tv Hannity FOX News June 11, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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the third, chas. our team's visa applications are in the mail and we will continue to report on this new country tomorrow. 8:00 p.m., the show that is the sworn enemy of lame, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. in the meantime, the great sean hannity from new york. >> sean: tucker, great show as always. i don't know about the great part but anyway. breaking just a few moments ago, it is official they vowed to restrict the invention because of the pandemic. tonight we are 145 days away from you, the american people. i will tell you one thing tonight, anybody that thinks they could predict how this is all going to end, i don't think they know. i don't think anybody knows. to add a point here, they think they know, they are saying they know but they don't know. and the events will likely
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impact, and we cannot project a liberal media mob. watch their head spin around as they protect our vomit greenpeace soup, they have to say donald trump has been reelected, 45th president of the united states, we can always hope. one thing has remained the same. the sheer utter incompetence, the cowardice of liberal politicians that run all these big states. they've been running them for decades, and american cities, all across the great country. it is now more obvious than ever how bad they are. we've had to face this year the worst global pandemic and 100 years. donald trump is signing ten days after the first known case of coronavirus, a travel ban and a quarantine which we haven't had in 50 years. the harsh realities now of this country's economy being shut down, we have been feeling it.
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we had a great news, but a week friday ago, not only were they off but they were off by about 11 million. state governors provided zero solutions during this pandemic. totally unprepared and totally incompetent and they turn to president trump to save them. they couldn't save even the most vulnerable in our society, the elderly and new york did it, new jersey did it, pennsylvania governors, they all did it, all these governors. they ordered the is long-term care facilities and nursing homes to take in covid-19 patients. tens of thousands of american lives could have been saved. two insult to injury, they added all the hospital bills. built by the president and manned by the president, converted to covid-19 capability
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and changing the ventilators. they all changed, all the ppe was given to them by donald trump. it shook this country in response to george floyd's death. they also experience deadly rights in america's major cities because once again city and state governments. they are totally unprepared and totally incompetent that again. we see looting, we see death and destruction, innocent people and over 20 have died. we see precincts burned to the ground in these democratic mayors and governors have done nothing to stop this.
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in fact many democrats are actually supporting the anarchy. and pickets as bad as it can g get. >> they had snipers on the roof. burn it to the ground, you know. i don't even want to say that, but, they run cities and states into the ground. even before the riots, violent crime is almost on every major city on the rise in their educational systems have been feeling for decades. they never do a thing to fixate, taxes are higher than ever and you see at the massive exodus out of all the cities. once again, a big liberal city has completely now lost control of a critical situation. while police precincts burned, and it's so bad that a bizarre
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group of the is a loosely affiliated r&r crests, they have literally now taken over six city blocks. under siege without any police protection. a police precinct is now under anarchist control. governor inslee, what are you doing? nothing up to this point. by the way, present the president has been begging all of these big cities. i will send and help but you have to ask for it. they will steadfastly do what is right. protect properties and protect the innocent. one of the first things these far left radicals are also dead shockingly, they actually built the border wall. i guess walls work, is that what the messages here? arm to and vigilante up into and out of the so-called autonomous zone. buildings inside the zone are getting vandalized and business owners are getting reports that they are being extorted.
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fights are breaking out, they are being assaulted and an entire police precincts totally abandoned and taken over by the anarchists. six blocks of pure anarchy inside of the great united states of america. now i don't know about you, i don't think you imagine we would see all this in this great country of ours. they didn't do anything to protect innocent people, either. abc news is calling this a living nightmare but, get this. a festive zone. according to abc, "police in seattle have largely withdrawn from a neighborhood where protesters have created a festival like scene that has president donald trump fuming. the real problem for anyone with eyes to see and a functioning brain is that seattle's democratic mayor washington's democratic governor, they are doing nothing to protect their people and restore order. protecting life, protecting property. the citizens of seattle are now literally in danger and are
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watching it in real time. these democratic so-called leaders are doing nothing to protect the citizens of state and their city. looking the other way as a group of idiots anarchists destroy their own city. just listen for example to seattle's assistant police chief, this kind of shocked me from earlier today. take a listen. >> to be clear we did not pull a police officer out of the area. we are still responding to 911 calls and life safety emergencies. what we did was board up the windows of the building to attempt to secure it from any incendiary devices being thrown through the window or anyone making an injury in setting a fire. >> sean: is today the president responded to the chaos in seattle during an interview with our very own harris faulkner. here's what he has to say. >> president trump: if there were more toughness you wouldn't have the kind of devastation that you had in minneapolis and in seattle. you don't see what's going on in seattle come if they don't stretch straight in that
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situation out, we are. >> sean: now the protesters in the autonomous zone are holding the six city blocks hostage unless the list of demands are now met including things like free college tuition and rent control. joining us now with the full report on the very latest, our very own trace gallagher in our breaking news center. >> initially the protesters had three demands and now they have 19. it's interesting because as they are struggling to govern themselves in this so-called autonomous zone demands are all aimed at how the city of seattle should operate that government moving forward. first they demanded that seattle's police department be abolished and they wanted to ban the use of armed forces altogether which is odd considering some people at the autonomous zon owner walking ard with guns. number three, they want juvenile jails abolished along with school police. number four, they want the federal government to investigate all past and current case of police brutality in seattle and washington state. they've also added a few
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socialistic programs into their demands like free college, free public housing and free health care. and they demanded illegal immigrants be called undocumented. they also want all washington state monuments to the confederacy to be removed. as their list of demands increases, we will keep you posted. breaking news by the way, the suspect who shot and wounded a central california sheriff's deputy yesterday was involved in a gunfight with police late today. the suspect we are told was shot and killed but several other officers were also shot and wounded. we will bring you details of the breaking news as they can. >> sean: got to stop. joining us now with more reaction to the chaos in seattle we have louisiana senator john kennedy back with us. i think the simple roles of any elected official. the first role, if you've got to maintain order, you have to protect the citizens ignore state and the citizens in your city. the next thing you want to do is
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you want to protect property. now you see where it's been unfolding. curfews, no one listens to the curfews, they laugh at the curfews. then you see the looting and the arsine, arson and everything between. now we are taking over part of the city and they do nothing still? then you get a hold of the cops and they say, we have our police precinct. >> i think what we are seeing in seattle sean is a dress rehearsal for life in america without law enforcement. a civilized society has to have rules and someone to enforce them. i don't believe that the 18,000 police forces that we have in this country are endemically racist. and finally, to the governor and the mayor of seattle who i think are holding their cops back i would say gently, if you hate
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cops just because they are cops, and that's proof of that. >> sean: i'm getting very nervous for seattle. obviously all we are all as a nation, and there has been unanimous agreement on that. it's inexplicable to me that they refuse to protect them. now the president has, what. does he have to implement the insurrection act? i don't think the president is a big fan of that. at the attorney general has
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every right to do it. >> the underlying assumption that many of our public officials are making, and, that's so that all cops are racist and all therefore all cops are bad. now i don't believe that. when a radical islamic jihadists blows up a school and kills all the kids, we are told not to judge all muslims by the behavior. so why doesn't the same rule. do we have some racist cops? yes. we do not believe that police forces are endemically racist in the country. many of them are majority african-american. as i said it, i think police
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officers are necessary. and hating cops just because they are cops is as bad as racial profiling. you are judging a group of people without looking at them individually. >> sean: you know i listen to you and this is pure old-fashioned common sense and decency, praying for the people of seattle. praying for the people in all the cities have to experience all of this turmoil. it has to stop what you said is so basic, it's wrong and it's fundamental. the fact that we don't do it, it's inexplicable. ask for being with us. i'm sorry, finished her last thought. >> i don't mean any disrespect but the mayor needs to take her meds. she can't maintain order in
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seattle without her law enforcement officials. >> sean: well said, senator. we appreciate it, and we hope they listen. now we turn to joe biden. he's having a very big week. he actually made it out of the house, the basement bunker. port terry mccullough, he said keep him there. i find with him down there, he only sees two people a day. didn't work out too well either. the course like his colleagues, joe biden has zero plan for "law & order." he has actually no plan to improve policing are called tensions in the country. in fact, he is attending a high dollar fund-raiser tonight headlined by the front of the police activists john legend, the singer guy. but the biggest concern is still biden's fitness for office. joe can barely leave his basement or barely other two sentences without, well, acting confused and confounded and today was no different than any other day that he has to talk for more than, well, one minute.
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>> the failure to respond to the pandemic, i think the federal government has advocated an effective leadership role, the white house has at least advocated that role. you know, the rapidly rising -- and with the dash i don't know. just the inability to focus on any federal responsibility. >> sean: okay. i don't think that's how you are supposed to wear a mask, joe. naturally that was not the only moment of confusion from biden but his worst moments in the past 24 hours happened during an interview on comedy central when bided biden floated an insane age-old conspiracy theory and refuse to accept the results of the election. in fact he threatened it to "send in the trips to the white house" if president trump refused to leave.
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okay joel, wow. >> have you ever considered what would happen if the election results came up as you're the winner and trump refused to leave? >> yes i have and i was so proud of. we have four chiefs of staff coming out and ripping the skin off of trump. and you have so many rank and file military personnel saying, well. we are not a military state, this is not who we are. i'm absently convinced they will escort him from the white house with great dispatch. >> sean: that's why terry mccullough says and that's why we don't want them to leave the basement bunker. that's the push to conform around the country, little regard for the building's name around senator robert former klansman, former klansman and leader.
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and here is where we are. you see all of this happening just from the beginning of this year. we all knew, always emotional highs and lows during election years. 145 days, and you the american people, you will be the ultimate jury. we will be given a chance again to shock the world. i hope you do, that's my personal strong opinion. the well-thought-out of the opposite, while things couldn't be any more clear. do you want a v-shaped recovery, when you begin to see all these jobs come back, which we've already seen the beginnings of? do you believe in prosperity? do you believe in "law & order"? do you believe in controlling our borders? do you want to eliminate oil and gas, the lifeblood of oil's economy? president trump says a lot of things, probably one of the highest energy people i've seen serve in that office, up against
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the 77-year-old lifelong politician frankly that is being propped up by a radical, socialist democratic party. and of course there are willing accomplices in the media mob. you want all of america to look like seattle's autonomous zones because that is what a lot of socialist extreme democrats would like. defined the police, what's that all about? by the way, you have a lot of democrats selling. let's get your general impression that i'm just kind of guessing you might have about a couple of whiteboards, but i might be wrong. >> first of all you are overly kind to vice president joe biden come you didn't show the worst comment he made which said, it was his greatest concern that donald trump if you lost the election would refuse to leave the white house. you know what i thought of immediately when that happened? my thought of the moment in 2008 when john mccain was out of town hall and a woman stood up
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and made derogatory comments about barack obama and ended by saying she thought he was an arab. john mccain said with all due respect, he's a good man, a good family man and someone i just happen to disagree with on the issues. to sort of set biden up, and and at that moment, he had to engaged to what could not be described as anything other than demagoguery. and shame on him for doing so. we don't need that in america, we don't need to undermine the confidence in our institutions and try to treat our political opponents and, he couldn't string two sentences together
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earlier, but those were two sentences that he should not have uttered. >> sean: if president trump kirk cured cancer, they would still would hate him, those on the left. and you've been reading all the new developments as related to the deep state, and that something i never thought i would see in that this country either. >> they put a ban on the travel from china and vice president joe biden, they called it xenophobic and racist, but six or seven weeks later he said he
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agreed with it. he may have considered it racist at that moment, but when the efficacy of it was proved, he did change his mind. of course he didn't apologize for his earlier statements, doesn't even acknowledge the earlier statements but, i got to be fair to the guy. at this moment, at that moment when you did that, they were banning people, and, the seattle police chief carmen best, and those protests are the opportunity to build a better nation.
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the city councilwoman for that particular commissioners council precinct said that police precinct, she hopes it will be converted into a public resource that will actually be helpful to society. in other words, police are not actually helpful to society and we don't need them not council precinct. maybe these people to serve the government that they are getting because this is a kind of it idiocy that we have coming from the councilwoman who says, you know, and they are calling on people who can't actually be helpful to that society. >> sean: a lot of events that haven't happened to impact the reaction. hopefully we can get america open it back to work. when we come back, even the
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cartoon paul patrol is getting caught up in the backlash. laura logan and dan bongino weigh in on this effort. and yes, defund the police altogether. here in this country. ms the so for us, at newday to help those people at this point in time. it's a labor of love, it's a noble service, and that's what we're all about.
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actually have cameras, which i want every officer to wear. and to protect the cops. >> the question now is whether all shows reality or scripted it dealing with police officers might be canceled. the paramount network decided to end the 33 year run of the serious cops. now, amd is pulling the plug on its hit show live tv which has infuriated fans and baffled the host of the show dan abrams who told bill hemmer today that the
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show offers a valuable perspective. watch. >> i had thought the show would survive. i had thought that we can both support the important protests and calls for change going on around the country and say that lives pd and transparency amongst police officers and police department's can and should be part of that. >> discoveries i.d. channel set its show, "body cam" so much alive pd is off the show for the foreseeable future. and the animated show pop patrol is also getting them in social media backlash because of chase, the german shepherds depiction of a police officer. >> sean: i had to look up what it was. you know, i'd like to cops. we got to learn how hard that job is, how difficult it is and how a professional so many that protect and serve their
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communities are. anyway, now as president trump stresses "law & order," and all of this left-wing symbolism. police will now stop responding to "noncriminal activity. and, like congresswoman karen bass by the way it is now claiming that the l.a. mayor garcetti didn't defund the police, he just cut the budget by now reportedly up to $150 million. how is that going to end up? well i ask the simple question, it's midnight and someone is breaking into your home, who do you call? this is the same type of
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flawless agenda that is gripping every corner of the new radical socialist democratic party with the help of their media mob. free contributors. and here with reaction, fox news contributor and author of the upcoming book, "follow the money" dan bongino and the host of "no agenda" larry logan. and a run today by such. how many people were shot in chicago. never fix it. and we get the worst results, we never fix that either.
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>> even if you look for example, nypd, they are just over 50% of the nypd is made up of minorities. and yes, you just named a few of those in charge of the cities and in charge of the police forces who are all supposedly on the team that is not to blame for everything that is happening. and, i watch pop patrol and i do have small kids. it is sort of extraordinary. and that cast them into her broken leg. what i look at a lot of the time is the information warfare. they not only show transparencies you also remove what a good cop looks like. then what are the role models for people and the kids out there to bond.
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then, you can capture a picture of someone in riot gear or someone who looks like a victim on the ground. sometimes they have committed crimes and sometimes they are armed. it is very careful managing of the image, the democrats control a lot of the cities or minorities in many positions throughout the institutions where they've had plenty of opportunities to fix it and they haven't. same with the secret service. if we remove all images of what policemen are supposed to be, then what kind of role model is that?
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an end it wasn't and now in hindsight, it shows us what we don't want to be. it's something very disturbing going on in the information warfare campaigning, and that's part of what's attacking you and anyone who has a different view. >> sean: well said. it will be interesting, dan bongino. all the lovely word said about the former klansman, grand hub hubei, robert kkk byrd, monuments to democrats and all the other -- lots of other examples and we watch the media. you know tv ratings and you also no law enforcement. a tv show doesn't last 32 years on the air like cops unless people are watching in high numbers. life pd, one of the highest rated shows on cable. we actually get to learn a lot by watching how dangerous this job is but also i would argue it
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keeps everybody honest. i've been an advocate of this for years. >> this cancel culture, you understand it's cannibalistic. life pd, he is a leftist. i don't have any problem with that. and that's not the point. >> the websites, i don't want them canceled. that's part of being on television. i'm fair game like anyone else, and have your way. the irony right now is a leftist who has websites that attack us, who is the one defending dan abrams and his show? us. not the leftists. >> sean: you know who defended
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bill maher? bill maher. bill maher hates me. i defend bellmawr all the time. i don't like anything he says. what a lot of people don't know, and you've experienced this and i've experienced this, lori you haven't much but you will, is that there are tens of millions of dollars taping every second, every minute, any conservatives on the air. one word, one sentence, one paragraph that they hate. that will get us boycotted or fired or both. >> and still we defend them. now we remember who the real principal folks are. we are defending a guy who literally can't stand them and they would throw us under the bus, sean, in a minute. because that's what they do, it's not what we do. >> sean: laura, i hope it never happens to you. let me be very clear. >> had happened to me today, it happens to me all the time.
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>> sean: and tonight we have even more big breaking developments in our quest to hold those who abused power and those who are corrupt accountable. as the dni chief john ratcliffe declassified infamous intelligence community assessment annexed on russian interference, and we now know that it left out key details and red flags about what they knew about christopher steele. it also proves how mr. super patriot james comey misled president trump about the dirty dossier. it's salacious and unverified. the warrant was using the dossier as the basis of the phis application and he signed three of them. this all comes as the senate judiciary committee has no authorized subpoenas for over 50 officials in the crossfire
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hurricane investigation. now joining a senate judiciary chairman lindsey graham. senator, you have blockbuster testimony from rod rosenstein. knowing what we know now, we wouldn't have signed that fisa application, we now know that the fbi knew from his earliest dealings, this was a brush research project, and director wray, where are you? he has yet to turn over those to the senate and slow walking that. the house g.o.p., we will get 110 referrals in the next few days about liking and miscondu misconduct, and the dni declassification. i would say senator, the american people were not only lied to, they were lied to repeatedly and these people we've identified did everything
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we reported and more. >> nobody seems to give a damn in the mainstream media. so just think about how much coverage was given to the mueller investigation. two and half years and $25 million. in january 17, comey provides president trump a copy of the steele dossier ancestor the president, i don't know if this is true. we can't verify it, but that's the same document that was used multiple times to get a warrant against carter page for comey, mccabe and others. he for sure signed an affidavit thing it was reliable. and they set the dossier was a bunch of bartok and unreliable hearsay. i have the tools as chairman to get to the bottom of this and i
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will. i believe they still have their pin on and that 99% of them are good and decent people. knowing what you now know and we all know, are you confident that the people that abuse that power, the people that are corrupt, that knew and had premeditated fraud in the fisa court, people involved helping donald trump not win it, are they going to be held accountable, lindsay? because i think i would go to jail. >> let me ask for the question. there's an fbi agent who thought that steel wasn't very reliable, and lo and behold they were able to find the russian in the professional that it sounds like russian disinformation.
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there's a multiple page memo from the interview of the russian sub source in january which basically is shredding the reliability of the dossier. the question is, can anybody in the fbi go to mccabe and comey and say, by the way, the warrant we've been using is no longer reliable. i find it hard to believe that nobody at the top was told by the professionals in the organization that our case fell apart. >> sean: you had the i thought the biggest blockbuster test testimony. by the way, you were criticized because people said it, not moving fast enough, there's a time into place. what did it tell you and what are the next steps? >> it tells me that rosenstein
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signed the warrant application, and it tells me that the scope memo, and the trump campaign was written. and did you know the fbi had learned that the dossier was no longer knows what was reliable? most of them are going to say, no. i don't believe mccabe and comey could possibly have not known that the dossier could have been rejected by the sub source. i can't believe the fbi's that poorly run. the most important investigation and nobody told the top of the fbi, by the way our case fell apart. i'm not going to look for people who interview the sub source get
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blamed for this. >> sean: and so at the end of the day, you watch the coverage of this program and our ensemble cast, was there anything that was wrong that you see and there was the rest of the mob and the media that was talking about trump and russia, trump and russia. >> i will tell you, and august 2017 i found no evidence that there was anyone named in the scope memo, and by august of 2017, the carter page warrant application was complete. january the fourth of 2017 the fbi with insisted that he continue to be investigated. every time there was a stop sign, they ran it. every time there was exculpatory
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information, they ignored it. as chairman, i had tools for a subpoena that i didn't have before. >> sean: all we know now, and you will get a lot more information. is it wrong for me to mischaracterize this as an attempted coup? within the fbi and intel committee, is that a fair statement? that's what i see. >> and if you care about the will of law you should want me to get to the bottom of this. doesn't matter how you get him as long as you get him. >> sean: that's all in play
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now. thank you lindsey graham, who are looking at life pictures of the ongoing police protest. coming up, today the president announced that he is finalizing the executive order on police reform. that's coming up next. allergy relief plus an immediate cooling sensation for your throat. feel the clarity and live claritin clear.
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>> sean: earlier today the president announced he is executive order of policing. also pardoned by president trump and now running by the way his congressional candidate, and my old home state of georgia. also the goddaughter of my friend, al vida king who i love tremendously. you are watching all of this unfolded, probably no greater speech in our history than "i have a dream." what are your thoughts? criminal justice reform didn't happen under the democrats, it happened under donald trump. why did they do it? >> that's the question that everyone is asking. why didn't they do it? they had eight years and they controlled the house and this is something they most certainly could have done. but you know, it's the media.
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the media never wants to tell the truth and give the honest story. i was right there and part of the movement, passing criminal justice reform. it was my story where the president made it illegal for women to give birth chained to a bed. and that's the initiative for the first step at criminal justice reform. they make the arrest, and so i appreciate that president that is signing the order. >> sean: historically black colleges, minority unemployment. >> that reinforces how much he cares about the black community and inner-city, and invest even
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moms love that land o' frost premium sliced meats have no by-products. [conference phone] baloney! [conference phone] has joined the call. hey baloney here. i thought this was a no by-products call? land o' frost premium. a slice above. ♪ >> sean: all right, you never thought this would be all unfold, think of this year. coronavirus, we watched a video
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of george floyd, shocked the conscience of our country, now we see anarchy, looting, we see police stations and blocks burned, taken over, prescenes burned to the ground. lauren graham, my heart yet again is troubled. i'm tired of saying it is troubled, i want my heart to not be troubled, but it is troubled for the sake of our country. >> laura: what happened to "let not your heart be troubled, what happened to that? we heard that for a year, the going gets tough, and -- toughen up, buttercup. we've got it. we got it, mixed martial arts men, we can handle it, we got it. >> sean: keep it coming. >> laura: i have to tease you. i thought a handoff if it's all -- >> sean: no, no, no, -- have fun at my expense. i deal with this perfectly, but i hate to see our country
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