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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  June 4, 2020 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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in the neck amid a wave of widespread violence against police. >> protests over the death of george floyd rage across the country for a ninth night, tens of thousands define curfews and clashing with police. >> born green is live in new york city for the latest on the attacks on officers overnight. >> reporter: this is an unprovoked attack that happened in brooklyn, they were wounded while trying to protect businesses from being looted. bill diblasio and police commissioner shea providing an update, one officer was stabbed in the neck in two others were shot in the hands. all three are in stable condition and expected to recover while the suspect was shot and is in critical condition. shea appeared emotional when speaking about the incident. >> it appears to be a completely cowardly, despicable, unprovoked
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attack on a defenseless police officer and thank god we are not planning a funeral. the men and women of this police department should not have to withstand any more, not one more attack. i think we are all set up with what we are seeing in many levels. this violence has to stop. >> this incident follows other recent attacks on officers including one where an officer was bashed in the head of the fire exposure. the nypd again clashed with protesters drop this the protests were peaceful for the most part but in our after curfew police began to disperse the crowds. there were more scuffles and dozens were arrested. today more peaceful protests are planned throughout the city and meanwhile the brother of george floyd, terrence ford is attended a memorial service for his brother in brooklyn. back to you. >> hundreds california national guard troops arriving in the san
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diego area to help police handle unrest there. >> troops are on standby as the city sees 10,000 protesters. >> reporter: this is a pretty common seen throughout los angeles, these roadblocks sort of set up to prevent any sort of groups of people from coming into areas like downtown los angeles which could be the scene once again of looting. i want to emphasize we haven't seen that for quite some time and it has been a very peaceful and mostly uneventful day. one of the things we saw was lights up or flashlights up to the sky for george floyd, different groups, different areas where they had lights to the sky for eight minutes and 46 seconds, the time officers had
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george pinned to the ground. there was a huge protest in downtown los angeles, a board of 10,000 people, some were there to bring light to the black lives matter movement, others for george floyd. some protesters getting pretty emotional when describing why they are out protesting. >> as a black man i shouldn't have to smile every time i'm walking around to seem like i'm not suspicious. i should be able to go anywhere i please and have any disposition i like. >> further south from where we are in los angeles the scary scene in newport beaches investigators say the driver of the mini cooper plowed through a crowd of demonstrators. somehow no one was seriously hurt, they did catch up with this driver and arrest him.
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elsewhere on the west coast protests continued in places like seattle. many protesters bringing attention to the use of force by police and further saw from there in portland, 10,000 people demonstrated, also one of the largest gatherings throughout the country. in los angeles it seems fairly quiet on the streets, quieter than it was, eric garcetti says it is possible to curfew could go away. >> massive crowds surrounding the white house in the capital overnight defining curfew. >> a different kind of standoff is brewing. >> reporter: peace in the streets between protesters and the police but a battle is brewing between the president and secretary james mad dog mattis blasting his former boss.
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he was left angry and appalled by the president's leadership writing donald trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the american people, does not pretend to try. instead he tries to divide us. matt is denouncing the secretary for saying the church photo op violated the constitutional rights of protesters the president firing back tweeting something he and president obama had in common was the owner fire metis calling the most overrated general adding his primary strength is not military but personal public relations. i gave him a new life, things to do in battles to win but he seldom brought home the bacon. i didn't like his leadership style or much else about him and many others agree, glad he is gone. this as mark esper breaks with donald trump over the possible use of the insurrection act to deploy active-duty troops. >> the option to use active-duty forces in a law enforcement role
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should only be used as a matter of last resort and only the most urgent and dire situations. we are not in one of those situations now. >> reporter: speaking of president obama he is weighing in on what the nationwide protests mean. >> there's a change in mindset taking place, that is a direct result of the activities and organizing and mobilization and engagement of so many young people across the country. >> we are going to see all of this late next week, house judiciary committee holding a hearing on police brutality and racial inequity in america. >> back to the breaking news out of brooklyn where police officers were ambushed overnight, two shot, one stabbed in the neck as a tax break against new york's finest. >> ted williams joins us. thank you for being here, we appreciate it.
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let's take a listen to the latest from overnight. >> are we surprised we are in the hospital again? did we doubt because of the rhetoric we are hearing, anti-police rhetoric, are we surprised we got this call. >> appears to be a cowardly despicable unprovoked attack and thank god we are not planning a funeral right now. >> we are seeing so many attacks, thank goodness these offices are in stable condition right now. we had a lot of people saying there is systematic racism in the police force and that is the underlying issue why there is so much frustration. what do you say when you hear that comment? >> there's systematic race relationships in just about anything in our society but i got to tell you it was shocking
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to me to wake up this morning and find a police officer on an anti-looting force in brooklyn was stabbed in the neck, the perpetrator then took his gun, wound up being an issue that was two other police officers and as a result of that those of the two police officers were shot in the head and the perpetrator is now in the hospital but i got to tell you it has been open season on police officers and i don't think it started with the death of george floyd. i have covered in new york the shooting of two police officers sitting in a car when someone came by and shot them. we need to reserve and see if the incident this morning is related to protests going on as a result of the death of floyd.
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>> so many examples of attacks on police and we could pull up examples of things that have been thrown at police officers during these riot protests, plastic bottles filled with cement, molotov cocktails, bricks. in tampa mortars, bricks, seattle, rocks, fireworks, feces, even a cop run over in the bronx, a retired cop shot and killed in st. louis and now this. these stories will get nowhere near the attention the other stories we are talking about will get. why is that? >> that is said that they won't. i don't know how we devalue the life of a law enforcement officer because those guys go up every day and try to serve and protect us in the community. it is without a doubt that when you look at police work and law
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enforcement you can't paint all police officers with a broad brush. there are some rotten police officers and they need to be weeded out but the large majority of police officers going to those communities to serve and protect and protect members of that community and they deserve the respect of members of that community. >> we heard a lot of people lately. it has been amplified in the last week saying the police need to be defunded. where would we be in this country if that happened? >> i don't even want to think about where we would be if they defunded law enforcement. when there is a crime in your home or with in your neighborhood who do you call? law enforcement officers. you cannot defund law enforcement officers and be successful in the community. there is a need for law enforcement officers to serve and protect members of the community and you can't defund
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them. >> comes minority lies would be lost if officers were pulled out of those communities. let's talk about officers involved in what happened in minneapolis. you have three more offices facing charges, aiding and abetting in the killing of george floyd. what do you make of those charges? >> let's take derek's open. he has been charged, charges have been upgraded to second-degree murder. second-degree murder is intention of killing and what they are saying is he had his knee on this man's neck and they can prove beyond reasonable doubt that that was part and parcel as to why this man died. with aiding and abetting you had two officers holding mister floyd down and they are saying they contributed or assisted in his death. one officer was standing and there was an officer, it will be problematic to see how they will charge him because he was there
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and he said should we turn him over on his side? that will help that officer but that is the charges they are now facing. >> thank you for joining us. the senate investigating the investigators. >> if you knew then what you know now what you have signed the warrant application? >> know i would not. >> rogers inside grilled about signing a fisa warrant for carter page. does this prove how corrupt the probe was from the start? a lot to unpack here. the former deputy attorney general is this really trying to excuse his own ineptitude, she joins us live coming up.
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like wipes gloves and soap. each box is delivered to the door-step of an elderly jew fighting to stay alive. during this pandemic our god is bigger than any crisis. when god says, "to share our food with the hungry", that's forever, and it's more relevant than ever before. go online or call right now. you can be a miracle for an elderly jew today. >> if you knew then what you knew now would you sign the warrant application? >> i would not. >> the reason you wouldn't have
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is they found exculpatory information was withheld from the court. is that correct? >> among other reasons, yes. todd: rod rosenstein grilled by the senate over fisa abuses throughout the russia probe. >> rosenstein blames the fbi claiming the agency didn't follow proper protocol which we learned in the doj inspector general report but former doj official says rosenstein deserves the blame and joins us now. why do you say that? >> this is a really important matter, rod rosenstein's testimony was incredibly frustrating. one thing he did not talk about and never said and no one ever explained is how he could have looked at what was surely the most significant case before the department of justice, an investigation of a sitting president at a presidential campaign, in a completely unprecedented away, using clandestine intelligence tools and after 9 months which is when rosenstein signed this warrant
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renewal, after 9 months did it occur to him to ask what evidence there was a carter page, the subject of the warrant was a russian asset and whether there was proof that he had committed a crime. both those things were alleged in the initial warrant. after nine months of digging through his life maybe they were up on his telephone listening to his calls rifling through his email and text messages for the past several years, where was the evidence? how could you sign a renewal for something without any evidence in nine long months? it makes no sense and is appalling. >> what is alleged here, a lot of allegations, the fbi had concerns, the steel is a was unreliable, they can that a secret, democrats had paid christopher steele, that was kept secret, christopher steele hated donald trump, that was hit. the fbi used the yahoo news story to corroborate christopher
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steele's work and then found out steele had done an interview with yahoo! news to give them that information. that -- rosenstein does make a point there were misdeeds by the fbi, right? >> great point and he's right about that. there were definitely misdeeds, there was fraud, they lied in the application and i don't expect him to run around and try to secure the investigation himself and verify every comment but he didn't ask to see what had already been uncovered and he did not want to know what was the political campaign that paid for this information, that information was in a footnote in the application which had he read it, any deputy attorney general should have done in the most difficult case in this nation's history and would have potentially found out it was hillary clinton's campaign and the dnc paying for it and then perhaps he would have had some questions about it but instead
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it was pro forma. he was a rubberstamp and i don't understand how he can sit there smugly testifying yesterday that he had done nothing wrong. >> is what andrew mccabe had to say responding to this, rosenstein's claims to have been misled by me or anyone from the fbi regarding our concerns about donald trump and the trump campaign's interactions with russia are completely false. who else do you want to hear from on this? >> i want to hear from everyone who touched that warrant. i can't trust andrew mccabe, lacking candor is a polite fbi way of saying he lied multiple times in an investigation. what i want to hear are the lying prosecutors, what do the agents say, what does peter stzrok say about the lies in the
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fraud. a lot of people need to be brought before the judiciary committee but rosenstein did not help his cause at all. >> always that frame. i didn't lie, i lacked candor. i like that. thank you for your time, i appreciate it, that was fun. >> the ongoing protests taking a heavy toll on small businesses, workers at a shop in san francisco after reopening. >> the stationary store after writers smashed out the windows multiple times, the owner stands with peaceful protesters but says that vandalism has got to end, joins us coming up.
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one holding an employee at knife.. todd: the damage estimated to be 20,$000 on top of the hip this store took from all of these kim jong un foreclosures was how much can they take? jamie patrick joins us live this morning, thanks for coming on, we appreciate it, tell us what exactly happened when you were invaded during these riots. >> this is one of four times this has happened since the shelter in place. we have been broken into four times since this all started. the recent one was the last saturday and sunday, we have the last two breaking of windows,
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and then someone coming into the store taking a bunch of merchandise and branch a knife to one of my employees who tried to stop them, was quite shaken up. >> the curfew is going to be lifted at 5 am local time. i know you and your employees stand with the peaceful protesters but not necessarily the riders and leaders and everything else going on that is causing all the damage. what is your message to your community is the curfew is lifted? >> patrick and the company has been around since 1873. we have been through a lot of these big things in history, fromto be a leader. we are going to stay open. we will be there for the community. we are going to open our doors
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and let people come in and shop with new safety measures. we are going to try to do business as usual in an unusual time. todd: you were shutdown, san francisco is one of the first areas to be shutdown. you been closed for a long time and you have this nonsense. how hard is it to survive in this environment? >> it is. it is very hard. we were very excited about the next couple weeks before this next issue happened. we are starting to see signs of more people coming to the city, the trains were a little bit more fool and then this happened. it is a shame. we support those, countries got a lot of learning and healing to do. we support those that are protesting but we need to get back to business, back to
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reestablishing our economy and it is an amazing thing you think about three months ago, we were having the best years we had, the economy seemed to be booming and then we are almost back to square one. >> we wish you nothing but the best, keep us updated. >> appreciate it, thank you. >> george floyd's loved ones expressing gratitude in their journey for justice. >> we deserve justice. >> all four former police officers involved in is facing charges, we are live in minneapolis with when the case could go to trial. >> writers thrown behind bars back on the streets of new york city thanks to the state's available reform law. tom green says this is what happens when you ignore input from police, he joins us live. [♪]
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>> back with fox news alert, police officers ambushed in the city, two nypd officers shot, another stab within more violent attacks on police amid protests over the death of george floyd. >> the breaking the element in new york. >> this appears to be an unprovoked attack against those three police officers went to best buy in brooklyn while trying to protect businesses from being looted. bill diblasio and police commissioner dermot shea providing an update. when officer was stabbed in the neck, two others were shot in the hand, all three are in stable condition and expected to recover, the suspect was also shot and is in critical condition, shea appeared emotional about the incident. >> it appears to be a completely cowardly, despicable unprovoked
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attack on a defenseless police officer and thank god we are not planning a funeral right now. the men and women of this police department should not have to withstand anymore, not one more attack. i think we are all set up with what we are seeing on many levels. this violence has to stop. >> this incident follows other recent attacks including one where an officer was bashed in the head with the fire extinguisher. last night the nypd again clashed with protesters throughout the city, the protests were peaceful for the most part but about an hour after curfew police began to disperse the crowds and there were scuffles and dozens were arrested. more protests are planned, the brother of george floyd terrence floyd is expected to attend the memorial service in brooklyn. >> hundreds of riders being arrested for felony charges are
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being set free and could be capable of doing more damage thanks to new york's bail reform laws. >> somebody saw a protester, a looter arrested. the reality of the situation is that litter will probably be back in 3 hours and we will have to catch them again. i would appreciate little bit of leadership from the executives across the state. >> as civil unrest continues across the street, how broken the system is. congressman tom green, we appreciate it. >> good to be with you, appreciate it. >> if you look at these numbers some of these arrests, more than 980 protesters arrested since monday. more than 400 expected since tuesday. talk about the implications of the new bail reform laws that went into effect in january, people have been arguing these since the beginning. >> let me be clear i support the peaceful protesters in the justice being done for george
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floyd and his family in regards to the rest of the bad actor but what we are talking about, standing with law enforcement and making sure when you have extreme leftist policies like this bail law that says when you are rested you don't stay in jail, you get immediately released and put back on the street that is dangerous and you are seeing the result of that. that is the standard in new york right now, you do not go to jail when you get arrested, there's no discretion and essentially you are released onto the streets and this is why law enforcement is having such a tough time. we should stand with the nypd, we should not have an officer shot unprovoked, we should i have an officer stabbed unprovoked. >> looking at the numbers as we brought in this out, the first 58 days of 2020 when this thing went into effect and back before these right you had 482 people released under the new reform to go on and commit 846 new crimes but the people that support this
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don't see those numbers because to them this is about not punishing people for being poor. they say it if you don't have money it shouldn't keep you from getting out of jail. >> that is the basis of the reform but not really what is going on. there are technologies, ways to deal with this issue and criminal justice reform at the federal level, what we did and how to get that through the system but what we are talking about those are real people, those are real individuals that are the victims of those 800 plus crimes and a revolving door to send a message to the criminal element that there is no accountability, don't worry about it, law enforcement has its hands tied behind his back and can't do its job. i support law enforcement but i believe going after the bad actors you saw perpetrate the crime in minneapolis. >> there have been a lot of criticism on the governor of new york not only for what is going
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on right now but what happened during coronavirus. everything we saw in the nursing homes. let's listen to what he has to say. >> nothing new for the president. his policies have been vicious to new york. he has failed to do anything positive. the nypd and the mayor did not do their job last night. why do that with code patients in nursing homes, they should ask donald trump. >> pretty tough blame game going on here. >> absolutely a blame game. it's not about leadership but being a show horse, not a workhorse. our state need someone who will roll up their sleeves, do the job each and every day and not blame other people, take accountability and what the governor, give him credit for that, concentrate on what you need but i'm interested in results for new york. can you blame the new york
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police department? that's not leadership. that is pandering to extremists. todd: do you give him credit for pushing diblasio to pushing some sort of law in the city? he did seem to do that? >> i challenge mayor. when you turn your back on law and order -- that is a problem. we can support law enforcement and go after the bad actors. todd: the first memorial service for george floyd will be held today in his home city of minneapolis. jillian: protectors membering floyd and demanding justice as all four former officers involved in the death have been charged. todd: we learn new details about his death. >> reporter: a lot of development in this case in the last 12 hours. last night the county medical examiner's office released its
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full autopsy report of george floyd and it double down on its conclusion mister floyd did not die of strangulation which is what the family's independent autopsy found. the report revealed mister floyd tested positive for covid-19 in early april but was not cited as a factor in his death and that came after new charges were filed against officers involved. he had his knee on his neck for 9 minutes and is facing a second-degree murder charge. the other three officers have been charged with aiding and abetting second-degree murder. despite the video evidence, minnesota attorney general keith ellison is stressing this case will take time and it won't be easy. >> this is going to take months. i don't know how many but it is better to make sure that we have a solid case fully investigated. >> researched, before we go to trial. and to rush it.
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>> this afternoon a private memorial service will be held at north-central university. it will be a smaller gathering due to restrictions due to the coronavirus but it will be streamed online at his funeral will be on tuesday in houston where he grew up. >> a star wars actor looking to be a force for justice. >> we have always been important, we have always been something! >> we are live with his emotional plea and the classes a protest in london. >> a generous gift for colin kaepernick, someone giving millions to one of the quarterback's favorite causes.
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>> we are back with extreme weather, two people killed in
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pennsylvania as powerful storms sweep through the northeast. severe storms toppling trees and ripping off roofs leaving hundreds of thousands of people without power across the state, hundreds died after a massive tree fell on the country club. in south jersey for the servant heavy winds up rooting treason power lines, police blocking off road so crews can clear live wires. todd: crucible -- tropical storm crisrobal lashing with strong winds and heavy rains this morning. really coming down, very slow-moving storm saturating neighborhoods, causing life-threatening flooding, some getting two feet of water, the stores won't move away, residents on the gulf coast are
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bracing for its impact, the storm, good news likely will downgrade to a depression before it hits the united states. jillian: thousands march from london park to parliament as worldwide outrage grows over the devil george floyd. >> demonstration remaining mostly calm as police took a knee in solidarity. live in jerusalem the international community show support for the black lives matter movement. >> good morning. that is exactly right, thousands gathered in london in a show of solidarity with demonstrators following the death of george floyd, these protests were largely peaceful as people chanted black lives matter and color is not a crime. 13 people were arrested when a small class broke up with police officers though no major injuries were reported, the margins of the speech from star wars actor john boy yeager who was born in britain to nigerian parents, he called for peaceful protests and echoed the
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struggles many have voiced in the united states. >> we have always been important! we have always been something! >> reporter: similar acts of international support have taken place all around the world in places like south africa, france and even israel. >> doctor anthony fauci said there could be millions of vaccines by the end of this year. >> we may know whether it is efficacious or not by november or december which means by that time we hopefully will have close to 100 million doses and by the beginning of 2021 we hope to have a couple of hundred million doses.
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todd: coronavirus task force member says the moderna vaccine will enter its final trials this summer, the company is producing millions of doses so that if it is approved it could be given to americans immediately. >> bad news for baseball fans, talks between major league baseball and players union at an impasse after the union proposal for a 114 game season was rejected. the league's biggest issue, having playoffs run in november as it appears the second wave of covid-19, it would not offer a counter proposal and is reportedly considering the season of 50 games max. the league hoping to start the season early next month. we will see. >> jack dorsey donating $3 million to colin kaepernick's legal defense foundation, the rates campaign educating americans what rights they have when interacting with law enforcement. >> donald trump clashed with the ten on nationwide riots for glorifying violence.
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a call for action from former president obama. >> i'm urging every mayor in this country to review your use of force policies. >> and commit to report on planned reforms. >> he was the president for eight years, why didn't he put more reforms in place during his time in office, david weber joins us with that coming up. i got an oriole here.
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>> i'm urging every mayor in this country to review your use of force policies and commit to planned reforms. >> creating a national police oversight commission. i've long believed we really need real community policing. >> what about their eight years together in the white house. joining us to discuss, david webb. good morning, thank you for being here. sadly we say this isn't the first time this has happened. you think it is fair for them to call for this now when they did have eight years to call for it then? >> we have to put this in context. in quick bullet points, barack obama who had white mother and white grandparents in kansas to black in his philadelphia speech used race to get elected, then while in the white house with
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attorney general eric older he played to the issue of race, we saw what happened in ferguson and the rise of black lives matter, than barack obama leaves the white house and occasionally speaks about the issue but the real question is what has he done about it? americans can answer that for themselves. he's done nothing but speak and force consent decrees on communities when they weren't necessary, sometimes they were but mostly when they weren't necessary, pretending to do something about the issue. he's been using it cleverly and hasn't delivered any results in or out of office. >> if this is something that matters why go eight years and not fix the problem, there were more of these killings in his administration and there have been in the last two years? >> it is a great political wedge issue. this isn't about solving a number of issues or attacking them and attempting to solve
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them. it is a good wedge issue for barack obama and the left much like they used immigration for hispanics or other issues out there so this is about politics, not about solutions and that is one of the reasons we really need to have honest conversations as americans and not give as much credence to political leaders are elected officials who don't do anything but play to it in the moment and only when it suits them. >> a human being i do -- i look at everything and i say this has happened and we've been having these conversations but what we have seen in the last week is real. shouldn't we all be calling for something to change right now? >> we are. look around you, america, look at the people in america. we are united that this is not only an issue of police brutality in the killing of
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george floyd and the other officers now charged, they are complicit, their callous disregard for life, when he said please let me stand up, when he begged them to let him stand up, we all have come together on this, the ones that are using it are the out sharpton, the race and poverty pimps, the president and joe biden who need to have similar messaging because they have a week candidate and in order to go forward they are going to try to reverse what joe biden hasn't done since january 5th of 1973 when he was first sworn into office. think about their failures for decades. if they haven't given you results in decades why would you believe they are going to do so now. >> there are clearly going to be problems, 8000 cops in this country they're going to be issues of all types, but there was a wall street journal op-ed a couple days ago, the myth of systemic police races amended says there is a solid body of
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evidence that finds no structural bias in the criminal justice system. tucker has been going into this a lot on his show. what do you make of that opinion? >> heather mcdonald is a great job. i have a copyright here. for years she and i have done this on my radio show, we talked about these issues. she talks about 375 million interactions between police and civilians advocate the outcomes. the numbers of black versus white, and other ethnicities identified in shootings with the police, blacks disproportionately create a number of the crimes that are not the ones being shot. the impression that barack obama and others would give you slacks are being shot indiscriminately at all times but they ignore what heather mentions in that
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article, 7000 plus blacks killed in black on black homicide, they don't care about that. they don't care about the actual issues. todd: we are completely out of time. appreciate you coming on and we will be right back. ine it's called ubrelvy the migraine medicine for anytime, anywhere a migraine attacks without worrying if it's too late or where you happen to be. one dose of ubrelvy can quickly stop migraine pain and debilitating symptoms in their tracks within two hours. unlike older medications, ubrelvy is the first pill of its kind to directly block cgrp protein believed to play a role in migraine attacks. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. few people had side effects, most common were nausea and tiredness. a migraine can strike anytime, anywhere. ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine.
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>> good morning. we follow news we started our
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show within the overnight hours, three nypd officers have been injured overnight. you are looking at the scene in brooklyn, new york, two have been shot, one has been stabbed. >> this amid the protests continuing on, the writing and looting has largely been taken under control by police department across the country, that is the good news, we will have the latest in a 4 hour show. see you tomorrow. >> appears to be a completely cowardly, despicable, unprovoked attack on a defenseless police officer and thank god we are not planning a funeral right now. >> that is police commissioner -- this is a fox news alert at 5:00 this morning in new york city. ambushed, a new york city police officer stabbed in the neck while standing guard against looters overnight. >> two other officers were shot as new video emerges another new york city police officer bashed in the head with the fire extinguisher earlier this week.


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