tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News June 18, 2020 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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for dad for father's day at if they win, we lose the country. laura ingraham. i really believe if they win we lose the country and i laid out the case in this book and i'm going to give you a box set fore free. >> laura: yes, see, you have people applauding in your studio. i think i need some people h applauding people applauding. >> sean: socially distant. >> laura: i've got more people. i've got more people applauding. you got one person. but hannity, hannity, i think when you're watching what's going on with the dash got to do this, got to do that, football is never going to start again, kids can't go back to school, there are literally a lot of people out there who don't seem to want to reopen the country at all under any circumstances, ever. >> sean: out where mass, i'm
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willing to go to a football game, i'll wear a mask. how about we let we the peoplele decide. >> laura: how about past law before you mandate people do stuff. put it up for vote, eat their decrees about what people should do. congress can get in, put all their various accoutrements on and they can vote on it. >> sean: have a great show. >> laura: great to see you. l.a. tonight, our own raymond arroyo took to the streets of santa monica. this can't miss report later in the hour and also police across the country are walking off the job and they are fed up, i don't blame them for being taken for granted or even denigrated because of the actions of a very small minority. the president of the new york detective association is here to tell us what cops from coast-to-coast are telling them tonight. plus, ambassador ric grenell is
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here, the true motivation of mr. bolton exposed and senator ted cruz is here on the betrayal of those so called "judicial conservatives" of the supreme court. but first, democrats devour our cities, that's the focus of tonight's "angle." "the wall street journal" today published a searing piece about the coming exodus from urban america. in just three months, it has become clear that modern urban progressivism is a politically incompetent intellectually incoherent. the unhappy result is young families and well-off retirees leave is that these cities will be increasingly becoming more divided between upscale progressive singles able to afford the political incompetence and the residents of intercity neighborhoods that will fall further behind. in march when the covid lockdown began, we saw how quickly life and most big cities deteriorated.
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left-leaning mayors prolonged their stay-at-home orders when common sense screams that doing so would only create tidal waves of misery. so when the schools and churches and community rec center is closed, there was little for young people and cities to do. many of them couldn't go tos wok or they had been laid off and what happened then? unemployment skyrocketed and the black unemployment rate in may was the highest in more than a decade at 16.8%. the horrific killing of george floyd and the outrage that it triggered was like a match on dry kindling wood that was then doused in rocket fuel. political arsonists encourage criminals to rampage through cities and spread fear to the suburbs. peaceful protesters were used as cover for both antifa and blm to push a corrosiveal anti-law enforcement narrative. police precincts were overrun as mayors and governors sat by just
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twiddling their thumbs. these urban saboteurs are so desperate to rid america of trump, so committed to upending capitalism, they'll sacrifice anyone and anything along the way. if some innocent people have to die, if some family-owned businesses have to suffer, so be it. in a few moments we will hear how if you are coping. the scenes i'm about to show you and they allurbing occurred in american cities where racial hatred and antipolice sentiment is being allowed to fester and grow. >> [bleep], [bleep]. >> [bleep]! >> [bleep]!
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>> laura: why did the other networks not run any of that? we are already seeing a massive wave of crime sweep across our major cities. new york city has seen the number of murders double from last year's figures, from 19 to 38, burglaries at 47%, car theft 60%. this is all this by the lockdowns which the experts told us would reduce crime. other cities are plagued by violence aswh well. l.a., that's where we are. police reporting that murders are up, get this. how much? 250% just in the first week of june. and as riot scrip chicago, the windy city saw it theur deadliet day in 60 years. eight people were killed in just 24 hours. most of them african-american. major media outlets do not cover the stocks. why? if a cop tases someone who is resisting arrest you're going to see every camera angle. why? are democrats and members of the media excusing wanton acts of violence for some to further our
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particular political agenda? of course they are. here's how the bright minds at cnn rationalized rayshard brooks' decision to attack atlanta police officers. >> mr. brooks was known by them not to have a weapon other than the taser he'd taken from them. >> a lot of niceties for a long time. what about the benign option of, the guy said he's going to walk home, why not give them the option of letting them leave that way? >> laura: he was driving drunk, okay? local and state politicians in both parties are too afraid or too weak to face the truth. america has an intense spiritual and family problem. not systemic racism and policing.o for too long we also had an economic system that helped multinational companies at the expense of working people. so instead of addressing these
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very difficult problems, the media, they want to convince kids that the entire criminal justice system is in itself inherently abusive toward one group of people. now, you bet racism exists in the country. and so does cynicism. the type of cynicism that says that black kids and their families don't deserve to have a choice in education and they don't deserve to have what? their jobs stay here instead of being shipped overseas?ch what the left is proposing and what biden is promising would be disastrous for all but, i'm telling you, for african-americans, they would suffer the most. their economic policy would not only have a job creation in the united states, it would restart the effort to ship jobs offshore.. so economic wage growth will stagnate. of course, what will happen? china will profit, though. now wealthy people like millionaires and billionaires spending biden's campaign can benefit from all those policies.
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after all, many of them on the companies that want to take jobs from here and send them over there and they want foreigners, more of them who will lower wages than here in the united states. and by the way those same rich people can avoid some of the harmful effects of left-wing policies by doing what they've done in the past, fleeing the cities for the suburbs. there they will have probably plenty of police and there they will be able to send their kids to private schools and work at decent jobs. all from the comfort of home. but poor people of allll races, especially the ones stuck in the cities, they work at essential jobs and they'll pay the price. >> i could see the glass completely just shatter. >> as her husband ralph was trying to clean up outside, she turned to see him on the ground in front of a large crowd, unconscious. >> i started to scream, i tried to wake him, he wouldn't wake back up. i tried to call for the police,
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no one was picking up. >> laura: no one was picking up. it doesn't have to be this way. president trump hasng shown that he will fight and beat the business lobbies who don't want to pay at decentng wages to american workers. unlike biden, he will stand up to the pro-china lobby and keep good jobs here at home and unlike biden, he will fight crime and work to keep our cities safe and vibrant for all. unlike biden, he will resist efforts to dragli america intol useless wars. just ask john bolton. and his party stands with him. the reason the left keeps bringing up age and history is because today's g.o.p. is ready, willing, and eager to work with african-americans. we want to empower them and we want them to make a major part -- make up a major part of the g.o.p. coalition. any claim to the contrary is a lie and it's toxic and we won't stand for it.
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but democrats have nothing substantive to offer which is why they do w everything possibe to insult african-americans like tim scott, who takes leadership roles in the g.o.p. and take some very seriously. for the last 60 years, american liberals have promised african-americans at their policies and make things better. they were wrong and their policies have failed miserably. that's why the left has to spread hatred and division, that's why they're lying about this country and its history, they have nothing positive to offer today. their only hope is to persuade americans to give up and turn on each other. >> if you've observed at current violations of the savior at home order, please continue to let us know in this cage t my case, "snitches get rewards." >> sometimes making the enforcement is there to educate people. t >> everyone will say, i'm not racist. great, that's not good enough. >> laura: we have to dismiss these efforts to divide where
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cities will be lost and never find the unity we were created to achieve and that's the angle. joining me now is dr. ben carson. thank you for being with us tonight, you were born inca detroit, you work for so many years in baltimore, are you worried thatat we are going to lose the cities? >> we are in the process of losing them, fortunately the solutions to this are built already into our foundation. you know, i was at the national archives today with the first lady and we were lookingnd at documents of freedom and one of the real keys here is the people, our country is about the people and the people have to inform themselves. the way it was initially, structured is that the media would be the mechanism for
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informing the people. that's the reason the press is the only business that's protected by our constitution. but of course they sort of left us. now it's going to be up to the people to find what the truth is themselves. it means they're going to have to invest a little more time, a little more effort but if you're living in the city and you keep electing the same people and they keep doing the same thing and making promises in which they continue to break. that would be time to do some analysis and say maybe i need to switch. we should look for results, who makes promises and keeps them? that should be the issue, not what color is somebody or what particular party they belong to. >> laura: secretary carson, over the next couple weeks, the 1619 project, "the new york times" big effort
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on race in america, that's being adopted by school districts, despite the fact that major historians, incredibly prominent historians have called into question major tenants of this platform. your thoughts on what that will do to young people's perception of the united states. >> it's a little troubling to sometimes see the way education has evolved and you know, a lot of the schools are not teaching traditional american history. young people don't get a chance to see what outstanding country we live in. there are some exceptions when it comes to black history, a black history 360 series coming out that i think is getting praise from both sides but we have to really put the emphasis on education once again, i've always said that if somebody gets a good education it doesn't matter where they came from,
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detroit, boston, it doesn't matter. they're going to do well in our society and we have people who say, you don't get school choice, we don't want anything that really works. some of the schools in baltimore have failed and children were going to be sent to other schools and the politicians got around those, saying no, these are our schools. these are our failing schools and our failing students. we have got to take care of our children if we really want to succeed as a society. >> laura: i want to read to you what the chairman of blm new york said about the possibility of biden taking val demings, a black woman as his vp. that joe biden would be an idiot to put her on the ticket, people are already on the fence about
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him. when black people become police officers, they are no longer black, they are blue. how did we get here, mr. secretary?bl that an african-american woman is now not authentic because she served as a police officer according to this black lives matter official. >> it's completely the opposite of what dr. martin luther king said, evaluate people based on their character and not the i color of their skin. it's all about identity politics. that way you can manipulate each one of the groups separately and make you think that you are there savior but i think we may have a surprise coming because i think the american people are a lot smarter than anybody gives them credit for. i certainly hope that's the case
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because if that is the case america's future is solid. >> laura: dr. carson, thank you so much. wonderful to see you tonight. and the urban surrender we just talked about will result in streets that are left jack west safe. democratic cities are bowing to the mob, slashing safety budgets. l.a., new york, seattle, portland, even baltimore which is on pace to exceed last year's record-breaking offside numbers are cutting millions of dollars from the police department.a. due to the lack of resources and daily vitriol, police are now wondering, is it even worth it? in the wake of political prosecution in atlanta, officers there are walking out. a source told "the ingraham angle" that the blue flu could reportedly spread from departments from new york to l.a. where we broadcast from tonight. here now with me is paul jacobo, paul, you speak to officers across this country, gave the american people than a general
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feeling, the general mood right now among officers. >> good evening, laura. the general move a amounts police across the country as they feel abandoned and they are at their breaking point, they have no support from elected officials, no support from the d.a.'s office and they're out there on their own, the only people that are protecting them are the police unions out there protecting their members. >> laura: when you see people, police officers feeling like when they go get fast food that they're being treated differently, or with derision or name-calling, you can't stop people from calling names, that's just the way it is but there does seem to be a heighteneded level of disrespect and just sheer nastiness especially from young people toward the police. how does that affect life on the streets when push comes to shove
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sadly as we are seeing, literally and symbolically. >> it's very difficult for the officers on the street to take that verbal abuse. and also physical abuse on the street, we are not paid to be abused either verbally or physically and you need the backing of the elected officials and the silent majority, the people that are in favor of the police to speak up and come out and support a us. >> laura: this is amazing, cnn's own law enforcement analyst completely blew apart the networks narrative on policing, watch. >> unfortunately there's not a whole lot of balance that's taking place in terms of their reporting. one of the consequences of what's going on right now. police are being demonized to a large extent. that's the good cops that really are looking at this and saying, why am i bothering, why am i doing this? >> laura: former d.c. chief of police, paul. how many cops are just going to
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say enough, either take early retirement or just leave and try to do something else? >> there's quite a few young officers that i've spoken to over the last couple of weeks that are ready to resigngnpo frm the nypd. l i know that retirements are up, people are leaving. and the fact of the matter is the only people that are going to suffer in the long run are the people in the city of new york, there will be more homicides, more victims of crime and it's unfair to the law-abiding citizens of this city. >> laura: i think right now a lot of people are concerned that city life is over for the foreseeable future. if people think you're going to deal with increased violence, hard to make a living, look at the crime rate we are putting up on the screen right now, they are just massive increases in the homicide rate in new york but if they feel like they can't make a decent living and the streets aren't safe, you can't blame people for leaving the cities and then what happens? then there is a dystopian
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landscape courtesy of democrat leadership? >> absolutely. in regards to homicides being up, behind every victim of a homicide is a family and behind that family is a new york city r police detective investigating that homicide, trying to bring some closure for that family. and they're out there doing their job in a very difficult time. policing has been more difficult now than i've ever seen it in 37 years. >> laura: paul, thank you so much for joining us tonight. what we saw this week was the betrayal of the judicial conservative movement by the supreme court. senator ted cruz took to the senate floor to deliver an extremely important speech on this alarming trend.he he's here next, he's going to tell us what it is. raymond arroyo spoke to business owners in santa monica who had their livelihood ripped from them by looters. who did they think was behind it and why weren't there police there? that report later. ♪ guys, are you tired
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>> laura: that's my next guest, senator ted cruz today rallying against the court, obama was blatantly unconstitutional executive order that unilaterally changed immigration law. roberts will wrote the opinion that while trump had the authority to ask daca, he didn't give a reasonable estimation of his actions. justice neil gorsuch joined liberals in a decision that expanded federal antidiscrimination law to cover lgbtq employees paid regardless of what you think of that policy outcome, this wasn't the court's decision to make and it once again shows that religious conservatives who stand up for g.o.p. judicial nominees are always left holding the bag. senator cruz joined me now.
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senator, does this represent the death of the conservative legal movement or is that going too far? there are a lot of people really depressed out there tonight. >> this was a disastrous week at the core. john roberts' decision in both cases, john roberts was on the wrong side. the decision today on obama's executive amnesty as you noted, roberts wrote the opinion and it was john roberts and the four liberals and the opinion is, it's a joke, it is -- he's playing games because as you noted, not a single justice, none of the nine disputed that what obama did was illegal, it was contrary to federal immigration law and they all agreed that trump has t the authority to reverse it and nevertheless what they held today is that trump is prevented from stoppingre breaking the la. because obama broke the law and the game roberts played, yes, of
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course trump has the authority to stop breaking the law buddy didn't explain it well enough and it's exactly the same thing, a year ago, roberts did the same thing, joining with the four liberals in a case striking down the census where the trump administration wanted to ask ass part of theng census, the question, "are you a u.s. citizen?" we've asked a version of that question in every sense sinc 1820. he said of course you got the authority to do this but the commerce department didn't explain their reasons well enough so where striking it down and what he knew perfectly well is there was not time enough ton do it again. what this decision today is about is about five justices who want amnesty to continue and are hoping that the results in november will be a democratic president that will ignore the law and continue amnesty and this was a shameful decision today and the title vii decision
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you referenced was every bit as lawless, two in a row that have been really contrary to the oldest of the justices take. >> laura: for people to understand this, the court does not make law. at least it's not supposed to. that's supposed to be left of the legislative branch, that's why we have three different branches of the government. but that's not how it works now and this is the chief justice of the supreme court. so senator, once you are chief justice, does the president have the authority tow make someone else chief justice of the court? c not that it would change the outcome of these cases but is there any benefit to that? could it happen? >> the president doesn't have the authority. the only way that a supreme court justice can be removed iss for that justice either to voluntarily resign or to be impeached and removed from
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office by the house and senate but the president -- of the chief justice is a separate position from the other eight associate justices. >> laura: that's what i'm talking about. obviously he can't be taken off the court but the title ofat chief justice, does that have -- >> it is a separate seat. the president can't do anything until john roberts is impeached or resigns, he's there as long as he wants. remember, earl lauren back when nixon was running for president, impeach earl lauren was a bumper sticker. a republican, dwight eisenhower put earl lauren on the court and republicans keep getting supreme court justices wrong over and over and over again. when george w. bush put john roberts in, in the other room was my old boss.ur if he had been on the court, obamacare would've been struck down, these decisions would have
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gone the other way and i'll tell you, look, neil gorsuch wrote the title vii opinion on sexual orientationgo and gender identiy that is utterly lawless. i urge the president emphatically to appoint mike lee for that vacancy, i am certain if mike lee had been there he would've followed the law and we would've seen different results in these cases.nt >> laura: seems like we always seem to screw up the appointment process, my old boss clarence thomas, phenomenal, back in 1990, look what they put him through. his dissent was off the charts. he said today's decision must be recognized for what it is, an effort to avoid a politically controversial but legally correct decision. it's given the green light for future political battles to become fought in this court rather than where they rightfully belong, the political branches. such timidity forsakes the court's duty to apply the law according to neutral a principles and the ripple
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effects will be felt throughout our system of self-government. they are surrendering their power. the liberal lawmakers cheering this are just saying, look, we don't have to be held accountable, you take it away. >> that's exactly right. i am right now writing a book that's coming out this fall called "one vote away" focused on the supreme court, how on issue after issue, they are 5-4. one way or the other hand one of the things that traces in the history of republican nomination, democrats that almost 1,000, almost every single one of their nominees boats exactly as they want on every single contested case. republicans at best bat .500, many of the worst judicial activists have been republican nominees and there is a pattern. those who have been faithful to their oath and their constitution, your former boss clarence thomas, my former boss william rehnquist, and scalia,
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sam alito, they had paid the price and to many republican nominations, they are afraid to nominate a strong conservative and we see the results of what happened.nq >> laura: senator cruz, your speech was amazing. thank you so much for expandinga this to the audience. according to the media, the supreme court's decision on daca means the legal batteries basically over, his administration is unlikely to be able to end daca beforeo november 3rd. my next guest says the media should wait before breaking out the victory champagne. john, you say this case is not over yet, explain why. >> well, the court remanded to the lower courts and set a tcouple things. i senator cruz just pointed out, everybody agreed that what obama did in implementing daca wasle illegal, that trump has the authority to revoke it and they
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just didn't cross the and outg dot the is. they can say we are starting from scratch, here's their reasons, 20 of them why we are getting rid of daca and they can exercise the emergencyan procedures under the administrative procedures act, the same provision of the statute that obama's health and human services used an implement and a lot of the obamacare regulations. so i think they should do that, they could get it done by the end of july and have new regulations in place. now they will be nationally adjoined about it will be back to the supreme court immediately and roberts, when he said that the president could do this, if he crossed off the right boxes, did he really mean it or was he being dishonest again in his judicial opinion? >> laura: i'm sorry but it's just disgraceful, that decision was a disgrace. especially -- it's a complete disgrace.
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it's so depressing that someone of his background could actually do this but he did it. >> the worst part about it is, the same -- trump couldn't do this without going through the hurdles of the administrative procedures act. when she issued the daca memo, secretary of dhs under obama, she didn't go to the administrative procedures act, they get to act flawlessly and we can't stop them without going through all these hurdles, it is preposterous. >> laura: and john, the president tweeted this morning that he's going to release a new list of judicial nominees for vacancies on the high court and he said he would pick among this new list, it would include some of the folks from the old list but i think it's important for him to do that, i might've suggested that a while back.
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but i think it's very important for him to hold up the court and say if you want your liberty and freedom protected, this is important, we've got to get this right, period. >> the next two vacancies are likely to be ruth bader ginsburg and stephen breyerke so hopefuly john roberts'ke vote irrelevant. but senator cruz is right. george bush made a critical mistake in putting roberts on as chief justice as rather than -- ted and i were coclerks and he would've been a fabulous chief justice, everybody knew it and he would've held the line and faithfully apply the constitution, not played political games on the bench. >> laura: we've got to go but i hope we re-examine who is giving advice about which judges are going to be the best judges. we've got to redo that whole process. john,ng thank you so much. coming out, americans just want their lives back but if dr. fauci had his way, we never caught a block down at least not until biden is elected. we take on the emperor of "no" next..
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♪ >> laura: the medical and political establishment missed him at the public on the covid-19 for months. florida beaches had the experts calling them the next italy and opening up barbershops and places in atlanta was called an experiment in human sacrifice. of course they fared better than most. now after all the double-talk, all the miscalculations, dr. fauci is upset that the country is no longer hanging on his every word. >> people are, for reasons that sometimes inconceivable and not understandable, they just don't believe science and they don't believe authority so when they see someone up in the
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white house which has an air of authority to it who is talkingbe about science, there is some people who just don't believe that and that's unfortunate because science is truth. >> laura: science is a process, he's blaming you for notxp trusting so-called experts who botched one after the other issue here. less than a week ago even pretending he didn't lie to us about all those masks. >> all that enthusiasm about going out and getting a mass, we were afraid that would deter from people who really needed it. now that we have masks although there are some is some country in a contradiction,as the circumstances have changed. >> laura: out of my kids areou going to say it next time they don't do their homework? "the circumstances have changed." they have, america is waking up. almost seems like dr. fauci
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almost wanted to get the country closeded until there is a vacci. he was talking about how things would ever return to normal. are you happy about the possibility of baseball returning. dr. faucici says that shouldn't until october at all. are you ready for the kickoff to the football season, college football, high school football? fauci says i can only happen if they playor in isolated bubbles. it's important that we listen to our elected leader, not the medical bureaucracy. wear a mask if it's appropriate, wash your hands religiously but for heaven sake, let us get on with our lives. former national security advisor john bolton has been hocking his upcoming book l to the anti-trump propaganda and of course he's portraying himself as the noble
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public servant who is just doing his dutynd and exposing a man he says is unfit for the presidency but my next guest says bolton's true motivations have nothing to do with any of that. joining me now, former acting director of national intelligence, rick, what was bolton's reputation while in office and what does it tell us now about his motivations having written this book? >> first of all, let's talk about his reputation, everything that happened leaked out of the nsc. there is no surprise that somehow all of these stories didn't leak when everything else was leaking. i have to say that everyone should be troubled by someone who is unwilling to testify under oath but is willing to
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speak under a book deal and to mel this is exactly what's happening, they say salacious stories in order to sell books, there is no other explanation for this because clearly this is not the president trump that we know and we had all sorts of signs that john bolton was going to go his own way anyway. >> laura: it was a disastrous pick, bolton didn't agree with any of trump's views about drawing down forces and in one part of the book he just is enraged that trump didn't want to bomb the heck out of syria after they shot down our unmanned drone, the president decided after looking at the projections for collateral damage and death, he said, to many body bags. to me that's a president who is in control of the data and know that and says you know, i want to hold off, that's prudent. i think that, story was actually about iran, if i remember. >> laura: i stand corrected,
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thank you. >> to want to start a war with iran when you are the security advisor for the president who ran on bringing our troops home, who ran on trying to stop endless wars and talk to the north koreans instead of picking fights, this is yet another contradiction for bolton, he didn't want to talk to the north koreans, he isdi somebody who would rather pick the fight and push the policy in a very direct way. that wasn't president trump, he wanted to make sure that we weren't going to go into wars. i've got my own situation going on because of john bolton being different than what theeoi president was. we are having both of those two to gather at the white house next saturday to talk about historic movement and agreement and i am fighting constantly
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about this rumor between the two go and that's not trump's policy but when you dig deep both sides say that's what john bolton says so i'm fighting all the rumors that persisted because boltonbo sowas pursuing his own policy rather than president trump's policy.. so i think what you have to do is when you sign up to work forn a president like president trump who is a disruptor, who is from the outside and wants to changes washington, you can't be somebody like john bolton who lives in washington, d.c., whose career is washington, d.c., who wants to go back too washington, d.c., and make all of his money in washington, d d.c., when he's done, this is no longer a fight of republicans versus democrats, this is a fine of washington, d.c., versus the rest of america. >> laura: yeah, the swamp and those who want all the money in the swamp to marinate in all these lobbies and all these groups. i mean, he wants to make big money. okay, he can go make big money
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but try not being a creep. thanks so much. up next, raymond on the road from santa monica, you don't want to miss this. ♪ guys, it's that time... and nothin's happenin'. well now there's score!, from force factor, to rev your libido and maximize physical response. it's no wonder force factor is the #1 fastest-growing men's health brand at walmart. unleash your potential in the bedroom with score!.
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we sent our own raymond arroyo there to speak to residents and business owners. he is what he found. >> at of may here at the santa monica promenade, 80 businesses were looted, ransacked, and destroyed while police did nothing. when the police here finally made arrests, 95% of the 400 people they arrest them or not this country. >> they took the refrigerator and they shoved it. >> this is the santa monica homeopathic pharmacy. >> we lost all of our computers, we lost a lot of money, they took a whole bunch of stuff, ruined a bunch of products. >> the owner of the pharmacy was personally assaulted. >> by the time he got here it was absolute mayhem, he tried to
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stop people from going into the store, it wasn't working so he went around the corner, had hish keys in his hand, three gigantic people jumped in and started pummeling him on the back of the head, kicking him to the ground, it was notth a good situation. in the meantime one of our staff members was around the corner calling 911, asking for help when her friend went around the corner to say hey, you guys, stop. they got distracted, they turned around and when they got distracted he was able to jump in his car and get away. >> he's still recovering? >> he's still recovering and i really believe that if that friend of ours hadn't distracted them they could've killed him. >> at the nearby santa monica car and window tinting, owned a business here for 32 years. >> i was watching tv at home and that's how i find out the store is being looted and there were a lot of people, they broke in and
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immediately i got a call from the alarm company, police officers not showing up. >> your husband tried to defend the business? >> it was really difficult, they had gone. for our safety we decided to stay away, you know, you never think such a thing happens in the city of santa monica in the daylight with no police officer showinged up. >> the owner of the smc pharmacy across the street watched as his building was also trashed by looters. >> organized crime to the highest level, coming in in cars and groups of ten, 15 cars and looting from store to store. >> the rioting and looting here in santa monica was not accidental, in fact it was intentional. the cofounder of black lives matter l.a. told "los angeles times," we want to go to places of white affluence so the pain and outrage that we
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feel can be put right in their faces. the question, is this the best way to communicate our message of racial justice and equality? >> i don't think that's the way to explain it because i already feel their pain, we areeca immigrants, we worked really hard to build up this business, 30 years and for me watching what they dead it was not acceptable we are that the victim here, we are a small business, how are we going to recover from this? i don't even know. >> we have a lot of patience, as a pharmacy, saving people's lives and there's people out there, any kind of group trying to interfere with saving other people's lives, that's just not right. >> the store has been there for 75 years and think of all the other mom-and-pop stores that got destroyed. so no, violence is never the answer, i don't know what their answer is and my heart goes out
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to all the people who have major discrimination, it's horrible but no, violence is horrible and wrecking things, what good is that going to do? >> laura: it is heartbreaking and there is more that interview, it is devastating and we got teared up just listening to their stories and they are still badly affected by this. father's day is coming up and guess who don jr. scored an interview with on his show? last night, next. ♪
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>> 100%? >> 100%. i will say you for the purposes of this interview but other than that. all the same. >> laura: still tougher interview than chris cuomo gave his brother. shannon bream from here. shannon?an >> i'm not asking my parents about their favorite. have a great show. we begin with a fox news alert. we are watching atlanta's two former police officers turn themselves in the following the death of razo bechard brooks, a black when they were trying to arrest. one of them is charged with murder. law enforcement officials accusing the district attorney of overcharging the fire officer in order to help themselves. m
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