tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News June 29, 2020 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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freedom is but one generation away from extinction. we have the history and what has made america great, the failure of socialism the radical 2020 agenda, the mob and the media and what donald trump will do, the choice is yours and the future is at stake,, laura ingraham. >> laura: hi, and hannity are you in a good mood or bad mood? >> sean: you know what mood i'm in, the mood to save the show and people are dying, the american family dying and it's all on the line and 126 days. >> laura: now we see who really believes in the constitution, sean, great show tonight as always. >> sean: have a great show. >> laura: i am laura ingraham and this is to is "the ingraham angle" coming from the great state of wyoming tonight. what do we as americans put at risk if we submit to the mob or if we allow a biden president?
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victor davis hanson and a message for donald trump and the g.o.p. and they all need to hear it. also tonight just how far with the left like to go? a new survey is revealing that the majority of liberals would support getting rid of -- are you ready -- mount rushmore. south dakota governor's had not on my watch, not happening. she joins us tonight. raymond arroyo is here with talking video of protesters attacking citizens with a statue in st. louis including an elderly man who is praying and joe biden's disappearing act continues all of that and more in "seen and unseen." but first a call to the patriots and that is the focus of tonig tonight's "the angle." in our nation is under attack. there is no other way to describe what is going on right now. businesses are being burned down. historic markers defaced from a law enforcement defamed, and people are being threatened with
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having careers ruined and lives turned upside down if they speak out. but it is time like these and i mentioned this a moment ago to "hannity," we need to look to the wisdom of the founding fathers and look to them for inspiration and guidance and also within the period with our nation's 244th birthday just days away, i wanted to read you what one of the country's greatest minds wrote in just the first month of the revolution. thomas kane. in december 1776, he wrote "these are the times that try men's souls. the summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will in this crisis shrink from the surface of the country, but he that stands by it now deserves to love and think of man and woman. tierney is not easily conquered, yet we have this consolation with us that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.
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what we have had too cheap we esteem too lightly. it is dearness that gives everything its value. heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods. and it would be strange, indeed, if so celestial an article that freedom should not be highly rated. well, be used to have a lot of summer soldiers and sunshine patriots in the conservative movement. after all, it was easy to be conservative when america was a cold war and the government was putting up statues of ronald reagan and marxism appear to be actually defeated. back then, there were lots of folks who wanted to write books about what a great country we have and who wanted to sing along with lee greenwood and wanted to attend conferences with a set on panel to talk about the glorious future of america. but where are those people now? >> we see with trump is he's
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really historically, he is the second president of the confederacy. this is exactly what the george presidency would have looked like. >> this started in charlottesville with good people on both sides. >> we had racial tensions everywhere that the president has done. >> laura: how serious is the current crisis? well, check out what the left is both doing and saying. sometimes they prevail too much and they will delete a tweet. like the editor of "the washington post" who publish this message, white women are lucky that we are just calling them karen and not calling for revenge. i'm just saying, be happy we are calling for a quality and not actual revenge, now, think about this for a moment. teachers, college professors, businessmen, coaches, they have lost their jobs or their career for nearly stating they love all people in response to demands that they support.
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they say they love everybody but that's not enough. so how did jeff bezos get away with what that editor tweeted and then deleted? karen was strongly implying what? that black revenge against white women i guess is justified? we are just lucky. and yet, we have conservatives on the sidelines in this battle or worse? the people you just heard, never trumpers who are raising money to help these vindictive extremists win in november? are you kidding me? the left by the way are not just ripping down memorials. they were not just engaged to rename cities and colleges in streets and stuff like that, they are coming for you in your neighborhood. and look no further than the video from the weekend through the upscale central west and neighborhood. protesters broke into a gated
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community, with the private land where mccloskey family. now, they weren't about to back down to the mob. and for exercising their god-given rights and not bowing to the left, the mccloskeys were vilified by the media today. and the post claiming the st. louis point guns at peaceful protesters calling for the mayor to resign. now, here is what mark mccloskey said really happened. >> the first three or four people that came in, and i stood up and announced loudly, this is private property. please go back, leave! as soon as i said that, the words private property enraged the crowd. there was then a horde of people coming through the broken gate. >> laura: mccluskey said one person threaten the person with a gun. others threatened to burn down
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their home and he claimed the mob threatened his dog my now the police are considering what happened to the mccloskeys a case of fourth degree assault by intimidation by the so-called peaceful protesters good. law and order doesn't mean a thing if it's not up to be enforced. why would anybody vote for a party that takes the side of looters and that mocks middle-age people trying to protect their homes? why would anyone vote with the media mob with extremists now vilifying? what the mccloskeys did was extraordinarily brave. in this with this act by samantha murphy was on the professional soccer team to stand for the national anthem during a game on saturday. she played for the north carolina courage where she was the only athlete on the field to show any. now the folks in washington who
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make money, meanwhile from conservatives in ink. they basically put up the hurricane shutters and pulled them down and they are hoping no one notices them very much during this uncomfortable time period. and then i think maybe once aoc and her squad have taken over the government, i guess conservatives at "the angle" put a fund-raiser together and this time they will fight the left, promise come across their hearts, hope to die. now, go to the website of things like the american enterprise institute and the cato institute and the heritage foundation but it pains me to say that. you tell me if at this moment they seem like organizations that are really worried about the survival of the free market capitalism and the constitution at all for that matter. instead, they seem more worried about signing people up to go on the next high dollar event at a swanky resort. they think they can sit this out, this fight out and that the system will still be there again
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when they raise their heads. >> we have a great country. the greatest country on earth. we have a heritage. we have a history. and we should learn from the history. and if you don't understand your history, you will go back to it again. you will go right back to it. you have to learn. >> laura: we can learn from the founders. we can learn from the greatest generation and the reagan era with a stand against evil and triumphant. we are seeing more and more american families and americans and students finally starting to see what is at stake at this current crisis. a lot of very clever people with a lot of fancy schools will someday be very sorry that when the time came for them to speak for america, they were nowhere to be found. because we are going to beat the left either now or in the near future. and someday, the riots will stop. someday, law and order will really be restored.
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and someday, american heroes will be celebrated again. and when that happens, we will remember those who deserted their colors when times got tough. we know who they are and they know who they are, and we will never forget them. and that is "the angle." joining me now is dinesh d'souza conservative commentator whose new film trump card comes out in august. here also victor davis hanson of hoover institution, senior fellow. let's start with you. what is jarring about this moment is not just how far the left is willing to go. we knew they would try this at some point, but how many so-called conservatives love to quote the founders that their fancy dinners, they seem willing to do so little to stop them. reaction. >> it is actually very chilling. patriotism like love is a philosophy of action. it makes absolutely no sense to
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make extravagant profession of love if it is unsubstantiated by any conduct at all. so similarly here you have these conservatives, conservative liebert potomac leaders and the congress and senate and they stand around with both line kind of like a herd of water buffalo being insulted by a pride of lions. and they are hoping they will not be eaten if they make any move at all committee is to run. so there is no fence so they actually have power, they actually can fight, they can put up resistance but somehow they have been cowed into submission. it is actually starting to see people so thinly devoted to their own principles that they will not fight for what they believe in. >> laura: victor, if not now, when? if they are not willing to fight now, when are they willing to fight? >> they will never fight and then they won't let her in their depth. history tells us whether red
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guards, there is only two ways to deal with them and one is to go after the people who directed. finally, trump realizes that the military will help in the blue state governors and bill barr in the task force to entice these people for all sorts of crimes. you can cut off federal funds to the states that won't enforce the law. you can protect the and file civil lawsuits to protect property but that will not even be enough. we need everybody, everybody according to the states have to speak out. when a retired general or chairman of the joint chiefs thinks all of a sudden they are woke and all woke and all of a sudden to change the name of the base or tear down the statue, we have to say shame on you. that is not right. were only a few protesters in the united states or violent. that is not right. we have to do it in our own jobs. we have to do it for schools, because if you don't come all of these agendas come into play, laura. someone might want your job or a
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person against your family. under the cloak of this revolution they start defaming you, lying and you have to put a dunce cap and battled the mob and that only empowers people more to come out. the middle-class is waiting to see who will win because they are terrified. and we have to reassure them, that it will pay a heavy price and the people who are weak as you have pointed out, they will be shamed themselves and they will really regret democrat regretted to more quickly than you think. i think there is a redline where people if they go beyond it, we do not have a civilization. >> laura: dinesh we are getting very close. i am in wyoming and it is amazing how many people have come up to me in the last three or four days and said "where are the republicans? other than president trump, who the heck is fighting for us?" and i'm probably maybe, ten people have come up to me and set a version of that.
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i don't have a really good answer for them. i have to say we have a couple of great senators, but i mean, this is like it is an aei roundtable or something, like throwing theories around. this is a time for people to say no, you will not take my right to worship away. no, you will not stop me from making a living at my restaurant. you will not do this. who have never attacked the law to throw these edicts out at us and there were no laws to pass me more, dinesh. >> it is really striking so many people who have been postulating for property rights for a generation will not stand up and expose the lie. you know, it is completely different when you take away someone's possession of property as compared to harming them as a person. now the truth of the matter is, my possessions and my property or an extension of me. they are as much a part of me as my thoughts, my memory, my relationship so to her my property, deprive me of my
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possession is to harm my person. but these simple arguments at the core of conservative and libertarian documents have gotten lost in lengthy screams and the time and need to be pressed in public squares. i think lincoln's warning moving towards mob rules is coming real before our very eyes. he was a moderate man but he found himself in and in moderate situation. and he realized that republicans needed to get very tough. this is exactly that time. >> laura: this is a time where we see conservatives amend the constitution, victor. while the g.o.p. towers or hides or decides not to come back to town to do anything. these new democratic leaders like presley, i don't agree with her on anything, but she sees an opportunity and she goes to exploit to exploits it. violent mob behavior some to be
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excused, watch. >> the reason why there is unrest in our streets is because black americans have never had equal protection under the law. that is why they are in the streets. during this pandemic, being met with more of a police state, which is the very reason there is an uprising. >> laura: victor, african-americans have never received equal treatment under the law. that is a sitting u.s. congresswoman. >> that is just -- i spent 38 years in academic and most of them were teaching for minority and people who were impoverished. i can tell you any time i had an african-american student and i had many of them that were excellent, it was so easy because people were bending over backwards at graduate schools to help them in a way that was not true of working white class or even seek americans or filipino americans. that is a patton fly what she said. that reminds us, laura, we have to look at long-term solutions. the doctor who created this
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frankenstein monster was the franklin university. the multibillion-dollar test free endowments are allowed to go on when they are not nonprofits. they are partisan institutions. why they have no moral hazard issuing these loans 1.6 trillion in aggregate debt and expect us to the taxpayer to subsidize all this while they indoctrinate these kids. the republicans need to in the long term look at what created this monster. a lot can be found at the university and they need to address it radically in a different way. >> laura: we have to think big. the left is thinking big but we have to think bigger. gentlemen, thank you so much. great to see both of you. a great transition to the next guest because we cannot just one americans what is at stake if we don't step up to the left wing. we need a plan of action. and just a moment ago, the next guest said since universities are, as he said to come at the place where the worldview of our
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children are being worked and propaganda is being sold, well shouldn't they be places where we seek to have real reform? 20 meters charlie hurt, turning point usa and author of them make a doctrine. charlie, tell us about your plan for divestment from colleges and universities and how it could be reasonably put into practice. >> look, laura, right now, we are in a cultural crisis and a lot of conservatives watching tonight and over the last couple of weeks are asking themselves how did this happen? it largely happened because of the universities and victor davis hanson spent in the university so turning point usa, we have targeted this, wait a second, who is funding these universities but unfortunately and honestly tragically laura, conservative business people writing these massive,
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unrestricted checks to the most left-wing institutions in the country. in a couple of weeks we are starting a project of review. we want to celebrate conservatives that divest their dollars and education. we make the argument conservatives have a moral obligation to know where their money is going. if it is going to a higher education and it's not going to a school like liberty university's about some school like john jay college or university of california of los angeles to train the next generation of activists, you should pull that funding. because you are participating from actively participating with your hard-earned dollars to create the chaos that we are living through. >> laura: earlier this month, charlie comeaux law professor at the city of new york giving advice to vandals saying i am a professor that delivers cultural heritage and i have this to say. used chain instead of rope and it will go faster. currently, amazing how she can keep her job at ucla professor
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who reads a letter from mlk, he got slapped with an investigation. >> it is extraordinary. this is why we have our projects are 24 usa. and let's say popular organization with some elite marxist professors on the watch list. when professors go out of their way to demonstrate their radicalism and try to teach their students to participate in the downfall of america my parents and faculty and members of the funding class have a right to know exactly where their dollars are going. laura, one other thing every conservative watching if you feel like you are losing the country, this is not a spectator sport. get engaged, get involved. last week in phoenix, arizona, 3,300 students and the media tried to shut it down. everyone tried to prevent it but we did it anyway. now is the time to push back and to stand with courage and truth or else we might not have a country anymore. >> laura: charlie just weeded out, if i have to go to jail, i
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will have to go to jail. >> i guess we are going to have to go that direction otherwise, the country will be lost. charlie, great to see you tonight. >> thank you. >> laura: my message to suburban women and older voters. by then will not deliver the calm that you think he might. plus the demands of an ardent activist are getting radical -- radical by the day, calling for mount rushmore destruction. south dakota governor kristi noem has a message for them ne next. is dr. harold katz.
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he used to worry about how to fix the world's oral health problems. - i think i've got it. - [narrator] then he invented therabreath formulas. - you want fresh breath? i'll give you a fresh breath. - [narrator] for fresh breath, healthy gums, dry mouth, and healthy smiles. - whoa, that's fresh. - [narrator] now, the world's mouths
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have never been healthier. (sighs contentedly) - works for 24 hours, i guarantee it. therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. - [narrator] available at walmart, target and other fine stores. ♪ >> laura: the democrats and their media lackeys are trying to convince voters, especially seniors and suburban women, electing joe biden will return everything to a calm state. but of course, the opposite is true. the past month demonstrates beyond a shadow of a doubt that the democrats have become the party of chaos, lawlessness, and disorder. now, they not only want to defeat president trump, that is obvious, they want to change the country in ways that would be extremely dangerous. they will defund the police and the military, and when they can't get their way through voting, they will encourage rioting and looting. if you resist or publicly profess your white guilt, they
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will destroy you. they hate our history, our traditions, and our way of life. they hate our constitution, which they see has this thing written by a bunch of corrupt white slaveholders. they want to take most of your money and eventually all of your private property. they want never ending lockdowns and mandates for everything from masts to when you can go to church. yet nancy pelosi won't even make the house show up in person to vote on any of this. no legislation, just announce it. in other words, they have become nonessential in congress. they are not even pretending to be the people don't like the people's representatives anymore. more chaos is coming. we have one chance to stop it. if you love your country, if you love western sale civilization and want to sit with rule of law, you must stand out. you must be willing to suit up for this battle. in school board meetings, town council meetings, maybe even a
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parent/teacher conferences and of course state and federal elections. it is time to do-or-die. to find out how radicalized the left has gotten and just the last few weeks, professor eric coachman at the university of london asked americans a series of questions that even he thought were too crazy for anyone to actually to support. but what he actually found was shocking. for starters, 70% of self identified liberals supporting well now rewriting the constitution to a new american constitution that better reflects our diversity as a people. furthermore, 60% of very liberal respondents favor removing statues of white men from public places until the stock of statues matches the demographics of the entire population. perhaps most astonishing, majority of those identified liberal supported destroying mount rushmore. but my next guest says this will never happen, at least not on
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her watch. joining me now south dakota governor kristi noem. i'm not too far away from south dakota but did you ever think that you would have to actually be speaking out against tearing down mount rushmore during your term in office? >governor kristi noem, i'm not sure she can hear us. i was asking her if she ever thought that she would have to speak out about tearing down statues of mount rushmore. and i'm not sure if she is there? is she there, governor? i never thought she would have to -- we will try to get back to her. this is life tv and what happens kids. he does not want president trump anywhere near mount rushmore, watch. >> the integrity of the
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republican party has completely subordinated the agency, the patriotism, the common sense, their judgment to be members of a cult of personality. think about donald trump going to mount rushmore. that is not his place in the shadow of some of our greatest leaders. >> laura: all right, governor, i think we have you now. that is great. sorry about that, but what does steve schmidt and people like him really afraid of? >> you know, i'm not certain. our history is important to this country and what we stand for. it is what makes america special. the leaders have laws, absolutely, but when we focus on the flaws, we missed the virtues and the lessons they can teach us. so i think possibly, this is a wonderful opportunity for us to celebrate america's birthday, to join together to have some unity, and really focus on opportunity in america.
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perhaps, that is not what they want to talk about. >> laura: governor kristi noem, things like the fourth of july parades and a few times a year where we can all come together as a nation and say thank god we live in this country. thank goodness we had these brave men and women who just sacrificed everything so we can live here in peace and a chance at prosperity. and yet, even in places in the midwest and the rocky mountains, now we have fourth of july celebrations canceled. with siting of covid-19 even though outside it is much more difficult to get covid-19. what do you say to those citing health concerns has the reason to cancel all of these patriotic displays? >> you know, laura, and south dakota we told people to focus on personal responsibility. everyone of them has an opportunity to make a decision they are comfortable with.
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so we will be having a celebration of american independence. we will have a large event, jul. we told those folks to have concerns that they can stay home. but those who want to come in join us, we will give out free masts if they choose to wear one. we will not be social distancing. we are asking them to come and be ready to celebrate the freedoms and liberties we have in this country, and to talk about our history and what it brought us today was an opportunity to raise our kids in the greatest country i in the world. >> laura: the media is just freaking out about the covid problem. i want to put up on the screen a list of sort of stats, covid stats from your state, south dakota. okay, just so people get a sense of what a great job south dakota has done, okay? there are only 70 people currently hospitalized. only 91 deaths in the entire state. i think here in wyoming 20 may be. there have only been 807
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confirmed active cases in the state. governor, you have been viciously attacked for not locking down your state, but the numbers seem to vindicate your choice to stay the first responsibility to take care of the food processing plants. people have to live their lives because we lose the country, we lose it. >> was very clear from the beginning and told the people of south dakota that i would trust them. i was going to give them all the information and be honest with them and they could make decisions that worked for them and their families. so i gave them a chance to be innovative. honestly, i think that created a unique opportunity for south dakota to tell our story. laura, i can triple the size of my economic development department today for all of the business requests that we have for people who want to move to south dakota. they want to bring their businesses, their families, live somewhere they get to make decisions that are best for them here they can be innovative, take care of their customers, make sure they are employees can put food on the table, and they
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appreciate that. i've always known south dakota special and the last few months is really what told our story of the possibility that we really do hold for people to still value freedom. >> laura: governor come i understand that the dnc and my producers will tell me if i state this right because i don't want to say it incorrectly, has just tweeted out that the rally, the patriotic rally at mount rushmore celebrates white supremacy. and the united states. that is a dnc tweet that was just posted. we don't have it up on the screen, but maybe we will. that is where we are. mount rushmore is white supremacy for the democrat party, not "black lives matter," not anarchist, but for the democratic party. what do you say to them about those men up on mount rushmore and what they did for this country? >> they dnc is doing a great
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disservice to this country. honestly, that tweet right there represents the choice people have in the selection. the men on that mountain, washington was the leader that we have had that unanimously was chosen to lead our country at birth. he was the one that everybody agreed we needed at that important time. you look at jefferson. he gave us all men are created equal. he wrote the declaration of independence. incredibly important to the values we hold in this country. you look at lincoln, he made it happen. he put into reality all men are created equal. teddy roosevelt was someone who dined with the first african-american at the white house. he had an adventurous spirit. we really appreciate their leadership. >> laura: governor, i am so grateful for you doing this, celebrating our nation's independence at a time like this. you have shown great wisdom and great courage. we really, really appreciate it.
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♪ >> laura: all right, it is time for "seen and unseen" settlement where we expose the big cultural stories of the day. joining us with all the details before fox news contributor. all right, raymond. there was a standoff over a statue of st. louis king that france and the city bearing his name. what happened? >> well, it was less than a peaceful protest, laura. on saturday catholics heard about the plan to protest the statue of st. louis the ninth. they showed up to protect the vandalized statue. they were praying the rosary. a young priest stephen schumacher tried to explain to
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the protesters the history of st. louis. how he dined with and wash their feet, opened hospitals. here is the problem. you can't reason with the mob, laura. at one point, they started attacking the prayerful protesters. a man with a walking cane. connor martin tried to pull them off, all hell broke loose, watch. >>[screaming] >> connor martin, he suffered a concussion, laura. it was not being widely reported that this protest at the st. louis statue was organized and the regional muslim action network told the press commit is a revolution. the number one mission is to
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take this thing down. and also wants to rename the city of st. louis two in her words celebrate the city's racial ethnic and religious diversity. st. louis, by the way, led the seventh crusade to the holy land for the muslims who invaded it. the middle east christian committee tonight, laura, blaming care, that woman is part of care. they are clearly using blm movement with anti-christian, anti-american agenda. taking down a christian statue have a religious diversity is an odd way of achieving it, it seems to me. >> laura: the video, everyone who is deciding to grab on to whatever the most, you know, most important politically correct woke with a bumper sticker or teacher and send money to a website, you have to know what you are pending. if you support that by all means keep sending money but if you think that is barbaric what happened to innocent people just
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standing there, you you have to think about where you are sending money and your hash tagging. down below, joe in the basement today. the biden campaign event, what happened? >> there was a closed, virtual fund-raiser with willie nelson tonight and earlier, a pennsylvania women for biden event hosted by biden, joe biden. now, laura there is a reason they are keeping jill under wraps. he is up in the polls but why expose him to making major mistakes? the last time we saw him publicly but saturday at a virtual town hall where he made major mistakes. >> over 200 million people have watched me on television. they have watched and the more that donald trump's outcome of the worse he does. speak with the trademark forgetfulness was evidence, laura. >> you as parts of a question
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and i can't remember. one was about immigration. what was the other part? was that it? can you hear me at least? >> i can hear you? >> laura can you hear me at least? >> laura: wait a second... >> this would have been great before plagiarism, but he seems to have forgotten. >> laura: barack was still in the white house. wait until we get rid of that rock. i'm paraphrasing. we have a technical snafu. we had a technical snafu with the governor kristi noem. things are bad. they are so bad, raymond, that obama feels like he has to be ever present in the biden campaign. "the new york times" reporting that obama bluntly canceled mr. biden to keep his speech is brief. his interview crisp and slash the length his tweet.
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to better make the campaign referendum on mr. trump and economy. joe, you have to shorten it down, joe. what is obama saying? >> laura, it can be short and crisp if you can remember why you are there and what you're talking talking about. but for biden they want to keep him in his hole as long as he can stay there. but there has to be a moment to face donald trump. i think voters, covid or no covid, they want that mano a mano stand up side-by-side. >> laura: i do not believe if he is up ten points in the polls and he believes the polls, i have a hard time believing he will debate the president. that is my view. i don't see it happening. >> we will take a bet on that. >> laura: maybe it's the mountain air. raymond, why do you think i almost didn't make it to the studio tonight? >> what happened? >> laura: ambos. there was a moose and a traffic
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jam. they are telling me i have to go. raymond -- >> >> they mark my path with a different variety. >> laura: chief justice john roberts latest trail. but charlie hurt come he reveals the political leftist of the g.o.p. and trump and you get his thoughts on the rumors ridiculous that trump would drop out of the race, absurd
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♪ >> laura: the supreme court striking down a landmark pro-life in louisiana at a 5-4 decision. once again chief justice john roberts to side with the court's liberal. he rode a concurring opinion with the feeble conclusion that, the louisiana law with abortion is just as severe as that imposed by the texas law for the same reason. now, he is now relying on that deeply flawed decision in another judicial slap in the face to pro-lifers. as usual, my former boss, justice clarence thomas absolutely leveled the majority opinion in his own dissent riding "the polity and the chief justice concludes that louisiana law is unconstitutional under our president, but those decisions create at the to abortion out of
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faux cloth without a shred of support from the text, the abortion precedent is egregiously wrong and should be overruled." originalists and all conservatives in america should take this moment to remember how john roberts was sold to republicans when he was nominated by president george w. bush. >> in my meetings with john roberts, i have been deeply impressed. he has a good heart, a quality americans expect in a judge. experience, wisdom, fairness, stability. he has a profound respect for the rule of law and the liberties guarantee to every citizen. he will strictly apply the constitution and laws, not legislate from the bench. >> laura: no legislating from the bench. i wonder if president bush, what he was thinking today? does he regret this? is he has disappointed as the pro-life americans who took roberts at his word?
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roberts votes opinions on key cases have run the gamut from bad to worse. of course the 2012 obamacare opinion and again 2015, literally inventing justification for that law that congress never even cited. then in 2019, roberts blocked the inclusion of a citizenship question on a census and not because he thought it was legal but only because he disagreed with president trump's motivation. then two weeks ago, he and justice gorsuch decided to rewrite the 1964 civil rights act with gender identity and sexuality as protected classes. now, no one on earth believes that congress intended to do what roberts described. but now it is the law of the land. the top office with that blowout week of poetry will, roberts was the swing vote with the courts democrat nominee to withhold clearly unconstitutional program. president trump now has 200
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judges confirmed and to solid conservatives on the court, but we are still praying for president bush's big mistake. we are paying for the big mistake in trusting roberts to apply the laws written. roberts is kind of like a judicial joe biden. he has a man who quickly abandons the idea on which he based his career to adopt a position designed to reach a political result. in other words, the lesson here for trump is that it is extremely important for judicial pick, the language of the constitution, not modern convention should dictate the outcome in cases of controversies before the courts. there is no room for error in the next judicial selection. joining me now is charlie hurt, "washington times" opinion editor and fox news contributor. charlie, this is the bush legacy once again coming back to bite actual conservatives in the rio grande.
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he got justice thomas, right? but that was his dad obviously in 1999, that this justice roberts has really become a piece of work. >> is charlie there? i don't know if charlie can hear me. we will talk to charlie about the court and we will see if charlie can hear us. maybe. >> i can hear you, laura. >> laura: we are talking about justice roberts, go ahead. >> you lay out a great case there. it is hard to square what justice roberts in terms of the constitution with a lot of those rulings, but by far the worst one is this ruling today or even in his own dissent, he made the argument that he doesn't even claim to be sticking to the constitution. he claims that he is sticking
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with precedent, which he argued is a violation of the constitution. so what is really amazing. at some point -- and this is a big reason why president trump got elected in the first place because his supporters feel like the courts -- it's like playing slots in vegas. the courts are always, always thanked against them. and of course, no topic is truer than when it comes to abortion, which going back to the original roe v. wade, even liberal general -- journalist will tell you that is a ridiculously decid decision there. but it's like you can't elect enough conservatives. you can't put enough conservatives on the court to do anything about it. >> laura: no playing around next time. i think his team will do a phenomenal job, however, if he has an opportunity to select another judge. charlie how you have to move on
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to various shows today. this idea that donald trump would get to drop out of the race because of some real clear politics does not look good for him right now? how ludicrous is this? >> you know, laura, we have known for an a long time no one in washington ever sought trump's -- what this is, this is a bunch of republicans who never thought that donald trump could get elected in the first place. this has a bunch of republicans in washington who have done everything they can to undermine him since he got elected. and the difference between 2016 and 2020 is this time, the sworn -- >> laura: charlie, i apologize commedia's commercial break. coming up, the police most wanted, stay there.
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looking for some of the vandals. first off, this redheaded suspect. then there is this guy, not sure what the logic is behind wearing a mask. here is another one of the suspected vandals. a morehouse college shirt. if you can help identify, contact the park police. shannon bream and the "fox news @ night" team take it from here. >> shannon: be safe on the road. see you soon. "the new york times" and "washington post" reporting that moscow has been offering bounties to the taliban to kill american troops in afghanistan. democrats blame the president for not taking action, as we are told the reports may have not been deemed legitimate by the intelligence community and the white house claims the president was never briefed. questions to mike about how thee times and post got access such sensitive information.
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