tv Hannity FOX News June 19, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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>> thank you for caring enough to write this book. >> thank you for being the only host to talk about this subject, thank you. >> tucker: it is awful, absolutely awful. >> we hope you have a great weekend nevertheless, we will see you monday. sean hannity right now. ♪ >> sean: welcome to the special "hannity" countdown, i'm jason chaffetz and for sean. president trump is going back onto the campaign trail tomorrow night and told to oklahoma, set to hold his first rally in months and supporters are already lined up and eager to see the president and action. now the president tweeted earlier today "big crowds in line already forming an toll set up. my campaign hasn't started yet. it starts on saturday night in oklahoma. and also warned anarchists and agitators to stay away. after an apparent threat from
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outside groups to disrupt the event. malcolm according to the trump campaign, 1 million people have registered online for the first come first serve rally. and also breaking tonight the oklahoma supreme court has rejected an effort to stop the president from hosting the event altogether. here at the latest on the ground life and told his fox news correspondent casey stegall. what is the latest? >> hey, jason, good to see you. the president is right, a lot of people are already here appeared a lot of enthusiastic fans and more are making their way again, descending on tulsa, oklahoma, today. of course, tomorrow i head of the rally, city officials say there are people driving in from all over the country and even flying here to be a part of this event. would you believe that some have actually been camped outside for a couple of days just so they can be the first ones into the arena? the vino case center which is where this will be held can hold
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up to 19,000 people. we understand there will be overflow of some sort for thousands more. trump officials have received some 1 million requests for tickets and if that is the case that makes twice as many people wanting to attend this rally and the population of tulsa itself. >> 2:30 a.m. monday morning three and a half days ago i knew this would be a big rally and ii wanted to get to see this. over 1 million tickets requested for this so i wanted to be here early. >> this is kind of the new thing, this will be my 36th rally and 19th different state. that is why i decided i wanted to come here because i haven't seen a rally in oklahoma and i've never been to oklahoma. >> public health official showing record highs have new coronavirus cases are emerging in tulsa, oklahoma.
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and specifically almost already in line which says that does not bother them. they are not afraid one bit. the campaign says they will take the temperatures of everyone who goes inside the arena. they will also be handing out face masks and hand sanitizer though it is optional and whether people will use the face masks for the rally itself for now. jason. >> casey, thank you very much, of course the lob in the media continues to spread peer and head of the president despite a dorothy mask, just weeks ago and to be clear oklahoma is in phase 3 of reopening plan. now state officials including the governor are making assurances that safety will be a top priority has the event will reportedly include temperature checks and hand sanitizer at the door. here to explain more on all of this is the governor of oklahoma, kevin, thank you for joining us tonight. >> it is my pleasure, thank you
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for having me. >> jason: governor you have your hands full and massive amount of people that want to see the president action. the agitators that want to mix the pot here, what is oklahoma going to do to make sure it does not involv evolved into chaos? >> i'm not worried about oklahomans actually. we have plenty of security deed there. we have been real pennell for 57 days. we were the first state to come out of this. we have been in phase three train since june 1st. so we are excited. we been having little league games so far appear in oklahoma has been open for business since june 1st fully. that is why the president chose oklahoma to have the first rally. this is the first rally of many that he will hold through november. >> jason: you have a massive crowd. are you concerned about having 19,000 people in close proximity? is it safe for those people together so closely in such
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large numbers? >> well, we have taken the precautions necessary. we are about freedom in oklahoma. so i told oklahomans who are free to come to this relic my free to stay home, free to protect your families how you need to. and remember, we've been open for 57 days and we have 211 people in the hospital across the state of oklahoma. 211. and so we are testing way many more people. we are seeing people of asymptomatic testing positive, but again, we look at hospitalizations. we have built plenty of capacity of 5,000 beds available. that is why we issued 25 executive orders to slow the spread. we've done that in oklahoma. >> jason: so you have these massive crowds and nearly a million tickets demanded out there. and applications and whatnot. what are you going to do with all these people that lyrically could be hundreds of thousands of people to come and you only have 19,000 people indoors. what about the other people?
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what are you going to do with them? >> well, there is an overflow crowd but it is a testament that people are ready to move on and especially in oklahoma. we have to learn how to deal with this virus. it's not like it's going to magically disappear in august or september. so other states, we are several mittens ahead of other states. and so we know people will be there and there will be people outside and really underscores the fact that people are ready to get back to their normal lives. and if people are excited to see president trump and we are excited to have him and host in the great state. >> jason: explained the enthusiasm because my guess is and i'm just guessing here but if joe biden showed up, i don't know if you can go to a high school gymnasium and fill it up. what is the difference in the enthusiasm here? >> you know, president trump just brings out enthusiasm in people. you can see it with the ticket sales or the ticket requests.
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there are 1 million out there. and again i'm assuming that biden will have a bench like this across the country leading up to november's election. americans need to be able to meet their candidates and see who they want to choose as president. and as a million people looking to meet president trump on saturday night and told so. >> jason: you know, i actually happen to believe it is good. i want joe biden to go out and make his case and compare and contrast. governor, you have your hands full. i think it will be an amazing event. hats off to you in the process and congratulations for being able to host this purity governor, thank you for joining us tonight. >> thank you. >> jason: all right, tonight it is clear as ever, this is a crossroads election and america has a fundamental choice to make. will they choose law and order or the left wing lawlessness in our anarchy? will we continue to make economic progress under president trump's pro-growth agenda, or will be devolved into a failed socialist state?
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because remember it is president trump who delivered an economic surge for all americans before the pandemic of end-of-life across the globe. it was president trump who was getting back on the campaign trail to deliver america first message to the voters. joining me now for reaction, black voices for trump advisory board member and former oklahoma speaker of the house, tw shannon with republican congressman from oklahoma kevin hearn may and host of the rubin report, dave rubin. gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us tonight, tw shannon, i want to start with you, you have a lot of choices in life, speaker of the house. why are you doing what you are doing for donald trump? >> jason it is pretty clear, when you look at the record that president trump has on promises made, promises kept. the president told us he was going to go to washington, d.c., and change how washington does
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business. he is going to hold people accountable. he would hold the left wing media accountable and he's done it. when you look at the african-american community and what is done in black america whether record employment or hbcu funding over 14% and utilizing that come with the proof is in the pudding and we have the right guy at the right time. i'm excited to be supporting donald trump. i'm more excited he's here in oklahoma for the first rally of this campaign to really tell that story. i'm here in tulsa and it is in its hiding place to be right now. >> jason: it is. congressman hearne, you are probably new to the congress. the president comes to town and it's an opportunity for the president to share his message to the people of oklahoma, but what do you want the president to know about oklahomans and their future and the challenges that they face and the opportunities that they face? what is the message you want oklahoma to share with the president? >> the president knows oklahoma loves him. it is about 90% approval rating
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for the republican base for the president. there are so many republicans that have been down the streets talking to him and they are from everywhere, as the governor said. we started a petition trump to get information out to the individuals watching this around the country and around the world. the president knows that oklahomans stand for freedom scum individual liberties. that is what you are seeing. that is why you will kick off the campaign and obviously you've been through campaigns, jason for congress an exciting time when you campaign and you get out there and feel the energy. the president has been working day in and day out since covid-19 crisis started. meanwhile back to the house of representatives, nancy pelosi has basically had the house sitting at the house. you know, the citizens working on the president wants to get back out and see the american people. we have so many folks that will be there. 1 million ticket requests. it will be an exciting time. and it will be awesome for
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oklahomans. >> jason: nancy pelosi things congress not in an sensually employee. so stay in oklahoma, she doesn't care. it is sad the way she is running the house of representatives but look, i want to ask dave. dave you have an interesting perspective on this. there are a lot of liberals out there. a lot of people don't want this rally to happen. they are content with saying no, you shouldn't get out here and do those types of things. never mind about the protests and the riots but they are not okay with the president doing this. what is your reaction to that? >> jason, i think you know a little bit about about my story. i was a lefty and i consider myself a liberal and the good sense of a belief and individual rights and limited government, but of course, we know this is a media making event. look is the governor just laid out, they will take people's temperatures. they will give mask, perella and hand sanitizer and the rest of it.
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if this was a rally to smash things up or burn or target were the rest of it, the media would be all in on it. so this is just another thing where the media picks out when we can have thousands of people and that is when you are losing or taking down monuments. when it's not okay is when the president is going to speak. but i think most americans, regardless of whether the left or right, most americans see the world and they go hey, if the choice is anarchy and people running in the street and burning down buildings and trump, even if you have a version trump and not a hard course of a conservative, of course you will go with trump. >> jason: tw, i have to tell you there are a lot of people that the democrats have to defund the police around the
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country. how is that playing out in oklahoma? >> first of all if you know what i say to people who say defund the police? let's make sure we are doing everything we can to support the police. in fact, when you think about this idea i heard online, i thought it was great. for everybody that wants to defund the police. why don't we take a collection and buy them an airplane ticket and ship them out to a country that doesn't have a police department and see how they like that. the reality is this country was built on law and order and we have to have law and order. and the rest of our men and women in uniform to keep us safe. so the idea that we can defund the police department, the fine men and women who put their lives on the line every single day is ludicrous. the worst part the democrat nominee for president has not announced this idea. as the suit -- as lunatic chris has a sound, joe biden has not stepped up to say this is wrong. we need to support the men and women in book blue. and an president donald trump. he is a guy about law and order and listening to the community, but also about getting things done. and i think here in oklahoma, you will find a lot of support for men and women in blue. when you have a bad apple, we
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hold them accountable, we prosecute them, and that is what you will see happen from an oklahoma standpoint. that is the way it should be done across all of america. >> jason: yeah, you know, i love the mayor of los angeles garcetti, let's defund the police department, but he won't give up his own security deed detail. the city council will keep their police officers so they can have protection. congressman how does that will message of law and order and the contrast between the democrats and republicans on this core issue, i mean them at the democrats want to defund ice and get rid of border patrol. and now people that want to defund the police department, how does that role in oklahoma? >> jason, one of the fundamental responsibilities of federal government is to protect from bad actors and protect us from one another. you do that through the police force. the leading candidate for vice president for joe biden's campaign, senator harris today
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said we needed less police, not more. these are coming from the rough areas that she wants prosecuted in california. and so as you said, we have seen what happened. we see what's happening in seattle and chop where there is no police officer, people hiding ak-47 with loaded magazines in the bushes to create total anarchy. an atlanta 911 calls, calling out to different precincts trying to get people to come out. each dispatcher to another precinct because no police officers. we see what happens when crime gets out of control because let's face it, the nancy pelosi's of the world, the democrats, they will keep their security details and stay behind their walls. the folks who can't afford it that will suffer the most. like downtown south chicago in places like that. it will be a war zone. so this is just a ludicrous idea from the democrats. >> jason: dave, the sad reality is, people who have money and resources will go out and hire their own protection. they will continue to be safe
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and secure, but it is these downtrodden communities, the ones that can afford it, those are the people that will suffer more than anything else. how does the national party win on an antipolice platform? >> welcome i don't think you can win. that is the thing. that is the irony. where are the real democrats who all they have to do is stand up for basic law and order and yet they refuse to? you mentioned derek garcetti and i'm here in los angeles and he is my mayor. this guy a week and a half ago was on his knees in front of "black lives matter" protesters. but i can tell you the silver lining to what is happening right now, the further that these antifa and far left agitators, the more they create autonomous zones and burn down stores and attack people on the streets in all of these things. the average person is obviously waking up to it. i can tell you this, here in los angeles i have friends far left the hollywood types who
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publicly will tell you they are democrats and they are actually buying guns for the first time. i have several friends like that. so i think there is actually, the rubber is starting to meet the road now. you can't just have ideas anymore. now we are going, oh, you have to be able to actually protect myself. and i think the fact no democrat, and obviously it can't be joe biden, is willing to stand up against this, it is basically going to burn him down the whole party. a sort of think that was the progressive planned the whole time. either we get bernie in and if we don't we unleash this thing. that is where we are at. i suspect that trump knows how to deal with it. we should also add, by the way, if the antifa people in the anarchist don't show up to the rally, that will be a peaceful rally tomorrow. that is what the trump rallies are. >> jason: the silence from joe biden i think speaks volumes on this issue. there were millions of people out there and law enforcement that care about law enforcement.
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when they don't hear somebody speak up and support them, of course condemn and go after the people. the police officers are doing at the wrong way but for the millions that are doing it the right way, whether they serve in the military or police force or first responders, those are the people that need our collective resort. t.w., kevin, dave, thank you for joining us on this beautiful friday night. we do appreciate it. coming up is joe biden afraid to debate donald trump? it seems like that might be the case. joe concha and lisa boothe have more coming up next. ♪ effortless is the lincoln way. so as you head back out on the road, we'll be doing what we do best. providing some calm in your day. with virtual, real-time tours of our vehicles as well as remote purchasing. for a little help, on and off the road.
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♪ >> jason: welcome back to this "hannity" special. the trump campaign is pushing the commission that oversees presidential debate to get four face-offs against joe biden for his fall. due in part to the possibility that many voters will cast their ballots early. vice president biden is apparently having none of it, not only is he rejecting the idea of a fourth debate out of hand, several political observers wonder if he will do just one debate or even none at all. let's take a quick look back at why biden and his advisors may not want him to be speaking to
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voters who often. have a look. >> no, he you haven't, you are a lying dog and pony face. [bleep] >> wait, wait, wait a second. you are getting nervous, man, calm down! >> jason: joining me now for election is fox news contributor lisa boothe and media reporter for "the hill" joe concha. we can roll for the whole solid hour on this "hannity" special, this joe biden bloopers. in take one week and you have a handful of them. lisa might want to start with you. the idea of moving to four debates as opposed to three and some talk although not directly from the biden campaign but some talk will joe biden to three debates? what are your thoughts? >> look, i don't think joe biden wants to debate because he will
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be at completely exposed of the shell of a candidate that he is. this is a man who really doesn't believe anything. we have seen his abandoned core belief like the heideman facing 24 hours of prison. he couldn't take it. he abandoned a decade long belief on the heideman event for political expediency. what will he tell the american people? what does he stand for? i guarantee no one listening could answer that question further, i think he will end upt michael bloomberg did where he looked good in the polls and people thought he had a chance, and then they actually saw him on the debate stage. they sized him up a as a candidate. inevitably, that is what will happen when he's on the stage with donald trump and americans get a clear vision, clear eyed view of who joe biden is in someone who doesn't stand for anything at all. >> jason: yeah, i don't know he can articulate his economic plan to put america on the road to prosperity.
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if he couldn't get it done in the first 48 years in washington, d.c., i don't know why you would think you need four more years. joe, you know, joe biden has been dealing with the rigors of going upstairs and downstairs at his home in delaware. he hasn't been out on the campaign trail. he's getting an awful lot of softball questions out there. >> i keep hearing about joe and the baseball. i keep thinking they are talking about me because i'm literally in the basement right now. it is not actually new york city behind me. look, the bottom line terry mcauliffe the virginia governor big deal in the democratic party, he even says it is best to keep joe biden in the basement off of the campaign trail, out of harm's way terms of extemporaneous talk or doing anything resembling a tough interview. and you see why. they want to play four corners, it appears, the campaign, four corners i'm dating myself and i feel like a boomer right now. basically way back in the '80s, early '80s college
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basketball you pass the ball around and you had a lead and try to run up the clock instead of going on the offense of peer joe biden appears to be playing not to lose at this point becaug in those situations as you showed in the montages it gives people a reminder this is not the joe biden involved in the last campaign that he ran and which was 2012 as vice president. he debated paul ryan and the vice presidential debate, you may remember, jason, he was very effective, very sharp. this is a shell of that person right now. you are seeing this joe biden and people are also realizing that if you elect this joe biden, you have joe biden not even this version, buddy joe biden in his '80s. that will give people pause. bottom line is, he hasn't had any tough interviews it seems to this point in terms of asking him, okay, you were vice president for eight years, why didn't you pass anything resembling prison reform as this president has? or are now talking about police
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reform come again eight years and some time where there is a democratic congress, democratic senate and still none of these things got past. what is joe biden running on? what is the positive message? that is what you have to run on shining city on the hill, make america great, what is the joe biden bumper sticker? i have zero idea what that is, jason. >> jason: i think that is true. gleason will make lisa, is it st joe biden's expectations are sow that anything he can do to show up and put coherent sentences together will be a victory for him? is that part of the game? will the media give him a pass because he didn't have some sort of big blunder? >> well, i don't even think joe biden is capable of that, to be perfectly honest. but i think a lot of americans are realizing that there is more on the ballot this november than just the race between joe biden and donald trump. we are seeing a cultural war right now. we are seeing the liberal vision
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for america is nyc liberal around the city feed to the cities to anarchist and hate america. murders in the streets. the police stations set on fire in minneapolis. bc literally blocks of the city in seattle overtaken by anarchists. does anyone actually think joe biden has the fortitude to stand up against any of that? they were so much more at stake this november than just a simple presidential race. this really comes down to the future of the country. >> jason: it is the crossroads election. joe, as the game of expectations, the game that media plays, joe biden, they tried to save the polls are high. i don't buy any of that out there. i don't buy any of it. i've never been a person that says i wish joe biden was the president and we would have everything solved. i never met that person. i think they are fiction. what is your take how the media will treat the expectations of
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joe biden going into a debate and getting back out on the campaign trail? >> i think we are already seeing it in terms of the treatment that he is getting. he's done actually, i should correct myself, one tough interview, charlamagne tha god who works at the new york city radio station asked him questions in terms of what he would do for the black community and joe biden said if you don't vote for joe biden at ua black pier that is something he apologized for and that one awkward situation. and the press will be in his court the same way with hillary clinton. but again you need to be a candidate out there saying, okay here is what i will do for your life to make it better, to make the country better, and joe biden's position on policy of this will be that he will raise taxes when we are in a her lips economic time right now. i've never met a candidate run on raising taxes and won walter mondale in 1984 and i believe
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won one state against ronald reagan's 49. the polls, and you are right jason, they mean nothing in june. go back in polls june 2016 hillary clinton versus donald trump. at all comes down to those three debates were may be more or maybe less, we will see and how joe biden performs there if he becomes the 46 president of the united states or not. >> jason: you take a position where you want to raise taxes, that growing government to grow the economy. the second part is being anti-law enforcement, i don't see how that resonates with anybody i'm familiar with in the streets of america. so lisa, joe, thank you for joining us tonight. all right, straight ahead, law enforcement and their family members are facing a shocking amount of harassment. dan bongino and former nypd commissioner will explain the situation. stay with us. ♪ -excuse me. uh...
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place. for example, earlier this month in buffalo, the police were mowed down by a man driving a car. a police officer in las vegas were shot and they head and is now paralyzed from the neck down. another officer was ambushed in california. and a sheriff's deputy was murdered in the line of duty in mississippi. now, in response to this targeting and dangerous environment, officers and places like atlanta appear to be calling in sick and so-called "blue flu" with lack of support from local leaders. and across the country come officers are beginning to rally around their own to try to combat this growing antipolice claimant. joining me now for reaction former nypd commissioner bernie kerik and fox news contributor, former nypd officer and secret service agent dan bongino. gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us tonight. what would it feel like, dan, to be out on the street and not have the back of the
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city council, the mayor, the people that are in charge that are putting up the budgets and they were silent when these officers are getting mowed down and ridiculed and everything in between? >> yeah, i mean that coward misdisplayed by the so-called leaders come i wouldn't even call them that. it is beyond gross. it is pretty disgusting. and in a time of crisis, jason, that is when it matters. and if you only knew the leaders when everything was all flowery and peaches and cream all the time, what the hell is the point? you need them to stand up and things are tough. i testified on capitol hill and i told a good story about in new mexico one woman was terrific and she was the spouse of a police officer. she said, jason, the most powerful sound in the world for the families of police officers is the sound of velcro at night. velcro is the sound of burning those body armor coming off of
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your body, meaning the police officers come home safely at night. and it's not just the cops being left behind but the families too. it is disgraceful. the cops need you now more than ever. >> jason: bernie coming he ran one of the largest police departments, the largest police department in the country but unfortunately you have to deal with some of the families who officers were killed. what do you say to those families who send their loved ones, wife, brother, father, sister, out on the streets at night, what do you tell those families in today's climate? what do you share with those people? >> you know what my jason, it is never enough. they are owned no words of gratitude that you can really share or say that would mean enough. i know, most family like dan talked about and they know what it's like to have loved ones hurt.
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loved ones die and the line of duty. and i heard there were 22 cops that work for me in the aftermath of 9/11. but i want to touch on something, jason i am disgusted with the leadership with the governors, city council. but i have to tell you, i am probably more disgusted with the police executives, the chiefs, the police directors, the police commissioners around the country that don't have the balls, the courage to stand up to the mayors and tell them when they are wrong, to tell them they need to support the men and women under their command. they need to lead by example. those police executives, they should do their job that they are sworn to do and if they can't do their job come if they can't stand up to the mayors in the city council, quit and let somebody else come in and do the job that has to be done. >> jason: dan, react to that. what bernie kerik said about
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what you mention leadership and what is going on? >> he just nailed it. bernie just absolutely nailed it. there is an opportunity here for police managers to set an example and say, we are not doing that. what you are asking us to do you political frauds, so call political leaders is wrong. bernie was and i believe a plainclothes unit and i saw your picture on social media, bernie. the commissioner in new york city is disbanding the unit, jason anticrime units in precincts which the majority of self observed crime by police officers comes from any crime unit. jason, this isn't hard to figure out. people don't commit crime in front of uniformed police officers. when you put police officers in plainclothes, criminals commit crimes and get locked up in front of the cops. bernie was in one of those uni units. you are just manning them in new york now? why? you know they work.
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you should have resigned in protest. like bernie said, he took the cheap and easy thing and not the right thing. >> jason: bernie, what is going to happen question work 600 officers that they will not have planed a closed policeman out there. what will happen in the streets of new york? >> you know, jason i was anti-crime, midtown square and those talks don't like cops, they are like millions. they get into the communities, the place is nowhere you can walk and go. they get to see what happens firsthand. and they are sole function, their job is to look for guns, robberies respond to hot jobs in progress, dangerous jobs. they are the ones responsible for taking the majority of guns off of the streets of new york. they disbanded and sent back the precincts 600 of them. i have no idea why, whose bright idea this was, but i can tell you one thing, the communities that will suffer are the ones already but the highest crime rate, the highest violent crime,
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the highest murder and it will only spike and get worse. >> jason: okay, i've only got 30 seconds for each of you and i'm on a tight timeline. talk to the families whose loved ones are out on the street tonight. what is your message to those men and women and those families, those kids? >> god bless you. i don't really have anything more to say. there was nothing i can say, jason, to take the anxiety out of their hearts. they lived with it every night. they are the finest the thin line between civilization and chaos. you are there. god bless what you do everyday. >> jason: bernie. >> stay strong and don't forget, there are many more people out there that love you and will support you in that respect you and will be there for you. and these lunatics like "black lives matter" and antifa and others. >> jason: god bless them. they are dealing with tough situations. bernie, dan, thank you for your service and thank you for joining us tonight. thank you. when we come back, more on the supreme court's disastrous decision on daca and what
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blocked president trump's move to wind down obama era protections for dreamers. last night on the "the ingraham angle." the supreme court clerk slammed the decision written by chief justice john roberts. watch this. >> the decision today on daca and obama's amnesty, robert wrote the opinion and john roberts and the four liberals. the opinion is, it is a joke. it is, it is -- he's playing games because as you notice, not a single justice. none of the nine disputed that what obama did was illegal, it was contrary to federal immigration law, and they all agreed that trump has the authority to reverse it. nevertheless, what they held today is that trump is pretty demented from stopping breaking the law. >> but the fight is far from over but according to ken cuccinelli acting to put the
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security of homeland security, the trump administration is drafting a new order putting the hands of congress. 20 me now from how republicans are fighting back against the left's open borders agenda is house freedom caucus chairman caucus andy biggs of arizona. fox news analyst gregg jarrett. let's go to you first congressman. you saw with the senator said. use of what the primus don't make the supreme court said. what was your reaction to that? >> i actually couldn't believe it, a mismatc mismatch. illegal conduct, and you essentially equated it to a rule that they want the administration to overturn. the reality is i thought clarence thomas had it exactly right. he said, their job was to determine whether the administration had the ability to resend. they did and that should have ended the ruling. that should have ended the case.
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so they did did measurable damage yesterday. >> jason: greg what was your reaction to the ruling and what senator cruz said? >> well senator cruz is right. and frankly, the incompetence of jeff sessions continues to haunt the trump administration. they put the inept bumbling former attorney general back in 2017 of resending daca. it was so incredibly simple. all he had to do was follow the rules of the administrative procedure act, the apa and equivalent of checking boxes and comment. mech and that is it. a third grader could do it which puts it will be on the expertise and skills that have jeff sessions. having said that the supreme court i thought was wrong so naturally it was written by john roberts. you don't have to follow an administrative law to resend a lawless action. obama when he created daca knew it was lawless.
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more than a dozen times he said, i don't have the power to do this, and then he did it. president trump when he came to office that i'm resending it. it is the duty of congress to dictate immigration. that is what the supreme court said since the late 19th century. congress has power over immigration. so president trump said congress, you have to fix this. unfortunately, congress couldn't fix a broken streetlamp with all due respect to my friend andy biggs. >> no, i agree with you. i sat in congress in eight and a half years. and that they can't get anything done. these daca kids come i think they deserve some sort of revolution. i think there are a lot of good people that are here. because of no fault of their own. but there's got to be a revolution to themselves. and i worry, congressman, i don't like ripping everybody together and say everybody is bad, everybody is good.
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i felt uncomfortable, quite frankly, when we talked and that last segment with "black lives matter" because i think there are a lot of good things don't make good and they are. i don't think you can say they are all lunatics come i disagree with that. but congress has got to be able to tackle difficult things congressman. and i don't even see them debating, let alone solving some of these deep issues like daca. >> you are exactly right. jason you have seen it, in some ways, you are supposed to filter through and get a good product. but we don't tackle these projects because it has become so political. everything is so political. when you start looking at daca, 700,000, 800,000 eligible applicants is the number they are quoting. don't forget, you have a moral hazard since the deadline for dhaka was almost seven years ago now, you have an additional probably 1 million to 2 million
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people that have entered the country that meet the same prayer -- criteria. i've never met daca individual who said they didn't want to bring their parents in spirit so you move quickly to 5 million, 6 million people and that really needs to be debated. and congress needs to look at it carefully. if you watch the policing bill that came out of judiciary the other day, you understand and you remember how inept congress can be sometimes. >> jason: well, look you have to get rid of rewards and incentives so you get the same result. talk to us gregg jarrett because i only have a short time left. the power of the presidency, the power of the executive branch, if you allow the president to issue an executive order and the only way to resent that is through action by congress, that gives all the power to the executive branch. >> president obama by executive fiat created a granted amnesty to roughly 800,000 people. and again, as i say commit was a
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lawless action, and he knew it was lawless. it should be done through congress but at the same time, i think president trump needs to go back with new attorney general and department of homeland security and this time, for goodness' sakes, just follow the really, easy simple administrative procedures act. do it all over again. once again, give congress an opportunity to do their job though i'm not optimistic they are capable of doing it. >> jason: know, like i said earlier in the show, nancy pelosi thinks members of congress are nonessential employees. i don't know maybe she's got a point, but congressman and gregg, thank you so much for joining us tonight. i really do appreciate it. all right, lawrence jones is going to help us commemorate and explain the history of the juneteenth coming up next. ♪
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♪ >> jason: welcome back t to the special edition of "hannity." today marks the dame known as juneteenth, the 156th anniversary of the end of slavery in the country. fox nation host lawrence joan has more, lawrence. jason, today americans across the country demonstrated in celebration of juneteenth. celebrating the liberation of in the united states.
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while president lincoln signed the emancipation proclamation january 1st, 1863 were did not make it to my home state of texas and over two years later. it was june 19, 1865 the union army general gordon granger in galveston, texas, to deliver the historic news. now calls are intensifying across the capital to make juneteenth a national holiday. yesterday, texas senator john cornyn said he would introduce the bill in the united states senate, jason. >> jason: lawrence, thank you very much. important part of history we all need to digest and understand and appreciate. before we go come i want to wish my father-in-law a happy 93rd birthday. now, johnson served in both world war ii and the vietnam war as an orthopedic surgeon here and he's been married almost 68 years to his sweetheart, joe johnson, my mother-in-law. he is the father of six and lots of grandchildren and grandkids i can't even count them all
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myself. thankful for his service and all the families around this nation who sent people to war to protect this nation and make us a better country. god bless you and thank you. unfortunately, that is all the time we have tonight. china will be back on monday. ♪ >> laura: hi, everyone i'm tammy bruce and this special edition of "the ingraham angle." thousands have already been lined up for days in tulsa, oklahoma, as the president looks to kick off his campaign for a second time. we will have a live report on the ground in moments and speaking of the rally, dr. fauci reportedly advised against it, but having this morning after so many missed targets. we will discuss that plus thousands dying in the nursing home and
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