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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  June 2, 2020 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> sandra, see you tomorrow. "outnumbered" starts right now. >> harris: a fox news alert, tensions rising after yet another night of violence and unrest across america from the death of george floyd. refused proving to be no deterrent for looters. the macy's flagship store was hit along with nike and other top retailers. americans across the country wondering when and how it all will end. president trump warning he's ready to deploy the military if states don't put and the violence. >> i have strongly recommended
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to every governor to deploy the national guard in sufficient numbers that we dominate the streets. if the city or state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend their life and property of their residents, then i will deploy the united states military and quickly solve the problem for them. >> harris: however, several democratic governors have strongly pushed back against the president, including illinois governor j.b. >> i reject the notion that the federal government can send troops into the state of illinois, the fact is that the president has created an incendiary moment here, he wants to change the subject from his failure over coronavirus. >> harris: new york governor andrew cuomo responded to the president, "thanks but no thanks."
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you're watching "outnumbered." i'm harris faulkner. here today, martha maccallum, marie harf, melissa francis, and in the center seat today, virtually on the couch of course, white house press secretary for george w. bush and fox news contributor ari fleischer is here. i want to start with you with this notion of the president at first said covid-19 responsibility in the governme government. coming up with reopening ideas, responsibility of the governors and he would intervene at some point if he thought they weren't doing it the right way. now he's taken power them and says he wants to send in the military, how do you swear it all? >> ari: i cannot talk about this topic without first talking with the depravity of the officer who murdered george floyd, i'm horrified to watch that video and any and all conversations about this avenue to begin with the recognition of
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cop-committed murder of an innocent man and what are we going to do about it. in terms of what the president wants to do about it, you know, we cannot have violence in america's streets. in the president is right about that. this is a mack has gone on too long and there is a world of difference, day and night difference between peaceful protesters demanding justice as they should and we all should and police officers taking and knee in symbolism and the looters and the people engaged in violence, which cannot stand in the united states of america. so frankly, i am up for whatever steps are necessary to stop the looting and stop the violence. the military as a last resort because they are just not trained for this, they are not as effective but if you look at what happened in minneapolis and atlanta last night with the massive presence of national guard, they are starting to have peaceful nights
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again. we need massive deployment, the president is right about that. >> harris: the national guard is a little bit different than sending the 82nd airborne into washington d.c. today, i think you would agree with that. having people amass in my former home as my dad served at fort bragg in north carolina. very different situation. martha too, i come to you with 67,000 of those national guard members and just your take on how all of this goes forward with the governors pushing back oon the president over the issue of a military on american streets. >> martha: yeah, i mean, i agree with ari, 100%. when we've seen the mobilization of national guard in cities like minneapolis, we are starting to see a difference. there has to be a presence of enough stabilizing force to make it untenable for these destructive forces that we've
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seen to continue. this has to be a stable, peaceful country, that's what americans expect. if there's a huge gulf between peaceful protests exemplified by martin luther king jr., who walked down the streets with his bible, and people who pick up a brick and throw it through windows. once you pick up the brick, you need to be arrested and that's what we need to see play out in the streets of america. we can't have people who are afraid to leave their apartments or leave their homes in our cities and increasingly in smaller towns across the country as well, harris. so i think it's important that the forces have been deployed, i know they are being ordered to the d.c. area right now. there's a difference between having them there and having them deployed, also discussion to be had about the insurrection act. i think everybody hopes not. >> harris: new york governor cuomo has just said
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that the new york city police department and mayor of the city, meaning bill de blasio, did not do their job last night. this is according to reuters, we know the new york governor is speaking. melissa, i hear your voice in the background there, this is something that you've been talking about before the pandemic. not just this crisis but prepandemic, the mayor in new york, a different kind of leadership. >> melissa: it infuriated me first in the beginning, if you hear governor cuomo say thanks but no thanks to the offer from president trump but i would say as a citizen of new york, mr. governor, you've had your chance and you've blown it. i have never seen destruction, looting, robbery, violence in the city like this before. he had his chance, he doesn't get to say no thanks. as for our mayor, who the other
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night, he tweeted that union square looks great, that there were peaceful protests going on there. we all thought, are you tweeting from your bed, you don't know what's going on out in your city right now? and it's amazing to me that it wasn't that long ago that he was threatening to send police to arrest people at a religious gathering for not social distancing but then he's tweeting, good job peaceful protesting when at the very least those people were not social distancing, there's a lot more than that going on but at the very least he is such an incredible hypocrite, such an incredible failure, they have both failed in terms of their one and only main job which is to make this city safe and livable. i understand the idea of protesting what you have been heard, we hear you, it is now time for everyone to get back to work, restore the peace and let's move on to making this
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city and country a better place. >> harris: yeah, get back to work as part of the problem, though. new jobs numbers coming out and in less than 48 hours, that's part of the problem, focusing on getting the city and the state reopened and doing the things we need to do. now much more obligated because as you are the governor of minnesota say yesterday, marie, they are going to do mass testing for covid-19 among all those protesters and they have a huge job of tracing, the governor really upset about that but we are looking right now at new york, about leadership being called into question by the top of the food chain there, the governor. governor cuomo of new york. marie harf, what do you make of it? >> marie: harris, i think any conversation about the protesters also needs to start with the acknowledgment that a large, vast majority are peaceful and that the scenes we see that are so destructive are not the majority, nowhere close to being the majority and we
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know that a variety of groups are using these opportunities to be destructive. there is a big difference in my mind between the national guard, a governor calling up the national guard and between president trump talking about the insurrection act which has actually not been used that often, it was used in 1992 after the riley king incident in california but the governor requested it. and president eisenhower used it to desegregate schools so it has been used very sparingly and one of the reasons you saw such a reaction last night, there are many reasons. what's happening in the city i live in is something i never thought i would see, quite frankly. but i think one of the reasons you see distrust of president trump and his talk about using the military is because he is not making an effort to distinguish, not meeting with leaders of the peaceful protests, he seems to be, to many people, lumping all these protesters an end when you
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see police or national guard arresting people back peaceful protesters, shooting journalists with rubber bullets and arresting them after they've presented their credentials and identified as the media, when you see the police not being responsible with this power they have and going after peaceful protesters, and members of the media, it makes people very dubious that the national guard or the military will be restrained. and only do what's necessary to restore order because the last week has shown us that often, these law enforcement professionals don't show that restraint. in many places they do and in some places they don't, there have been consequences like in atlanta and kentucky. it's been a tough week. >> harris: hold on a second. ari? >> ari: let me jump in here. i said the military should only be used as a last resort because it's not their training. put yourself in the position of the woman who owned a jewelry
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store in rochester new york who was beat to a pulp by a mob as her husband came out to heroically try to defend her with a golf club and he was beaten, do you think either one of them care if the people that defend them are police officers, sheriffs, federal agents, national guards, members of the regular army, they just want to be protected and if we live in a country where there is no protection, it doesn't matter whether protection comes from, it needs to happen. it's better to come from the police, better to come from the guard but if it's not there it has to come from somewhere. >> harris: really quick follow-up for you, ari and the idea that these governors are pushing back on the president, bottom line, who has the last say in all of this? is the president of the united states or can those governors say no, on the movement of that order that he can have, that martha was talking about? >> ari: no question, by history, by law, by precedent, the president has the last say.
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when the president says send in the military and nationalize the guard there, it is the ultimate authority and power of the commander in chief. will he have to use it? this is why, again, if you are a governor, you're a fool if you're not calling out your national guard and having an overwhelming presence to protect. in atlanta last night and minneapolis last night. if you don't want to have president trump take that step, do your job yourself. >> harris: we have so many of those national guardsmen and women on the ground in now in areas where they are doing their job but as you point out maybe it's not yet even enough and they've got to just break that glass and put out all the guards men and women. it is an advantage to have them on the ground because most of them are from those local communities when they get deployed. presumptive democratic nominee joe biden is speaking out on the nationwide protests and criticizing president trump's response. the trump campaign is respondi responding. how this war of words is shaping
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>> melissa: presumptive democratic presidential nominee joe biden speaking in philadelphia this morning on the civil unrest ripping the country following the death of george floyd. this comes amid an escalating war of words between the former vpn president trump. biden accusing the president of stoking racial tensions for political gain. >> we will not allow any
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president a quieter voice, we won't let those who see this as an opportunity to so chaos throw up a smoke screen to distract from real, legitimate grievanc grievances. the president of the united states must be part of the solution, not the problem. but this president today is part of the problem and accelerates it. >> melissa: the trump campaign responding with the statement "biden has obviously made the crass political calculation that unrest in america is a benefit to his candidacy. he attempted to inflame race relations by claiming republicans want to put black americans "back in chains" and told a black radio host that blacks who don't support him "ain't black." ari, let me start with you. i want to talk about this from a messaging point of view in terms of their ain't a presidential
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campaign going on in the background and no matter how much you want to focus on what's happening right now, both of those candidates are thinking about november. it strikes me that america is a little bit tired of words right now, they kind of want to see something happen one way or the other. but former vp biden is stuck in this place where he sort of only has words, what are your thoughts? >> ari: yeah, first, on using race for politics as the vice vice president said or former vice president, on the heels of him doing that by definition when he said, if you don't support me you ain't black, that's the definition of using race for politics so he doesn't have any high moral ground to stand on. and also say, president trump said two things that weren't terribly incendiary which i wish he didn't. one was when he referred to the use of vicious dogs which hearkens back to the worst days of the civil rights movement and second when he talked about
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shooting looters. neither of those should have been said by the president so i think all of our leaders need to be very wise and measured in what they say. one is, there is a roll of words, we are a volatile country that can use the soothing, i see that every time i see the videos of crowds hugging police officers, police officers identifying, walking with, taking these with the protesters, peaceful ones, that's the soothing symbols and sounds we need to see. but we also need tough action and that's where trump comes in, it's not just words alone, it's tough action because we cannot have the looting in the streets. we need both. >> melissa: of those, i would say, martha, former vp biden doesn't necessarily have any action at his hands, he traveled out of delaware for the first time in order to make this speech but other than that, he's
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been in his basement doing what a lot of us are doing, quarantining. should he take the opportunity for soothing words? >> martha: i think he will. it using language, he was at a church in philadelphia yesterday trying to do that, trying to spend time talking with people and bridge over that gap. i am just so struck, today is a primary day, nine states going to the polls today and in some places that's going to be tricky, they are leaving pulls open late in the evening in d.c., that's the exemption from the curfew and here we are with a candidate who's been campaigning from his basement, now starting to venture out, people wearing masks across america and the most intense crisis of looting and destruction that we have seen in my lifetime. i think this is an extraordinary
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election moment and it does hearken back to what happened in 1968, you think of the riots that happened and even at conventions, when i look ahead to this summer, you've got conventions, you've got debates, what does all that look like? i think joe biden is better at that nuanced discussion as i said, president trump is a counterpunch or by his own description, it's not necessarily his strength in those moments so that's -- speaking to people and making them feel safe and feel like there's some progress that can come from either one of the gentleman is the task that is cut out for them in the most difficult election backdrop that i have ever witnessed. >> melissa: yeah. so marie, is it frustrating for democrats that joe biden ingested the "if you don't know who to vote for you ain't black?" >> marie: not at all. the vice president made a mistake and said something he shouldn't have said, he has a lifetime of work on behalf of
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civil rights and when you compare him to how we see president trump responding, a lot of people yesterday were sharing the juxtaposition of two photos, one of joe biden in a church, meeting with local black leaders, talking about injustice and how to help and the other is president trump standing in front of a church holding a bible that he had to clear out peaceful protesters by tear gas to get to that photo op, that was a juxtaposition we saw yesterday, we have a new poll out this morning because we are talking about politics, 11% of independents believe that president trump is handling the protests well. 11. that number, talking about politics, this issue is the only one that's broken through covid and coronavirus and president trump's handling of it, he's come nowhere close to rising to the moment and when i think back to, brought this country together. that is what i want today and i'm sad that we don't have it.
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>> melissa: you're jumping ahead to our next topic, i don't want to agree or giving short shrift to that but it's coming up next, backlash over president trump's visit to adc church that was damaged by the fire and protests, whether the outrage is justified or democrats call the move of photo op, we will discuss that more coming up. ♪ these are extraordinary times, and we want to thank the extraordinary people in the healthcare community, working to care for all of us. at novartis, we promise to do our part. as always, we're doing everything we can to help keep cosentyx accessible and affordable. if you have any questions at all, call us, email us, visit us online. we're here to help support you when you need us. take care, and be well. to learn more, call one eight four four cosentyx or visit
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>> harris: strong criticism today from democratic leaders towards president trump after federal officers used tear gas to clear away protesters from outside the white house. right before the president walked through the area to st. john's church. that church as you know has been damaged by fires during the week and protests. the president walked to the church after his rose got an announcement that he's prepared to use the u.s. military to stop
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violence in american streets ass a last resort. the d.c. mayor found the forceful explosion of protesters before the 7:00 p.m. curfew shameful. shameful. >> before the curfew time, munitions were released on people who didn't seem to have provoked any attack. and so that is very concerning to us. >> harris: house speaker nancy pelosi and senate majority leader chuck schumer called the president's actions a photo op amp said in a joint statement "at a time when our country is crying out for unification, this president is ripping it apart, tear gassing peaceful protesters without provocation just of the president can pose for photos outside a church dishonors every value that faith teaches us." however, the white house says the protesters got three warnings from police. senator marco rubio tweeted this. "the media fell for the calculated and deliberate
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tactics of professional agitators. they knew the street needed to be cleared before 7:00 p.m. curfew but they deliberately staged a trigger police action and get the story they wanted. that "police attacked peaceful protesters." i'm going to come to you first because the hour of the curfew was 7:00 p.m. eastern and that is your hour with "the story" each night, this was ramping up going into your show. we have video of the protesters, we could not hear three warning such that i hear, what's your reaction? >> martha: so i mean, obviously, when that started unfolding he had come straight from the rose garden where he had talked about using the military to defend the nation's cities against the looters and the rioters and then he said i'm going to go to a very special place now and he started turning to walk across as we are seeing right now in this video, lafayette square park and i thought that was a striking image when he went by that area that was just laden with graffiti from the night before.
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this is a very obviously volatile and dangerous night that we saw was smoke pouring out of there. we had no awareness at that time when we watched all of this how the street had been cleared or what had happened, we know that the white house is reporting today that they gave three warnings and we know that the mayor of d.c. said she thought that the action taken against the people who were standing at a protest was not merited but let's remember what this area looked like the night before. you see the president standing in front of those boarded up windows at st. john's, smoke was pouring out of there. ironically also we have the director of st. john's on with us, he had no idea the president was coming across the street to stand in front of his church, it was an awkward moment when he was standing there holding the bible, we thought maybe he was going to say something and it did feel as if there was a little bit of uncertainty how all it was going to be laid out, i expect that they were going to go into the church and sit down and say a prayer or something. so i was a little surprised that they just turned around and went back to the white house.
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but you know, it is what it is, it was a moment where he wanted to make it clear that we were transitioning and to retake that area from the violence it saw the night before. >> harris: you bring such rich detail to that, martha, because from the video i saw, what i realize now as it must have been earlier and because we even had our own correspondent in that lafayette park vicinity, we know how rough it can get just in recent nights. but just that as part of the story line i think is helpful. marie, as you watch all of this, what goes through your mind? it was a seminal moment for the president of the united states on the move, the nation watching that as martha just said, we saw the photo that came out of it, it was a seminal moment. >> marie: a republican senator released a statement today that says he doesn't's support clearing out peaceful protesters for a situation where the word
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of god is used as a photo op, that's a republican, that's not a democrat. i watched live what was happening in my city, these were peaceful protesters, we did not hear any warning, it was 6:20, 40 minutes before the curfew and to see this happen, we have reports this morning that there were clergy, other clergy from the church on the church steps for assembly tear gassed by police, so the president could do this photo op. i have no words sometimes about this, harris, it breaks my heart. we have video showing that these were peaceful, it was before the curfew, there was no excuse for this and i'm proud of people for saying that. >> harris: that's what i thought i had seen but where you actually close enough marie to have heard if there had been warnings? because that's actually helpful? >> marie: i was just watching the video live, i had number of friends or other reporters, reporters were on the air live
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down there and they didn't hear any warnings, they were reporting, it just seemed to come out of nowhere which was what was so startling for these protesters who had that moment were peaceful. >> harris: yeah, it was just important to delineate what some of us thought we heard by watching television to actual people on the ground. ari fleischer, your take on it? >> ari: welcome to 2020 where the same action is seen diametrically opposite by different types of people. i suppose on the one hand you can dismiss it as a photo op if that's what you'd like. on the other hand, there are two other facts and i think this is what president trump was trying to show. that church was burned, set on fire the night before. imagine that, burning the president's church, does that accomplish? secondly, i think with the president was symbolically showing was that too many americans have been locked out of going to their churches and he was going to walk the church even though he's not a religious
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man which makes us even more surprising coming from him but i think he was showing that we are all tired of this, people have a right to go to church, what does it mean when we are not allowed to go to church or synagogue or religious funerals but you are allowed to go out in the streets and looting and engage in violence in the middle of a pandemic so i think that also was on the presidents mind and that's why he showed it so to dismiss that as a photo op -- >> harris: as you know -- >> ari: a lot of religious people to like the president marched for them. >> harris: as you know, forgive me with the delay, sometimes we end up stepping on each other. but as you know, the president actually is going to be tackling religious freedom today, furthering his message that you're talking about, that is such an interesting take on it and how it fits into what we know is going to play out in the white house today with that very issue. melissa? >> melissa: i'm sick of symbols and talking points on everyone's side, i'm sick of
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photo ops, i'm sick of people looking back at an incident -- this is what's important, that's what's important, i want to see action, i want to see everyone go back to work and heal, i think we can all agree that what happened to george floyd was horrible and we are united as a nation in saying that cannot go on and now is the time for us to go outside, get back to work, get back to life and make this country a better place for everyone in the name of george floyd. >> harris: we don't want to miss our moment of unity, i hear you loud and clear. coming up next hour on ""outnumbered overtime"," i will be talking to kellyanne conway about all of it and what we can expect from the president going forward. we will talk about the event coming up and all that was kellyanne conway. plus, police under fire nationwide, four officers in stn
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>> melissa: police across the country increasingly being targeted as protests take a violent turn, four police officers were shot that night. their injuries were reportedly not life-threatening, in las vegas another officer shot in the head and reportedly on life support. i suspect is in custody and in new york city -- that disturbing video catching the moment, the driver then sped
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off. in the meantime, video from seattle, officers pelted with roxanne fireworks and two officers injured after an suv hit them. martha, i don't know what to make of these images. >> martha: i don't either. i don't either and you know what, you know, melissa, looking back at what governor cuomo said which harris mentioned at the top of the show, blaming bill de blasio and the new york police department for "not doing their job" last night and then rewind in your head what you saw when that officer was run over in the middle of the street and you've also about these issues in buffalo, just yesterday, on monday governor cuomo said i've got 13,000 national guard at the ready, as soon as they are needed i'm going to send them in. governor, his -- this is going to force a serious reevaluation of his choices.
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he's telling the president no thank you and he's got three officers who are injured because they are struggling to do their job and keep the peace and they need backup like we are seeing in other places like atlanta and minneapolis where the national guard is helping to quell the violence. he needs to get control of the city, get control of the state and he needs to do it now. >> melissa: harris, martha brings up an interesting point because if you think about new york city, what we've heard for the past year is this huge divide between the mayor who is supposedly in charge and the nypd. that giant gulf between those two bodies that don't trust each other, don't understand each other and then you see what's happening out there. martha is drawing a very real connection, what are your thoughts? >> harris: i don't want to concentrate too much on mayor de blasio, he has not been a shining star through this pandemic, we know that, we know
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there have been some really slow and strange and weird calls, like after 115 years, shutting down the subway system and cleaning it amid the pandemic but far, far, far into it when people have been riding shoulder to shoulder in conditions that were dangerous, homeless living all over those platforms in the city, you know what i'm talking about but i don't want to make this about bill de blasio in that way, let's make it this way. we all should have the same kinds of reactions today when we see the attempted murder of police officers that we do when we see other people being harmed. that is how we go forward. it should break our hearts just as much to see someone take a vehicle and ram it into a cop that's out there for public safety. protecting and serving on the job. we should be just as viscerally moved when we hear about a police officer shot in the head
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amid these protests. that have gone sideways in some places and turned so violent that sideways doesn't even describe it. where is the outcry now? you see all of it is about america, all of it. american and george floyd and the history of systemic racism and problems and i don't like the word "bad apples" because it makes it sound tasty, this is not about fruit, there are some people who are evil and racist and we need to root them out. but then what do we call ourselves if we look at that same video from that intersection last night in new york and we don't cry inside knowing that there is a family out there worried about their loved one today that got mowed down by a vehicle, attempted murder is what i would call it. what we tell the family of that cop who was shot? we are not at war with each other, we are trying to get to a better place.
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i want to go to church, too. >> ari: there are two parallel horrors here, one was the murder of george floyd. it was an attack on the soul of this country and a reminder of the worst racial injustice is our country has gone through in the 19 century and much of the 20th century. and be united in speaking out against it, it was an attack on our soul but it's also any time, anytime anywhere a police officer is attacked as an attack on all of us. they represent "law & order" and without them there is anarchy which is the desire of many of the people in the streets now to create that anarchy and we can never let it happen so these attacks on police deserve a lot more attention, a lot more focus, they are the line keeping us safe and we need them especially now and going back to what we began the show with, this is why it's so important to have overwhelming strength in the streets, that is the only way to stop this mindlessness
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now. and i want to say a word about the mayor of minneapolis because when things are done we look back on who to blame, the thing is going to begin with the officer who murdered george floyd and the accomplices because that's where this starts but the mayor of minneapolis who called for radical love, and allowed the third precinct to be destroyed that night. if he had stood strong and defended the third precinct, it's possible the signal would have been sent everywhere in america that looting and violence would not stand and we will be united in remembering what happened to a george floyd. that's why the police occupy such a special place in our country. when you attack the police, you attack all of us, you attack "law & order." >> melissa: some of the same state and city leaders who have been enforcing strict coronavirus lockdowns are voicing support for protesters who are clearly ignoring social
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>> harris: the coronavirus lockdowns seemingly down and out as many democrats in charge of big cities including several that insisted on strict quarantine measures have lined up to champion nationwide quarantine measures. an op-ed from the "washington examiner" reads this way. "the lockdown is over after 40 million jobs were destroyed, many, if not most, permanently so, violent rioters looted and incinerated the nation into a grand reopening. there's no reason that we plunge civilized citizens into poverty under the threat of prison while we let violent terrorists back our cities and tried to extinguished the businesses that have barely survived this past season. i almost want to read that again. martha? >> martha: i agree. i think this is very well put, they talk about the reopening of america beginning with the destruction of it.
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in santa monica, rioters looted street wear and sandwiches, in washington d.c. they lit church is on fire and strangely enough the same cops who threw mothers in jail for reopening their workplaces to feed their children stood down, letting the mob desecrate america. i think i could say it any better than that, harris. >> harris: where do you think we go from here on this issue of reopening? yesterday in minnesota, governor tim walz said he was going to, because it was the beginning of june, that's when it was supposed to happen, they were going to have outdoor seating. you want to reopen your economy but no one can then feign ignorance when that same governor says, i'm going to have to massively test everybody for covid. >> martha: it's a real fear with so many people sort of being in each other's faces throughout the course of all of this. nonetheless, you have done a test, you have to keep on top of it, you have to reopen.
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i was heartened watching people scrub the graffiti off the monuments in washington, d.c. when i see people sitting on the side locks replacing their windows, america is very strong. this has been brutal, honestly. i don't think any of us have ever witnessed anything like this. the lawlessness and the injustice that is playing out, just watching some of these people that we see breaking through these windows. we need to rebuild, we need to put the windows back up, we need to stay strong in the face of all this but we need to have the police and the national guard in new york to sort of have everyone's back while they do that, harris. >> harris: that's how they did it in minnesota and are doing it other places, the 67,000 people in the national guard are deployed right now. just a quick thought on this. yes, it is. >> marie: there were protests tto the stay-at-home orders, to, we saw people armed to the tea spitting and phases of police officers, they were allowed to protest as well. they weren't teargas tan shot
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with rubber bullets and they were interested so as we talk about differences in how people are treated on the protests we've seen on a variety of issues over the last few months, it's worth us all keeping in mind why those protesters carrying guns into a state legislature were treated so differently than the peaceful protesters we saw in washington. >> harris: that's almost a question. martha, do you want to take a 152nd stab? >> martha: well, i think we didn't see the kind of violence, the level of violence we are seeing right now in those situations. it's never right to spit in a police officer space, absolutely not, it's never right to tear down someone's business. there's peaceful protest and then there's when the brick gets thrown, there are two different things, everybody knows that indemnity understands that and the latter is unacceptable, we need to get our cities back and our states back and we need to do it now. >> harris: more "outnumbered" in a moment. by shortcutting the loan process.
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>> harris: our thanks to ari
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fleischer and the rest of our virtual couch and to all of you out there on your coach joining us today:. we're back at noon eastern time. now here's harris. >> harris: we begin with this fox news alert. president trump is vowing to restore law and order amid governors with a show down over riots. this is "outnumbered overtime." i'm harris faulkner. protests escalated in cities across america and became violent. riot-like conditions overshadowing peaceful rallies over the death of george floyd. president trump last night warned as a last resort he will deploy the military if state leaders don't get tough on controlling what your seeing. >> we cannot allow the righteous cries and peaceful protesters to be drown out by an angry mob. i will fight to protect you. i am your


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