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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  June 30, 2020 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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>> martha: thanks for being here tonight everybody, that's "the story" for june 30th, 2020. tomorrow we will talk secretary ben carson and victor david hanson will join us as well, good night, everybody. ♪ >> tucker: the revolution you are watching and progress has metastasized against across the country is of course a war against institutions but it's also a war against evil. anyone who stands in the way of the mob no matter how justified will be crushed. tonight we will talk to a man who knows that first hand, his name is mark mccloskey. he had defended himself against a mob who threatened to murder him and he's been hurt for doing that. we will also speak to melissa rolfe who was fired from her job after her stepson was charged in the shooting of rayshard brooks.
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she did nothing wrong, she was merely related to the wrong person. the first good evening and welcome to tucker carlson. we interviewed a u.s. senator called mike braun. he ran for office two years ago as a conservative but he has not governed a like one. mike braun used his power in the u.s. senate to punish local police. cops were the real problem he decided so he sponsored legislation to make it easier for left-wing activist groups to sue and bankrupt individual police officers and then mike braun endorsed black lives matter. >> to support the black lives matter movement? >> i support that movement because it's like addressing an equity which has not been solved from the grassroots level.
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>> tucker: it's hard to imagine that any of my bronze, and installed socialism in the united states. even in the highly revolutionary year of 2020 of those do not seem like winning institutions in the state of indiana. we will summit like this way. he was pushing left-wing legislation because he was afraid of being criticized by chuck schumer if he didn't. the whole thing went like that and it was remarkable, almost beyond belief. again, we are not trying to be mean here. cruelty is too easy especially with politicians and the closer you get to them the easier you realize it is. mike braun doesn't seem like a bad person, if you live next door to him you probably like him. but he is weak. an awful lot of republican
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officeholders look a lot like my close wrong. that's a problem. in a moment like this it's a severe and dangerous problem. if they lose this, it will be profound consequences for you. people who supported donald trump will be punished, absolutely no question about that. there's never been a political party as radical and as angry as the democrats are now. imagine them with unlimited power and not to get in the first year of democrats will give voting rights to every illegal alien in this country and encourage many others to join them from abroad. that means 20 million new democratic voters overnight. no republican will win nationally again. but democrats don't plan to stop there. they will abolish the filibuster which means they will do what
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they want to do. they are not worried about that, they plan to pack the supreme court, too. they said so. so what will democrats do with all of this untrammeled power? it's pretty easy to imagine. but look at around. you got a pretty good idea of what's coming. the point is, and it could not be more clear, nondemocrats in america are in peril. that's where, and to remind the republican party that it is our only shield. flawed and infuriating although it often is, the fact remains that g.o.p. is the only institution still open to the rest of us. two americans who want to live as they did just 15 years ago,
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quietly and productively by it self lunatics who want to be harmed and they do. you want to be left alone to do your job and raise your family in this country you will need a protector. that protector must be the republican party, there are no other options, but it must be a very different kind of republican party. keep in mind you are getting our republican party matter what happens. once donald trump is gone, former governor nikki haley tops that list. but there are many others on it. they tell you republicans lost power, and if you listen carefully you can hear them say that even now. it's alive. republicans are failing for a fundamental reason and they are failing because they haven't
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done much that is worth doing. they haven't tried very hard to improve your life and when the crisis came they fled. they did nothing to defend you and did nothing to defend the country. they had no clue what to do. from this day forward, and that will work. that's organize groups of voters and they want to win. so they had to wear the votes are. they demanded three things from their candidates. first, it's a vigorous defense of total equality under the law. we are equal because we are citizens. every american has precisely the same rights as every other american, period. that is the promise of america and why millions of people move
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here. for a long time we knew that no one questioned it, it was obvious. but it is no longer obvious and many were working on the opposite direction. republicans must counterbalance this and they must work as hard as they can to make america fair again. well, that means that criminals like jeffrey epstein must go to jail the first time they are caught molesting children. it means your children must have precisely the same chances of getting into college or getting a job as anyone else's children. it means fighting to make this a color-blind meritocracy a color-blind meritocracy. they were immoral and
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republicans must say that loudly. don't get caught in pointless debates about whether or not this is a racist country, clearly it isn't. prove it by making it less racist and making it a color-blind meritocracy. second, republicans must defend our freedom of speech, we are not a free society without that. this is not simply a debate about the first amendment and its limits, it's bigger than that and more important. if you can't articulate something, if you are not allowed, you can't think it and that's precisely why authoritarians try to control language. they are trying to control your mind. republicans should lead the fight against this without shame. this is not negotiable. nor is it a intellectual concern. everything depends on it and if you can't think freely, try to build a hydro plant.
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the power grid collapses and planes crash, society degrades. no speech means no science, no art and no civilization and it is not settled. the republican party will not fight them. and finally we must never forget that in the end republican party exists to serve the interest of normal people, ordinary people. middle-class families of the core of this country and hope for the future, our only hope. and yet both parties have shamelessly abandoned them. they have no national spokesman they have no lobby in washington. republicans pretend to be their champion but you know by now they are not. instead of improving the lives of their voter is the party
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feeds them a steady diet of my must send the victories, partisan junk food designed to make them feel full even if they waste away. who cares how many benghazi hearings we have. we are supposed to care but why should we? how did peter strzok's text messages become more important than saving american jobs from foreign nationals who are taking them? we fall for it every time. we apologize with deepest sincerity. because meanwhile as we are talking about things that don't matter, life for that dwindling american middle class has become suddenly worse. her nephew just died of the fentanyl overdose and the saddest of all, he realized that your children will never be successful as you are. the american dream died with regeneration. as all of this happened, democrats laughed because it served their interests. republicans basically ignored it
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and that cannot continue. the only political movement that indoors is one that makes their voters stronger. so how does this change? can republican office holders change their party? yes they can, we just have to make them. these are not by and large evil people, mike braun is not an evil person. despite the way they talk they are not secretly working for the other side. most of them are just empty sad people and politics is the way that they filled a yawning void inside where their personal life should be. they are appeasers. our job is to give them clear instructions about what we want. we do that by voting and by making noise. they will not lead us and we know that now. they refuse to. we have to leave and when we do they will follow. johnny burke is the director of
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american consumer magazine. so the republican party got a really clear message i would say, but donald trump came and took it over. needing to reorient and all colors of middle-class people, why did they do that? >> they failed because they are cowards. they clung to being the party of wall street instead of prioritizing the issues that animate main street americans, and even worse they live in fear of being canceled by the left. as you know, the left controls every major institution except the president. that republicans are deathly afraid of offending the sensitivities of the left and the left sets the term for every major debate in american life especially on issues of race that are currently dividing our country. instead of engaging new terms republicans try to please the
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left and if republicans talk about ordinary americans, and want to be taken seriously they need to dispense that with politics altogether and fight for the issues that they know how to talk about. these are the issues that could be fighting for, and when it comes to the issue of jobs, go globalization, industrialization of the black community and even more for the white working cla class. i got president trump to encourage, and moving the factories overseas. place them in detroit, place them in chicago and provide good jobs for black community. on the issue of education, it's time to provide not only opportunities but also increase
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funding and support for our teachers working in the inner cities and we also need to be supporting the african-american family. and also supporting high wage jobs for black fathers. finally we need to be allies with the black churches, there is a long and wonderful tradition of the black church in america and they should be friends and allies working with republicans on pro-life issues. more importantly, republicans need to grow a spine and call out the corrupt corporate leadership class in america. i'm thinking in particular, and you fight for racial equality since the death of george floyd and they pay lip service to racial equality but they've done nothing to address the business practices and the policies they support that hurt the black worker. specifically in off shoring to china and that competes with
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black equality. >> tucker: racial and economic equality means colorblindness under the law. why is it so embarrassing to say that? it seems like the message from martin luther king, i haven't heard a a single person say that in, i can't remember how long. why is that hard? >> it's hard because with the social justice or is it, is trying to cancel america. despite the fact that that's justice and equality that goes all the way back to the declaration of independence and the work of great men like fred frederick douglass. and we don't get that by canceling america and get that by rediscovering and teaching
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them to the next generation. >> tucker: it doesn't matter who your parents are, period. thanks, i appreciate it. so if you've turned on the television today you know that the national media are very intent on destroying a couple in st. louis. their crime was defending themselves against a mob that threatened to murder them. the media seemed to care much less about the armed militia in chop and now that indifference has claimed another life. early monday morning, residents shot an suv and killed a 16-year-old boy inside. who's to blame for this? the mayor of seattle. that's an area where people live and work. >> how long do you think seattle and those few blocks looks like this? >> i don't know, we could have a summer of love.
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>> durkin is now buying investigation, and that's a protest alone in, he's been following everything in seattle for a long time and we are happy to have him back on tonight. jason, is that the rule in seattle? >> is a morally bankrupt, and basically makes a living of gaining power by dividing peop people. to be fair, they basically took away access to the public and
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information to the address. so people don't potentially act out on their threats, but it's very easy to jump on twitter and find jenny durkan's address, and they shouldn't have to do this. so activism comes into the neighborhoods and all of a sudden we have to have an investigation. meanwhile a 16-year-old kid was essentially murdered by the group of twentysomething losers who were dressing up in a dangerous game of playing security down at chop and presumably by the way if the security members, and most likely they were white. a syrian security guard it is killing a kid. >> it's hard to dig our way out
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of them. >> tucker: the mirror is pressing anyone who dare to stand up against them. mark mccroskey of st. louis, at first tonight we will talk to melissa wrong. he was fired for being related to him and he joins us next. 49... 50!
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>> tucker: it's been two weeks since atlanta police officer garrett rolfe was charged with murder in the killing of rayshard brooks when brooks attempted to attacattacked him n taser after knocking into the ground. the art deal has been devastating for a lot of people including garrett roth's family. his stepmother melissa rolf was promised a full support of her employer, a company called equity prime mortgage. the head of equity prime mortgage texture is much directly. it is a quote. if you boo feedback has been positive and we will let people know that our granting time to do with your situation.
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and i feel free to come garrett, dad and the rest, and time will be back when the settles for you. that turned out to be a lo live. just days later they fired her up with this robotic quote, we have to terminate our relationship with you. first do you melissa. it's so distressing to think because this isn't north korea and we don't believe in blood guilt, that a person could be fired from a job because that person is related to you. do you think that's why equity prime mortgage fired you? >> that is the belief. i believe that was a primary motive behind my being terminated. >> tucker: was there any indication that they were going to fire you before you said the message to received the message
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that you were terminated? >> i heard from my direct manager that my job was not in danger and i needed to be able to take care of my family and through the next 6-8 weeks and not worry about it, my job would be safe and it would be waiting on me when i returned. >> tucker: exec with the time when of course you need a job. at any time has equity prime mortgage called to talk to you and explain why they fired you? >> no. i have not heard from anybody since i was terminated. >> tucker: where does that leave you without a job right now? >> financially it's tough. we are having to deal with garrett, but for us financially it's going to be tough. >> david, you know a lot about employment law. is it legal in this country to fire someone because you don't like one of their relatives?
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>> in the state of georgia the answer to that as a general rule would probably be that you can fire them for that very, very arbitrary reason. it's not unlawful to do it under those circumstances but it's certainly immoral and i have handled many cases like this over 40 years. what you can't do, which is what they did do in this case, it was after you graciously ran the story thursday a week ago, at their website was overwhelmed. more than 10,000 hits they got that literally shut down their website, shut down their social media posts and it was overwhelmingly negative. the result of that was they went on and made the post which was absolutely horrendous, it was terribly defamatory and it accused melissa of engaging in conduct that created a hostile work environment at the
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facility. when she left on friday before garrett's incident, she was held in high esteem there. at four days later after telling her that she was being totally supported, the district attorney brought charges against garrett and suddenly she was terminated. they got hammered by it spontaneously by the public and so they went on and tried to blame it on melissa and we look forward to having a jury of peers at some point correct this very egregious wrong. >> tucker: it's almost beyond belief and hard to know what kind of monster would do this. not only did they fire you for something you had nothing to do with, something is relative was accused of, but then after they fired you they smeared you. and let's be honest about what you were saying. for being a racist, that was the dash and that's what they were saying, that you are racist. how do you feel about that?
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>> flabbergasted might be the word i would use. extremely hurt is another one because it couldn't be further from the truth. it's such a false statement. it has caused a worldwide embarrassment because we've had people from other countries reach out and ask, what on earth did you do? and we aren't able to tell them anything. >> tucker: oh, my gosh. talk about compounding a trage tragedy. so the murder rate has exploded in cities across the country, maybe not entirely surprising once you start eliminating police departments. the question is, is black lives matter going to march or do they care? plus st. louis homeowner mark
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mccloskey joins us just ahead. ♪
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>> tucker: at left-wing mobs across the country are destroying america's monuments. why are they doing this? simple. it's about power. if they can eliminate your past they can control your future. what began in other states is now happening in colorado. at the entrance to druid hill park, george washington draped in red paint. >> they toppled statues and analyze the music concourse area. videos posted to social media show that moment francis scott key was dragged to the ground. protesters knocked on the statue of former president and civil war general ulysses s. grant. one man climbs onto the pedestal of the statue and dumps a bucket of red paint on the head of
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christopher columbus. the other man's repeats the word before his feet. >> tucker: it's all of this is happening. the war on our history and all of it is supposedly justified by the concern over black lives. is it real? well we can measure that actually. it has been enormously and unusually destructive to black lives. in the city of chicago there have been at least 9 90 murdersn the past month and that's an annual pace of more than a thousand. shootings in new york have doubled compared to this time a year ago. kansas city is on pace to crush its all-time murder record. how many black lives have been lost? no one keeps track. you don't expect to see a blm march demanding justice for these lies because we can't leave their lives don't matter to black lives matter. political analyst brit hume has been following and we are happy to have him tonight. look at these numbers, each one
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an american dead and each one a family bereaved and crushed. >> it isn't about protecting or saving black lives it's about protecting and saving some black lives. that's is to say, it's a number that is dwarfed by those who are lost in the kind of urban violence that you describe in chicago, new york and other cities. so let's put aside the idea that black lives matter is really about black lives matter in any meaningful sense. and you see the tearing down of the statutes which is the reflection of the ignorance of the people who are doing it, and who they are and what they did it? these things are not actions in any meaningful sense, these are just gestures. the reason they are just gestures is that that is all they've got. the only substantive position
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that this movement, and that's what it is, has been able to come up with is a one to defund the police. and home what do you think will be hurt worse by diminishing the police forces in these urban areas? it's the blacks and other poor people who live in these crime-ridden neighborhoods. so that is where we are. and at the fact that this movement has taken root in corporate america the way it has with all the sickening political correctness that's coming out of there about supporting black lives matter and all the rest of it, it really is stomach turning and it amounts to supposedly serious people falling for a fraud. >> tucker: i wonder if they are falling for it or if they are being intimidated by it? it doesn't strike me as different than what sharpton is to do. then you get something returned. tens of millions of dollars of flood from these companies to the hands and people are getting
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enriched by this. but at the leadership level it resembled a shakedown to me. >> i wouldn't disagree with that and i think some people and businesses are truly frightened. the great success of the civil rights movement and you and i have talked about this before has been virtually universal, a unanimous consensus in this country against racism and the result of that is, to be called a racist or even successfully labeled one whether you are or not is really something to fear in america. i think from the head of the secondary school in washington where i went, a very good school, it was the most sickening pact that i had ever read. it was up you are bowing of the need to all these claims of the black lives matter movement and i thought, what does that school have to be afraid of? i think not very much, unless they are just afraid that the
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school and to those who work there will be accused of racism. but i can't imagine why anyone would bother her but that's where we are and it is depressing to say the least. >> tucker: those schools will be reeducation camps come september. great to see you tonight, thank you. it's time to talk to the most newsworthy man in america, his name is mark mccloskey. he's now famous because he defended his home from a threatening mob in st. louis. the prosecutor is vowing to indict him. mark mccloskey is coming up next
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>> tucker: a st. louis couple called mark and patricia mccloskey, became heroes too many across the country after they confronted by a dangerous mob outside of their home and returned with firearms to protect it and themselves.
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>> tucker: this is what you were taught to do, is what generations of american has done. it's the most basic right of all, the right of self-defense. the mccloskey's exercise that right and now they are coming close to being destroyed. they stood up for themselves against the mob, and their fate remains in the hands of the mob in the form of the st. louis circuit attorney general kimberly garden. gardner is a radical prosecutor, one of many elected in recent years. in 2019 gardner brought criminal charges in just 23% of the cases tto the st. louis police brought her.
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since she took over, the prosecutor turned over there has surpassed 100%. the criticism never changes. alleged racial conspiracy against her and then move on. at the start of this year gardner sued the local police union and several city officials accusing them of "a racially motivated conspiracy to deny the civil rights of minorities. she charged them under the ku klux klan act, as if. after riots ripped through countless cities gardner was clear about who she supported in it all >> i've noticed the attorney general is quoting quite a bit about looters and riders and that includes the fact that we have a history of police violence in the city and the nation. then we call people to take the city to the streets yet again and demand for accountability and change for our criminal justice system. >> tucker: how dare you be angry about looting and crimes when the police are still out there enforcing the law?
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after they defended themselves gardner finally found a crime that she cares about. she promised to have them punished if she could. >> what occurred this weekend were peaceful protesters who were met with guns and a violent assault. any attempts to use of force will not be tolerated. i will wear work with the police to investigate these tragic events. i will use every advance of missouri law to hold them accountable. thank you so much for coming on, i'm glad you are on because you will tell your own story rather than having it tolled for you by ideologues. describe for us if you would why you believe you and your wife or threatened by these 300 people in your yard?
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>> tucker, you have to understand that my houses right on the edge of the road called kings highway and my private place is portland place. my wife and i were preparing to have dinner more than 70 feet from the gate. by the time we saw them march was coming down kings highway and getting louder we looked over the gate and there were no police there. i look over at my wife and i see all these people outside of the gate, then the gate bursts open. people start coming in. then a flood of people start coming in and they are angry and screaming, they have spittle coming out of their mouth and they are coming toward the house. on june 2nd of this year, the protests in downtown st. louis with violent instantly. the looting and violence at writing, i watched on live tv the 7-eleven and it fully
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advance the building. and i set a goal we are absolutely alone. that was the same night that retired police captain david durham was murdered. when i saw that mob coming through the gate with their rage and their anger, i thought that we would be overrun in a second. by the time i was out there with my rifle, the people were 20 or 30 feet from my front wall. i have a low wall that separates the house from my front yard. and so i was literally afraid that within seconds they would surmount the wall and come into the house, kill us, in the house down and everything that i had worked for and struggled for for the last 32 years, 32 years ago we moved into the city and took on a project to restore a house that no one else wanted. we were urban pioneers in those days and we had been there ever
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since working to build and maintain this very historic neighborhood. and i saw it all going up in flames and my life destroyed in an instant and i did what i thought i had to do to protect my hearth, my home in my family. >> tucker: no one was protecting you and they were screaming at you and threatening to murder your dog and harm you and your wife. what do you make of the attacks on you for doing what we used to believe every home in homeowner had an obligation to do? why are they denouncing you as a racist? >> i don't understand. here's the interesting thing, i spent my career defending people that are defenseless. and the night that this happened, that i have to clients calling us up at 2:30 a.m. telling us how wrong it was with the press writing us up.
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this is what i do for a living. i help people that are down or that need a hand and people that need a voice. to call us racist is ridiculous and it had nothing to do with race. i wasn't worried what the race was for the mob that came through my gate, i was worried that i was going to be killed. i didn't care what race they were. >> tucker: is disgusting. very quickly mr. watkins do you think the mccloskey's face the risk of being prosecuted? >> given the fact that we have a political animal in the attorney's office, there is a risk. if the law prevails, long-standing missouri law prevails, they are fine. >> tucker: we are certainly rooting for you. if this is a revealing moment in a travesty. thank you for coming on tonight. coronavirus may just be the first in a series of pandemics.
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scientists now warned that another virus could threaten the world and it's coming from china. that's next.
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♪ >> tucker: the wuhan coronavirus is the one disease we thought about this year but it doesn't mean it's the only one out there. >> is that we didn't have enough to worry about, there is also a swine flu that's been emerging since 2016 in china and a swine flu workers have been tested and 10% of them have been found positive for this which means it's starting to infect humans, big study just came out on this. in the proceeding of the national academy of sciences. it has part of the 2009 swine
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flu in it that because the big pandemic of 60 million people getting infected in the united states alone, has part of what looks like the 1918 flu. the 1918 pandemic which killed over 50 million people. could it do all of that? right now it isn't transmitting from human to human so let's hope it stays that way, talker. it is a concern that it seems to be getting into humans but not spreading easily human to human. a word of caution, in 1976 we jumped at the idea that the emerging swine flu was a pandemic. now we've seen with coronavirus a pandemic actually occurring from this kind of jumping so here's what i want to say, i say this is possible, thousands of flu viruses never make the jump. i'm going to keep an eye on this one for you, talker. i don't know so far, it hasn't
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made the jump. let's hope. talker? >> tucker: i hope so. makes you think of the way the chinese treat animals is not only immoral but also dangerous. that's it for our hour tonight, thanks for staying with us. the great sean hannity takes over from new york. >> sean: you know what's amazing? every model, every person, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, everybody was wrong. the one thing that was consistent is that if we protect the older generation, older people, underlying conditions, compromised immune system, that was the one thing that stayed consistent and we should learn from the lessons now so we don't have to shut the country down. great show. welcome to "hannity." tonight, buckle up, we have a ton of breaking news to cover including shocking new video from new york city where again, violence tonight is erupting and the police budget, get this, is getting sla


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