tv Justice With Judge Jeanine FOX News June 20, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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and i'm not paying $4.6 billion. i said it has to have a 3 on the front of it. that's a hell of a lot of money, too. but it's a rather complex situation. they said no way, no way. this is before boeing had problems by the way. but boeing is coming back. the greatest company in the world. that's a big problem. it had a couple of problems that didn't work out. that was terrible. before that it was the greatest company in the world. it made up a quart ker -- -- it4 of our gdp. but then they made a plane and did some foolish things and a terrible thing happened. and all of a sudden, they have gone through hell. but they are coming back and we are ready to help them if they
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need it. but they are coming back. but this was the boeing before that. and they were riding high. like i was before this thing came in. but we are still riding high. because on november 3, we are going to win. so they came in and they came in and they said no, no, no, we won. 5.6 billion, waste was. whatever it was. i said cancel the contract. i want it canceled. general, can you cancel the contract in. to cancel it -- we have a cancellation fee. how much is it, general?
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>> $250 million? i said what? sir, we made a good deal. if we don't buy the plane, we have to hand them $250 million? that's like a good story compared to some i could tell you like with aircraft carriers. they said $250 million or around that number. because if i'm off by a little bit they say he exaggerates. i look at up ins all day long. for years now, my whole life when you think of it. 250 million for cancellation. i said general, don't cancel. just tell them i don't want the planes. don't put anything in writing. don't put it in writing. >> why, sir? because i don't want to pay 250?
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jim inhofe is great. you hear that, jim? you know that story. so -- here's what happened. boeing says no way. the next week they said how about $5 million. i said no way. the next week they said $4.8. i said no, it has to have a 3 on the front of you. don't you understand you dumb son of a bitch? don't you understand? i turned out to be right, you know. turned out to be right. nobody gets that. no, got to have a 3. next day, they come back. 4.5 is our best offer. no, i'm not doing it.
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come back he were ready. a month goes by, another month, they never heard from me. they thought it was serious. i was. they came back at $4 billion. that's a lot of money, but i saved $1.6 billion, $1.7 billion. when i get foreign nations to pay us billions and billions of dollars. no one wants to talk about that. when i take soldiers out of the countries because they are not treating us properly. germany is an example. i have a german heritage like some of you. i said let's get it down from 50,000 to 25,000 because they are delinquent. they haven't been paying what they are supposed to be paying. they are paying 1% instead of
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2%. and 2% is a low number. they said we think by 2030, maybe 2032 we can get there. i said angela, please. don't say that, angela. it's true. you know who i'm talking about. by the way, very nice woman, very good negotiator. this was in 2019, she said 2032. i said what about the last 25 years, all the money you owe us? they forget all the money that wasn't paid? i said what about the trillion dollars you really owe. but in the meantime we are reducing our troops. we are supposed to protect germany from russia. but germany is paying russia
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billions of dollars for energy coming from a pipeline, brand-new pipeline. so they pay the country we are supposed to protect them from, they pay billions of dollars to that country, we are supposed to protect them. excuse me, how does that work? the great thing is with jim inhofe and james langford likewise -- they just said they love you, james. they they hear you they get. we cannot continue to be ripped off. we are ripped off by so many countries, and we are stopping it. that means a lot of people don't want me here. they don't want me here. there are a lot of people who don't want me here.
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they don't sell a lot of bombs when we are not dropping bombs on people. it's called the military industrial complex. when rioting and looting broke out in our nation's capitol, i quickly deployed the national guard. i said get them in after watching for an evening or two. we stopped the violence and restored peace and order. last night they had a breakout again. they ripped down a statue that was 110 years old. a beautiful piece of art in front of the police precinct with our radical left mayor watching on television. i am not happy. that's going to be very expensive for d.c. they are always look for more money. then they don't do the proper job. so it's not -- it's not going to be good for mayor bowser.
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they are headed over to the jefferson memorial and they wanted to do damage to our brave beautiful jefferson memorial. it's not going to happen. we have it surrounded with very strong people. the choice in 2020 is very simple. do you want to bow before the left-wing mob or do you want to stand up tall and proud as americans? [cheers and applause] and explain this to the nfl. i like the nfl. i like roger goodell but i didn't like what he said a week ago. i said where did that come from in the middle of the summer. we'll never kneel to our national anthem or great american flag. we'll stand proud and we'll
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stand tall. [cheers and applause] i thought we won that battle with the nfl. the stadiums are empty now. did you see those stadiums. it took a lot of time to get you back. a lot of people didn't like that. i have had people i said these are super left liberals and they didn't like it. joe biden and the democrats want to prosecute americans for going to church. but not for burning a church. they believe you can riot, vandalize and destroy, but you cannot attend a peaceful pro america rally. they want to pun usual your thought.
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but -- they want to punish your thoughts, but not violent crimes. they want to abolish bail, they want open borders. by the way, we are doing so well. we have a record this month on the borders. nobody is coming in. and they want to abolish i.c.e. our great people from i.c.e. who send the roughest, toughest, meanest people you have ever seen or ever heard. generally speaking when they have lots of tattoos on their face, they are not looking to do you much help. i.c.e. they are great americans. they are walking into a pack of tough ms-13 gang members. and you know we shouldn't say this, it's not nice. they want us to negotiate. they start swinging.
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everybody is swinging. at the end they carry them back and throw them into the paddy wagon. these people want to get rid of i.c.e. they get rid of murderers, rapists, and the worst scum on earth. when i call them animals win said they are animals, and in already -- they cut up a young woman and her friend, cut them up with a knife because it was more painful, it is more painful and takes longer than shooting a gun. they cut them up. i said these are animals. nancy pelosi said these are human beings, not animals. if i lose an election over that, you know what? this country is in big trouble. big trouble.
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they want to dismantle our police forces while freeing vicious ms-13 gang members. in joe biden's america rioters, looters and criminal aliens have more rights than law abiding citizens. and that's true. in my administration we defend american citizens and we deport ms-13 members. or put them in jail if we have to. the chaos you are seeing in our democratic run cities -- these are all run by the democrats -- is what will happen in he city and community in america and much, much worse if we don't keep them out. we have to do this. we have to go to the polls on november 3, and the rest you
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though what to do. got to keep the white house. joe biden's record could be summed up as four decades of betrayal, calamity and he never did anything. he was a senator and vice president. they say president trump was tough -- they complain. he never did anything. he has been there for 47 years. biden deportedder globalist atab on the american worker. let's make he country in the world rich but ourselves. including nafta. he wanted to go with the tpp which would have ruined our automobile industry.
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and hillary clinton said we have to make this deal with south korea, it will mean 250,000 jobs. and she was right be for south korea. and china's entrance into the world trade organization was supported by sleepy joe biden. that was one of the worst deals economically in the history of our country. when china joined the world trade organization, they were that lined for decades. they became like a rocket ship. he voted for the war in iraq. he voted for mass amnesty forel illegal aliens. he supports sanctuary cities, and he wants to require you to provide free healthcare for millions and millions of illegal aliens. okay? when i took early and decisive
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across to ban travel from china and protect americans from the virus, and as i said, joe biden opposed my decision and called it hysteria. xenophobia. and fear mongering. and then he appeared a month later. he said he was wrong. and they didn't cover it. they didn't cover it. on one of the single most important policy decisions of our life, joe biden sided with china over america. that's closing the border. he thought it was a terrible thing. remember, this was in january. that's early, real early. the end of january. he thought it was a terrible thing when we closed the border the to many people who were badly infected with covid. when the chips are down biden will always cave to the radical left, he will always bow to the
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angry mob, and he will never protect you and your family. and you know that. joe biden will always let you down. that's been his history. and by direct early this year the heroes of the u.s. military took out the world's top terrorist, the after and killer and leader of isis, al-baghdadi, and the number one terrorist anywhere in the world. somquassem soleimani. we took him out. joe biden opposed killing soleimani. he didn't like it. he thought it would be good politically. that didn't work out too well. just as he opposed the raid that killed osama bin laden.
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biden is always on the wrong side of history as said by people who worked with him. he never made a correct foreign policy decision. biden is a puppet for china. his son walked out with $1.5 billion. allows them to rip off america for many years. now they are pay millions and millions of dollars. we are giving a lot to our farmers. we have plenty left over. china is not exactly happy with me. they pay us bills and billions of dollars. and they targeted our great farmers. and i took the money they targeted. i took that money and gave it to the farmers. so they are okay. are you okay?
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they want him to winnow badly. i will make the best deal you have ever seen. i already made one with china. but i can make even more. they want me to lose because they will own the united states if i lose. iran. president obama gave them 150 billion dollars for nothing. almost more incredibly, they gave him $1.8 billion in green cash. now they are not doing so well, are they? they are not doing so well. some day we'll get credit for this. some day. but they are waiting. iran wants to make a deal so badly. but they are told by kerry and all these people, wait, because if trump loses you will own
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america. you will own it. they will say you own it. so i don't mind. i told them, we can wait. but when i win you are going to pay a much higher price than if we made a deal. i told them. and look what happened to biden in ukraine where his son paid $80,000 a month and he was jobless. if joe biden were to become president, a full-scale assault will be launched on american life. they will expel anybody who disagrees them. you use a term they don't like and they are not happy with it. they call you a racist. they call you a horrible person. they don't want religion.
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silence religion beliefers. indoctrinate your children with hateful and vicious office lies about your country. subsidize late-term abortion after birth execution. they want to take away your guns and your second amendment as sure as you are sitting there. you can even put the big gun grabber, beto o'rourke who made a fool of himself when he ran for president. they put him in channel of guns. hopefully it won't matter. he wants to give up guns. the dems will also eliminate private health insurance, ban fracking, and american energy will be in a position of
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weakness like it's never been before. and that's after we built the greatest energy country anywhere in the world by far. and they want to appoint supreme court justices who will utterly obliterate your constitution. and you know see how point the supreme court is. think if we didn't have two justices that i think have been very, very, very very good. think how important it is. and we still -- i guess -- i don't know if it's an equal court. it's like we are a minority court. the recent court cases proved if joe biden is elected he will stack the court with extremists and the forgotten men and women, and we'll lose everything.
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the forgotten men and women. i campaigned on this. these are great people. these are elites. by the way, you are elite. they are not elite. you are elite. somebody two days ago said the elite are working hard trying to destroy you. why do you call them the elite? i look better than them. much more handsome. better hair than they do. i got nicer properties. i have got nicer houses. i have got nicer apartments. i have got nicer everything. i ran for politic once -- just once in my life and i became president of the united states.
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hopefully if you get out and vote we'll do it one more time. we won't even toy with them about three or four more times. we'll be 2-2 and our country will never ever be stronger. but i'll be soon announcing a new list of exceptional candidates for the united states supreme court, and i will choose only from that list, 100%. probably 25 incredible people, any one of which could be a great justice. i did it last time and people loved when i did it. i will only pick from that list. biden can't release his list because the names would be too
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extreme, too radical. they won't be acceptable. but they will be radical people. people don't understand. but we actually won on daca yesterday. they basically said you won, but you have to come back and redo it. it's almost like, come on back your paperwork was no good. but we are going to, and everything will work out good. it was great. it would have been nice if we won. everybody said, you are going to win daca. that's easy, you have got to win daca. they all said it. they came back and said we don't like what you did with your paperwork essentially. so we are refiling it. most people would say we lost. we didn't lose. we are refiling it.
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everything will work out for the young people. most of whom aren't so young any more, by the way. biden is fully controlled by the fringe of his party. he's their pawn. he doesn't even know where the hell he is. he installed socialist alexandria ocasio-cortez. to be in charge of his environmental policy as his energy -- you can forget petroleum. how does oklahoma feel about being petroleum free? not good, right? our country will have no energy. our country will have nothing. oklahoma, texas, north dakota, and many others will all be out of business. i don't think that's going to work out too well. but she is actually in charge of environmental policy. you know what that means. she doesn't even want to win.
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she doesn't want the bird killing machines that go round and round. you want to see a lot of birds that are dead? go under a windmill some time. she wants us to go back to the stoneages because she has no sense, no credentials, she has a little charisma, not much, but she doesn't have a clue. but she is in charge of the environment. we can forget boeing. let's cancel those brand-new air force ones. likewise representative ilhan omar. ilhan omar is going to be have much involved in a bide be government. they -- in a biden government. they will put the hate-filled america bashing socialist front and center in deciding the fate
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of our family and deciding the fate of your country. i don't think so. she would like to make the government our country just like the country from where she came. somalia. no government, no safety, no police. no nothing. just anarchy. and now she is telling us how to run our country. no, thank you. and i think we are going to have a big victory in the state of minnesota. because they have had it. they have had it. biden is a willing coach and horse for socialism. when he first ran for president, over 33 years ago. remember i used to call him 1% joe. he never got more than 1% until
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obama took him off the trash heap. but he copied a man's personal family history. and claimed it as his own. he forgot to say he was born in america. biden is a shameful hypocrite. he has delivered fawning eulogies of three leading supporters of segregation, including a former member of the kkk. and yet biden is now smears as racists tens of millions of people like yourselves, decent, hard working americans who has never met and he probably doesn't want to meet. america should not take lectures on racial justice from joe biden. sleepy joe. a man who praised and partnered
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with segregationists, shipped millions of black american jobs overseas, and everyone else's jobs by the way. we are building auto plants, we are building everything. and there has never been a comeback like we are making right now. he hollowed out our middle class, including our black middle class with open borders, trapped young children in failing government schools, built cages, those cages were built by obama and biden. look it up. 2014. and the fake news doesn't -- remember the picture of a came for children? remember the picture of the came? and they said president trump. then they realized it was in a newspaper in 2014.
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built by obama and biden. the cages. and they don't want to report the way it is. they know the way it is. they are not stupid. they sent young boys to fight in iraq while the inner cities crumbled. helped the big banks while hammering community leaders and made our cities less safe and secure for all. they have done a terrible job. and they should not get rewarded with an election victory on november 3. it shouldn't happen. it will destroy this country. our country will be destroyed. we all worked too hard. they don't know what the hell they are doing. some do, but in a very sinister way. virtually he policy that hurt black americans for half a century joe biden supported or enacted. i have done more for the black
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community in four years than joe biden has done in 47 years. racial justice begins with joe biden's retirement from public life. we are joined tonight by many outstanding republican leaders. these are great people. we have two of our most distinguished hard working wonderful friends, senators. they do a great job. senator jim inhofe and james langford. please stand up. very respected, i will tell you. two very respected people in washington. they are respected by everybody. i would have you come up, but
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you can relax. i will say this. jim is running on november 3, jim inhofe. he's running on november 3. james, dose have any competition? is somebody actually running against? there is no competition that he's got. i know he has james' support and he has my support. i give him 100% endorsement. jim inhofe. i gift to james, too, about -- i give it to james, too, but he's not running this time. what a great senator he is. also here is a man who is respected by so many. he's a little bit right of the people we have been talking about tonight. senator tom cotton of the great state of arkansas. [cheers and applause]
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thank you, tom. they like you people. thank you, tom. great job you are doing. we are glad to be joined as well by a man that i have gone the to know. he's done an incredible job with covid and everything else he touches. governor kevin stitt. thank you both. thank you both for being here. lieutenant governor matt pinel. thanks, matt. and representatives frank lucas, tom cole, he's done an
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incredible job, mark wayne, you don't want to fight with him. i want to put them and jim jordan in a match together. kevin hearn. great job today, kevin. the great jim jordan, jim jordan. e lirks se, stefenik. lee zeldin. tom emmer. these are warriors. these are great warriors. during the fake impeachment trial, there was nobody that could have done the job they have done. that includes the senate and the house. these people are incredible.
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david. a great friend of mine, debbie lesko, arizona. great job, debbie. and a man who's got very good ge nerks s, greg pence. -- got very good genes, greg pence. we have a lot of them in washington. we'll send jim inhofe back. and we'll send every one of them. they have to come back because they are fighting for us and they are fighting for you. they are talented, strong, tough people of and they love your state a lot. so thank you very much. so we built the greatest economy
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in the world. and then we say not only the world. but in the history of the world. we did the. we had the best numbers anybody has ever had. we had the best employment numbers. the best employment numbers in history. the best stock market numbers in history. we whether envy of the world. everybody would come in to see me, presidents, prime ministers, kings, queans, and dictators. then the plague came in. we are doing record business. it's happening at a level and a speed that nobody can believe.
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two weeks ago job numbers came in. the single biggest number in the history of our country. blast week. -- last week. retail sales numbers came in. retail sales. the single greatest number in the history of our country. here is what's going to happen. here is what's going to happen. they blame a president for anything. when you see looters -- even though we put them down -- if we didn't stop them nobody would, but they always blame it president. here's what's happening. we are going up, we are going up, and we are going to hit october. we'll be up. we'll be way up. we are not going to be where we were. but in many ways other than all of the horrible horrible death that was so needlessly caused by
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a virus that should have been stopped where it originated which was china. but we are going to go up up, august, september, october, and people will going to say, man, this guy is doing a good job. he knows what he's doing. i don't believe the fake news anymore. and you won't want to loose your 401k. whether it's real estate wealth or any wealth. if these people are put in charge and they double and trim and quadruple your taxes it will be a whole different ballgame. but in the end we'll have a phenomenal economy, and next year we'll have a good third quarter.
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next year will be the single greatest year economically that we have ever had. okay? and if you see that happening. if you see it happening on november 3, you don't have the guts to vote against trump. you don't have the guts to vote against trump. wait a minute darling, my 401k is higher than it was the last time. i don't think i want to take a chance. the stock market has been the best -- think of this, go back one week and go back 50 days. in that 50-day period, it's the strongest 50 days in the history of the stock market. and your wife or your husband
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says, i love you so much. you are such a great investor. and all you did was keep the same crap you had the first time. i love you so much. you have always been a loser and always loss money. but now under president trump you are one of the greatest financial minds. they want the stock market to go down. even if it costs them money. they want the stock market to go down even if it costs some money. and they don't even know why. you know what? they are smart and vicious. but they don't know why. what's wrong with having the strongest military brand-new in the world? what's wrong with having these great economic numbers? what's wrong with having to close it down, we save millions of lives. a lot of people say we should
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have gone herd. i said how are they doing in brazil in not good. you heard about sweden. we saved millions of lives, now it's time to open up, get back to work. get back to work. i recently signed groundbreaking criminal justice reform. i secured record and permanent funding for historically black colleges and universities. we slashed regulations and passed massive tax cuts to give black workers a pay raise like they have never ever got be before and lift up back-owned businesses. and i work closely with the great senator also, a friend of theirs, senator tim scott of south carolina to create
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opportunity zones which are doing incredibly. and since then countless jobs and 100 billion dollars of new investment -- not government investment -- have poured into 9,000 of our most distressed neighborhoods anywhere in the country. 9,000. never happened before. today i'm also announcing that i have directed secretary of the interior david berks rghart to place the reconciliation park here on tulsa on the african-american civil rights network. so many of my friends have been asking me to do it. so many of my friends including these great politicians. so we are going to do that. it will be done very quickly.
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we'll forever remember and honor the courageous people who helped build this state and this country. democrats are stoking division in order to distract from their decades of failure on schools, jobs, housing, justice and crime. public schools run by democrats. over 2/3 of students are falling behind in reading and math. and i think the numbers are worse than that. but democrats would rather deny these children the future they deserve than allow them to attend the charter, public, private, religious, or independent schools of their choice, pro-choice. pro-choice. pro-choice for schools. it's very popular. but some people it's like a disaster. what it does to unions that have
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a lot of power over the democrats. even though they know it's wrong. republicans believes access to education is a civil right. 20 of 20 of the most dangerous cities in america are controlled by democrats. think of that. 20 of 20. and so is nearly he major city where the child after i rat -- e child poverty rate of over 30%. the murder rate in baltimore is higher than el salvador, guatemala or afghanistan. the whole country will be like that with democrats running the cities. our police arrested nearly 12,000 people for murder and manslaughter. 25,000 people for rape.
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and 1.5 million for assault. violent assault. the democrats push against our police will drive up crime and drive up costs at levels you would never believe. thousands of innocent lives will be lost. as presidentle -- as presidents support the incredible men and women of law enforcement. [cheers and applause] a vote for republicans is a vote for better schools, better jobs, safer tap his and stronger communities for -- safer families and stronger communities for all americans. there is a limit for what we can together achieve with four more years. with your help we'll lift
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millions of our citizens from welfare to work, dependence to independence, and poverty to prosperity. that's what's happening. that's what's happening. and that was happening at a level that nobody ever thought they would see. it was happening before this covid came in. it was happening at a level that nobody believed possible. and then china sent us the plague. thank you very much. we'll protect medicare and social security for our great seniors and we'll always protect patients with preexisting conditions always. we'll appoint more judges to interpret the constitution as written. we'll end deadly sanctuary cities. we'll finish the wall which has
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now 212 miles built and beautiful. 212 miles. that's a lot of miles. let me tell you, you think that was an easy one? that was a tough one. that party was totally unified against the wall. they gave up because they realized it was a bad issue for them. the open borders. i love when they fight for open borders. because anybody that wants an open border coming in from rough areas, there is something wrong with those people. did you notice in the end it was like to leave us alone, build your wall. i said thank you very much. and we'll elect a republican congress to create a fair, safe, and sane lawful system of
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immigration that puts american workers first. we'll revitalize our cities and we'll build gleaming new roads, bridges, tunnels and airports across our land. we'll enact trade deals that result in more products stamped with the beautiful phrase "made in the usa." it's happening, too. we have so many plants coming into michigan and so many other places. we'll become the world's premier pharmacy drug store and medical manufacturer. we are bringing it back. we'll keep america out of
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foolish, side, ridiculous foreign wars. we'll never hesitate to kill america's terrorist enemies. you know when i took over isis was all over the place. and i picked up things i thought we should do, and we have obliterated. we have captured 100% of the isis caliphate. 100%. [cheers and applause] and like our depleted military when i took over, like our empty shelves medically when i took over, like all of the thing when i took over it was a mess. we have done a job -- you ought to see what isis was doing. they were getting bigger, bigger bigger. sir, just taking 100%.
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we'll launch a new age of american ambition in space and the united states will be the first nation to land on mars. [cheers and applause] you saw the beautiful rocket three week ago go up. beautiful. we'll defend privacy and free thought, free speech, religious liberty, and the right to keep and bear arms. and when you see those lunatics all over the streets, it's damn nice to have arms. interesting how all of a sudden people understand it. you couldn't sell it. now people understand it. the right to keep and bear arms will protect your second
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amendment. above all we'll never stop fighting for the sacred values that bind us together as one america. we'll support, protect and defend the constitution of the united states. we uphold the principle of equal justice under the law. we believe in the dignity of work and the sanctity of life. we believe that faith and family, not government and bureaucracy are the true american way. we believe that children should be taught to love our country. honor our history, and always salute our great american flag. and we live by the words of our
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national motto, it will never change. in god we trust. [cheers and applause] we stand on the shoulders of american heroes who crossed the ocean, blazed the trails, settled the continent, tamed the wilderness, dug out the panama canal, laid down the railroads, revolutionized industries, won two world wars, defeated fascism and communism and made america the single greatest nation in the history of the world and we are making it greater and greater every single day. proud citizens like you help build this country, and together we are taking back our country.
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we are returning the power to you the american people. with your help, your devotion and your drive, we are going to keep on working, we are going to keep on fighting, and we are going to keep on winning, winning, winning. we are one movement, one people, one family, and one glorious nation under god. america will soon be thriving like never before because ladies and gentlemen of oklahoma, the best is yet to come. [cheers and applause] together we'll make america
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wealthy again. we'll make america strong again. we'll make america proud again. we'll make america safe again. and we'll make america great again. thank you. thank you, oklahoma. thank you. [♪] judge jeanine: breaking tonight, president trump officially kicks off his presidential campaign with a rally in oklahoma. welcome to "justice," i'm judge jeanine pirro. joining me now to discuss and
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talk about this, turning point usa founder charlie kirk. all right, charlie. you have seen and lot of these. what was your take? >> nice to see one again. it's been too long. as a trump supporter and someone battling in the trenches the last couple months. it's fre refreshing to seat president back in front of his base. it was important for him to articulate the world view that the americans to support him support. he said we stand on the shoulders of heroes. nose are the heroes the left and the democrats and the anarchists are taking down. you saw the statue of george washington taken down yesterday. he had great energy and great spirit. i think he's back on offense. judge jeanine: you can see it, i
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think we have some sound i would like you to listen to. >> joe biden has surrendered to his party into the left wing, he has no control, does anybody honestly think that he controls the radical maniacs? you know what he says to his wife when he is not confusing her with his sister. [laughter] get me the hell out of here, these people are crazy. judge jeanine: what is interesting about this, what at one point he described joe biden as being involved in four decades of betrayal and calamity. what do you think how he was attacking joe biden this evening? >> the framing is brilliant. there is a little bit of a crisis happening in the biden campaign. they realize that they had actually have to campaign and they have to defend the indefensible which is a record that has put america lost and
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china first. i record that has not been a positive for the black community, a record that is enriched the biden family at the expense of the american people. you can see the president was getting more and more into it as the speech went on, as phenomenal to see, the biden campaign, good luck i don't know what campaign it looks like for joe biden buddy was spot on with his critique of joe biden and it's just the beginning. judge jeanine: it was clear that the president did as he was going on get more and more energy. he started talking about how these people are crazy, what was going on in seattle and reminding people how important the second amendment is in light of what is going on, what was your take on that? >> i was very positive to see the president talk about the cultural issues. life, judges, religious freedom, also now there is a culture war raging in america and the president is diving right into
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it. you have record amount of cancellation, record amount of silencing happening on digital and social media. the president realizes that politics flows downstream from culture and is time to stand for our beautiful history, the heroes that built america. if you're watching this right now and you feel like america is heading in a troubling direction in the last couple of weeks, the president say no more, the fact that he talked about the second amendment right of free speech, these are winning issues. the president is the best offensive player in modern american history. winnie's playing offense to be setting the tone, the media does not how to cover it. the fact that he's doing the rallies again is tremendous. were hosting for the trump address on tuesday from phoenix, arizona, the more he's in front of people in communicating with voters, the more he will put joe biden on defense. judge jeanine: charlie questioning. >> yes, sorry if i broke up.
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judge jeanine: charlie, i have to say thank you and good night. thank you so much for joining us and thanks for watching, i am judged in imperial advocating for truth, justice and the american way. the gray got phil show is coming up right now. ♪. greg: yes we are live, watching the rally with you. the first rally in a long time in tulsa oklahoma, not a full house, two thirds full but that makes sense, i wondered did we have bad people outside? >> we had some very bad people outside, we had some very bad people outside doing bad things. greg: very bad people, he started early with his sleepy joe stuff, why wouldn't he. did you notice biden gets his state wrong. >> biden often times it is
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