indianapolis a affiliate, thank you very much. be safe out there with you and your crew. jed, over to you as well. jedediah: minnesota republicans are calling out the lack of leadership in their state as violence escalates for another night in minneapolis. pete: here to discuss what measures can be taken to restore order, minnesota house minority leader curt dowd. thank you so much for being here this morning. you've been watching last five days, last five nights, state leadership in minnesota. what is your critique how this has been handled or could it have been handled better? >> we've seen a monumental lack of leadership. we watched our largest cities burn for, i think four nights
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before our leadership finally stepped up last night and met them with, what i think was adequate response. we had the entire state national guard deployed last night along with the state patrol and all of our police departments. then bringing officers from all over the state of minnesota. i think the lesson is, when you do step up and meet them with the force that is required to show them that this is a state of law and order, then you finally can squash and quell the riots, unfortunately, our leadership was so late to that and, you know, we saw hundreds of buildings burned in our largest cities and millions, hundreds of millions of dollars likely worth of damage. in our black communities and it is just a shame that our leadership let it get that far.
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pete: kurt, to follow up with that real quick, the leadership there has also shown in the past some empathy, you got keith ellison tweeting photos with antifa, which we know has been involved with some of this. jacob frey effectively saying please, please, we wish you wouldn't do this. it looks fundamentally unserious. what is it about democrats in minnesota that has shown them incapable of addressing this? >> well it seems like the social justice movement within the democratic party has them crippled from showing any sort of law and order. it is politically incorrect for them now, with their own base to show any sort of force. pete: yes. >> i think that's the big lesson in minnesota. what we saw was three nights after political response instead of our governor and our mariesening to law enforcement officials and bringing what we thought was an adequate response to protect and keep peace here in minnesota. pete: kurt, that is such a great
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point. when you're doing the politically correct thing up front, you can't make a sound decision that a leader needs to take. kurt, thanks so much for joining us this morning. >> thank you. pete: you got it. turning now to a few additional headlines. shocking video shows a police suv plowing through a crowd of protesters. the nypd patrol car hitting a barricade, knocking protesters to the ground in brooklyn. no injuries were reported. new york city mayor de blasio called the incident troubling. the officers, may have had no other choice. if protesters gotten away, not create a attempt to surround the vehicle we would not be talking about this situation. thank you, captain obvious. sigk immediately. former head of communication joe lockhart citing protests happening across the country. he says kaepernick lost his job over his kneeling protest saying
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it was wrong. lockhart believes a contract for kaepernick would show the league recognized issues he raised. kaepernick last laid for the nfl 2016. because the country is rioting, a guy that couldn't hit open receivers should be hired. griff: unbelievable, joe lockhart can't just leave liberal politics. trying to weigh in now. he has a pr company. he is making a decision for nfl team owners who base their sales on filling those seats with a winning team. unbelievable. still ahead, minnesota's governor warning drug cartels are exploiting the riots. is it a real threat. you will hear from a law enforcement veteran says the blame falls on the governor.
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advantage of the violent situations across the country to create even more havoc. >> it gets worse than that. the cartels, who are wondering if there was a break in their, their drug transmissions are trying to take advantage of the chaos that is there too. that is why this situation is on a federal level. you're seeing it highly coordinated across the country. griff: let's get reaction from brandon tatum, a former tucson police officer and cofounder of blexit what do you make of this concern of drug cartels, brandon? >> well i think this governor should be ashamed of himself because he is just making up stuff. when he first came out, i saw it with my own two eyes, he pandered to the black community. he toked and poked the bear of the black community. then when people reacted he has to backpedal to blame the cartel. i looked at the videos. this is clearly antifa, this is black lives matter, there are
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white people, black people coming out burning buildings, burning police cars, stealing from stores, all in the name of what? there is no purpose if. there is no purpose, no plan, no strategic value what the individuals are doing. they should be ashamed of themselves. i feel like justice is moving at appropriate course. this officer has been arrested. these people are out here trying to make, i don't know, get out pent-up anger from covid-19? i am not sure. they don't have a plan and it is not working. griff: i want to talk to but the opportunities that the cartels may be exploiting, because as a former tucson police officer, you know first-hand on that front line the drug trade coming across the border in arizona. i spent a lot of time on it. tucson is the first stop to routes all across the country. do you believe you had a lot of rioters tearing down phoenix last night, do you think, that last night the cartels were able to take advantage?
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>> no, i do not. based on my training and experience, and how cartels move and operate, they're concerned with drugs and trafficking. burning down buildings and stealing tvs don't seem like something that the cartels are interested in doing. it didn't help make money. these are low level crimes being committed by people who are, i don't know what they're trying to accomplish. i have no idea, and it is shameful what they're doing is counterproductive. if you are burning police cars and destroying the police department, your tax dollars will have to pay for that. if you're going out to steal it. vs, burning down businesses, black-owned businesses or other business notice community, those businesses are not coming back. the perception of your community will go down. the property value of your community will go down. economic success of community goes down in the name of what? one man was killed by a police officer. that should be investigated. i believe the police officer should be held accountable but to destroy the whole country because of one incident is it
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foolish. griff: are you concerned by the decisions being made by the leaders, whether it was the minnesota governor and mayor there in minneapolis who had a slow reaction after finally a police precinct was overrun, they decided to crack down? or mayor de blasio in new york, who was applying a light touch, are you concerned this puts officers lives in danger? >> oh, yeah. it makes my blood boil. when i watch people overtaking police departments. what world are we living in? we live in a country of law and order. if you begin to vandalize people's property, you're not protesters anymore. you are criminals. when you begin to breach the police department, destroying evidence, trying to steal weapons from police vehicles, you are not protesting. you are not peaceful. that is not covered under the constitution. you are rioting and you are thugs. these police departments all around the country should have stood strong instead of looking cowardice. if i was the police chief, time to set the tempo.
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if you're going to come out act the fool, you're going to be met with force, period. if you want to protest peacefully like martin luther king and others who got things accomplished, then we're cool with that we'll block off the roadway. make sure you can peacefully protest and exercise your constitutional right. anything other than that, if you don't want no drama with the police department, you probably should be a law-abiding citizen. griff: that is a strong message to the rye oaters. what is your message to so many americans out there not only hurting because of what happened to floyd but afraid of climate we have in cities? >> we need to operate in facts. look at the research, look at the data that's being conducted. nobody should be running around afraid police will gun you down for no reason. hold yourself accountable f you're not interacting with police officers, you're not committing crimes, you will not have negative interactions. people need to come together, quit all the race-baiting bs, come together to have solutions. go to the local police
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department. most police are good. most citizens are good. the cowards and evil people can hang on the sidelines. come together, let's negotiate things that can help better our communities. that is something i make sure i get done in my city. do these things, we have a solution. until you're willing to sit at the table, to come together as peaceful individuals nothing will ever happen. i want to see america do better. griff: former tucson officer, brandon tatum, thank you so much. thank you for the message. appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. griff: coming up, countless businesses ransacked and destroyed by looters in minneapolis. up next we'll introduce you to some volunteers trying to get the businesses back on their feet.
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griff: businesses ransacked by rioters and looters getting help from volunteers coming together to clean up the destruction in minneapolis. joining us are two of those amazing volunteers. thank you very much for being here this morning. this is the goodness of america. this is what sets us apart from the rest of the world. i want to start with you, guys, nick, let you have the first word. what inspired you to to do? what did you do? >> yes, this is my neighborhood. i live two blocks where most of the rioting in lake street. i take my wife, three boys to all the stores that got destroyed, gas stations, grocery stores, targets, local businesses we love to be a part of. this is my neighborhood. this is my community.
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i went out in the morning an surveyed the damage. i just thought we got to do something. there is a lot of glass, get people together to clean up glass. we need to support our local businesses. my heart was broken. we called us together some volunteers. griff: tell me what you did and why you did it? >> i got a phone call from one of our members at our church saying we'll take our boys to clean up the street. i thought that is the right thing to do. i want to go with you. we made a facebook page and we sent people out there. griff: nick, what message does this send that you and min are sending to the rioters, those that seek not to honor the legacy and to speak up for civil rights, but to destroy things. what message do you think your actions send? >> when community comes together and we choose to love our neighbors i think that's powerful aspect of love really changes things. so when we, when business owners
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see us coming together, to help clean up, i think the neighborhood comes back together. so that is what we're about. we want to mobilize support for our cities. griff: mi msg, what is your business, and tell us how hard businesses were hit by the destruction. >> i'm actually a pastor in minneapolis and the businesses that were hit, they were demolished to the ground. there are empty shelves now on lake street where stores, where people used to go and get their meals. where people used to go to get milk, diapers, food for their family. i had ecuador families asking me to bring clothing, bring milk for their babies. where they used to go to find these things, there are now brick shelves full of ash. griff: so inspiring. i give you the final word, nick. will you be out there tomorrow if they come again tonight and next day after that? >> we will.
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we want to unite our neighborhoods. we want to unite our cities. we want to come together to show just the powerful aspect of what love is. what loving your neighbor is. we'll continue to be out there. griff: that's what being an american is all about, whether it is a natural disaster, tornado or hurricane, or in this case, criminal rioters and looters. thank you for being with us and for the work you're doing out there in minneapolis. stay safe please. >> thanks for having us. griff: all right, still ahead, violent riots for the second night in new york city as police officers become the latest target. a live report on what happened in the aftermath coming up. right now is a time for action. that's why usaa is giving payment relief options to eligible members so they can pay for things like groceries before they worry about their insurance or credit card bills. discover all the ways we're helping members today.
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[sirens] [shouting] >> hands up. hands up. >> don't shoot. >> hands up. >> don't shoot. jedediah: overnight chaos across the united states. riots erupting in at least 30 cities. police and rioters clashing in minneapolis, new york, los angeles and d.c. griff: pete: what were once peaceful protests for a very short time have now taken a very violent turn in philadelphia. 13 police officers were hurt trying to control the unruly crowd. dozens of rioters were arrested. griff: in new york city a crowd cheers as a bus driver refuses to help police transport people who were arrested at the riots. good morning. welcome to the 7:00 hour of "fox & friends" on this sunday joined by jed and pete in new york where that happened. sad to see.
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griff: yeah. i have don't know -- jedediah: sad to see the situation escalate the way it has. what was supposed to be peaceful protests advocating for justice for george floyd and his family have turned into massive riots, destroying businesses, destroying people's livelihoods. you're seeing on display a lack of local leadership in many cases from mayors an governors who are not stepping up immediately to defend the law and to advocate against lawlessness. it is escalating situation where we've been watching for the last couple days. you see a lot of images, video, businesses, homes, a lot of destruction. literally up in flames in many cases, really, really disturbing stuff going on. pete: you see a leadership clown show. these are fundamentally unserious people, democrat mayors trying to placate what they say were protesters days beyond the protests stopped and riots had began. especially in minneapolis, mayor jacob frey has been like a deer
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in the headlights this entire time, unable, never had a real job in his life. now he has riots and police precincts taken over couple days ago. guys, if you think about it, that was really a catalyst across the country. the visual of the third precinct in minneapolis burning to the ground taking over, was ultimate symbol to anarchists, to antifa, who groups that want to take advantage of this and fan the flames. griff: yeah. pete: go ahead, griff. griff: it sent a message to looters. we go to matt flynn in minneapolis covering this for us. are they lifting mandatory curfew, are things getting that good now, matt? reporter: it is calm now. we're right around the corner from the fifth police building which was a target the past two days after the third precinct was taken over and burned to the ground. you could see here by the fifth precinct there is extensive
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damage to businesses here. they were looted. they were set on fire. and now there is water damage, probably total loss, to many of the structures here. there is a wells fargo building across the street that was lit on fire and defaced. really, as far as the eye can see in every direction around here there, is damage, there is destruction. there is devastation, really, sad to see. these business owners did not ask for this. but, overall, it was a low bar but last night was at least considerably calmer here in minneapolis. rioters did violate the curfew and did clash with police. minneapolis police say they were shot at. there was substantially beefed up law enforcement here. it is the largest response in state history. officers responded with tear gas, rubber bullets and arrests. the national guard is also here. thousands of soldiers. they helped enforce a perimeter around this city. it appeared to work.
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we actually had a tough time getting around this morning because a lot of roads and highways were blocked. that appeared to pay off. also, notable, no major fires here in the city overnight. there are buildings that are still smoldering right now in our line of sight but no major fires. we saw businesses burn to the ground here repeatedly. so this morning to wake up and not see a huge black plume of smoke is a good thing. unfortunately it might be too little too late but seems like there is some law and order being restored in this city. griff: that is good to see, matt. just a quick follow-up, is there a sense then amongst the law enforcement in the minneapolis police that they finally aren't overwhelmed and undermanned? reporter: you know, i guess that is a tough call to make because we got a couple more nights ahead of us. let's see what is going to happen. but if last night was any indicator, it seemed like law enforcement really stepped up the response.
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they were making arrests. they were using rubber bullets. there was a show of force for sure here and the entire state national guard has been mobilized here. so now you're talking i think 13,000 soldiers. and, governor also could have access to federal troops if necessary. so, it seems like there is going to be at least a turn of the tide here in the minneapolis area. pete: matt flynn, thank you very much for the reporting. we'll be back with you as well as the lights turn on in minnesota. jed, it comes back to leadership. governor wallace, a sergeant major in the national guard there in minnesota did avoid deployment i would note, didn't seem to know how or when to deploy the national guard in his own state. attorney general keith ellison taking photos with the guidebook of antifa, trying to guide how the law enforcement situation is there and jacob frey, totally
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incapable. in new york city, we saw images in brooklyn and union square where police cruisers are being attacked, jumped on burned bill de blasio to his own police department we'll use a light touch. if they throw bricks and molotov cocktails, a light touch. when you hear that from leaders it only encourages the riots that are happening right now. jedediah: that is exactly right. when you have that vacuum of local leadership, you have to look to presidential leadership to see, can president trump fill in the gaps where so many of these mayors, some of these governors are not adequately addressing the rioting and destruction that us going on in their communities. let's take a listen to what president trump has had to say with regard to george employed, his memory, what is not being honored, and violence that is ensuing. >> i understand the pain that people are feeling. we support the right of peaceful
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protesters and we hear their pleas. what we are now seeing on the streets of our cities has nothing to do with justice or with peace. the memory of george employed is is -- floyd is being dishonored by rioters, looters, and anarchists. the violence and vandalism is being led by antifa and other radical left-wing groups who are tearizing the innocent, destroying jobs, hurting businesses and burning down buildings. jedediah: yeah. one thing i'm hearing from some of the bright sparks out there is property is replaceable. really, property is replaceable? some of these people have worked their entire lives for those business. how do you expect, if those businesses go up in flames, how do you expect those people to put food on the table for their families? you can care about two things. you can care about george floyd,
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and unjust manner he is killed. at the same time you can care about the massive he do instruction being done by rioters around this country who have gotten away with this because of a lack of leadership at local level, those two things can coexist. griff: those businesses were already being threatened by not only covid but by the economic pressures now. many of their businesses being burned down. this is why i say president trump, it is a good start. cape canaveral, now take it to the oval office, give us both reassurances this will not be tolerated any force necessary will be used to restore order and to assure us that we can get out of this and heal as a nation and come together to unite. pete: hey at least good to know you can protest in mobs and can't go to church or get a haircut because that illegal. just saying. all the problems running around? griff: we've seen the protester here. the protesters like to go outside of the white house in
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lafayette park. they want to chant and yell. imagine if president trump was addressing the nation, talking about unity after being accused by twitter for glorifying violence, what message that would send about what is really happening in this nation. pete: listen, he communicates in many forms to many people, in many strong ways that is his per aring tiff. at end of the day, law enforcement should be given the opportunity to be strong. without strength you get chaos, what many democrat mayors give us across the country. speaking of democrat mayors and chaos, rye thers setting a fire to police cars. one woman facing federal charges of throwing a molotov cocktail at a police van. aishah hasnie is with us. good morning. reporter: pete, there are signs of destruction everywhere in downtown new york city. we're off union square. this is one of the areas where a police vehicle was torched.
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you can still see sign of the burned out tires. there is part of the bumper looks like right there. these clashes reallyers torched several police cars. a police van was seen fully engulfed in flames. at least teeted so far this weekend for throwing molotov cocktails. the situation further devolved as people crowded around police vehicles and then video here, shows the nypd vehicles pushing through the crowd. now the mayor says while he wishes officers had not done that, it was wrong for protesters to surround those vehicles. >> also understood that they didn't start the situation. the situation was started by a group of protesters converging on a police vehicle, attacking that vehicle, it is unacceptable. so the officers have to get out of that situation. reporter: there are sad images coming out of st. patrick's
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cathedral this morning, desecrated with protest graffiti. back in downtown new york city. businesses have had their windows shattered all over the place. this is bank. now it is boarded up. there is duct tape as well, trying to get through another day of protests. things just seemed to get worse every single day. guys? griff: sad images. thank you very much. turning now to our headlines, police arrest more than 1300 people at nationwide riots in just three days. they tallied numbers based on 17 u.s. cities, a lot of them in los angeles on friday night where police arrested more than 530 people. the total is likely to go up after arrests were made overnight. health officials warning the nationwide riots could lead to huge spike in covid-19 cases. crowds of people packing together on city streets. many not wearing masks despite
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local pleas from leaders. >> we're still in the middle of a pandemic and passed 1000 deaths yesterday. we still have hospitals on the verge of being overrun with covid-19. griff: minnesota alone reported 174 virus-related deaths in the past seven days. the largest weekly increase since the pandemic started. some good news. astronauts launching into space from u.s. soil for the first time in nine years. watch this. >> liftoff as the falcon 9 crew dragon, go nasa, go space accident, godspeed bob and doug. griff: godspeed. it is expected to dock at the international space station this morning. the astronauts will spend at least a month in orbit. president trump and vice president pence attended the launch at kennedy space center in cape canaveral, florida. those are the headlines. what a great image in this difficult time to see american
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astronauts launching into orbit. pete: i don't know. i don't know. the left might protest, too much rocket fuel, bad for the environment. there is always something wrong with something. jedediah: oh, boy. coming up protests dissolving into the riots for the second night in new york city as police officers become the latest target of violence. we'll talk to former nypd commissioner bernard kerik, what he wants to see from local leaders coming up next. nothing stronger. nothing gentler. nothing lasts longer. flonase sensimist. 24 hour non-drowsy allergy relief
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oakland, california. here is react former nypd commissioner bernie kerik. thanks for being here this morning. in chicago, dozens of police officers injured overnight. i'm getting tweets from people, what about this town. cops are under siege. what are they noll not allowed to use? >> these progressive liftists governors an mayors, haven't supported them from the beginning. pete: yeah. >> keep in mind, pete a lot of these cities are cities no one would want to live, work, go to school in. they're infest with crime. under normal conditions. many of these cities are those cities. you have circumstance where you have antifa, black lives matter, these other domestic terror groups, come in, paid protesters, paid rioters to go out there and destroy, damage, arson, you know, extreme violence, to engage in extreme
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violence, paid them to do this, and the mayors are basically saying, let them do what they need to do. give them space. tell the copes to back off, criticizing the cops for responding when they're under attack. itch to tell you some of the worst conduct by, by elected officials that i have ever seen. pete: they say, let them blow off steam but of course that is it just reward for the terrible behavior and they will do more of it. when you hear mayor de blasio lecturing his own police officers to take a light touch as you're having bottles and bricks things, thrown at patrol cars, you can hear, when they show the video of the police cargoing into the barricade, he could barely back up his officers, what does that do to the guys on the ground doing a real job? >> they already know he is a coward. he will not back them or idemnify them. i was basically shocked about the statement of the cops cops
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in that car. where are the real political leaders? where are the guys like martin luther king and john lewis and people like that, that walked in protest, that made a difference, that went out and deescalated these crowds? where are they? don't see any of them today. you see these cowardly mayors and governors that are scared to death to do their job. put cops on the line, put them out there, and basically say you go do this. these mayors and these governors don't have the, don't have the courage to do what has to be done. pete: how do you, when you look at the whole circumstance, what, when people say, well, we're doing this against cops because of actions we saw in minneapolis? we saw one cop that went way too far and someone is dead as a result. what do you say to the people, well that disconnect is the reason we're out here?
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>> you know what? you want justice? let justice take its course. justice is taking its course. that cop is been arrested. i'm pretty confident the other copes there will be arrested as well and held accountable this isn't about that. a lot of this has to do with domestic terrorism. a lot of this has to do with politics. a lot of this has to do with the progressive left. that is what we're seeing, and you don't have mayors and governors that have the courage to stand up and say it. call it for what it is. pete: bernie kerik, in these communities where are the leaders? that is certainly what is leaded now. appreciate your insight. >> thanks,. pete: pete communities devastated picking up pieces left behind by rioters and looters. this business owner is doing all thee can to help keep her business and neighborhood safe. , you don't have to.
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♪. jedediah: as rioters and looters devastate local economies a group of black bus owners are fighting to prevent further destruction in their communities. they boarded up their properties in hopes of putting a stop to any damage. joining me with more on their efforts, owner of the non-profit, carrington cares, alanna carrington. thank you for being here in these difficult times. tell us a little bit about your business, and what your business hopes to accomplish? >> good morning. thanks for having me. my business is a non-profit organization, carrington cares foundation and we hope to accomplish, first of all, just getting back to business. covid had us pretty much operating, kind of on a
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shut-down mode and now this riot happening but we're hoping to get back to business. jedediah: now your company provides gas cards to cancer patients once a month? >> we do. we provide gas cards to cancer patients going through chemo and or radiation treatment, yes. jedediah: so this, this is an example of an incredibly noble business that seeks to really get out there to help the community that was compromised by covid-19 measures in terms of you know, a lot of the shut-down and now has been further distressed by what is going on with respect to these riots. what has been the impact of the rioting on your business that has now been boarded up? >> well here, the bigger piece of this, it is not just my business. my business is inside of a is about. my business is inside of earth beauty supplies which is a beauty supply store.
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and the impact that, that we've had to board up all the businesses around us to remain safe. the salon, ultimate barbers, divine cuts. numbers, house of sleep. we had to board up everything so we cannot operate at all because of these riots. this is taking a huge impact on us. jedediah: so now you have had to take matters into your own hands. you have had to say, we need to board up these businesses in order to protect what's inside so that when the dust settles we have something to hold on to. what is your message to local leadership? do you feel at all abandoned by local leadership who has, you got to do this own your own. you have to board your businesses up on your own? >> we did. personally, i have felt abandoned and that's where some of the anger game from on friday
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where i was just, outraged and upset and had to make phone calls to get some attention. everything around us was protected and we weren't. we took matters into our own hands. we got sandstone and crux and t and h services. they came and boarded up our entire block. jedediah: wow. now obviously we're all in distress about what happened to george floyd. this was a horrific incident. we can all unify in our outrage over that but what is your message to protesters and now rioters who have forced, first of all, who have brought so much violence to so many communities, forced people like yourself doing really noble work to shut down? >> right now my message is peace.
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we need peace. and how we're going to get peace is to everybody, calm down, and go home and let the law take care of that matter. i have been praying for peace since this all started and that's where people have got to just not take these matters into their own hands, and we just got to pray and trust god in this entire situation. jedediah: well, alanna, thank you for being here today. your business is carrington cares doing incredible work for cancer sufferers, setting an example by boarding up the businesses on your own, fighting to protect what you worked hard for all these years. we greatly appreciate you being here today. >> thank you so much for having me. jedediah: thank you. still ahead, the national guard activated in nearly a dozen states. so how will this help contain the spread of violence? up next we'll talk to national
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guard pilot, air national guard pilot, congressman adam kinzinger coming up.
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there are so many toothpastes out there, which one should i use? try crest pro/active defense. it neutralizes bacteria for a healthier mouth than even the leading multi-benefit toothpaste. crest. ♪. >> no justice, no peace. -- police. [sirens] pete: chaos across the country as riots break out in at least
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30 u.s. cities. national guard troops deployed to several states to calm the unrest. griff: in los angeles rioters vandalized police cars during violent clashes with officers. jedediah: an officer is stabbed in the neck during a riot in jacksonville, florida. several other officers were hurt pete: let's -- it is bad stuff. bring in gop congressman, adam kinzinger, iraq war veteran air national guard pilot. part of illinois, chicago, i'm seeing images on twitter and in the media of chicago police officers being dragged through the streets by rioters. dozens reportedly injured, possibly more in chicago. what should authorities be doing? what are they getting wrong here? >> here is the problem, pete, when you sit back and you allow this kind of room to show your
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outrage and anger, look we were all outraged at what happened to this young african-american man but when you then allow people to burn stuff, you say we're going to allow them to burn police cars or even attack police without -- [inaudible] more of this, and it spreads. so i think, what has gotten wrong, what was taken from an original expression of anger has turned into really a political movement by many on the left that are agitators and the police have got to react. not react violently but react tough for instance like we saw in new york last night. jedediah: congressman, can you talk a little bit about the role of the national guard, what happens upon activation of that national guard in a state? >> here is what is really important to remember. national guard is well-trained, right? they're the military. we saw them in iraq, afghanistan they go over there all the time. they have a unique role to be
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domestic law enforcement or domestic military. these people are your neighbors. maybe cops in full-time job or military police or work in a restaurant. they're your neighbors are well-trained. when they get called in, many times it is to back up police officers. so that cops don't have to for instance, sit there and guard, you know, corners of streets or direct traffic. maybe the guard will do that so cops can do arrests and crowd control. one of the disappointments on how the guard has been utilized to me in the last few years is, they will send them in without guns, unarmed. they will basically say, they're not going to do anything. so protesters are able to push against them have no push back. i don't think that is the role of gaatrd either. pete: quick follow up on that. you're right. you see them without guns or not allowed to have magazine in the weapon which makes it effectively a club. if they're on state active duty, if they're on title 32, meaning
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governor mobilized them they can act as law enforcement. they are force multipliers if allowed to do so. why are they held back, often? >> so i think there is always this perception that the national guard, there is images of the 1960s or whatever comes to people's mind, that the guard will be men and women in camouflage uniforms and it is like -- [inaudible]. well the reality is, camouflage uniforms that is different than police or power of arrest. now you have, in many cases, you know, 2500 national guardsmen for instance in minneapolis. so it can be useful. i don't know why some of these governors are always so hesitant to say, they can carry arms or actually do law enforcement. i understand that we want -- [inaudible]. street cops, regular men and women of the but, then take away the power of the national guard to do arrests and crowd control. i don't understand why that is always done. griff: congressman, i want to
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ask you about the drones being used, we talked a little earlier about it during invasion of iraq in 2003, the very first ones had wooden propellers. i have one of them in my office now. but gave us incredibly strategic advantage for the enemy. we could see way up, the enemy and movements. now it is being used to perhaps see cities overrun by looters and their whereabouts, to have law enforcement give them an advantage, how do you feel about that? >> i think it is extremely important. this is kind of mission i do, fly rc-26, which amazingly the air national guard putting forward for the president to use. they are hiding it, which i don't understand because it is extremely important asset. we work with enforcement. as pete mentioned under title 32 we have constitutionallability to work with law enforcement, to be a force multiplier that title
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10 forces simply don't have in the constitution. looking at feet of a drone, you're in my aircraft, you can see for instance, organization happening four blocks away, police can't see, you call them on that to go prevent something from getting bigger than it already is. maybe you see a fire started. maybe you see some vandalism happening this is all extremely important because what happens, when you put big crowds together and agitators in them, it explodes. if you can stop the agitation early on, then you can take the steam out of this. pete: exit question, congressman, a little bit off the beaten path. we see crowds. no social distancing. some are wearing masks, some are not. you can't go to go church, can't open your gym, a lot of people looking sideways, a bit of a double standard maybe? >> i was sitting with my wife watching this, this is heartwrenching, george floyd terrible situation, but what is turned it into a lot of white
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people outbreaking and destroying things and it is amazing yes, there were protests, peaceful protests about this [inaudible]. it was about how -- there is nothing talked about this. there is no social distancing going on. so i hope everybody can just, find the fear in their own heart. confront that fear. get along. talk these things out. violence isn't the answer. pete: congressman adam kinzinger, thank you very much for your time. >> of course. pete: turning now to a few additional headlines. the fired police officer charged in george floyd's death on suicide watch. "tmz" reports that der veck chauvin is being watched with guards on him. being held on 500,000 doll bail. rioters damaging property near a
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mall of one of them smashing a car on display inside of the mall. others breaking windows, looting from stores. oh, no arrests were made. that ought to do it. several celebrities coming under fire for donating to the minnesota freedom fund t raises money to bail out jailed protesters which means they were likely rioters or looters if they were arrested. celebrity donors, steve carell, seth rogen and cynthia nixon. they are slamming celebrities should donate money to small businesses destroyed in the riots. makes sense to me. those are the headlines, guys. griff: saw, harry styles one of them. i'm a big fan. not the best donation. jedediah: nothing like rewarding those who destroy. pete: exactly. wonderful. jedediah: police officers and their vehicles being targeted by rioters across the nation. a live report on violence overnight aimed at people trying
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>> go home, go home, go home. griff: violence erupting across the country overnight. rioters clashing with police in several major cities. todd piro joins us live with more on the out of control riots. todd, good morning. reporter: good morning to you as well. another troubling day and night of violence much of it targeting cops. first in new york city, in brooklyn an nypd vehicle set on fire as they threw bottles and rocks at police. rioters engaging in a tense standoff. another frightening incident. 27-year-old samantha shader, from the catskills, that is about 140 miles away from
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brooklyn, tossing a molotov cocktail at the window after police van. the impact broke a window but did not ignite. she is now in federal custody charged with damaging a police vehicle. rioters set two vehicles on fire, kicking in window of another cop car. police chief in pittsburgh sounding off, quote, there is no doubt that is who doing it, and a lot of things we're seeing white males dressed in anarchist antifa. they are ones fueling a lot of this. just a damn shame they took advantage of the situation for something, something happened in another state where somebody died who shouldn't have died. they hhe own. finally in jacksonville a peaceful protest evolving into violence. several police officers attacked. one stabbed in the neck. back to you. pete: todd, thank you very much. we got new numbers in, just moments ago from the nypd about the violence last night.
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police made 345 arrests overnight during these riots. 33 officers were injured, 33 of our bravest in blue injured in new york city and 47 police vehicles damaged. guys, sometimes when you see images on television of a vehicle burning, it makes it look like the whole city or lots of them, really only one, in this case that image doesn't do justice what happened last night. 47 vehicles, 33 injured. bill de blasio allowed this to get out of control. griff: sure doesn't look like justice for george floyd. pete: no, that is not what they're talking about. jedediah: the whole idea of the protests initially were to talk about justice for george floyd and that has completely vanished. instead we see the people who are just destroying. i don't understand when you look at these images, i don't understand how it is allowed to get to that point. i cannot wrap my head around
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mayors or any type of leader who says, give them a little bit of room. no, the second you see any violence emerge, you can give protesters that are non-violent, that are peaceful as much room as you want and you should. the second you see any violence you absolutely must act. you don't sit around to wait and it become as impossible job for men and women in uniform on the ground to get control of the situation to protect people. it is madness what is going on in new york city. pete: why does it happen, leaders lie to themselves and lie to the people. governor waltz blamed the cartels and. you have to be honest in order to confront it. griff: talk about honesty. we'll see if mayor de blasio chooses to release a figure of the economic damage these rioters did to businesses in new york.
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i doubt it will come. reporter: we'll see. still ahead the attorney general sending a warning to potential out-of-state rioters looking to join the chaos be but will the threat of federal charges deter them? a former federal prosecutor weighs in on that after the break.
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♪. >> voices of peaceful protest are being hijacked. it appears the violence is planned, organized and driven by anarchist and left extremist groups. it is a federal crime to cross state lines to incite or participate in violent rioting and we will enforce those laws. griff: attorney general bill barr promising action
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against out-of-state rioters who he says hijacked protests around the country with planned violence but will federal charges be enough to deter these so-called outside radicals? we have a former federal prosecutor here. good morning to you. what do you make about what the attorney general is saying? >> well, griff, attorney general barr is a very serious prosecutor and i think he is taking these riots very seriously and threatening federal prosecution. i don't know whether it will really act as a detented, but it is a crime to cross state lines or use facility of interstate commerce and i think that is the important clause, use a facility of interstate commerce. you don't have to prove rioters are traveling in from other states in order to have federal prosecution. you can show that they are using mobile phones and mobile phone platforms to plan the riots or encourage the riots or incite the riots other participate in
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the riots to be guilty after federal crime that carries up to five years in prison. griff: right. you're talking there, it is 18 u.s. code 2101. i watched them to try to prosecute some of the protesters on that very sort of grounds here in washington in the wake of the president's inauguration, when you had these groups come into d.c. of course we've seen failed prosecutions or lack thereof following ferguson, baltimore and others. ctually going to crack down and charge people? >> well i think if anyone is going to do it it is going to be bill barr. i think you're right, griff. someone needs to be prosecuted. this is taking the murder of george floyd and exploiting it for purposes that i don't think anyone really thinks are helpful in this entire debate and discussion. in fact these people are simply looting and destroying property. they should be prosecuted and i certainly hope they are. you have got people in new york destroying things. throwing molotov cocktails at
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police officers which could result in their death. i don't think people really want to see murders happen in reaction to what is clearly a criminal act against george floyd. griff: let me ask you, francey, if an individual or individuals sympathetic to isis or al qaeda today injured 33 officers in new york city, destroyed 47 vehicles in one night what would they be charged with? >> well there would be a lot of charges there. i mean it is criminal charges, it is domestic terrorism. that would potentially be foreign terrorism but there is really not much difference between foreign terrorists and domestic terrorists. it is just a matter of where they're from. their actions are equally repugnant and equally criminal. and they should be treated just the same. griff: how hard, then, is it to get, whether you're talking about a domestic terrorism charge or in this case inciting
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a riot chargings how hard to see it all the way through to the point these individuals see jail time? >> that is the difficult part, griff. you have not only got to prove the case. you have got a lot of people wearing masks. so proof in of itself is going to be difficult in these cases but assuming you can find the proof, you then have to convince a jury of 12 people, their peers, what they did was criminal and that it was serious. they should be held accountable. you have to hope judges actually impose a serious sentence. i think swift justice, sure justice and firm justice here might dissuade people from acting in this way in the future. i sure hope so. griff: you talk about dissuading them. right now the message these rioters are hearing, it is okay to light the police car on fire. it's okay to smash that window. sadly, they're hearing it is okay to take shots with real guns at police officers in cities like minneapolis had it
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for the last several nights. what do you think the message should be to these rioters? >> that is a terrible message, griff, and a great point. what happened to george floyd is not okay. crime is never okay, whether it is committed by criminals, police, military or anybody else and here you have people acting out in a criminal way, destroying property, putting people's lives at risk. assaulting people and they should be held accountable of george just like those who employed should be. griff: thanks for joining us today. good points. appreciate it. >> thanks, griff. griff: coming up, president trump sending a strong message to rioters spreading chaos across the country. we'll bring you his remarks and more after the break. >> my administration will stop mob violence and we'll stop it cold.
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what does that tell you? [sirens] >> go, go, go,. griff: another violent night, riots erupting in at least 30 cities, police and rioters clashing in minneapolis, new york, los angeles, and washington, d.c. pete: the national guard deploying in a dozen cities including nashville where rioters set a courthouse on fire. jedediah: as officers confronted rioters in new york city, spanning several city blocks, the nypd said 345 people were arrested overnight, 33 officers were hurt and 47 police cars were damaged. welcome to the show, everyone who is just joining now.
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we've been covering for the last few hours the riot that's are going on in many cities around the country. and the curfews that have been ignored and the lack of leadership at the local level in many cases by mayors, like mayor bill de blasio, who failed to support law enforcement right away and to fight back, so-to-speak, at violent, violent rioters who need to be addressed immediately so they don't get wind under their sails so-to-speak. pete: 33 officers as you read, jed, injured in new york, chicago, reports of dozens, police officers being dragged through the streets. what you see here is the cowardace of mayors and governors on full display. they're happy to lock down their cities against citizens and businesses against covid-19 and use all the draconian measures they need for businesses to stay shut. you cannot get a haircut.
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when it comes to rioters and mobs in the cities, the em pourers have no clothes, hitting people and their livelihoods, burning neighborhoods down. when people see that in their leaders, they start to loose faith. griff: good point, pete. nothing is a stronger image of that, than the police precinct in minneapolis. this is all beginning in minneapolis. let's go to matt fin at ground zero where we could possibly see a turning of the tide. >> reporter: the third police precinct here was looted and burnt to the ground. we're right around the corner from the fifth precinct which became the second target and you can see there are lots of of gates and barriers up and after two nights of rioting, fortunately this building is still standing. it was not burnt to the ground. another reassuring and positive
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sign this morning, city workers are out here, cleaning up a lot of the damage and a lot of the debris left behind by looters and rioters. we have seen a lot of the rubber bullets and a lot of the remnants here on the ground. because police did use a show of force last night. they used rubber bullets. they used tear gas. they made arrests, did what they had to do to keep this precinct building say. unfortunately, there was so much damage in the area, basically in every direction, there are business that's are torched, businesses that were looted, businesses that suffered water damage. it's going to be a long road to recovery in this area and fortunately despite all of this, last night was relatively considered a win for law enforcement, su substantially calmer than previous nights. rioters did clash are officers but officers responded the could drive in any direction and see
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thick black plumes of smoke. saw businesses burned to the ground, many businesses burned to the ground in minneapolis. fortunately this morning, no major fires. also, the national guard is assisting, the entire national guard in the state has been mobilized and apparently that is helping the efforts here. there was a very strict perimeter around the city last night, into this morning. major thoroughfares, highways an roads were closed and that apparently helped as well. so this morning, the sun is up. there is a lot of damage. there's a lot of debris and unfortunately there's a long road ahead in the city but perhaps this is an indication that law and order is being restored. griff: all right, matt. it's good to see you behind you there some actually cleaning up efforts it looks like going on, another sign that perhaps they're going to turn the tide here. thanks, matt. pete: but also a sign as matt said last hour that the bar is very low. you're not cleaning up that debris if you don't allow that precinct to be taken over in the third district which was really
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a catalyst across the country, when mobs see that law enforcement is incapable -- again, this is not on the police attempting to quell the riots. they want to do their job. you have in the case of minnesota a governor who has been more or less awol on this, unwilling to call it what it is, late on calling in the nation nl guard. then the mayor of minneapolis has no prior experience, a total deer in the headlights leader. you've got the governor's daughter tweeting out the movements of the national guard. you've got conflicting messages, police caught in the middle and you wonder why it spirals out of control. it's a sad testament to the lack of leadership in these places, jed. jedediah: and you would think that leadership in other cities would look at what happened in minneapolis and say oh, hold on a second, they let that run away, they didn't go full speed
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ahead against these rioters, right away, and look at what it led to you. you think that bill de blasio would be sitting here in new york city, taking notes. no, instead he's sitting back and allowing the same pattern to continue so you're seeing this pattern where you see businesses right there on your screen quite literally up in flames, happening in cities around the country and of course lost in all this is george floyd who was unjustly killed and we should be talking about that. we should be looking at and reporting on right now -- pete: it's their fault we're not, right. jedediah: it's their fault. pete: 100%, yes. jedediah: that's exactly right. what we should be talking about are peaceful protests and be able to say look at these people out there, speaking out about this injustice. instead we have to report on rioters destroying business was no regard for each other and no regard for these businesses that these people need in order to feed their families g the disturbing -- griff: unfortunately we have to
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report on a disturbing incident in dallas, a man who felt he had to confront protester was a machete to protect his neighborhood and businesses. you see him here. he is we are told stable condition but if you watch the whole video, we're not going to show it to you, it's too disturbing to see the condition he's left in, just bloody, beaten, stomped on by those thugs and that's what they are in the streets, lawless streets, just beating him up. the president took time while he was in florida for the rocket launch to address the mob violence just like that. here's what he said. >> the mobs are devastating the life's work of good people and destroying their dreams. my administration will stop mob violence. in america, justice is never achieved at the hands of an angry mob. we will stand with the family of george floyd, with the peaceful
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protesters, and with every law-abiding citizen who wants decency, civility, safety, and security. we are working toward a more just society but that means building up, not tearing down. pete: building up, not tearing down. the president directly on tone. you have to name who is responsible for this. he's been unafraid to say antifa, left wing agitators, taking advantage of the space to push their a anarchy left wing agenda and hurt people in the process. have you to call it out and also recognize the frustrations of people that are long since gone in their relevancy to what's happening in, say, that picture in atlanta or cops being dragged through the streets in chicago or a man with an american flag in portland being viciously attacked by antifa protesters. this is across the country. and you've got bill de blasio, jed, here in new york city saying to his police department, as they're being thrown --
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bricks are thrown at, cars are torched and molotov cocktails, take a light touch, take a light touch, let them play out here. my goodness. jedediah: not surprising from bill de blasio. he's been a disgrace for a while. it's a miracle to me that he holds the position that he does. griff, you've been talking about the need for a presidential address. i agree. i think the message president trump is sending is good from what i hear him say. it needs to be more. i would like to see more of an address. the problem is, when have you a lack of local leadership in these issues, people need to look somewhere. someone at the top needs to support them and have their back. i don't think they feel that way about mayors like bill de blasio right now. we have been covering so much, really hard news, a lot of despair out there, a lot of struggling. one thing we have seen is some volunteers have sprung up. we had some on the show this
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morning. there are volunteers that are helping people amid this crisis. take a listen to what they had to of say. >> i got a phone call from one of our members our church saying we're going to take our boys and clean up the street. i thought that's the right thing to do and i want to go with you. the business that's were hit were demolished to the ground. >> we need to support our local businesses. my heart was broken. we called together some volunteers. when community comes together and we choose to love our neighbors, i think that's a powerful aspect of love, really changes things. when business owners see us coming together to help clean up, i think the neighborhood comes back together. jedediah: so such an important message here, i think. i think when you see a lot of this rioting going on, you start to think oh, my gosh, what is happening to my country, i'm scared for my country and then you see these voices rise up who are doing good work, taking it upon themselves to say this is
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my community, i care about the community, i'm going to get people together and protect the place i work so hard to call home, this is something we need to see and need to cherish right now. griff: that is right. the spirit this nation was founded on and why we are exceptional. good point, jed. turning to quick headlines. juror floyd's body will return to his hometown of houston. floyd grew up in the city. he was known as a star tight end for his high school football team before moving to minnesota. it's unclear when his body will return to houston. funeral plans have not yet been announced. federal charges are expected for a woman accused of throwing a molotov cocktail at an nypd van. she allegedly threw a molotov cocktail inside the van's rear window while the officers were sitting in it. the molotov cocktail did not explode and the officers were not hurt. more than a dozen of joe biden's campaign staffers are donating to a group that's bailing out
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rioters in minneapolis. according to reuters, the donations were sent to the minnesota freedom fund which was set up after riots began last week. the group has raised nearly $20 million. it ow opposing sending bail for anyone arrested or awaiting trial. those are your headlines. pete, jed. pete: thank you, griff. coming up, outrage morphing into violence and destruction over the death of george floyd. it's been very disconnected for that for quite some time. our next guest has a clear message for the rioters, their method won't bring about change. ben watson joins us live with more on that, next.
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jedediah: we are back with a fox news alert. a fifth night of unrest and destruction in america as rioters ravage cities across the country following the death of george floyd. our next guest is pleading with protesters to take a step back and see the other side. griff: joining us now is the author of under our of skin, watson. good morning, ben. >> good morning. griff: what do you make as we wake up after a fifth night of violence and destruction? >> well, i think my message is more for america, actually, and when we watch what's going on and when we see everything that's happening, we all have a reaction. but a full look in the mirror -- a fool looks in the mirror and walks away unchanged. this is a time in america that is very, very important. we would be foolish to walk away from this time unchanged. it's uncouple bent upon all of us to address why these things happen. we need to seek truth, all of us
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need to seek truth, not what our pride tells us, not our opinion about ourselves or someone else, we need to see truth and justice. justice comes in many forms. we're seeing an outcry from america that is lacking truth, lacking justice. how are we going to move forward? what are we going to do now to prevent these things from happening again? pete: what are we going to do to prevent these things from happening again, ben? because i like what you had to say, but there's not a whole lot of protesters looking in the mirror right now and the police are looking in the mirror saying i want to go home at night and i'm having bricks and molotov cocktails thrown at me. what is next? >> well, i think they are looking in the mirror. i think they are america's mirrors. the reason why these things started happened because george floyd was killed by a police officer. when those things stop happening i think you will see an end to this type of unrest. and that's uncomfortable for everybody. police officers do great work. look, we want our police officers to be safe.
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but people are tired of seeing these things happen over and over again. and you're seeing an outcry. some people are there for that. let's be clear. some people are there simply to cause problems. they're not part of the solution. those people need to get out of this. but for the rest of us that care about this country, for the rest of us that want things to be better, for the rest of us that really want to see truth and seek justice, that's what we need to do, on a personal level, but also on a corporate level as a country. today is sunday. i will call on people of faith and people of goodwill as you are able to go to church or maybe you can't go to church, to take time this afternoon to seriously pray about where god will lead you when it comes to conciliation in this country, pray for where god will lead you to turning your heart toward him, pray where he will lead you to lead your family, your immediate family, your community, your culture, whatever background you have, and we need to really take an honest look about where we are in america. martin luther king guns said ond
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justice is the most indestuctable element of our community. we are killing ourselves as americans. we need to think about where we are and understand that justice cannot be given up. justice is what's going to end us. we need to return to that and more importantly we need to strengthen that. that comes in a variety of forms that we can go into but that's the issue. jedediah: ben, i want to ask you about the nfl commissioner, roger goodell, released the following statement. it says as current events dramatically underscore, there remains much more to do as a country and as a league. the tragedies inform the nfl's commitment and ongoing efforts, there remains an urgent need for action. we recognize the power of our platform in communities and as part of the fabric of american society, we embrace that responsibility and are committed to continuing the important work to address these systemic issues together and with our players,
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clubs and partners. what can the role of the nfl be potentially in trying to heal this divide? >> i think we've seen it in the last several days. our league is 60% black. the only reason why i bring that up is because there are so many players that have been affected on a deep, personal level by what they've seen transpire over the last several weeks. our other players, who are white players, have stood up and they've had a voice for those players. we've had conversations with each other. you know why? because we care about each other. we understand each other's experiences. we have empathy. what the league is simply doing is responding to what they've seen its players already do. players have always led when it comes to addressing the issues of our day. i'm so proud of what the players are doing. it can be an example for all of us about reaching across lines that sometimes are grown and barriers that happen. reaching into someone else's -- understanding someone else, that's what the nfl has done.
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i think we definitely as players are leading the way. griff: ben watson, thank you for that very important message, to seek truth and start being honest about this and reaching across the aisle. still ahead, religious leaders leading the call for peace, our faith panel weighs in on how faith can help guide us through this chaos. it's time for the memorial day sale on the sleep number 360 smart bed. can it help keep me asleep? absolutely, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. it's the final days to save $1,000 on the sleep number 360 special edition smart bed, now only $1,799. ends sunday. overnight, they became our offices, schools and
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stand for love, lean and depend on the power of god. pete: how can faith help guide us in the wake of such a chaotic situation? let's answer that question. here to discuss isn panel, niece of dr. martin luther king, junior and fox news contributor,a, alveta king, reverend billow whens -- bill owens and jensen franklin. alveeta, how can we lean on our faith at this moment. >> good morning, my brothers in faith, "fox & friends" viewers and listeners everywhere. i greet you in this pentac ost season with faith, hope and love. it is love that will unite us because without peace, without love, there can be no justice. and so faith, hope and love
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together as we continue to help in our cities, not tear our cities up, as we continue to heal from covid-19, let's do acts of kindness and service together, trusting god, praying for our president, our nation, our families. and to continue we must have faith in god. pete: reverend owens, i want to piggy back on that. those civil rights leaders, many years ago, were carrying bibles in their marches, standing on the shoulders of the gospel, believing equal treatment and justice under the law was a fulfillment of our of declaration of independence. there is no gospel in the riots we're seeing right now, the agitators. what's your message to them or to everyone involved to try to give us some clarity here. >> i would just like to remind our viewers that love will win out every time. the civil rights movement was
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built on love. it was not built on hate. and we did carry bibles and we were trained to respect even our enemies and then we have to ask the question, we know who killed the young man. what killed him? the racism that still exists in our society today. i just published a book about this very same thing. a dream derailed. our dream has been derailed and when you see the looters doing what they're doing, the fighting, the burning, that is not love. that is hate. and we cannot win this war with hate. it has to be with love. pete: pastor, same question to you. what can -- in addition to the general question, what more can faith leaders be doing right now to spread that message of love? >> well, i'm a white pastor of a diverse congregation and the number one responsibility i feel
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is to speak up. the white pastors to go to their churches today and communicate the gospel. you can't communicate the gospel of jesus christ and ignore what's happening in our of nation. i'm grieved and heart-broken in the george floyd family and all those in the african-american community who are grieving. i think it's worth mentioning that on this pentacost sunday what a remarkable home to have a return of the spirit. i was the outpouring of the holy spirit on different races and people of different ethnicities. they were filled with the holy spirit and suddenly all of those different languages became one voice of love, praising god. it can happen again. but we can't be silent. there's a community saying, can you hear me now? this has got to end and it begins with the church being the church. pete: thank you all for that, these great messages.
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thank you for your time this morning on "fox & friends." we appreciate it. great stuff. >> thank you. >> thank you. pete: coming up, from police vehicles being set on fire to a sheriff getting slashed in the throat, law enforcement increasingly becoming targets amid the riots. we'll get reaction from former nypd officer him of self, dan bongino. that's next. did you know prilosec otc can stop frequent heartburn
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>> go home, go home, go home, go home, go home, go home, go home,. pete: rioters clashing with police overnight in new york city, smashing patrol cars and setting them on fire. griff: police arrested one of them for throwing a molotov cocktail inside a police van. a similar scene in pittsburgh as rioters kicked out police cruiser windows. pete: a violent night in jacksonville, florida, rioters attacking several officers, stabbing one of them in the neck. we could go list by list about towns across america. in chicago, police officers injured. here to get a reaction is dan bongino, fox news contributor, former secret service agent. thanks for being here this morning. i'm sure you had a chance to see some footage from last night. 345 arrests, 33 officers in blue in new york city injured, 47 police cars damaged.
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the numbers similar to that in other cities across the country. your reaction? >> well, pete, this isn't a protest anymore. this is a coup. this is an organized internal coup by a small group of agitators acting as a domestic terror group. that's a fact. put a period and a full stop on that. this isn't a protest anymore. i've been listening to your show all morning. what you said before, pete, is accurate. this is not a protest anymore, not by our choosing. it should have been a protest. there were legitimate reasons looking at the tape of mr. floyd for all americans who agreed, for one of the first times i've seep in the last probably 10 years, that there was something seriously wrong there and you know what we're not talking about? any of that. because we're talking about antifa group, an organized group of agitators, committed unquestionably now to the destruction of the united states and let me just say, with regards to these now riots -- again, this isn't a protest
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anymore, folks. i'm very sorry. the time to protest is now passed because the legitimate protesters are now being attacked, some of the same people, by these antifa folks and others committed to the destruction of the united states and crowd control is not the most difficult parts of policing. it's tough. riot control is. and sadly, we've let this -- some police department due to political leadership and bad political leadership have let this evolve into a riot from a protest. it's very difficult to put a lid on that. jedediah: dan, we've been talking about the lack of leadership in some of these cities, obviously bill de blasio being the gift that keeps on of giving in that department. you now have the nypd sergeant's union shooting back at de blasio after he had the adas at thi auy a light touch should be used. they tweeted out if mayor bill de blasio wants a light touch
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then let him stand in front and take the first brick to the face or perhaps he can sit in the police vehicle and take the molotov cocktail that's thrown into it. here's the light touch. you see this around the country. it's very unfortunate. but there's a total lack of leadership on the local level. >> jed, police officers and the police leadership know what to do to deal with civil unrest. it's not that this is the first time this has happened. i've now said on the network multiple times, how many american cities are you going to watch burn before you throw out in the scrap heap of history this disastrous let them vent, use a light touch model. you use a light touch on legitimate protests. because that's a god-given right. you don't use a light touch on a riot burning down an american city. what kind of an i' imbecile are you? we tried this in baltimore with freddy gray. remember the mayor of baltimore at the time, stephanie rollins
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blake, what did she say? we've got to give them room to destroy. remember the crown heights riots. let them vent. you don't let people vent. you let protesters vent, not rioters. one more thing. the celebrity mor morons who thk it's a good idea to start a bail fund to bail out people slitting the throats of cops, engaging in attempted murder on the streets of dallas and beating the not out of a guy in the streets of portland, you disgust me. you are absolute human filth, in your beverly hills mansions, you beasts, while you sit up there and do that while america is burning to the ground. i hope no american goes to see another damn movie again from one of these idiots supporting this nonsense. why do you think they're in jail? because they're protesting. they're in jail because they beat the crap out of someone, you dumb ass.
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griff: we were playing earlier the video from dallas that store owner felt so desperate he needs to have a machete to defend his business and his community. we now talked about the lack of leadership in places like york with mayor de blasio. is it time for president trump to deploy the national guard, pete's old army unit on the ready, is it time for the president to say here's the message now. we will use whatever force is necessary to guarantee that this violence ends now? >> yeah, i agree to some extent, griff. but i think president trump has to be very careful here. unfortunately, this has become politicized, not by my choice, not by yours or anyone else's. you would think this would be a home of collective action. i think they're baiting president trump into some kind of military action so if something breaks bad they can blame it on him. i want to end with this, okay. the police officers know what to
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do. the cops i worked with at the federal and state level are more than competent. it's the political leadership getting in the way with this light touch nonsense. have you to take the giuliani approach to crowd control. the first punch that's thrown the guy goes to jail. the second punch, the guy goes to jail. there is no third puncher that's it. once the third and fourth starts punching you go to a riot. you have to stop it early. the police officers know what to do i don't think a national military response is the answer here. i think this will turn this into a political tinder box and the country will be pulling at the strings of our republic. pete: dan bongino fired up this morning. great insight. you know what you're talking about. thank you. griff: we would like to make a correction to something we aired a few minutes ago. we reported a new york woman was charged with attempted murder for allegedly throwing the
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molotov cocktail at an nypd vehicle to officers inside. she is only facing federal charges for damaging the police vehicle. the molotov cocktail did not explode and the officers were fortunately not hurt. the charges of damaging a vehicle are a far cry from the charges sought by the nypd. rioters setting fires across richmond, virginia, firefighters scrambling to put out a burning bus. several confederate statues were also vandalized. >> that's not someone who i look to for ethics guidance. i'll continue to do the right thing. griff: secretary of state mike pompeo is cleared of wrong-doing for his trips to kansas. an investigation was launched last year to see if pompeo violated the hatch act by using his office to pursue a run for an open senate seat in kansas. the office of special council cleared him of wrong-doing
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because he said he is not running for office. and this story, american astronauts on of dashboard a spacex rocket set to dock at the international space station this morning. yesterday they marked the first launch from u.s. soil in nearly 10 years. the astronauts are expected to stay in space for at least a month and those are your headlines. it's a good thing to see amidst these difficult times, americans launching into space. pete: yes, it is. gives us hope. i like it. coming up, nearly a dozen states calling up the national guard to help contain the chaos. how will this help local authorities? former detective and fox news contributor ted williams breaks it down, next. some companies still have hr stuck between employees and their data.
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jedediah: governors in nearly a dozen states plus d.c. activating the national guard to help local police control the violent riot as curfews are ignored. here with an inside look at how local authorities work with the national guard to restore calm, fox news contributor and former d.c. homicide detective, ted williams. ted, thanks for being here today. obviously a lot happening. minute to minute here. can you tell us a little bit about what needs to be happening here in terms of cooperation with the national guard and local law enforcement of icials to calm these -- officials to calm these situations of riots that are happening in cities around the country. >> yes, jed, as you know, last night was a very difficult night for law enforcement and the police authorities who are trying to control what was going on out in the streets and what was troubling about last night is that there was a curfew supposedly in place in many of
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these metropolitan cities and yet the curfew broke. and so what you're now seeing is the national guard is going to come in, along with the law enforcement authorities, and they are going to be eyes, ears and they are going to also maintain control of the streets or help to maintain control of the streets. i anticipate that the guard, just their presence alone is going to be i think enough to help law enforcement to make the arrests that are needed. and let me just say, they're ths going to be a need for a lot of arrests in this case. it's going to be interesting, because the national guard is under the control of the governor of a state. they are reserve military police. and -- not police, but they're reserve military. and so they're going to be very helpful to provide control, if nothing else. and they also have other
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military options they can use, like the drones. they can have the drones out there and they can also help law enforcement to make arrests, when necessary. jedediah: in your estimation, ted, do you think that this will be sufficient? i mean, some of these images that we're seeing with businesses and cars going up in flames and some of these interactions with rioters and business owners, rioters and police is really, really difficult to watch. we know that the army is on standby. do you think they will have to be utilized? >> i should hope that the army will not have to be utilized. i'm hoping that the national guard along with community leaders will help to quell what is going on out here in the streets, this destruction that's going on. i think that along with the national guard, community leaders, if they're on the ground, they can definitely help to control what is happening on the ground there. jedediah: and just quickly, last question, there's been a lot of talk about a lack of
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leadership or solid leadership from mayors and governors. what should mayors and governors be doing right now? >> they should be out front. they should be like what i observed the mayor of atlanta, georgia, she said, and i agreed with her that we are better than this. not only is she saying we are better than this, but she also had her law enforcement officers out there and she's given them the authority to do whatever they need to bring these rioters under control. jedediah: well, thank you, ted for being here. obviously a difficult time. re input. appreciate it so much. thanks. still to come, president trump speaking out on george floyd's death and the ensuing riots. how will this message be received? we're going to ask lawrence jones after the break. introducing new voltaren arthritis pain gel, the first and only full prescription strength
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>> i stand before you as a friend and ally, to every american seeking justice and peace. and i stand before you in firm opposition to anyone exploiting this strategy to loot, rob, attack and menace. the memory of george floyd is dishonored. pete: that was president trump in a speech yesterday, condemning the violent riots that have broken out since the death of george floyd. but how will this message be received? griff: here to react is fox nation host and fox news contributor, lawrence jones. good morning, lawrence. what did you make of the president's words there in florida? >> good morning to everyone and to the audience as well. look, i think it was one of his best speeches. the president came straight out and said that he was an ally of
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all those seeking freedom and justice. he talked about standing with the peaceful protesters. but he also on the flip side talked about the professional paid anarchists, he labeled them who they were and it showed that the president was aware that there are two groups that are out there. there are the people that are organized from a national level that have their own anarchist agenda. it's pretty clear when you see a lot of people that are out there, setting things on fire in all black, we know the group that they are affiliated with. we know there are many national groups that supply the money under the table. i think the president did a good job in having a balanced tone and still honoring the life and memory of mr. floyd. if i had one thing that i would add to what the president is doing, it's where do we go from here as a country and i would get behind tim scott's bill, the
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walter scott act, that monitors these type of situations when it comes to shootings or police-involved killings. i would say look, you know, i don't understand the spirit of the lawrence jones or tim scott of those that are out there protesting because, you know, i don't know their experience as a black man or of female. i know when injustice takes place many an and i've experient from the fbi and bad actors that are in law enforcement so i know they can do it to you as well. when i find out it has happened, whether it's the doj or a commission that tim scott is trying to set up to monitor these situations, i will go after them with the full authority of the law. but those that are anarchists, you can't do that and we don't respect and you dishonor the memory of mr. floyd. pete: lawrence, as you watch this grow, unfortunately, there
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was a police precinct in minneapolis that was overtaken a couple of nights ago, sending a signal of weakness. what quells this? is it leaders stepping up and police officers being allowed to take the actions necessary to take on antifa, domestic terrorist groups look that? where does the responsibility lie to put this back on the rails? >> well, the responsibility lies with the leaders that are responsible for protecting those neighborhoods. and they have lost control. it's not just the protests. it is -- it's not just the anarchists that are on the ground when they lost control. these communities don't trust them and a lot of these cities are liberal cities and so they don't know the community. they don't know the streets that they are responsible for protecting. there are community leaders, real community leaders that know
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the bad actors, that are telling them get these people out of here. because there's a relationship challenge and the government literally stood by and watched the city burn down, they're not able to get ahold of this. i mean, this is day five. okay. and the governor in minnesota didn't call in the national guard for the night of day three and then the national guard didn't even come in because they didn't know the area enough. they hadn't had any planning or briefing. so this is going on across the country and many of the people -- you're looking at the arrest report, it shows you that these are out-of-town people. these are people that are associated with fake ids. we have to go after those bad actors. jedediah: lawrence, a lot of these mayors seem to take the approach of oh, we have to have a soft touch, need to give it room to breathe and i think that's okay when it's a peaceful protest but not okay once the violence emerges. thank you very much for being
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here as always. we appreciate your input. pete: one of the nation's most recognizable churches desecrated by rioters. we're live on the ground with a look at the aftermath of last night's riots, that's at the top of the hour. the way it works best for you. even the big stuff. you get a delivery experience you can always count on. you get your perfect find at a price to match on your schedule. you get free two day shipping on things that make your home feel like you! wayf ...
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>> [sirens and shots fired] [chanting and rioting] jedediah: overnight chaos across the u.s. , riots erupting in at least 30 cities, the national guard now deploying in 12 of them. pete: in new york city, rioters smashed police car windows, setting them on fire. one of them throwing a molatov cocktail at a police van and the nypd says 345 rioter s were arrested last night
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, 33 officers wearing blue, hurt last night, 47 police cars were damaged. griff: in minneapolis where all this began officers fired tear gas to clear the streets outside a police precinct that the fifth precinct because the one in the third was abandoned and burned to the ground. good morning to you i'm griff jenkins in washington with jed and pete up inew york. pete: griff good morning and i'm from minnesota originally, know those areas of minneapolis well and to think about the contrast of these mayors and governors who locked entire cities down for months because of covid-19 saying can't open your business, citizens we're going to come raid your hair salon because you're doing hair even if doing it responsibly but then they are unwilling or incapable to shutdown rioters and looting of criminals. it took until day five for the national guard and the police there to mobilize because the governor doesn't know what he's doing the mayor
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is weak, you've got an attorney general whose taking pictures with antifa, handbooks it's an absolute mess and you know who suffers from that? the citizens who deserve to live peacefully and the law enforcement officers who caught in the middle, totally outmanned , initially last night, finally they took control of the situation, and the city of minneapolis, jed, they're sending out tips to their residents. this is yesterday in the afternoon. untangle your garden hose. soak down your wood fences. you know, better get your fire extinguisher that's the advice the government is giving to free people who are supposed to be living in a free city that is entirely under seige and just one of many across the country. jedediah: yeah there's been a domino effect as well because no one seems to have learned the lessons from what happened in minneapolis. you saw that delayed reaction from the mayor from the governor , in minnesota and you would think that places like new york city, places like los angeles would have observed that learned and said listen, the second these protests turned violent, action needs to be
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taken we need to empower that law enforcement to let people know that they are entitled to peacefully protest and we want to encourage that because what happened to george floyd was horrific and we all join in unison on that point, that that was a horrific death that did not need to happen; however the second you see violence en you ensuing, law enforcement needs to be able to react to that, and if you wait too long, then you see what happens in a place like minneapolis. it's amazing to me but we elected these people, we elect these mayors and governors and they essentially when chaos strikes so many are completely useless. pete: they are more than useless , jed because they are talking to folks agitating this violence to happen to be on the political side of the spectrum so it looks like their hands are tied but they don't know what to do. griff: you make a good point there, pete and jed, mayor deblasio whose taking a "light touch" approach with the
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protesters causing 33 officers to be on the receiving end of the violence last night. let's go straight to new york city with a look at last nights damage, good morning. reporter: good morning, guys i've never seen anything quite like this. i mean take a look. this used to be an nypd police van. obviously somebody out here set it on fire last night. hopefully there are no injuries involved but i want to show you just how widespread the damage is here near union square if we walk down this block right here we're going to see one after another after another and nypd police van riddled down the street that are just completely busted out and this was pretty much the scene that happened here last night. i counted at least six in just this one block area, 47 police vehicles were damaged in total, and clashes began even before the sun set protesters torched several police cars, police van was seen fully engulfed in
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flames, 345 people as you said arrested, 33 police officers injured. the situation further as people crowded around police vehicles and the nypd trucks then pushed through the crowd, mayor bill deblasio said while he was wishing that the officers had not done that, it was wrong for protesters to surround those police vehicles and to threaten those police officers and i just got to say, you know, it isn't just the nypd that are getting hit it's also these businesses like you guys have been talking about. this is a pizza bar, and it's just one of the many businesses i've seen that have had their windows smashed this window still wide open, still at 8:00 this morning or 9:00 this hour now anyone can just jump in and take anything that they want. it's just very very very sad out here, guys? griff: it is indeed. thank you very much. pete: we just showed image of those two police cars i don't know if we can put it up again when they are near an intersection completely surround and when you watch, think about these are officers trying to do their job, there
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have been things thrown at their patrol cars, you know, bricks, cones, objects, another police car comes up. they are attempting effectively maintain order, and they had to bump some of the protesters out of the way to do some, when you hear bill deblasio, he's sitting there say oh, i don't know, the message from your mayor at that moment should be do not obstruct my law enforcement officers, they're here to do a job to keep things peaceful. it's cut and dry. it's easy yet if you read bill deblasio's twitter feed it's just a mush of absolute nonsense and it's almost like he's invit ing chaos or violence and then he calls for calm. oh, no, no, no, again it's playing both sides of the coin which only inflames the situation bring in the outside agitators and now you've got cop s literally being assaulted and a mayor who has no idea how to handle it and people take their cues from new york city and as a result, i hope we're not in the middle of this with more to come, but to see it happen in new york last night the way that it did, may not be
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a sign of good things to come. i hope not. jedediah: yeah and you have business owners in many of these cities taking matters into their own hands and boarding up their businesses out of fear saying i'm getting no help, they see that their mayor, that their governor is not helping they see that law enforcement is over burdened and see rye rotters approaching and they are tire terrified that's their livelihood and they can't put food on their families for how long so it's heartbreaking to see all of this , really really heartbreaking. we spoke with dan bongino earlier who was calling out some of these politicians who have been doing nothing in fact not only have they been doing nothing but they've been getting in the way of police check it out. >> the police officers know what to do. the cops i work with at the federal and state level are more than confident. it's the political leadership getting in the way that this light touch nonsense, and take the guiliani approach to crowd control and the first punch is thrown the guy goes to jail. the second punch thrown the guy goes to jail.
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there is no third puncher. that's it. once the third or fourth guy starts punching, you go from a crowd protest to a riot and that is a totally different policing model. you have to stop it early and the police officers know what to do. pete: that's right. and the president, it's spoken from a guy whose been in the middle of it and these talk about these mayors and governors are fundamentally unserious people. they look at the situation and they don't to how to handle it and yet it's these law enforcement officers on the frontlines doing the thin blue line. this thin blue line between civility and true freedom and mob mentality whether it's outside agitators or locally, we should think about and pray for those men and women right now because of what they do for us. griff: it's a good point, pete. if you're the mayor or the local leader of any town in usa if you're not willing to stand and enforce the rule of law then you really shouldn't
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have the job one person fortunately who does is our commander-in-chief president trump who said that while he understands the anger on these streets, he says that george floyd's memory is not being honored and has a message for those rioters. president trump: i understand the pain that people are feeling we support the right of peaceful protesters and we hear their pleas. what we are now seeing on the streets of our cities has nothing to do with justice or with peace. the memory of george floyd is being dishonored by rioters, looters, and anarchists. the violence and vandalism is being led by antifa and other radical left wing groups who are terrorizing the innocent destroy ing jobs, hurting businesses, and burning down buildings. griff: strong words and i know he doesn't do things the normal
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and old fashion way but i do believe this is a moment that calls for an address with that same sort of tone measured firm and try to bring us together at this time of unbelievable chaos. pete: what he has talked about is strength, about empowering the secret service and law enforcement. there's no doubt about those cos in the vehicle who are getting criticism for bumping the get se has a molotov cocktail they've renot going home. this is their job every single day and not have their back is bad leadership and that's whiteware seeing from these mayors. jedediah: you're right and a lot of people are writing saying where are the peaceful protester s i don't see them and the answer is a lot of them are afraid. there were many people who wanted to come out and peaceful ly protest in new york city and los angeles and other cities to defend the rights of the family of george floyd to holdup his honor to fight
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against injustice and now they are afraid to do that because they see what's happening on the streets and they are afraid to risk their own lives and the question is when you look at those crowds how many of those people are actually there to just simply agitate? we talked to ben watson former nfl player and he weighed in on just that. take a listen. >> the reason why these things started happened because george floyd was killed by a police officer. i think you'll see an end to this type of unrest and that's uncomfortable for everybody. police officers do great work. look, we want our police officer s to be safe, but people are tired of seeing things happen over and over again and you're seeing enough. look some people aren't there for that. let's be clear. some people are there simply to cause problems. they are not part of the solution. those people need to get out of there before the rest of us that care about this country for the rest of us that want things to be better, for the rest of us that really want to see truth and seek justice that's what we need to do. pete: yeah, so people are left on their own guys we have the
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footage of the gentleman in dallas who had a machete trying to defend his business' neighborhood and a mob descended on him stomping on him sending him to critical condition in a hospital and you have a man with a flag out in portland standing there as antifa absolutely attacks him so people are then left fending for themselves which is precisely what government is supposed to do, protect your ability to live free. it is a moment to look in the mirror. jedediah: that's exactly right and we're always talking about the role of government on this show. there are so many things allowed into government that government shouldn't be doing and one role government should have it actually doesn't do. so it's incredible to see that. like the hope is lessons are learned though. the hope is lessoned are learned first and foremost that nothing like this happens again and you don't have the death of someone in the matter that george floyd died which was completely unjust and if something horrific happens that you have leon the ground empowered by the mayors empowered by the governors to do their job of protecting those citizens and if they don't wait it out until the
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trouble becomes so gruesome it's hard to contain. pete: here is a lesson to learn don't let the mob take over your police pre significant because when they do they're empowered that's why because once you let the cat out of the bag you can't put it back in and minneapolis did a better job last night but other cities are now suffering from their mistakes and it's terrible. griff: at some point, we're finally going to get to having that conversation that ben watson wants us to have which is about the truth and honesty of the underlying causes of what led to floyd's death but for now unfortunately as you point out local leaders not willing to do their primary job, jefferson jefferson as you mentioned to protect life, property, and restore order. but still ahead, american cities reeling from riots a liv report on the after math in chicago. that's coming up plus inside an analyst on the crisis from geraldo rivera and maria
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bartiromo and deroy murdock.
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pete: we're back with a fox news alert chaos across the u.s. as riots erupt in at least 30 cities as rioters demand justice for the killing of george floyd. at least that's what they write on the buildings before they destroy them. but in their new op-ed our next guest says rioters do injustice to that memory fox news contributor deroy murdock joins us now. thanks for being here this morning. that is the disconnect we see when i watch people write a name on a building and then burn it down it doesn't seem like those two things fit. >> no, no, pete, and look, if the protesters stay peaceful right now we'd be talking about a few thing, about george floyd who he was, his family and friends be talking about what kind of a man he was, what his interests were, you'd have experts of law enforcement talking about different manners of separating the few bad cops from the good cops, and probably have people coming on talking about effective means of training cops to make sure they don't escalate things engaged in
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police brutality and excessive force and so on. instead unfortunately the rioter s who looted george floyd's spotlight and took him away from the center of the story and put themselves in the center of the story and instead of talking about positive things that are very helpful for this country moving us forward we're talking about the things i saw from the destruction, police vans burning, my neighborhood, my apartment filled with smoke, we see st. patrick's cathedral vandalize vandalized and in los angeles, people going into an eye glass store cleaning that out, and i'm not sure what steal ing eye glasses has to do about police brutality, excessive force or standing up for the memory of george floyd. pete: they need extra glasses so they know which police car to throw their brick at. >> yeah. pete: whose to blame for this? is it the lack of leadership? is it these antifa agitators that are accelerating? where do you point the finger here? >> well i think one of the major errors we saw early on was when the authorities in
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minneapolis, minnesota allowed that third precinct house to be overrun. as soon as i saw that i got the sense and i'm sure the rioters got the sense nobody is in charge here, it's a free fire zone, we can do what we want. that was a major major disaster because the very first responsibility of government is to maintain order and protect our security and safety and when that failed i think a lot of people got the signal that it was a green light to go and start mayhem that erupted across the country. i get the sense the antifa people are organizing this , this thing seems to be coordinated but it popped up very consistently coast to coast and i hope the department of justice and the fbi gets to the bottom of this and put them on tv so we see who they are, a lot of people are not locals from minneapolis protesting the in justice, these are people who came in from elsewhere make them famous and let people know these are not your neighbors these are outside agitators and they need to be tried and if convicted throw them in jail for a long long time. pete: you're incredibly right weakness invites a challenge it always does.
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>> absolutely. pete: if we look forward in this though what needs to happen to put this conversation that should happen back on the rails? >> well a couple things. one is i follow the advice of someone you admire teddy roosevelt, speak softly and carry a big stick. we should encourage people to protest peacefully, have their voices heard but if they engage in this mayhem, use the big stick and clamp down on them quickly and hard and effectively and forcefully, and i think president trump ought to give an address from the oval office, repeat some of the comments he made yesterday at that nasa speech, explain that he understands the injustice here and understands the pain and the peaceful protesters and he at the same time these people are engaged in this mayhem and destruction need to be isolated and stopped and punished. pete: you've done a great job covering this with your columns, thank you for doing that and for being on the program this morning. great stuff. thank you very much, pete. pete: you got it. still ahead american cities reeling from riots cars torched, properties destroyed lives
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ruined. a live report on the aftermath in chicago which was hit hard last night. that's next. when you're confident in your gut, you feel confident to take on anything. with benefiber, you'll feel the power of gut health confidence every day. benefiber is a 100% natural prebiotic fiber. good morning mrs. johnson. benefiber. trust your gut.
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pete: we're back with a fox news alert police suv's destroyed and fires erupt as riots break out in chicago overnight. dane placo joins us live from the windy city with a look at last nights damage. good morning. >> good morning. bright blue sunny skies over ahead right now does not match the mood of this city this morning as the sun rises, the scope of the destruction becoming all too real. take a look right here. we're standing next to the macy's store on state street, the old marshall field's for those of you with longer memories this is a flagship store in chicago and as you can see heavy looting last night the windows punched out inside
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you see all of the looting, the fragrance counters have been smashed and product taken, back there are a couple of employees starting to come into the store with tears in their i, several thousand people essentially took over downtown chicago yesterday started as a peaceful protest in federal plaza about 2:00n afternoon the size of that protest though grew quickly andr parts of the downtown area. most of the looting appears to happen on state street and north michigan avenue, windows broken people rushing inside grabbing whatever they could. cars and fires were set inside those stores, there were also clashes are police officers in which some officers were injured including broken bones. mayorlori lightfoot last night initiated a 9:00 p.m. curfew that was largely ignored and she says she understands the anger about what happened in minneapolis but she is condemning the violence here in chicago, and as i say, people
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starting to walk the streets again, there's still a heavy police presence downtown. i want to show you something a little bit of good news in the midst of all of this right here. okay we'll talk to you in a minute. this woman right here and some people over there, part of a citizens brigade that came out got organized online last night and they're coming out here, we got a few more protesters out here, i'll throw it back to you guys right now. pete: all right, thank you very much. you know, think about that a couple thousand protesters the chicago pd is a big police department not as big as new york but it seems they were caught off guard with the speed and the organization of what was confronting them. jedediah: i mean i'm trying to figure out watching these videos , do the police, do they need more support? where are they getting their direction from in terms of are they being told not to act too swiftly? something is going on here that there is a delay in action or
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there's not enough, you know, see people on the ground or something is wrong here because far too much looting is happening. far too much the rioters are getting away with far too much and then there's this domino effect where all of a sudden there is all of this to manage and then you have the national guard involved and the army involved so something is happening with local law enforcement i'm curious what the command call of direction is and what's going on here. griff: i'll tell you exactly what it is, jed. it is the leadership we've been talking about all morning making the decision saying hey there's anger in the streets so we got to let people get their first amendment on and protest. the problem is that there isn't a space for those first amendment rights deserving protesters to come out because the rioters and looters are leaderring the way because they see the door open and there's no better example than mayor frey in minneapolis who approved the decision to surrender that police precinct
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and you can bet your bottom dollar that you're going to keep seeing this happen time and time again until something is put in place that does not allow for these police jurisdictions to be driven by political mayors who want to open the space up, whether they intended to or not , this is now the play book and it is unfortunately going to continue to result in violence, destruction and sadly, the loss of life. jedediah: because one quick point, do these mayors not think that there's going to be some sense of accountability that they are going to be there are video videos all over the internet of the social media of the so-called protests where store owners are being dragged out there's violence. these are not protests what's going on, so they are going to have to answer questions as to why they said hold on give these protesters room far beyond the point where this had turned from protesting peacefully into violent riots. pete: these are leftist mayors who are friends with antifa and friends with black lives matter.
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this is mayor light touch. this is a mayor that says we can conflate it altogether it's one just protest. you can do two things at once. you want to protest peacefully fantastic. the minute you throw a bottle boom you're done, the minute you throw a brick boom you're done. that's not allowed. think of how much they brought the house down on people cutting hair, or opening a gym, and shutting them down yet people are being assaulted on the street and police officers are not being empowered because of weak mayors and weak leadership. griff: let me just jump in for a second because you're saying it's antifa, and i'm familiar with the picture but we don't know for sure that it is antifa. my point is just this , pete and that is that it doesn't matter whether it's antifa or not. pete: it doesn't matter you're right. griff: allow whoever is this criminal element to have this kind of space, riots happen
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spontaneously throughout history because of things that have happened; however whoever it is the rule of law is the fundamental basis here, and it's not being appropriately applied. pete: good point. violence erupting across the country overnight rioters clashing with the police dozens of officers injured just in new york. geraldo rivera joins us next to weigh in on the unrest. as gum i. does it worry me? absolutely. new sensodyne sensitivity & gum gives us the dual action effect that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. there's no question it's something that i would recommend. the roar of a racecar. a secret whispered in your ear. a good joke. at eargo we believe in hearing life to the fullest. but we also believe in tuning out. tuning out the confusion, the news, the fear, the noise.
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>> [chanting] >> [shots fired and sirens sounding] jedediah: overnight chaos across the u.s. , riots erupting in at least 30 cities. griff: protests taking a violent turn in philadelphia, 13 police officers were hurt, while trying to control the crowd, dozens were arrested. pete: and in new york city a crowd cheers as a bus driver refuses to help police transport people who were arrested at the riots. let's bring in geraldo rivera, fox news contributor, geraldo you're seeing this i've got my own sentiments and frustrations as we go into night five of this descending into riots we have 33 police officers injured in new york city alone, vehicles damaged, 350 arrests, the same could be said for cities across the country. react to where we are right now. geraldo: including my own,
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including here in cleveland we had a curfew that started last night at 8:00. we've had up to 100 protesters, rioters really, arrested and of that crew, probably one-fifth were from out of state, antifa, black lives matter activists who seemed bent on causing as much destruction and confrontation as they possibly could. it is very very shocking and depressing to see a city like this , a city of strivers and an integrated city struggling to get past the post-industrial period struggling to get past the coronavirus shutdown, that stifled our economy, not just getting it going and seeing all of these businesses, about 80 of these businesses destroyed, police stores torched. it's extremely extremely distressing, and what i hurt the most about is that the sacred memory of george
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floyd is the one that's been most lost in all of this. no one is thinking about what the cops did to the poor man in murdering him allegedly. it seems so apparent what the cops did. we should focus outrage on that instead they're busting into stores stealing nike sneakers, they are ransacking establishments owned by minorit ies the same pattern repeating here as it is across the country, it is one of the most absolutely scenes ever to see opportunists motivated as much by greed as anything else. ransacking and looting these stores, it is so deeply depressing. coming the day after that rocket went off yesterday, america returns to space, we all wanted to have something to celebrate together as the quarantine is ending, america getting back outside and instead, instead of cheering this huge
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american technological advance, what we see is 75 american cities that have been absolutely raped and major pete let me make this one point that i'm not sure has been stressed enough this morning. this is a national security issue. this is not just about law and order. this is about organized maffia- like syndicates that communicate with their channels. they have absolutely decided they go from place-to-place, and performing as much torments as they possibly can to aggravate as much division as they possibly can, these are people who are anarchists, not protesters and rioters and i want to see our federal government move against them as we would as if they were colombian drug cartel. pete: i love agree agreeing with you, geraldo. griff: what would you say to
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this , geraldo and that is we talk earlier to a former federal prosecutor about this very issue and the administration, attorney general bill barr says he will pursue federal charges against some of these actors because you cross state lines and it's conspiracy to commit to insight a riot and so we shall see it whether or not that comes is another thing, but i want to ask you the other thing we've been talking about this morning, geraldo is the lack of leadership with some of these local mayors particularly beginning in minneapolis, but then moving to new york city. how much blame will they take? obviously they're not going to face federal prosecution but do they deserve some of the blame? have they failed these communities? >> you know, griff there was one mayor in all of these democratic strongholds there was one mayor in atlanta, mayor keis ha lance bottom. she says what are you changing by tearing up the city.
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this is not how the change america. this is not how we change the world. why haven't we heard more of mayor kilometers lance bottoms and this similar sentiment where is the morality and sense of justice and sense of patriotism from any of these municipal leaders. they roll over and they let the anarchists wreck their city, destroying for goodness sakes minority-owned businesses? a couple hundred of them destroyed, people put their life savings in some of these businesses, and now they're gone and what are they going to do? they have been struggling with the coronavirus and their poor businesses have struggled, they've been open at all and then now they are facing finally a liberation, you know, a cautious reopening of the world and what do they have? now the stores destroyed and now its been looted many have no insurance, what do these demonstrate or s and protesters riot res care about their fellow
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americans? jedediah: geraldo let me ask you then why, why that direction from people like bill deblasio who seem to be saying to law enforcement, tread lightly, you know, give them room and give them space when clearly, these had these protests had escalated from protests to riots you see the level of violence on the streets, why is that direction? are they afraid, are these mayor s afraid to empower their law enforcement to deal with this level of violence or is something political going on, what is it? geraldo: i think that's the best question, jedi really do. that's the central point of the whole democrats control the big cities republicans control the hinda lands or the big spaces. how did so many progressive mayors utterly fail, like that fellow in minneapolis? what is he a high schooler that he didn't see what was happening was an absolute breakdown of civic order, of society, that this was, that he put the , you
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know, he reacted as if it was a boy scout jamboree and instead you had war in the city, what was it? i think they're torn some, maybe most, by their own political philosophy that everything will be fine and idealism and this is an awful thing that happened to this man, let these folks vent their anger, let them burn it out eventually it'll be fine but what they overlook is the reality. the reality is as i mentioned at the top that these are some real actors, some of the catalysts of this had nothing to do with spontaneity this was a planned assault so why not for example, and i've got beef about this last night. why not precinct-by-precinct cutoff the cell phones when you see things happen. you see how they coordinate one with the other, okay now the cop s are there, let's go to this block and go here and go there. why don't they approach this as if these were organized rack a tears, but forget that there are plenty of organized ra
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cketeers that are young people and i would bet you a lot of these people being busted are veterans of lots of other busts and we have to recognize this may be right wing ers as well as left wingers i don't know i don't care but i want the federal authorities working with the state and local authorities, you know, recognizing the ineffectiveness and the conflict of these progressive mayors, take this into their own hands. griff: you're a bold man, geraldo because i have teenage daughters and i wouldn't dare turn off their cell phones let alone turn off everybody's cell phone, pete i'm sorry. pete: i was just saluting geraldo, i agree with you thank you for your clarity we appreciate having you on. jedediah: thank you, geraldo. griff: still ahead, businesses ransacked by rioters and looters so how will business owners most of whom are already struggling with the hardship of the coronavirus rebuild? maria bartiromo breaks down the impact coming up. (announcer) now more than ever, it's important to lose weight,
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jedediah: businesses are already hard hit by the coronavirus pandemic. now facing another challenge as rioters destroy their property and their livelihoods. pete: get this at least 230 minneapolis businesses looted or heavily damaged, and reportedly unlikely to have the kind of insurance needed to cover that damage. griff: here to weigh in on the economic impact of riots "sunday morning futures" host, maria bartiromo. good morning, maria. maria: good morning, team. thanks so much. this is a really serious situation, and not only are we looking at the impact on people 's lives but on property and on the infrastructure of our country. don't forget, we are already in a situation where we are in a recession. we're talking about a contraction, two straight quarters we had a contraction the first quarter we're right now in the second quarter it's going to be a contraction of 20% going to take us time to get out of this already mayor deblasio told me just a few weeks ago he
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wants $7.4 billion of federal money just to help him become whole from the covid-19 disaster , and now this. so this is only going to deepen the recession and certainly elongate the tough, tough times throughout our country in these cities so hopefully we will see things calm down soon but this is obviously coming at a very fragile time for our country guys. pete: yeah, this all -- jedediah: i'm sorry, pete. go ahead. pete: we'll play tag here. jedediah: do you think there will be any protections that will come down the pipe for these business owners? you see business owners we've been interviewing boarding up their own businesses out of fear i just don't understand, if their businesses go up in flames and that's their livelihood how they feed their families will there be any economic, i don't know what, policies put fourth to help these business owners in times of distress and if so what do you think that would look like? maria: well this administration is already working on the
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liability protec this is another situation where this has happened to these businesses by no fault of their own. they are seeing this infrastructure breakdown because of this rioting and because of this behavior, and so there may very well be a further, you know , attention to that liability protection to help these businesses. look the administration has thrown up to $10 trillion at the economy, just in the last six weeks, because of the covid-19 situation. you look at where the federal reserve is and the leverage there, so there is a lot of stimulus coming at this problem. this adds to it and yes, the administration is certainly aware of the liability needs protections for liabilities that these businesses need. we'll see what the administration comes out within terms of policies but this is certainly going to just extend this so you would expect that certainly, jed. pete: and cities and states should pay up for their failure
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to actually keep these businesses and people safe. we'll see where it goes but you have a great show coming up maria. who do you have on deck? maria: yeah, we have a big show coming up i've got an exclusive interview with the secretary of state mike pompeo is going to react not just to what we're sey this weekend but also on china. the president spoke really hard on china on the communist party on friday, making real changes as a result of the hong kong situation, china is using a power grab as a result of the covid-19 situation to gain territory and i'm sorry in india , gain territory in the south china sea, gain territory in terms of taiwan, we'll talk about all of this coming up with secretary secretary of state mike pompeo and senator ron johnson who says he's going to be hoping to subpoena the wrong doers in the 2016 coo to take down the president, steve bannon will react as well as trey gowdy with a big hour coming up see you in about 10 minutes guys. griff: thank you maria. pete: thank, maria: griff: still ahead communities
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devastated left picking up the pieces left behind by rye rot rioters and looters we'll talk to one military veteran making sure police officers on the frontlines are taken care of
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pete: welcome back couple of quick headlines for you the fired police officer charged on george floyd's death on suicide watch. tmz is reporting derek chauvin is being watched inside his minnesota jail cell with guards checking on him every 15 minutes being held on $500,000 bail. >> take a look at this video showing banks burning to the ground, just outside san diego. the chase and union banks going up in flames as rioters looted stores and smashed windows of nearby businesses. it all happened hours after police used tear gas on a large
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crowd of rioters. >> and a former nfl executive urging a team to sign colin kaepernick immediately. former head of communication joe lockheart signing the protests happening across the country he says collin lost his job over his kneeling protest and they say a contract would heal the world and show the league it recognizes the issues he faces and he last played for the nfl in 2016, and that heal the world may have been my editorializing, i think, also it may have been his inability to hit open wide receivers, griff that was part of the reason he's not in the league. griff: and let's also say that joe lockheart was the press secretary for one president clinton and, you know, it's interesting now he's gone on from public service and became in the private sector very successful, and perhaps wealthy in the nfl but now, all of a sudden, my sunday morning football pasttime has been
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totally politicized with the former executive now trying to say okay guys here is how we should play this. jedediah: you know guys it's no secret that i'm no sports expert when it comes to this stuff but last night you should be signed to a contract because you are the best person to do that job and you know, if you're up to the task and if you're an amazing player people are going to want you and that's just where it should end. it shouldn't have anything to do with what you said politically or what social justice campaign you've been or not been en engaged in, am i missing something? pete: no you're not. you should go work for espn at this point. you've got it. jedediah: there you go. pete: and griff your reservoir of washington d.c. knowledge knowing the clinton press secretary i did not pull that always impressive, griff. griff: that's w you're favorite washington swamp monster. pete: creature. more fox & friends just moments away. ty different. somos muy diferentes. muy diferentes.
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>> [chanting] griff: george floyd's death mourned around the world hunts of protesters gathering outside parliament in london, rallying against police brutality in the uk. it's not just confined to our shores. jedediah: and that's what we should be talking about, right? unfortunately we've had to cover these riots because that becomes the news and that's important but remember george floyd and remember the unjust way in which he died and that's the real story here that these rioters have taken away from him and his family. pete: at this point we have dangerous riots, that thin blue line between chaos and civility, you've got left wing leaders in these local municipalities not stepping up to the plate and caught in between are innocent american citizens who deserve better than that griff. griff: we hope our local leaders will start to stand up for the rule of law because this
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cannot continue. the american people business owners have been hit too hard. its got to end and its got to end now. pete: our coverage will continue have a good sunday everybody. go to church. maria: good seasoned mourning thanks for joining me i'm maria bartiromo straight ahead on "sunday morning futures", my exclusive interview with secretary of state mike pompeo as president trump drops the hammer on china, announcing his toughest actions yet against the communist regime. but first this morning breaking news, chaos in cities across america this weekend as protesters clash with police demanding justice for george floyd a live update from the streets of minneapolis coming up following a fifth night of unrest, trey gowdy joins us coming up on whether the justice department could bring charges in this case, we'll also hear from former


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