tv FOX and Friends FOX News July 3, 2020 3:00am-6:00am PDT
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sharknado. how about that? this happened in myrtle beach, south carolina as well, guys. jillian: can you imagine seeing that? jeesh. i cannot. jillian: carley, thank you. have a good weekend, everybody. happy fourth. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ jedediah: president trump and the first lady kicking off independence day weekend with a bang. brian: yup, the president will deliver remarks on mount rush more's fourth of july celebration that will be happening tonight followed by fireworks. not everyone is on board with that celebration. steve: they are not. welcome, everybody, to "fox & friends" for this friday. good to have you with us. look who is there down in d.c. our old buddy griff jenkins is joining us. griff, it sounds like tension is building ahead of his trip to south dakota and it sounds like protesters are going to try to do something this weekend. >> it looks like that's the case, steve, brian, jed, good morning. but you know, washington,
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jefferson, roosevelt and lincoln are going to get a very different treatment tonight than they have been in recent weeks. of the president delivering remarks, a fireworks display a flyover from blue angels and probably protesters as well. all of this ahead of major fourth of july events planned this weekend and demonstrations in seattle, los angeles, boston and the nation's capital where the president has a message for would be monument vandals. >> the earth of every american child. that's what we have is the american dream. nobody is going to chatter the american dream. not the anarchists, not agitators, not the tools, not looters. they are not going to have any impact on the national dream. griff: this has house minority leader kevin mccarthy says it's time to protect statues. >> the mobs of democrats encourage destroy property. they threaten and sometimes even attack citizens -- innocent citizens. i will be introducing legislation to withhold funding
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from states and cities whose leaders fail to uphold the law. griff: speaker pelosi still passing for some removals in the capitol and democrats in the senate bucking a resolution condemning mob violence authored by senator mike lee. >> the mob hates america on america's dime. it's time to cut off their allowance. griff: meanwhile ted cruz introduce legislation financially liable for rioting unclear if that will have any support. finally remember this guy back in june trying to tear down the jackson statue in lafayette park his name jason charredder. taken into custody by federal authorities and charged yesterday with two counts of felony destruction of federal property. that, a likely result of the president's executive order cracking down on desis he
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creators. brian, steve, jed. steve: that is exactly right. griff in d.c. thank you very much regarding that fellow at home jason. he is wearing goggles and venting later as well charged with federal property. allegedly, according to the documents, he has ties to antifa. he is also accused of burning that confederate general pike -- that statue earlier in june and shows him with pouring some sort of flammable liquid on it. and he is alleged to also have assaulted somebody at a another demonstration. and, jed, it does sound as if there they are worried about the emancipation statue in washington, d.c., which has been kind of pernght whaepicenter ofd like to take down next. the boston arts commission voted
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to remove that so the people down in d.c. feel like maybe this is our chance we can take it down maybe legally. jedediah: yeah. this has been going on for quite some time. just now that you are finally seeing some accountability. i think people are breathing a sigh of relief just because of regardless of what you want to change in the system and what you are rebelling against there is a lawful way to do that and everyone with a same mind absolutely noes that so i think people are happy to seat administration finally taking a stand on this and saying, listen, you cannot just go about this by destroying. you cannot desecrate statues and i think some accountability is finally in order and sewing the first steps towards that i don't think this will be the last instance we see and you will have to see an administration that is cracking down on this repeatedly, at least initially to send a message that this behavior will not be tolerated. brian: the guy shows up to take down the jackson statue with acid, chisels, straps. still don't know who started the firewall at the afl-cio.
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thankfully they were able to stop and it thankfully have a guy. this guy that he has links to antifa. okay. let's learn more about that can we? i think that has a lot to do with what happened in new york city and los angeles weeks after george floyd's when this thing went totally off the rails. ken cuccinelli talked about the retribution these guys and these women are going to start feeling. >> we are just getting started. we have hundreds of investigations running across the country will of courses prosecutions are done by the department of justice, law enforcement officers are involved in many of these. we protect and defend many of these locations and iconic statues around the country. we will continue to do that and lean forward to do it not only going to continue to protect the history of this country but we are going to prosecute violators
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of the law who vandalize property and history of this country or threaten or hurt other americans. brian: what blows me away and maybe it shouldn't the democrats -- this is something democrats and republicans could get together on. in fact, of the republicans pledged a -- basically a resolution condemning mob violence and democrats blocked it. so they are pro-mob? i don't understand, how could you block that? mob violence as opposed to what they -- what they're doing is having a commission that tom cotton presented to talk about renaming the bases. okay. that's organized. that's cerebral. are wee going to get a consensus and move forward. in richmond an emergency session they suddenly realized in richmond they had confederate statues the mayor says in annual emergency take 11 down. i'm not sure what's happening. i'm not sure these confederate statues you can't get a commission together. give it a month and debate it out and decide if you should move them.
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steve: you know, to jed's point, do it lawfully, don't just go take matters into your own hands. it is interesting, and, brian, regarding you are talking about how that resolution was stopped by the democrats in the senate about mob violence that was introduced by my leah man in utah attacked by a mob and then he was shot. the democrats did not want to encourage -- did not want to go along with that so he died right there. so anyway an outfit called caliber press along with police 1 did a survey of 10,000 police officers and given the dynamic where so many of them feel like they don't -- their bosses, the cities don't have their back. and it's a dangerous job. the question was, would you encourage your son or daughter to go into law enforcement and take a look at this. 7.5% say absolutely. be legacy. 8 in 10. 80 percent said no, i would not
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encourage my son or daughter to go into that. and then they asked. they wouldn't recommend their kids go into that and they were asked why they feel that way. and let's take a look at that 88% selected lack of support from the department. 83 percent said overall lack of respect for the profession. where does that come from? 63% selected increased legal liability and that's the worry with immunity if they take that away, duties of the job 63% they have changed for the worse and 58% concerned for officer safety. jed, half of the people surveyed said they were slightly or kind of satisfied with the job but 21% of the cops who responded said i have no satisfaction. i do not like this job that i'm doing. jedediah: this is unsurprising. i have been saying for weeks who would want to be a police officer right now and take on this role?
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you have an anti cop sentiment that's emerged throughout the country, backed up in large part by a lot of local leadership that has turned their back on police officers. you see that in new york city under the so-called leadership of bill de blasio and coupled with that you have the defund the police movement where you have the police being gutted financially where now you have police officers saying, listen, we put on a uniform every day and we go out and we seek to protect the community. and if we don't have proper funding, then we can't properly staff. we can't be properly supported. remember, these police officers, too have families that they go home to every day. they have children and parents and brothers and sisters. their safety matters, too. if they feel they are not being supported financially or otherwise, it's going to be a very tough sell for them to still put on that uniform and want to go out there every day to defend us and our freedom. it's only going to get worse, brian, if this sentiment doesn't shift or some of the leadership in these cities doesn't change.
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brian: i think the loudest people are saying defund. but i think most people understand the idiocy of it. sheriff alexville way have a talked about what the cut backs are going to mean to his department. >> 145 -- the last shot that it took at law enforcement and public safety. they already cut 400 million from our budget we still have to answer. one thing they can't even mouth the word victim of crime. no one is listening to victims of crime or law-abiding citizen. for some reason all of a sudden that's unpopular to speak up on behalf of victims. but i will. i'm going to support the hardworking men and women who are part of this community. we are not some outside occupying force. we didn't wake up one day and all of a sudden we are racist and not part of the community. we are part of the community.
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brian: cut back overtime. good job. so if things get bad. the coming are going to say i'm sorry i can't work because i'm not getting paid. if there are special events, sorry, we don't have enough security. there is riots? the street? sorry i put my 8 hours in, already. the new guy coming in? we don't have any new people come in. the academy has been shelved. a story out of minneapolis that the home of defunneled the police, it turns out that there is many people in the african-american who thinks this is absurd, crazy and ridiculous. including including the president and ceo of the urban league twin cities it. strikes me as passive aggressive against the african-american community when you do this and take this hit on a police chief who is doing such great job. and they know that the community will suffer as they try to reimagine policing. steve: the governor of minnesota asked for emergency declaration regarding the rioting and the destruction that they had after
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the death of george floyd. sounds like they need half a billion dollars to rebuild after all those fires that they destroyed. brian: can i add something to that? it was their decision to leave the precinct. it was their decision to abandon the whole thing. so you break out your checkbook. you take out your loan. washington wasn't in on that stupid decision to abandon precinct it. spiraled over to brooklyn and we saw what happened in seattle and they tried to do it in portland. steve: that's my point they didn't have to ask for any money had they stopped it at the beginning but they did not. meanwhile yesterday on this program, there were two amazing jobs reports released by the federal government and they blew away expectations. 4.8 million jobs were created in the month of june. the unemployment rate dropped 2% to 11%. and the labor participation rate rose to 61.5%.
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you know what? it looks as if businesses are willing to hire and we want to return to work if the government will allow us in the light of the pandemic. meanwhile, joe biden looked at those great numbers and said hey, don't celebrate. here is joe. >> make no mistake we are still in a deep, deep job hole because donald trump has so badly bungled the response to the coronavirus and now basically given up on responding at all. you know, a million more americans -- millions of them would still have their job if donald trump had done his job. trump wants to declare his health crisis over and unemployment solved. unfortunately he is deadly wrong on both fronts. steve: and joe biden, i think it was just last month was over talking to cnbc and he said yeah, this v-shaped recovery where it goes down and comes up, not going to happen.
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of course right now it does look as if, jed, it is happening. jedediah: yeah, obviously, this is still a heated election season. economy is still going to be a number one issue. we have seen a lot of businesses opening and closing and opening and then closing. it remains to be seen what the impact of this will be on all the economy and will be on voters' perception of whose fault it is and whatnot. president trump wasted no time in responding to joe biden on the economy saying that the economy will sink if joe biden is elected. take a listen. >> they are raising taxes on people and middle income people and losing jobs. so you can't allow that to happen. that will be all of this incredible job that we have done will go down like that. it will be a terrible, terrible sight. it might even be a 1929 situation. you will have a crash like you have never seen before. you put the wrong person in office, you will see things that you would not have believed are
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possible. brian: you know, the thing i would like to add is that everybody is on the record from rachel maddow to joe biden saying this is not going to happen. we're not going to have a v shaped recovery on may 22nd. i think it's also important to point out that joe biden two days ago said i'm raising your taxes and in congress they're talking about infrastructure deal focusing on basically a a version of a new green deal that was basically laughed out of capitol hill and proposed by aoc when she first got into congress. there is. it's not political spin. there is going to be a dramatic different feel to the economy and the direction if there is a new president in november and joe biden let you know i'm raising your taxes i'm getting rid of that sugar high that you got from the president of the united states. do you consider that a sugar high? i don't have a headache yet. jillian mele never gets a sugar high but sometimes gets an ice cream headache which the second it's over you can't wait to have more ice cream; is that correct?
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ing. jillian: i haven't had ice cream in a while or a ice cream headache in a while. brian: but you know the feeling italian ice. jillian: fox news alert. serious news here. two police officers are hurt in separate shootings in kansas city, missouri. a 9 year veteran of the force is in the icu right now after getting shot in the head responding to a call at a mcdonald's. police shot and killed the suspect. hours earlier another cop was shot on a city bus. that officer is already out of the hospital. another fox news alert as we head into the july 4th weekend the u.s. hits a grim milestone new global record for a single day. despite nationwide concerns. the vice president encouraged americans during his trip to florida. >> if all of us do our part, we will get through. this i can't help but feel that the resilience and strength and character of the american people shown forth today even in these
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challenging times we are continuing to see america's economy coming back. we will slow the spread. we will flatten the curve. we will save lives. jillian: surgeon general jerome adams will join us and give us update on covid-19 7:30 this morning. stay tuned for that jeffrey epstein's former girlfriend and alleged accomplice set to be expedited to new york to face child sexual abuse charges where she could end up in the same jail where epstein killed himself. delayne maxwell at-million-dollar new hampshire estate. she appeared virtually before a federal judge and ordered held without bail. she is accused of helping epstein recruit, groom and ultimately abuse girls as young as 14 in the mid 1990s. >> maxwell enticed minor girls, got them to trust her, then delivered them into the trap that she and epstein had set for them. >> maxwell has denied all
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allegations. president trump offering his condolences to the father of the teen gunned down in seattle's now dismantled chop zone. a family spokesperson says the president reached out after watching sean hannity's raw and emotional interview with horace lorenzo anderson sr. >> all i know my son -- he got killed up here and this is a 19-year-old. no that's horace lorenzo anderson, that's my son. and i loved him. >> president telling anderson, quote, your son is looking down on you and watching over you. gives me chills every time i hear that interview again. steve: that poor man. all right. thank you very much, jillian. so, welcome to "fox & friends" for this thursday. it is the 3rd of july and a federal holiday. the president something go to head out to south dakota today for independence day celebration at mount rushmore. native american groups are planning to protest. the attorney general of south dakota also a combat vet, he is here with a history lesson.
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brian: president trump heading to mount rushmore today for independence day celebration. already sparking believe it or not backlash, our next guest is a u.s. army combat veteran says president trump's attendance is a defeat for cancel culture. here to explain attorney general -- thank you for joining us, thanks for your service. first off, you were disappointed 10 years ago when president obama canceled his trip. why are you heartened now? >> well, i think everybody is very excited that we are having fireworks again. i think, like you said, we haven't had fireworks in 10 years. i think it's looking like a great day and any time the president of the united states
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comes to our state, i think we are honored. i think the president's policies line up very well of south dakota low tax, pro-military and appreciation for law enforcement. >> brian: vow four great american presidents on mount rushmore some saying going to protest because it's a symbol of white supremacy. what's your reaction to that? >> well, i guess i completely disagree. each of the presidents were picked for a specific reasonable. president washington for obviously the birth of our nation. president jefferson for the growth of our nation. president lincoln for the development of our nation, and teddy roosevelt for the preservation of our nation. this is a symbol of american exceptionalism. and i believe that there is no way of white supremacy. brian: last president there bush 41 also a combat veteran like you. and you feel some people are looking at these presidents and saying well america stole this land from the indians and put
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their presence in the mountain, how dare they. >> well, that obviously has been a dispute over the years since the time about 1876. but that case has actually been litigated to the united states supreme court. we are sympathetic to their feelings on the issue but i do believe it was not meant to desecrate the land but to honor america and honor our state of south dakota. brian: are you worried about dryness in the area and embers lighting a fire. >> we are always worried about it but we have taken proper precautions to mitigate those potential damages and i think we are going to be just fine today. >> and mr. attorney general. some are -- you know, you are witnessing they are going after lincoln statue. they are spraying red paint on washington's hands. they even ripped down ulysses s. grant and debating the confederate statues or just taking down flat out in an emergency action. as somebody who fought for this country and has a sense of
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history of this country, give us a sense of you who you feel about it. >> well, i am not for mobs or taking down statues or monuments or defacing them in any fashion. i believe we should work throughout democratic process. the state of mississippi had a debate on their flag here recently. and i think that was the proper way to go. we are ultimately a nation full of laws and due process. not mob rule. brian: finally when air force one touches down and the president gets out and the fireworks begin, what are you going to be thinking? >> it's going to be great honor of display of american exceptionalism for the entire nation. encourage people to come out and, see mount rushmore for themselves. brian: social distancing. >> masks will be available first off. they are not required but people will be able to have them if they don't have one with them when they come and i think that we have done a number of things to mitigate the spread of the covid as you probably know our
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state has not mandated these various policies that other states have. we are very proud of that and our numbers have he radio mansd low. brian: let me just tell you i was there a year ago not only are the statues magnificent. replicas they worked off of. the museum, the movies you guys have. it is so worth the trip. many people have not been to south dakota. i have news for you. it is packed. and it was a tuesday when i went. and i think it's going to be a really special day for the country as we celebrate our birthday. jason, thanks so much. i appreciate your insight as you prepare for the president today. >> thank you, brian, i would encourage you to, yes, come visit us in south dakota. we have about 2 million visitors to mount rushmore and a lot of great places to come see out here. brian: absolutely. pretty amazing. thanks so much. coming up straight ahead we move ahead. after the june job report shatters expectations. president trump praising america's ability to bounce back
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including 1.5 million new jobs for hispanic workers. a closer look at the numbers and the president wants agenda. that's next. usaa is made for what's next no matter what challenges life throws at you, we're always here to help with fast response and great service and it doesn't stop there we're also here to help look ahead that's why we're helping members catch up by spreading any missed usaa insurance payments over the next twelve months so you can keep more cash in your pockets
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nausea, restlessness and movement dysfunction are common side effects. when bipolar depression overwhelms, ask how vraylar can help. jedediah: back with quick headlines. miami's top cop is blaming protests for an uptick in coronavirus cases in his department. the chief says 31 officers who responded to george floyd protests have tested positive with 115 currently quarantined. and in los angeles, the mayor is now admitting a connection between the protest and a covid-19 spike after originally down playing the risk. >> talk again with dr. about that this morning she does think some of the spread did come from our protests. protesting without physical distancing, without wearing mask without having sanitizer. we just have to be mart.
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jedediah: covid-19 cases surging in l.a. county with a record of 13,000 new cases reported on monday. steve: the jobs report we had released yesterday shattered expectations with close to 5 million jobs added. the president touting the progress. watch. >> hispanic up. great businessmen and women. we built the greatest economy in the history of the world. and we are now doing it again. steve: here with reaction ceo lily. good morning to you. >> good morning. steve: it looks as if, with these numbers, remember, it was the largest one month jobs gain in history. and the biggest drop in unemployment in history it looks like black unemployment went down 1.4%. hispanic unemployment went down
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3%. when you look at the numbers, because big data is your business, what do you see? >> well, i see that we are finally seeing the industries that were hit the hardest. hospitality retail coming back on. and it happens to be that about one in four workers in the hospitality industry are hispanic. in fact, in states like california, texas, florida, it gets as close as one in two. steve, you are seeing what happens when you reverse this forced recession that the coronavirus put upon us and our community something impacted positively because we overindex in those industries that were hit the hardest. steve: right. it shows. clearly businesses are willing to hire and we want to go back to work if we can and i say if we can meaning if the government let's us. because there are still a lot of states that are slow to reopen. >> exactly.
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what's crazy is -- i can't see how we turn prosperity or economic reactivation into a political issue. we should all balance, of course, protecting lives and protecting jobs because at the end of the day, that's what is going to give us, you know, the pat to prosperity that we want for all communities to rise up. so, i'm excited to see that many people don't realize hispanics drive 74% of workforce growth contradicted 2.3 trillion in g.d.p. so the fact that these communities are going back to work is good for everyone's economy because that's what drives consumer spending and ultimately drives the numbers all the way you from the streets to the streets of your town. steve: right. landfillly, i know your job is big data, and you specialize in the hispanic market, do you have numbers regarding how donald trump was doing before the pandemic how is he doing now during the pandemic and ca
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extrapolate anything from that. >> absolutely we do. so mined almost 200,000 data points that turemg digital discussion before the pandemic president trump was in the 40 positive affinity and positive sentiments among hispanics. it did go down during the covid-19 crisis. i think, i mean anyone under a crisis is going to be put under a microscope. right now last number shows him 33% which is still fairly high putting all things in context, right? so, i'm looking forward to watching jobs and the economy get back to the want to issues because it is a top issue for hispanic americans and all americans especially in these times. steve: i would imagine before the pandemic, lili, jobs was the number one issue. now of course everyone is worried about the covid. >> exactly at the end of the day instinct kicks in goes back into
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your household and businesses and how do we preserve that in the midst of a pandemic. it's going to be really important to balance that message. special as the candidates get out more and more with biden trump having this discussion. this jobs report showing that we had a strong foundation before when you then enabled that foundation to once again take on the jobs, the demand, the consumption then we see it slowly but surely thriving again. steve: it was good news with that jobs report. lili thank you. >> have thank you. steve: have a great holiday weekend. >> happy fourth. steve: pandemic is forcing americans to learn to live with risks and that mite not be such a bad thing. >> forgotten the fact that risk is not always the enemy. risk is part of the reason we
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skin problems, and severe bone, joint, or muscle pain. are you ready? ask your doctor about prolia® fda approved for 10 years. >> as we approach independence day, i want to thank the courageous men and women who have served their country in uniform we vow to honor your sacrifice by forever defending the rights, freedoms and principles you risk your entire life to defend. brian: that's president of the united states yesterday. one of his two planned speeches. one of which he has happy to do at 9:30 president economic message and then the spirit of america. guy with great spirit of america is pete hegseth "fox & friends weekend" co-host iraqi war
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veteran and author of american crusade. we are anything but unified, pete, as we mount rushmore we found controversy in south dakota, didn't we? >> we sure did it's because of our educational institutions and the fact that we are trying to rewrite our own history. we understand our history is flawed. nobody knows history better than you do brian. we need to learn it, talk about it, discuss it, debate it, that's fine. but you can't erase it. i think it is -- when you think back on the fourth of july and our independence day and we are going to have a great show tomorrow on "fox & friends" on the fourth of july you think back to that very declaration. the last few lines of that they say they mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and sacred harsh. they knew think were giving up everything. these were men -- at that time men who could have lived easy lives of privilege and otherwise risked it to be renegades against the british empire because they believed in human
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freedom. they didn't believe in freedom for all women and freedom for all minorities at that time. we know that because of what they said and what they believed in and that rights are endowed by god. in the future those rights could not be denied. when the customs of the day were washed aside, often purchased in blood because of soldiers in the civil war. once those were erratic kateed by future generations, the promise of those founders lives true. that's why today america is the most free, the most tolerant, the most diverse, the most equal, the most justice country on human in human history. you ask any vet. they have been other places on the planet. they have seen the way other people live and how special america is they have also seen our enemies and understand how fragile america is so something like fireworks on the fourth of july at mount rushmore is a lay judgment the problem is our country is still fractured. so let's go back to basics and remember what makes america so
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special. steve: it should be iconic seeing the fireworks. i believe they start about 10 minutes after 10:00 eastern time tonight. probably see some highlights here on the fox news channel. but, of course, pete, this particular fourth of july happens during this coronavirus. and as the country reopens and country comes back. we are learning how to manage life you should social distance and wear a mask in close quarters and protect the vulnerable. even when you do all of that as our friend and author and tv host mike rowe says, there is always a risk. watch this. here he is with sean last night. >> risk is always with us and in the age of coronavirus, we suddenly are realizing that we have to balance our willingness to assume risk with the business of living and with the business of being safe but, right, not at
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any cost. and country is having a huge conversation around the reality of risk and we have forgotten the fact that risk is not always the enemy. risk is part of the reason we're compensated. it's part of the reason we are alive so there is risk everywhere. there is risk go n. going to the grocery store. there is risk now in opening the schools. we have got to figure out, pete, how to manage it. god bless that guy that requires courage it. requires planning it. requires individual risk thresholds. you know, in the military, every time we did a mission or training op. we did a risk assessment where you identify the hazard. you look at the initial risk and then you put in controls and have you got mitigated risk. well, as an individual in this country, no, we are not serving in the military as it pertains to covid-19. but you can look at your risk threshold, low, medium, high, extremely high walls the highest on the matrix in the military. if i'm more elderly or
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pre-existing conditions, i'm going to put in additional controls because i'm in the high risk category. if i'm younger and i have the ability and get out there and work where there are jobs i need to do to provide for my family, this is the moment to step forward and be willing to do it. risk is all around us. the jobs testimony that people get paid for are higher because of that risk or because of the skills are scarce. and he demonstrates that with the shows that he puts out. but i think each one of us are going to have to roll up our sleeves even more right now to get the economy back. and to provide for our families. there is no doubt about that. brian: pete, when we roll up your sleeves we will see a lot of the tattoos on your forearms. pete: it's true. that is very true. brian: who is on your show. pete: increasing by the month. jed is on the show so she knows what's happening. jed i can't wait to see you tomorrow on the weekend. i trial match steve's tan suit but i don't know if that's possible. we will see it's the fourth of july. i'm always happy when it is tan
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suit weather, steve. we have david webb and joey jones and charles payne. we also, jed, you know this already. we have grilling. we have a live fireworks show. i don't know how we are going to pull that off. steve: what? pete: this is what i am told it's on my notes. the army band because it's rv season chip wade is going to embark on a cross-country road trip. grilling tips army band. do you have that on the show. steve: we are setting the table for you are tomorrow. pete: it is our independence day and we'll do it right. steve: we do have lee greenwood singing his new song a new way coming up today. so take that mr. hegseth. [laughter] pete: thanks, guys. a great fourth. jedediah: see you tomorrow. pete: see you jed. jed jet as states spike in
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covid-19 cases. holiday could people people more at risk. tips for a safe and fun fourth of july. that's next. y'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past... they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. let's help protect them together. because missing menb vaccination could mean missing out on a whole lot more. ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. ask your doctor if your teen every time you touch a surface, bacteria is left behind. now, consider how many times your family touches the surfaces in your home in 24 hours. try new microban 24. spray on hard surfaces to kill 99.9% of viruses and bacteria initially. once dry, it forms a bacteria shield that keeps killing bacteria for 24 hours, even after multiple touches. try new microban 24. available in multi-purpose, sanitizing, and bathroom sprays.
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independence day would worsen the spread of the virus. here with advice on safely celebrating our country this weekend is fox news medical contributor and author of make america healthy again, a fantastic book, dr. nicole saphier. doctor, welcome to the show as always. happy 40 of july to you and to the whole country. we obviously want people to enjoy their weekend, celebrate this country. it's one of my favorite weekends of the year. but we also want them to stay safe amid this pandemic. what are some tips that people can take into account to make that happen? >> well, good morning, jed, yes, as we head into this holiday weekend it is essential that we celebrate our freedoms and our independence. since we are not under harsh lockdown orders anymore. what a great way to celebrate such freedoms by doing what you can to celebrate holiday. you have to know as we are not under those harsh lockdown orders anymore we have shifted responsibility to the individual as you know i'm all for. as we gather this weekend. we know that there are safe ways to do it.
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we can get together. we can be together and celebrate so, we want to try and keep things outside as much as possible. we know there is less transmission of the virus outside. but, again, you want to keep those gatherings to a smaller size because, whether you are outside or inside, large gatherings are not a good idea right now. so keep your outside gatherings small, you want to make sure that you are trying to still have some space in between people. you don't want everybody all on top of each other. if you are sharing a common bathroom. perhaps have someone in charge of wiping down those surfaces and cleaning the bathroom multiple times a day. you don't want to be sharing foods and drinks. maybe have people bring their own stuff, their cups or whatever it is. you don't want to be sharing. also you have to remember hand hygiene of course. i hope at this point everybody knows to be washing their hands and not touching their face. and let's not forget sun safety. the sun is powerful and there are rinks with the sun as well. it's not just covid-19. there are still other concerns we have. and remember if you are ever around bodies of water, please keep an eye on those children. everyone has the opportunity to
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be responsible and get together and have a wonderful july 4th weekend. jedediah: all excellent tips, doctor, as always. i want to ask you about some news that broke this week that was kind of stunning to many about china. and its relation toe covid-19. apparently china didn't report covid-19 in 2019 and the world health organization learned about it from a u.s. website. what do you have about that? >> as you know it makes for bad optics to see this week the world health organization officially updated timeline retrospechtedly changed it originally they said the world health organization and china had said that china had reported it on that date and now they have updated it to reflect that there were media findings and that's kind of you who they were alerted to it by the media. it's a little bit of a gray area because china. one of the chinese countries did
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report that they saw those media postings on december. people mishandled doesn't look good when you start retrospectively changing the timeline. especially when you are admitting that the reason that the world health organization heard that the novel coronavirus because of media postings and not necessarily from the chinese communist government. jedediah: well, thank you, dr. saphier. i feel like this is a story that continues to unfold and there will be plenty more to learn. we will follow and we will surely have you back to talk about it. thank you for the tips. i will start to implement them today. >> thanks, jed. jedediah: dr. jerome adams nancy grace and geraldo rivera all coming up.
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>> american dream is the sacred right of every american child. that's what we have is the american dream. no one is going to the american dream. not the agitators, not the fools, not the looters. they are not going to have any impact on the national dream, the national dream like no other. brian: american dream that's what the president says. president trump send as strong message to protesters, planning rallies ahead of the independence day weekend that's upon us. steve: this is he as the president and the first lady head to mount rushmore later today for a huge third of july
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celebration before independence day. however, not everybody is on board jed jed our very own griff jenkins joined us live as tensions build ahead of the trip to south dakota. what's the latest. >> tonight in the black hills of south dakota. washington, jefferson, roosevelt and lincoln will be honored rather than desecrated as the president delivers remarks. a fireworks display and a flyover from the blue angels. some 7500 people are expected to attend. this as the president shares a message to veterans ahead of this weekend. >> i want to thank the courtroom just men and women who have served their country in uniform. we vow to honor europe sacrifice by forever defending the rights, freedoms and prince pells you risk your entire life to defend. >> but he will be met by protesters. sue tribe leader harold frazier calling for the removal of mount
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rushmore blasting tonight's event lashing of our land with pomp, arrogance and fire hoping our sacred lands survive. this ahead of the major fourth of july expected. will boston and the nation's capital where a massive celebration is planned. dhs deployed resources to protect property from mobs. this as democrats in the senate block a resolution condemning mob violence offered by senator mike lee. >> the mob haze america on america's dime. it's time to cut off their allowance. >> meanwhile senator ted cruz will soon introduce legislation holding city officials financially liable for will tulsi gabbard rioting. remember this guy back in june trying to tear down the jackson stat due in lafayette park, his name jason croomplet harder taken into custody by federal
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authorities and charged with two counts of felony destruction of federal property. we shall see what the fourth weekend brings. jed, brian, steve? brian: all right. thanks so much, griff that was so disturbing on the 22nd to see andrew jackson statue almost hauled down and real quick we understand that the president's chief of staff mark meadows is the one who scrambled the police to go and stop them. barely got there still defined and a mess. that's where the rubber hit the road monument. hopefully they will have enough man and women power to prevent more damage. that didn't stop kevin mccarthy from putting together a legislation trying to get democrats on board to stop the mob rule and stop the push to erase our past. >> there has been no other country like ours. conceived in liberty and dedicated the problem session that we are all equal. so this fourth of july, every american should pause for a
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moment to thank god they were born here. >> some sigh lengthsed by the will democratic leaders including the speaker of this house are trying erase our story. whether it's a monument of abraham lincoln free ago slave or four of our greatest presidents. the mob of democrats encourage destroy property. threaten and sometimes even attack citizen -- innocent citizens. i will be introducing legislation to withhold funding from states and cities whose leaders fail to uphold the law. jedediah: i think that's very important that he is mentioning that about withholding funding. what we have siena lot of these cities around the country is complete abandonment of their jobs by mayors, by governors, who have just sat and watched and said, listen, we don't want to get involved. this is bad politically for us. we are not going to condemn desis he creation of statues and
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mob rule new york city went on that forced some businesses to close and whatnot. i think it's important because money talks. when you withhold that funding it speaks volumes also just to say there is a parallel running throughout this country right now. have you those that are defending american values and american freedom on this fourth of july weekend. and then have you those who want to not to take a phrase from 2008 but really fundamentally transform this country and then you have a third group that wants to do that by violent means. this is a fascinating time. i'm very curious to see how this plays out on fourth of july weekend. but i think you are going to see at love differences emerge not only between people and how they react but also between political leadership and how they react to the holiday itself. steve: holiday happens in an election year and it seems like everything is framed by politics. brad parscale, who is donald trump's campaign manager for 2020, he wrote an op-ed in the pages of "the washington post." and it's interesting, because you just cited 2008. back in 2004, the "new york
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times" had a big article that said the headline was bush rating falls to the lowest point and it talked about his polls and unpopularity about a bunch of stuff. and he talks a little bit about how gee, doesn't that sound a lot like the kind of headlines we are seeing right nau where the suggestion is that just as the "new york times" said that george bush would be a one-term president but was not. they are now saying donald trump will be a one-term president. but he says there are all sorts of factors coming in to effect right now, for instance, the president is doing all sorts of he is following through on his promises. talks a little bit about joe biden. he says when it comes to the most important factor enthusiasm, president trump is dominating. he says the unprecedented enthusiasm behind the president's re-election efforts stands in stark contrast to the flat almost nonexistent
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enthusiasm for joe biden interesting the campaign concludes with the campaign, the trump campaign has only just begun to define biden and introduce the american electorate to who he really is. a 47 year career politician whose actions disseminated american working families and betrayed black americans. so i have a feeling, jed, we are going to hear a lot of that going forward. >> yeah, that's why the vice presidential pick is so important for joe biden. folks are afraid many on the left will just stay home and be uninspired by joe biden and they will need someone like a kamala harris, for example, like an elizabeth warren to inspire them to get out and vote. remains to be seen who he picks. i think even though you have seen president trump struggling in some polls and that is a reality. i think that the people who really support him are very galvagalvanized to support him. whereas i don't know what that base looks like for joe biden. i'm not sure anyone does know
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that right now. brian: perhaps the president has to nickname sleepy joe not as bad as crooked hillary. you knew exactly what he meant. sleepy joe people want more calm and might work to joe biden's advantage. here is what he said to donors yesterday. is he doing a good job and raising a lot of money. put together 600 lawyers and a group of people throughout the country going into every single state to figure out whether shah chicanery is going to be taking place it's going to be hard. if it's close, watch out. he is trying to set up two things. president is going to lose and going to refuse to leave the white house. ridiculous, roaded in nothing. and then is he going to say look out for the president. is he going to manipulate this election. there is nothing to go on. he is setting the table for some type of corruption only way i will lose is if he cheats. where did we hear that before in the president had one hour of saying congratulations, you pulled off the biggest upset in the history of american politics, sorry, harry truman and next thing you know people
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were contesting the election. electoral college. russians given full credit. hillary clinton had to be convinced by president obama to actually concede. so joe biden is laying the groundwork if i lose he had to have cheated inexcusable. one thing you have to give al gore credit for he knew he lost by 500 votes in florida he conceded. he knew it was in the best interest of the country. ninks son conceded in a controversial election with kennedy best interest of the country. hillary never did what was in the best interest of the country and now joe biden is threatening to do the same thing. steve: i have think he is suggesting that given the challenges with coronavirus and the election, we may not know on election night exactly who won. and so they are just gearing up. >> he must have cheated. >> we hear that every time. meanwhile, yesterday on this program, we showed you the jobs report about 5 million jobs were created, unbelievable. the unemployment rate as you can see right there fell 2% labor
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participation rates is, as you can see 61.5%. it's very clear that businesses are willing to hire right now. and americans want to go back to work. but the thing is, the government is not letting us in some localities. meanwhile, the president made it very clear that this particular number shattered expectations, things are turning around there is great american come back going on. joe biden says let's not celebrate too early, folks. >> make no mistake we are in deep deep job hole because donald trump has so badly bungled the response to the coronavirus and now basically given up on responding at all. you know, a million more americans -- millions of them would still have their job if donald trump had done his job. trump wants to declare his health crisis over and unemployment solved. unfortunately, he is deadly wrong on both fronts.
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steve: it's interesting on the pages of the "wall street journal" today on the op-ed pages they talk about how states that kept businesses closed longer are taking longer for the jobs to recover. so, jed, if the economy had opened across the board, just as it for the most part closed down, those numbers that were blow out numbers yesterday could actually have been higher. >> yeah. that's exactly right. also remember that prior to the pandemic, when the economy was doing very, very well, joe biden didn't have a talking point. he had nothing to say on the economy. what was he going to say? oh i want to bring about policies that are exactly the opposite of this to achieve the opposite result? no, no one would support that so now i mean i hate to say it, you he is counting on this continuing in order to have his talking point because, if it booms again, what is he going to say again? that's a big problem. president trump weighing in of course as he always does on the economy and punching back on biden figuratively saying that the economy will sink if biden
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gets elected. take a listen to what he had to say. >> they are raising taxes on people and middle income people and losing jobs. so you can't allow that to happen. that will be all of this incredible job that we have done will go down like that. it will be a terrible, terrible sight. it might even be a 1929 situation. you have a crash like have you never seen before. you put the wrong person in office, you will see things that you would not have believed are possible. jedediah: yeah. so he talking about taxes regulation and policy initiatives separate from the virus and what those implications could be if joe biden were elected. brian: right now he keeps on saying the president gave up on fighting the virus. know what he did he? gave the responsibility predominantly to his vice president. mike pence is flying around putting out fires and making sure everyone has splice. i remember another president that asked his vice president to do vital work like on the swine
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flu and on ukraine policy and on stimulus package. his name is joe biden. so if all of a sudden this president is doing a bad job because he gave responsibility to a vice president, then is he actually condemning president obama. also, when it documents his handling of a pandemic, there was one, the swine flu. his own chief of staff, ron claim said they got extremely lucky in battle links the swine flu. it was nothing they did. look up the quote. it's there meanwhile, when you talk about the economy, the numbers are through the roof. the "wall street journal" says it. everyone is upset by it because they're trying to find some weakness in it and it's the 11% unemployment. i grant you that but gill says getting people back to work and 4.8 million jobs created there is really no bad side to that. >> you are seeing what happens when you reverse this forced recession that the coronavirus can put upon us and our community is being impacted positively. and what's crazy is i can't see
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how we turn prosperity or economic reactivation into a political issue. we should all balance, of course, protecting lives and protecting jobs because at the end of the day, that's what is going to give us, you know, the pat to prosperity that we want for all communities to rise up. brian: i should say lili gill have a let that, my bad. what he loves talking about is jobs. and if he can put together a jobs sector looks at every sector: tech sector up and down. put together a panel. they don't meet once every three or four weeks they update and presser after and not only show the president is engaged. actually give him the information to help move the economy forward. we saw that yesterday. so smart of the president to make his speech and get off and don't let any hostile press
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members get him off message. steve mnuchin take the tough questions i'm busy that to me was a smart move. power invested in me according to the prompter. jillian mele it's up to me to toss to you. jillian: did you a nice job. brian: you are right above. jillian: as we head into the fourth of july weekend, 55,000 new covid-19 cases reported thursday. new global record for a single day. despite nationwide concerns the vice president encouraged americans during his trip to florida. >> do do our part. we will get through. this i can't help but feel that the resilience and the strength, the character of the american people shown forth today that even in these challenging times we are continuing to see america's economy coming back. we will slow the spread we will flatten the curve, we will save lives. jillian: surgeon general jerome adams will give us update on covid-19 when he joins us live
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in a half hour. stay tuned for that two police officers are hurt in separate shootings in kansas city, missouri. a 9-year veteran of the force is in the icu right now after getting shot in the head responding to a call at a mcdonald's. police shot and killed the suspect hours earlier another shot and killed on a city bus. that officer is out of the hospital: suspects accused of killing jamal that showingy. killed in 2018 inside the saudi consulate in istanbul. his remains have never been found. prosecutors are seeking life prison terms. saudi arabia rejected turkish demands for the suspect's extradition. the saudi government halls denied any involvement in the killing here is a question. what do you see? is it a bird a plane an osprey carrying what looks like a shark really high above myrtle beach in south carolina. this whole thing was caught on
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camera. people have been going nuts over. this lighting the internet on fire. this video getting more than 15 million views online. turns out it's not a shark. it's a spanish mackerel commonly found off the carolina coast. i don't know, it looks like a shark to me. brian: does that happen a lot? has that happened a lot? jillian: i have no idea. i just attribute it to 2020. steve: that is great. why isn't the fish trying to get away. brian: can't believe it's flying. steve: maybe it likes it. i don't know. jillian, thank you very much. jeffrey epstein's long time associate now in fbi custody. nancy grace has been calling for her arrest for months and nancy joins us live next. lot of peoplo see their teeth turn yellow. i like to recommend pronamel to my patients to help them protect their teeth and keep the enamel strong.
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jedediah: jeffrey epstein's former gerald and long time associate maxwell arrested by the fbi. luxury home in new hampshire. she is accused of helping recruit and abuse girls as young as 14 years old and could face over 30 years in prison. former prosecutor and host of crime stories on nation nancy grace joins me now with reaction. nancy, this story has been unfolding and has been pretty amazing. give us the latest and your take. >> well, this is the latest. ghislaine maxwell evade authorities and where is waldo game for the last year since he was taken into custody. spotted in paris, in new zealand in and out burger in l.a. all over the world. the reality is she was hiding out in multi-million-dollar estate in new hampshire. she was taken in to custody and
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charged. she waived a detention hearing. and she is headed back to new york city either today or on monday, potentially in the same facility where epstein died. now all they have got to do is keep her alive, all right? don't let her commit suicide. don't let her be killed. keep her alive. because i guarantee you right now there are a lot of powerful people, men in the u.s. and britain who are quaking in their boots about what what she may say about them. all the way from wall street to washington. jedediah: nancy, do you have any predictions as to whether she will talk or not? i don't know if it would l. help reduce her sentence to speak but she has been very quiet. >> i have a prediction. jedediah: yeah. and it is what? >> yeah. look, you can't be sitting on 20 mil and be happy in the metropolitan ci correctional
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institute, right? so, in order to get a lesser sentence, here is her choices, if she goes to trial, she is going to be convicted. they have got her every which way but loose. on these charges. you know the feds don't play. about 90% of their cases end in conviction. they don't budge an inch unless they have an air tight case. they got her. they got her dead to the right. so if she goes to trial. she will be convicted. if she just take as plea, she will get a pretty substantial sentence. but if she keeps and names names, she will get a much lesser plea. and by the time she has been been behind bars for a couple of weeks, she will be ready to talk. it won't come quickly. she knows a lot. it's all up here. so they have to really work with her and her lawyers to give her a sweet deal to get her to talk. she will talk. jedediah: six federal felony counts. i mean, some of these girls as we said as young as 14 years old. essentially she is operating was operating a sex trafficking
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ring. these are pretty outstanding charges what does justice look like for these young girls at the time for their families? what does that look like for them? >> can i tell you something? i have prosecuted an underaged sex ring before. and it was very, very difficult. but there was a conviction these girls will never be the same no matter. what how much therapy, moving on in their lives. they will never be the same because of ghislaine maxwell and jeffrey epstein. just getting her arrested is a big step. i want justice. i don't want her to walk free like epstein did in florida. that's another thing to ponder. why has the public corruption team been called in on this case? they are looking at corruption of an official and if i had to-to-guess where it would be it
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would be down in florida where epstein had his way with the criminal justice system. what is justice? jail time for ghislaini maxwell. jedediah: this story is fascinating to watch. love having your breakdown as always. everyone is catch a lori vallow investigation with nancy grace now on fox nation. i will definitely be checking that out. don't miss it. thank you, nancy. >> thank you. thank you. jedediah: tonight will be an all-american celebration on fox nation honoring america's heroes. country music star john rich and the founder of folds of honor will host the event and they join us for a preview that's coming up next. it's time for the lowest prices of the season on
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♪ ♪ brian: this independence day we recognize the military members who protect our freedoms all year round near are a year. joining us now a man who doesn't need us to tell him that dan rooney still active and country music star john rich still active but forced to stay away from big crowds like the rest of us. welcome, guys. >> thanks, brian. >> hey, thanks, brian. brian: so sorry you are stuck with john rich, dan, i wish you had a professional with more diverse skills. tonight you will put all of that aside and what is going to be happening. why don't we start with you, dan. >> well, you know, a lot of people don't realize this but the fourth of july is a religious holiday. and if you look back all the way to our founders, brian, almost 50% of them actually had a seminary degree. and our country was founded on these religious prince pells, specifically freedom and our free will and our god given rights that we are created equal
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with equal opportunities and so i called general up a couple months ago hey, brother do a revival bring together country music stars and have them sing a couple songs but also share their favorite bible verse, that's how this whole thing started and we are going to blow it up tonight on fox nation fox nation presents friday night live and john rich you took that call. i assume you will confirm dan's story what kind of lineup are we looking at tonight. >> some of the biggest stars in country music and even a couple outside of country music. my favorite gospel act in the world the isaacs are going to be here as well. clint black is coming. lee brice is coming. lone star is coming which is my original band. i'm actually going to sing lead with lone star, that's the first time i have done that since the mid 1990s, to dan's point our country was founded on god, you know, on belief in him.
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and you know, it says many times in the scripture we have free will. got gave us free will. he wants his people to be free and make our own decisions and this country was based on that exact thing this is a cool way to enter the fourth of july weekend with a lot of great country music and entertainment and a lot of substance about what really makes our country tick and what we're all about. brian: folds of honor dan rooney on quite often wouldn't be surprised if we are matching your 401(k) and fox nation. and tonight all-american friday night show live tonight. what time does it all kick off? >> we are 4 to 6 central time, brian. i know that's 5 to 7. not very good at math on the east coast. fox nation, you don't have to have a subscription to tune. in fox cool part it's going to benefit folds of honor and provide education for spouses and children who have had someone killed or disabled defending our
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freedoms. brian: which can you give right now. by the way, we are just -- going to throw an audible in into this conversation and bring in anthony hooker. the ceo of southeastern grocers. anthony, you have been working for folds of honor for this great cause for a while now, right? that's right, good morning, brian and everybody. we launched this company and with you and "fox & friends" six weeks ago on memorial day weekend set an ambition of $2 billion higher than last year we were a little bit apprehensive. what i can tell you and the viewers today on behalf of our 50,000 associates and customers is we have blown that target away, brian. and we have doubled last year's performance and donation to the tune of over $2.4 million. brian: get out of here. 2$2.4 million for folds of hono. [how did you get people to raise
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money? >> so, we had what we call a round up campaign. so our customers throughout the southeast, throughout our will will -- were able to come to the store and to get to the check out and their bill comes to a certain number of cents and the cashier says to them would you like to round up on behalf of folds of honor? st and most of our customers couldn't be proud of our customers that did this day in and day out. couldn't be more proud of our associates going through a pandemic right now on the front lines, couldn't be more proud of them. our customers rounded up their bill to the nearest dollar and guess what? we raised $2.4 million double what we did last year in reverence to those who are fallen for our freedom. brian: awesome. southeastern grocers to everyone who contributed in a time in which you guys are working doing heroic work. those men and women in your grocery stores still giving back. folds of honor is there john rich, you got it deliver tonight. bring up your all-star lineup and make sure dan does something, okay? >> dan is going to be a doing a
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little tap dancing while i'm singing it's going to be great. brian: is he also a fighter pilot and great golfer. i can't handle if he has any more scols skills. dan rooney congratulations on 2.4 million. dan you made a difference to everyone who contributed john rich never miss anything that you do. thanks so much to all of you, that's a great check. make sure. >> better look than me. >> thanks. 500 lives changed. everybody there rounded up. thank you. brian: that's a lot of scholarships, thanks, guys. we move ahead. we head into the holiday weekend. as we do that the white house is issuing new travel guidelines. so, how can americans stay safe and celebrate? surgeon general jerome adams next. i should get a quote. do it. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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ahead of the holiday weecketd weekend. ashley astronomer joins us live with the action leaders are taking right now. >> 55,000 new covid-19 cases as the country enters the fourth of july weekend. four states including arkansas montana and georgia record highs in daily reported cases. texas governor greg abbott is declaring a public mask mandate effective today and chicago is requiring travelers from certain hot spots to quarantine for two weeks. impact people from 15 different states. vice president pence visited florida yesterday. one of those hot spots. and the state reported about 10,000 new cases yesterday. the vice president told all americans to stay hopeful. listen. >> if all of us do our part we will get through. this i can't help but feel that the resilience and the strength, the character of the american people shown forth today that even in these challenging times we are continuing to see america's economy coming back.
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we will slow the spread. we will flatten the curve. we will save lives. >> but the nation's top infectious disease experts dr. anthony fauci giving a grim warning. the u.s. could be heading towards a greater outbreak if states don't get the virus under controlled aing to dr. fauci's concern, 40 states saw a rise in covid-19 cases, yesterday? steve: all right. ashley, thank you very much. 18 minutes before the top of the hour on this federal holiday. let's bring in dr. jerome adams the u.s. surgeon general and he joins us right now from d.c. from surgeon general, good morning to you. >> good morning. steve: we see these numbers and they are going the wrong way. some are suggested some states opened up too fast reopened as we try to come back from. this do you blame states from reopening too fast or the fact that some people in some locations they see hey, we are in phase 2. it's over. and then they go and they don't practice social distancing and
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wear masks and protect the vulnerable? >> well, great question and what i say to people is that in some sense it doesn't matter if you reopen, if people -- when you reopen if people don't follow the measures that we recommended all along when you reopen. i will give you an example. look at california. they shut down early. they had some of the strictest measures. they reopened slowly and later than other places. and they are seeing a resurgence there what the message the american people need to hear is that we have the power to control the spread of covid if we take simple measures regardless of where you are in your reopening and when you reopen. and that includes when you go out in public, staying 6 feet apart at least whenever you can. and making sure you are wearing a face covering. you have heard the secretary -- secretary azar and vice president pence say this and have you heard me say testimony times. these are instrumentsdz of freedom. i know a lot of people feel they inhibit their choice and their freedom. but if more of us wear these, we
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will slow the spread of disease and get back to worship, get back to work and get back to school sooner. >> doctor, you are talking about face masks and that has been a key topic of debate in terms of whether it should be voluntary or mandatory that those face masks are worn. texas is now requiring the face mask. what ar make of that distinctio? should it be voluntary or should it be mandated? >> i was in georgia yesterday with governor kemp and we got this question a number of times. here's where i am on this. when you look at now who is susceptible to this disease, it is people under the age of 35. i have kids who are in high school younger people and we know that in many cases the best way to make sure they are not going to do something to tell them they have to do it. and when you do make something mandatory, people are only going to do it when you are watching them and enforcing it. i want people to go it because they know it's the right thing to do and because they feel like they get a benefit out of it. while we support any governor or
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any place that wants to have a mandate. i think the most important thing is that people understand why they are wearing a face covering. you are wearing it because 40% or 50% of people who spread the disease would do it without symptoms. >> without even knowing that they have it. you do it because if you want to have college football in the fall, you need to wear a face covering. if you want to have prom next spring or go on spring break, you need to wear a face covering. these will actually increase options and freedom if you wear them and i think if more people know that more people will do the right thing without a mandate whether you have a mandate or not. brian: as you look at the spread in arizona, florida, and texas, the numbers are going up. but the death rate is not. it's remaining flat. why is that? >> well, we have got to be careful. we know that deaths lag at least two weeks and could lag even more. remember, in the beginning, nursing homes were hit really hard. and the majority of our deaths were occurring in people who were 60, 65 and older.
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now the majority of cases are in people who have an average age of 35. and so those folks are going to have lesko morbidity, less likely to end up in the hospital and to die. what we are really worried about, particularly with young people, is if they get it and then they spread it to their grandmother or to their grandfather. if you go out this weekend, again, please, wear face covering, practice social distancing and if you live with someone who is vulnerable, please take extra precaution so you don't take it to home to them. vulnerable being older or with diabetes, high pressure, obesity or any of the risk factors that are on steve: you know, mr. surgeon general i think it was back in april the fda discouraged people from taking hydroxychloroquine. but a new study of 2500 patients at the henry ford hospital system out in the detroit area looked at hydroxychloroquine and what they discovered is that it is significantly lowering the death rate of the 2500 who are
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hospitalized. 13% of those who were treated with it, 13% died. but, those who were not treated with it, double the number died. 26%. is the government going to look at this again? because, according to henry ford, it looks like it works. in some people. >> well, we are -- well, we are learning new things about this disease each and every day. and the fda, the cdc, nih and many outside partners are trying to come up with the best treatments. this is important for people to know. we are in a vastly different place than we were two months, three months, four months ago. we have proven treatments like remdesivir. we know steroids work. convalesce sent plasma is available. if you are had coronavirus and recovered please give blood because you is can save lives with convalescent plasma. continue to look at the full array out there and give people the best chance to be able to survive. the one thing i would say to you as the nation's doctor is if you are thinking about any
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medication. please talk to your health provider first. they can give you the best advice based on your risk factors and what will help you. brian: hurt. dr. jerome adams great advice, thank you so much. >> remember, covid stops with me. you have the power to slow the spread of this disease if you wear a face covering when you go out and check out or go on my twitter handle. i'm seconding out messages all over the weekend encouraging people to stay safe and helping them understand how they can do that. brian: all right, dr. adams, good job. all right straight ahead. get ready to party like a patriot in your own backyard. skip geddle is here to show a portable flag pole and other ways to celebrate america's outdoors in your outdoor backyard patio. ♪ hands up ♪ playing my song ♪ know i'm going to be okay ♪ yeah ♪ it's a party in the u.s.a. ♪
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just between us, cleaning with a mop and bucket is such a hassle. well i switched to swiffer wet jet and it's awesome. it's an all-in-one that absorbs dirt and grime deep inside. and it helps prevent streaks and haze. stop cleaning. start swiffering -always have been. -and always will be. never letting anything get in my way.
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it because it's telescopic. >> yeah. it's totally diy installation, steve. this thing is just amazing. this is the phoenix telescoping alum aluminum flag pole atlantic flag and pole. it's super high quality. i did a lot of research to find the best one from my house. this is really easy installation. comes with a really great quality fabric stitched flag and also a second flag which you fly the patriot eagle. so this flag pole aloys to you fly two flags on it. it's got swivel rings so there is no ropes and pullies. very easy to operate it. comes with a solar topping light to light your flag at night and also a golden eagle. now, when you raise this up. it -- raise it right up to 20 or 25 feet. so it is very easy to put up and pull down. steve, the whole installation took me 30 minutes with this sleeve simply with a shovel a bag of concrete and put the sleeve in the ground and put the flag in and that's it. so the best part is, steve, this
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is all-american materials made right here in america by americans for americans. this thing is unbelievable. it comes also with these decorative ground rings and you also get all the things i spoke about today. so right now i have a special package that has all these things that come in a bundle if you go to the website great package on my site today and this thing is amazing. you are going to absolutely love it in your backyard. steve: i'm going to go on your website after the show and check it out. of course it is the fourth of july. skip, that means we need to be able to burn food on a grill and have you got a good one. >> oh, man, this is unbelievable. this is the biggest trend in grilling right now. these are pellet grills. this is from coyote. grand new pellet grill high tech. touch screen, allows to you smoke grill, sear. this is from coyote, unbelievable product. so let me show this to you. all premium 304 stainless steel. what makes this different, steve it, has a front loading hopper.
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this is where you put the pellets. can you put any flavor you want pellets down in here. and have you probes that go in the meat and it tells you right here what you are doing. so you could even bake on your con connection oven. the best part is this comes completely assembled, steve to your house and right now get it with a free cover and free delivery which is unbelievable and is super high tech grill. steve: skip, explain for the folks why a pellet grill you like it better than a charcoal grill? >> i do because it's really efficient it. burns the fuel very efficiently. it's very green. so it cuts down on waste and also emission. right now you have this grill with con connection features as well. i have a special promo right now. go to though code on my site promo code skip july 4. get a free cover with it as well from coyote. steve: check it out skip >> this is unbelievable grill.
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steve: have the camera guy pan around your backyard. you have the most amazing backyard i have ever seen. look at. this thank you, steve. i did a lot -- it's been years of work but i am finally getting it where i want. i have to tell you, steve, the best thing i ever did was installing that flag pole yesterday. >> this is the icing on the cake and i'm so proud to have this in the backyard flying the colors of our great nation. steve: very nice. people are going to have questions go to skip have a great independence day weekend. >> happy weekend. happy independence day, steve. steve: indeed. thank you, sir. final hour of "fox & friends" coming up with geraldo rivera, dr. alveda king and donald trump jr. ally? can it one up breakfast in bed? yeah, for sure. thanks, boys. what about that? uhh, yep! it can? yeah, even that! i would very much like to see that. me too.
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and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. steve: good morning, everybody it is friday, july 3, 2,020 your a federal holiday, meanwhile president trump and the first lady kicking off independence day weekend tonight with a bang, the president will deliver remarks at mount rushmore's 4th of july celebration tonight, and after the president talks there are going to be fireworks, brian brian: right, yes, but not everyone whose on board with this celebration, and he is sending a warning to anyone planning violence this weekend. ainsley: griff jenkins joins us live in washington d.c. as tension builds ahead of his trip to south dakota. griff: good morning and the fireworks tonight in the
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black hills high above washington, jefferson, roosevelt and lincoln as will the blue angels in a flyover, some 7,500 expected to attend where the president will deliver remarks but he will be met by protesters, harold frazier, whose calling for the removal of mount rushmore blasting tonight 's event saying we are now being forced to witness a lashing of our land with arrogance and fire hoping our sacred lands survive ahead major 4th of july demonstrations expected in seattle, los angeles , boston and the nations capitol where the president has a message for the mobs. president trump: nobody is going to shatter the american dream, not the anarchists, not the agitate or , not the fools, not the looters, they're not going to have any impact on the national dream. griff: this as democrats and the senate block a resolution condemning mob violence offered but senator mike lee. >> the mob hates america on america's dime.
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it's time to cut off their allowance. griff: in the house minority leader kevin mccarthy looking to hold local leaders accountable. >> the mob, the democrats encourage destroy property. they threatens and sometimes even attack citizens, innocent citizens. i'll be introducing legislation to withhold funding from states and cities who leaders fail to uphold the law. griff: and you have upholding the law remember this guy trying to take down the statue and taking into custody and federal authorities yesterday charging him with two counts of felony destruction of federal property likely to result of the president's executive order and task force to crackdown on vandalism, jed, brian, steve? jedediah: we'll now bring in
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geraldohrivera. you see president trump taking a very strong stance here saying looters and agitators will not get away with this type of behavior and you couple with his executive order. he's not standing for this nonsense is this the right message? geraldo i think that it is an extremely important message jedediah and i think that the president having unleashed it should stick with it because he was much less than par in terms of his early response to the rioting and the looting that followed the protests, some legitimate protests, some street looting protests that followed the death of george floyd. i he was a day late and a dollar short but i think the president now has his stride when it comes to our monuments and our public spaces and he is saying that everyone is on notice that these are protected spaces, they mean a lot to the american people, they are the property of the
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american people, and lay off brian: let's move on and talk about the 2020 election, and brad parskacc had an interesting editorial. he didn't bring up the fact that the president is almost trailing in every battleground state but he does say two things that are true. the president is higher than joe biden every single day every poll in the economy and when it comes to enthusiasm. here is an excerpt from his editorial. when it comes to the most important factor enthusiasm president trump is dominating the unprecedented enthusiasm beyond the president's relationship efforts stands in stark contrast to the non- existence enthusiasm for biden. how do you build on that? geraldo: well have you ever been enthusiastic for four months? people go up with enthusiasm, they go down and everything in between. as i read the enthusiasm meters, you know, i don't know much about politics but i do know that the people that raise the most money are generally
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thought to be the people who are being most enthusiastic with their base raising the most money and for the first two times ever in may and in june, the biden camp has outraised the president, so i think the president has a hard time. he has also a secret weapon. he has what the president has as a secret weapon. there are many many many people that i speak within every walk of life who are embarrassed to say they are for donald trump. they kind of mumble. the other guy has black lives matter signs, very often, you don't see a trump sign unless it's on a boat. so i think that in terms of signage the other guy probably has the lead right now, but trump has a wonderful way of making good long shots. he was a long shot against hillary clinton, four months out against hillary clinton, he was 17 points behind, he has a similar kind of mess he's in right now, he's got to be
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flawless from here on out, will he be? no, but he can start by wearing a damn mask. brian: he said he is. geraldo: good, good. steve: maybe he'll take kevin mccarthy's suggestion on this program and wear a mask that is red, white and blue stay tuned for that. geraldo in addition to being a journalist for 50 years, this is your big year, you also are a tv producer, and one of the biggest tv shows is coming up shortly and that is going to be the presidential debate, where you see finally, where the two of the candidates are side by side. we got a taste of joe biden's presentation a couple of days ago when he was there in wilmington and he addressed a small crowd and answered about a half a dozen different reporter 's questions. when you look at just the presentation as tv performer s, you know that a lot of people will decide who they want for president based on their demeanors on tv.
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geraldo: is that a question? steve: it is. don't you agree with that? geraldo: there's no doubt about it that the way people present themselves on that live debate stage when the whole world is watching, people pay a lot of attention to that. they pay a lot of attention to charisma. they pay a lot of attention to personality. they pay a lot of attention to who is spry and who is antique. who is glib, whose quick, whose not, whose got the zinger, who doesn't? i think that it just seems to me that you have a situation where both candidates for the highest office basically have 40%, and it's all up for grabs the 20% that's in the middle i think it's a very traditional american election that way. will it be the economy stupid? maybe. will it be disruption? maybe. will it be black lives matter? maybe.
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will it be tearing down of monuments maybe? will it be people feeling that they've lost control of their lives given the pandemic? maybe. but it's going to be the four months with issues that have come up one after the other, we have no idea how this thing is going to end up other on the fact that it's -- jedediah: don't want to interrupt you but one of those issues coming up for a lot of people is crime because you've seen an up-tick in crime in so many cities. we've seen it in new york, now in chicago we've seen it. now the mayor of chicago mayor l ori lightfoot has an interesting take on whose to blame for thatt let's play the clip. >> if the president was really interested in helping cities like chicago, he wouldn't be trying to attack the affordable care act. he wouldn't continue to demonize our immigrant and refugee communities. he wouldn't be demonizing the l gbtq plus community.
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he'd be investing in affordable housing. the president has failed to lead big talk, little action, and some places in the country, we call that all hat, no cattle. the president has failed to lead and it's obvious, every single day, the mountain of evidence of his failed leadership and failed presidency is just accumulating like a rising pile of and i'll let you fill in the blanks. jedediah: geraldo does that work to blame the president? geraldo: i don't think so, to me , lori lightfoot is an example of a failed mayor in a failed town run by a democratic town that suffers 18 murders every single weekend. i can hardly wait. i say that with deep regret. july 4th weekend, what the body count will be, how many children will be killed how many people will be mamed, how silent will black lives matter be, do those
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black lives matter at all? i think that this could be july 4th could be the end of the black lives matter. i think that what black lives matter has to do is let people know, let people understand that it carries a very specific mandate. black lives matter count because it counts whether black people are treated well by cops. mostly white cops, but if they're not treated well by cops , if they are committing crimes against each other, committing crime against children, four teenagers killed, two three-year-olds killed, one 20 month old killed in the last couple of weeks i think that the movement will lose all of its momentum. brian: that problem existed when donald trump was hosting the apprentice, those numbers were off the charts nothing has changed and she's made it worse. for her to not take blame or
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any responsibility is just typical with today's politicians thanks so much, congratulations on 50 years watch his fox nation special that looks back at his incredible career. thanks geraldo. geraldo: thank you. brian: meanwhile hears jillian with breaking news. jillian: good morning that's right so let's begin with this fox news alert weekend the u.s. marks a grim milestone. 55,000 new covid-19 cases reported thursday, a new global record for a single day. surgeon general jerome adams joined us earlier encouraging everyone to wear a face mask. >> these are instruments of freedom and i know a lot of people feel they inhibit their choice and their freedom but if more of us wear these, we will slow the spread of the disease and get back to worship, back to work, we'll get back-to-school sooner. jillian: texas governor greg abbott issued a mask mandate effective today. >> two police officers hurt in separate shootings in kansas city, missouri. a nine-year veteran of the force is in the icu right now after getting shot in the head
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responding to a call at a mcdonald's. police shot and killed the suspect. hours earlier, another cop was shot on a city bus, and that officer is already out of the hospital. >> right now, 20 saudi suspects accused of killing jamal kashogi are on trial. the washington post columnist and american resident was killed in 2018 in istanbul. his remains have never been found. prosecutors are seeking life prison terms. saudi arabia rejected turkish demands for the suspect's extradition. the saudi government has denied any involvement in the killing. >> president trump offering his condolences to the father of the teen gunned down in seattle 's now dismantled chop zone. a family spokesperson saying the president reached out after watching shawn hannity's raw and very emotional interview with ho race anderson senior. >> all i know is my son he got killed up there and he's just a
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19-year-old, that's my son. and i love him. jillian: the president telling anderson, "your son is looking down on you and watching over you." so emotional. back to you. steve: and he was not expecting that phone call. jillian, thank you very much. all right, 8:13 here even the east. the so-called gang of eight in washington briefed by top intel officials on reports that russia put bounties on american troops. retired four star general jack keane is here next with what they could have learned inside that meeting, and the general is next. from prom dresses...
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about the briefing but i believe that the president is not close to tough enough on vladimir putin. >> the white house said that if you don't have 100% consensus on intelligence that we shouldn't, it shouldn't rise to a certain level. we would practically be investigating nothing if you had to start off at 100%. brian: wow congressional leader s in the so-called gang briefed by top intel officials and the russia-put bounties on u.s. troops and let's bring in fox news senior strategic analyst and retired four star general, general jack keane. what do you make of this entire first the new york times story and now the briefings? >> yeah, certainly. well, i think what's really happening here is one of our intelligence agencies and an analyst in that agency based on information and evidence that that analyst had, either from informant sources, whatever, came to the conclusion that the russians were likely putting
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bounties on killing americans and they were doing it through their military intelligence unit better known as the gru, and they've been in charge of assassinate nations in europe, and the problem is none of the other intelligence agencies or some of the other countries involved in afghanistan along with us could verify that. i have sources in afghanistan that are all military and they cannot corroborate and believe me, brian, listen if our military commanders believe and have the evidence that the russians were doing this to their soldiers and they're accountable and responsible for their lives believe me, they would have the loudest voice in the entire national security team, because they're responsible and they're on the ground with those soldiers, and they don't have that evidence. so what we put a spotlight on a process that goes on all the time in the intelligence field that is a piece of information and the communities trying to vary verify it and
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they haven't been able to do it yet. brian: so when you look around and see how the russians want us out, how the iranians want us out, how the taliban wants us out, those are our enemies, why are we leaving? >> well first of all, it's plausible the russians be doing this , they're providing material support and they're providing money and they're providing small arms, and they've wanted us out of afghanistan since the day we got there because we're south of their southern border and they don't want u.s. influence there. is it plausible they would do something like this? of course it is. this is after all the russians and we got to speak clear-eyed about them. so, yeah, this is a push to get us out. to wear down the american people , increase the casualties, put pressure on this administration to walk away and they will be absolutely dancing a victory dance as a result of that and so will the
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iranians. they both want us out of there desperately because of the influence we have and the stability in their country and sitting in afghanistan is a democracy that's has four elections. four democratic elections, and that in and of itself is a dagge r to them. brian: and our presence there along with the education of women and the whole generation of afghans give people perhaps hope that that region might not be a hot bed for terror but vladimir putin had big news to the shock of almost no one, he has won himself basically a lift time appointment as president of russia. what's the significance for america? >> well first of all, putin's popularity despite that is not where it used to be, because he hasn't handled covid-19 very well and his economy is in the tank, but yes, he got the national parliament and then the vote is just a staged event is all that is. that's pure theatre. that's to give him some sense of
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legitimaticy. this was done with his cohorts who put him in power just like president xi is in power in china indefinitely. that's what we are talking about here and putin listen he took over in 2000. he's a foe, an adversary, every day he wakes up he has in his mind how can i stick america in the eye today and despite that he's wanted to talk to us and cooperate with us on certain issues. it's all about putting russia back on the world stage, convincing the people that they are global power, but in the end of the day, there are serious things that he does that impact the national interest of the united states and europe, georgia is one of them, ukraine is another, and now in the middle east, in syria and libya, is trying to establish a base in libya like he has two bases in syria, and he's trying to influence in the middle east
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in a way that the united states has had since the end of world war ii. why is that? oil. oil, oil, oil. he wants to be able to influence and control it. that's what we're about. brian: absolutely. general thanks so much appreciate it. have a great 4th of july. >> yeah, happy fourth to all of you guys. brian: back at you and to your family. meanwhile coming up straight ahead homeland security is deploying a special trained unit to protect u.s. monuments this 4th of july weekend dr. alveda king niece of dr. martin luther king jr. is here with why learning from our history is so important. (announcer) now more than ever, it's important to lose weight,
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because golo works. golo is a unique approach to weight loss that targets insulin resistance and body fat. insulin resistance makes it easy to gain weight and harder to lose it. golo is a patented system that uses natural plants and minerals, and sound nutrition to help your body convert fat to energy faster. so you'll lose weight while improving your health and immunity. join over 1 million people who found golo, a smarter way to lose weight. let golo help you lose weight and reach your health goals quickly. head to that's >> we are back with quick headlines. miami's top cop is blaming
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protests for an up-tick in coronavirus cases in his department. chief colina says 31 officers responded george floyd protests, have tested positive with 115 currently quarantined. >> and in los angeles, the mayor is now admitting a connection between the protests and a covid-19 spike after originally downplaying the risks. >> i talked again about that this morning and she does think some of the spread did come from our protests. protests without maintaining physical distancing without wearing your mask, and sanitiz ing. we just have to be smart. stuart: covid-19 cases have been surging in la county with a record of nearly 3,000 new cases reported on monday. back to you, steve. steve: thanks, jed. as protesters vandalize across the country the department of homeland security has now deployed for this week a special federal unit to protect those monuments against a potential fresh wave of vandalism this independence day
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weekend. here with why it's important to protect our history, the niece of dr. martin luther king jr. , and she's also a fox news contributor, dr. alveda king. dr. king good morning to you. >> good morning and happy independence day, everyone, all over america. this is an important part of our lives. of course history is important, and when we do good things in history, we want to remember those things so that we can continue that as a legacy. when we do bad things we want to remember so we don't have to repeat that and do it again and i know that that is in one way or the other have helped in that process, but it's very important, steve, to just consider the source of all of the anarchy and the violence that is going on now with getting rid of the statue, et cetera. you heard me say that statues can actually be idols too because we can give more attention to what's driving that
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statue, that other things in life that might actually be very important that we need to remember as well, so i believe that the tearing down of the statues in a destructive way , you know, black lives matter organization is behind a lot of that and antifa and tear ing up real estate property and doing disastrous things that's not good but when you want to have discussions and perhaps put something in a museum instead of having it there to remember everybody, have everybody remember and fight over it those are good discussions that we should have. steve: right indeed, and you know, nobody knows more about peaceful protests than your family. i mean your uncle, martin luther king is what he was all about, had a lot of protests and they were peaceful, but fast forward to now, you know, with the protests that started after the death of george floyd, some of them became violent and we've heard that there have been some
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bad actors involved in it, inserted themselves into the peaceful movement and that has distracted from the goal of this moment, and this movement, and i mean, your family were for decades to make sure that your uncle was memorialized and he is the first african americans with a memorial on or near the american mall there in washington d.c. because the statue rather the stone of hope has that gigantic granite statue of martin luther king symbolize hope for the future and that's what you and your family wanted to remind people of what he stood for. >> absolutely and i believe we should have hope. we have to be careful when we begin to put faces on the monuments and all of that, and we have to know that there's a difference between a movement and an organization and so organization will raise money to forward agendas that are not always positive.
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movements tend to call for and move towards justice. that's why we call this a civil rights movement in the 20th century that's why we call it the sanctity of life movement and the 21st century. a movement for justice is different from an organization getting money and using it and doing destructive things to bring about an end that is questionable, so i think it's very important to remember our history. i am all for that, so there again, we want to keep the good. remember that. that is a legacy. get rid of what we should not have donald even when we get into black lives matter, all lives matter, ethnicity matters, we are one blood and one human race and then god puts us into ethnic categories that are actually very beautiful. so we don't need to fight over skin color, eye color, hair color, all of those kinds of things and we certainly don't need to tear up real estate and
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destroy things and decimate areas in order to get a point across. that's a very important for us to remember that. steve: absolutely and that's why the president had that executive order saying if anybody breaks anything or takes the matter, the law into their own hands they will be stopped by the feds >> he's right, yes. steve: all right dr. alveda king thank you very much for joining us, have a great holiday weekend >> you too, thank you, god bless you. steve: god bless you. all right straight ahead as i just mentioned president trump with a warning to looters and anybody else planning violence this 4th of july weekend. he said this , watch. president trump: the american dream is the sacred birth right of every american child, that's what we have is we have the american dream, and nobody is going to shatter the american dream. steve: donald trump jr. here with reaction to his dad's message, coming up next. you try to stay ahead of the mess but scrubbing still takes time. now there's powerwash dish spray it's the faster way to clean as you go
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"should i invest in stocks or not?" meaning, "are stocks going to rise or not?", let's instead stop looking at the investments, which we can't control, and let's now look at our goals, which we can control. in other words, we only want to take as much risk as is necessary to achieve our goals. we need to protect the money that's there. and that says you should be investing in...
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president trump: the american dream is the sacred birth right of every american child but that's what we have is we have the american dream and nobody is going to shatter the american dream. not the anarchists, not the agitators, not the fools, not the looters, they're not going to have any impact on the national dream, the national dream like no other. jedediah: strong statement there from president trump we are now going to bring in donald trump jr. executive vice president of the trump organization and president trump's son, don welcome to the show as always. so you see there a strong message from president trump to the agitators, to the looters, not standing for what so many mayors unfortunately and governors around the country have stood for , so what do you make of this strong statement in his executive order? >> listen i think it's really important for people to hear
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that. i think people have to see it. you see what's happening now. they arrested the ring leader of one of these monuments they're starting to arrest people that are desecrating public property this is not stuff that be allowed to go on and it shouldn't be so him stepping up doing that when governors or these mayors who have allowed this stuff to happen in their cities when they won't step up someone else has to, someone has to be held accountable, i don't want chop and those kind of zones coming into my backyard and that's what the left is trying to do. they want that to take over the rest of america. they don't want rule of law and that be joe biden's america. brian: well, don i have news for you. if you're living in new york and i believe you are, they're here. that occupy movement is right across from city hall and they defiled a lot of it and there's graffiti everywhere embraced by this mayor and across from trump tower, what's your reaction to
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the mayor with those words? >> well, listen, i think he's obviously been a total disaster. he's done a terrible job handl ing anything as it relates to new york. honestly that was the case require to covid. covid just highlighted his gross in competence, really so you see what's going on. they are almost encouraging this kind of behavior and that's the problem. this can't go on, we don't want it to spread beyond that. this is perhaps the reason why you're seeing spikes because you can't go to work, brian, you can't go to church, and you sure as heck can't go to school, but we can gather and protest and not be socially distanced. i mean the hipocracy that comes out of all of these people's mouths is truly disgusting. it's time to stand up for law and order and again if these mayors won't and frankly if they're sitting there encouraging the burning down of their cities the december e indication of monuments, this is no longer about racism any more, brian. don't forget they were desecrating statues of lincoln.
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i'm unsure how that works. grant, they're desecrating world war ii monuments dedicated to black soldiers who fought for america. this isn't about racism any more , brian and we have to stop pretending that it is. steve: i tell you what before the pandemic hit, don jr. , without a doubt, the economy was on fire and you know, we went way down but now we got two great jobs numbers yesterday. we got two yesterday because of today's holiday. it is a federal holiday. almost 5 million jobs created. the unemployment rate dropped about 2%, and the labor participation rate now at 61.5%. it was the largest one month job gain in history, and of course the president in comments from the white house yesterday made it very clear. we're coming back, but the big question is how far will we come back by the first tuesday in november? >> listen i think the reality
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is you know we're going to make a strong comeback. the fundamentals of donald trump 's economy, the economy that donald trump created where there was not a single economic metric where we were not significantly better off than before, he did that under unprecedented incoming with unprecedented resistance from the left, under impeachment , russia hoaxes, everything and he was still able to pull it off because he is a business guy. he knows how to build. he is the guy that can bring us back. will all of that come back by november 3 i don't think so but you have to look at the record. you have to look at the one guy that actually did what he said he was going to do as it relates to the economy. remember barack obama said oh, donald there's no magic wand for that well there is. we need a real leader who can bring this economy back who can regain and reset the goals and the records that he broke with the economy before. not joe biden okay who sat in washington d.c. as a career swamp creature bureaucrat.
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you can not name a single accomplishment of his. if he knew how to fix all of the things he's talking about now, fix racial issues in america, if he knew how to fix the economy, if he could deal with china, which donald trump also did for the first time in modern american history and got a trade deal done with them, so they stopped taking advantage of us, if joe biden could do any of those things, why didn't he the? one single one, other than help grow china in the first 50 years of his washington d.c. career. guys give me a break. this is the epit om eof the swamp. it's donald trump versus joe is the swamp versus liberty. this election is critical. you see what's going on. it's the election between freedom, and socialism between law and disrule. brian: famously your dad revamped his election team and went on an incredible role and won the presidency brought in
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steve bannon, kellyanne conway and others do you think your dad 's team needs a revamp now in order to pull off the same victory? >> you know i don't know that it needs a revamp. we just got to get going. don't forget in 16, initially the media was almost hoping for us to win not because they wanted donald trump to win but because they figured he was the best shot for hillary to win it's a little different now. we don't have that element of surprise. they see us, they know that we're real, they know that we're a threat, and the media has stopped functioning as journalists. they're not journalists. they are activists. they are purely left wing activists doing whatever they can to destroy donald trump. you saw that during the first four years as they're pushing all the hoax, all of the un corroborated things when donald trump's breaking every record as it relates to the economy. brian: and no personnel changes with your team? >> they are still going 96% negative coverage so i think our team is great. we got to get him to swing but recognize what we are up against and we got to recognize the
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billions of dollars in free coverups that the media is going to give to cover up joe biden's frankly gross incompetence, his terrible decisions on these issues over the decades, his terrible racial record, his terrible economic record building up china this guy is the best the democrats have truly says something. jedediah: don thanks so much for being here as always obviously key issue is going to be the economy and also the up-tick in crime in many cities around the country and lack of leadership in those cities, we'll continue to watch and follow the election coverage but thanks for your takeaway we appreciate it as always. >> thank you guys happy 4th. brian: you too. jedediah: same to you and we're going to head over to jillian mele for some headlines. jillian: good morning let's begin with this story we're following. jefferson's former girlfriend and alleged accomplice is set to be extradited to new york to face child sex abuse charges where she could end up in the same jail where epstein killed himself. fbi agents arresting her at a
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million dollar new hampshire estate and she appeared virtual ly before a federal judge and ordered held without bail and maxwell is accused of helping epstein recruit, groom and ultimately abuse girls as young as 14 in the mid-90s. former prosecutor and post of crime stories nancy grace joined us earlier to weigh in. >> she had tried to evade authorities and played a where's waldo game for the last almost a year since epstein was taken into custody. jillian: maxwell denied all allegations. new york city mayor bill deblasio pushing back on his plan to paint a black lives matter mural outside trump tower >> the delay is simply logistics. it's going to happen soon. a couple things we have to work through and the cost again, small cost, big impact. >> more than a dozen nypd officers and commanders were paid overtime to staff the project that has yet to
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happen. >> a former military translator credited with saving several american soldiers in afghanistan officially becomes a u.s. citizen. janice shumwari and his two children became citizens just before the 4th of july weekend and they joined me earlier on fox & friends first listen to this. >> we are free and we are safe, we don't have fear of deporting and going back to afghanistan. >> i don't know what i'd be doing right now without my dad. i'd probably be killed. >> he and his family also thanked the president for helping them become citizens what an adorable family they are. send it back to you. steve: lives changed all right jillian thank you very much. we're going to step aside here to perform "got bless the usa" lee greenwood is going to do it in a new way, coming up next.
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but bounce forward. and now, with one of our best offers ever, we're committed to helping you do just that. get a powerful and reliable internet and voice solution for only $29.95 a month for three months. call or go online today. >> country music legend lee greenwood is behind one of the most patriotic songs of
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all-time, god bless the usa. this morning he's here to share the meaning behind it and perform it live and he joins us from franklin, tennessee lee good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. steve: you are so busy and i see you're wearing your brand new proud to be an american t-shirt. >> you know, we got to celebrate independence even if it's from my house because we should have been on the west coast touring over the fourth of july weekend and we are quarantined still and that's okay because i'm live in new york. steve: and in addition you have a children's book as well. lee you got to do the number for us that everybody knows the words to here he is performing god bless the usa on the 3rd of july. lee take it away. >> thank you very much. a big shout out to abc supply in
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beloit, wisconsin. ♪ if tomorrow all the things were gone, i worked for all my life, and i had to start again, with just my children and my wife, i thank my lucky stars to be living here today, cause the flag still stands for freedom and they can't take that away. and i'm proud to be an american where at least i know i'm free, and i won't forget the men who died who gave the right to me and i'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today, cause there ain't no doubt i love this land, god bless the
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usa ♪ ♪ from the lakes of minnesota, to the hills of tennessee, across the plains of texas from sea to shining sea, from detroit to houston, and new york to la, where's pride in every american heart and it's time we stand and say, that i'm proud to be an american, where at least i know i'm free, and i won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me, and i'd gladly stand up next to you
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and defend her still today, cause there ain't no doubt i love this land, god bless the usa ♪ ♪ happy independence day, everybody! thank you, montana bridgette and mary carol. usaa is made for what's next no matter what challenges life throws at you, we're always here to help with fast response and great service and it doesn't stop there we're also here to help look ahead that's why we're helping members catch up by spreading any missed usaa insurance payments over the next twelve months
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>> there and children's book. lee come before you leave explain how you've teamed up with the u.s. air force for a new version of your iconic song? >> that was great, i've been a fan of humphrey for years, we had to do this remotely because we are in three or four different cities but, it was so cool. i kind of sat back for the first time ever and listen to my song and i could sing that different things i've ever seeing before. >> it is beautiful. thank you very much and have a wonderful holiday weekend with your family. >> thanks very much. >> and jedediah, good luck this weekend. you got eight hours, do you have it in you? >> i know, eight hours with pete
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pete. big fourth of july show for you guys coming your way. >> and even though it's a federal holiday, brian, i think you're doing a radio show? >> absolutely. have a happy and safe fourth. >> our brand-new twist in the jeffrey epstein case. his a his longtime mistress and former lover keying maxwell has been arrested. good morning. i'm alicia cuneo and for sandra smith. >> trace: good morning to you. glad you are spending this holiday that is the holiday before july 4th with us. on lee lynn fetter. maxwell is now behind bars in new york and accused of helping epstein recruit, groom and to be as underage girls. that comes nearly a year after epstein killed himself in a
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