tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News July 2, 2020 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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cite your dvr but the "the ingraham angle" is up next, raymond arroyo. >> jason, great show, and happy july 4th. i am raymond arroyo in for laura ingraham tonight and this is a special edition of "the ingraham angle." record-breaking numbers coming out today, but that's not enough to make the left happy. you will hear why biden thinks job growth is a bad thing, mike huckabee and tom here and radical screaming in the faces of police destroying property and getting violent. what do we really know about the peaceful protesters? what is driving them? and fighting back as we approach july 4th. breaking tonight, a bombshell covid drug study and i'm borrowing laura's medicine cabinet for this one. we will bring the details to you but first, state of emergency.
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last night we told you about political efforts stymie, your public celebration of july 4th. in other efforts to banish the holiday altogether. more beach closures announced today in orange county, california, fireworks and parades canceled all over the country.ff patriotism has joined religion as a second-class practice. one subjected to draconian a restrictions not applied other activities owing to covid fears. but the application of these public health restrictions, that is what they are calling them, are selectively employed and riddled with politics. in california, politicians are using emergency regulations to stop families from beachfront cookouts. >> i know that we love seeing those firework exhibitions, but not this year. this year, we have to think about saving lives, to protect what we have in this country, to protect who we are.
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>> raymond: but this was the scene in los angeles today. they couldn't be packed closer together. now given this coddling of protesters,hehe nobody bothered them, people jammed the streets with patriotic protest this weekend. amazingly, the same public belt emergency powers are being evoked to dismantle markers of american history as we approach july 4th. in richmond, virginia the democrat mayor order the removal of a series of confederate statues. they came down yesterday and you probably heard little about it. now, however you feel about those statues, the people of richmond should defy the fate of these public works by a vote, but the mayor cited public health and safety as the reason for the statues removal. listen. >> we believe that we are on the ground, june 8th, the city council will vote another declaration of emergency under our emergency operations plan. the mayor is the emergency management director until july 29th.
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i will do everything necessary, it is my responsibility to ensure that we protect life and property. >> raymond: especially the life and property of the protesters. not his constituents. the richmond mayor justified his decision toct "the wall street journal" this way, "as the covid-19 pandemicic continues to surge an protesters attempt to take down confederate statues themselves or confront others who are doing so, the risk grows for serious illness, injury, or death." let me get this straight, mobs endangering themselves or threatening others is the justification for taking down public works art. i see. now, stonewall jackson spreading covid? how do covid emergency powers apply in this case?
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say a mob wants to lower taxes. could those covid emergency powers be used to lower them? i'm checking for a friend. look, this is p mob rule. in these liberal politicians are giving them exactly what they want while silencing their citizenry. richmond residents get to say nothing. they are stuck in the house because of the covid. this july 4th, while you are sitting at home watching fireworks were old clips of singers on tv, one type of parade will be allowed with no disruptions at all. in tampa, chicago, carson city, washington, d.c., and possibly elsewhere, they are our planned boycott the fourth and hell with the fourth of july protest planned.d. that is right, "black lives matter" protesters don't want you to celebrate july 4th. we will debate that moments with one of the organizers. the web page for the d.c. protest bills it as the birth of a new nation. the idea being that black americans and none of us should
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be celebrating july 4th because not everyone was free at theheil signing of the declaration. never mind that everyone is free now, especially protesters. this is a movement rooted in the vision on the dayec set aside to celebrate our unity. incidentally, the d.c. protesters are demanding reparations for offspring indigenous people are in a lump sum or quarterly stimulus check payments free health care for all citizens and j. edgar hoover removed from the fbi headquarters, at least they are original. but the problem americans are absorbing this idea that they are somehow not part of this great american. >> july 4th should not be celebrated on the first place. it is a racist holiday. t >> fourth of july in american history is an all white holiday and juneteenth is a celebration of black culture.
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>> it makes more sense, right? the rest of america wants the fourth of july, they can have it.te but i think as a black person, freedom came on juneteenth. >> raymond: we will explore this in the next segment, but we are all one people, black, white and everything in between, july 4th belongs to anyone who embraces the american ideal founded in liberty. we cannot be a day unbelievable's sins, independence day is a date to recall the principles and spirit that bring us together but this year it is being exploited as an occasion to drive us apart and in the covid regulations and we see the nation on edge andnd later, we will get to the way citizens are fighting back against this arbitrary isolation and the masking. but after months, it has push people to the limit and its term political. a if you are worried about being infected or ill, please stay tehome.
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about your covid concerns are not a license to attack or harass fellow citizens who are just as afraid as you are to exercise their rights and take abtheir own wrists. i didn't insult people at the grocery today at a costco, elbowing each other put the mask on, stay away from me. and the government should be careful as well in the way they invoke emergency orders to constrict the movement of people in the united states of america. as you know, the president's attending a big fireworks display outdoors at mount rushmore friday night. we will be bringing live coverage of that event. it promises to be a moment of normalcy in a year that has been anything but. right on cue, dr. fauci shows up to discourage attendance. >> masks will not be mandated normal social distancing. what is your message to political leaders and people insisting on holding events like this in this environment? >> avoid crowds, wear a mask,
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keep physical distance. it doesn't matter what the reason for the congregation, whether it is a celebration here, a demonstration there, it doesn't make any difference. wear a mask. >> raymond: if all americans, protesters, everyday citizens were treated alike, that, guidance might be better received, but they aren't. there are two rules at play, one for protesters and rioters and another for law abiders. this holiday weekend, every american is entitled to celebrate as they see fit, calculating the risk whether raising a fist or waving a flag. it is this great country that allows us that freedom. it deserves our respect and to be celebrated boldly this weekend. joining me now is horace cooper, a project 21 cochair and author of "how trump is making black america great again". also with me scottish mart, founder of "the smart foundation".
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thank you both for being here, scotty, you were supposed to speak at a forget the fourthnd event in atlanta. what do you intend to achieveuny doing this. i know youou are having health difficulties and may not be able to attend but what are these protest designed to do exactly?t >> these protests are designed to educate people and make sure we have a union amongst our self where we say forget the fourth. a lot of people like to strategically change s narrativs and make it a hate rhetoric about against the constitution and the flag and things like that and that's what it's not. but also to hold america accountable the same it provides liberty and justice for assault which we as black people don't feel we are getting in this country. so we go to celebrationsh like this, we voice our opinions because if you look at the history of the country which
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allows people to try to overlook, it has nothing that has been great for people since 1776 when the declaration of independence was signed. we have not been treated as equals. >> raymond: scotty,76 wait a minute, scotty. so you don't leave black americans can celebrate the fourth of july.ot is that what you are saying? you are carving black america out of the fourth of july, or is that what you would like to do? >> i'm not prepping anything out of anything. you are free to celebrate. we were not free and their independence on the fourth of july when the declaration of independence was signed, therefore, we are not celebrating it. me personally. >> raymond: okay.ep i have to let horace in this, scotty. horace, your reaction is july 4th not the holiday for black americans when they shouldn't take part in? >> this is patent nonsense, first of all black americans like white americans are overwhelmingly on the roads this weekend. we will be setting a record of the number of people getting together with their loved ones to celebrate. secondly, in 1776, there were
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thousands of free, black men who joined in the fight to help secure liberty and freedom. it is an absolute insult to the sacrifice of those sacrifices made to say that we were not quite free. some were free. some were not free. now, all are free. america has lived up to the model that it set up. this experiment has been remarkably successful, and this weekend is a time that we should all be coming together to celebrate that success. >> raymond: scotty, what is wrong with that? >> i don't even think horace even believes what he is having him let's give horace a history about black americans have this country. d because he said 1776 we were free. horace, we were in free since 1865, is that not correct?
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>> no, he said some people were free. >> that is not true. you don't know your history. stay away from eating the tide pod. stay away from eating the tide pod, and look at the history book and what you will see is there are a number of black americans throughout history who stood on the side of freedom and liberty this celebration is for everyone who supports liberty. it is not poor whites and it's not for blacks. >> raymond: horace, i want to in here.y get go ahead. >> so we talk history and we talk about the slavery with the 13th amendment. even then, right afterad that, e have black, which legally made us still because they incarcerated us for not having s homes or jobs at that time. as you move forward throughout history, you don't get civil rights and voter acts until 1965. when you go to that point of the history, 100 years later, now a modern day history. talk about how the government
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has strategically obese at the mark. >> raymond: scotty, scotty i think -- i think horace's point is america has fulfilled the promise. it wasn't fully fulfilled early on, but it has been now. black americans are, you know, louis armstrong as muchis a part of te american story as jackie robinson and george washington at this point. two republican senators and i want to get into this, two republican senators ron johnson and james lankford have put forward to build columbus day as a federal holiday with juneteenth. this is senator johnson. you said rather, we are celebrating emancipation with a federal holiday but we believe we should eliminate a current holiday in exchange. we chose columbus day as the holiday lightly celebrated and least instructive. here is my question to both of you. juneteenth came two and a half years after the emancipation proclamation, okay? the 13th amendment was actually
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ratified in 1865. so should we be celebrating -- is that what we should be celebrating? i will let you both get a crack at that. is that what you want, juneteenth and no more fourth of july? >> juneteenth is a celebration of freedom for us. and i think thatan is something that should be a national holiday. i appreciate people stepping up and taking that stance. but even then, you talk about systematic oppression throughout the entire history of america, we still haven't got equality and justice for allth and libery and justice for all has the constitution says. you can look through systematic approach through property, probation, mass incarceration, you can look at several instances within our climate that are controlled by systematic oppression and white supremacy that has not -- >> raymond: i need to let horace get in here, scotty. go ahead, horace, you respond.
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>> all the left-wing marxist drivel aside. there is a fact. the fact is america gave more lives in civil war than in any war america has ever been a part of.. and as a result of that war, three constitutional amendments came about. and as a result of that, america joined together and ultimately have said that it is going to commit and has done so, committed to the idea that we did at our inception every citizen is going to be recognize and supported equally before the law. what they want to do now is to throw that away and yet, it ignores the marvel of what our country is all about. >> raymond: scotty, i will give you 30 seconds to respond. >> thank you. there is no way that is true, horace. there is complete and justice and systematic approaches
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through systematic justices. they don't even have the same sentences as whites. you have someone who was sentenced to a thousand years in jail for child pornography and only given seven years as parole yesterday. a black man in kansas that was sentenced to 12 years for kissing a young, white girl but no dna evidence found upon him. so make sure when you talk facts that you have your facts correct and you don't need a talking point to make sure you get your paycheck. [laughter] >> talking point, read my book, read my book, and you will see, 100 year history of the progress of americans who happen to be black. my policies, great for all of america. >> raymond: okay. we will leave it there, gentlemen.ap scotty, horace, i want you all to come together and celebrate this great country that allows us to converse like this and allows us to support and love one another. and happy july to bothot of you. across america, americans are their rightsrotect
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and to free themselves from covid locked down by appealing to thene courts. yesterday, a wisconsin judge overturned the city of racine covid-19 ordnance ruling "likely the strictest and most overreaching covid-19 order ordinance in the country." judge john friedrichs and one of ordinary intelligence can make sense of the sprawling breath. to ban public gatherings are much more, this comes after the wisconsin supreme court throughout the democratic governor stay governor stay-at-home orders after republican lawmakers sued over them. joining me now is mark travel, the executive director and general counsel of the center for american liberty. mark, americans seem to be pushing back on these blue states and city officials who use covid to increase power at the expense of liberties. one of these cases and that religious liberty case last week in new york where cuomo and de blasio are slept, but we did
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they tell us where the courts are now? >> thank you, raymond for having me on the program. you are absolutely right. americans are fighting back because i think everybody is fed up at this point. let me just start by saying if it were not for american liberty, we are challenging these restrictions across the country. kudos to this judge in wisconsin for getting it right and having the courage to say that while public health absolutely very important and something we are trying to achieve in this covid era but at the same w time, you have to act in constitutional bounds. and what happened in wisconsin, theyic violated the first amendment. it was unconstitutionally vague and overbroad. this judge got it right. >> raymond: okay, los angeles, we touched on this earlier, those counties are closing their peaches this weekend. here is how mayor garcetti want you to spend your july 4th and
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instead of. >> everybody should cancel their plans for july 4th gatherings people who do not live in your household and know how to express your patriotism this year? it will not be a firework show. it will not be a barbecue.r it will be wearing a mask and keeping your distance. >> raymond: sounds like a barrel of laughs.s. i'm sure exactly that is how people want to celebrate july 4th. mark, you filed a lawsuit challenging these beach closures.ha on what grounds? >> absolutely. it violates the california state constitution article 10, section 4, gives residents of california a constitutionalta right the beaches. >> raymond: okay. in palm beach, residents are suing the county over there mandatory mask policy. no, it alleges the policy infringes on the constitutional rights and forces them to wear "harmful, medical devices like masts." laura ingraham always says this
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is a speech issue because it limits your ability to communicate and run afoul of basic rights. can you force people to wear a mask constitutionally? >> i think that is a question still being debated. if we look at the way these cases are playing out broadly, i think courts will come down on both sides of those issues. certainly, in situations mask can be communicative and expressive and i have first implications. >> raymond: i have to get this in rockland county, new york, the host of a house party came down with covid. now the partygoersrs are refusig to talk with the covid tracers. remember those people hired to track down the deceased? now the covid tracers are threatening action. watch. >> most people do cooperate with us but for the smaller number that do not, they have hung up on us, given us very small amounts of information that i needed to send eight subpoenas yesterday to information for the contact information and it worked.
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right away because the threatening, what was it, 25 month, $2,000 fine for everyday you don't respond? >> up to $2,000 per day. >> raymond: can't the contact tracer force people with subpoenas to divulge their private whereabouts, personal information, very quickly? >> this raises a lot of constitutional concerns, right to privacy, due process. it is fraughtless with problems absolutely, raymond.ot >> i think you, authorities have caught the alleged ringleader on that attack on andrew jacksonro statue in d.c. and more. plus, we get into the policies with mike huckabee and tom bevan. stay right there. ♪ get into the pose with get into the pose with mike huckabee and tom guys, it's that time... and nothin's happenin'.
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plus get $200 off a new samsung galaxy s20 ultra. ♪ >> raymond: welcome back to "the ingraham angle." i am raymond arroyo. an update to anti-american most wanted list. the fbi and u.s. park service todayha arrested the man who thy say orchestrated the attack on president andrew jackson statue in lafayette park last week.k. sources tell fox news that jason charter was arrested this
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morning at his home. he has since been charged with destruction of federal property. this comes just days after the feds arrested for other men. their alleged involvement in the same statue attack. the authorities did not use ropes or spray paint during those apprehensions. all were allegedly cotton photos or on tape or taking in the destruction at the insistence of ringleader jason charter. a federal law enforcement source says they were very organized. the charter was on top of the statue directing people. they had acid, chisels, straps, and a humane chain preventing te police from getting to the statue. now, the fbi alleges the charter took part in destroying the statue of confederate officer andrew pike in d.c. the bureau claims surveillance footage shows charter standing over the top of pikes statue pouring an unknown liquid onto the statue. he was observed waving others away and squatting behind the
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sculpture. seconds later, the statue catches fire. charter is seen standing over the flames as it burns. now, after this incident, the fbi said charter posted a picture of the statue burning on twitter with this caption o i "tearing down statues of traders to the nation is a service to this nation, not a crime" on facebook he posted the same picture writing sweetly "goes to all confederate statues, sources tell fox that charter has ties to antifa, the radical anarchist group behind much of the mayhem and destruction we have seen over the past few weeks." president trump with an executive order to prosecute anyone who desecrates military monuments to the fullest extent of the law. the lesson of the day, public statues are not your private domain. keep your hands, your ropes, and your flammables off! it's more good news. today's record breaking job numbers matched expectations in june and the economy a whoppings
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4.8 million jobs which is 1.8 million more than economists predicted. the unemployment rate fell to 11.1% which is still high but a massive improvement from last month. president trump rightfully celebrated the news. >> the united states economy has added almost 5 million new jobs in the month of june, that is shattering all expectations and america's economy is now roaring back to life like nobody has ever seen before. nobody is going to shatter the american dream. >> raymond: but joe biden is downplaying the record-breaking boom. >> we are still in a deep, deep job hole because donald trump has so badly response to the coronavirus. one-third of the jobs were lost in march and april and have come back. and going on in our country. our economy will remain at risk. >> raymond: more of
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joe biden's confusing his deep, deep hole with the economy that maybe we can sort that out. joining me now is tom bevan cofounder and president of real clear politics and mike huckabee and fox news contributor, our economye is bouncing back, but why is biden so unhappy? it doesn't look bad to be dissing the economic recovery? >> well, iit think it is simple, raymond, joe biden doesn't want the economy to come back strong because as the president gets credit for having built a strong economy before the terribleec virus shut everything down, that is why we are bouncing back. it was falling like an ample, but it is coming back like it was on a bungee cord only because the tax policy, deregulation, and aggressive dealings with china and other cheating nations gave us an incredibly strong economy as if it were on rocket fuel. now, because it was strong, it is coming back, and joe biden
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has nothing to take credit for it. nothing whatsoever. >> raymond: tom, i want to get into the national polls in a moment. trump is polling higher in almost every poll on the economy, higher than biden. how important is that and will it be to this reelection bid? >> oh, it is usage, the strongest suit. if you want to know a why, trump said still almost 50% in real clear politics and channeling the economy and the approval of the economy. his approval of the handling of the coronavirus is down about 40%. joe biden doesn't want to talk about the economy but shift the narrative back to the coronavirus because that is where trump is weakest and obviously trump wants to highlight these numbers. he's going to need a strong economy over the next four months to repress that case because it is by far right now his biggest asset in terms of winning the election. >> raymond: we are hearing a lot about the national
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trump/biden matchup. currently, real clear politics, the average has biden up. nine points nationally. tom, what are the most important metrics we should be and focused on the state of overarching head-to-head? >> well, obviously as we learned in 2016 and you follow the elections we don't have a national election but we have state elections and so there are 6 battleground states that everybody is focused on rightna now. arizona, florida, north carolina, a michigan, pennsylvania and wisconsin. that is where the elections will bey decided. so focus on where the races in that state. trump is behind in those states anywhere from 3% to 7%, actually not so different where he was this point in 2016 against hillary clinton. >> raymond: exactly. >> he is certainly now in a position of being the underdog. but again, the election is not held them all but four months from now and there still a lot of time. n >> raymond: governor, i want direction to the media's take on these polls. watch this and then react.ll
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>> there is no precident in modern time for the comeback the president must mount. >> the polling is saying this is not working for his base. >> when historians are back, they will not have any questione as to why donald trump's poll numbers collapsed away they did. >> raymond: governor, your thoughts. >> i think they are celebrating a little too soon. it reminds me of 2016. i don't remember how many timesi on fox i had arguments with other fox personalities and hosts because they said there was no pathway for donald trump to win. raymond, i was going to say he is going to win, he is going to win and i was called an idiot for saying it. most of the people are the people that you just showed. they live in the bubbles of washington and new york and silicon valley and hollywood. they don't live out in the middle of america where people are sick and tired of this month. donald trump has a lot of people who support him, who will notn tell a pollster. they will not put a yard sign up
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because they don't want to be called a racist or a xenophobe or whatever is popular today. but they will go vote for him because they know he is fighting for them. they realized joe biden doesn't even know there is a fight going on. >> raymond: laura, i spoke to her earlier today and she said the biden choice means your taxes are going up and mount rushmore is coming down. how might this rioting and instruction of statues affect this race, tom? >> yeah, i mean, look, this is rapidly becoming the backup. i think the economy is still going to be a major factor, but this race is also morphing into protest and police reform. it is now a contest of doe you think america is a great country and a great place to live in are you thankful to be a big part of it, or do you not like america?w do you hate america? do you think it is an oppressive society?
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that is where donald trump actually, that is not battleground for him to run on because joe biden may not be a radical, but he is going to represent those radicaln elemens of the democratic party. that is the choice, you know, elections are usually, when reelection referendums, the incumbent and that is what it will be for donald trump or at enleast is right now. they want to make it a choice. look, you may not like my styley things aboutyo me, but if you don't want to vote for me, you have to vote for this. they want that to be joe biden will represent that weather economic policy or cultural issues in play, that is the debate that will take place. >> raymond: it feels like 1968 where he tied to his democratic challenger. a new usa poll today shows massive enthusiasm gap between biden and trump here are breakdown 50% of trump voters excited by only 27% of biden voters say the same.
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how do you think that will affect turnout in the final tally, governor? >> raymond, that is a big, big factor in election. you want momentum on your side in terms your voters will swim across the river at flood stage to go vote for you. if there is a drop of rain, biden supporters will stay home. i don't see any enthusiasm for him. wss the only thing biden can honestly say is, hey, i'm not donald trump for those people who hate donalday trump. but what he can say is listen to my great vision for america. i've been in politics for 50 years, and i have nothing to show for it except i'm a terrible plagiarist, and i've been caught time and again stealing other people's material. that is his claim to fame. i don't think it pans out like people think it does. yes, the president needs to revt it up a little bit. change something. but i believe he will win. >> raymond: i want both of you to react very quickly. a new group was formed this week.
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former george w. bush officials are banding together to support joe biden. now, did any of these people vote for hillary clinton last time? is this the kiss of death for biden? tom bevan and then the governor. >> is that the kiss of death for biden? no and it's not the kiss of death for donald trump either. >> these kinds of groups get a lot of attention in the media do not represent a large number of people. it is a marginal thing and won't make a difference. >> raymond: governor, we saw physicians, sciences, generals come out in the last election and neither -- will this effortg work? >> it only ramps his base up more and those people who think they are important. here is my reaction, we will see you after the election. [laughter] >> raymond: a wonderful place to leave it but save the yawns until the end of the hour. tom, governor huckabee, thank you for being here. we asked the question, what do these protesters really want and who are they?
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♪ >> raymond: welcome back to "the ingraham angle." the protest in new york city are not dying down despite this it is promised to cut the police budget. in fact, in terms of rhetoric, things seem to be heating up for the policeman. >> they don't care about me. they can also tell you that. they don't care about you. be [bleep] they will kill you! they don't like you. >> raymond: what kind of person harasses the police officer that way? and a black officer no less? who would attend a protest night after night to do the same? senator mike lee took a stab at answering those questions today. >> the phony drama addicts.
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adults by social mediaro cultur. that taught them to be victims instead of citizens. a privileged, self absorbed crimes and advocate trying to find the other have spent on on his productive life building. >> raymond: my next guest says what we are seeing play out is not a marxist revolution, but something far broader. and it has everything to do with donald trump. joining me now, sohrab ahmari, op-ed editor at new york post and author of "the broken thread: the wisdom of tradition and chaos." we need that. we have been led to believe that these are marxist protesters. now, you just wrote a new piece in the spectator that makes a different case. who are thesee
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tecounterrevolutionaries? >> i think there are elements in these movements that are from the far left and peace. but what i argue is, first of all, if you see new york and you are in new york like i am, middle-class, upper middle-class children. but even beyond that, looking at who is actually in the streets, what speaks to me who is supporting this? i don't deny there is a grassroots element, but i also see it mainly in a very telling way as revolution what you might call the laptop or neoliberal leak, people in the professional managerial class, class, large corporations "the expert class." these are people threatened by 2016, which i think was the real revolution out of the year both voters in the united states but also in europe voted for movements like
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president donald trump, for brexit, other movements. and they turfed out for the first time, they turfed them out of power in decades. they saw that as a threat. so in the four years that followed from arraignment, they did one thing after another, starting with a collusion prober then you had farcical impeachment process. and then in britain, you had three years of trying to sort with the british people had decisively chosen at the ballot box, which is free the european union. i see this as one more element of thatt process. everything else, and i'm not saying it is a conspiracy. just a tendency of a certain class.ha >> raymond: you are saying this is a class war. and the question is why are big companies like brooks brothers,n walmart, netflix, why are they signing onto this movement?n it seems they would undermine their outcomes and their
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well-being. >> i can, i'm not sure because i think the people who are basically, these companies are not dumb. w w and so if they don't act against their own interest. somebody has to ask, if anyone seriously believes that revolution threatens the interest of the american establishment like you said, walmart, amazon, nike netflix, the universities. these movements really threaten the interest materially, would they support it? they wouldn't. i would argue that their material interest lies in trade with china. and so, president trumpou and movements like president trump and brexit have thrown a wrench in their economic working. >> raymond: very t quickly, but the breakdown of the policing are called to disband the police
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and defund it. it doesn't fit this theory, does it? >> i think it does, because look, because some of the wealthiest people in my social circle are also the ones supporting the defund the police because they can afford private security. >> raymond: private security, it doesn't affect them. it's always personal, sohrab. we will leave it there. thank you so much. we will have you back. we will drive you into the covid treatment study that confirms what "the ingraham angle" has been telling you for months and important programming note. do not miss this. stay there. ♪ rtant programming note. do not
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♪ >> not only does hydroxychloroquine not work to fight covid, it can actually make patient sick or any of the more likely to die. >> there is no evidence that tells us that taking hydroxychloroquine is either safe or effective. >> there is right now no evidence that it works to treat this disease. >> raymond: well, a new hydroxychloroquine study has just dropped, and it could have all those expertsid eating their words. the henry ford health system in michigan tonight is announcing that hydroxychloroquine significantly reduced death rates among sick and hospitalized covid patients. in this much anticipated study, researchers analyzed the health outcomes of 2,451 patients over a six-month period. they found that only 13% ofed covid patients given hydroxychloroquine died while 26% of nonhydroxychloroquine patients succumb to the disease. joining me now, a cardiologist and ceo of fox whole cardiology.
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doctor, how big is the study for hydroxychloroquine? >> i think as president trump said it is a game changer for the united states. we have seen excellent outcomes like hydroxychloroquine in italy, spain, france, turkey,, morocco but it seems as though the people quoted refusedt to read any literature that isn'tmo generated inside the united states of america, inside of the united states. the study shows not just that this drug has mortality in patients withh symptomatic covid infections, but also incredibly safe when used with azithromycin which is what we've seen in the long island and we seen in france. 3700 patient study late last a month. >> raymond: this is a big one
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and dr. i want to dig a bit into the study. what it found regarding heart problems, the researchers write and review of our covid-19 data demonstrated no major cardiac arrhythmias, specifically no points that have been observed with hydroxychloroquine treatment. this would refute the media narrative on this. >> it does. it points to the fact that many studies have suggested there may have been a problem with hydroxychloroquine and the signals the fda was concerned about or unfounded but as we mentioned before long island found no problem and i coauthored a letter to the t editor, the british medical journal that reviewed this matter in depth. a the truth is that much of those
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issues probably occur because of sloppy medical care by the providers and using this drug in patients were not appropriate, basically patients essentially a few steps from the morgue. >> raymond: well, all i can say when i read this, all personal hydroxychloroquine, laura would love this, so said she's not here. cnn medical analyst and cheney cardiologist jonathan rayner said trump was foolish to put all of his hopes and hydroxychloroquine, watch. >> he banked on magical thinking that the warm weather was going to make this go away and that hydroxychloroquine was a magic bullet. he wished it away, and this is where we are.e >> raymond: the good doctor might have been engaging in magical thinking. what does this mean for them does appear, doctor? >> i know jonathan. he's an outstanding cardiologist with great skills and that the test lab but this makes remdesivir irrelevant. it has never shown it drops viral load and never shows
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mortality benefits. we have numerous studies that show this benefit with h hydroxychloroquine when used in patients with moderate covid illness. i think remdesivir, we bought the u.s. supply, something that was worthless, but we can share it with the world. i think the fact that we have 60 million will be great for the states where this will be desperately needed right now. >> raymond: doctor, i have to get a hard break. thank you for your time. following in the footsteps of a past commander in chief. find out who. stay there. ♪ guys, times are tough.
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but force factor's test x180 can help us man up, america, by boosting total testosterone. build muscle, fuel desire, and improve performance. get test x180 from force factor, the #1 fastest-growing men's health brand at walmart. >> raymond: it's time for the last bat. president trump is taking cues from a past president was a little out of fashion with the walk left, i'm talking with teddy roosevelt. he used to say speak softly and carry a big stick. well, trump may not be speaking softly but he was swinging a big
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stick at a spirit of america white house event today. he's got that babe ruth vibe going. tomorrow i will bring you live coverage of the president at mount rushmore. thanks for watching this special edition of "the ingraham angle." mike emanuel and the "fox news @ night" team take it from here. >> thanks, raymond, we begin with a fox news mike: we begin with a fox news alert. backlash against fireworks celebrations on the fourth of july, a national landmark, mount rushmore, the coronavirus pandemics as part of the story is protesters of the nation's history spread to how we celebrate independence day in the blood thickening in the debate over law enforcement officers after clearing out the chop and in took home a officers being told to remove didn't. line stickers. the united states set another daily reco
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