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tv   Hannity  FOX News  June 24, 2020 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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turning the show over to, this is our nightly quiz game, to whom? you guessed it, the great sean hannity, who is standing by live in new york. >> sean: no, i'm actually in the swamp. i'm in the sewer, where you are. so, we are in the same spot, except different studios. tucker, thank you. great show, as always. i would love to get the hell out of here. because i can feel the swampiness. welcome to "hannity," live from the washington swamp. tonight, we have major breaking news. the biggest abuse of power, corruption, scandal in u.s. history. everything we spent three plus years reporting to you, the american people, we have been right. everything we've said about general michael flynn has been accurate, it has been factual, it has been true, and everything the media mob reported has been lies, smears, slander, besmirchment, conspiracy theories, one huge hoax after
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another. and what they have done and drag to this country through, and this president through, guess what? they need to all start apologizing and may be give their pulitzers. general flynn's attorney will be with us, that is all coming up. first, we begin tonight, we need to address, yes, the very latest in chaoss and anarchy at the mob and the media denies is actually happening, you saw it at the end of last night's show, itt is now surging in cities all acrossrg america. liberal mayors and governors are not doing anything to create peace and security and safety and security for their citizens. last night, two statues toppled by a horde of angry protesters, this time in madison, wisconsin, around the same time a state senator was attacked by a crowd, a mob, you might say, push to the ground, punched and kicked inke the head. meanwhile, here in washington, d.c., a group actually set fire to a u.s. american flag. other so-called protesters
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vowing to rip down the emancipation statute at linkin park. that is a large monument that features abraham lincoln and a free. it honors the emancipation proclamation peered by the way, joe biden, you haven't done a press conference and 83 days, you are hiding in your bunker, i know terry mcauliffe, he's fine because you only see two people a day, your two bodyguards, so forgetful joe, weak joe biden, hiding in your basement bunker, where do you stand on all of this, joe? you want to be president in 132 days, how about speaking to the american people? how about getting out of the bunker, if you're capable of uttering two consecutive sentences without messing it up the president is issuing an executive order to protect nationalal monuments, including steep penalties for those who commit acts of vandalism, and then we have weak, cowering joe, what does he have tok, say? the anarchy, the violence must end. a law and order must bet restor.
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every single american, grandma, grandpa, moms, dads, our children, every american needs safety and security if they want any chance to pursue happiness. now, look at your screen. this is from tampa, florida, where hundreds surrounded and actually ambushed police who were attempting to respond to a shooting, two officers injured last night. this is not acceptable. and neither is the c.h.o.p., c.h.a.z., autonomous, spaghetti potluck dinner, the summer of love zone in seattle where several city blocks are still being held hostage by a group of anarchists and radical socialist, and the mayor, mayor durkan, jay inslee, the governor of washington, what the hell are you doing to protect the citizens of seattle? but back to my opening monologue in a minute. joiningng us now with reaction, fox news contributor dan bongino. fox news correspondent at large geraldo rivera. civil rights attorney leo terrel.
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leo, we start with you. now we are over 900 cops that are hurt. we have come i think come up to eight now are dead. we have other citizens dead, city blocks, well, we are hoping we can negotiate -- we are going to negotiate with the anarchist to give back the land that they pretty much stole from t the people of washington state and seattle. when does it come time for them to do their job and create the safety and security that every single american citizen deserv deserves >> democrats lend a helping hand to the president. the only politician out there trying to put an end to this lawlessness is president trump, and the democrats won't help at all. and if you sawas in the one clip you didn't show, you saw some of the extremist groups yelling at black police officers, asking them why they weren't -- because black law enforcement officers want to serve and protect. i mean, this is totally out of control, when individuals are
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asking police -- black police officers to leave the force. the answer is no! so what you have a total disruption, and because the democrats are so upset with defeating donald trump, they ars happening on the streets, they don't care, all of this is happening in liberal, democratic cities run by, guess what? people of color. it's embarrassing. as democrats come i'm telling you, get off your and do something about it. >> sean: what is joe saying, geraldo? you tell the president when you agree with him, you tell the president when you disagree with him. what is geraldo rivera's message to joe biden? 83 days, the mob and the media, they allowed this guy to go without a press conference. terry mcauliffe, he's fine in his basement bunker hiding, he only sees two people a day, his two body men. what is your message for joe, geraldo rivera? i would like to >> the sounds of silence was a great song for art garfunkel and
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paul simon, doesn't work when you are running for president of the united states. mr. vice president, where are you on this? where are you as the cities go up in total disorder. statues being toppled. the great emancipator statue defaced. other activists who abolished slavery, there statues being toppled, they are being decapitated. where are you? i havere to say, sean, i am not impressed by the republicans in the senate or the house of representatives, either. where are they backing the president? >> sean: excuse me! senator tim scott -- >> and condemned the disorder. b on, they have a plan. the president came out with executive orders -- by thet way, barack and joe never did it after ferguson or baltimore or cambridge or any other incidents, but the president camer out against choke hold unless that life is in jeopardy.
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the president is the one who came up with police reforms. the president did criminal justice reform. they haven't done a thing, and all the democrats -- nancy pelosi today actually accused republicans of murdering georgeub floyd. playing racial politics today, which is the last thing this country needs, geraldo. >> i don't think that these protesters even know who george floyd is, sean. and you're right about tim scott's bill, and i do lament -- >> sean: well, they need to know. >> senate democrats killed the bill, because while he didn't give everything that the activists wanted, it did abolish choke hold in all circumstances except to save the life of the officer. it was a step forward. maybe a modest step, but at least it would have been something. something that was achieved in a positive way following all of this turmoil. all of this o disruption. all of this youu know, we have to settle the country back down. we are dealing with the covid, you know, come back, we've got
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to stay united. i think that the hatred of donald trump is so obscenely malignant that they are willing to do and say anything as long as it hurts him. even if they are cheering on the damn virus. >> sean: and dan bongino, it is the president, president trump, that had record low after record low after record low unemployment for african-americans, hispanic-americans, asian-americans, women in the workplace, youth on employment, african-american youth unemployment, now this headline on, apparently earlier, on martha's show tonight, we have this greater black lives matter president. now, this black lives matter, the group, and there's a distinction between peaceful protesters that they black lives matter. that needs to be made. but this person from the greater new york black lives matter, we have the tape of black lives matter members saying what do we
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want? dead cops, why do we want them? now. different from the protesters talking about the group, he said, literally, that if the u.s. it doesn't give us what we want, we will burn this system down. >> yeah. well, sean, this has never been about black lives matter for that specific group. one of the cofounders has already admitted she's a devout marxist. you know, marxism, responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions, you know, concentration camps and the kind of thing. they may have missed the history books on that one. experiment with communism at all. but this has never been about statues. can we just be clear --ab i want everybody to listen here. this is about statues, this is about raw, unadulterated power andes intimidation. the democrats tried elections, they lost. donald trump deleted them handily in the electoral college. they were embarrassed. they have been trying for years to manipulate the country through the courts.
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that's not working, either, now. they're not getting all of their wins. some, but not all. than they tried culture, corporate pressure, media mob, social media mom, and that, and i did it work, either. you know why? because conservatives just don't want to recognize that your enemy is not vanquished until they recognizere themselves as , and conservatives aren't given up. so now they've gone to just raw power. now we're just going to attack you, humiliate you on social media, we are going to destroy and dilute your cities and your buildings, we are going to rip down your statue and your history. this was a natural progression for them, but if the natural progression of every marxist, and this shouldn't surprise anyone. it will get no better. it will only get worse. >> sean, can i point out what other fact -- >> sean: real quick, i got to break. >> youou know what, tim scott hs done everything to get this justice reform bill done. butt guess what? two black senators, democrats, cory booker and kamala harris, shut this down and made it impossible for us to get police
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reform. who suffers? america suffer, kamala harris at cory booker. >> sean: i'm going to leave it, you guys have all been great. dan, geraldo, leo, thank you. by the way, tim scott will be with us tonight. we will show you what he said earlier w along with lindsey graham, the great one from a mark levin command in a minute, we turn to sidney powell, who is the attorney for general michael flynn. that is our other major breaking news. we have been saying this is the biggest abuse of power corruption scandal in american history. now we know, barack obama, joe biden, susan rice, sallyan yates, mr. super patriot jim comey, lowest honor on earth, have been exposed. what we are about to show you, it should anchor every american. it should shake you to your core, send a shiver up your spine. if you love our constitution and you love freedom and do believe in the rule of law, because all of these high ranking, bad
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actors, now must be held accountable, or we can kiss this great republic goodbye. that is how serious it is tonight, based on what we can report. and that is newly uncovered bombshell, handwritten notes from, yep, peter strzok himself, revealing the sick, twisted origins of the general flynn probe. they memo detailing the infamous -- remember, we talked about that time line, january 5th meeting in the oval office, the white house, and by the way, still a lot of it redacted, and i'm told him we get that information it is even a peter strzok the brainstorming session between obama, biden, comey, sally yates, and others. this was one day after the flynn case was done, shot, closed, because they had no evidence of anything inappropriate. this meeting focusing on how to destroy lieutenant general flynn. according to strzok, then fbi director jimmy comey stated "yeah, flynn's kislyak calls
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look legit," meaning they did nothing wrong. the transcript shows nothing was ever wrong about that call, like the president's call with zelensky, that did not stop the democratic presidential nominee, joe biden, who brought up, "the logan act" to go after general flynn. now remember, that's the law from 1799. that has never been used. keep in mind, although this after the exonerate a 33 year veteran and war hero. obama clearly approving, saying that, oh, these are unusual times, said obama in the oval office, saying that his team should "have the right people on it." remembers strzok's of the white house wanted to be informed every step of the way? let me translate what obama is saying for you. obama wanted anti-trump zealots were ready and willing to take down general flynn. by the way, should i be telling
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me trump transition team are not telling them things? w now we know why the seventh floor, the fbi, the day before, along with peter strzok, decided to reopen a closed case against general flynn after it was dead in the water 24 hours earlier. now, we know why susan rice wrote the biggest cya email to herself on donald trump's inauguration date, 15n days later, obama's last day in office, saying barack wanted everything to be done by the book, he said by the book, by the book. and we also know why sally yates, when she spoke to the house intelligence committee, to discover that day that president obama knew every detail about flynn and his phone conversations. now, we started this investigation in march of 2017. we also now know why s lisa page texted that obama wants to know everything we are doing. now we know what the insurance policy was all about.
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if donald trump happened to win, after they protected hillary clinton from the espionage act and obstruction of justice, and her dirty russian disinformation dossier. this all came from the very top. the obama administration, obama loyalist, the doj, they were hell-bent smearing, destroying, anybody that donald trump's orbit, why? because they wanted to undo a duly-elected president because they thought they knew better. now we know why roger stone had a predawn raid in the middle of the night, 29 dies in tactical gear and cnn cameras. now we know why, same with paul manafort. now we know what he had a predawn raid, sticking guns in his wife's facee and knowing him in solitary confinement so that he might say things that would get him off the hook, which he didn't. now we know whye papadopoulos ws threatened with years in prison when all he said was i would never do that, nobody ever talked to russia. this was all, in the end, ame
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means to the end. they wanted to turn the screws and take down the president that you, the american people, elected. that is called an attempted coup. and by the way, joe biden, are you really unable to remember the january 5th meeting where you offered up the logan act as a means of persecuting and prosecuting and destroying the life of general flynn? or are you just a liar? i'm actually betting you're a liar. take a look. >> so what did you know about those moves to investigate michael flynn, and was there anything improper done? >> i know nothing about those moves to investigate michael flynn. >> i do want to pass that. you say you didn't know anything about it but you are reported to be in a january 5th, 2017, meeting where you and the president were briefed on the fbi's plan to question michael flynn over those conversations he had with the russian ambassador kislyak. >> i thought you asked me whether or not hide anything to
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do with him being prosecuted. i'm d d sorry. i was aware that they asked for an investigation, but that's all i know. i was never a part or had any knowledge of any criminal investigation into flynnin whili was in office, period. not one single time. >> sean: not a part of any investigation into flynn? that's a lie. not a part of the logan act, joe? that is a life you're not part of the january 5th meeting? that's a lie, joe. what did joe know, what did barack know, what did comey know, what did mccabe, paige, strzok, no, what did sally yates know, and why did they know it? many of you have been frustrated because the wheels of justice have moved painfully slow, yours truly, as well. but first, we first started on this with unmasking illegal surveillancece, leaking raw intelligence in march of 2017. i also want to know what clapper and brandon knew. and ever since this program and our ensemble cast your every
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single night, we have reported to you the truth, and by the way, my sources are not telling me tonight the dam is about to burst wideht open. a truckload of all new evidence is on the way. the durham probe is real, it is made real progress, and thank god. now, if this can happen to lieutenant general michael flynn, nobody in this country is safe. in that terms of abusing the power and using the powerful tools of intelligence and turning them on american heroes like general flynn. he was a hero. 33 year veteran, multiple tours of duty.y. he served his country with honor and with the distinction. four years of his life was ripped away by these top, well, so-called leaders, the 1% that abused their power. he lost his house, he faced bankruptcy. they threatened to put his son in jail, used it as leverage, even though they didn't feel like he was lying. so, in other words, oh, i have to sign this or you're going to go after my son?
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well, he impaled himself and dove on the sword, i guess like any good loving father would do. all of this because his political connection to donald trump. the mob and the media, that despicable, repulsive group, the country's very own democratic state run prop, they cheered for the persecution of michael flynn. when are you and the mop going to apologize? a, humpty dumpty, that means your fake news network. roswell rachel maddow, the major conspiracy tv network. that means the new york toilet paper times, the washington compost, abc, nbc, cbs, you all owe general flynn a huge apology for what you said and did, and your lack of objectivity, and your lies about russia andec ukraine. you might remember. >> did flynn go rogue, by the way, when he spoke to russia? >> well, the fact is, michael flynn betrayed his country. >> michael flynn betrayed the nation. >> after two hours of a judge
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rebuking fired national security advisor michael flynn using words such as "treason" and "discussed," and "disdain." >> sean: here withd reaction, general fund's attorney sidney powell. that meet at my hat to you, sidney. i watched you being excoriated, i watched general flynn excoriated, judge sullivan again, i need clarification. the w district court was clear. i cannot believe with these few people did to this american hero. thank you for all you've done. >> thank you, sean. thank you for staying on the story and thank you for your listeners for their financial support, their prayers, all of the support we felt for the entire flynn theme and family, it has been enormous. >> sean: you know, i had general flynn on radio today, i will keep it up in a second, and i will tell you come at the end of the day, how does this end,
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sidney? >> well, hopefully it will end soon with judge sullivan granting the dismissal that he was clearly ordered by the d.c. circuit to grant come along with vacating the order appointing mr. gleason as an amicus, or friend of the court, to actually come in and prosecute the case instead of the government doing it. which is not allowed. so, that is option number one. option number two is the court of appeals has to do something else. it would be nice to conclude this with the judge following the mandate of the court of appeals and ordering the dismissal promptly, but today, he issued a stay of the current settings for a hearing and for any further briefing. so, i'm not sure what's going on. >> sean: oh, and by the way, roger stone supposed report to jail and the jury foreperson had a prejudice against him, i thought we were guaranteed a fair and impartial jury. here is part of my radio interview today with
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general michael flynn. >> what makes us special, we follow the rule of law in this country. we are supposed to follow the rule of law in this country. iff we did not fight for the rue of law in this country and protect it, we t will be in the dustbin of history going forward, and we will fall to this socialist monster that is bearing its ugly head down on the streets today in america. >> sean: are you confident, sidney, that we are going to have full justice? i will give you the last word. >> i feel very strongly that we will get a lot -- make a lot of progress in that direction, sean. i don't know that it will be what everybody wants to see as full justice, but we are heading in the right direction. today was a big step forward. >> sean: our prayers for the flynn family. this should not happen in this country. thank you, sidney. when we come back, senator tim scott, a powerfulce speech on the senate floor about race and police reform. he will join his fellow south carolina senator lindsey graham, the great one, mark levine, is fired
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up. he's coming to you live tonight, straight ahead. ♪'s pretty inspiring the way families
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redefined the word 'school' this year. it's why, at xfinity, we're committed to helping kids keep learning through the summer. and help college students studying at home stay connected through our university program. we're providing affordable internet access to low income families through our internet essentials program.
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and this summer, xfinity is creating a virtual summer camp for kids at home- all on xfinity x1. we're committed to helping all families stay connected. learn more at ♪ >> yet another african-american man, george floyd, his murder is why the country has given us the
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opportunity to lead. to lead! and my friends on the other side just said "no." as a black guy, i know how it feels to walk into a store and have the little click follow me around, even as a united states senator. i get that. i've experienced that.'v i understand the traffic stops. i understand that when i'm walking down the street, and some young lady clutches onto her purse, and my instinct is to get a little further away because i don't want any issues with anybody, i understand that. but what i missed inat this isse is the stereotyping of republicans is just as toxic and poisoned to the outcomes of the most vulnerable communities in this nation. that's the issue.
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>> sean: that was senator senator tim scott's powerful speech on the side afforded today after democrats blocked the senate republicans e reform bill, he joins with reaction along with fellow south carolina senator lindsey graham. senator graham come he might be giving you a run for your money on kavanaugh they are. senator scott, nobody should be followed in any store because of the color of their skin. that's got to stop. what happened to george floyd can tap into any human being, nobody should be stopped, either. most americans, 90% of good americans agree with that. you met with the president. you talked to the chief of staff, mark meadows. you were on the ground asking for the reforms, and as i understand it, my sources tell me everything you asked for was in this bill and more? >> absolutely. i tell you, the president's response to this situation has been nearly perfect.
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i ask for certain things in the executive order, he went further. i didn't ask for a national database. i thought i was outside of our esreach. the president said "i want to solve this problem," and he did it. all we needed to complement the president's executive order was the democrats to show up and be counted. just a few democrats. not 46, just seven democrats. and we couldn't get seven people to come toe the table and be serious about lease reform. instead,ol what they are serious about it using police reform as a campaign issue this november. that is despicable. >> sean: and what did joe and barack do after ferguson? afterck baltimore? after cambridge? after all these -- did they do anything, senator? i don't remember them doing anything. >> notot that i can recall, buti do remember one thing the joe biden did in 1994, he passed
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a crime bill that his democrat opponents said locked up, disproportionately,, african-american men, and it took president trump to come along with the first step act and reverse the carnage, the damage, the disrespect done to the black community, he reversed it. president trump made up for the bad decisions of vice president biden. >> sean: you know, i've got to get out of new york. i'm stuck with schumer and gillibrand, i could have senator scott and senator lindsey graham, and i would be very happy. senator, they haven't done anything -- and i know you are very close, as friends, both of you -- and i watched this today, and i'm like, they won't even help the president on this? is there anything they'll do? >> well, if you're talking to me, sean, they'll do whatever it takes to get power. if you need to destroy
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brett kavanaugh's life to keep the seat open, they'll do it. what i did was help kavanaugh, an individual being unfairly accused and being mistreated and having his life turned upside down, to make sure they could fill thee supreme court vacancy. what tim did today, in the face believe, you cannot i've got a lot of things thrown my way during kavanaugh. it was pretty dicey. nothing compared to what tim scott has gonene through. what have i learned about tim scott? he speaks from the heart, he can't be intimidated, and he's trying to solve aim problem. he's experienced things i have not experienced because i'm white. i'm from south carolina, tim is from south carolina, and tim took to the floor of the united states senate today to make it better, particularly for young black men and chuck schumer basically told us to go to hell, we care more about the election than working with senator scott. a low point in my career, right on par with kavanaugh.
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>> sean: i like to look, joe biden has been in politics nearly 50 years, you mentioned his past, what about his pass on segregation and praising robert byrd? that's his past. also, lyndon johnson counted on purepublicans for the 64 civil rights act, the '65 voting rights act, and i'm looking at, okay, well, barack and jill gave 17 more americans on footsteps, 8 million more on poverty, lowest labor participation rate since the '70s, worst recovery since the '40s, lowest homeownership rate and 51 years, donald trump gave on record low unemployment, including african-american and african-american youth, opportunity zones they didn't give us in the eight years they had power. add to that, criminal justice reform, add to that now prison reform. historically black colleges.
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i like actions, you know. >> and higher labor force participation rate in the african-american community. not only do we have unemployment under 6% for the first time under president trump for african-americans, we have the lowest unemployment rate precovid-19 for african-americans, hispanics, asians, a 60 year low for women. we have this economy on fire because president trump understands that free markets lead to great opportunities for everybody. literally, all of the votes were rising. this is what is most frustrating, the democrats continue to have a monopoly of minority votes, and they continue to deliver nothing in return for the monopoly. it's a devaluation of a significant part of the american families, and that's got to stop. >> sean: i've got to move to south carolina, lindsey. i don't have very good senators, and we could all go t to the steak house together.
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>> amen. then you can pay. >> sean: both of you -- >> very proud of tim scott today. >> sean: i'm proud of both of you. senator, keep fighting for justice for everybody. we are one america. the president says one glorious god, one united american family. he is making progress. wheree is joe? when we come back, the great one, mark levin, he had a lot to say about general flynn, karl rove explains how the lawlessness is plaguing liberal cities that will impact the election. as we continue from the swamp in d.c. tonight. ♪
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♪ >> sean: as we reported earlier tonight, an appeals court ordered general michael flynn's case to be dismissed. here now is the author of the number one "new york times" best seller, "unfreedom of the press" also the host of the number one show 8:00 p.m. sunday nights, "life, liberty, live in," right here on the fox news channel. i called him a great one, mark levin. we talk about the constitution.o you written books that i think are the best written on that topic. we talk about the rule of law, that constitution is our rule of
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law. you see this abuse of power, you see this attempted coup, you see what they are still doing to general flynn and others. i want to know your thoughts. >> my thought is that the obama administration was a monster operation. the way they use to the fbi and the intelligence agencies, because all the way up to the oval office, i kept telling everybody that from day one, no way a president of the united states doesn't know what his consiglio areas aresn doing. the fbi was used to spy on candidate trump, the fbi used waste used with the fisa court, coordinated with the hillary campaign and the phony dossier. they tried to criminalize this case with the employment of a special prosecutor. dr. russia collusion, the only people in modern history who have colluded with the russians are the democrats, from fdr and eldridge hiss to ted kennedy and beyond. this president has been put through the ringer. it may make him the enemy.
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our media, you know, the russian media is more free and more honest and then the american media. at least they admit, mouthpiece for a dictator. the american media doesn't admit that is what they are, but that is exactly what they are. what happened to general flynn was a disgrace, what happened to the president of united states and his family is a disgrace. we have an attorney general and u.s. attorney who are trying to get to the bottom of this and it is a very good thing. i want to talk more about the democrat party. for the democrat party has been at war with america for a very long time. the democrat party was the party of the confederacy, after the civil war, the democrat party was where so many of the klansmen found a home. democrat party supported segregation. right up to the 1960s. it was the republicans who passed with super majorities, the civil rights act and so forth, but because the back pocket of the democraticic part, mr. b democrat party is never told. they never support americanism,
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even today, how about americanism? i want to talk aboutut somethin. i'm watching these monuments come down, the jefferson monument, the washington monument. i want to ask these people -- these are biden's bolsheviks, that's what they are. every one of them is going to vote democrat, not a single one will vote for trump. these are democrat cities, democrat looters, democrat arsonists, democrat mostly peaceful protesters with a democrat media. let's be clear, this is one party that is fighting in our cities and against our country. but i want to talk about bidens bolsheviks. do you know who these people are? they are former bernie sanders supporters. that's exactly who they are. black lives matter, the cofounders, they said they want to get trump out, these are bernie sanders supporters. and they become mercenaries, bolsheviks, provide them. you're going to put on jefferson's memorial, il, want o ask these people to question. the declaration of independence, the first draft was written by thomas jefferson. should we burn that, too quest
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much of the declaration of independence apply to the antifa, the biting bolsheviks? if you're going to pull down his monuments, i say we rip up the declaration of independence as it applies to them. we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal. that a problem with that? that they are endowed with their creators with certain inalienable rights. got a problem with that? that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of a, to secure these rights, democrat or institution. among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed" peer group you're going to pull that man statues down, we oughtp rip up the declaration as it applies to biden bolsheviks. let's take a look at the constitution. by the way, do you know who voted for the declaration of independence? it was the second continental conference. i wonderr if these marauders evn know there were a two continental congresses, but theren were. men whoss didn't own and men who did own. all kinds of people were in that congress.
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men from three states, men from states. and you know what they gave us? the bill of rights. the bill of rights. you have black lives matter, which is ath marcus, anarchist organization. is not about race, it marxism, anarchism, defeatingum trump. these are biden supporters and democrat party orders, former bernie sanders backers. let's take a look at the bill of the men voted for the bill of rights and who voted for the bill of rights and the ratification conventions were free men who came from three states and slaves states. the right to protest and freedom of speech, do you know when it comes from? those men. also, look at the fourth amendment, warrants will not issue upon probable cause. you know where that came from? those men. look at the fifth amendment come indictment by a grand jury, due process of the law, do you know where that came from? those men! the right to a speedy public trial by an impartial jury, the sixth amendment, came from those
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men. look at the eighth amendment, excessive bail shall not be required nor excessive crimes nor cruel or unusual punishments. what came from a combination of men from three states and slave states. meanwhile, antifa, black lives matter, the biden bolsheviks, they wave around the constitution were pulling down the monuments of men who wrote and ratified them. these are clowns. these are ignoramuses. these are people who want to destroy our country from within. these are democrats. this is a wing of the democrat party, please understand this, ladies and gentlemen. meanwhile, i'll prove it too yo, there is a big, beautiful, franklin delano roosevelt monument, featuring delinquent monument on between -- could you know it is not happening there tonight? protester graffiti's to pull it down. why is that? he was a big socialist, they
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love roosevelt, he sent 120,000 japanese americans to internment camps, doess that matter? apparently not. do japanese lives matter? i think they should. what else hasn't been torn down? the russell senate office building, named after a segregationist senator from georgia. a democrat, richard russell. while nancy pelosi at night is walking through the capital looking for portraits and statues to take down, why doesn't she look across the street at the russell office building? why don't they take that down? i don't know. speaking of pelosi, why is she -- she's never mom. she's usually mumbling gibberish as she walks from meeting to meeting. why don't they talk about her father, who was s so proud of te monument they put in baltimore of two confederate big-time generals, and her father praised them and praised them. did you know what that means? the biden bolsheviks? may need to go. it's in her blood. and we know within the dna, we can't fix it. what else? robert c byrd, radically go, i
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don't even know what that is. ku klux klan of west virginia, it broke -- >> sean: i got to -- hang on. we are going to hold you over. when we comee back, we are goig to play one of the leaders of black lives matter was on the channel earlier tonight, andel nancy pelosi actually blaming republicans for what happened to george floyd, and the latest on the lawlessness that is rampant in democratic run cities. the great one weighed in on that as we continue, straight ahead. ♪ so what's going on?
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♪ >> sean: earlier tonight, rightt here on fox news channel, "the story," a black lives matter leader. people say black lives matter, the group, the ones that say "what do we want, dead cops, when do we want them, now." this leader vowed to burn the entire system in this country to the ground if their demands are not met. take a >> i watched you talking on a bunch of different interviews today, and you said burn it down. you said "burn it down, it's time." so that makes me think -- >> i didrn not say -- if this country doesn't give us what we want t to, then we will burn don
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thee system and replace it, all right? i could be speaking figuratively, i could i be speaking literally. it's a matter of i interpretati. >> sean: "a matter of interpretation?" okay. meanwhile, nancy pelosi is now saying the g.o.p. is time to get away with the murder of george floyd on a police reform bill. you can't make it up, it's true. >> you said the republicans are trying to get away with the murder of george floyd. the senate didn't know mike republicans are demanding an apology for that statement, will you apologize?ut >> absolutely, positively not. the fact is people say i'm speaking frankly and the prize had given them far too much credit for a bill that does nothing. >> sean: here with reaction to both, the great one, mark levan. really, mark? >> first of all, she's pretty feeble, between her and biden,
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they have an iq of negative 17 and it's very, very embarrassing, nobody really cares what she has to say outside the democrat party. as for the other fellow, goingyo to burn what down, pal? what the hell? i'm sick and tired of these damn threats from people who don't think my life matters. you're going to burn what down? what exactly are you going to burn down, tough guy? i'm sick and damn tired of it. it's time for these pathetic democrat mayors and governors to call in the national guard. it's time to take our streets back. and i'm talking for tens of millions of people, a rainbownb coalition of americans, black, brown, white, yellow, red, whatever. this is a civil society, it's a great country. you don't like it, pick up your -- and leave. we have people turn to get in this country from the millions, every continent on the face of the earth. every color and background. why? because we are systemically racist? we are not systemically racist,
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and the police force isn't systemically racist. these are bernie sanders radicals, these are marxists. they go out and get hats and shirts and they burn things down and break things and democrat cities because these pathetic, left-wing democrat mayorses wont stand up too them! it's all happening democrat cities. they are pulling down the nations monuments, but only certain monuments. whatever happened to robert byrd? the democrat party makes him a majority leader, makes in a minority leader, he's got a statue in the capital. i noticed pelosi doesn't talk about taking that down, the grand kleagle. i also noticed you gave the eulogy for robert byrd and obama and biden gave a eulogy for robert byrd. let me make a quick suggestion. there had to be four debates, three trump versus biden, and one biden versus biden. where does he stand on busing today? he was for it, against it, for it, where deceased anime crime bill? today? he was an author, now he was against it, where does he stand
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with segregationist? use to work with them, not against it. four debates, three trump versus biden, one biden versus biden. >> sean: i can't top that. more "hannity" after this. thank you, mark. it's so good to see you. you too! so really, how are you? oh well, look! that's what we're both taking right now, fanapt. you know it's really been helping me manage my schizophrenia. i used to hear these terrible voices. loser! you're such a failure. you're so embarrassing. i used to feel like everyone was staring at me. but we're doing much better now, right? yeah. fanapt is approved for the treatment of schizophrenia in adults.
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tomorrow night, 9 eastern, we will be doing a town hall with president trump. also, by the way, we are 40 day way from live free or die,
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america, the world on that drink . we will talk about the radical agenda w. promises kept by this president how socialism always fails, let not your heart be troubled, laura, i don't see you. i don't see you. >> laura: how sad. i will be watching tomorrow night, fantastic interview with senator scott and everybody. it was a fantastic show. >> sean: mark levin needs a little coffee. l >> laura: he was a little subdued, just a little bit subdued. >> he is never subdued. >> it was fantastic. i'll be watching tomorrow night. >> sean: have a great show laura. >> laura: i'm laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle." from washington tonight, don't reward the rioters, that's a focus of tonight's angle.ra since march we've been warning you about the democra