tv Life Liberty Levin FOX News May 31, 2020 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
>> this is a fox news alert. good evening. america is bracing for another night at war with itself. protests, rioting, looting, sparks by the death of george floyd, a minneapolis african-american man in police custody. all of that caught on camera. so far one officer has been charged with murder but for several nights it's been much larger than minneapolis unrest. the protest, looting, confrontations continue to spread this evening in cities across the u.s. as the sun sets, authorities in several cities fear the worst may be yet to come. a short time ago go, a semi truck drove through a closed section of interstate 35 were a large group of people were protesting. the driver was pulled from the cab by the crowd. we will have more on that momentarily. the riots, obviously also being fueled by decades and generations of resentment over how the black community is treated by law enforcement in
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general. dozens of locations have ordered curfews and bolstered police presence. some have even brought in national guard troops. we will go first to the neapoli neapolis, to minneapolis, the minnesota governor. tim is just starting his press briefing. let's listen in. >> i think the incident just underscores still the volatile situation we have out there. i don't know the motives of the driver at this time, but at this point in time, to not have tragedy and many deaths is just an amazing thing. we will get followed up on the current situation by commissioner harrington and major john. what i'd like to tell you what i heard out there today and i want to address the issue of that. paired folks across minnesota and across this country, as they gather to express their frustration, one of the things they been making very, very clear, they don't trust the
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process. they don't believe justice can be served, and their frustrations are they believed time and time again the system works perfectly well as it was designed to deny those rights and deny justice to communities of color. we have to make that process work for people. we have to start making sure trust is restored. i spent the day and the last week in many conversations with many people about this issue. i have made a decision that i think so many others have made , that keith ellison, our attorney general in minnesota needs to leave this case and i say this with a lot of experience to say it. i say this to someone who's known and seen the leadership of the attorney general for decades. i had the privilege and the pleasure to go into the united states congress in the class
of 2006 and served for 12 years with attorney general allison. i watched him lead on the issues of civil and human rights, i watched him gain the respect of the entire united states congress, i watched him formulate and think about things that, at the time people said we can't do that, we can't get them done, keith ellison was the person there to get that. he understood the systemic issues that were holding us back, and as a member one of 435 in the u.s. congress, his voice was loud. it's also my privilege in 2018 when i was given the privilege of becoming the governor of minnesota, i entered that with keith ellison becoming the attorney general of minnesota. he is my lawyer if you will for the state of minnesota and i watched his vision and passion when i say my lawyer for the state of minnesota, that's the people's lawyer. he's done that with the command of the law and a
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command of what the law means to people and what it means to stand in front of justice and give back. so this decision is one that i feel takes us in that direction and step to start getting to justice for george floyd, when i spoke with the floyd family, they were very clear they wanted the system to work for them. they wanted to believe there was trust and they wanted to believe that the facts would be heard and justice would be served. i can tell you in minnesota, having keith ellison as a lead on this case, that will happen. >> thank you governor. my name is keith ellison, i am the attorney general for the state of california. it's with a large degree of humility and a great seriousness that my office, except for my office the responsibility for leadership on this critical case involving the killing of george floyd. i want to thank the good
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friend of many years, mike freeman for the hard work he has done, we expect to work together, there is a lot of resources and talent and ability in his office on cases like this and i want to let everyone know we will bring to bear all the resources necessary to achieve justice in this case, and that means we won't leave any resources on the sideline as we pursue justice. i've had an excellent conversation with mr. freedman and we will be working together. this case is unusual because of th the way that mr. floyd was killed and who did it. at the hands of the defendant who was a minneapolis police officer, but it is not unusual in the sense that the attorney general's office handles criminal cases and works with counties all the time. this is not something that were not used to.
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we have a criminal does division of highly competent prosecutors. i believe we have the capability and will work with our counterpart to make sure the justice is achieved. for me i'd like to just anticipate a few questions. tonight we are not prepared to talk about what the charges are going to be, who's going to be charged, it's just too early to discuss that matter. tonight we are seeing our role in this case and will begin the very earnest process immediately and have already begun to do so. let me also note a dose of reality, prosecuting police officers for misconduct including homicide and murder is very difficult and if you look at the cases that have been in front of the public, it's easy to see that that is
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true. every single link in the prosecutorial chain will come under attack as we present this case to a jury or a factfinder and we need to make sure we are absolutely prepared. we intend to be absolutely prepared and so i just want to let the public know that we are pursuing justice, we are pursuing truth, were doing it vigorously and we are pursuing accountability, but i will be asking for your trust because certainly some people will want to know everything will detail that were working on. we will not be able to share that with you, but i want to let you know and i want to ask you for your trust that we are pursuing justice, we are pursuing it relentlessly and we are pursuing on behalf of the people of the state of minnesota so thank you very much. >> commissioner, go right ahead. >> thank you sir. >> i'm john harrington, with the department of public safety. i'll give you little
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background on how this day started and speak a little bit to the near tragedy of the tanker truck almost running over folks on 35w. at the end of last night, we checked in to see how things had gone with our overnight approach to keeping the peace in minneapolis and st. paul and we noted that we have made about 143 arrests. we also noted some other trends that we mentioned earlier today, the organizations of these riots, and i really do once again call them riots and i differentiate them from the peaceful protest that we been seen today. people coming to express their first moment rights, coming to express their remorse of george floyd, coming to talk about racism and police brutality. part of the trendline that we been tracking is that we been
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noticing that as we had talked about our desire to reduce fires, we are now finding caches of incendiaries all over the metro area and in greater minnesota, adjacent to spots where fires had been set where where we had large riot confrontation. bottles a gasoline, bottle of oil and gasoline mixed, and preset into grassy areas or hidden in boxes immediately adjacent to areas where we have seen a number of the fires and arsons. we've also continued to note the presence of what we believed to be stolen vehicles with plates that are being used to transport these flammables. we have seen the proceeds from some of the looting and other weapons, rocks and other projectiles that we have seen there. as we prepare for today, we
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are prepared with some thought about how we thought tonight might go and as part of that we brought forward the recommendation for the curfew that had been very successfully used yesterday to be extended through tonight. so the curfew will be extended tonight from 8:00 p.m. until 6:00 a.m. monday and you can expect the officers will be enforcing the curfew tonight. again, i will ask you, no i will beg you, please stay home. please stay home. stay with your businesses, stay with your family, please do not go out and about. do not go walk about or anything. we want you to do, we want you to be safe in the safest place for you tonight, in this very
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troubling time as we are finding incendiaries, we are finding weapons, we are seeing folks driving around with vehicles that are clearly set up to avoid detection and avoid contact with the police. the safest place for you is at home and that is what we are asking the public to do this afternoon as we prepared for our officers to go out, we had rapid response teams that are out already and you would've seen that if you are watching the video about the tanker truck because we were able in no small part to get to the tanker truck as quickly as we could but as we have bike officers and rapid response teams out there. in addition we have mobile field force teams that are out in the case that we do run into a major confrontation.
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>> an update from minneapolis, the governor of minnesota and the attorney general saying he is taking over this case to personally see that it is prosecuted. also an update on what they are seeing from outside sources, it seems groups that are bringing in cars without license plates and flammable materials to place all over the city of minneapolis as you've heard from the local authorities there. let's check in with correspondent steve harrigan in the epicenter of the demonstrations tonight in minneapolis. good evening steve. >> a very tense situation. a moment ago i heard a woman explained to her young son, probably five or six years old that the reason his eyes were irritated was because of teargas. the violence that started here almost a week ago is now spreading across the country. >> after surrendering a police
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station and allowing more than 200 businesses to burn, police in minneapolis confronted protesters with tear gas and rubber bullets. >> we work with communities to identify where those high-value targets would be and we pre-position staff so they would be immediately adjacent. >> the new tactics worked here last night with other cities coming under siege. in new york, police cars were set on fire as patrolman battle with civilians who hurled projectiles. new york governor said the anger has been a long time coming. >> george floyd, rihanna taylor all in just three months, it's 30 years of rodney king. >> the l.a. national guard was called in after widespread looting with more than a dozen
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states activating during the protest. the violence has brought a steady stream of cities issuing curfews and even came within a few hundred yards of the white house. president trump targeting one of the groups he said is behind the violence, tweeting the united states of america will be designated as a terrorist organization. the attorney general echoed those statements saying federal law enforcement actions will be directed at apprehending and charging the violent group of agitators who have hijacked peaceful protest and are engaged of violations of federal law. rioters who don't wait for dark in philadelphia where a number of police cars were set on fire. the head of the minnesota national guard said his soldiers are armed after receiving a warning from the fbi that there was a credible lethal threat against the minnesota national guard. >> there are shots fired, their sto pepper spray, let's move. >> the national guard has been called out in about hal half
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the states, more than 62000 people to try to keep the peace. it's expected to start in about an hour but so far it's been largely ignored. >> steve, stay safe. i we'll be back to you throughout the show come alive in minneapolis. thank you. we have seen violent confrontation between security forces at the white house, the secret service, other iconic locations and angry protesters. correspondent kevin is in washington again tonight where the mayor has activated the national guard and the curfew begins at 11:00 p.m. eastern. >> that is correct. 11:00 p.m. until 6:00 a.m. tomorrow. we are actually right here on eighth street. you may have heard thus, it was actually shut down by the secret service a little more than an hour ago so the crowd has migrated to the east. d.c. metro police.
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that's why he not only issue that curfew from 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. but the national guard we expect will be on the scene perhaps within the hour if not shortly thereafter because we are looking at thousands of people. we just don't know if this is a powder keg that will explode after the sun goes down or if it will remain peaceful. back to you. >> i know this is just breaking, were waiting for news from the white house. the new york times reported that the president was rushed to the bunker underneath the white house. any news about that? i have yet to hear back, but based on what i know about what they would normally do.
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i'm not challenging the reporting, i simply can't confirm it. >> will be heading back throughout the night. great job covering all of this. again minnesota governor tim providing an update in minneapolis. will be monitoring that perjuring us right now on the phone is tim scott. you have curfews now. in many states we haven't seen this across the country since really 1968 after the death of martin luther king jr. >> the violent protesters really just distract from
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george floyd's death and the activities of a non- violent protesters who want to raise attention versus the violent protesters who are looking for anarchy in this country and we just have to make sure that line of separation is clear. in south carolina the governor mobilized the national guard as well so that we could be in a pit position of anticipation expectancy to resolve and respond from the issues we've seen around the country. we want to make sure we are able to tamp down that as quickly as possible. >> we have seen some really sad situations you would think. [inaudible] >> i spoke with the governor today and part of what i learned in the briefing is
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that folks that were the agitators were from outside the area, outside a state even, we are starting to see a trend where such the violent protesters aren't even from the community. i'd be surprised if they are as trying to cast a wide net with the goal, from my perspective, of really destabilizing our government and frankly our country and we have to push back against that which is a justice system that works for everybody, not this complete anarchy like behavior from violent protesters that are really doing, stating this entire process for people of good conscience that want to have a serious conversation.
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>> for viewers on the right side there's washington d.c., on the left side minnesota. you can see police standing on the street. what you say to people who are following all of this in some of these african-american communities and less about george floyd and more about an explosive resentment of how the black community has been treated for years, generations, a lot of similar sounding messages. >> i talked about being stopped seven times as an elective official because i was driving while black. the issue of race and justice is a real issue. however, we have really strong examples of how to make progress in this nation. john lewis is a classic example of nonviolent protest leading to a thousand year
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leap in this nation. we need to learn from that valuable example that came out of the 60s because of the non- violent protest you are having this conversation because there is an evolution that happens in the heart and if you can focus on what needs to be done, this nation is a nation of fairness and we need to embrace that,. >> i just have 15 seconds. have you talked to president trump, and you believe that he was taken down to that bunker. have you talked to him. >> i spoke with him yesterday morning. he was in good spirits. we had a serious conversation about the next steps moving forward. i think he felt comfortable and safe and getting ready to head to florida so i think he was in good and secure order. >> we appreciate your time.
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we will be checking out throughout. on the right of your screen, we will go. green in brooklyn new york. people taking to the street. we'll be back after a short break. we are all over the country with continuing coverage on fox news. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you try to stay ahead of the mess. but scrubbing still takes time. now there's new powerwash dish spray. it's the faster way to clean as you go. just spray, wipe and rinse. it cleans grease five times faster. new dawn powerwash. spray, wipe, rinse.
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breaking news continuing coverage on fox. the right side of your screen, washington d.c. on the right, though left is the white house. we're confirming from senior administration officials that the president was taken to the bunker underneath the white house, not used really since the terrorism, the terrorist attacks. he was taken there for a short time. we are told, as a precaution by the secret service. it did not last long, but that is being confirmed, first reported by the new york times. also, in washington we are hearing graffiti on the steps of the department of transportation, also the world war ii monument and more additional police forces being added, again and 11:00 p.m. curfew in washington d.c. right now, on the right side of your screen it seems fairly innocuous but it has been very dangerous in recent nights.
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in the midst of this weekends urban warfare, president trump is declaring the far left protest group. the president is blaming them for much of the rioting taking place in the wake of the george floyd death. details now. >> short for anti- fascists is not a new movement. the congressional research service say origins date back to germany. there's no membership or organizational hierarchy. it's not even clear how many members it has but the president's national security advisor said there members support one common goal, anarchy. >> this destructive force of radical, i don't even know if we want to call them leftist. >> the acting chair, senator marco rubio writes many of these professional agitators don't fit a simple left versus
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right identity. they're part of a growing antigovernment movement. the hate law enforcement and want to tear the whole system down, even if it requires new civil war. they've labeled it a threat to national security. he did so again saturday. >> it's a lot of radical left bad people and they've got to be taught that you can't do this. >> today he tweeted the united states of america will be designating it as it terrorist organization but the aclu said the president does not have the right to make such a declaration. they say there is no legal authority for designating a domestic group. any such designation would raise significant due process. attorney general bill barr says the justice department views it as cases of domestic terrorism. >> the fbi and joint terrorism tax for force are working to identify the organizers in this weekends violence. their preventing reconciliation in the wake of george floyd's death.
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>> mark, thank you. let's get some law enforcement perspective. mick mikael is the president of the national association of police organizations. thank you for being with us. i want to get your thoughts as you look at this, and obviously curfews extend all across our country tonight. >> i appreciate the opportunity to participate. as we are seeing many of our groups and associations throughout the country are being placed in harm's way. as you've seen in the last couple of days, many police leaders throughout the nation have given their opinion and their objection to what they witnessed as a result of the tragedy so close to minnesota. however, how men and women of our association and all law enforcement are still compelled to be a line of defense to protect the innocent and it's a tragedy what's taken place.
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many elected officials and professionals have clearly identified that the agitators in this nation are undermining the message that the peaceful protesters are attempting to deliver. >> can you talk a little bit, let's go back to the beginning of the george floyd incident. how does this happen? looking at this video, what is your reaction and how does it happen. >> my personal response is, i'm a member of law enforcement for 40 years. the actions that were taken in the videos that i observe were not what i have been trained to do in my 30 plus years in law enforcement. the process has taken place, it's not an excuse, it's an
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explanation but the legal process has taken place, the investigation has taken place and an arrest has been made, it's an ongoing investigation, but on the initial viewing of the videotape, it was deeply disturbing. again the actions that were taken were not actions that are traditionally taught throughout our nation and long force academies and police agencies. >> what you say to some of these communities were vocalizing in these protests, put the rioting aside but the protest saying they think there is a systemic problem in black communities with law enforcement. overall, how do you address that from your perspective. >> i believe there are many agencies throughout the nation who have engaged in community-based policing.
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it's not practiced everywhere and i would not represent that we have come far enough. what i say to you is that the peaceful demonstrators, the voices that should be heard are being drowned out by the agitators and special interest groups that have nothing on their mind other than to commit chaos, to commit crimes and violent acts against police officers, against the government, and it's a shame because the true leaders of the movement are being drowned out by the actions of these agitators. i'm hoping in states and cities that have adopted curfews that we can weed out those agitators and start the process of healing, but more important the process of dialogue to truly identify where it is that we can
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improve our relationships. i observed on the internet today, and i'm cautious of what i read and observe but i did observe the communities where sheriffs agencies removed their protective equipment, spoke with the individuals their processing and their respective area, and began to walk side-by-side with those protesters, and those are the type of stories that need to be promoted nationwide. i think clearly there are areas that need concentration of change but there are many, many successful areas where there is a trust in the community working side-by-side with law enforcement. >> i commend those videos to everyone as well. i know the video you're talking about is from the sheriff in flint michigan, put
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the helmet and the baton down and marched, said he wanted to march in a parade and not protest in writing and that is the good side that we should always focus on. we appreciate your time mr. mikael. godspeed to all the police officers out there. >> i appreciate, and may god look over each and every member of the law enforcement who are in harm's way today and every day. thank you for the opportunity sir. >> all right. have a good night. let's bring in our panel. first panel of the night. julie peso washington bureau chief and fox news analyst lawrence jones. first you read these communities, some of them are really hurting. i think there's more curfews tonight than there has been since 1968 after mlk junior died. your thoughts of the big picture. >> i think they've clearly, there is a great deal of frustration but i would say there are three levels.
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i think you can't ignore what the country is going through with the virus and so many people pent up, told to shelter in place especially for poor working-class people in this country and lots of young people frustrated with what's been going on, and finally those incredible waves of abuse by the police. you think about what happened here with george floyd and minneapolis and of course the shooting death of ahmed in georgia and i think lots of people say this is a system that has yet to deal with the idea of black people as citizens not just those to be feared or the other and so there's lots of anger and
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frustration. what happened in the rodney king case, it's a thin blue line that there people that see the police as justified in doing whatever they want because they protect law-abiding citizens from the chaos and those people over there. think that leads to a lot of injustice and reason for people to be out there protesting, as we saw even internationally. lawrence, i guess there are the people who protest who say they are put often offended by the writing and the looting because it muffles their peaceful message .
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[inaudible] they aren't the majority of people that are out there but they are the ones making the loudest noise. they no one williams mac me, we go at it. we come from afferent ideologies but if there's one thing that men share its being black men and the experiences we've had with law enforcement , law enforcement, although we may disagree on the politics of the day, we have tim's
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scott on the program minutes ago, he has been stopped seven times in the capital and treated like a criminal. that is real. this is not some far left wing conspiracy, and although we may disagree with this, our experience is real and the same thing people are saying when the state abuses their power there needs to be justice. when you see these young people, not the people that are looting, they're just asking for help. >> i want to play the soundbite, a lot of people were out on the sunday show talking obviously about this which has overtaken, it's hard to believe, the covid news that we been dealing with for weeks and weeks. this is the atlanta mayor talking about president trump
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and what he has said and tweeted. >> he is making it worse. this is not about using military force. this is about where we are in america. we are on the tipping point in this country and his rhetoric only inflames that and he should sometimes just stop talking. >> obviously there's always criticism. one party towards another and democrats. this president in particular, but do you think a plan for the president to address this was some sort of speech, national unity call, how do you think the perception is at the white house at this point. >> i think there's a bit of uncertainty about the way forward here and this is a president who has not been spending his tenure in office trying to unite back country
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so that act of uniting come of the act of being able to stand before the country as a healer and a soother is not something that comes natural to him and frankly not something there is an interest from a lot of people and having him do, these democrats don't see this president as someone who speaks for them and they don't believe a lot of these protesters were out there peacefully protesting looking to him for much guidance and i do think we saw this tweet in the early morning hours of friday morning, then come shooting back for president opponents and it's what they've come to expect for him. they don't expect much more so they would prefer he goes to the sidelines. i do think it's opportunity for the president should he choose to show that he does have some empathy for what a lot of people in this country are going through and the experiences that my colleagues have been talking about. it is an opportunity for president and we in this
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country to live in this unique system where we look for our president for that kind of empathy and that kind of healing. there's a lot of debating that's happening over that right now and he took to twitter this weekend so the opportunity is there if he chooses to take it. i need to head a commercial break. will continue to talk . [inaudible] do you mind...being a mo-tour?
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dramatic images, this is the machine right here, that was an atm machine. at the moment there is a curfew in place. the rest of l.a. goes in at 6:00 p.m. and that's where we'll see the national guard working their way through. we do know their here in santa monica roaming around. we haven't seen him quite yet but a lot of firefighters out there and definitely have a lot of moving happening. it's just a flood of people coming in-and-out and you'll just see people walking around, we see a gentleman
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with a box of nikes. he probably took it from a store, we don't know but that's a common scene that we are seeing throughout this community truly seems like they are caught off guard today. back to you live in sin monica california, think of her continuing coverage, hundreds of miles away on the other coast, take a live look at tampa and what's happening there in the streets of tampa florida. we continue our coverage here. coming up next for michigan.
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>> breaking tonight. continuing coverage across the country. looking live-in atlanta as police are out in force. also national guard troops. let's get reaction to all of this. the events of the past few days. john james republican candidate for the senate from michigan. first, your thoughts overall where we stand tonight as a nation. >> what we have seen on camera or have heard in a book or seen on television shocked us. what has been going on with racism in this country is not necessarily getting worse.
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, it is just getting caught on film. social racism, social economic disadvantage, right now we have a nation's attention that has been captured. we have people focus on george floyd taking this conversation and taking it away. the blessings that i have, the blessing of others and using my experience as a black man in this country in an officer. so desperately and badly need to move our entire nation forward. >> there are a lot of democrats who have spoken up about the president's tweets and what he said. speaker pelosi was out saying he should be a unifying force at this time. he is not. what is your message for the president. >> my messages, you for coming t
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to listen to communities that were disproportionately, negatively affected, leaders, as well as myself to address issues of disinvestment that have been happening in our communities for generations and there are people right now fixing the situations where both parties have failed. somebody march for me. i am looking forward to using the platform that we have in using the opportunity to go to the united states that no matter who is a majority, who is the white house we have a voice to fix these killings all over the country of african-american men. >> i mention this a couple of times tonight. 1968, an election that year. the candidate then vice president richard nixon. he ran an ad. this is about law and order back
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then. >> it is time for an honest look at the problem of order in the united states. a necessary ingredient of change. a system of government that provides for piece of change, no cause that justifies resort to violence. let us recognize that the first civil right of every american is to be free from domestic violence. i pledge to you, we shall have order in the united states. >> law and order going to be this presidents pitch? will it be a political winner? >> i will have to answers to that. one, you will have to ask him and to, time will tell. getting social economic mobility up. right now in the city of detroit, 33% of the city, 84% of african americans in poverty. we need to make sure we remove the barriers and increase access to the american dream.
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i am looking forward to working with the president and anyone else that can help improve the situation. >> hopefully we will not be doing this for many more nights in a row. thank you. >> a short break right now. when we come back, we will get another live report from minneapolis. we will take you all around the country. live coverage on fox news channel continues. ay♪ crinkles are your crispy currency to pay for bites of this... ...with this. when kids won't eat dinner, potato pay them to. ore-ida. win at mealtime. potato pay them to. you try to stay ahead of the mess. but scrubbing still takes time. now there's new powerwash dish spray. it's the faster way to clean as you go. just spray, wipe and rinse. it cleans grease five times faster. new dawn powerwash. spray, wipe, rinse.
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welcome back to another hour breaking news coverage. i am brett there. it is 9:00 o'clock in the east, 8:00 o'clock in the midwest, a curfew taking effect in minneapolis. gripping this country tonight. rioting, looting, confrontations between protesters and police. dozens of communities are bracing for another night of dangerous unrest.
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