tv Hannity FOX News June 9, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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hope you feel better. that is it for us tonight. we are out of time, but the good news is that waiting to take over is that great sean hannity from new york. here he is. >> sean: i have never had a nice word said about me by anyone in the media. you're the only one. great show, thank you and welcome to hannity. tonight, we want to start -- we want one of you to ask yourselves a question. you are a local police department is dismantled and defunded, who are you going to call when someone is breaking into your house in the middle of the night? who do you call if your children's lives are at risk from an armed intruder? who do you call? defunding the police, democrats have zero answers for what's going to take its place and yet they are moving forward at lightning speed with plans to defund and dismantle local police departments. coming up tonight, lawrence jones asked new yorkers what they really think about this movement, and we will play you that exclusive tape.
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also tonight, live coverage from the ground as protests continue and also, we will show you how joe biden was against defunding the police before he was for it. now first, we've got to make one thing perfectly clear. there has been universal agreement on what happened to george floyd, but now we are at a very dangerous crisis, maybe even a tipping point. every american needs to pay close attention tonight. we now have thousands of good and decent and honorable police men and women who have their lives on the line every single day to protect and to serve, to defend and protect their fellow citizens. they are being smeared, slandered, and they are also being subjected to numerous, hundreds of incidents of violence and many now have died and many others injured. this has to end. over the past week in cities across the country, police have
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served in extremely dangerous circumstances. rocks and bricks and molotov cocktails, served most of them with honor and distinction to protect their fellow citizens. so far, nearly 20 people died from last week's violent riots. get this? over 700 officers now, over 700 have been injured, many of them seriously. 700 innocent police officers. the people you call if god forbid somebody is trying to hurt you and your family. that includes one las vegas police officer now on life support after he got shot in the back of the head then of course retired st. louis police captain, 38 years he served his community with honor and distinction. he was killed while trying to defend a store from looting. the violence has got to end him up but so does the vilification of innocent police men and women. take a look at this powerful message from the head of new york state's police benevolent association.
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take a look. >> everybody is trying to shame us. the legislators, the press, everybody is trying to shame us into being embarrassed about our profession. you know what? this isn't staying by someone in minneapolis. still got a shine on it and so do theirs. stop treating us like animals and start treating us with some respect. >> sean: you know what? they are right. they deserve better. the vast majority of our police serve with honor and distinction, and it is a dangerous job. now because of the actions of minneapolis, the inaction of three other officers, we are going to have character association of all cops, violence against cops, rocks, bricks, molotov cocktails, a daily occurrence in the united states of america? all cops unfairly painted with
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this broad brush? 700 of them injured now, a number of innocent people have died here. this has to stop. and yes amount they were bad apples within some police departments. there are dirty cops. in fact, no program on cable news on the radio has been more time exposing the bad actors on the federal level. 74 fbi, remember those names >> sandra: yes, they abuse their power, and we have been fully vindicated on our reporting and of course, all the corruption, they use their power and influence to stop one candidate from being elected, than overturning an election? seriously? in the united states of america. dirty cops. not the 99%. how many times have i said 1% of? not the 99. we've got to make the distinction. we don't rush to judgment, you
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don't make broad sweeping generalizations. the years we have investigated fisa abuse, premeditated fraud, prosecutorial misconduct, unlawful government spying. we were right. to be exposed how corrupt high-ranking law enforcement officials try to rig an election and destroy donald trump at all costs. even the president himself, it is not the same thing as what happened to george floyd, but it is horrific. he was a victim of crooked cops. now, not the same circumstances, bad cop is a bad cop and by all means, the damage was real to the country, the damage in minneapolis is real to the country, and as the case that was done should never happen. we know how a few malignant individuals can destroy lives and recalculat wreak havoc and e important reforms of this country will make and can make and we can always get better and
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we will detail those coming up tonight including measures from the trump administration, defunding law enforcement, that can never happen. law and order has got to be restored. the bricks, the molotov cocktails, that has to stop too and as we address last night, we can also deal with the violence in our cities that has to end. the horrific educational systems in our big cities. that means to be fixed and make sure our cities are safe and make sure our kids can learn in school. we are feeling america's children. you don't stop the violence in chicago, that is a national failure. there is no more excuse, democratic run states for decades have failed. and they have failed on the education level, filled the basic duty of keeping their citizens safe, and it's a disgrace. has now gone on for decades. liberal governors and liberal mayors have done nothing to solve the problems in their states. how many more weekends are we going to read how many were shot this weekend in chicago? defunding the police is nothing
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more than a dangerous proposal with what is a very predictable result. all of it bad. as "the wall street journal" points out even before the pandemic and the rights, major cities all across this country were already suffering from the relaxed law enforcement policies implemented by progressive mayors and governors and for example, comrade de blasio of new york city where bail for most crime is completely eliminated signed into law by governor cuomo, shootings have increased now 18%. burglaries are up 31%, carjackings increased a whopping 64%. let's go to san francisco, that liberal city. homicides are up by 19%, burglaries by 23%. our's and 38%. philadelphia 51% increase in shootings, 28% increase of commercial burglaries in another massive jump in auto theft and even before the riots in minneapolis, property crime was increasing by 33%, violent crime increased by 29% and just this
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week, homicides in los angeles have increased by 250%, and i can go on and on, but you get the picture. this is what happens when law enforcement policies are relaxed. you imagine what it is all going to look like with no police at all. defund the police, what are you going to do to protect yourself and your families? now we are going to have vigilante as him and now we will have sessions between criminals and their victims and they will hash it out. that's not going to work. the president of the minneapolis city council lisa bender thinks this is going to be great telling fake news cnn that a holistic approach to law enforcement to lead to a police free world. okay. councilwoman, take a look. >> we need to make major shifts both in the short term and our community is ready to reimagine public safety from the ground up
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to being making sure every single member of our community has faced. the idea of having a police free future is very aspirational and i am willing to stand with community members who are asking us to think of that as the goal. >> sean: okay, i have no words to describe the stupidity of that. now the person is obviously detached from truth and reality and by the way, she is not alone. per usual, joe biden very confused, ask yourself this question, will all these politicians going to give up their armed security? as joe biden goes, he said he does not support defunding the police are now threatening to withhold federal aid to the police if they don't meet his standards of decency, whatever that means, anyway, here is forgetful joe. take a look. >> do you support defunding the police? >> i don't support defunding the police. i support conditioning federal aid to police based on whether or not they meet certain basic
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standards of decency and honorable in this and are able to demonstrate they can protect the community and everybody in the community. >> sean: okay, that federal aid is likely critical and crucial and very important as multiple major cities now are planning to slash local police budgets. proposal in los angeles would defund the police by $150 million. even as i mention the murder rate is skyrocketing. the l.a. city council president introducing the measure this week. okay, defund the cops, elected officials, i ask you, will you give up your arm security? all you hollywood liberal elites, this is now are you going to give up your armed guards as well just like you gave up your private jets because you want to save the world from carbon emissions, right? according to a report from spector news, the very same official who introduced the defund the police measures had around-the-clock l.a.p.d. security detail on her house for
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months. the protection detail was allegedly canceled last week after she first contacted about comment for the story. the hypocrisy is rampant and it doesn't stop there. senator kamala harris of california, propped on my former prosecutor, reputation for throwing the book at defendants is now applauding california's defund the police movement. really? take a look. >> we've got to re-examine what we're doing with american taxpayer dollars and ask the question harvey getting the right return on our investment? are be actually creating healthy and safe communities, and that is a legitimate conversation and it requires overly critical evaluation. i applaud eric garcetti for doing what he's done. >> sean: don't be fooled. for the radical socialist extreme democratic party, this isn't about the reform for the allocation of funds. instead, it is about defunding the police, getting rid of the police or as some kind of ill thought out punishment for everyone and everything that
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they hate. now, if you want to know the true pompous of the democratic party then look no further than the ever so powerful speaker of the house from a speaker name only congresswoman, she just weeded the following, "the fact that people are scrambling to repackage this whole conversation and make it palpable to the american people for largely affluent white suburban swing voters again points to how much more electoral and structural power these communities have relative to others." so do the people of new york, to the people of all these cities, ask yourself, do you agree with one of their most prominent lawmakers, do they really think that police should be dismantled and defunded? here with a full report, fox news contributor, our friend from a correspondent on the ground lawrence jones. i call him ellijay. i missed having you on the show when you were away for a little bit and now you're back out, glad to have you back on the road. >> thank you, good evening.
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the defund police movement might be the latest social media hashtag but a new yahoo! news bowpoll finds that only 65% of americans opposed it. i talked with new yorkers today and this is what they had to s say. >> went all the issues that's going on, some people say we should defund the police department. should we get rid of the police department? >> i don't think we should get rid of it, but get out the ones who are not perfect or bad. >> a couple of bad cops did something bad or destructive, why should we get rid of the whole police department? >> so we should keep the police department or defund the police department? why should we keep the police department? >> because they are here to protect us. >> i think more funding should be allocated to preparing and prepping the officers that are in training to deal with the
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social issues and the communities that they work in. >> should be defund the police department? >> yes and no. kind of feel like you shouldn't and feel like you should. >> should just improve the police department. >> do away with what is it called, the choke hold? i agree with you, yes. >> with all the attention that's been going on right now in the city, we need to try to find solutions to diffuse it and also show the people that okay, the police are here, we are not your enemy, we are here to help you and to serve you. >> as you can see, most people that i spoke to didn't want to defund the police, but they do think certain reforms need to take place. back to you. >> sean: so we have been together and you have met my martial arts instructor, let's say. you know who i'm talking about. if we had more training for example, if you take your hand and wait the palm of your hand at your fist and remember, he
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was in handcuffs. you just put a little pressure on that out, simple things, they don't know this. we can train them for these things. >> you should host these conferences across the country. i bet you could teach them. >> sean: you watch me in action. thank you, good to have you back. joining us live with the very latest on the ground, new york city bryan llenas doing a phenomenal job. >> good evening. this is what's left of what was 2500 strong tonight that started in city hall. we are now in union square manhattan. the chance of how do you spell murderer, nypd, how do you spell racist, nypd. no justice, no peace, no racist police. today, more than two dozen family members spoke on behalf of family members that died at the hands of police brutality including the mother of graham, an 18-year-old unarmed black man who was shot and killed by an nypd officer in 2012.
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that officer ended up resigning in 2017. she called for mayor bill de blasio to resign, and the pressure on mayor bill de blasio was unprecedented and historic. more than 200 former and current staff members taking to the streets in protest of the mayor calling for more reform against the police and more to be done. the new york city council is reportedly looking at cutting up to $1 billion out of the $5.5 billion nypd fund, and on top of all of that my you've got more legislation through new york that is calling on banning choke hold, calling on those that are also calling on banning -- sorry, got people behind us. calling on reforming the police. all of that while the nypd officers are saying look, if it wasn't for mayor bill de blasio not having a clear plan when it comes to dealing with the demonstrators, the nypd would not have been left out there to take all the blame and to be demonized. they were just trying to protect
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protesters and had there been a clear plan, this wouldn't have happened and bottom line, an nypd officer checked himself into the brooklyn d.a.'s office for six charges. including assault in the third degree. so that is a situation there. ultimately, a big disagreement here and a lot of pressure on mayor bill de blasio who finds himself with criticism from both sides, has caused increased tension between the police and everybody else here. >> sean: no bill cuomo and no bill de blasio. a great job as always. tonight, no doubt that the left plans to dismantle the police. however, there are plenty of legitimate reforms. we can teach law enforcement to take two figures. we move it to the side, they will be compliant. simple things, but a lot of people are not trained to do that.
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elimination of choke hold, absolutely. that is only if your life is in jeopardy. we also need to look for ways to end disparage sentencing and the president has made great strides in that area. alternative nonlethal methods at the police can do. take a look at your screen. look at that. no financial interest but i purchased a number of them, yes, full price i paid. now, i met with them and purchased a number of their items. again, this is an alternative. nonlethal. they shoot small projectiles, pepper spray and tear gas and unlike these stun guns which have an incredibly short range and the stupid wires, this weapon is accurate up to 50 feet, why? because i a own one. now, we didn't show the video i wanted to and we will get it later in the show or play for you what happens when somebody gets hit with it. they don't die. i could hopefully be an
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alternative in a very volatile dangerous situation. whatever new technology we can develop. according to reports, the trump administration is working with police and community leaders behind-the-scenes on reform measures including more training. one official is playing a very integral role in all of this and watch this. >> i think if we want real reform that can change communities, it starts with law enforcement and partnering with them. i am not demonizing them. we can't let some bad apples represent something that is the core of any community. >> sean: here with more is the man himself, assistant to the president, you met with guys like senator tim scott today. what kind of reforms are we talking about? >> thanks for having me, sean. we are still looking at a whole host of different issues that law enforcement feels is important and some communities feel it is important.
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so we will continue to evaluate those pieces, but i think it's important as i mentioned in the clip that we work with our law enforcement officers, we work with community leaders because it is really about relationships on the ground and creating public safety and a partnership between the community and the police as a way to get there. >> sean: okay, i believe in continuing education. i think cops have got to learn other nonlethal alternatives. in i've been training, not a master of the martial arts, i studied jiu-jitsu, we do sticks, firearms, self-defense measures, situational defense. now, can we teach cops other options that are not lethal and to stay away under all circumstances unless your life is in imminent danger? >> that's exactly right. i can tell you this, no one
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hates bad police more than good cops. good cops want to have a great police force that is doing the right thing. and that's why we are continuing to work with them on the specifics. they put out reports, had commissions on the proper way to enhance our ability to do law enforcement. and so we are going to continue to partner with them and we also understand the pain of the community. that's why we are also working with community leaders to make sure that we can figure out the right approach that is going to actually produce outcomes and that's what president trump is all about, producing outcomes, not just talking about it, but bring the right stakeholders together to make a lasting impact. >> sean: thank you for keeping us in the mek updated and hopefully it will include somebody, president trump is probably the only one i could stop the violence in chicago. someone has to take a hold of the education system and get to the root causes here. holding a hearing on police procedures. former secret service agent dan bongino will testify at that
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hearing and join us tomorrow night as well. he is with our colleague fox news correspondent at large geraldo rivera. you and i both do martial arts, we are obsessed with it. we are like little kids. what do you know, what do i know, we have fun with it. i don't think cops get enough training alternatives. let me show you. i like it. i have fired it. i can show the actual video. what i like about it is when it hit somebody, you've got tear gas, multiple pepper sprays and incapacitate somebody but if you made a mistake, watch what happens on the screen here. goes once it hits, it immediately incapacitates them. but it will never kill them. thoughts? >> police technology really is stuck in the early 1900s. the billy club and the firearm have been used for 100 years.
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i think police officers would certainly be open to more or less lethal options. cars have changed, we goober everything and now the police technology is the same. can i be candid with you for a moment? this may be difficult to hear, but it's true in every police officer listening knows what i'm talking about. let's just cut the b.s. you can't have it both ways. not talking about you, but you can't on the cops on every opportunity, pay them nothing, make them feel like garbage. i've got news for you, they're not. some of them i knew when i started were on food stamps, not a joke. you can't do that all the time every single day and then expect to get athletes who have phds in engineering. these people try hard. i'm not knocking the cop to come on the job. just saying you can't have it both ways. there is no amount of training in the world that is going to make someone not qualified for the job qualified, and that is the problem.
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>> sean: 99%. we have dead cops now. we have over 20 dead people because of these protests, 700 cops have been injured in a number of them are dead. >> let me back into this. i watched george floyd's funeral for a couple of hours today, and i was deeply affected especially by the family. that emotion is real. that emotion is not -- i don't know what the politicians are doing, but those people were legitimately suffering. they were pained, anguished by what happened to their relative. i started feeling that the pandemic will be a distant memory well before we bridge the racial divide. i think that the gap between black-and-white in this country exacerbated by what's happened
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now is unbridgeable in the short term. one thing the president can do is abolish choke hold tonight. the l.a.p.d. now has said they put it on hold. put it on hold coast-to-coast. >> sean: i don't have a problem with that. you're going to pass out and 12 seconds, i guarantee it. >> i know it, and you can kill me. you can easily kill me and the cops have far less training than you and dan do. so we've got to say to those cops come and stay away from the neck. and that is one thing that our friends can do tonight. i want them to do it tonight. >> sean: real quick. >> geraldo has fallen into the trap. there was no racial divide on this at all, none.
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black, asian, hispanic, everybody saw what was wrong. why are we making this -- there was no racial divide on this at all, none. there was no political divide either. stop doing that. >> have you not seen the television set this week? >> sean: we are in universal agreement. a shocking tape exposing chicago's leaders botching the response to their riots. on the left's demand to route defund the police, what does that mean for innocent people straight ahead.
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>> sean: is unrest groups major cities, chicago experiencing even more chaos and crime and carnage in their streets. here these chilling remarks in a recent conference call obtained from a chicago alderman and lori lightfoot's shocking response. take a listen. in >> we can't expect our police, and i don't fault them at all, to be able to control this. but i know that we asked them to stand at the front line between police and looters and rioters, and i am simply not comfortable telling my churches, those people to be the intermediary in the middle of a riot.
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a half their neighborhoods are already obliterated. is too late. what happens when they start going after residents going into the neighborhoods? once they start trying to break down people's doorstep. no, i want an answer. you commented -- i want an answer. it's not something you ignore. in this is an honest question that i have. >> i think you are 100% full of leap is what i think. >> sean: we have civil rights attorney along with the cohost of the tight rope podcast at the ever prestigious harvard university, 749 cops, rocks, bricks, molotov cocktails, 22 cops in d.c. hospitalized for concussions. we saw 388 year police veteran murdered in st. louis. we have a cop in vegas shot in the head, 749. do you support this madness of defunding the police?
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>> let me first say, good to be with you, god bless you, and as you know. >> sean: it is universal. a professor, universal agreement. >> this has been a very heavy day for many of us. >> sean: universal agreement. >> let's try to be clear about this now. we must have respect and there must be the ability to protest. you have to have them respect the community, some community of control, accountability of both citizens and police and recognizing that the deeper issue of poverty, dilapidated schools, housing, communities, that generates the despair that the police do. i'm sorry, but there has to be diplomatic control over the police. >> sean: i need to ask you,
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every liberal big city, chicago is run decades by democrats. they allow the violence and they have failed our american children with the most horrific schools in the country. >> they don't have enough housing, don't have enough education and certainly not enough. i am no fan of rahm emanuel but i am no supporter of your frie friend. it's in the name of truth. >> sean: okay, my didn't he fix the violence, why haven't they fixed our broken school systems? we have failed america's children. >> you asked him the question, he won't answer because each is giving you old talking points. i will speak to you, black man's a black man. there is looting going on, and you tried -- it is my turn. you are trying to conflate
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protesting and police misconduct. and shame on you. you are absolutely wrong. you have not addressed the issue. i am talking to you. you are not my brother. you are not my brother. you are hurting black people who were in this position. you are taking the wrong position. no, my brother, that plays out. address your question. oh, my god. you have lost control. you are a dinosaur. you have lost it, sir. i am not part of your group. i am not part of your group. you have lost it, you are a dinosaur. you are wrong. no, i don't think so because your position is so way off. >> you are disrespecting. you disrespect me. who do you think you are?
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that does not work on me. you keep saying that. the whole talking point. an old talking point. >> sean: hang on, guys. give me a second. everybody is mike dubke. one at a time. cornell, you are up. >> not when he is put in the grave, no. >> can i just say? you asked a very simple question. he won't say he is against defunding the police because he didn't say to defend the police. i am opposed to it, and this man is a dinosaur. we have to protect our community, our black community. we are on this program because we have education. we have to improve education. >> sean: professor, go ahead. >> you have people that can't
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respect the people who call? >> there is no respecter they are because you are just giving talking points. >> sean knows i am is critical. >> answer the question. >> sean: let me ask cornell. you agree with -- cornell west. cornell west, i want to ask you a question. let me ask you a question. okay. >> you're not a lawyer. you're not a civil rights lawyer. i'll match my credentials against you any day. >> we are not talking about credentials. you have an oak respect. we are talking about respect. >> you've got no respect for me. >> don't come out here disrespecting me. >> sean: i've got to let it go. thank you both. a little out of control, i
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>> sean: unfortunately tonight, violent crime continues to rise in major cities and we are also learning more about arrest in connection with arson of the minneapolis police precinct. he was chief breaking news correspondent trace gallagher. >> last night in brooklyn within 10 minutes, seven people were shot in three separate shootings. two men were shot, 5 minutes later a few blocks away, another man was shot and 5 minutes after that, a woman and three men were shot. one victim is critical, the others will survive but over the past week in brooklyn, 13 people have been murdered and remember the police precinct in minneapolis that was torched on night one of the riots? now at 23-year-old man has been arrested for aiding and abetting the arson. the suspect was captured on surveillance video and admits that he was there. and finally, from may 31st to june 6 when the protests and looting was at its peak,
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homicides in los angeles were up 250%. shootings up 56% compared to the previous. >> sean: by the way, we are going to invite leo and professor west back. we will set up a rule tomorrow. one person talks, that way we can hear from all sides here. emotions are very high obviously, but we have to get law and order back in this country. we need measures here. and these governors have failed their states. these mayors have failed their cities. that's it. there are fundamental things we can do. we are smart and americans and we can solve problems. new report from town hall has police actually withdrawn from an area by the departments east precinct where protesters declare it a cop free zone. also breaking tonight, the attorney general bill barr has now said the d.c. mayor a scathing letter over the recent riots, looting, and the total
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breakdown of law and order in our nation's capital. here with all the reactions to tonight's breaking news, acting dhs secretary chad wolf. there's been a lot of things that are broken down here. it has pretty much been universal agreement on the issue with george floyd. should never happen. the neck is the most vulnerable part of the human anatomy. we saw with our own eyes but on the other hand, we now have 749 officers across this country a number of them dead, dcu had 22 put in hospitals because of concussions, rocks, molotov cocktails, and bricks. we can't have that. we have to restore law and order. how do we do that? >> i would just say from the dhs perspective, we had over 100 secret service agents also injured during last week's riots as well. we had a federal protective service officer in oakland, california, part of the dhs family shot and murdered their after overseeing the protests of this is home for the department
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of homeland security in a very real way but again, it points back to the lawlessness that we saw last week, we saw president trump bring a lot of leadership, we saw the federal police, state and local police and the national guard as well restore that law in order to a number of cities, a number of metropolitan areas around the country and what we see today and over the past weekend is that violence go down so that first amendment protesters can voice their opinion, protest peacefully, and it's really how it should be as we move forward. >> sean: what are your thoughts on this defund the police effort and again, who are you going to call if somebody is trying to kill you or kill your family, and noun that it has been designated this group, antifa, don't know if you saw the recent videos and if you have, what do you think of them? >> when we talk about defunding the police, it is absolutely absurd but most importantly, it is dangerous. again, a core tenant of this
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country is about law and order. not about chaos, crime, and our anarchy in the streets. you are really concerned about law enforcement practices or the culture, you don't want to defund them, you want to provide law enforcement more training, more oversight, and more leadership and slashing budgets and cutting budgets is not the way to do that, so it is really just a very ineffective approach to a very serious issue. so i'm very concerned about that and just overall concerned. >> sean: what about antifa? >> what we have seen over the past week or so with a number of these violent protests is another extremist groups, anarchist, violent opportunists and others really infiltrating peaceful protests, we saw a variety of them across the country, we know doj is investigating attorney general barr and has mentioned that on several fronts. >> sean: one last question. i showed this weapon that i have purchased, a couple of them
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myself. is pepper spray, tear gas is a nonlethal alternative. some cops have one option. they are not trained in the use of martial arts. a lot of people, that's their option. what about these nonlethal alternatives, should we be investigating them? i'm impressed with the weapon myself as a purchaser. >> absolutely. we do have a number of our officers using less than lethal weapon so that is certainly an option that needs to be investigated and needs to be looked out for a variety of different purposes. >> sean: thank you for being with us. speaking to attorney general william barr, just give a big update about the investigation. is fascinating. we will tell you what he said in a prominent liberal says they want him to keep staying in the basement. judge jeanine and mike huckabee next. feel the clarity of non-drowsy claritin. and 24 hour relief from symptoms caused by over 200 indoor and outdoor allergens.
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>> sean: the attorney general bill barr sat down with special reports bret baier and gave us an update on the durham investigation. take a look. >> the very aggressive investigation that was launched into the trump campaign with a very sends lender read as the basis for it. seems like they were spring-loaded at the end of july
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to drive in there and investigate a campaign, and it really wasn't much they are to do that on and that became more and more evident, but they seem to have ignored all the exculpatory evidence. continued pell-mell to push it forward. i am very troubled by what has been called to my attention so far, but i am not going to characterize it. >> sean: joining us now, jeanine pirro and former arkansas governor mike huckabee. i said before there is no comparison in the case, this can happen at all. we saw the actions of one cop and the inaction of three cops. but i for three years have also one bad cop, look at what is the result. we also pointed out the abuse of power, very different circumstances. i am not comparing them. 1% bad apples, there is an attempted coup to undo an
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election. bad people in high positions, very different, but it means something. and bad people the job are not good. >> i think that what we have going on now is an effort to identify police by the actions of this one individual, but only those police who were involved in a situation such as the one with george floyd and in my opening statement last saturday night, i laid out why i thought the murder of george floyd should be murder one. but there doesn't seem to be a concern about murders of african-americans by african-americans or murders of whites by police officers although i can tell you working with them for 30 years, 99.9% of them are good and are absolutely repulsed as you say by what happened. but there is no offense when it comes to politics. people for some reason seem to
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believe that it's political, who cares? but let me just say one more thing, bill barr said something very interesting in that interview with bret baier. he said people say the wheels of justice grind very slowly, and they do, but don't think that that means people are going to get away with it. >> sean: governor, your take on >> sandra: >> first of all, can i go back to something that was said earlier in the debate with cornell west? he made the implication that if a person is poor, they are more likely to be engaged in crime. i've got to take issue with that and let me tell you why. >> sean: i didn't hear it, to be honest. >> there was a lot of crosstalk, but the point he was trying to make is that poverty is what is at fault here. i've got to tell you something, all these guys at the fbi that bill barr has gone after, they are not poor, they are not poorly educated. is not a money problem, it is a moral problem, and i resent it as a kid who grew up poor to
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think that poor people are more predisposed toward crime. honest poor people. that's a generalization. >> sean: we have to stop the violence in places like chicago. thank you both. morehead. hi. uh, can you tell me how to get to i-70, please? o-okay, are you -- ah, yes. thank you. switch to progressive and you can save hundreds. you know, like the sign says.
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our founding principles are so important, why this is a tipping point election. we have it at right now. let not your heart be troubled, laura ingraham is up next. >> laura: i have to say, i got a letter today from a friend of a friend, okay? it totally meaningless, okay? but it contained three or four different interesting pins because she said i had -- i was envious of all of your pins. so i got an entire envelope and i haven't even had a chance to examine them and i might just wear them tomorrow night so i can actually keep up. you're only down to two now. >> sean: i like to keep it -- let's say, people talking and thinking and guessing and wondering. >> laura: i like your man on the street tonight, by the
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