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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  June 30, 2020 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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on the brink." what has made america great, the success of donald trump, the failure of the media mob, america being unrecognizable if they win., let not your heart be troubled. here's laura, how are you? >> laura: i'm gray. interesting with mark cuban. interesting little segment with mark cuban. he's trashing the president on masks, i don't know. i don't know what his whole play is, he's obviously really a smart guy. >> sean: i'm beginning to wonder, how did this guy become a billionaire? if you can see by the doesn't have a slow pitch, i don't know, it's pretty obvious to me. >> sean>> laura: yeah, it was a little slow today there in the press conference. i love your show, great to see you. >> sean: you know where i think there'd be a good -- i
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don't know, listen, joe is going to be older than reagan was a 21 mack when reagan left office. you can play cards and stuff. >> laura: don't even use biden in the same sentence unless it's totally pejorative. >> sean: have a great independence day. >> laura: you take care. i'm laura ingraham, this is another high-flying "the ingraham angle" for you tonight, is new york city about to fall victim to an autonomous zone like in seattle? a reporter has infiltrated their encampment and will bring us up to us up-to-the-minute exclusive reporting from the ground later on in the show. also tonight, joe biden, hannity just mentioned answered questions from the press and the first time in 90 days, raymond arroyo has a complete breakdown of all of this. and speaking of biden, what does fauci have to do with biden's campaign? we have a great explanation but
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first, a time for action, that's the focus of tonight's ankle. even i was shocked to hear that the g.o.p.-controlled senate are going to leave down on thursday for an 18 day recess in the middle of this current crisis. we saw 21 million people unemployed, covid still lingering, anarchists and rioters ravaging our cities, threatening the suburbs as i discussed last night. unfortunately, too many republicans are exactly the people i warned you about last night, the sunshine patriots. now when we see this kind of behavior it can look like our cause is hopeless but it is not. we've been through tough times before and we've come out on top and we can again. remember the 1970s and how bleak the outlook was for the country? maybe you're too young to remember remember it, i was a
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kid. you've got watergate, vietnam, the oil embargo, double-digit inflation and sky high interest rates not to mention a hostile media and the malaise of jimmy carter's presidency. a lot of people lost hope and they were convinced we would never be able to prevail over the soviet union are and communism but ronald reagan emerged to defend the greatness of america and call out the dangers from the other side. he reminded us to have confidence in ourselves and believe that the usa was worth defending. he transformed politics despite the fact that he didn't have fox news, didn't have a talk radio, paul harvey but he didn't have talk radio, social media or conservative web sites. the situation we face now isn't really any more dire than we face back then. by the way back then it included an immediate threat of nuclear war and a member how everyone at the same time as predicting the
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end of conservatism after obama won in 2008? i was there in 2009 and i spoke at some of the tea party events, remember those? and also recall how the movement was divided by the political and media establishments. >> it's not really a grassroots movement, some of the wealthiest people in america to keep the focus on tax cuts for the rich instead of the middle-class. >> that the thing that's so disturbing to me about the tea party is that their racist attitudes and the elements of the tea party that are racist and violent. >> they have no idea what the boston tea party was about, they don't know their history at all, this is about hating a black man in the white house, this is racism, straight up. >> laura: but we kept fighting against those fools and in 2010 we help to wipe away president obama's majority in the house, then we had senators
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marco rubio, rand paul and mike lee all elected in part by that tea party search. we didn't give up. 2014, we took back the senate and two years later we did the unthinkable and put donald trump in the white house. we did all of that with the political superstar barack obama as president. and republican voters right at this moment are worried about this guy? >> i'm going to get in trouble. i always get in trouble on the last question but go ahead. i really do have to go, i apologize. i'm going to get in real trouble, i'm probably already in trouble, i'm going to follow the doc's orders, not just for me but for the country and that means i'm not going to be holding rallies. >> laura: of course biden won't be holding rallies, i was so worried about it, the
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pandemic is a perfect excuse for biden to do the entire thing virtually. he's totally weak. yet the media want to freak you out and think that he's unbeatable. and that you're alone and powerless to stop his victory and to stop the tearing down of america. >> ratings have plummeted and with it is standing in the polls and's race against vice president biden. >> if the election were held today, joe biden would likely win, 375, possibly even 400 electoral votes. >> there is a better chance that donald trump does not run for reelection then he's reelected. >> laura: that is about the dumbest thing i've heard, the media are wrong again, the radical marxists on the left and their figurehead joe biden are 100% beatable and already making huge mistakes. minneapolis city council just
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voted to disband their police force. this is wildly unpopular and of course completely dangerous for our american cities, suburbs, all of it but luckily voters in that city will have a chance to vote it down in november. and then last night we were the first to tell you about a shocking tweet posted by the dnc linking mount rushmore to white supremacy. now by the morning the tweet was deleted. but the wink to the far left, it was received. if biden wins, mount rushmore will be flattened. or maybe refashioned to celebrate the squad, i don't know, who knows. now, democrats get arrogant when they are ahead in the polls, and that's when they start making these big mistakes. now they say nothing when the birkenstock bolshevik rampage, even when they rampaged against black americans.
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>> every leap day. every bleak day. >> smile for breonna taylor. smile. >> laura: who in the heck raised to these young white thugs? and that's what they are. thugs. then there is this seattle strap travis theis, the mayor there is to be hard and feathered for allowing that chop zone two will exist in her city. two teenagers have been shot and killed but the mayor begrudgingly told officials to end the occupation. despite giving the socialists they are space, she came to her space, they protested in front
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of the mayor's residence and that was the last straw. can't affect me. then of course the party that the press wants you to believe has a virtual lock on victory in november sat by as they are protesters attacked catholics, vandalizing the statue of st. louis in his namesake city, missouri. every catholic boater in the midwest and across america should watch what happened there very carefully. and perhaps my favorite misstep of the week was when joe biden stumbled into making a clear and truthful statement on a call with big donors. he said "i'm going to get rid of the bulk of trump's $2 trillion tax cut and a lot of you may not like that. well of course we know that's going to do wonders for all of your 401ks in the midst of a pandemic that caused an unemployment crisis. so i recounted all of this tonight because all of these
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blunders are actually really good news for conservatives even if some of the underlying news is terrible for the country. now it's time to communicate all of this. if biden wins he will support defending the police. a policy that will lead to lawlessness and disorder, i don't care what he's promising you now. and if biden wins every american will be paying more taxes, not to pay down the debt or help the elderly but to give aoc and company more money to a wreak havoc on the country that you love. meaning more anti-american propaganda in the schools, more attacks on the nuclear family and the big green deal. well, that's going to be a big new cram down you will be sending money to washington so pelosi and the squad can commission statues of their new heroes of the left, like i don't know, colin kaepernick and stacy abrams. but that doesn't have to be our future. we have a long weekend coming up
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to celebrate our nation's 244th birthday, so make sure to take some time to teach your kids or your grandkids about what makes this country so great. i had a good talk about america with my 12-year-old son, five or six hours ago and we were hiki hiking. and if you can't find the right words, show them this. >> the things that unite us, america's past which were so proud of, our hopes and aspirations for the future of the world and as much love of country, these things far outweigh what little divides us. so tonight, we've reaffirmed, we are one nation under god. black and white, we are one nation indivisible, republican and democrat, we are all americans.
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>> laura: we live in the best, freest country on the face of the earth. and we do not need to apologize for our rich and complex history. we just have to learn from it. and we have and we are so right now, we need patriots from every state, from every walk of life, from all races and backgrounds to stand up for america, to stand against the bullies of the left. for years now it's been obvious that president trump and of the movement leads is the last line of defense against the anti-americanism the left will unleash if it's allowed to retake government, liberals won't help us, they can't stand up to the left and of course the never-trump's won't help us, they've betrayed the conservative values they claim to support so what does that mean? means we have to help ourselves. we have four months left to defeat the forces that want to destroy our country and erase our history and render this.
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the establishment and the media will never see it coming. they rode off reagan after he lost to ford in 1976, they wrote off reagan in 1979, then they rode off the tea party in 2010 and then trump, of course in 2016. and they are underestimating our chances now. freedom is always worth fighting for, that's what those men on mount rushmore would be telling us today. and that's the angle. joining me now is sara carter, fox news contributor and host of "the sara carter show podcast" and also with me, the national pulse editor in chief and cohost of "the war room" pandemic podcast. the democrats are obviously hijacked now by the radicals, totally in bed with them so why are republicans twiddling their thumbs, talking a lot about masks today, how patriotic masks are, they have to realize that the last best hope here is the
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guys in the white house now, so start acting like it. >> you know, laura, sometimes we, on to national television like this and we have notes written in front of us about things we want to say but i want to say that what you just said in your monologue really hit me in the solar plexus and complete to change i want to say tonight. you talked about the foreign world looking into america and i -- you can probably hear by my accent, i am not from here, i come from somewhere else, my parents are from either even further away, i'm from england and they were born in india and here's the thing, the world is looking in right now i'm thinking, how did america, the country we all wanted to come to come of the country we all wanted to build businesses in, build families in, work hard and produce things within, how did they fall to marxism? and it's exactly what you talked about in your opening monologue, whether it's the republicans have sold out their country,
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biden. i was sitting in washington, d.c., downtown tonight having dinner with friends and we were accosted by a mob of 60, probably plus, 60 plus people chanting "black lives matter" black i stood up and i said hey, listen, does my life matter? some of them said yes and some of them said no. the black people in the crowd said yes, all lives matter. we want to have a conversation with you and the white liberals said no, if you can't say that black lives matter then you're a bigot and you're a racist. i'm not from here. i am an indian extraction and for me, white liberals started champing at to chanting at me, "you're a white guy." i'm here to say this, america represents something extraordinary in the world. that is so far beyond the idea that anyone can have about
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defense, defense of the west, it's beyond me what we are seeing in the streets of the united states right now. >> laura: i think of the immigrant business owners in northern virginia, in l.a., in phoenix. it may show again, who came here to work harder, play by the rules and built incredible small businesses, medium-size businesses and -- what are they to think about this? biden is going to tolerate it and this movement. it's time for republicans and patriots to stand up this weekend on fourth of july and make their voices heard, unafraid, sarah, i know you're unafraid. >> that's right and let me tell you, so many immigrants are unafraid, my mother came from cuba, she came in the late 1960s, she has now passed away but i remember her telling me about stories when she got to california about how she worked
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so hard, she had to walk to a thrift store and buy some shoes and had to cut the back ends of her shoes off so she could walk to find a job. and i remember my mother telling friends when they'd ask her, are you cuban? and she would say no, i'm american and she was proud of it and that's the neighborhood that i grew up in and the people i knew, whether they were from mexico or guatemala, cambodia or vietnam, they were americans first and i've got to tell you something, the silent majority needs to stop being silent. we saw that with "the new york times," in 2016 26 say hillary clinton was going to win by 91%, she did not win, the silent majority needs to stand up and live by principle and not be silenced by these marxist left at sand go and say thank you to the people who serve our country, thank you to the business owners that are opening their businesses and risking so much and thank you to our soldiers and law enforcement officials and first responders who do so much for this nation,
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we are not a country of hate, laura, and it really is so upsetting when you see that. >> laura: be not afraid. everyone is demoralized out there. we've been through so much worse as john paul ii said. now, these white lefty politicians are emerging they are -- i think perhaps best exemplified by the minneapolis mayor jacob frey who said this tonight about the police in his city. >> mayors around the country including myself are on the side of massive structural change. this needs to be a full rethinking and reshaping of the way that our police department does business that has for decades harmed a black brown people. >> laura: while he virtues signals, his city spins out of control, 27 homicides reported in minneapolis compared to 15
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total people killed this time last year. being consumed by violence there. this is what a biden presidency will bring, it's not going to calm down, this is going to be the norm and it's going to get worse, do you agree? >> lives don't matter to these people, the 4500 word from op-ed yesterday and you see the same names come up over and over again, joe biden, john bolton, all this stuff. every moment between now and the election is going to be layer upon layer upon layer of pretending, the establishment pretending that president trump somehow represents a danger but president trump is the one who's kept america out of more foreign wars, who renegotiated america's role in the world when obama bowed to cairo in tehran and all of that. as a non-u.s. citizen i cannot believe that americans would
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ever vote for joe biden. >> laura: right, i'm telling you. sarah, don't you agree that the media wants to demoralize the american people? they want to demoralize them and drive their mood down, drive their optimism down so they just give up and that's the last thing anyone should do. >> that's absolutely right, laura, i can tell you, yeah, that's absolutely right, they try to divide this country but when you go out into the midwest, you go to the west like utah where i was last week, people are together, they are unified, they don't even want to watch that news anymore, i can tell you that it's going to make a difference. if we just stand up and speak and are not silenced by these leftist marxists are by joe biden and fall into this trap we are going to be a greater country for it, we are going to come out in november winning. >> laura: and surprising everyone. we don't have to be the silent majority, we can be the loud majority, frankly, thanks to both of you. great to see you both and up
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next, a covid to for. why is dr. fauci acting like biden's running mate? on what's really going on with the covid case a surge in texas? those answers and moments. now, simparica trio simplifies protection.
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>> there is no guarantee that we will have a safe and effective vaccine. i would not be surprised if we go up to 100,000 a dinghy if this does not turn around. i'm very concerned and i'm not set you back satisfied with what's going on because were going the wrong direction. clearly we are not in total control right now. >> laura: dr. doom himself at a senate hearing today spreading more covid panic. can we admit that fauci is working for the biden campaign? for all we know, he could be joe's running mate. why not. fauci's fearmongering didn't go unchecked, senator rand paul hit back with an issue i know so many of you care about, this. >> it is a fatal conceit to believe any one person or small group of people has the knowledge necessary to direct an economy or dictate public health behavior. i think government health
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experts during this pandemic need to show caution in their prognostications. >> laura: he went on to the to challenge dr. fauci on kids needing to go back to school and got dr. fauci to admit that it's very important for kids to go back to school, they kind of went around and around but moms, most of them want their kids back in school. now, the rest of the expert class have been wrong on almost every issue every step of the way, from the efficacy of lockdowns, to masks because they said we shouldn't wear them at first to shutting the schools down. those same authorities went on to denounce their fellow americans for protesting to save their businesses and jobs only to turn around and essentially openly embrace the blm marches while claiming racism was the real virus. now, these esteemed experts don't even have the integrity to admit that the masked protests,
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which they themselves often participated in, are likely a major reason we are seeing current spikes in various cities. now the timing and patient profiles of the covid spikes all correlate to the protests. so why would we keep putting faith in experts who don't just butcher the science but display hypocritical and political messaging in the process? joining me now, someone who's done more independent research on the real figures behind covid, the president of the committee to on these prosperity. phil, what's been more damaging to the faith in the nation's medical experts, the shifting messaging or the political hypocrisy of some of the messengers, like dr. fauci? >> look, i think the fact that they've been on both sides of every single major issue related to this as completely undermined their credibility, they've been flipping and flopping like crazy
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but by far the worst has been the way they've treated these protests, after telling people, scaring people senseless that if they left the house for any reason it was tantamount to wanting to kill a grandparent, then they went out and cheered and in many cases participated in mass to events with mass crowds of people which according to their own lockdown logic should have been the very last thing we would allow. far, far after things like letting small businesses and schools open. >> laura: this is what joe biden said at his big presser today and he of course reference dr. fauci, watch. >> the scientists who won't censor their ability to speak to the american people. i will have from day one ready to go the best medical experts and scientists to advise, i will listen to them and let them speak freely.
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>> laura: i think a better way of stating it is essentially, we will be electing the doctors instead of joe biden because the doctors, whatever they say, forget church, forget sports, forget school, the doctors who aren't elected apparently get around most aspects of our liv lives. >> we should be deeply concerned about that possibility. one of the most important takeaways we should have from this whole debacle is that the so-called public health experts are completely risk-averse, they are willing to tell doom and gloom 100, 1,000 times worse than it really is if they think they can save one life from whatever their narrow focus is even if the cost of doing that are staggering in terms of trillions of dollars in thousands of other lives lost and you need to have a real judgment. the reason we have political leaders who exercise judgment between competing values not to defer to an expert class and focus on just one thing. >> laura: we mentioned the
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issue about those schools and i want to show you the latest data on covid fatalities. for june 20th they recorded 107,997 deaths. of those, 160 were under the age of 25. now by contrast, 64,683 people over the age of 75 died. i don't know about the other people who died but in other words, americans over 75 accounted for 60% of all deaths, americans under 25 accounted for just .15%. of deaths. so why is fauci even waffling on the school issue in the slightest? >> he did say he's in lock agreement with rand paul on opening schools but he has the usual sort of weasel words on there which is unhelpful. the hs division for this virus is not the classic shape that we have with the flu, there is
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virtually no risk to young people and it doesn't get steeply dangerous until you get up above age 65, really above age 75 is where we are seeing the vast majority of the death stand for school-age children there is a lower hospitalization risk, considerably lower than there is with influenza and are much lower fatality risk as well which means that if we accept these restrictions on schools, i don't see logically how they could be temporary because every flu season is a greater danger to children. >> laura: want to it down all the time. disadvantage kids, minority kids and to difficult situations already. this is going to be a nightmare in the fall if these schools are not fully open. i'm going to advocate this from morning, noon, tonight. what's really behind of the spike in covid cases we are seeing in texas? i know this is worrying a lot of
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you. you've probably seen these headlines, texas hits record highs, but what is behind this uptick? here's what a friend of the show was told by an unnamed executive of a chain of texas emergency clinics, this is what he said. the vast majority of cases are very mild, the average age of people getting tested is mid mid-30s. the hospitals and icus are filled with really sick people with noncovid issues. they didn't becom come in earlir because they were scared. texas is being compared to new york with 31,000 deaths. i'm not laughing at that, the comparison. it is the reality just slightly different? >> reality is a lot different, we've had two 2,420 people die and new york has had over 31,000.
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even california has had almost three times as much as texas and remember, those states have been locked down the whole time while we have been open so it locking down doesn't work. if it did those two states will be doing better than texas. fauci said today that he's concerned about states like texas that skipped over certain things. he doesn't know what he's talking about, we haven't skipped over anything. the only thing i'm skipping over is listening to him. you have a lot of doctors on your show from day one, your doctors have been right almost every time and he has been wrong every time on every issue. i don't need his advice anymore. we will listen to a lot of science, a lot of doctors, governor abbott and myself and other state leaders will make the decision, no thank you, dr dr. fauci. >> laura: i want to talk a little bit about what's happening with the numbers as well in texas because the icu, when the media is blaring this thing about the icus are filled,
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they are filled with people sick with noncovid illnesses according to this dr. period i heard another kind of a hospital group, so why is that getting lost in the shuffle, dan? >> it's just that media misreporting information. we have 7,177 icu beds in texas. and today of those beds, about 1500 are covid patients. 1500 out of 7177. so about 25% of the people in the icu, most people in the icu are not there because of covid. again, we had a record high in hospitalizations, and i'd deaths over the last three days we've had 58 deaths. every life is important but that's less than 20 a day.
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so we are not seeing it -- >> laura: real quick. i am hearing from business owners, restaurant wars in your state who say this rollback of reopening is literally going to kill them off. the death of business, the death of livelihood. are we going to move forward in the state of texas? >> we've stepped back, laura, we stepped back on the bars which i think was the right decision because all these cases are primarily young, we've said it many times tonight, they are not getting seriously ill but they are taking of hospital space, that was a smart move. in my view, the worst thing we could do is to lock down texas again, that's not what governor abbott wants, that's not what i want, that's not what anyone wants in business for the republican party but i can tell you we need help from the young people out there to bring these numbers a cases down and free of hospital beds. >> laura: smart behavior, wash your hands, wear a mask.
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dan, thank you so much. and up next, joe biden held the first presser in 90 days, quickly became apparent why he's been hiding, raymond arroyo has all the details, seen and unseen next.
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♪ >> laura: it's time for a seen and unseen segment where we reveal the story behind the headlines. we go to fox news contributor raymond arroyo. there is some breaking news tonight, they let biden out of the basement. uncle joe, first press conference in 90 days in wilmington, what did you see? >> he wasn't moving quite that fast. from his very first appearance at a school gym near his house, biden was hesitant, even halting and completely controlled this press conference by the candidate's own admission. listen. >> i was told nbc, mike -- i'm
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sorry, who was i supposed to go to next? anybody -- >> laura fox, let me tell you. there are notes he kept referring to, scripts he kept checking throughout the press conference. even during the scripted portion and at one point he was asked about cognitive abilities. listen to this answer. >> this president is -- he talks about cognitive capability, he doesn't seem cognitively aware of what's going on. all you got to do is watch me and i can hardly wait to compare my cognitive capabilities to the cognitive capabilities of the man i'm running against. >> laura, most of the people watching this and i spoke to democrats and republicans, they felt really bad watching biden and who couldn't, who wouldn't? he's clearly grasping at words, looking for an exit and
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nothing's coming together. occasionally he had a line but even his argument on the statues was incoherent. "you shouldn't be taking them down but these are really bad guys and if you want to, oh, well." that was kind of his approach. >> laura: he needed to be asked, do you support renaming george washington university? will you speak out against the renaming of thomas jefferson high school? these are all very general, easy to get out of questions. >> they were all given just a little bit amount of time and look, he had to prove today he was cognitively with it. most of the words he used in his press conference today were "um" and "uh." >> is the former mayor of new orleans said, the difference
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between, u, latino women, asian. where is the wilmington -- the delaware state news? delaware newsroom, i should say? >> laura, this has a feel of the bob dole campaign. without their war record or mitt romney without the hair, it's just because there is a lackluster death in the air, i just don't know how this works. >> laura: i know how it works, badly. despite all of this, the laughter all over the media today hailing the presser, wat watch. >> strong words there from joe biden. >> this was a blistering critique of the president's management, or lack thereof. >> joe biden laid it out really plainly and simply for the american people. >> i love you joe biden's answers, if this election is
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really a referendum on donald trump. >> laura -- >> laura: the agreement that biden says he's not going to be campaigning because the doctors say it's unsafe. he's not going to be doing rallies or events. that is a gift to him, this pandemic has been the best thing to happen for biden's campaign. wasn't that erudite? you didn't hang up your journalistic credentials if he said that. >> he's clearly trying to run as an enabler and i don't know if that works. the world is crying out for rock 'n' roll, all he's got is lawrence welk, laura. i don't think it works, you saw it sought today. >> laura: that's an insult to the lawrence welk. raymond, thank you so much. for our over 75 audience, you got that reference. thanks so much. in moments, we are going to take you lied to the streets of new york city and speak to a
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reporter who has infiltrated the latest occupy movement to strike a major democrat-led city. his can't-miss new video and the story of what's going on there. disturbing? yes. surprising, no. in moments. you doing okay?
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yeah. this moving thing never gets any easier. well, xfinity makes moving super easy. i can transfer my internet and tv service in about a minute. wow, that is easy. almost as easy as having those guys help you move.
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we are those guys. that's you? the truck adds 10 pounds. in the arms. -okay... transfer your service online in a few easy steps. now that's simple, easy, awesome. transfer your service in minutes, making moving with xfinity a breeze. visit today. ♪ >> laura: we warned you this
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would happen in the so-called autonomous zone would tolerate it, no protesters in new york have created their own chop outside city hall. i was going to see more violence? let's bring in senior correspondent julio who has infiltrated the new york city chaz for the past 48 hours. i want to start off with this video you shot earlier today. >> many of them are taking police money. roland the lives. ruined their lives. >> laura: julio, this isn't about george floyd or even police reform, we worried about the regiment warned people about this early on and we know you
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did, too. this is about a takedown of america. >> absolutely, they view the d funding the police as the first step to some of the other changs that they want to make. one of the earlier budget proposals, the funding was going to be shifted through the education side of things but the police would still be funded by that and they weren't to happy with that. based on what i've seen here today, they are out full force, creating a human wall with white people towards the front and again, just to be calling for the complete dismantling of the nypd as they view policing as the antithesis. >> laura: its really loud where you are and i just want people to understand that this is what liberals, woke liberals get. right behind you right now is
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what de blasio gets for kowtowing to the protesters and disbanding the nonuniform anticrime officers group that was wildly successful so he is throwing them some substantive policy changes, that's how they are greeting them today, here's a shocking statement from another protester about what he wants to do to police. watch. >> i want to put my foot on his neck, i want to put my foot on his neck like you do us. i want to put his belief like you do us. >> laura: julio, we just played that lovely protester saying he wants to put his foot on the neck of police. this is going to get more violent than anyone thought because of what they really want to do. close it out for us very quickly.
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>> not too long ago there were a bunch of protesters haggling a line of nypd officers, one of the protesters specifically singled out a black officer and said he was a traitor to his race, and the protesters have chanted some other vulgarities at the nypd, they have lasers. trying to get into the faces, they definitely were ratcheting up. >> laura: they want to provoke a violent interaction. julio, good luck out there. we will be checking back with you in the coming days and weeks. thanks so much. new jersey restaurants eagerly awaiting lockdown restrictions on indoor dining to be lifted this week but yesterday democrat governor phil murphy dramatically reversed course. my next guest says this unexpected reversal is an absolute got punch to his family's business.
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owner of the sun tavern in new jersey. you re-hired 12 of the 45 employees you had to layoff, you couldn't re-hire everyone. what's going to happen now? >> i'm going to have to lay off approximately six of those employees after bringing back 12. most likely six of them are going to have to be laid off and it was -- that's the best term i can think of, it was a gut punch yesterday. >> laura: how long can you stay in business with this whiplash? open, close, 25, 50, 75% restrictions you're going to have you on, how long can you do this? >> it gets harder by the day, we can wait a week, two pro weeks but it gets harder by the day, mortgages have to be paid,
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vendors that were 30 days out, our liquor inventory, those bills are upcoming and it's so far-reaching that it's frustrating, very frustrating. >> laura: the governor cited cases in other states as the reason for reversing course on stuff that you've spent money to prepare for which is returning of indoor dining? what's your response to him tonight if you can speak to him directly for his justification reversing course, what would you say? >> my first thing would be, you're really hurting all of this industry for a few that have violated the laws, there are health departments, serve safe certified, cleanliness and our restaurant and it's more far-reaching than just my restaurant. all of my vendors are laying people off also so this industry is very far-reaching and it's
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devastating and i'm not downplaying the virus, i understand the virus is a problem but i feel that our financial ruin is being downplayed. i just want some relief here for many people. >> laura: andrew, thank you for pointing out the vendors and all the people who have to lay off the workers. this isn't holiday weekend for a lot of people because they are suffering and i'm praying for you and all your employees. thank you for sharing your stories tonight, really important. and coming up, we have a lot of reaction to posting the anti--america's most wanted from last night. we are going to kick off in a real way this new series. you don't want to miss it. you're going to help us out ne next.
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>> laura: it is time for anti-america's most wanted. on the lookout for two masked
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thugs who threw red paint on george washington and the statue. you can see them here in the video. if you have any information about who they might be, contact the authorities. look who we ran into today on the trail here in wyoming. my 10-year-old. he spotted him or her first. thankfully we didn't see momma bear. what a cutie. get out into nature this independence day weekend. it's restorative. we have a great, beautiful country. enjoy it and defend it. that's all we have. shannon bream and the "fox news @ night" team take it from here. >> shannon: fresh air and wild animals, one of the best things about this country, the parks and everything else. >> laura: absolutely. have a great show. >> shannon: we are going to start with some major breaking news amid a stunning wave of violence, the push to defund the nypd as the


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