tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News June 2, 2020 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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with the families tonight, including george floyd's family. i pray for the country, all these cities, pray for life and my heart is troubled again and that means laura ingraham with her coverage will continue through out the evening. laura buried >> laura: thank you, we will keep monitoring and obviously things are on the edge across the country. and you had a fantastic show. thanks so much, sean, who will see you tomorrow night. i'm laura ingraham, this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. last night the images was sought of an exit or they seemed like out of a charles bronson movie or something, smashing, grabbing, looting, assaults on law enforcement. you name it and bill de blasio's city had it. at mullins this morning tonight we are losing our city. ed will be hearing moments to deliver a message to new york leaders. and yeah, i put that." in an attempt to quell the violence, new york city 'his curfew was moved up to 8:00 p.m. tonight, but that hasn't gotten folks off the street.
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they're just totally ignoring the curfew. and after what we saw last night, what could that bring? let's collect a bryan llenas on the upper west side of new york city. brian, things look like they're taking a turn near times square at the moment. tell us. >> laura, good evening, or getting reports about downtown and times square. what we have seen thus far though is that there have been protesters that were out throughout the day. it is different than what we saw at this moment last night with large groups of looters that were just going in and out of midtown manhattan. behind me is what is a blockade. they are blocking -- they are blocking cars right now from entering manhattan. this is part of a new aggressive action that they are taking tonight given what happened yesterday with the looting. the curfew now is at 8:00 p.m. last night it was at 11:00 p.m. they are now blocking anybody who is not a resident or essential personnel from coming in. last night we saw so much looting and people putting it
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into cars, a lot of out-of-state license plates and that was a big problem, so they're hoping that this will stop. we are getting some -- there is some action downtown, we will see what happens. the night is still young. in terms of how new york has responded, there's been a lot of a lot of back-and-forth about what could have been done differently yesterday. new york governor andrew cuomo saying that the nypd and mayor bill de blasio didn't do their jobs last night. the mayor and the nypd both said that they do not believe that the national guard should be called into new york and that they will have this -- they have this under control. so we shall see what happens, but again, tonight, there is an aggressive stance in terms of the curfew. protesters are out. we have seen them, they have been marching. everything that we have seen has been peaceful tonight. in terms of the protesters that are out past curfew. there's no indication that the nypd is stopping protesters who are peaceful. so we will see how that unfolds throughout the night, but again,
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compared to last night, last night you here -- it was unbelievable. from intersection to intersection to intersection of hundreds of looters. and we do know that more than 500 looters have been arrested over the last three days in new york. in new york city and of the majority of them actually were released because of new york's bail reform laws. a topic of conversation up here in new york about trying to reform or to change those. because of the very thing of the fact that some of these looters -- many of these looters have not all of them will be allowed to go right back onto the street. so the night is still young, but right now it is different than what we saw last night, at least with our own eyes thus far and we can to help with the nypd is dealing with but there are some indications of some action downtown, we will see, laura. >> laura: we will check back with you throughout the hour. now i want to get back to an apartment topic that i think a lot of you are wondering about. how to heal. that's the focus of tonight's
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angle. now, whatever your political views, whatever your race or ethnic background, wherever you live, these past three months have tested you in some way. the coronavirus deaths. lockdowns, massive job losses, education disruption, loneliness, depression, and then, just when we were turning the corner, protests, unrest, violence. the death of an unarmed black man. it all spelled out coast-to-coast after that senseless killing of george floyd. now, many of you wonder if it's even fixable at this point. i've been hearing from you. and given how much anger flashes on the screen every day and every night and so many using a tragic death as permission to loot and even assault innocent business owners and law enforcement, the honest feeling of -- its sadness and righteous anger over floyd's death that could be channeled into positive dialogue, it's just overshadowed by destruction
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and chaos. antifa and their allies, they're on a mission. and it ain't about justice. it's not about george floyd. they want to abolish our rights under the constitution and they want to rewrite our history. they want us to hate our country like they hate our country. today, to clear my head, what i did as i went on a bike ride. i know that sounds frivolous at a time like this but i had to clear my head, it's one of those days. i took my oldest son around the north side of the national mall. but what i saw when i was there made me want to cry. i've lived here for 30 years and the only time before today that i saw national guard troops around our national monument was after 9/11. there they were, dozens of them, guarding the lincoln memorial, the korean war memorial, the vietnam memorial and the world war ii memorial. a few days earlier though the world war ii memorial had been vandalized with spray paint.
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so the extremist radicals, nothing, not even a place of honor such as this is sacred. well, once again, they misread the american people. these sites and what they represent, whom they honor our sacred to us. so what did we do? well, my son and i we stopped and said a short prayer, and then i proceeded to thank every member of the guard that we came upon. and i told each and every one how much we appreciated them. it was a cross-section of america, african-american men and women serving alongside white men and women, mostly young. they were keeping watch as runners, tourists streamed by, some protesters, but it was quiet. presumably there are more worried about what happens at night tonight in washington, and we hope for the best. when those brave spray paint militants come out to desecrate and destroy. of course, none of them know what real sacrifice is, for if
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they did, they'd be doing something positive with their lives. the way forward for the rest of us though requires that we get back to basics. we don't need a new normal. we just need normal. because normal americans want a fair and just society where the rule of law applies equally to all people regardless of race. normal americans are disgusted by the killing of george floyd. normal americans think the current situation is so out of control that the u.s. military needs to be called in to bring order to the streets. check out this new morning consult paul showing 58% support calling in the troops to aid state and local police. including nearly half of the democrats. the same party that's been promising african-americans better lives for decades. our first african-american president was propelled into office not once but twice with
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the majority of white support. yet when it comes to delivering actual results, including for african-americans, despite what you hear in the media, despite everything you heard just today in the media, donald trump has done better than anyone. before the coronavirus, most jobs created went to women and minorities. 7 million. in total, most of those women and minorities. black americans saw their lowest unemployment numbers ever. increased home ownership, school choice, criminal justice reform. creation of opportunities own. those weren't hashtags or slogans. those are real policies that people worked really hard on to deliver real results. joe biden was in the senate for, what, 30 years? he was vp for atrium and all he can come up with now are symbolic gestures, slogans, hashtags, professions of empat empathy. they're fine, but they don't
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create jobs. they do not create opportunity. but they can create the illusion of caring. >> i won't traffic in fear and division. i won't fan the flames of hate. i will seek to heal the racial wounds that i'm long plagued our country. this job is not about me. it's about you. it's about us. before w >> laura: he's been saying the same thing for decades and he's done nothing. and if he and obama knew how to deliver all that that he just said, it would have delivered what he said before their two terms in office -- during their two forms in office. i understand for a lot of people, trump may be rough around the edges. the sometime don't like his tone or his tweets or his bravado, it might turn you off at times, but he's worked harder, with better results than any politician i know, i've ever met, to bring prosperity to all people and
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especially once prosperity for the african-american community. remember, it's the working class people at the core of his america-first movement. the rich elites, they want -- all those people from wall street in hollywood. they voted for hillary and they're going to vote for biden. and by the way, those of the same people, many of them never-trump, who thought outsourcing jobs to china was a grand idea. and they're the same ones who sought to keep foreign workers flooding into the country, including illegal immigrants, all of them are for joe biden. the america-first movement, you know, it's never going to have a lot of celebrities. but it has something better. it has policies that lead to prosperity for more people. and the more prosperous you are, most of the time, the less resentful you will be in the more peace you will have. we want that for all people. and when biden supporters say they just think about it, they say they want to defund or even
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abolish the police, ask yourself for a moment, who's that really going to help? who will be the victims of those crimes that go on prosecuted? working class and disadvantaged people. that's who. because the rich people, the ones that are going to vote for biden, they can hire their own security. but everybody else is just going to end up more vulnerable and less safe. that's how that will roll. we've seen evidence of this, by the way, during the past week when cops were nowhere to be found. [inaudible] >> laura: president trump has demonstrated that he will work with anyone of any party in any state, any time, to help more people get out of poverty.
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and that includes, by the way, reforming institutions to ensure that everyone gets a fair shot. but that process doesn't require burning it all down or creating a perpetual grievance culture like the one that exists on college campuses. that will just set everybody back at a time when normal america wants to take a step forward. that's the angle. joining me now is victor davis hanson, senior fellow at the hoover institution and ben shapiro, host of the ben shapiro show and editor in chief of the daily wire. victor, is there any parallel in our history, in our history with what's happening right now? >> no. there's been riots and they've been even deadlier and more violent, but we've never seen one in which the establishment, that is state government, local government, the intellectual movement has been so indifferent to the fate of the people who are suffering from the violence,
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they are encouraging it and it's really a class thing in a way. you have these very upper-middle-class antifa guys who think they are napoleonic strategists in their own social media and their directing this looting group and then you have for african-american inner-city youth that are looting and they are the face of the violence, but really it's being orchestrated by upper-middle-class white kids that are never really, you know, on the front lines of this thievery, so we have this idea, it's all inner-city blacks, but the people who are worried about the resumes and cds never quite get on tv, but they were orchestrating it, so they are equally culpable. and we have these movie stars and all the celebrities for sort of contextualizing the violence from malibu and the hollywood hills in beverly hills and their food is delivered to them. i don't care about losing the corner pharmacy. and then we have this new idea the property doesn't matter, that it's just brick-and-mortar, so you burn on the supermarket, you burn down this clothing store and you give people space,
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but governor walz, he has space. he can get anything he wants, mayor frey, or mayor de blasio. they're not worried about losing the corner drugstore or a place where they buy drugs. it's the inner-city people that are burning down -- >> laura: they're the ones who are vulnerable -- they hurt the most. and victor mentioned -- >> furniture signal -- >> laura: doesn't create a single job, by the way. it's easy to do on twitter though. victor mentioned, then, facilitating the looting and the writing. check out what bill de blasio said today, earlier. >> when you see a nation, an entire nation simultaneously grappling with an extraordinary crisis seated in 400 years of american racism, i'm sorry, that is not the same question as the understandably aggrieved store owner. or the devout religious person
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who wants to go back to services. >> laura: in other words, you can bully people who want to go to mass or temple, or open up a barbershop, but you've got to leave the looters and those perpetuating violence alone, been. >> he is a disgrace. he locked down his city for months at a time in early on i think most people were on board with that but the moment you come out and you say, i know, i guess covid is over because i like the protests that are having an it all the cops they are not legit or their jobs when you make excuses for people who are running from midtown manhattan smashing windows of evidence, who by the way our awful human beings. this and are people who give to damns about george floyd a police totality. they're mostly interested in getting a new tv or grabbing a pair of shoes i do have bill de blasio out there making excuses about how this all about 400 years of american slavery or american racism, this man is a disgrace. even andrew cuomo believes is a disgrace at this point, referred maybe to getting bill de blasio replaced as mayor, so everybody sort of understands what de blasio is. >> laura: victor, earlier
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today on twitter, the george bush presidential library -- do we have him, or no? we lost victor. there you are. the george bush presidential library, which tweets for president bush sent out a statement about basically empathizing with the protesters and coming it was kind of fine, but it was sleights of trump without mentioning trump and i -- as i talked to myself, wait a second, who was -- all these wars we got into it and then of course outsourcing all these jobs to china. trump comes in and says i want to but american workers first, including the people who are most disadvantaged. and so while obama and bush and all these guys are piling on right now in their own way, donald trump has delivered the results for the african-american community like no president i've seen in a long, long time. >> very quickly, laura. when he got the unappointed rate down to 5.4 for african-americans, that was an empathetic act. that meant millions of people
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for the first time had employers bidding for their services. that's an act of dignity. suddenly their labor meant something because people wanted them and to achieve that, trump took on china. he took on the corporate republican establishment and hated him for doing it. they wanted open borders and chief outsourcing and off shoring and he didn't. that was an empathetic humanitarian act, he empowered the black community when he got $42,000 average family income and he got the unappointed rate to a historic low. i was empathized with george w. bush, but i remember getting things from the white house as a columnist trying to solicit support because he was a victim of demagoguery where the left was accusing george w. bush of all people of being an abject racist after katrina. that he had planned this, that he had destroyed the black community, that all he cared about was white people. it was very unfair. he was really targeted by his team of political operatives and
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he asked the larger conservative community to defend him, and we did. and they did exactly to him what they're doing to donald trump. the only difference is that he's out of office, so in typical fashion, they always romanticize a president republican american who say reagan was a good guy, bush was a good guy, and then that's the way they deal with the incumbent president, to compare him with the mythical better predecessor. it's an old truck, everybody knows it, i'm just kind of disappointed that the bush library l4. >> laura: it was like 2005 and kanye west said george bush doesn't care about black people. remember after katrina, we all defended him. then, when you see how this is all going down -- they don't care about the curfew, after the police, graffiti, everywhere on signs everywhere. young men and women screaming at these poor national guard troops that are just doing their jobs, they don't get paid a lot of money, screaming the most disgusting things in their faces an inch away from their face.
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where does this leave us as a country? >> we are in serious trouble and the reason we are in search trouble is not because people are protesting police totality. we all agree police brutality is bad. we all agree racism is bad and we should all agree that polluting and writings bad. the big problem is that you have one side that's driving a narrative, that america is systemically racist, evil, corrupt to its core, the 16-19 mentality and has been writ large for an enormous percentage of the population and now it seems that if you say no, america is actually wonderful place and all the flaws in our history, deep as they may be, horrible as they may be, american history is about correcting most laws and returning to sound a philosophy that we strayed from. that's where sin is left. if you say that then you are legally may label this part of the problem as part of the solution. you cannot help country that is a nation in a way when people perceive it as a series of self interested groups attacking one another and that's exactly the sort of narrative that is being perpetuated by the media by democratic politicians by celebrities, i repeat myself three times there. >> laura: victor, the civil rights movement in a busty 60s
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at a real religious deep religious component, but you get the sense for a lot of these younger americans that are out there tonight, not all of them, but some of them, especially the white privileged ones from antifa, that -- yeah, look at portland right now. they're all lying down on the road. that this is their religion. protest has become their religion. that's their orthodoxy and it has a dogma and you have to use certain language and you have to bow down to it. i do have to admit your guilt, but that is their religion, victor, do you agree with that analysis? >> it is. and it's a convenient religion. i don't believe any of it after 66 years of being in academia and living out in the central valley of the same time, when they put their kids in inner-city schools and they want to live among and be friends with people that are not white and not of the same class and they want to socialize with them, then i will believe them. but everything else is some kind of weird, sick, psychological mechanism where they were to
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signal their empathy but in their real lives they show no empathy. and then when some but he to get jobs to the people who have been neglected like trump, then they conveniently demonize them but that's the psychological sickness that are white upper-class elite liberals have high and everybody understands that it's pretty pathological. you look at how they live their lives, where they send their kids to school, what they do, who they associate with and they're not very liberal at all. you can really see that in joe biden. but all of a sudden put you all in chains and barack obama is the first articulate black we've ever had and you ain't black if you vote for trump. >> laura: shoot them in the leg. >> the mask slips off but people should be aware that's what they're doing. >> laura: shoot them in the leg biden. great to have both of you want to make, thanks so much for joining us. and the media and the left, they see these riots is an opportunity to take on the president. we established this beyond a shadow of a doubt last night.
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american's well-being doesn't matter. it doesn't matter if americans are hurting about this, anxious about it, feel unsafe about it. they're doing it by fanning the flames of division and spreading lies. here are five of the biggest whoppers. number one, riots, what riots? >> protesting at least 140 cities from new york to philadelphia, to atlanta. demonstrations largely peaceful. >> we have been covering these various peaceful protests. >> destroying property which can be replaced is not violent. >> laura: especially when it's someone else. of course thousands of businesses across the country have been vandalized, looted, burned to the ground. i think they would beg to differ, wouldn't you? after the media couldn't cover up the violence anymore, they moved on to the second lie. >> minnesota governor tim walz suggesting that far right white supremacists are mainly response before the violent protests. they also seem remnants of whites of premises. >> in terms of domestic terror,
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nt 4.0 would fall into a category of 2% of the violence. we do know who the other 98% represent? what's of premises and neo-naz neo-nazis. >> laura: except not even the left's most reliable source for smearing their opponents as bigots go back up this narrative saying i have not seen any clear evidence that whites of pharmacists or militiamen are masking up and going out to burn and loot. powered grapes, research analyst at the southern poverty law center. and that brings us to line number three. the media's distortion of the president's walk st. john's church. >> peaceful protesters were tear gassed and shot with rubber bullets dust outside of the white house. >> shooting them with tear gas. and running them out of the area. >> i was watching mounted police and federal law enforcement officials shoot teargas into peaceful protesters, and
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extraordinary burst -- the word i want to say is violence. >> laura: it's called enforcing a curfew, and not only did law enforcement not used teargas, the supposedly peaceful crowd may not have been. acting u.s. park police chief gregory monahan said at approximately 6:33 p.m., violent protesters on eighth street began throwing projectiles, bricks, those water bottles and caustic liquids. officers found casters of glass, bottles. baseball bats and metal poles hidden along the street. as many of the protesters became more combative, they continue to throw projectiles, attempted to grab officers weapons and then employed the use -- they employ the use of smoke canisters and pepper balls. no teargas was used. and by the way, i was there sunday night and i got some of the pepper spray or whatever it's called, gas in my eyes. it wasn't pleasant. but it's not teargas. line number four. that was given a boost for
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"the new york times" of course, which tweeted out, u.s. army, black hawk helicopter used a show of force maneuver on protesters in d.c. a tactic often conducted by low-flying jets and combat zones to scare away insurgents. here's the helicopter that had the so-called journalists whining on social media. all right? first of all, it looks nothing like a black hawk helicopter. what they saw was a uh 72, a lakota, which is no weaponry and is often used as medical evacuation helicopter, hence the medical markings on its side. for the journalists really are checking their facts, i think? last but not least, by number five. it's dangerous not to social distance. just a week ago cnn was shaming alabama for hitting the beaches. >> the state is now wide open for business. social distancing is the state's role, but that effort has often been an exercise in futility.
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>> no social distancing. >> it gives me pause to think about what we may see. >> laura: what are we seeing in the next week or two? >> those things are trying to suffocate the establishment of justice and equal protection under the law and the democracy is trying to breathe. but you see, when you see people out on the streets, democracy is trying to breathe. their presence actually means they have not given up on this democracy. >> laura: oh, they've given up on social distancing, we don't seem to be worried about that at all. paging dr. fauci. what does all the lying tell us? the left will go to any extreme, they will defame any person, they will twist any facts, even if it means endangering your safety, your property, your constitutional rights to achieve your ultimate goal.
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but should they win in november? what you see on the streets of new york and l.a., it's not going to be a tragic memory, but an intolerable coming attraction. and that's no lie. in a developer that surprise no one, d.c.'s 7:00 p.m. curfew failed to keep protesters off the street. throngs of them under the white house as we speak. kevin corke is on the street in d.c. right now. kevin. they didn't clear them out, what can you tell us? >> yeah, you're right. the curfew, laura, was a little bit more than three hours ago. i'm going to step out of the camera so you can see what's happening here. still have i would sit comfortably a few hundred people still here on eighth street. you can see the chain-link fence. i would say about 3:00 yesterday morning or rather this morning and so that's keeping them out of the park. it has been mostly peaceful, but as we began to shake the chain-link fence, as you can
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imagine, law enforcement is beginning to advance. we've seen them walk closer to the fence by about 10 yards here in the last 5 minutes or so. as the crowd begins to shake it. it has been relatively calm here. we've seen no fires, i've seen nothing broken. in fact, i've heard people, laura, believe it or not, chanting peaceful protest every time people would do something like shake the fence or pulldown a sign, which we did see earlier. but that's the situation right now as you watch them advance ever so closely to the fence, we will see how things turn out within the hour. if lawrence, i will come back to you, but for now back to you. >> laura: thanks so much and as the show ended last night, the violence in st. louis escalated and after we went off the air, four police officers were shot amid the wild protests in that city's downtown area. two officers were shot in the leg, one in the foot, and the other in the arm. thankfully all four are in stable condition tonight. a police officer in las vegas was not so lucky.
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he was shot and had one struggling with an unruly writer last night and the officer was rushed to a nearby hospital, he was put on life support. that same night, heavily armed man opened fire on las vegas pd, but this time the cops got the upper hand. and they shot and killed the suspect. across the country buffalo, new york, at least -- police officers were injured when an suv cloud over them during last night's protest and an nypd officer in the bronx was struck by a vehicle in a hit-and-run. another officer was viciously attacked by a group of thugs as looting and vandalism ran rampant through the city. so what do all these events have in common? they come as radical leftists and even prominent democrats are continuing to fan the flames of racial division. and paint the picture of america as a horrible awful racist country that is irredeemable and of course if you're a policeman
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or woman, your part of the problem in their worldview. it's a poisonous narrative and it's not just tainting the airwaves. it's having real-world consequences and is putting blue lives in danger. joining me now is ed mullins, president of the new york sergeants benevolent association and jerry mccarthy, former nypd precinct commander and former newark police commissioner. ed, is there heightened anxiety or concern, fear, among the nypd that they might not be singled out -- might now be singled out and targeted by these writers, people just looking to use the protest as cover to >> laura, everything you just said is 100% true. nypd is losing the city of new york and we have no leadership in the city of new york right now, from city hall through the brass of the nypd. the men and women are being
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pelted with rocks, bricks, cars lit on fire and this is continuous. we have a curfew that's been implement it tonight at 8:00 and everyone is still out riding in the streets of new york. president trump is watching this, i'm asking the president to please, please, immediately send federal personnel to new york city and monitor what is going on. if governor cuomo does not implement the national guard immediately, than the federal government is going to have to step in. the nypd is more than capable of addressing what's going on in the city of new york but now our hands are being tied. the rank-and-file members of all ranks have sent me numerous emails, letters, text messages, photos, of how new york city is being destroyed. we have no leadership coming from city hall. we are being told to stand down. this is the far left's version of broken windows. everything is happening.
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we have a city that's being destroyed. the public that lives there is in fear for their own lives. receiving videos, photographs, license plate of looters from citizens of the city of new york while cops are being pelted. we had a police officer last night rundown with a car. >> laura: gary, you've been a police officer, a police chief in two major metropolitan areas. what has to happen now? the benevolent association, trumpets got to bring in the national guard. is that a trap for the president or is that -- it doesn't matter, if necessary? >> well, laura, i think the first thing that has to happen is to properly identify the problem. but we are looking here is a coordinated national attack by groups like antifa and just to clear it up, what they do is they bring agitators in, they get in the crowd with people who really are concerned about
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issues, in this case it's about police community relations and some of these terrible videos that we see. they stoke the fires that already exist. they are so well organized, they have one guy who does graffiti, another guy who breaks windows, they got a third guy was agitating a police, they have medics in the field. they have lawyers in every police district here in chicago. waiting for arrests to come in, so we have to first identify that that is what's going on, because what i'm hearing is politicians across the country talking about police brutality while their cities are burning in the cities are burning because of those leftists who have stoke these claims. in wilmington, delaware, my buddy bob tracy is arresting people from the state of washington protesting in delaware. if you're concerned about this issue and you live in washington, you don't go to wilmington, delaware, to protest. so it's quite well-funded and organized. >> laura: i think a lot of these people are being paid, a
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lot of them have their own grievance or personal narrative, it gives them a sense of belonging. it gives them a sense of purpose to break stuff and go -- what i don't like, add, is when they go up an inch away from a police officer, an inch away from their face and they start screaming in their face and basically spitting on them, which again, what happened to social distancing? even that -- i mean, even that shouldn't be tolerated. i mean, it's outrageous that people -- if a cop did that to a kid, he would be rightly or should be rightly reprimanded or punished or fired. but we are tolerating everyone saying the most horrible things, including two african-american officers, something i just saw on twitter. i can't even speak i was so upset by it. that's the culture we are encouraging and i think mayor de blasio, he's encouraging this. every time a police officer is threatened, he gives the benefit of the doubt to the person who perpetrated the violence.
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end. >> laura, we need federal help. we need federal personnel in the city of new york to take the lead. we have no leadership. mayor de blasio is not allowing the nypd to do their job. the commission is, the chiefs of the nypd are too afraid to let the men and women keep control of the city. history has shown that you must enforce the laws. we can no longer tolerate police officers, cars being firebombed, the public not being able to open their stores, not being able to walk in the street. this is not the agenda for a free society. this needs to be addressed and we need the leadership -- >> laura: we've got to go. thank you, thank you, so much, both of you for being on tonight and i mentioned earlier the horrendous shooting a four sinless police officers, all four are in stable condition but perhaps the more disgusting is that former st. louis police captain david dorn was shot dead as he attempted to stop a
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pawnshop from being looted. now, as he lay dying on the pavement, video which we blurted out, shows the 77-year-old hero taking his last breath. how dead inside it would become? we searched the transcript and didn't find one mention of the name david dorn outside of fox, it's disgraceful. why is that? joining me now is missouri attorney general eric schmidt. mr. attorney general, very tough night in st. louis. >> absolutely, and what happened last night in st. louis was unacceptable. i mean, you had for police officer shot, many more were shot at, before police officers were hit, luckily they've survived. firefighters who were being assaulted as they respond to the scene and blocked from doing their job to protect life and property and of course as you just indicated, a retired police officer who was defending
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property was brutally murdered. it was broadcast on lifestream via facebook live and celebrated and it's these despicable acts i think that have people outraged and we need to make sure these people are brought to justice. >> laura: this retired police officer, age 77, who lay dying, he happened to be african-american. but still -- but no one -- we searched the transcripts. maybe we missed it, i don't think so. maybe we did. if we did, we will correct ourselves. but all lives matter, black lives matter, his life mattered. i guess, it should. your officers have targets on the backs, your officers have targets on their backs. >> absolutely. they were being targeted last night, the police officers were. where businesses burned to the ground that observed that community for decades. and, you know, we entered into a
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very unique partnership with the u.s. attorney's office here recently to make sure we are speaking in one voice as state and federal prosecutors that if you're doing this kind of destruction, if you are looting, if you are writing, we are going to speak in a single voice that we are going to bring you to justice and prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law. what happened last night in st. louis was horrific. and shocks the conscience and it just can't happen again. >> laura: attorney general schmidt, thank you very much for being with us tonight. up ahead, with just a few words in the teleporter, joe biden has been absolved of over four decades of inaction on racial issues. bruce lavelle and burgess owens deliver some truths in a few moments. it's only human to find inspiration in nature. and also find answers. our search to transform... waste into renewable natural gas
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garcetti today. what can you tell us? >> earlier in the day some of these protesters went to eric garcetti's house and really they're pushing for reform within the police department. if they also want some of the funding for police to be reallocated to other sources throughout the community saying that there just giving too much money now. behind us what's happening here, there was a protest just outside city hall in downtown los angeles and right now they are resting upwards of 100 people i'm told by one of the police officers on scene for mostly violating a curfew. there is a 6:00 p.m. curfew for the greater los angeles area, so right now they have sort of those bigger white zip ties around the back of their -- on their wrists and their hands are behind her back and they're going to be taken into the span and then processed. the other thing we wanted to touch on as you take a look here, this is the scene we are seeing all over los angeles, national guardsmen and in fact, we are learning that just last
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night there was an arrest of a man who was posing as one of these very national guardsmen. according to some of the local reports here in los angeles, one of the guardsmen noticed something just didn't seem right, alerted police and the guy was arrested. he also had several guns on them. scary to think that people are posing as people who are here to sort of protect the community, god knows what this gentleman had in mind, but of course all those crimes are alleged until they go through the court system. other than that we have seen various protests throughout the city. not as lively as the last couple of days, but the night is still early. >> laura: jeff, thanks so much. joe biden is finally coming out of his covid-proof bunker to stoke the flames of racial discontent. >> we can't leave this moment thinking that we can once again
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turn away and do nothing. we can't do that this time. we just can't. the moment has come for our nation to deal with systemic racism. >> laura: so i have a question. joe biden was vice president for eight years. is he saying that systemic racism started four years ago? i don't get -- it's not what did he do over the past four and a half decades when he was in office? either senator or vice president, while, he did a lot. at least that's what cnn wants you to believe. >> i think you could feel that for the television, watching him. >> this is a candidate who has found his voice in a moment. >> vice president speak presidentially, we actually need a leader that speaks to all americans. >> laura: just ten days ago he was a candidate who found his voice, he was telling african-americans they weren't black they didn't vote for him.
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joining me now is bruce lavelle. executive director of the national diversity coalition for trump and burgess owens, candidate for utah's 4th congressional district, former nfl player. bruce, we are supposed to believe that biden now is some sort of hero when it comes to race relations? what did he accomplish in decades? >> absolutely nothing. and thanks for having me. this is a travesty. it's bad enough we've gone through covid, it's bad enough with going through unrest in the cities, there's actually no way -- and he needs to understand it, laura, he authored and wrote the 94 crime bill that he put on quentin's desk and sign. he's part of this pandemonium we have out in the streets. both ears, four years with obama, four years before, for her years bush, no one puts anything on the table and addressed the prison reform. president trump did. president trump did the most aggressive prison reform the nation's history.
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he knew there was a disconnect in the black community. he knew that there was a disconnect and black generational wealth, guide to look like me who build businesses in the south in atlanta who will a good friend of mine just got righted friday and lost every thing she owned, black businesswomen on or actually support the president. since bruce, please don't mention my name, i don't want no one to attack me. i said don't worry, we got you. they are not short memories. we just came out of the lowest black on employment since 1972 in my lifetime. we have a president stood up mae going to protect -- as soon as he got elected and as soon as he took that oath and he raised his hand, he says we don't worship government, worship god and took that stroll over there to that church, that burning church that all those people looked around and just let it burn and he held that bible up and said god almighty, this is who i serve, this is the sacrifice i gave up and my business. this is the sacrifice of all the crazy i went through to serve this great nation. thank you, mr. president.
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>> laura: he was ridiculed by the press all they long for that of course. when he struts across that park, burgess, and says you're not going to take this park, this is a park of peaceful protest and we are not going to do it this way, we are going to deliver real results, they trashed him for it. but burgess, you're stealing stuff play out in the streets that i've never seen in my life. there are some protesters for sure. they're all violating curfew and they feel like they have a right to. >> well first of all, i think for the dna we have is the american people, we are doing the right thing at the right time for the right reasons. we weren't sure in 2016, but we voted for the right person to take us through this process. let me just really quickly tell you what we are up against. it's called evil. it's called evil. the strength of our country has always been the middle class and i grew up in a time with a black middle class said -- the black community would let our country and the growth of the middle class, 40% of us were business
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owners, small business owners. ended up 50% of us being part of the middle class. the middle-class is driven driven by the business owners. we had these evil marxists and complicit with these democratic mayors and governors that want to destroy the infrastructures for small business owners. that's how we bring our economy back. this is all about power. and they could care less about the damage in the deaths that they bring to the black people because the worst we have in our country is not just systemic racism, it systemic elitism. we have black elitists that have betrayed our country for 60 years. betrayed our race, that the black caucus, the naacp. they care less about black people. they care about the power, they care about their prestige they care about their ideology of marxism. understand, we are at war, guys and what happens to my community is now happening tomorrow country. what's happening behind the curtains is nothing but evil and we have a president who sees it and he's going to stop it and
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nip it in the bud. >> laura: think about the night. at last part of "the ingraham angle" was the first show to tell you how the tactics of early looting had all the hallmarks of antiqua. tonight, as the media covers their eyes, lara logan returns with shocking new details of their intricate plan, step-by-step. don't go away.
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>> laura: we've got some reports of violence breaking out in brooklyn tonight. fox has not confirmed but reports of several injured including nypd officers. going to keep our eyes on new york for you throughout the evening and now we've some pictures of some being arrested who are violating the curfew and perhaps others who have committed violence. saying the protesters... can't really hear the individuals through the mask all that well. this is just some of what we are seeing play out in new york tonight. and we'll go back to that. keep that picture up so you can see that. last friday night, we were the first to show you how much of the destruction and looting wasn't spontaneous. but it was part of an intricate
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and anarchical plan to overthrow our government and tonight laura logan is back to expand on the details of the anarchist playbook as we continue to show photos and live footage on the screen. it'll be back up there in a moment. we are going to continue to show you. also the host of lara "logan has no agenda." what can you tell us as we are watching these pictures? >> i've been talking to law enforcement and seeing the data they are dealing with which shows there are numerous incidents and mounting evidence of anarchist involvement in these protests. they are not just exploiting and hijacking it but coordinating it and escalating it. i can point you to an incident on the 29th of may in louisville, kentucky, where law enforcement enforcemen say e police were trying to respond to
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a violent situation, the extremist groups use the black block which is a kind of -- it's the part of the movement, they like to call it a movement. these are the people you often see who are dressed in all black, according to law enforcement, they use black clothing, face coverings, concealing their identities. what's interesting about what they do is they intercept police communication. they monitor police traffic. they use secure communications. they know where the police is going to go and they know how to stop law enforcement responding to these incidents. and all of that is about escalation. you talk about people being in the face of police officers. that's about provoking a reaction. what do they want? they want to return to may 4th, 1970, when somebody in the national guard open fire and innocent protesters were massacred, the old picture of hippies putting flowers in the flowers of national guard guns and the result is ultimately
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that people, innocent people are dead. that's what they are trying to get, that kind of image. law enforcement is gathering case after case after case that documents this, which is kind of extraordinary when you look at all the propaganda not just coming from the anarchist pluralists themselves and their biblical backers but coming from the media as well. >> laura: here is what former antifa admirer ag keith ellison said about their involvement in the environment. >> so far they have been very elusive and operated with military precision but i don't know where they are from and what their ideology is... bagel what must the president and his attorney general bill barr must be using because they are pending on the violencn one group, and he fell. >> they are based on political considerations and not fax. >> laura: has not watched any of the videos of the protests? >> maybe he forgot what he
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tweeted on his own feed. he tweeted out a picture of them holding mark bray's "antifa handbook." it's been since removed from his twitter account, of course, that this manual strikes fear in the heart of donald trump. just a few days ago, his son tweeted out that he stood in full support of antifa. if you want to talk about political considerations, the depth of the hypocrisy of the air is breathtaking, right? he's also ignoring what his own law enforcement agencies are reporting to him because in many aspects the police are talking about stashes of incendiary devices and stolen vehicles. literally the streets filled with cars pouring in from out of town. what's interesting, laura, is it's all consistent, right? that they aren't a group, they are just a movement, the idiots on the right, they don't know what they are talking about, but
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look at the consistency with which they are operating. always dress the same, they use the same tactics, they happen to be on every single street in every single city of the united states right now where there are fires raging in protest. no, not protests. riots, right? they are using the same messaging everywhere. that kind of consistency speaks to real organization, real infrastructure, training, funding, financing, and the kind of equipment they are using? this is not some emotional outpouring for these are people with a very well political agenda and they are carrying it out. >> laura: we'll get into this "nation" story. they claim a field report from the fbi that they got their hands on states that they couldn't find any evidence of antifa all throughout the last weekend, we'll get more into that. we couldn't report more on that, obviously. >> they are deaf, dumb, and
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blind, laura. >> laura: the hour gets later, we pray that the cities in america remain safe tonight. we pray for everyone, or officers, and peaceful protesters. shannon bream and the "fox news @ night" team take it all from here. >> shannon: we begin tonight with a fox news alert. again tonight, masses hitting the streets coast-to-coast, many marches starting peacefully today as protests and yet again as night falls, we are now getting the reports of looting, arrests, clashes with police including a car set on fire here in washington, d.c. there is an amped up law enforcement presence but push back national guard and securing the capital. molotov cocktails being thrown at officers in milwaukee. lee's officers involved in the shooting in brooklyn and police cars on fire in downtown new york city. the commissioner of the nypd
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