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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  June 26, 2020 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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>> rioters and a lot of bad people involved who created bedlam, destroyed very important things, like living in hell. >> friday june 26th, fox news townhall exclusive, donald trump laying down the law promising retribution for vandals who target our historic landmarks claiming more than 100 have already been arrested. more on the actions the administration is taking to protect our nation's monument. >> the house is honoring his life and the lives of all killed by police brutality by saying never again.
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todd: nancy pelosi celebrate the partyline vote on police reform as the bill goes through the house but republicans are feeling as it comes one day after the left shutdown their bill. we are live in washington is legislation remains in limbo. jillian: one of disney's iconic rides getting a makeover, changes coming to splash mountain. "fox and friends first" starts right now. todd: we made it. it is friday, you are watching "fox and friends first" on friday morning. jillian: good to see you, thank you for starting the day with us. we begin as the house passable sweeping police reform bill aimed at curbing excessive force. this comes one day after democrats blocked debate on the gop version in the senate.
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todd: griff jenkins joins us with more on the partisan gridlock. >> for now the house passing the far reaching george for justice and policing acts just shortly after his death, down party lines with three republicans crossing over. >> the house is honoring his life and the lives of all killed in police brutality by saying never again. >> it sets 3 main reforms, bands chokehold's and no knock warrants, lemonades calls for immunity that protect officers from lawsuits and increases reporting and recordkeeping on police use of force. hours before the vote the parents a garner and jeff crawford all, african-americans, endorsing the bill saying killing of a loved one at the hands of law enforcement is a pain too many families have been forced to endure.
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this legislation stand little chance of becoming law, in the senate democrats blocked tim scott's bill from coming to the floor for debate as house members argued over last night. >> sit around the table and figure it out instead of litigating this in the press, taking shots across the capital down. senator scott is a good man offering a good bill. >> that bill has as much teeth as a newborn baby. what i will say, madame speaker, is america is burning and my colleagues can't see it. >> this is senator scott last democrats accusing them of playing partisan politics. >> the challenge came down to a simple thing. the republican party is not the party they want leading this debate. they believe they have a chance of winning back the white house and they will spend their time
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doing nothing until they win. >> another hurdle, the president said he would veto this if it passes. for now things are stalled with no timeline on negotiations starting anytime soon. jillian: it is what everyone expected. todd: as the house prepares for its final vote, democrats blocked the gop resolution to condemn rights and oppose defunding the police. they supported the right peaceful protests, the amendment did not receive one democrat vote. the congressman tweeting afterward, quote, the left has proven they value a partisan talking point over working together. >> the trump administration urging the supreme court to overturn the affordable care act, arguing because congress eliminating the individual
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mandate the entire law should be struck down, nancy pelosi said this is an act of unfathomable cruelty, joe biden slamming the effort. >> it is cool, heartless, callous. donald trump refuses to end his crusade against healthcare. i look forward to ending it for him. >> the supreme court will hear arguments on the a ca this fall. heather: you are setting a record for the most covid-19 cases in a single day, 39,000 reported thursday, that come milestone surpassing the previous record by 3000 cases as arizona governor doug doocy urges residents to stay home after the state reported 3000 new coronavirus cases there. texas governor greg abbott hitting the pause button on his state's reopening as hospitalizations and cases surge, the intensive care unit
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at houston's largest hospital at full capacity, 20% of nations -- patients being treated for covid-19. jillian: exclusive townhall, donald trump warns there will be retribution for protesters who deface monuments. >> the dc mayor finally addresses the chaos in the nation's capital. good morning. >> donald trump standing firm that there will be consequences as he prepares to sign an executive order protecting the nation's historical monuments. >> i stopped at the other night. every night we are going to get tougher and tougher and at some point there will be retribution because there has to be. these people are vandals but the agitators, they are terrorists innocence. >> an exclusive townhall with fox news live tonight telling sean hannity what he plans to do if american cities like seattle do not take the streets back from demonstrators. >> they don't do something with seattle we are going to go in
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there because what is happening, they've taken over american cities. in all cases it is democrats, they are democrat run in all cases. >> the president says there have been 100 arrests so far following destruction of property stemming from riots. at the same time william barr says there are a multitude of indictments over the issue. listen. >> we had scores of indictments already, we have 500 investigations underway so it is picking up pace and we are committed to holding accountable the people who have engaged in this, they are not stepping up to the plate, they are not doing their job. >> the targets were considered generals but it spread to those that include abraham lincoln who signed the emancipation proclamation and the dc mayor finally responding after protesters tried to take down the andrew jackson statue near the white house with ropes on monday. >> this is what i think we need to do with statues, have a
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reasonable conversation on statues and other references to historical figures, not have a mob decide they want to pull it down, certainly not destroy anything or said anything on fire. >> the president's visit to mount rushmore july 3rd has protesters planning a demonstration. one activist said the carvings are a symbol of white supremacy. >> thank you. and now to the story. a police officer escapes unharmed after gunshots are fired at his unmarked police car, grand rapids michigan police say several people opened fire, amazingly none of the bullet to be officer. it's not clear if the gunman knew who they were shooting at. police not made any arrests. >> a man is charged with shooting and killing a 7-year-old girl just hours after getting out of jail. police in north carolina say
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shakeel francis fired a gun hitting liam nourse in the head was released 3 hours earlier on unrelated charges. the little girl died at the hospital, francis charged with murder. >> the trump administration extending its mission at the southern border, troops will be staying through september of 2021. 5500 troops are guarding the border, the number will drop to 4000 starting in october. most will be national guard members supporting customs and border protection agents. >> this friday, we are thinking about sports, kind of. kentucky derby will look different this year. fans will be allowed in the stands but under strict guidelines, the number of people allowed in the race will be limited and they will be encouraged to wear masks but it was postponed to september 5th because of the pandemic. belmont stakes ran without fans in the stands, first time the race kicked off the triple crown
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series. i will take anything at this point. i said every day at this time i will take any sports. jillian: i saw the promo, i know you love the commercial about sports coming back. todd: loved it. >> 10 minutes after the hour, protesters demand $1 billion in police budget cuts as crime skyrocket to new york city. darren porcher says the mayor has fallen asleep on the job and joins us live next. >> while i was tweeting about the fox baseball commercial everyone else was tweeting about the dixie chicks dropping dixie from their name. social media reaction to the band now simply known as the checks. ♪ guys, times are tough.
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but force factor's test x180 can help us man up, america, by boosting total testosterone. build muscle, fuel desire, and improve performance. get test x180 from force factor, the #1 fastest-growing men's health brand at walmart. they use all the services of the post office only cheaper get a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again. >> occupy protesters refusing to
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leave new york city hall demanding officials except the $1 billion cuts to the nypd budget but the mayor instead focusing on plans to paint a black lives a mural in front of trump tower. >> the diblasio administration is asleep at the wheel, he joins us live, good to see you, sir. i think we are having a hard time hearing doctor porcher. can you hear me. >> i can hear you. >> you say the diblasio administration is asleep at the wheel but you also say this is an opportunity for the mayor to reinvent himself. how could he do that? >> he could be -- he could make this opportunity or miss this opportunity. this is the case where crime is
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going at higher rates and you could implement the resources of the nypd to create a precipitous drop in crime. monday or tuesday this week you had protesters that came to crazy mansion to protest the disproportionately high amount of crime in connection with fireworks displays and nothing being done. now you can reverse course and separate yourself from other democratic leaders in the country and show that you have a steady hand in the wake of reducing crime, just not doing it. we take in consideration of a black lives matter mural in front of trump tower. if that is what you want to do why not start on your roadblock. you have community councils which go on the erection of murals for this nature. bill diblasio is enforcing a
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personal vendetta against the president of the united states and holding people in that community hostage. we have better things we need to focus on immediately, we need to reduce crime and it is apparent he has fallen asleep at the switch and this subsequently impacted new yorkers as a whole because the crime is an erosion. >> with you to the mural melee and in the battle of the tweets, the president tweeting, quote, told that new york city mayor bill diblasio wants to paint fifth avenue right in front of trump tower with a big yellow black lives matter sign, pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon, referring to killing police is their chance, nyc police are furious. than they are fighting back with this tweet. only warped minds equate the words black lives matter with violence. it is a movement to recognize, protect the lives of black people, nobody surprised that makes you uncomfortable.
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this is where their heads are. is a former police officer when you see the mayor's priorities what goes through your mind? >> the mayor failed to troubleshoot the immediate demands of the community of new york, we as a whole are experiencing extremely high rates of crime, violent crime in particular and as a result he is not putting forth the necessary resources to receive what we are experiencing. when we look for enforcing an agenda of the direction of a black lives in mural in front of trump tower this not with the residents of that community are looking for. the community members are not
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requesting the erection of a black lives matter mural. if you want a black lives mural, that is fine, start with your own block, but that mural in front of your home but let's focus on what the primary concern is which is reduction of crime. we need to assemble the nypd accordingly and he now has a policy being dictated from city hall is supposed to one police plaza and as a result we are suffering as citizens because we are being held hostage to the personal vendetta being introduced by bill diblasio against the president of the united states. >> it's not the last we will hear of it, thank you for joining us, have a good day. >> you do the same and thank you. jillian: 18 after the hour, donald trump slamming joe biden over the latest gaffe. >> a lot of people, we have 120 million dead from covid-19. >> is the two candidates trade
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insults, trump 2020 communications actresses the president has a clear advantage which she explains next.
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>> north carolina's governor could be sued over his coronavirus response by his lieutenant governor a republican who claims roy cooper issued a series of orders without getting required input from a group of lawmakers. the lieutenant governor says it is making, quote, it impossible for them to do their jobs. governor cooper has not commented, they are running against each other in november's gubernatorial election. >> facemasks are mandatory across washington state required in public indoor and outdoor
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areas that don't maintain succeed of social distancing with violators will be charged with a misdemeanor if caught not wearing one. there are some exceptions including kids under 5 and when people are eating. cases arising in the state. one county has already run out of hospital beds. donald trump and joe biden taking aim at one another from dueling campaign events, the president ripping the presidential nominee on everything from china to come of justice. >> donald trump needs to stop caring about how he looks and start caring about what is happening in the rest of america. >> it's crazy what is happening, this guy doesn't talk, nobody hears him, when he does talk he doesn't put 2 tweet sentences together, i don't want to be nice on nice but the man can't speak. >> trump 2020 press
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communication director joins us, you are working on the campaign, you heard those soundbites, they are going after each other hot and heavy and it will continue for the next 5 months but the elephant in the room that i would like you to give an answer for on behalf of the campaign is what about the recent polling that shows the president trailing joe biden in so many battleground states? >> there are a number of issues when it comes to these polls that we see, look at registered voters are not likely voters and under sampled republicans. when the president like donald trump who has such strong party support over 90% and in the primaries, we are at 94% overall for the president and the primary so far, every time they disproportionately put more democrats in nepal and republicans they are doing it to take support from donald trump. we feel good and we know in a matchup in key states across the country the we are tracking when
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you put joe biden against donald trump, donald trump wins, the policy choice is clear, we feel good we are getting our message out, joe biden hasn't taken a question from the press and 84 days. he has a big problem on his hands especially enthusiasm on his side, we feel good where we are. >> let's listen to another moment from the dueling campaign events. >> a lot of people, we have 120 million dead from covid-19. >> that is a serious error, not a permissible type a, we are talking about the presidency of the united states, not acceptable. >> what the president is referencing is that 120 million that joe biden stated. take a look at the actual number, of covid-19 deaths, just over 124,000. that is a big gaffe to make.
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>> barely there joe biden continues to make gaffes like that where he thinks it is 1918, thinks he is running for the united states senate, 120 million people have died from coronavirus which is wrong, he claimed in february that 150 million people died from gun violence since 2007, here is the thing, when talking about the highest office in the country you want someone who is sharp, a fighter and is going to make sure america first policies go through, that is donald trump, never a step behind, always a step ahead making sure we have ventilators, a strong america to be able to fight coronavirus together, he made sure every state had the resources they need to fight the virus, joe biden hiding in his basement and doesn't seem to know what is going on in this country, 120 million people is a large chunk of the population and joe biden want - it should really worry democrats and it speaks for why he has such terrible enthusiasm in his party. >> the president is expected any moment to sign an executive order protecting federal
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statutes and monuments. willis executive order put a end to the destruction we've seen over the last few weeks? >> donald trump has been clear especially recently when it comes to statues that there is a right way to have a conversation in a wrong way, violent mobs are not the right way to engage in a conversation so he is making sure the federal government steps up and steps in, states and localities have failed and allowed violent mobs to dictate. madison, wisconsin, trying to tear down the stage of an abolitionist, it is unreal, donald trump extra streets are safe and the country is appropriately taken care of. >> thank you for joining us, we appreciate it. >> 27 after the hour. a supreme victory for the trump administration, the supreme court ruling some asylum-seekers cannot challenge being removed
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from the country. brandon judd supports the decision and says this could hurt drug cartels in mexico, he claimed, >>/melting getting a makeover, big changes coming to the iconic disney ride. now during the coronavirus pandemic. our elderly jewish brothers and sisters who are so precious to god they have no access to food. as christians and jews we know that we have a scriptural mandate to feed the hungry. and here there are thousands in desperate need. 17 years ago edna was in a horrible terrorist attack. she's still in excruciating pain her food is running out and she's isolated and frightened. all the time i suffer alone with sickness and pain. the need is especially urgent due to the coronavirus pandemic.
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>> welcome back. a look at headlines this morning the trump administration urging the supreme court to overturn the affordable care act. the administration filing a brief on the case stating the law is useless since there is no tax penalty for the uninsured. show biden and nancy pelosi slamming that move. >> cutting $15 million from the city's police budget, they want to diver the money to social programs, the measure heads to the mayor for approval. the house is expected to vote on making dc estate, the first vote
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of its kind in 30 years. the proposed bill is expected to pass in a democratic house but not the republican senate, donald trump threatened to veto the bill. nancy pelosi says the move would be a grave injustice. >> 31 after the hour the supreme court handing the trump administration major when ruling some asylum-seekers cannot file court challenges when ordered to leave the country. >> what this mean for our overwhelmed immigration system. good morning, thank you for being here. this is a 7-numtwo ruling that allows the administration to fast-track deportations of thousands of immigrants claiming to escape persecution. how helpful is this going to be for those who are overwhelmed trying to do their jobs on a daily basis right now. >> it frees up our hands, allows us to do more on the border, allows us to patrol more of the border, doesn't take a resources out, this decision is going to
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be huge as far as putting more people into the field and allowing us to dictate where traffic crosses which then of course we are a lot more successful in apprehending illegal aliens across the border and the illegal drugs that are also crossing the border, this is a huge win for donald trump and frankly we knew it was going to happen, that's why it was 7-numtwo. >> this is a blow to the criminal cartels, why, why do you say that? >> the, cartels are always looking to try to get more money and they recruit people to come to the united states, they traffic people through mexico, bring them to our borders. when they do this they are charging people from 3500-$5,000 a some central america and 40,$000 if from china and countries across the sea. when we put didn'ts into their profits, we are allowed to be a lot more successful and it
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shutdown their business which are the things we have to go after, we have to go after the cartels and that will stop the drugs from coming into the united states. the supreme court when they look at the merits of one individual case they understood we have to be able to deport people in an expeditious manner in order to alleviate the immigration court backlog and that is what they did. >> take a look at some numbers, the asylum applications filed, tenure comparison, look at these numbers, 2009, 35,000 coming in 2019, more than 212,000, why such an increase in that 10 year period? >> the loopholes, the cartels look for the loopholes, how they can exploit our immigration system. if we don't close the laws, have liberal policies that allow these individuals to come into the united states, claim asylum without giving any proof to why they need asylum, the cartels
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are able to generate profits. they are always trying to exploit loopholes and this started in 2014 and really ramped up and that is why donald trump had to look at how we are doing interviews, are we properly conducting these interviews and he determined we weren't so started conducting them properly and the claim started to go down, donald trump has brought illegal immigration to historic lows, something that hasn't happened for any of his predecessors in the last four administrations. >> we appreciate it. the department of justice is it will not oppose roger stone's request to delay his prison start date. according to a court filing by federal prosecutors they will consider his request to extend the date to september 3rd
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because of the department's covid-19 policies but the judge overseeing the case is prosecutors did not provide a copy of that policy, donald trump's former advisor is scheduled to report on tuesday to prison. donald trump ripping democrats over the handling of michael flynn's case and be russia probe. >> what they did to general flynn and others is disgraceful. my job is made harder by phony witchhunts, russia russia russia, i was scammed, the country was scammed. >> this comes, after an appeals court ordered it to be thrown out. however, judge emmet sullivan could opt to challenge the ruling by seeking a review from the dc circuit court roster. >> lawyers in the jussie smollett case will testify. they changed their mind saying they would not cooperate. their attorneys says a gunman went missing after being taken during a police raid last year has been found.
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after staging a racist attack, pleaded not guilty to disorderly conduct. >> disney will completely reimagine its popular splash mountain ride, it is based on the 1946 films on the south, they say it has potentially offensive racial stereotypes. the scene from its 2009 from the princess and the frog which features disney's first black princess. >> slowly but surely venice, italy reopening to tours after months of being shut down, the port city will see some big differences in its lucrative tourism industry since the coronavirus outbreak began. >> amy kellogg is live with how the region has changed and the pandemic. >> we are taking a look at venice and the status tourism is
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the only show in town, the region gets about 20 million tourists a year and the lions share of them are foreign tourists most of whom have not returned so if you have been to venice before you may not recognize these scenes. the grand canal has had a good long rest. it is quite serene these days, this regatta sunday was intended as a symbol of rebirth. hotels are beginning the arduous process of reopening safely. this one with a sensor that will only let you and if you don't have a temperature. slowly tourists are starting to return to venice, slowly also the pigeons are coming back, that 10 to take over st. mark's square, they are waiting for more tourists to be around to feed them well. >> the owner of this hotel says she only has 20% of the summer bookings she normally has, she
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misses americans, biggest clients. >> she tries to put a positive spin on the emptiness. >> new collars. >> this won't pay the bills and after the epic for glass autumn many business people are still doing repairs. is a double-edged sword because the absence of big tour groups and cruise ships is also giving the fragile and overtaxed ecosystem of venice a detox. on the one hand the hospitality industry is very worried about making ends meet but 40,000 residents down from 175,000 right after world war ii. there is also the hope that in this period of recess, perhaps there can be more than nations now moving back into venice and
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that way the authentic culture can reassert itself. back to you. >> a beautiful city definitely on my list, thank you. it is 39 after the hour, fitness frustration as part of new york interface 4, jim's will remain closed which our next guest is a gym owner who says there shouldn't be a 1-size-fits-all approach. >> brace yourself, you have to see this, part of your job. everything is bigger including this a leg intruder, social media reaction, it is pretty big, that was spotted outside the family's home. what social media is saying coming up. as you get older,
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are you worried about staying sharp and alert? forebrain, from the harvard-educated experts at force factor, contains key ingredients to help boost memory, learning, clarity, focus, and more! rush to walmart and find forebrain, our #1 brain booster, in the vitamin aisle.
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>> donald trump slamming several democratic led submitted uptick in violence in an exclusive townhall interview with sean hannity. >> chicago is an example, worse than afghanistan. we have cities that are worse, far worse look at detroit, take a look at what is happening in oakland, take a look at what is happening in baltimore. it is like living in hell. >> donald from batting stop and frisk is needed to curb the violence. joni ernst pushing a bill to cut
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federal funding for states and cities that allow autonomous zones like the one in seattle. ernst claim states and cities that do so are obstructing rule of law. she says anarchy cannot be allowed to continue. of approved the bill with the money from states and localities that allow the autonomous zones in different areas that follow the rules. >> governor cuomo touting new york's success as covid-19 numbers in hotspots continue to drop. >> we have the lowest hospitalization rate since this started after three months of everyone working hard and doing the right thing in taking this seriously. rob: most of new york lose interface 4, jim's storm enclosed and one business owner says enough is enough. joining us now, david, thanks for being here. will your business survive if you cannot open up in phase 4?
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>> probably won't survive, not doing so great. i'm training in a park, only seeing 20% of my revenue, probably won't survive much longer. >> you have submitted a proposal as to what you will do to reopen safely. what are the steps you are planning on taking? >> we are going to have the gym electrostatically sprayed, we will be cleaning up after every client. i do one on one personal training so there's not that many people in the gym at a time. we will be giving out ppe, put 10 minute gaps between sessions so we have time to clean, we are going to keep the doors open so
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the gym is ventilated properly. >> in 25% capacity limits and not allow showers in locker rooms and all that good stuff but what do you think about when you see jim's in other states that are allowed to open and looking at yourself in new york feeling we do the same thing, why can't we open too? >> it doesn't make sense to me, they didn't study, they had people going to the gym and people that weren't going to the gym and there was none of them that were more at risk than the people who didn't work out. they did a study on it and if everybody in new york was working out and everyone was healthy the numbers would be lower. rob: do you think you will hear
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back from the governor? >> i hope so because i put a lot of work into building this business, put all my money into this business and it is all i know and i don't have a plan b. if i go out of business that is five years worth of 16 hour days building this business destroyed. it is really upsetting. todd: we wish you the best of luck, a tough time for so many but especially in your profession it is really hitting you guys hard and we wish you the best of luck and keep us posted. shannon: the group formerly known as the dixie chicks following the leader fellow country band now known as lady a, the new name striking accord on social media. ♪ ♪ an army of one ♪ you doing okay?
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♪ they say i am an army of one ♪ >> dixie chicks changing their band name, the country girl group dropping dixie and just calling themselves the checks. >> carley shimkus here with what you are saying online. carley: the band is joining a growing number of products and artists changing the name and calls for racial justice, the group announced their name change on their website with a simple statement saying we want to meet this moment, the group also has a new song out that you just heard that supports the
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black lives matter movement and this becoming a big topic of conversation on social media lisa says i had a problem with their name when they first appeared with this twitter user is asking when will this stop. will dixie cups not just because? and of course this is following in the footsteps of lady antebellum, a band going by lady a. >> some could see mask shaming going to a new level according to the houston mayor. listen to this. >> we are going to be actively monitoring whether or not people are complying with the requirements. we want people to be good partners, to be good citizens but if you are not then you need to go on the board of shame. >> that's from houston's democratic mayor who is considering a board to identify businesses that may not be
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complying with occupancy and mask rules, the board of shame as social media talking, this twitter user says you actually find them. this a user says please do that, so i will know which way a business to use in support, this twitter user says can we also make a board of shame for houston leadership? a variety of reaction on this. todd: i have noticed a lot more spiders this year but nothing like this. carley: just when you thought 2020 couldn't get -- take a look at that. at texas family received a very unwelcome visitor. a tarantula the size of the hand, so big the family's biggest concern was for the 12 week old puppy. the husband of the household saved the day by trapping it in tupperware. can you imagine helping to do
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that. facebook reaction on this front is really funny. the calls that the thing of my nightmares, they need to start paying rent, that is a whole person. i drove in texas, everything is bigger in texas, even their spiders. i had a lost in my house yesterday and handled it like a champ but that thing, not so much. carley: congratulations on the wasp front but i commend this guy for trapping it. i wouldn't even know where to begin with that. coming up in the next hour the trump administration calling on the supreme court to strike down obamacare. with a high court act before election day? >> the president rebuilding the military and creating jobs in the us, his pledge to wisconsin and the nation to keep america great. >> as long as i'm your president
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>> writers and a lot of the people involved, they created bedlam. they've destroyed very important things, it's like living in hell. rob: it is friday june 26th, fox news townhall exclusive the president laying down the law
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promising retribution for vandals who target historic landmarks claiming more than 100 and been arrested. >> more on the actions his administration is taking to protect our nation's monuments. >> the house is honoring his life and the lives of all killed by police brutality by saying never again. >> nancy pelosi celebrity the partyline vote on police reformers the democrats bill successfully goes to the house. >> republicans are furious comes one day after the left shutdown their proposal, we are live from washington as the legislation remains in limbo. >> military homecoming surprise this picture-perfect. >> "fox and friends first" continues right now. jillian: love to see that. you are watching "fox and friends first" on friday morning. >> the house


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