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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  June 30, 2020 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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>> we leave you with this. corona makes the most popular name for baby girls this year, according to the parenting site "bump." >> that does it for us here, we will see you here tomorrow morning, right, trace? >> trace: yes indeed come back here tomorrow morning again. >> sandra: "outnumbered" starts right now. >> fox news alert, protesters are calling to defund the police scuffling with officers outside of the new york city hall this morning. ahead of a set and city council vote on the budget that would cut a whopping $1 billion from the nypd. mayor bill de blasio touting the plan yesterday. >> we have found a plan that will keep the city safe and will achieve the billion dollars in savings and will allow us to redistribute money to give programs and the two communities
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that need it most. everything was with an ion safety so we will be able to ensure that, don't like the patrol strength we need. >> this all unfolding amid a surge in violent crime here in the big apple. the president of the police benevolent association, patrick lynch, sounding off in a statement saying "shootings more than doubled again last week. and the mayor and the city council have surrendered the city to lawlessness. things won't improve until new yorkers hold them responsible. this is "outnumbered" and i'm melissa francis. here today fox news contributor lisa boothe, fox news headlines 24/7 reporter carley shimkus,
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syndicated radio host and fox news contributor leslie marshall, and joining us today is fox & friends cohost brian kilmeade who is also host up the brian kilmeade radio show. brian, i just can't get over this. i mean, he says he's doing it with an eye to safety. does he not know that shootings are up 192% over this time last year? it seems like the dumbest, worst thing we could possibly do right now which is take cops off the street which is exactly what's going to happen with this cut. what are your thoughts? >> and when you are asked to go there is a police athletic
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league, but i don't want to digress. generic youth programs, are they dramatically underfunded, is this progressing something where is this an idea or ideal that you are implementing now, which puts the new york citizen on the sideline? now let me tell you what you are doing. he's cutting 1,163 police officers from the next academy class which is coming in, so imagine this. even though all of this stuff is going on negatively with the nypd, he says i'm going to go on there anyway. with $40,000 when you take out taxes, you will commute to the most expensive city in the country. he won't wear a uniform, an end you will direct traffic and try to rebuild the city in a very intense time. you will no longer be on the academy, and they are putting it
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in the department of education. now school safety goes to the back corner and schools will handle themselves. unbelievable series of events. >> the amnesia in this country blows me away. when you talk about shifting officers, and because our kids aren't allowed to go to school in the city, and these people know my child's name, they are looking for him, they are telling me how he's doing. this is outrageous. to take officers out of schools,
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have we forgotten about school shootings and keeping our children safe? >> there are two schools of thought on this depending on who you talk to when it comes to the numbers. a lot of people here are even on the left to our critics, and those are budgetary tricks. as an example, you spoke specifically about school safety agents which is something i was looking at and i'm concerned about kids nationwide. what they say as the agents will remain on that the money will come under the education of police. true, there will be 1100 less police officers on the streets, this is $14 billion more. in other words the headlines make it sound better then some then it is or worse for some than it is to appease if you
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will people on both sides. the reality is there are a lot of numbers being moved around and it's quite normal, you know more about finances than i do and in spite of what's happeni happening. >> moving money to kickball and people can play tag now. >> and talking about the budget we are all looking for accounting on the money that the mayor funneled to his wife's charity. if we talk about where we are going to cut things, maybe we will get some clear accounts are on the money that was given to her and her organization and how she spent it rather than taking police up the street. where are your thoughts? >> i don't know how you would cut that and maintain a functioning police department. especially at the top when crime in the city is skyrocketing.
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350 police officers have been injured since the unrest began and, time and time again they want a larger police presence. they want to stay safe and they know that good police officers follow criminal behavior. those people are the ones that are protesting and maybe they should be. maybe there should be a nationwide peaceful pro-police protest taking place especially in cities that are cutting police budgets and calling for the defunding of police. when you cut the money and set police officers up to fail, then lives can get lost in the situation and its deadly serious. >> lisa, that is a terrific point because i live in a secure building, i have the luxury of
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doing that. there are people all around the city who do not and who will suffer as you take police off ththe street? is it going to be the low income community as they try to get to work? in this city that has become so much more violent, your thoughts? >> you are so right and i'm so glad that you brought up that point. these will not be putting the lives in danger, upwards of 95% in this country has nothing to do with police officers. the majority of homicide victims in this country are black so please tell me about how we are moving police presence from some of these neighborhoods and going to save those lives, it's going to put these individuals in harm's way, in further danger. not to mention the fact that the entire conversation is happening
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in the country around police officers is built off of a false narrative. all you have to do is look at recent studies that have been done on the subject that demonstrate and to show there not racial bias and use of deadly force by police officers. so not only are we having a fake conversation built off of a false narrative but we are having one that is actually going to hurt the very people that these policies, and, the final thought is that makes it feel like a race to the bottom. in these major cities and other areas and people are leaving in droves because of the high tax taxes, and, they are accelerating our fall back into the 70s, when we have this incredible violence further throwing the tax base.
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if anything they thought that it would be cory johnson or scott stringer or the city council who are at least as liberal as mayor de blasio who are coming in next. i wonder if what he's doing is he's really paving the way to let someone like rudy giuliani come back in. >> i said i on harold ford. understands business and politics, and i just keep in mind this. real estate, commercial and try to, and i bring you back to yesterday in washington square park. reportedly two guys on city bikes, one woman and one man i should say through the lens of red paint at this horrible person named george washington.
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and they destroy the history in one swoop. doing it right before. joe biden is set to ramp up his attacks on president trump today and accuse the president of surrendering to the coronavirus. on the coronavirus pandemic as mosmore states pause their reopening planes. where the nation stands now. ♪
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>> dr. anthony fauci and other members of the coronavirus task force testifying before congress today on the current state of the pandemic in the u.s. this as a more states pause or roll back their reopening efforts amid a sharp spike in cases. >> i am also quite concerned about what we are seeing evolve right now and several of the states. when states start to try to open again they need to follow the guidelines that have been very carefully laid out with regard to checkpoints. i'm what we have seen in several states are different iterations of that, perhaps maybe in some, going to quickly and is skipping over some of the chips. >> let's bring in dr. marc siegel, professor at nyu langone health and a fox news contributor.
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i think a lot of people were listening for what he had to say about schools. and, kids going back to school. i know that rand paul sort of held his feet to the fire on that. what was your take on dr. fauc dr. fauci's response? >> dr. fauci today talked about us all being in it together which was a very good sentiment. i think he's a little bit too cautious about schools, i think that schools really have to reopen and he's watching to see how the pandemic goes before really committing himself. but we have a lot riding on schools reopening and one way, shape, or form. dr. fauci's other point was that as you head in the sound bite, people jumped over steps to sing in states and that they ignored phases of reopening but there is actually different problem that he didn't point out which is something like bars as part of phase three reopening and restaurants going to more than
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50% capacity which is part of the phase three reopening. some of the states did not jump over everything but the actual bars were open for phase three and that's where covid-19 was spreading. i actually think there's something to be set for the guidelines themselves being able to faulty. it isn't to entirely the fault of the states. we've learned some lessons going forward and young people are spreading it without taking any precautions, not wearing masks but not social distancing. >> that's an interesting point. i was wondering that myself, is it time to change the guidelines? because what we know about this disease, it was so different from what we did when we first made them. the danger of that is then we are accused of moving the goal post. made it this far and you change it, so it's a tough thing to balance. you know, it's a -- you might change the guidelines to say
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something like we need to really keep people that have comorbidities inside and a tight knot part up more and let other people out more. what do you think of trying to balance those two things? >> i think that's really well site by you and it's a surgical reopening i would call it. i think, he is saying wait a minute. that's localized where the problem is. it's an poorly ventilated areas, in elevators and bars, areas where air is not circulating well. let's not believe the myth that you can't spread it out of doors, if you can if you are right on top of someone and they have it and they are breathing or shouting or coughing on you god forbid. in the mask wearing is an issue. he said today president trump
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should wear a mask even if he keeps testing negative to send a message to the public. >> in the meantime, presumptive democratic nominee is set to make remarks in president trum president trump's response for the pandemic. trump has called himself of wartime president. he is outright ignoring the prices and telling a suffering country, and he admitted the slowed down of testing, the truth about the extent of this deadly outbreak makes him look bad. brian, i will bring it out to you. do you think that that is a good strategy for former vice president biden? >> when he's throwing left hooks, he's leaving his body wide open and his body pillows
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are, in fact in march he was having a regular campaign. they called the president seen a phobic when he said they will stop all flights from china. joe biden has a terrible track record when it comes to evil laugh. remember he was in charge of it and if you sneeze on the plane it goes right through the whole plane. by noon that day they had to walk back his because barack obama put them in charge of that. and thus running them over the virus. we had that in florida. and that was a turmoil now. we have the oppressive atmosphere in new york. took forever to get a hold of the virus. now holding up, and the oppressive atmosphere and michigan and all of those policies. and now through the roof again. joe biden has the magic combination. we will show -- show it to us, joe biden.
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it's not just the president's fault. >> harris: along those lines he says that -- he is surrendering to the virus and arguing that president trump's mismanagement is costing american lives and wrecking our economy. let's play that sound bite. okay. in the sound bite he reportedly tells donors that i'm going to get rid of most of president trump's tax cuts and a lot of you may not like that. i wonder if, lisa, what do you think? is this a winning strategy on the back of the economy already being crippled that you are talking about raising anyone's taxes? >> i mean, of course not. you certainly know that, melissa. but regarding the trump administration and its response to the coronavirus, take a look at ventilators. remember that they were saying that we needed 1 million ventilators which ended up not being the case or remotely the
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case. the trump administration was able to produce 100,000 ventilators and 100 days. which is three times the average amount that you produce in a year. they were able to deliver on ventilators in a time when the media was saying that it was something that we needed the most. regarding joe biden as brian pointed out, this is a guy who said, who criticize president trump's travel restrictions from china. who previously said that china was not competition and then a month later said that they were indeed competition which demonstrates that he does not have a clue, and where is the ire and for someone like governor andrew cuomo who mandated nursing homes and killed elderly people in the state of new york. but if somehow taking a victory lap despite his failed policies. >> melissa: yeah. lastly, as former vice president joe biden talks about raising anyone's taxes, it reminds me of the obama administration after
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the last economic crisis raising taxes and presiding over the slowest worst recovery in the history of our country. that is not my opinion. that comes from federal reserve data. >> leslie: i don't think the american people are looking at what to the democratic nominee is saying as an increase in taxes. by giving away and getting rid of the legislation has not benefited the americans in this country as much as it has wealthier people in wealthy corporations and corporation owners. with regard -- >> melissa: what legislation? >> leslie: whether or not the tax legislation, which is largely a republican piece of legislation. when you look at right now numbers, and that's what the vice president is doing. you have a 62% disapproval rate right now according to the latest cbs poll of how the president is handling this. you have a decrease of more than
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6 percent in the president's numbers as the increase over 6 percent at approval and a decrease of over 5 percent from the approval. across the board, those numbers are showing the majority of the people are not trusting the president, the majority of the american people do not like the way the president is handling this. from a political perspective, joe biden is going down the right road speaking of this. and brian, the former vice president said that he will outline specifically what his plan would be going forward to combat the virus. >> brian: four months late. >> melissa: carly, let's let her in really quick on the messaging front. so leslie is setting it up as the next election is a referendum on president trump and the handling of everything that so much will depend on where the country is during election day. how do you think he could change his messaging or about the facts, not the message? speak of the big headline of what to joe biden say later doed
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coronavirus as something that is on a lot of people's minds today. i think it is a good strategy for joe biden. you can always say when you are not the president, i have done better. and he does leave himself open to some easy criticism by not doing easy things like wearing a mask. that strategy could come back to bite joe biden, because all president trump has to do is play sound bite after sound bite of democratic governors thanking him for working him across the aisle on ppes and ventilators. and walmart getting it together and i think that that is a failing on the trump administration by not already doing that and feeding the joe biden campaigned to the punch on that regard. >> melissa: very interesting comments. all right, guys, thank you. house democrats still not satisfied after the morning
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white house briefing on the report that russia offered bounty to kill u.s. troops in afghanistan. why one top republican says that the dems are the ones endangering our troops. ♪ because heart and kidney disease shouldn't prevent you from pushing your limits. because every baby deserves the very best start in life. because a changing environment should mean caring for the land that takes care of us all. at bayer, everything we do, from advances in health to innovations in agriculture, is to help every life we touch. at bayer, this is why we science. did yocould be signs that syour digestive systemwn
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>> carly: the pentagon says there is no cooperating the evidence to support the report that russia offered bounties to kill u.s. troops in afghanistan. lawmakers from both sides of the aisle have been demanding answers on this. and some house democrats say they still have questions after this morning's white house briefing. speak of the president called this a hoax. publicly. nothing in the briefing that we have just received a lead me to believe that it is a hoax. this briefing was the white house personnel telling us their perspective. i think that we knew the white house perspective. what we need to know is the
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intelligence perspective. in my view of the right people are not in the room to give us a kind of briefing that we needed to get. speak of the white house says the president had not been briefed on the alleged bounty because the intel community had not verified the claims. house minority leader kevin mccarthy accusing democrats of playing a dangerous game. >> president trump is doing everything he can to protect our american troops. but the idea of leaking information, not even knowing whether it is true or not in the process and playing it out in politics is dangerous to all americans who serve in our military anywhere in the world. >> carly: okay, this is a story with a lot of question marks. president trump got a written briefing in february on these possible russian bounties. how do you parse through all of the reporting and when will we actually find out the truth? >> brian: carly, i talked to adam kinzinger today who was in
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the briefing and he said one of the reasons it did not get into the verbal part of the briefing was it was a dissenting opinion. and they try to stay things, bullet points to the president no matter who it was when they asked for something like president obama, wanted things written in front of him. the president wants a lot of verbal, like president bush. and that was one of the reasons. what i am struck by is jim banks of indiana who served in afghanistan. he tweeted this out. he said this report went by these payments went back to 2014-2015 when he was there. so if this was out there, this is not something new. it goes back to a 2014-2015. i forgot, who was president back then? overall i walk away with this, we can't walk away from afghanistan. because afghanistan means too much to the region. we don't want to hand it after 19 years over to the russians in the minerals over to the chinese. because that's exactly what will happen. >> carly: this may be
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something that government officials knew about. who knows, but to the american people, the thought of bounties on the heads of u.s. soldiers is a shocking allegation and a shocking claim. now democrats, nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, they have been criticized for automatically going after the president as opposed to russia. focusing on russia-trump 2.0 as opposed to the allegation of bounties that according to "the washington post" could have actually led to the death of u.s. troops. so what is your response to their reactions of the story and the criticism of house democratic leaders? >> leslie: i think it is a normal knee-jerk reaction in power and the houses, the president being a republican as it would have been the other way around. if you want to say shocking, brian, i will shock you by agreeing with the whip regarding afghanistan. one of the problems is russia.
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and i have to say, met romney was right back in the day when he talked about russia being a problem. but here is the bigger problem. that the president has not really called out to russia. in the former vice president joe biden promises to do that if elected president in november. we know that russia is looking at afghanistan and the american troops winding down, the american president winding down. they are very concerned that russia with islamic sentimentalism will spread into russia. and certainly they are looking to take advantage of the opportunity. this white house has been ambiguous at best when it comes to russia. they will believe them when they have denials. russia and the tally band, big, denied this. in addition, they are a little bit suspicious of russia specifically with the middle east. we have to be tougher when it comes to russia, and there will be a line in the sand. we need all of the information, democrats should not jump the gun. nor should republicans. we need all of the information.
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but we need to show the american people that russia is not our friend and where do we stand with russia and make it very clear. >> carly: to that point, melissa, adam schiff said something that i thought was a good idea. he said that the president go out and address it to say that we are going to get to the bottom of this. it sounds like good advice to me. what say you to that? >> melissa: i say that it does not matter what the president said, that the people who hate him say that he is saying the wrong things. and rather than look at words, i think it is about actions. and the president has been incredibly tough on russia with sanctions and blocking their move to sand natural gas or attempting to the rest of europe, and trying to convince them to not lean on them for natural resources, putting money in their pockets. and making america energy independent so that we are not totally independent on russia. when you look at his actions,
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you know, that's what really counts. if you want to look at words, you can look at president obama leaning in to then russian leaders and saying, i will have so much more freedom and flexibility and everything after my next reelection. so it sounds like groundhog day all over again. if they go right to the place of the president is cozying up to pollutant between magic and the coronavirus, all my days are looking the same around here. >> carly: lisa, what are your thoughts on this? >> lisa: melissa is absolutely right pointing out the -- i have a hard time believing democrats after they knowingly pushed a false narrative on president trump and collusion. so i do not believe them. and where was the democrats when they increased their presence in syria under the obama administration or the annexation
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of crimea. also we just got through with the media and democrats saying that president trump was pushing us to the brink of war with iran, but what do they want the president to do? right now with russia, considering this is raw intelligence that has not been verified. we have just seen regarding kim jong un what happens when raw intelligence gets out there which actually is not correct. when we had concerns over the early reports are around jong un owns health that were not true. so everyone should be very cautious and we should wait for the facts to come out. >> carly: from one massive story to another. another deadly shooting in seattle, police with the top zone leaving a teenager dead and another fighting for his life a week after the mayor said the city was working to clear out the protesters. the police chief there says times up. ♪ >> two men are dead. two men are dead. and a child, 14-year-old is
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hospitalized. and we don't know what is going to happen to that kid. enough is enough here. ♪ veterans: you know mortgage rates have fallen to 50-year lows. but did you know that your va benefit lets you easily refinance to a lower rate? one call to newday can save you $3000 a year. with newday's va streamline refi there's no income verification, no home appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. it's the quickest and easiest refi they've ever offered. call newday now.
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with the denial of the promise of this nation, made to so many. ♪ because if it weren't clear before, it's clear now. this country wasn't built by wall street bankers and ceos, it was built by the great american middle class, health care workers, docs, nurses, delivery truck drivers, grocery store workers. you know we've come up with a new phrase for them: essential workers. we need to do more than praise them, we need to pay them. as president, it's my commitment to all of you, to lead on these issues and to listen. for that's what the presidency is - the duty to care, to care for all of us, not just those who vote for us, but all of us. this job is not about me.
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it's about you. it's about us. i'm joe biden and i approve this message.
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>> melissa: seattle's police chief saying enough is enough after a 16-year-old boy was killed and a 14-year-old left in critical condition and the latest shooting of the protooyster chops zone. it is the second deadly shooting and the fourth overall in or near the police free area in the past ten days. police chief carmen basco says it is time to dismantle the protests zone. >> multiple other incidents. assaults, rapes, robberies, shootings. this is something that has to change. we are asking people to dismantle the area for the safety of the people. they are going to have to try to help us to make it safe.
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>> melissa: jenny durkan who has compared the top zone to the summer of love said last week that she would work with protesters to bring an end to their occupation. but still the barricades remain up. leslie, i will ask you. people are getting raped in the summer of love they are and you see a 14-year-old boy who was shot at 3:00 in the morning, what is he doing out at 3:00 in the morning? this was billed as a protests zone, does not seem like it is turning out this way. what to now. >> leslie: melissa, you and i are both moms, we have that maternal instinct. and that was the first thing i thought was what was this kid doing there. you have a 16-year-old that has died, a 14-year-old that is injured, another teenager that died, both that have left their lives are african-american. and what started off as the
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mission of justice specifically racial justice, they clearly have lost their way. this is not what this was supposed to be about. and can they sit down and peacefully come up with the issues that they have to try to resolve those issues with government? yes, but when you have people inside screaming that are allegedly liberals, the second amendment right to bear arms, and you have children dying, this has to be redirected. this is not being handled properly. they have lost their way. this is not what started and is ending badly. this is not justice. now it is too violent. and something certainly has to be done. >> melissa: the irony here is thick. they are trying to wind it down, and you have the mayor saying that she is asking people to leave. i don't know if she will put on a barney costume and sing the
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"cleanup cleanup everybody everywhere" song for people to do it. i don't know she will call ghostbusters. but she will call the very police who did funding the group is how it got started. what are your thoughts? >> brian: when they have banded the precinct to show escalation to defund the situation, how did that go? while these men and women who are young men and women who decide to occupy seven blocks now, three blocks as they condense, don't the rights of the business leaders mean anything. add something else, the police chief went on to say we have seen two murderers, and multiple people injured. there needs to be more action for public safety. excuse me, you are the police chief. you are the one that we call for public safety. and either you do it or you call out the person that is not letting you do it, but sitting back and talking to the media is not the way to do it. do your job or quit. go to the mayor and tell her
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that you are responsible for those deaths, because that's what she is. >> lisa: and melissa. i just -- >> carly: i think that the police chief is in such a difficult place. and from the get-go, she has been saying we need the precinct back. this is not the way that it should go. i would not criticize the police in any regard. and she is trying to make the best of the situation if you want to place blame on anybody. i think it should be the mayor. >> lisa: can i really quickly point out the fact that the child has not even been in existence for a month. it is already a radius and you have had two murderers and shootings, and melissa pointed out reported rapes as well. and that's what is happening.
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>> melissa: the democratic national committee deleting a tweet amid outrage at the claim that president trump's july 4th mount rushmore plans will glorify white supremacy. the fallout next. ♪ at newday usa. newday's va streamline refi is the quickest and easiest refi they've ever offered. you can lower your payments by this time next month without having to verify your income, without getting your home appraised, and there's no money out of pocket. one call to start saving $3,000 a year. every year. one call. then, sit back, relax and think about what you'll do with the savings. call newday right now.
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spin on the official twitter account for the democratic national committee raising eyebrows with a tweet about president trump's announcement that he would attend a fourth of july fireworks displat mount rushmore. the tweet later deleted reading trump has disrespected native communities time and again. he has attempted to limit the voting rights and block critical pandemic relief. now he is holding a rally glorified white supremacy of mount rushmore. a region once sacred to tribal communities. an article about pushback from native american activists who view mount rushmore as a desecration of stolen land. the trump reelection team wasted no time urging people to vote november 3rd to stop the insanity. brian, i have to go to you. you are the monuments guy. what do you think about the tweet and the removal of it? >> brian: i am the monuments guy, can you change my chyron?
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every vote, american should go. and the president has to blow off this. and you cannot do anything without criticism. there is a tribute to native americans right in the same row. i know that it is pretty special. and he is the fourth american president. one of the most extraordinary things. and when the mountain cracked, the heads actually moved one of the heads. i think that it was jefferson. it is something every american should feel proud of. and i am so glad that the president is highlighting it. and in south dakota too. >> carly: i'm surprised that the dnc deleted the tweet, because i think that the monument is on sacred ground to some native americans, i think that it is a big concern among some people in the party. what do you think about that? >> what they should have done is left it up and it should be the quote that it was to the personk tilson from --
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apologies if i did not say that to write to the native american community prayed he said that it is "a symbol of white supremacy and racism." the white man stole their land and now we are honoring with mount rushmore and have been for decades the colonizers. however in the native american community there are also those that say it is an opportunity for americans to learn more about native americans to learn more about our history however negative they feel that to mount rushmore should stay up. so there is doubling a of opinion not just throughout the country, but in that area surrounding mount rushmore. >> carly: lisa, and 2017, president trump made a comment and said, what is going to happen next? is it going to be george washington? will it be thomas jefferson? and john oliver, late night talk show host criticized him for that. and now look at what is happening.
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>> lisa: it is also taking aim, you look at mount rushmore also honors abraham lincoln who abolished slavery in this country which highlights the ridiculousness of the conversations going on. and you have the partisan society, who are discriminant leaped tearing down statues including an immigrant statue of christian hans who died fighting slavery in the civil war, but his statue was taken down and thrown in the river. it is terrifying that the dnc is aligning them without america. >> carly: what do you think about it? it looks like you have been talking about it a lot. >> melissa: meghan mccain said that we are just a week away from having a panel discussion blowing up mount rushmore. we got there even faster than we thought. it was a joke that the whole conversation about you could find fault with every single statue in every monument, every flag. everything in this country and if we keep going down the path we will eventually get to a
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mount rushmore. here we are. amazing. anyway. thanks to everyone here, julie banderas is in for harris faulkner on the other side of this break. i will see you at 4:00 p.m. on "fox business." have a great day. attention veterans with va loans.
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there's no income verification. no appraisal. and no out of pocket costs. nobody works harder for veterans than my team at newday usa. >> julie: fox news alert, we are awaiting 2020 democrat joe biden, expected to take questions from reporters after failing to hold a press conference for the last 89 days. his last was back on april 2nd. this is to be 22. hello, everyone, and good afternoons. i'm julie banderas and for harris faulkner today. the former's till my former vice president has faced consistent for staying so out of the spotlight as the country grapples with protests and riots, as well, calling for defunding police and millions of people unemployed. meantime, in fact, he hasn't held an official news conferences, as i mentioned, april 2nd. before taking questions, biden is expected


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