tv Hannity FOX News June 26, 2020 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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i know the president feels like it's a very special place, obviously, for him but meanwhile thanks so much for watching. jason chaffetz is filling in for sean hannity tonight but listen to him, his theme music, and his great hair. ♪ >> jason: welcome into the special edition of "hannity." you are looking at live pictures from our nation's capitol where protesters are threatening to tear down a statue of abraham lincoln and a freed. this is a monument that celebrates the emancipation proclamation. we will take you there live in just a moment. first, yesterday president trump sat downn with sean for a hanniy town hall in green bay, wisconsin. here's parts two of the interview where seanwh and the president are talking about biden's alleged corruption.
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>> you say it better than anybody. these quid pro quo with his son... can you imagine if i made that statement he made?nt he is on television. i guess he didn't know he was on or something. i'm looking at that tape. that can't be... the press, the media, the fake news media -- it is fake, it is terrible, actually. they don't want to put it on. why don't you want to put that clip-on? could you imagine if that were me instead of him? >> that clip you referred to, i put it onid often, i say fire te prosecutor or you are getting a billion dollars. you've got six hours. his son, who has no experience in oil, gas, energy, anything to do with ukraine, was getting paid millions of dollars. so, son of a b, his words, they fired him and his son continued to make more money. there well, $1.5 billion deal wh
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no experience i can find in private equity with the bank of china after flying with his father earlier on air force two. >> i asked some of the biggest world in wall street, i know them all. rich ones and poor ones, i know them all. i said, can somebody walk into china and walk out sometime later with $1.5 billion to manage whato you get hundreds of thousands, even millions of dollars per year, from managing it? he said it's an impossibility, they don't do business that way. this young guy who didn't have a job, got thrown out of militaryd service, didn't have a job for a number of years, all of a sudden he's making millions of dollars a year. don't forget, ukraine paid him 83, but turned out to be 150,000 a month. they gave him $3 million upfront for they paid a lot of money. what's this thinghi about? the father is they're saying get rid of the prosecutor, if you don't get rid of the prosecutor, forget it. was it 2 billion?
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>> 1 billion. >> i've never seen anything like this but you can't find that clip today. >> i have it. >> you are about it. thank goodness we have sean. >> thank you. let me say on joe biden. i think you agree with this statement, and you are living it. i would say being the president of the united states of america is the hardest job in the world. the free world depends on the president. >> my job -- just to say, my job was made harder by phony witch hunts, by russia, russia, russian nonsense. t i was tougher on russian than a any president who has ever lived. no president has done what i've done with sanctions and all exposing the pipeline deal going into europe. nobody did that, nobody even t talked about that. i have been tougher on russia than anybody. even our military. how about the fact we become the number one energy in the world and that's primary business. >> that's the first time in 75
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years we are independent. number one producer. we have the election in 131 days. there have b been 84 days since joe biden had to answer any questions. there is a lot going on in the world and i hear he might be making it out of his basement bunker today. it's interesting. you heard what terry mcauliffe said. i'm fine with joe in the bunker. you only see two people a day, his two body man. i think this question is fair. they asked it in 1984 about ronald reagan, and that is do you believe that joe biden has the strength, stamina, the mental alertness -- is that a nice way to say it? he seems confused a lot. can't seem to under three sentences withoutut looking dow, can't even do a podcast. does he have the strength we need to be a president in your view? >> i can only say that i go 20
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hours a day and i'm all over the place and everybody really says it, what i've done is it takes a lot of energy. it takes a lot of energy. if you don't have a lot of energy you aren't going to be a good president. i really believe that. you need a lot of energy to do this job. you need up here to be good, but you need a lot of energy. has to be coupled with a lot of other things but i don't know but i don't want to comment on it. we'll see. the fact is he was okay against bernie in the debate. really was. it surprised me. in other debates, he was terrible. i thought he was out of it because he had 2-3 debates, the other debates prebernie where it was so bad. i said, he's not a candidate, can't be a candidate. he has something very unique. didn't go down that much, went on a couple of points. instead of being out of it, he went down a little bit.or he's been doing this for 47
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years or something -- >> 50. >> yeah, long time.on what has he done? what do you think. what is he done? >> jason: as president trump detailed, joe biden has a lot of issues that must be addressed. chief among them, biden is heavily influenced by the radical far left faction inside the democrat party. they keep pushing him further left l and left and while the vice president all but ignoren the anarchy taking hold in american cities is threatening if elected to use the federal government to force law-abiding americans to wear facial coverings whenever they leave their homes. this comes as the church restrictions put in place by new york governor andrew cuomo and new york city mayor bill de blasio were struck down by a federal court earlier today. joining us now with more is american conservative union chairman matt schlapp, fox news contributor lisa boothe, and former florida attorney general pam bondi. thank you allpa for joining us here tonight.
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attorney general bondi, i want to start with you. how exactly would joe biden from the federal government forced americans to wear a facial covering when they leave their home? >> well, jason, because he believes that it's because a population died of the speed 26 disease. then he comes away and try to do away with every asset of our federalist society, or laws that state local governments have the right to take care of the health, welfare, safety of individuals but he could care less about that. in cuba where castro makes all school-age children go to pioneer's class. what's next? banning guns? he's falling words out of his mouth talking about making every american wear again, that's going to be just like you said, that socialist agenda. bernie sanders, aoc. that's where he's heading. that's the path america will be
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heading down with that man as president. >> jason: you just look at his record and what he had to do in order to get the nomination. but normally once you get the nomination, they go a little bit further to the center. but joe biden hasn't gone further to the center. he seemed to be lurching even further to the left. >> that's right, jason. w at the acu, we've looked at all his votes in the senate over the years. he's got a very left-wing voting voting record. but theve one characteristic record over time is even on the issues like life, he has moved over time to be captive of the radical left. you know, he even voted against all the defense spending to take on the soviet union. he's been wrong on almost every national security question and now he comes to this question mandating certain things in this virus emergency. jason, we have to get back to the words of the constitution.
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i don't recall the question of a mask appearing anywhere in the constitution. he might believe it's good policy, but good policy should be legislated. it shouldn't be dictated by the courts. joe biden is a captive of the left wing and the president is right. if he becomes president from which i don't believe he will come he's not really in charge. he's not really all there. aoc, the radicals, the socialist will dictate everything for this is america versus socialism and we need donald trump to a second term to defeat all of this. >> jason: you see what the vice president has done, the gaps that happen if not on a daily or hourly basis, you see the policy positions that are st americans are used too, how does that play in the context of the funding the police which, i mean, that's where the left wants to go there and how is that going to play out in 2020?
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>> yeah, jason. here's the thing that i don't necessarily think joe biden is a progressive in the way that aoc is a progressive, but he's going to be the progressive's puppets. we saw what matt pointed out, joe biden literally abandoned his opposition to taxpayer-funded abortions, something he believed for decades within 24 hours of criticism. so of course he's going to adhere and be malleable to these progressives onn the left who yu pointed out wants to defund the police. that should terrify everybody watching right now because look around the country and look what's happening in these liberal cities. these policies are actuallyng getting people killed. look at what happened in the mayor cheerleading and allowed an autonomous zone to get set up, somebody got killed in other people got shot. looklo at minneapolis, they've d 100 shootings but since george loyd's death, yet what does the city council do? they take steps to dismantle the police department there?
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look at new york city, they've seen more shootings in june and new york city and they have had in more than a century but what does bill de blasio do, he talked about the fact that there is going to be substantial cuts to the nypd budget. not only these policies, these policies are literally putting american lives in danger.t' >> jason: it's amazing. you think 600 policemen that are undercover, take them away, there is going to be a huge consequence. pam, i want to go to the church ruling that happened today,ng shooting down, really, what the governor and the mayor of new york city were trying to do in putting these restrictions on churches. give me your impression and your read of this as a former attorney general. >> certainly. judge sharp issued a great opinion today and what he said was, first of all, you can't infringe on our first amendment rights, you can't, and the right to worship is one of our basic rights, as well as the right to price, first amendment right to
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speech, assemble, protest. what they are doing, governor cuomo and mayor de blasio were out there endorsing these protests while simultaneously telling people they cannot gather in church here that's the story of their argument.. the clear message is that mass protests are more deserving of preferential treatment than churchgoers. those are the great opinions by the judge. of course, they can't do that and encourage the protests and tell people they can't go to church at the same time. >> jason: there is a real attack on churches in general and religion that's going on as we approach this election. this is just one ruling, but these things happen in other states as well. tell me what your perspective is as it relates to churches and the attacks on religion going into 2020. >> welcome america was founded by people who wanted to come and exercise free expression when it
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comes to their religious views. that's what america is all about. when you see these fascists on the left like governor cuomo, like governor northam, like governor whitmer, these blue state governors, they are trying to get between us and our constitutional rights. there is really a very clear law in the first amendment about how we can exercise our religious freedoms like pam just said, like the attorney general just said. our religious freedoms, our ability to speak, our ability to assemble. when it comes to our religious views, the governor of virginia, the governor of new york, it's a very high bar they must reach to restricted. what bill barr has said, our great attorney general, they can no longer say that there is a higher bar to walk into a church than there is to go buy marijuana or liquor or receive social services. that's what's going on in society. fascist left-wing governors
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telling us what we can do and what we can't and americans must stand up. the constitution is at stake. it's not so much our health, it's the health of our democracy. >> jason: lisa, ten seconds with your thought onr this. >> we've already seated so much control to the government and you see how they take advantage of it with bill de blasio dictating who gets to movementtheir first rights and that should scare everyone as you go down a society that's actually becoming less tolerant of other ideologies and viewpoints, so thatatlo should be concerning hw someone like bill de blasio chooses to wield his power. >> jason: and governor cuomo as well. thank you so much for joining us tonight. coming up, senator joni ernst of iowa has put forth a new bill that would block federal funds from going to cities and states that allow "autonomous zones." the senator joins us next to explain as the special edition
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of "hannity" continues. are you? are you? oh well, look! that's what we're both taking right now, fanapt. you know it's really been helping me manage my schizophrenia. i used to hear these terrible voices. loser! you're such a failure. you're so embarrassing. i used to feel like everyone was staring at me. but we're doing much better now, right? yeah. fanapt is approved for the treatment of schizophrenia in adults. in clinical trials, fanapt significantly improved symptoms of schizophrenia compared to placebo. fanapt may change your heart rhythm which could elevate risk of sudden death. your doctor will consider this when deciding among treatments and may prescribe another medication first or may instruct you to take a smaller dosage of fanapt. the good thing to know, is we're not alone. ask your doctor about fanapt or go to
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>> jason: welcome back to this "hannity" special. protests continue tonight in washington, d.c., where people are calling for the removal of the emancipation memorial in lincoln park. kevin corke live on the ground in washington with the latest. kevin? >> good to be with you, my friend. i can just say this. early on in the protest -- talking about several weeks now, we've seen massive crowds and we've seen some pretty lean crowds. i'm going to step out of the camera so you can see just how lean the crowd is here tonight. this is the second consecutive night that a number of protesters said they would come and they did show up, and she
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had a relatively small numbers around 6:00. somebody needed, as you see here tonight, a relatively quiet crowd. that doesn't change the idea behind the gathering. a lot of people feel very strongly that they want to remove this statue. i can tell you this, i also spoke to a number of people who said, listen, leave the statue where it is. if you want to put up another statue, wherever it belongs, in the museum right where it is, we can have that conversation. but tearing it down is not something they will allow. let me step out again. as i prescribed, that defense is about 9 feet high, it's a lot sturdier than what it may be looked on camera. you think it's a nice clean fence, you can push it over? no, that's a substantial fence there. we have law enforcement all around and so far all quiet in the nation's capital. >> jason: fences do work.
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so left-wing lawlessness is gripping the west coast tonight as so-called "chop protesters" in seattle are stopping city workers from clearing out the area. businesses and residences are filled fed up with the failure of leadership and accusing leaders are being complicit in the chaos and crime in the zone. but republicans are taking action because breaking tonight, president trump has signed a new executive order to protect our national monuments and is bowing to restore order. tweeting earlier today, "i was going t to go to bedminster, new jersey, this weekend, but wanted to stay in washington, d.c., to make sure law and order is enforced." over in the united states senate, iowa's senator joni ernst has a new bill to end anarchy in the streets. by denying federal funds to cities and states that allow these types of lawless autonomous zones. here to explain more is author
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of the new book "daughter of the heartland," iowa republican senator joni ernst. senator, thank you so much for joining us here. explain what your new bill would do. >> well, it is great to be with you, jason, thank you very much. the bill would prevent federal taxpayer dollars from going to those autonomous zones and the mayors and governors that enable the lawlessness to continue. for those mayors that prevent law enforcement from actually going into these areas and policing as they should be doing, we will strip away the federal funding that goes to those cities. we think it is the right thing to do but we certainly don't want to enable those areas. if they truly want to be autonomous, they can exist on their own. >> jason: i think most people would be shocked and surprised how many federal funds flow to these different cities misstates. the department of justice, those type of things. senator, what you see is what
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has transpired in seattle, in chop or chaz or whatever they are calling themselves at the moment, what runs through your mind? >> i think it's actually quite ironic. because we saw with the death of george floyd a law enforcement officer that had lost morality, corrupt, lost all empathy for fellow human beings and that's exactly what we see, these different groups embracing lawlessness, corruption, anarchy. you know, everything they said that they were against they are actually practicing in these autonomous zones. i think it's rather ironic that they are going down that path and i think it's actually very sad. we truly are a great nation and we should celebrate our diversity, have peaceful discussions. anarchy is not part of that conversation. >> jason: how do you react to those cities and states, really,
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the democrats on both the far left wing, they have taken this position about the funding the police department, the funding things seem to get their attention. it seems your bill would actually get even more of their attention. >> right. it should get their attention. defunding the police is just a provocative catchphrase that the liberal elites will use just to get attention. but truly when the day comes, when they have defunded and dismantled their police departments and they really need someone to come to their aid, they will regret that movement. we are a country of law and order and we need to make sure that we are training our police properly, that we are moving forward on police reform legislation which the senate democrats blocked the other day. i don't understand that move. but we do have the best and brightest out there working in uniforms in blue. we need to support them, make
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sure they are trained and equipped properly, make sure they can de-escalate certain situations. but getting rid of them, dismantling them, it is not a viable option. >> jason: what if chuck schumer and the democrats in the senate, what are they thinking when senator tim scott puts forward a bill, my understanding is they would be up to 20 something amendments that would've been allowed in this process, but the democrats literally voted to block even the debate of this bill. >> exactly. it is so disheartening. when our nation is crying out for justice, correction of racial injustice, and we have an opportunity to come together in congress and provide a path forward and the democrats blocked it, just right out. didn't even want to debate the merits of the bill, which the tim scott bill probably had 80% of what the democrats wanted to see as a first step.
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and yet they were unwilling to make a move and married debate the merits of the bill. when you don't want to debate a bill, you aren't really looking for solutions. tim scott said it best, he really did. it wasn't that they will didn't want the bill, they just didn't want us scum of the republicans, leading on the bill. >> jason: senator, law and order will be a key component of 2020. i do not know how a national party like the democrats fight against the border control, against i.c.e., against law enforcement in general and survive. i've only got ten seconds or so. but if you had to guess, right now, who does joe biden pick up as his vice president? >> i will guess either stacy abrams or val demings. but again i don't think it's going to matter in the end because i think president trump will see another term. >> jason: i do too.
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i think americans when they study this and look at it, i can't wait for the debates. senator, congratulations on the new book, thanks for joining us on this friday night. we do appreciate it. >> thank you, jason. >> jason: up next, the lawlessness in liberal cities across america are out of control but we'll show you sean hannity's one-on-one discussion with former speaker newt gingrich. don't go away as the special edition of "hannity" continues. guys, times are tough. but force factor's test x180 can help us man up, america, by boosting total testosterone. build muscle, fuel desire, and improve performance. get test x180 from force factor, the #1 fastest-growing men's health brand
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officially moving ahead with their plan to dismantle their police department. the city council voted to replace the police with a department of community safety and violence prevention. which would provide a "holistic public health oriented approach," whatever that means. meanwhile, one neighborhood in minneapolis thatt vowed not to use police is now facing the scourge of a 300 plus person homeless encampment and in new york city, the police commissioner has issued a dire warning, the criminal justice system is imploding, and violent crime is on the rise. just how bad is it going to get as some on the far left continue to push efforts to defund the police? joining is now with the reaction, civil rights attorney leo terrel and fox news contributor ted williams. i want to start with you here. r come on. is this really the way we are going to do this? one of the t definitions of
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city council in minneapolis said that the head of this new department, the holistic one, have nonlaw enforcement experience. that's what they are looking for. someone who has nonlaw enforcement experience to replace that the police t department. really? >> let me tell you now, the extremists have hijacked the democratic party. i know about the democratic playbook. ignore black on black crime. in seattle they claim they are dismantling the police hedepartment because of excessie force against people of color.e jason, there is more black on black crime than police misconduct against black individuals.e they have used the george floyd case this mental police in what's happening is it's happening and democratic cities happening in america. the most ridiculous thing is they claim there is systemic discrimination in democratic cities where the people of color run the government. i will pay -- i'm making -- i
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will pay any mayor in any of these them a critic cities ton debate need to establish systemic discrimination in chicago, baltimore, atlanta, l.a. it's impossible! there is no systemic discrimination. but they are playing the race card and ignoring black on black crime which is the number one killer of black men. >> jason: look at chicago, that's one of the factors. ted, what's your reaction to what leo is saying? >> no civilized society can survive with public safety. public safety is threatened when you talk about disbanding ornd defunding a police department. who are you going to call, ghostbusters, when somebody is breaking into your home? there is a common element out here that's trying to do us harm. but there is another side to this year. that is, police officers must be held accountable.
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i was justis listening earlier o the case of a young kid, elijah mccain out in colorado who was going home who was stopped by law enforcement officers who got on top of him. he started vomiting, they took him to a hospital and died of a heart attack. what i'm simply saying is we cannot excuse the fact that there are some bad police officers out here. but we also must realize there are excellent police officers out here who are trying to do their job serving and protecting the members of their community. >>s. at this point, this is reay important. it's 98% of the officers are great.ea they protect us at 2:00, 3:00 in the morning. the ira's the irony of the situation, they care about all black lies but i have a a family member who is black and law enforcement or does her life matter? she's out protecting black people and white folk. my point is you can't have it both ways.
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there are black folds representing law enforcement. but yet, you are a saying dismantle the police. it doesn't make sense. black officers, white officers protect -- > leo, you are right! it doesn't make sense. but i can tell you, leo, there are a lot of black men and women out there saying they were abused by police officers and they died as a result of that. we've got to look at it. it's a double-edged sword, we've got to look at both sides of this issue. speak what's happening is this, ted, the democrats have used racism as a political tool. i have sued police department for 25 years. it happens. but it's not systemic! there is not institutional racism within police departments. this is not 1960. we do not have george wallace. this is all a hoax to raise money. that's all it is. by democrats! >> jason: listen, i've got to tell you.
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law enforcement needs to know we love them and we care for them and if somebody steps out of line, the need to help us tobu call out those people. i am telling you, when you need help, like i've needed help in my life from time to time, you dial 911, you are begging for the police officers to come. those families need to know thal we love and care for them and we appreciate what they are doing. ted williams, leo terrel, thank you so much for joining us tonight. democrats eager to makein washington, d.c., the 51st state. congressman andy biggs and debbie let's go joins me in next to react. later, sean recently sat down with former house speaker newt gingrich to talk about why this presidential election is one of the most thei important election in modern history. our connections make powerful things happen,
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by accessing our networks, our experience, and the best of ourselves to make a difference. around the world, rotary brings leaders together to build new friendships and to solve problems. like in austria, where generations work side by side to build sustainable housing and community centers. in india, volunteers run a mobile blood bank to help provide a steady blood supply for the local community. and in taiwan, people are working hard to get vulnerable citizens the support and services they need. with over one million members, we know what people can do when they come together. take action with us. find out more at >> jason: democrats in the house of representatives passeda
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a bill approving d.c. statehood as part of their larger effort to have the democratic stronghold bolster the number of democrats in congress. this obvious political stunt is being panned by republicans as a shameless power grab and is dead on arrival in the united states senate. that's not stopping democrats. like maxine waters doubling down, falsely suggesting thatly opposition is somehow racially motivated. watch this. >> make no mistake what race underlines every argument against d.c. statehood and denying its citizens equal participation and representation is a racial, democratic, and economic injustice we cannot tolerate. >> jason: and of course we know what this is really about them and giving democrats to come more senators and the representative in the house of representatives. joining me now for reaction, g.o.p. house lawmakers congressman andy biggs and congress woman debbie let's go, both from arizona.
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joining us tonight. let me start with you, congresswoman. was there anyas consideration to the united states constitution, did not even come up when the democrats come up about this? >> of course not, jason. this is just another example of an unconstitutional power grab by the democrats and also a radical bill that to keep passing out of the house. they have this one. just yesterday they passed a bill that would undermine police so theyhe couldn't do their job. they want to give $1200 payments to illegal immigrants, they want to give free health care to illegal immigrants. these are all bills they passed out of the house. if the democrats control the house, the senate, and the presidency after november, all of that stuff will be the law of the land. i hope our listeners are listening to that. that's why this election matters.
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>> jason: congressman, the reason i was opposedse to it is it's against the constitution for the constitution clearly spells this out. there is no consideration for that in the debate today, was there? >> not at all, jason. you are exactly right. if they were really sincere, they would send this to the people for a constitutional amendment as opposed to ratification by the states instead of doing what they did today which is simply a bill. a you are correct. it's an attempt at a power grab, buts it's less than that in some ways because it's merely pandering. they know it doesn't mean anything other than to summon their base who are interested in this. it's really a shame they tried to manipulate the constitution this way. >> jason: congressman, i want to ask you, that most people don't realize this but washington, d.c., goes the facade of electing shadow -- literally, they call it shadow s
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senators that are prepared to take their seats in the united states senate at every moment. washington, d.c., has a homeless problem, how do they funded this, they've got all these issues to deal with. meanwhile they have office space for shadow senators and they are not really addressing the real core problems that are actually facing the city. >> yeah, and you're absolutely right and in the bill it says that the mayor of washington, d.c., would be the governor of this new state. i mean, could you imagine mayor bowser being the governor? she can't even run her own city. as you said, there's homelessness, the schools are notes performing well. now there is looting, writing. should even anyone want to help president trump defend national monuments. this would be a total disaster. it's another one of these radical bills that the democrats are pushing through, even though they know it's not going to pass
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in the senate. at least not yet. we can't let the senate be taken over by democrats and certainly not the presidency. >> jason: congressman biggs, quickly, i only have 30 seconds. your reaction? >> certainly, getting the right to vote and getting electoral votes, they can do what they did in 1847 when he gave some of the land back to virginia and we can give some of this land remaining back to maryland and keep the federal district in and of itself. >> jason: that's exactly right! retro seed the residential areas to marry land. but marilyn would never want to do that. thank you so much for joining us today. wish we had more time. the coming up next, sean spoke with newt gingrich why this most election is one of the most important in all of modernis history. you won't want to missth this. stay with us.
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for 37 years we have been fighting for survivors of child sex abuse. even in these uniquely challenging times we're still fighting with dedication and devotion. california law gives survivors a chance to take legal action, but only for a limited time. if you were sexually abused by a priest, scout leader, coach or teacher
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contact us confidentially today. it's time. >> jason: we all know how important this upcoming election is. in 130 days, you'll get to decide the future of this great country. former speaker of the house and fox news contributor newt gingrich is out with a brand-new book titled "trump and the americanvi future: solving e
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great problems of our times." s newt spoke with sean earlier this week to discuss the impacts of his election and how it could fundamentally change america. take a look. >> we were talking on radio this week, talking about how we first met in 1990 and you are doing a speech out in decatur, alabama, and came on it and our history is i got to mc the night you took back congress for the first time in 40 years. we say it a lot and it's been true, but not as true as it is now. i believe if joe biden, the socialist agenda, the new green deal, weak foreign policy, is implemented, america becomes unnecessary unrecognizable and ire don't thk there's a way to recover. that's how can crucial this is. >> look, i think this is the most important election since abraham lincoln in 1860. so 160 years is a long time.
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the thing is with biden, i think it's the machine of biden,hu pelosi, schumer, what the three of them would do the minute they had real power, people at the point would immediately repeal all of trump's executive orders but i think they would do everything they could in the very first year to turn america into california, to impose left-wing values on all of our schools, to reinforce for the big internet companies that they should eliminate all conservatives. i truly think it would be a catastrophic election outcome if you ended up with biden, pelosi, and schumer in charge of america. >> so let's assume that third quarter, july, august, september numbers, i didn't think we'll see growth numbers this past based on the economy shutting
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down, but we are seeing them. let's assume we have half of the recovery, which would be unprecedented job growth in this country and one of the great american comeback success stories. let's assume some of these deep state operatives that plotted against donald trump are probably indicted. let's assume that joe biden at some point has to come out of his basement and i know that's going to hurt terry mcauliffe, it's fine for him to stay down there forever and going to have to talk and explain his record. you know, i don't think -- he's going to do particular well butl that's me looking into my little crystal ball. how does this election fall out in his view? you've got to win florida, ohio, north carolina, georgia, pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan. you've got to literally run the table if you are a republican. >> you know, i don't think so.
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i have been active as you know for a very longn time. i lived through the '72 campaign with nixon, mcgovern, through the '884 campaign for walter mondale. i was with george w. bush when he was behind was behind dukakis by 19 points. that was in may. he beat him by eight points in november, that means one out of every four americans switch their vote in that period. i think one or two things are going to happen. if trump makes a reasonableec economic recovery, back to where we were to move back in that direction, and he draws a clear contrast not just with biden but with pelosi, schumer, and biden as a machine might be because that is much scarier than just
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biden. i think at that point, i don't think it'll be close. i think we will win by a huge margin. >> mr. speaker, you are usually right. i'm going to cling to your hopes. it's nothing but the future of our homes. republicans. hope it's nothing serious, but congratulations on the book. >> thank you. >> jason: more of the special edition of "hannity" right after the break. stay with us.
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♪ >> jason: welcome back to the special edition of "hannity." i'm honored and privileged to guest host for sean. sean, thank you for letting me sit in your seat. unfortunately, that's all the time we haved tonight. if you want to dive deeper into your understanding of the swamp that is washington, d.c., i recommend my book, "power grab." i also wrote one called "the deep state." i hope you enjoy them. thank you for joining us tonight, make sure to set your dvr so you never miss an episode of " "hannity." sean will be right back here on monday. i hope you all have a great weekend.
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"the ingraham angle" is coming up next. ♪ ♪ >> tammy: hi, everyone, i'm tammy bruce in for laura ingraham, and this is a special edition of "the ingraham angle" from new york city tonight. jerry nadler is claiming antifa is imaginary. i'll talk to a former member of the extremist group, the violent extremist group, about how rhetoric just like that only emboldens them. plus, "the new york times" 1619 project in our schools, it's in there, you know, at its indoctrinating young children, now we are learning disturbing new details about its creator. and the leftist media is giving cuomo an,n, pass while launching disgusting allegations against president trump. the rs
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