tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News June 19, 2020 11:00pm-12:01am PDT
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of grandchildren and grandkids. i can't even count them all myself. thankful for his service and all the families around this nation who sent people to war to protect this nation and make us ant better country. god bless you and thank you. unfortunately, that is all the time we have tonight. sean will be back on monday. ♪ >> tammy: hi, everyone, i'm tammy bruce and this special edition of "the ingraham angle." thousands have already been lined up for days in tulsa, oklahoma, as the president looks to kick off his campaign for a second time. we will have a live report on the ground in moments and speaking of the rally, dr. fauci reportedly advised against it, but having this morning after so many missed targets. we will discuss that plus thousands dying in the nursing home under governor cuomo's watch, he is getting the star treatment from the left, of course.
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the worst in media's back and it's friday, so we couldn't leave the follies out of it. laura and raymond will be here later in the hour with the latest of biden's stumbles and which classic movies does the mob want sanitized? that is all aheadd of him up at first president trump issued a stern warning to anyone planning to stir up trouble at his rally in tulsa tomorrow tweeting today "any protesters, anarchist, agitators, looters or low lives who are going to oklahoma, please understand, you will not be treated like you have in new york or minneapolis or seattle. it will be a much different scene". that tweetse after concerned that violent demonstrators would blanket the city originally, tulsa mayor with a civil emergency and instituted 10:00 p.m. curfew around the rally venue. but late this afternoon that was apparently rescinded so trump fans could continue to wait in illine. either way, the next 24 hours
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and beyond are going to be rather eventful. my next guest has consulted with college campuses on how to deal with anarchist groups that sounds like fun. he says the mayor is absolutely right to prepare for potential chaos. chris is the former assistant fbi director that joins me now. how are you? >> good evening. >> clearly at this point when you think about how do you handle antifa or anarchists, what should the city and campaign be planning for? >> they should plan for the public needsh the to understand and those coming to tulsa need to understand is the inner federal parameters byh the secret service. and they mean business. they will plan for the worst. they will have moderate level police force showing, but there will be a lot of resources out of sight and in the background. they are trained to deal with this type of thing. >> tammy: this clearly is twhere law enforcement matters.
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they are trained. they know generally what to expect, but it will be interesting, americans have seen cities that have not taken control of the environment. i think this is valuable and i would guess you might agree that regardless of your position on the president or its rally, the effective support for for americans is that government, city governments, state governments can take control of an environment. that is what they will see, aren't they? >> i think absolutely. oklahoma and the rule of law, and what you were going to seek converging w on tulsa's every manner of anarchist or anyone that is anti-trump, they will show up and they will have elements that are they are to do nothing but provoke the police. they are trained to do it. i have seen them do it. they will spit on them. they will throw rocks on them and just commit all kinds of violence.
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>> tammy: you have seen this, chris, chris kristof thinks we are being too alarmist. these antifa panics are where racism and hysteria intersect. in a nation that has more guns than a people, when a president takes every opportunity not to heal our nation's division but to stoke and when people live in -- provides no reality check, but inflames prejudiced and feeds fear. do you believe that? do you buy into that? >> not a bit. i've seen them in action. people who have seen them in action and understand their doctrine, they were doctrine is violence can be committed against people they deem to be fascist. their definition of professionalism is anyone on the right of the political spectrum. so if they find someone wearing a maga hat, they will hit them with sticks and drop them at the drop of a hat. that is what they are thereforew >> tammy: unfortunately, we are looking at a dynamic where federal government understands. that perimeter that you describe is key.
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and we have seen donald trump rally before, the seriousness of this when it comes to the security. is there again, at least certainly a linkage and do you find local police, do they mind ythe federal government being there? do they mind having to deal with the secret service? or these days is there more of a brotherhood and sisterhood coming together to deal with keepingec people safe? >> i think the police are very happy that they are there. it's not some mayor's decision or some governor's decision inside that federal perimeter. it is under the control of the secret service. and these cops will be backed they will be full support behind them. there will be plenty of resources behind them as well. >> tammy: excellent, excellent, chris, thank you. this is the time people are complaining politically in many instances about the nature of law enforcement, but when it comes right down to it, our lives cohesion exist because at that a thin blue line, but it is also an anonymous line when it
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comes to the kind of work that goes into making of all kinds of events, rallies, football games, other fourth of july coming up in the importance of that. chris, thank you for joining us tonight. appreciate it. >> thank you, tammy. >> tammy: flocking to tulsa at of the rally to discuss, in fact, people beganat lining up outside the bank of oklahoma center yesterday. t i'm not surprised. fox's casey stegall is on the ground right there with the latest developments on the upcoming trump rally, >> good to see you. you said it. a lot of enthusiastic donald trump fans are descending on tulsa, oklahoma, today. they will tomorrow ahead of this big rally. city leaders expect folks to be coming in from all corners of the country. we have met people out here that came as far away as california, michigan. would you even believe that some have been camped out here?
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actually camped out in front of the center for a couple of days, rain and shine. we've had some pretty nasty downpours today. that be okay center can hold about 19,000 people. we understand that there will be overflow space have some kind for thousands more. trump officials say they received some 1 million request for tickets. and if that is the case, that makes twice as many people wanting to attend this rally than the population of tulsa itself. >> thought this was an important rally, t and after having been away from rallies for so long, i think there is going to be some very important things. >> we need our freedom, we need our freedom now. >> despite warnings from public health officials and data
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showing record highs of new coronavirus case is emerging in oklahoma and here and told so specifically, most already in line and the people that we have talked to say that does not matter to them one bit. they are not afraid. the campaign says it will be takingng temperatures up everyoe going inside the bbok center. they will also be handing out face mask and hand sanitizer, although the use of the face masks are covering is completely optional and up to the people in attendance. >> tammy: casey, do you have any sense when it comes to, we are all adults care about our own health. we know pretty much what to do, but we have also seen, of course the rallies, the demonstrations over the last couple of weeks which may have fed into it and wait a minute, this is going to be okay for us. but you get a sense of that optimism and moving forward from this crowd? >> yeah, a lot of people in line are saying they are not afraid. they say they have been praying
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about it. they say they have a greater risk of catching the flu. we have heard a lot of different responses from people when we asked them about covid concerns or things like that. so there is a sense of optimism. i think it will be really interesting tomorrow inside that arena to see just how many people will be using the face mask that they are giving as theyk go in the door. >> tammy: absolutely when you can use face masks to have a message be given. we will see what happens in tha regard, kc, thank you very much. it sounds like the rose parade line up the campout waiting for the rose parade. joining me now, cofounder and board member of the national coalition for president trump, pastor scott, welcome aboard. and we heard that report coming from tulsa. what is your gauge on the enthusiasm level tonight? fico oh, my god, almost 1 million people that have requested tickets for an event like this. you know, i can't think of anyone in human history that can
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have 1 millionth ticket request and they don't have guitars or o dances, they don't have a band or any hit record. one hit, and i articulate his vision and ideals for this country. the enthusiasm is off the chain. and it is just the beginning, that trump train is hitting the track and you better roll or get rolled over. >> tammy: pastor, it just goes to show you that when people hear plans about policy, they are reminded of the last three years about potential of the country. and they expect him to deliver. it is interesting what leadership is able to do. how americans will respond to it. msnbc at the same time wants us to believe that tulsa businesses don't want this rally to happen.
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listen to this. >> the businesses that we talked to said the president did it and it is essentially a slap in the face. he will focus more on keeping the residents healthy, keeping the economy vibrant and making sure everybody's lives are important. >> tammy: sir, why would businesses if this makes sense, why would they want to keep out all the potential customers especially after these lockdowns. but the customers are attending ythe rally? >> msnbc interviewed 50 businesses until they found one who's talking point. businesses are excited and enthusiastic about an event such as thisbu because it simulates business and simulates every type of retail business. not only that, how many street vendors will be there? how many people coming out of town with their particular point of business to be a part of the trump rally? the same way that i believe the new searching coronavirus ahead of the trump rally. that is speculation.
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he is here and it's only going to get better and better and better. this demonstrates how excited the american public is about ththis president. this is why i don't believe the polls. i believe the people. the people demonstrating the fact that they believe in donald trump. we can expect four more years of a donald trump presidency. >> tammy: what you are saying is interesting. we've been under a difficult strain since the beginning of the coronavirus. and now, of course, with the demonstrations and riots. americans, it is a free country, a vibrant country in a country that wants to do better and get better. and yet with all the negativity, sir, this negative hope in a way is driving people to fear really does not seem to break through our sensibility about what is possible. i think that's been a part of the american spirit for all of us since the nation started. >> yes, i am in total agreement with you and this rally that president trump is engaged and demonstrates the optimism ofe e
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american public has. when you go to these rallies all of the negative images that the media, left-wing media tries to say about the trump rallies need to be dispelled and the people, almost a lovefest. their enthusiasm ready to hear from the president about moving the country in the right direction, getting back on track, getting the unemployment levels back down, the economy back up and america back going. i'm looking forward to it and i'm excited about it. >> tammy: you know what else, you and me and americans in general, every american regardless of your party or where you live, new york, tulsa, denver, los angeles, wherever you are, we want the future to be good. we are optimistic people. we want that. that is what brings us together. it is unity we care about. some people want us to be driven by fear and others by optimism and hope. we will choose optimism. i think most americans understand that point. thank you, sir, for joining me
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tonight. >> thank you for having me. god bless you. >> tammy: have a good time and tolls that. tulsa is one of the cities resisting the calls to defund the police, but elsewhere in the country the radical left is getting exactly what it wants and halts are walking off of th job. the atlanta police department reported a higher than usual number of callouts, in other words, a walk out. nypd officers are being encouraged apparently to call in sick on the fourth of july and that would be known as the "blue flu" and spreading to other cities as well. police and philadelphia, tallahassee considering walking out into an me now is a woman who has the best perspective of what the police are facing and have been facing, heather mcdonald, manhattan sheep fellow and author of the appellee name "the war on cops." heather, welcome aboard. thank you for joining me. >> thank you for having me on to me, i appreciate it.
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>> tammy: we see a dynamic inat a lot of ways the mood of the police across the country isin down for understandable reasons. what will it take for democrat mayors and city officials because i think in general, democrats do care about their cities. they care about the lives of people. we heard that in that ladies call from chicago. what will it take for people tos ostand up to the police offices which provide social cohesion in every city whether blue or red? >> i think you are being a little too generous. it took about three decades of increasing crime in new york city for voters to throw out the existing democratic political structure they are and bring in a mayor yo thectually did care about lives of thousands of lives being lost in the black communities and a lot more powerful and interest in being reelected. what is happening to the police in this country, it tammy is tragic and outrageous. they are living under the effect
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of a lie and all painted racist, systemically racist. they reality is we don't have a policing problem but a crime the police are in the neighborhoods because that is where people are victimized. that is where the drive-by things arele occurring. that is where the children are being shot in their homes and their backyards and the police don't wish that upon them but the rest of the country turns their eyes away from them here the cops are understandably and incredibly demoralized. no other profession lives under the burden of this hatred. and what they are experiencingdo on the streets right now when they try to make an arrest, people are interfering. they are throwing things at them and cursing at them. it is completely understanding, but they are backing off because they are told it is racist to try to protect lives of the minority community. this has to change. >> tammy: one of the problems
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i have to say, heather, and i love the police and law and order kind of gal, but when you do retreat, the communities that are heard first are minority communities. you got them calling the police as much as anybody else's. they don't have money for private security. they don't have gated you will.s, if and so that concerns me a little. but it is an attack but new york, it is a single party city. like los angeles and certainly chicago is a disaster because it's been a single party city for 140 years. isn't this really about leadership? in the messaging it sends to the community about the police? if leadership doesn't respect the police, why should the people respect it?ds >> is absolutely about leadership. these leaders can ask the police chief, tell me the reality of crime. they can be out there in the police are not racist. we need the police.
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the communities need the police. binstead, the leaders are pandering to the most radical elements in their cities, and they are selling out to thousands of law-abiding communities. so what it is going to take, i don't know, tammy. it is a dilemma, but as i say, what are the cops supposed to do? they are terrified that they will rush to judgment like atlanta. completely unjustified murder charges. again, they are experiencing from a small segment of the community extraordinarily contempt. they worry now about more shootings. i'm terrified myself that we will see a lot more attacks on cops. yes, they do back off because the message they are getting most unequivocally from the media if you are racist in the minority community. >> tammy: that is one of the differences media of perpetuating personsns what the communities need to do and other members of the community who happen to be police officers.
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heather, thank you so much for joining me tonight. i appreciate it. coming up the first amendment came under attack and it is under attack every week from the left as usual. we will document those cases. plus, conservatives relentlessly mocked when they suggested tearing down statues was a slippery slope. you can see george washington on the chopping block. that fear was validated last night. we will have those details next. ♪ nobody likes a tight squeeze. leanfire supplements from force factor contain ingredients clinically shown to help increase energy, burn fat, and double your weight loss. don't struggle to fit in. unleash your potential, with leanfire. available at retailers nationwide.
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♪ >> tammy: our freedom of speech is under attack, that is pretty obvious, and not by the government. an unholy alliance the media and big tech. they are targeting, of course, and google tried to deplatform "the federalist" after nbc news teamed up with forth an activist group to get conservative sites and third after initial confusion.
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>> and to cancel "the federalist" was not based on their articles, but on the sites comments sections. and this calls for conservatives and the left with trying to silence all of us but we cannot let them. 20 may now, a couple of your favorites here but certainly a favorite sara carter, fox news contributor and host of "the sara carter show" the podcast and senior contributor at the aforementioned "the federalist." and the author of a book i highly recommend, "america ingrate", and i think you can see what that book is about. let's start with you, sara. thank you for joining me.cato the attacks you are seeing now sara, we know were not new and we have been dealing with this, intimidation for years. what do you want to say about when you say you want to stop it, it seems really big. what do you say and how do we stop this. >> s it almost seems overwhelmig but what is interesting tammy i tweeted out before i came onto the show, tammy, what do americans think? what should be done here? most americans overwhelmingly are saying break up theut monopoly, remove section 230 which protects google, twitter, and others like facebook who are being sued. i can tell you, the center for counting digital hate is what
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you talked about in the opening, which is the group out of england that basically teamed up with nbc and a left-wing group. so this is certainly political and what is even more interesting is the nbc reporter was also a member of theea labour party. tammy, there have been 4.2 anti-defamation league, anti-defamation league 4.2 million anti-semitic tweets from 2017 in january to 2018 january. why aren't they writing about that and why are they targeting political groups like "the federalist"? >>ri tammy: they went after president trump a video of cnn, and of course, jim acosta had a field day with it. >> the president tweeted out
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some fake videos, one of which was labeled manipulated media like twitter. why is the president sharing fake videos on twitter like two toddlers obviously showing a lot of love for one another? it seems he is exploiting children to make some sort of press, political point? why is he sharing fake videos? he needs to get a sense of humor. i remember too a meme of the president putting the medal of honor on the hero dog. do t you remember that? people need to do a fact-check to see if that happened. we are living in an age of absurd, the angriest dog in the world. the video was clearly fake for a reason because it is funny. is there no end to this? where do you think this is headed? is the media upset over these things? >> look, i believe everything that you are seen from big tech
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to the media and the foreign entity in the case of "the federalist" effortgn deplatform or do you monetize us and destroy our business model is all, first of all, the idea of throwing to the prevailing progressive orthodox in the digital gulags and of course preventing from their perspective catastrophe of donald trump god forbid getting reelected something that can allow again. but second of all, part and parcel of this broader sort of maoist/french anticultural revolution we are witnessing right now.t pa we see it in big tech, the streets, the corporate board rooms. we see it in our families. it's all about ultimately stifling dissent, not allowing anti-progressives who have any voice in this country, shunning us. they want to chill us and stop us from speaking freely and openly and honestly. that is the most american freedom there is, freedom on which other liberties rest. >> tammy: of course, you are with "the federalist" and we saw
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that, fascinating effort specifically targeting "the federalist." why do you think this effort was made similar to the fake russian dossier, a foreign entity that came back to media to then give it legitimacy and then allow google to at least attempt to try to deplatform you? why are they so afraid of you then? >> i like to think because "the federalist" is effective o the greatest stories of the last three plus years, "the federalist" has completely debunked, the prevailing narrative that the media has put forth so the media is embarrassed about it. we have some competent writers doing a good job. in particular nbc news and the left media worked with the foreign entity with the new media, big tech company here. and i think it is because we have been critical of their coverage. and they had a vested interest. >> tammy: and let me get back to sara. sara, we saw something
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outrageous, the statue of george washington being pulled down in portland. and you know, we were talking about statues and the nature that this is a slippery slope. do you think americans will be outraged enough to where this can stop? they burned an american flag on george washington. why anyone would think these people in charge of anything is beyond me. do you think the american people will say enough is enough? >> i think eventually, yes, the american people will say enough is p enough, tammy. i'm frightened if we don't. and i think benjamin brought up a lot of good points as well as you, tammy. we are in the midst of a cultural revolution. you know, right now, we are at a precident for change. if we don't do it, i'm afraid of what is to come. >> tammy: well, i think with people like you two, thank you for joining me on the american people. it is the silent majority and i think they will hear from you
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soon. thank you both for joining us tonight, i appreciate it. what has medical establishment locked in so inconsistent during covid. an audience that trust them left is what they have lost. charlie hurt breaks down what anthony fauci's warning fall on deaf ears. plus, thousands died in new york nursing homeshe under the leadership of andrew cuomo. so why is the media still giving him the hero treatment? the return of the worst in media is next ♪ treatment? the return of
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♪ >> tammy: last night we explained how dr. anthony fauci seemed upset on any hope of things getting back any time soon. yesterday, he suggested that college or pro football might not happen at all this year. president trump personally responded to those remarks this morning tweeting "anthony fauci has nothing to do with nfl
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football. they are planning a safe and open controlled. but if they do not stand for the national anthem and the great national american flag, i won't be watching." joining me now is charlie hurt, "washington times" opinion editor and fox news contributor, charlie welcome aboard. i see the president's tweets. i know his sense of humor. it was saying what many americans are thinking right out of the gate.or he must be having enough with tony fauci being a wet blanket most of the time. what are your thoughts on those? >> yeah, i think it is a little bit more than that, actually, tammy. further evidence the president has no problem surrounding himself with people that he doesn't agree with. in fact, he seeks it out. he likes to have people he doesn't necessarily agree with so that he can get an alternate opinion. when somebody wanders off the reservation and gives an alternate opinion on something theyde have no business offering
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an opinion on whatsoever, obviously, the president is not afraid to use powerful language to go after him in a memorable way. but it is amazing when you think about how badly dr. fauci and a lot of these other health experts have gotten a lot of these things wrong. i it's not a left/right thing or democrat/republican thing or biden/trump thing, but it's a b.s. thing. at some point, regular voters realize, okay you have to wear a mask all the time unless you are rioting in the streets, in which case you don't need to wear a mask. but if you are going to do a rally, you do have to. people see through this. they realize it is a bunch of b.s. >> tammy: this is it, charlie we hear the sciences we need to stay locked down unless, as you noted and apparently the science has a political bias. unless you are a protester and you are fine and do whatever you you want. but i want you to listen to this, but of course if you want to go to a trump rally. >> this is a public health issue that needs to be addressed.
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i'm inspired by the young people protesting. >> people deserve the opportunity to express their concerns. i think of racism is a public health issue. >> it is one thing to protest for social equality of social justice but it isof another thi, to meet the ends of a political campaign. >> tammy: that is pretty remarkable. even here in new york, health care professionals and nurses and doctors out they weri applauding the demonstrators who didn't have masts on. this is where legitimacy is lost, charlie when it comes to the declarations. and they need to take action to keep people safe. a lot of people have died from covid to. americans will be less inclined to listen to them. the damage has been extraordinary. >> and i think, tammy, that is important to all of this.
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public health officials only have a few weapons orim tools in their toolbox that they can use to make sure that people are safe in something like a pandemic. and if all possibility this comes back in the fall, they will be greatly hindered because of exactly what you are talking about. >> tammy: quickly take a listen to cnn. they found yet another reason, charlie to slam the trump rally. listen to this. >> they unemployment rate to bls is 14%, starkly high for them. you have this huge rallyen gathering tomorrow after the president that martin just outlined that could lead to a jump in cases. that is what science tells us, that could lead to more of a shut down in oklahoma. we will see. that could lead to higher unemployment. >> tammy: well, there you go
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higher unemployment if you go to the rally. quick answer, i don't know what it will cause, maybe aliens will come down, locusts, quick answer. aliens? >> i think you are onto something. it will be aliens, i guarantee you. that is the best -- you can get a job with cnn with predictions like that. i think it will be aliens. >> tammy: taking string from one point to another on a map to get over the conspiracy. charlie, thank you very much for wjoining me. i appreciate it. tomorrow will be bigger than woodstock type of thing. and now let's get back to something extremely serious when we talk about andrew cuomo, the new york governor and his tragic decision making has led to thousands of avoidable deaths in his state. despite that, he got the red carpet treatment from the media, good old media and including his own brother. it was a morning show that we build the most embarrassing display of admiration. take a look. >> you have been commended for your clear and calm leadership. people all over the country in the world have tuned into your press conferences. you came in second only to president obama has the most trusted democratic leader in
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america. you have been pretrade as some sort of homecoming king of this crisis. >> tammy: well, the only thing missing after that interview was a cigarette, i think. joining me now for the return of the worst in media is adam tillett, president avenue after scene media, adam welcome aboard. that was a pretty remarkable display. what did you think of this hard-hitting interview? >> the most trusted democrat in america is what they call him? i call him the grandma killer. how many thousands of senior citizens died because he mandated that the nursing homes take covid-19 patience and even allowed nurses that had covid-19 into the? nursing homes to practice covid-19 patience. a terrible risk. thousands of deaths and he is the most trusted democrat in
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america? >> tammy: it's bad enough to not ask about that issue but then, let's stay with the cuomo family. brother chris on cnn complaining of course about the trump rally. >> he's having his rally in tulsa. mask optional, social distancing not necessary and let's pack it in and have record numbers. why is that okay? who is telling him that is okay? >> tammy: i don't know, maybe the same person, at that told him it was okay. the neighbor david telling tucker carlson about his own personal encounter with covid cuomo. >> i said, don't you have the coronavirus? shouldn't you be quarantined? and the biggest next words, what the hell do you know about this? what do you know about the rules? he said, you are not supposed to be out here. nobody had gloves on, nobody had masks on. >> tammy: adam, so more rules
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for me but not for me in this case. >> of course, those rallies, when you are a cnn host, you are upset any time you see anybody with an audience. the hypocrisy is typical of him and his brother. accuracy and media an internal joke this week who is the worst cuomo of the week and every week atat his neck and neck. >> tammy: new york, for the rest of the country they should watch and it's not a pretty sight. adam, there is more hypocrisy on cnn where they condemn not just the rally itself: but the rally goers. listen to this. >> more than 19,000 individuals, trump supporter's to file into an indoor arena tomorrow to cheer on president trump. people coming from all sorts of different areas, difficult to practice social distancing. masks required. this is a crisis situation. >> tammy: 24 minutes later, this was the cnn correspondent. we are talking about another
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mass gathering. >> we are following juneteenth marches this hour as americans celebrate juneteenth the end of slavery in the united states. >> another big march today and what has been a month of march is in new york city. passion, the righteous anger shows no sign of any time. >> tammy: adam, quite the switch in 24 minutes. righteous anger, you can have that, and covid. >> evidently, the virus mutated and only a affects rallies with people they don't like attending. adam made a great point this week when he talked about at the "black lives matter" rally, they are shouting.g. they are chanting, spreading the covid as much as they could. in addition, tear gas and then coughing. the covid is everywhere. so say what you want about a political party, but that is an environment where the virus can
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be spread to. >> tammy: adam you are great. thank you for sharing all of this with me. i appreciate it. thank you for joining me. jill may regret letting joe biden out i of the basement. jerry nadler gets in a fight with lawmakers. up next with raymond arroyo for "friday follies." memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. try neuriva for 30 days and see the difference.
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>> laura: it is friday and that means it is time for... "friday follies." all the details we go to raymond arroyo, fox new contributor. all right, raymond. the spotted rose spoonbill. joe biden surfaced this week. it was a rare treat for campaignn enthusiast, so what happened? >> laura, on wednesday biden emerged from the basement ekquarantined to operate speecha handful of people in philadelphia. yahoo! news claims biden in a enfiery speech goes after trumps coronavirus response. they said it was impassioned. you be the judge. >> mr. president, wake up, get to work. there is so much more to be done. thank you. >> thank you, laura. my goodness! >> laura: that was good.
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i love that. >> the poor man does is in the middle of the speech. i can think of about 12 descriptors of that performance, fiery would not be among them. all of these biden events reveal a troubling pattern, confusion and incoherence at time which gets lost in the news cycle because media doesn't cover him. this is biden roundtable on reopening the economy yesterday. >> i tell everybody, you are to marry and have five or more sisters. you know why? i'm always loving but not the same one. [laughter] that's why i recommend every man marry and father more sisters. >> not only is this advice unwarranted but i why is he muffling everything with a mask when people are 20 feet away? isit is unbelievable, laura. >> laura: raymond, i thought supposed to touch your mask. >> i think i'm guilty of it as
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well, but it falls down and you are always touching your mask, negating the whole purpose of the mask. and there's no legislation by the way. >> we will get to the mask and the next section, the next topic but biden having trouble keeping one thing and focus. y this call for "the new york times" indicates. listen closely. >> the next president of the united states and you have to admit has to be able to do two things. what is that? [laughter] >> someone's getting a call. >> that is your sound. >> laura, he cannot do one interview at the moment without getting distracted. look, the reason biden's numbers are so high the reason the first lady's numbers are so high. because they are out of the public eye and it works on the memory. you don't even have to consider them. i think has biden emerges or reemerges in the fall, those numbers will balance out because he's just unsteady at every moment. it's got to be a worry for the
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biden campaign. >> laura: it is like your favorite rock group and when you see the favorite rock group, you think of the way they were inn the '80s, '70s, but then when you see them up here, okay, it is time for maybe another home. >> the middle age spread during the guitar solo. this week's speaker pelosi, laura, after seeking guidance from the capital physician demanded all members of the house where a mask in the committee. she demanded that her chairman enforce the rule, which chairman of the judiciary jerry nadler attempted in his committee. >> anyone who is not wearing a mask will not be recognized to speak. who seeks recognition? >> mr. chairman... >> mr. escobar. >> the public can turn, and now for several minutes to be recognized on the point of order. >> committee chair has been responsible for the general decorum in the respective committees.
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>> mr. chairman, this has nothing to do with the court. i ask you to respect my choice. i consider masks much more effective at spreading and less effective as stopping a virus. >> laura, as you know there is very little science to substantiate this blanket approach. but it is ironic that jerry nadler, of all people, should be enforcing a rule on masks, given his tortured history with the devices. >> thank you very much. [laughter] >> he wrestles it. this is a aerobic activity for the day, laura. but the amazing thing, given the scant science, nancy pelosi is actually instructed the sergeant of arms not to permit membersma into the capital if they don't have masks on. >> laura: raymond, there are
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no circumstances that the democrats want this economy to reopen. and if it's not the mask, it will be something else because they don't want anyone going [ goingo church and no one back to football. they do not want this economy to reopen period. that is one manifestation of it. what else? >>an before we go i know you wee struck by this variety article erthat was entitled, tim problematic films that could use warning labels. and these films need to be presentedpr with disclaimers and discussions. tell us about the films, laura. >> laura: they include "dirty harry", "forrest gump" "forrest gump", "indiana jones: the temple of doom". the "silence of the lambs," the searchers" and "holiday inn." that was 1946, i think? so what do you make of all of these recommendations? whatar is going on here? >> this is what happens when the hollywood press has no new films.
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they pick on the classics. it is symptomatic across the country, the bad habit of judging the fact of the manners of today of the present. this is a nitpicky and a couple of quick examples and i did research, "forrest gump" becaus. it is hostile to protesters, activists and the counterculture. it points out a bit of privity that i doubt anybody even knew, "forrest gump" was named after his grandfather the article says who was a grand wizard of the ku klux klan. >> they had robert byrd who was a grand wizard of the ku klux klan and as far as i can tell his name was on every rest stop in west virginia. >> you are right. the second "indiana jones" film was called out for negative and stereotypical depictions of india while the "silence of the lambs" iss problematic because the serial killer in the film does not identify as trams, in other words, hannibal lector, i will
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say it is unspeakably ugly to me. >> laura: i thought i read somewhere it was disrespectful or offensive to vegans. >> that would be a better complaint. i guess everything needs a disclaimer and a warning and a group discussion, gives me the popcorn and i will enjoy the movie. that is it. >> laura: raymond, thank you so much. that was quite excellent and we will have "final thoughts" when we come back. ♪ worried about staying worried about staying sharp and alert? forebrain, from the harvard-educated experts at force factor, contains key ingredients to help boost memory, learning, clarity, focus, and more! rush to walmart and find forebrain, our #1 brain booster, in the vitamin aisle.
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independent women's voice. you can learn more online. thank you for making this the easy to do. now shannon bream at "fox news at night" takes it right from here. >> welcome to "fox news at night". i'm shannon bream in washington. we've got a lot of new shannon: welcome to fox news at night. a lot of news, the president preparing to hold the signature maga rally after protests across the nation where some marchers calling to defend the police. streets blocked in anticipation of protests. will the president say this critical moment, as his recklessly holding his rally,
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