tv Hannity FOX News June 23, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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scary. >> sean: adam klotz, a glass half-full kind of man, thank you. what a nice end of the hour. great to see you. that's it for us tonight, but there is more with a great show on hannity stands by new york, andrew cuomo. >> sean: i'm looking at that and saying there's a good side of that because that looks pretty scary. great show, thank you. we begin tonight a lot of news on tuesday night with a fox news alert. breaking tonight, massive chaos in american cities ongoing in atlanta tonight, reports of armed vigilantes patrolling the burned out when he is aware of the rayshard brooks shooting took place. we will take you there live in just a moment. in seattle breaking this morning, another shooting near the lawless so-called top autonomous zone. important updates on the ground from that city. also tonight in new york, looking at a vial of salt caught on tape. look at this, a homeless man, a
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fellow human being being severely burned after getting attacked with fireworks. we will have more on that disturbing video coming up as well. first, more unrest in the washington, d.c., swamp where protesters now have clashed with law enforcement. joining us tonight live on the ground as our very own kevin corke. kevin? >> good to be with you, my friend. as you can imagine, things are relatively quiet tonight especially when compared to what we saw just around this area 24 hours ago. just a block from here over in lafayette park. let me take you to those pictures just to give you a sense of what we were all witnessing when folks tried to pull down the historic andrew jackson statue which as you know sits directly across the doorway of the white house over in lafayette park. law enforcement did move in and secure the statue but not before it was defaced and tonight, it is clear the president has had enough saying he will soon have an executive order to reinforce was already on the books but in
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a more uniform way and that is to protect america's history both good and bad. heard them talk about it and here's what he said on twitter. "numerous people arrested for the disgraceful vandalism of the magnificent statue of andrew jackson in addition to the exterior defacing of st. john's church across the street, ten years in prison under the veterans memorial preservation act. beware." that statue that the president is citing subjects anyone who willfully injures, destroys, or attempts to injure or destroy any structure, plaque, statue, or other monument on public property commemorating the service of any person or persons in the armed forces gets ten years of imprisonment and they will start enforcing that today. as i show you these pictures as you see there, a large contingent of d.c. metropolitan police here protecting the streets that leads right to a lafayette park about a block away also from st. john's church
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and we have seen some of the protesters actually begin to march away. we will be here for the hour but for now, back to you. >> sean: great coverage is always checking back throughout the hour. we now turn to seattle's jazz, summer of love, festive zone which just experienced another shooting this morning. as a live report for us this morning, another tragic shooting. we predicted this is not exactly the summer of love and the mayor again saying some bizarre things today. >> if you are keeping score at home, that is four shootings in the last four days and one was deadly. that was one on early saturday morning and so because of that, we are seeing a change out here. yesterday, announced that this cannot go on forever, and she wants to have these people voluntarily leave and we have seen fewer numbers in there today, and we also saw a strategy meeting if you will with about 100 people on the
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turf football and baseball field and it was very apparent that there is not a tight leadership here, not easy to identify the leadership. one by one, people would get up there and talk about what to do next. the first guy got out there and said let's pick up chop and move it to another part of the city. he was run out of there. there was another guy and he said we've got to do something about the gang violence because that is probably what's causing the shootings in the area and he was run out of there than somebody else got up and said we are going to sit in front of that police precinct, they are not going to be able to get us out of here legally and they will have to take this out with force and once that happens, we will be on national news and get what we want. so there's really no leadership out here. we are seeing the numbers going down every day and i think the seattle police department's plan is to let these numbers go down and down and then they will eventually try to take that precinct back two weeks ago and a day leaving that he's precinct behind me and i expect they will probably be back in that
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precinct within a week. >> sean: one of the saddest sites this weekend is when the police weren't able to get to a victim shot to offer assistance and they are begging please let us in and they wouldn't let them in. they had to fight to get in there. dan springer will check in tonight throughout the hour. thank you. by the way, we may go live in a second to steve harrigan in atlanta. there are reports of armed protesters near that wendy's. this is where rayshard brooks died earlier this month in the shooting we've all watched. my reports on the ground are telling me that literally, you have people surrounding it with what looks like ar-15s. is that the case, and what is the standoff looking like? >> we haven't seen an active standoff, but we have seen certainly attend situation around that wendy's since the time of the shooting. one thing is clear, a lot of business owners in the area for your more violence.
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that wendy's of course was destroyed after the shooting on june 12, destroyed and burned. they had the funeral for rayshard brooks here today, brooks of course killed in that wendy's parking lot june 12th after failing a sobriety test, fighting with two white police officers, taking the taser, firing a taser at one of the officers while trying to flee. brooks left behind a wife and three children. >> we are just asking for everyone do not stop fighting, continue to push, stay in the streets until real change happens. because i don't want to watch another 8-year-old girl have to go through that again. >> two officers now face very serious charges after that shooting. devon brosnan faces aggravated assault. he didn't fire a shot. the other officer garrett roth, former officer who was fired after the incident faces 11 charges including felony murder so he can face a penalty of up to life in prison, and natalie
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white now has been arrested, she apparently had a close relationship according to her attorney with brooks. she is accused of arson for setting that fire in the wendy's in that neighborhood certainly still is tense at this time. back to you. >> sean: to be clear, are there people surrounding the wendy's, have they literally commandeered that area with heavily armed? is that a fact? >> it is not a fact. there has been at least one shooting in the area, there has been crowds gathering their every night and certainly is a place where you feel tense where you go and store owners have boarded up their windows for fear of violence, but there is not an active arm standoff at that point. >> sean: not asking at this point, where there surrounding the wendy's with firearms, with rifles? >> i cannot attest to the fact that they had weapons around the wendy's, but there has been a crowd there almost every night and at least one shooting.
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>> sean: we have a picture of it on the screen, and reported that on my radio show, so i wanted to make sure we get the facts for our audience. to think as always. now we turn our focus back to washington, d.c. the swamp, where president trump has issued a stern warning for anyone attempting to vandalize historic monuments and buildings. yesterday, he vowed to enforce the preservation act and put any vandals behind bars for up to ten years. today during a speech in arizona, just a couple of short hours ago, the president had this to say about some of the far left protesters causing massive unrest in america's cities. let's take a look. >> they are tearing down statues, desecrating monuments, and purging dissenters. is not the behavior of a peaceful political movement. is the behavior of totalitarians and tyrants and people that don't love our country. they don't love our country. >> sean: this comes as
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law enforcement in d.c. faced another wave of angry protesters. tonight, police all across this country continue to now face horrific conditions now heading up to 900 injured, rocks, bottles, bricks, molotov cocktails, as many of six, just a small sample of what they are up against. take a look. >> you are a piece of belief. you really are. you are part of the problem. >> sean: as you can see, not exactly the easiest job in the world. despite what our extreme conditions police are facing, democratic politicians are leaving them out to dry, some even calling for the entire police departments in big cities to be defunded and even dismantled. now, these are the same democratic politicians as we
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went over in great detail last night and won't reiterate tonight but to sum up, have failed their cities for decades. their education system in ruins. has been out of control for decades. they don't solve or fix any problem. safety and security for every american should be a protected right. in the past few weeks, a wave of looting, arson, vandalism, precinct burning, precincts taken over and erect city centers. so what does the democratic presumptive nominee's plan to restore order in america's liberal studies as we begin our opening monologue tonight. after all, we do have another candidate. is 133 days until we will have the ultimate decision. the ultimate jerry. while the ever weak and forgetful joe biden has been in public life are over 50 years, so over five decades, he must have come up with a plan and must have done things, right? the mob and the media will never tell you.
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we might never know because the forgetful one has not held a press conference and 82 days. the media mob of course aiding and abetting and protecting fragile joe just like they did hillary in 2016. after 82 days, joe has been mostly hiding in his basement bunker. that pleases terry mccullough, i'm fine with him in the basement, he only sees two people a day. he's going to run for president and we are going to vote in 133 days? pretty much he has all but shut off from the outside world, not weighing in on the big issues of the day instead of taking any questions from reporters, he conducts what are these prescripted and frankly pathetic podcasts which he somehow manages to even botch again and again and again. no outrage from the media mob, he gets a pass. predictably, they do this often. he goes a few seconds or days without taking questions, they
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have a collective meltdown. joe biden can actually go 82 days with no questions, no media pretty much at all, only friendly media? that's because they are shielding joe biden, they know it because president trump did issue police reform guidelines. now, joe was vice president eight years and he never did that. by the way, we now know president trump is the one that passed criminal justice and prison reform. that wasn't barack and it wasn't joe. in fact, senate democrats are now stalling reform efforts in the senate tonight as we speak. they know it was president trump also. he's the one that expanded funding and commitment, unprecedented commitment for historically black colleges in america. wasn't joe biden and it wasn't barack obama and he created economic opportunity zones and struggling neighborhoods. he talked about all of this in his speech tonight. wasn't barack and it wasn't joe. and joe again five decades in
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government. trump, less than four years. of course, the media mob also very worried that biden can't actually answer tough questions at all. for example, we know today president trump is vowing to lock up anybody who vandalize his our historic monuments and buildings. in other words, he has a position. he has taken a stand. so the question the mob and the media if they had half a sense to do their job, they would insist on these answers tonight. what would joe do? what would biden do? does he support the tearing down of statues? does he support the tearing down of monuments? what about the monuments in baltimore by nancy pelosi's father and kept in place by her own brother? so tonight, we ask okay, dez joe biden ever support the vandalism for example that took place last night at st. john's church with black house house autonomous zone spray-painted on the front of that church.
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a far left activist john king, now he wants and is leading an effort apparently for statues of jesus torn down because he thinks they are "a form of white supremacy. okay. joe biden, the forgetful one, do you agree or disagree? and joe, what do you think about seattle's lawless chaz, chop, summer of love festival zone and what you have to say to the people whose businesses in seattle have now been destroyed in those six blocks of lawlessness? what do you have to say to the 900 or so police officers that were injured with rocks and bottles and bricks and molotov cocktails? what do you say to the families that lost loved ones for serving their communities and protecting them as police officers? do you support joe, the seattle mayor, do you to support the washington state governor, do you support allowing a large part of an american city to be taken over? if you do, let us know. you don't, tell us what your
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solutions are. what are your solutions for police and community relations. why did you and barack implement changes to mecca after cambridge, after ferguson, after baltimore and at any point in the eight years you and the vice president of the united states, why didn't you do it then >> sandra: as we continue our questioning, what with the ever what have you done in the last 50 years? that's a legitimate question. and joe by the way, remember, we haven't forgotten, you fought against integration efforts alongside leading segregationists. by the way, here's a question for joe, do you regret that? do you regret openly worrying that your kids could grow up in a racial jungle, your words. do you regret authoring the 1994 crime bill, that's the one that led to mass incarceration of minorities in this country.
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in other words, the one with criminal justice reform that donald trump fixed and by the way, do you regret praising the former grand bah of the ku klux klan because you praised him a lot. also, congresswoman causey of cortez advising the campaign. do you agree with the socialist utopian vision? you said you support a green new deal, do you support her version of a great new deal, and going to give everything away freely. and when you going to replace the lifeblood of the world's economy, but start that question for joe. and will you encourage businesses to move out of china? are you going to hold china's government accountable even though your son, zero experience hunter got a better deal than he got in terms of ukraine. and with china, you've got a sweetheart $1.5 billion deal with the actual bank of china and we don't see any experience
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in his background at all that would've warranted such a deal but it happened shortly after he stepped off your air force to airplane in beijing when you went to visit asia and china. another question is will you ask your son to give up the shares and the investment of that $1.5 billion deal with china or maybe give back the money from burisma holdings that he admits he has zero experience in and got paid anyway? i don't know, i have no idea. no experience, none, whatsoever. that's a lot of millions of dollars, and you did threaten to fire that prosecutor. i'd like to know your answer. why would you leverage the quid pro quo of billions of taxpayer dollars. we also know president trump china travel ban went into effect ten days after the first identified confirmed case of coronavirus in the u.s. joe, you called a hysterical, xenophobic, and fearmongering.
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okay, what would you have done differently? two months in three days later, you said you did support the travel ban. at that time, it was way too late. we can go on and on. let's end with one more important question. here's a question we need to ask ourselves is a country in 133 days. does the ever frail, forgetful 78-year-old confused and confounded joe biden, does he have the strength, does he have the stamina, does he have the alertness, the mental acuity to perform the toughest job in the world well into his 80s? the media might want to ask the age questions that they had no trouble asking ronald reagan in 1984. we get to see all of the medical records. where they even bothered to pressure the biden campaign to
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hold a simple press conference? let's start with a zoom press conference. i would argue tonight 133 days before the election, the american people deserve to see joe biden. joe come out of hiding and tell us where you stand. tell us why you didn't do more in 50 years in public life. you are one team, the mob and the media protecting you, but the american people, i give them a lot of credit. i think they are going to see through this charade and again, another unholy alliance, the mob and the media chose sides. first, they chose hillary and now they choose you. there was a reaction, fox news contributor dan bongino, sarah sanders. we begin with you tonight. i think these are all fair questions and i don't recall je answering any of them in the big part of the question is why did you do in 50 years? what did you do in the last eight years? he didn't correct record low
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unemployment for every like opportunity zones and black historic colleges with a longer commitment with more money than any president in history. i don't know why were they given a pass? >> i will tell you what he did do, he set up some very nice deal for his kids, didn't he? 80 plus a month, that is some contract. i will take that. >> sean: he says he hasn't gotten a penny. another thing is not just his family seems to have profited really handsomely with no skills whatsoever to show for it.
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hunter biden, no skills in ukraine, and a regional experience, no natural gas experience but paying him 80k a month. funny how that works. but here's what's interesting, him ducking the media. not that he won't do interviews with the media. it's that he can't. every time he appears in front of any media outlet, he says things that are so ridiculously offensive that he drops two or three points in the polls so their strategy to win is not to run an election, it is to hide from an election. that's their only strategy. >> sean: let me go to you, geraldo. i don't care if people want to vote for joe biden. what has he done in 50 years? how does he not hold the press conference at 82 days, and how does he get to avoid any and all big issues of our time in this time? donald trump, he is telling everybody what he thinks, also a man of action and a man that is doing things. he is hiding, and the people
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like terry mcauliffe are supporting the hiding as the only strategy for him and the mob and the media is accepting this. >> i would take a slightly different angle. i would ask of joe biden why he doesn't ask his supporters in the african-american community to join him to protest against the carnage, the bloodletting in places like chicago and baltimore and detroit. can he get this together to save black lives? do black lives matter? do black toddlers lives matter as i asked last night? where is vice president biden on the death of the 23-year-olds this weekend? why has he said nothing about what is an egregious act of child killing that is beyond the pale. this is something that could rally everybody. joe biden if he has the support of this community has he
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apparently does, why not ask of them to protect themselves and their children against his violence? these protesters in washington, d.c., and elsewhere, kids have energy that in a positive way can be very beneficial to them in their lives generally. but what they've done is to make it malignant and destructive, and to take people's property and they do it with impunity that is absolutely intolerable. what about all those shopkeepers and tenants and landowners of that place in seattle, what about the people whose businesses surround lafayette park, what about st. john's church, the episcopal church, again defaced by these people once again, people who were so upset by president trump holding a bible in front of the church and calling it a photo op, they've been absolutely silent as joe biden
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has been silent about defacing of the church. >> sean: and you can pick it up from there because he has been hiding. i've never seen anything like it. the mob is okay with it. >> this just goes to show you the double standard of the media and how much they would rather tear this president down then build this country up. they give joe biden a complete and total fare pass. i think you said it earlier. the president goes 10 minutes without taking questions, they lose their minds, yet joe biden can hide for over 80 days. he has 50 years worth of bad legislative moments that they should be asking him about. and i think it is outrageous that they spend all this time accusing the president who has been in office for a little over three years for most of the problems that joe biden and his cronies spent 50 years creating. he needs four more years to get the job done. joe biden and all of the democrats that have to at some
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point answer for all of the problems that they helped crea create, and will have to come out of hiding, 80 days is outrageous for him to spend without taking a single question, without responding to the media. you gave just a small glimpse of the questions they could be asking. the sad part is, my guess is the first time he does an interview, they want to ask a single one of those questions, and that is the biggest shame of all. they will give them a free pass whether he takes questions or not. >> sean: unbelievable. great commentary. sarah, geraldo, dan, thank you all for being with us. more breaking news tonight. of lawlessness raging in new york city. governor andrew cuomo defending those tearing down statues. a position he held the opposite view of just a couple of weeks ago. bernie kerik is here, pete hegseth is here, also tonight, the fbi has reported nascar's bubble wallace was not the victim of a hate crime. we will have an update on that and as a videotape of homeless
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man set on fire should shock again the conscience of a nation. straight ahead. (announcer) now more than ever, it's important to lose weight, improve your health, and strengthen your immunity. starvation dieting, processed foods, shakes, and diet gimmicks have made us heavier and sicker. the solution for losing weight the right way is golo. we help transform your body and change your lifestyle, so you can lose weight and get healthier. over 20,000 people of all ages, and entire families,
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unfortunately, liberal lawlessness continues to run rampant in new york city as well, elected leaders failed to restore law and order. that should be basic fundamental and simple. every american needs to live in a safe, secure neighborhood with law and order. every child, every american needs to know that they are safe and secure. look at your screen at this sick and twisted, look at this fireworks attack. that is a fellow human being, an innocent homeless man in harlem. you think his life before this? is this supposed to be funny? this is sick, ugly, evil, and twisted. that is a homeless man sleeping on the streets being set ablaze with fireworks. now, governor cuomo and of course, conrad the bellagio won't take any responsibility for any of the chaos in the state in the city. they are actually defending the destruction of statues now.
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>> do you agree with the president's guidance that the city should do more to protect monuments? >> i don't even know with the president's guidance is, frankly, and people are making a statement about equality, about community, to be against racism and new york, i don't think we've ever done it and i think it's a healthy expression of people saying let's get some priorities here. >> sean: just a couple of weeks ago while governor cuomo came out against the removal of new york's christopher columbus statue and the same interview, actually still defending this decision of his and the same with new jersey, pennsylvania, and michigan that is putting covid-19 positive patience in nursing homes claiming it was federal guidance when the actual truth is trump built the hospitals, man the hospitals, provided all the ppe and the hospitals, converted the hospitals to covid-19 and he
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left most of the beds empty. and new jersey had access to them, pennsylvania could have asked for them. here with reaction, former nypd commissioner pete hegseth and bernie kerik, thank you both. you told me you were down in atlanta, don't know if you are still down there, but you told me early this morning that in fact that wendy's was being surrounded by people with ar-15s and also told me the morale of the police in atlanta is at an all-time low. we are now hearing talk of more sick outs, maybe even a large stick out nationwide, and that the cops are not willing to put themselves on the line because they don't feel they have any support any more from their leaders or so-called leaders. >> actually, i am surrounded right now by about 150 to 200 atlanta police officers who have told me personally they are demoralized, they are not supported by the mayor, i
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traveled around atlanta this morning, i went by the wendy's, i saw members of the new black panther party standing out there with ar-15s. they created an autonomous zone. >> sean: i have pictures of i it. >> this is what happens when you have mayors and city council members that caliber to thugs. >> sean: has it been confirmed that they are black panthers but people with firearms are definitely standing in front of the wendy's with long rifles, so that i confirmed. >> absolutely, and the cops have questioned them, cops have been down there. but i can't blame the cops. who wants to go to work in a place where they are not going to be supported by the mayor, by the council. [cheers and applause]
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at the end of the day, you know what? this is what's happening in baltimore, in chicago, in new york city. you have mayors, governors that are not supporting their men and women and you have lawlessness in the street and it's only going to continue and is going to get worse and we are going to get worse and the hardest hit communities. so many cops were in my family, two guys, would you please pay the 99% of those good cops that put their lives on the line every day that are willing to go and protect and serve their communities like we saw in that ball field, like we saw that 9/11, so you out there in the middle of it, would you please tell them sean hannity and the 99% of america thanks them for what they do? can tell them now. >> sean, this comes from
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sean hannity. 99.9% of all of you, you may have one bad apple in the group, but he loves you and supports you if i could do one last thing, there are eight cops right now, a cops in atlanta out of a job, they have families. met with some of them today, great cops, great men and women that really need the country support. first responders support fun we need support for those men and women that have to feed their families. we've got to get them through. >> sean: let me bring in pete. stay right there. we can turn the camera on that crowd after i talk to pete hegseth. by the way, that goes to somebody like you and your friend. and the good people that protect
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and serve a broad, americans have put their lives on the line and our military, which you've been a part of. >> the brotherhood is the same. it's not completely the same military and law enforcement, but if you don't have the support of your leadership to do the most dangerous things anyone would ask you to do, why are you doing it? i understand why cops want to step back right now. that badge symbolizes on her just like the logo on the side of our humvees in iraq. when criminals see that logo and they know what it stands for and they know you mean law and order, they respect that in the community is safer because of it. you take that away, you handcuff guys and ultimately not only does the battlefield in a community of criminals become more dangerous, but the lives of those who signed up to protect it are put on the line. what we are doing to our law enforcement is absolutely criminal. and god bless bernie kerik and
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those cops in atlanta, what they're facing in washington, d.c., and new york city. is a sin. >> sean: let me say this, i know we can't turn the camera, but here's the thing. i remember what you did on 9/11, i remember how you drove and saved lives with the police department. can we go to a full shot of that, please? will you please tell those guys, they deserve the support of the politicians, they have the support of the american people. the 99%, god bless you, because you defend, protect, and serve. thank you for what you do. >> from sean hannity, you've got the american people's support. a thing you need the support of your mayors and city council members and other politicians. thank you. >> sean: unbelievable. when we come back, mark cuban is back. does he think joe biden stands a
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slowly alone in his basement bunker indefinitely. there with reaction to this and much more, dallas mavericks owner, shark tank, i love the show, i love entrepreneurialism and mark cuban is back with us. so you and i talked about charm, but on the program a couple of times and i want to talk to about biden. first question, do you believe that he has the strength, the stamina, the mental acuity, the alertness to be taking on what is the toughest job in the world, being the president of the united states, do you and your heart believe he does? >> 100%, absolutely, no question about it. donald trump doesn't want to run a country. he wants to run a campaign. joe biden actually wants to run a country. >> sean: give me a bumper sticker. did a lot of good things. here's my next question.
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talking about predators in '94, donald trump is the one that they'd criminal justice and prison reform. donald trump did opportunity zones, not joe or barack. donald trump gave a record low after record low unemployment for every minority group in the country, not joe and not barack. my question is that's all fact. >> you gave me the bumper stickers. >> sean: those are facts. >> that's fair. you could say the exact same thing about every single republican senator right this moment. >> sean: but they are not running for president. i'm asking you this, joe has been in office 50 years. he was vice president eight years. trumpeted that, not joe. so tell me -- here's the question. tell me what joe has done that
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you were proud of that qualifies him to be president after 50 years. >> i don't know. >> sean: he was your vice president. >> it's a problem for all senators. the question you ask when you vote for somebody is what are they going to -- >> sean: he was vice president. he had eight years. >> okay, he was a big part of obamacare, the aca. here we are, you've got millions if not tens of millions of people losing their employer's insurance. donald trump has not said a wo word. not only has he not said a word about health care, he is looking to end the aca with no replacement. >> sean: let me ask you this then. is important. i really want an answer. so when eight years, the obama-biden record is 13 million more americans on food stamps, 8 million more in poverty, the lowest labor participation rates since the '70s, and
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donald trump's record precorona, record low unemployment african-americans, hispanic-americans fact, asian-americans, youth unemployment, women in the workplace. he's only been in office less than four years. >> obama and biden, they took over after a really bad recession and grew the economy continuously, but when they had a problem to solve which was the great recession 12 years ago, they solved it. now where are we now? we are not holding it. we are going in the right direction. >> sean: we just had to wait a half million new jobs and a record retail sales in the history of the country. donald trump did that, not biden. in the basement. >> is like i explained it to my kids, when your bank account goes from $10 to $1, then it goes to 2, you can say you've doubled your bank account but you were still down 80%.
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of >> sean: but they predicted nine and a half million jobs lost. we gave two and a half million. now i didn't think that would happen until august. i never saw 18% in retail sales. >> no, and that's what you said about entrepreneurs. they are the backbone of this country. >> sean: the american people are. >> i know jeff, joe biden believes in entrepreneurship because i went to a white house event that he spoke about white entrepreneurship. >> sean: what would he do when eight years, tell me the biggest accomplishment in eight years, tell me. the biggest accomplishment. what is it? >> i think the aca is easily their biggest accomplishment and it's unfortunate they are trying to dismantle it, and i will also say i'll go back to what i just said, the one event in the white house that joe biden put on and spoke about his support for entrepreneurship is more than he has ever done for entrepreneurs in the white house
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or anywhere else. >> sean: all right. so if you were to go in -- i kind of admire you because i love you are outspoken, i love that you like entrepreneurs, i think your politics are nuts, but having a hard time defending biden's record. here's what i will challenge you. i'll give you time to do your research. i will invite you back on the show, and you tell me the great record of joe biden in the last 50 years. is that a deal? you keep saying that. he was vice president for eight years. vice president. >> he could come up with the cure for the common cold as a senator. >> sean: of donald trump cure cancer, people would hate him. nobody's ever done a record after record after record. all right. thank you, mark cuban. breaking news in my ear coming up next.
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man with a long rifle. a few minutes ago, you asked me if there was an armed standoff outside of the wendy's here. i said that was not correct. i was wrong. i have seen three long guns since i've been here, no police insight, there is a roadblock in sight. i'm going to ask this young man what he is caring and live. >> i have a 12-gauge shotgun for me and the rest of my people to protect us and also me because as you guys know, there is no police presence here, no one else to protect us, so me and my fellow brothers are here to protect each other. >> saying there's no one here to protect us, he's got a 12 gauge. across the road, i saw another long rifle and i saw a third, so at least three here up around the wendy's, no sign of any police. >> sean: could i ask a question of the gentleman? could you please ask him, we have all watched the video tape. on the videotape of 41 minutes
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plus, both sides courteous and professional, then we saw what happened, rayshard brooks resisted. they took the stun gun, even the prosecutor says the stun gun in atlanta is a deadly weapon. he turned and shot it at the officer. does he believe in the concept of innocent until proven guilty, does he believe that in fact that needs to be -- in the courtroom, does he believe in the system of justice at all? >> the two officers that shot rayshard brooks, they talk to him for 41 minutes and then things went south. he grabbed a taser and fought with them. what should happen to the two policemen? do they deserve due process and a fair trial? >> everyone deserves due process but justice should be served. what he did wasn't right. i understand you lost the fight, read back, let him go, arrest him another day. there was no reason to kill that
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man. >> tell me, where's is going from here? you've got a shotgun, i see three more rifles, or is it going to go, what happens if the police come? >> the police aren't allowed here because they aren't here to protect us. >> sean: why aren't the police allowed their? >> why are at the allowed here? because they are not here to protect us. they say they are here to serve and protect. serve and protect is not putting the force on someone. >> the message that is they are not here to protect us. >> sean: i want to ask this question. i asked respectivel respectfullg to georgia law, a taser was a deadly weapon. we know that rayshard brooks turned and fired at the officer. that's a deadly weapon, do they know that? according to the law. >> rayshard brooks fired a taser. a taser is a deadly weapon.
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>> it's not a deadly weapon. >> you can't kill anybody with a taser, but you can stun them. >> according to georgia law, it is considered a deadly weapon. >> is also considered a nonlethal weapon. so either it is or it isn't. supposed to be used as a nonlethal weapon. so in that case, we get hit with deadly weapons all the time. >> of a patrol car rolls up here, what are you going to do? >> is going to have to leave. or else what? will you open fire? >> we will tell them then calmly discuss and conversation with the officer and tell him that we are not moving. we are peaceful. we are not shooting bullets. >> what if the officer's first order is to put your weapon down? >> it's my legal right to bear arms. and at no point will i allow my right. >> i think we will lose power
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here in a minute but just want to say, you said they were armed gunmen outside the wendy's, said there was a standoff, we were at the funeral and didn't see it. now we are seeing it live. >> sean: will you please send this message. will you please say to them there is no bigger supporter of the second amendment than the person on the other line here, me, and i just ask them to please think about the innocent people in that community, the innocent lives that are at risk here and for them to be very responsible and very careful. we don't want any more deaths, and i would ask them literally saying is the second amendment believer that for the safety and security of moms and dads and children to be very careful. >> even if you are a second believer, could this be -- >> everybody in here has the
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same agenda and same plan. we are not here to harm anybody, we are here to protect ourselv ourselves. >> sean: steve harrigan, thank you. joining us now, only have about 2 minutes left. your thoughts? >> 50,000 officers are attacked every single year. more police officers who were killed in the line of duty than unarmed black men killed every single year. we are the protests about that? this is about bad cops being unaccountable. we have far more bad teachers than bad cops and it takes them to get a teacher fired. of where are the defund the public education protest going to be held, sean? >> sean: i really worry about what i heard there. they are innocent people in that community, leo. going to tell them to leave.
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>> they are totally silent on all of these issues. put on your big boy pants, come on shaun's show and the questions what is your position about defunding the police, the lawlessness in these big cities run by democratic mayors. joe biden, come on this show, put on the pants and answer these questions. >> sean: this is not george floyd. you are a civil rights attorney. we've gone over the law. according to the law again, a taser is a deadly weapon. we know that because the prosecutor said that. so he turned and fired, where do you think this turns out in the courtroom? >> very easily. they will be no guilty verdict. at best, a hunger rate and more likely an acquittal for the officer, and release that officer, he deserves bail. >> sean: last word. >> leo is right. again, i find myself in the unusual position of agreeing with leo because whether or not
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he was facing a taser or a gun, he had no idea. he will not be convicted. >> sean: thank you both. scary times. please stay safe., let not your heart be troubled. a little troubled again, i know you don't like when i say that. >> laura: i was so troubled i dropped my earring. >> we have amazing, strong, tough reporters. he's back. >> laura: i was worried when it all went dark there, hannity. most of you to this israel news and this is live and these are important questions, a very scary thing we saw there. you know there is no bigger supporter of the second amendment but i believe in "law & order" and i believe the police must maintain "l
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