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tv   The Five  FOX News  July 4, 2020 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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time with your family and friends. be sure to set your dvrs he never home, just stay at home, always that option. continue watching fox. we will see you tomorrow. >> hello, everyone. i am brian kilmeade along with lawrence jones, geraldo rivera, 5:00 in new york city and this is the five. welcome to this special edition of the five. the president and first lady melania trump are heading to mount rushmore for a fourth of july celebration. what could go wrong? president trump is set to give a speech where he will defend america's founders and called out the left-wing mob and that was pushing cancel culture. while the president is planning to honor america on his birthday eve, others are intent on tearing it down for the president putting anarchists and
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looters on notice ahead of the planned protests this weekend. >> the american dream is the sacred birthright of every american child. that's what we have, the american dream and no one will shatter the american dream. not the anarchists, not the agitators, not the fools, not the looters. i will also want to thank all of law enforcement, the job you've done is incredible. we signed a bill, you play with our monuments are our statues, you go to jail for ten years. it's amazing how it all stopped so fast. we let the local authorities handle it as long as possible but ultimately, we said let's step in and we stepped in and it stopped. >> the department of homeland security preparing to protect monuments deploying special units to washington, d.c., portland, and seattle, pretty good cities where you saw a lot of chaos over the last three weeks. let's start with you. the first president to go to mount rushmore on the fourth of july since bush 41, ten years ago president obama
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canceled because he was afraid of the fire possibilities because of the fireworks and the forest was drive. is the president taking too much of a risk going here where there could be native american protests and possible forest fires? >> i think that those dangers always exist. i think everyone is on edge. this is the least relaxed july 4th weekend in memory. you have this collision of our traditional expressions of patriotism with the social justice movement, all with a backdrop of this pandemic, 52,000 new infections yesterday alone. i just wish looking at the president who is my friend, i don't know why he refuses so stubbornly to wear a mask, why does he think it's unmanly. what's that? >> he's going to wear it now.
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he said a couple of days ago he will wear it. he will see him with the mask, geraldo. >> that will make me feel a bit more relaxed. i think that the real battle to fight here to do one over something so stubborn and so seemingly without real point is disappointing to me. i think it affects everything about his political chances. i think the vibe towards him is affected by just the little things. we want to get after these looters and rioters and anarchists and the facers of monuments and so forth, but we want the president to set an example and i'm glad that he will be wearing one if your report is correct. >> i think i'm correct, kennedy will verify that. as i speculate, kennedy in particular, i think it's going to be great. the backdrop of not rushmore,
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the president usually delivers a great speech. in south dakota kicking off the fourth of july was 7,000 people. what do you think? >> i think it's great. i think we have canceled so much, canceled celebrations, canceled history, canceled people's careers, and i do think we need to have some sort of celebration even if it is by proxy, something that people are just tuning in to. i know we are having a lot of conversations every day with my daughters about all of this, about policing and history and what we do moving forward as individuals and basic things like saying please and thank you and being good to each other and getting back to basics and one of the ways to get back to basics is to appreciate this incredible country that can withstand the turmoil and the conversation and the chaos that we are going through right now, and we can't do that by ignoring
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history but embracing this moment. >> let's say the fire, fingers are crossed, and things do go well and they don't get violent. a word about washington and the emancipation memorial, going to be a protest there and they say these very organized protest teams are going to be fanned out through all these monuments and statues and washington is full of monuments and statues. do you worry about the fourth of july being barred? >> yes, but also worried about the conversation we are having. the last time i checked, they were saying let's have a conversation about policing, making sure we have equal protection under the law but it seems like some people heard we want you to virtue signal. we want you to do unnecessary things that have nothing to do with equal protection under the law, so that leads me to believe that some have their own agenda because i've been watching all of the stuff happen across the
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country. the communities and the people here having these conversations, why are you doing that? that means you have your own agenda. i went the other day to chaz in new york city, and i wanted to see what was going on down there on the ground. they have their own police there, their own emt people there. it is straight up anarchy, they tried to kick me out of there. i'm the only one that was black in that circle and they are telling me why my life should matter. so again, i think we need to get back on track here. no one is asking for virtue signaling. we want equal justice under the law, but i think it's important that we start holding these bad actors accountable. mr. anderson's son died in seattle and there is still no answer for why he died and why the ambulances were prevented from coming there to save them. that's a problem, and those
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mayors need to be held accountable for this. >> i hear your frustration and i feel it too because i don't know who is agenda this is because i saw two african-american gentleman they on monday in seattle i don't know what this protest is, we don't even know these people, so what started out as equal justice under the law turned into a bunch of shirtless skateboarders creating anarchy while repeating the precinct. it's crazy, but looking at the fourth of july, do you think we could take a step back and celebrate? >> i hope so. i hope that during the fourth of july independence weekend that all of us see ourselves as americans first before any type of competing ideology and everything that is going on that is currently fracturing us. i know myself and my family will be celebrating and honoring this country and all it stands for especially opportunity for which they all immigrated here and i have to just echo lawrence's comments for a moment because i
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am currently in seattle. the president's comments when he is specifically addressed anarchists, agitators, looters, and fools, these are protesters, this is not peaceful protesting either and i think it's important for everyone to make that distinction because the level of destruction and absolute annihilation of these neighborhoods and cities are being undertaken by all of these competing ideologies and distracters that have nothing to do with what our constitution protects which is peaceful assembly or movements through the legislature, through changing things that way. of course, no one is going to pay attention to monuments being pulled down and set on fire while cops are getting bashed in the face with skateboards. that tramples on all of our rights. that does not elevate them, and a final point i think it is laughable and quite disheartening that now the local and state leaderships of minnesota in minneapolis were
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calling upon the federal government to bail them out, calling for a federal declaration of disaster so they can get those funds when it is their inadequacy, their lack of response and utter failure and their leadership capacities that let down their residence, mostly people of color and minority owned small businesses in the residence there. just like here in seattle, the chaz destruction in those lives lost were on there. >> and no coverage. >> they just couldn't fit it in. even though there is death and destruction and they were saluting it for a week and a half, great point and a minneapolis, when you gave up your precinct and told your cops to leave and they destroyed it, we are not fixing it so that's on your dime, time to go over draft in your checking account. straight ahead, don't do special live coverage of the event at mount rushmore in just a couple of hours right here on fox news.
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no reason to flip around. coming up next on this special edition of the five, the fourth of july looks a little bit different during the pandemic. we will tell you all about it next. you doing okay?
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>> welcome back. this fourth of july is going to look a little different this year as coronavirus cases continued to surge. beaches will be closed in california and florida while fireworks displays acros acrosse country are canceled. dr. anthony fauci says the country is not headed in the right direction. >> right now if you look at the number of cases, it is quite disturbing and we are setting records pretty much every day of new cases in the numbers that are reported. that clearly is not the right direction. >> experts fear that the holiday weekend will make the spread even worse. he was a surgeon general on the importance of wearing masks. >> the most important thing is people understand why they are wearing a face covering. you are wearing it because people who spread the disease could do it without symptoms, without even knowing that they haven't and you do it because if you want to have college
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football on the ball, you need to wear a face covering. you want to have prom next spring or go on spring break, you need to wear a face covering. these will increase options and freedom if you wear them. >> you were in los angeles, can you share how people can react to this and how they are approaching the fourth? old bay white wine and shallots, what a delicious pairing, first of all. the second of all, everyone who showed up was wearing a mask and it was great. and i did not mandate that people can wear a mask but everyone was much more comfortable and we all spread out in the backyard and that is just what we have to do right now. you don't have to stay isolated inside but you do have to be smart and the surgeon general is right. i want college football desperately. i need it in my blood, not the
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virus, but some first tabs for the ucla bruins. i don't think i'm alone here. >> with your man on the street segments and your constant reporting on this, what can you tell us about how the different regions are reacting to dr. fauci's guidance? >> with interesting is there's an antimask category. in i was in north carolina and pretty much everyone that i passed by were wearing masks. at the end of the day, this comes down to personal responsibility. people have to do the right thing. you've got kids, apparently college kids are spreading this because they want to do their own thing. if they are still paying for college and putting money on the site, they have to put some rules down to do this. you don't need the government becoming involved to monitor what is going on. taking some personal
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responsibility. >> you write history books and obviously host a fox nation show here so as we go into this fourth of july weekend, how do you balance that historic celebration and people going to mount rushmore with this guidance about masks and social distancing in crowds? >> i don't think there is a balance. outside mount rushmore in south dakota, they said you can do what you want but in california and florida, can't go to the beach. in bars in texas are out, shuddered again, fireworks played across the country are canceled so basically anthony fauci and company said the best thing to do was nothing and so far, we took the whole country and ground it to a halt. people gave up their jobs and livelihoods and stop seeing people over 65 face-to-face. how much more sacrificed we have to make? find a way to the science community to catch up. i thought you went to college for this. we need a bit more cutting-edge
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technology here. anthony fauci is doing blogs, podcasts, can he put on a lab coat and make some progress? don't put down the country pretty he said 50% of the country shut down, no, 100% shut down. it was you guys who told us not to wear the mask, the surgeon general who told us we can make things worse if we wore the mask so you started for two months telling us know and now you're mad at us for not wearing it all the time so a little surprised where we are at right now. >> can you respond to that? >> i'd love to, the defiance and his whole demeanor is quite impressive. seems like the grumpy radical for a second there. i don't know what happened, but we lost or are losing this battle. thought someone was going to cook it away, july 4th my
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birthday weekend usually a time of great optimism in the worst thing you worry about it as a kid hurting their finger with a firework, but now, it is so profoundly unsettling. i'm a pretty positive person and i like to spread an aura of strength and inclusion, but everywhere i look now, i see you division, discord, suspicion, when lawrence libertarian says people where there mask, it's when they don't wear a mask not that they are affecting themselves, they are affecting you. >> geraldo, maybe they shouldn't have lied and told us not to wear the mask. they told us specifically would not benefit us to wear the mask. meanwhile, they wanted to save the masks for the medical professionals. should have just been honest with us. we could have been making the
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masks. they lied to us and now they want to chastise us all for not wearing a mask. it's their call. >> what difference does it make? it's up to us now. >> the virus is clearly shifting and they don't know how it is shifting, and they do have to get on the same page and i have to say i share the frustration in the slowness of the bureaucracy, and i don't think a different administration would do anything differently. i think more government would compound the problem and they are not being honest with us as to why it is taking so long to get answers and the problem is there is always someone else to blame. >> you are right. as a federal attorney, i know what running a peanut butter is like and happy early birthday to you. coming up, epstein accomplice reportedly ready to spill her secrets to the fbi.
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>> ghislaine maxwell is ready to talk. jeffrey epstein's accomplices set to cooperate with the fbi after being arrested yesterday. they say that maxwell has every incentive to name names. could mean bad news for many powerful men including prince andrew. >> all they've got to do is keep her alive, all right? don't let her commit suicide, don't let her get killed. to keep her alive because i guarantee you right now, there are a lot of powerful people, men in the u.s. and britain who are quaking in their boots about
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what ghislaine maxwell may say about them all the way from wall street to washington. >> all go to you first, former federal prosecutor, who are these other men and can they keep her safe? >> i'll answer your second question first, i hope that the government keeps her safe, i hope that for the same reason that i hope they protect all inmates. i think that it is obvious she is a wealth of knowledge and information for this international underage scheme that occurred for years and years and if i may point a couple of things out about her case that is different, first of all, the fact that she does have all of that information or undoubtedly does does not erase her own culpability in the fact that she played an incredibly insidious and active part of recruiting and grooming and abusing these girls and in my opinion and even more insidious role because it was she that a
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lens that reassuring presence to them that normalized behavior so when it came time for the abuse, the girls felt safe with her around there and had been normalized to that type of what ultimately became toxic and incredibly violent behavior. the three incidents alleged in the indictment by the government against her took place in the '90s and jeffrey epstein's took place in 2002 through 2005 and the difference is that in the federal sex trafficking act when it involved minors, there is no statute of limitations meaning that clearly, the incidence that the government is prosecuting here and charging, there is ironclad evidence in their eyes of minors acts and activities in the conspiracy and of course for 2016 perjury counts. i think that's a really big deal here because it means that they wouldn't bring it without that type of leverage they feel they have and final point, much has been made about what if she gets a plea deal because of this
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volume of information that she can put forth? plea deals are convictions, so i think we should reserve a type of apprehension about that. the 99.7% conviction rate the federal government has is mostly due to those plea agreements so certainly if they offer that to her, any type of charge she would accept conviction for would be 100% grotesque because that's what her charges are. >> she would have to confess. bryan llenas stated an exclusive interview with at 14 years old, she was assaulted and she talked about how she was getting raped and they tried to intimidate her after she got pregnant. what are they going to do here? >> exactly. what they did is they point that she is just as bad as epstein according to this young girl who was a young lady now and she wants to see justice paid to send a message and to also help her healing because when you have that type of experience as a teen, going to be very tough
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having a normal life. i have a couple of things that geraldo is uniquely equipped to answer. why would somebody with so many options choose to come back to new hampshire knowing that she is facing life in prison or worse, why wouldn't she stay at a place that we couldn't get her out of anyway like prince andrew cowering in the corner of some palace and she decides to come back as if she really think she needs to hide in new hampshire? she can hide anywhere. what do you think is going on here? >> i think the fact that she was still in the united states indicates that may be our view of the case against her is wrong. i would have used her staying in the country where i her returning to argue that she was not a flight risk, that she could be given bail or house arrest until her case was heard. why she decided to stay and when you buy 156-acre spread in
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new hampshire relatively sparsely populated state, it's not exactly a subtle move. she used? since her address, her initials in essence, so there is more going on there. i detest what epstein reportedly did and what this woman allegedly did in aiding and abetting the abuse of these children, but what i see as the real lesson of this morality tale is the toxic impact of money. why did bill clinton want to hang around with jeffrey epstein? what did prince andrew want to hide out in epstein's apartment which happens to be the largest private residence in manhattan, what about all of these others, harvard university and all of these prestigious institutions, with why they court him even after he was busted? >> kennedy, why is it that the
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rich powerful and well-connected play by different rules? to answer the question is she thought she was going to get away with it. >> she thought she would live for you but die in prison as she should. this is not someone who is just helping out or codependent with jeffrey epstein. she is accused of sexually molesting children, and shame on her and everyone else. shame on alex azar for giving epstein the deal he did and the u.s. attorney in florida. you watch the netflix series filthy rich about epstein, it will make your stomach turn, it will make you absolutely sick. you don't have to be a parent of girls. i have two girls and it made me so incredibly angry, not only at epstein who is waiting but also ghislaine maxwell who abuse these children herself and knowingly for years and years extended this cycle and
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potentially ruin their lives and they help the victims have their real day in court and they get to look her in the eye and their testimony is the nail in her coffin. >> amen to that. i don't care what political party they are associated with because these are nasty people. the head, hillary clinton is back complaining about president trump and a new campaign ad calling out biden up next on the five.
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>> this is a fox news alert, the president of the united states at mount rushmore, take a listen. speak i will see on the airplane, thank you, see you on the airplane. >> of course, his estimation of where the american economy is going, you saw the fantastic
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jobs report and the unemployment rate, he's got a lot to brag about. if only this virus will go away. she's not going away, she's back, hillary clinton reemerging to fire up president trump's base maybe with her latest attack. you go we wouldn't have been able to stop the pandemic at our borders the way that trump claimed in the beginning but we sure could have done a better job saving lives, modeling better and more responsible behavior, i think we necessarily should have had an economic assault on livelihoods and jobs as we have so i feel like i know i would have done a better job. >> trump campaign firing right back with a new ad linking joe biden to the defund the police movement. >> you have reached the 911 police emergency line. due to defunding of the police department, we are sorry but no one is here to take your call.
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>> i wonder, lawrence, you are a different generation. when you look at hillary clinton, let me start there. former senator, former secretary of state, former first lady, do you see her as a pioneer or do you see her as a loser, do you think her endorsement is helpful or does it harm joe biden? to go i don't think it harms him but it doesn't help, who takes advice from the person that lost? unless you want to ask them why they lost so they don't make the same mistake. he's making the same mistake, you cannot win, you have an excitement issue, young people don't trust you, minorities although they think he may be potentially better than trump, there's a chance that when it comes to his criminal justice background, you've got to go other and interact with people and i think people are banking on these numbers yet again and the same thing happened with
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clinton, she stated her bunker not because of coronavirus but because she was in the lead. now the president definitely has to get back on message and figure out a way to unite the country, there is some resistance to go out there and make the unifying message but allow the democrats to continue to paint this narrative that he's responsible for all the racial unrest, that can be problematic when it comes to the general election. >> not to mention, brian, we both think that karl rove is may be ruthless but very, very good at what he does, he says it's time for president trump to reset his campaign, what say you? >> i do and it's not a massive reset but we saw over the last two days, he mentioned the masks, he said i'm wearing it, i've worn it before and i'm going to start wearing it, he also said, those great economic numbers, very happy about it, good night, everybody, tip your waitress is. and he did not take questions and that was key, he did not
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step on his own message and that is key, he just talked to the press briefly and got on the plane. if he pulls off the speech and they don't like the south dakota forest on fire and the mountain stays there that's -- you will begin to chip away in the scenario will be it's close enough to force joe biden out, it's like if he gets blown out in football if you want the team to start throwing the ball, you're going to have to close down and if he can get closer, camping three or four times a day, he will make this whole thing of circus. >> do you see any downside? is being so far ahead, he's doing better than, trump is doing worse than harry truman at this point and that george w. bush in 2004, they both came back but trump is even further behind than they were, is there any danger to biden becoming complacent? >> i think you always have to worry about that because the
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people who love you will continue to love you but if they love you so much they think you are absolutely secure in their victory they're not going to come out and vote so juan was saying that joe biden has going for him above anything else whether it's the record with former president obama, the fact that he is not hillary clinton and she didn't win, she is not president, she would not a done a better job because she didn't get the job and people came out in massive numbers and voted against her. she excited a grudge vote and joe biden is very fortunate that he doesn't have that, there may be people who take a look at his record and when you parse it surgically it's very problematic for him but there is still not that active disdain that people like me still have for hillary clinton. >> well, kennedy, that's a scorching assessment of the former secretary of state but emily, i just wonder, do you
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think that joe biden must now pick a woman running mate and must that woman running mate be african-american? >> he has committed i think at this point too obviously a female running mate and likely a black female. that if i can speak to that for a second was incredibly powerful and it speaks to the potency of that message and slogan of defund the police and the impact of it's going to have. the question about his vice president candidate choice is whether he can distance himself from that, whether he can sort of himself with, whether he can deflect that enough or whether he will be message further as aligning himself too far with the left because nobody wanted that defund the police, that ad is incredibly powerful. one of the ranch as i worked on over july 4th 1 year, we totally set the field on fire and every
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time that he mentions, i hope we don't burn down the forest i literally just think of that, it's a real thing, you guys. >> it is. >> thank you for the confession. cap next. guys, are you tired of frequent nighttime bathroom trips? well, force factor prostate helps reduce urges to urinate, plus fully empty your bladder and promote a normal prostate size. don't settle. choose force factor prostate, from the #1 fastest-growing men's health brand at walmart.
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, the washington redskins announcing the team will undergo a thorough review of its name after facing some major pressure from corporations, are the washington redskins going to have a different name come fall? >> in cleveland, "go tribe," cleveland indians. it's hard to change your positional name. i'm 10% native american, maybe i have a little more standing to want to preserve it but i think nameif names make people feel bd aren't they working to what the intent is? you want to sound like your brand, if people don't like you, change your name. >> you are a massive sports fan, let's talk about nike scrubbing
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their web site of any reference to that washington football team's name, is that a good mo move? >> it's putting on the pressure, nike again, fedex is saying, we put our name on the stadium, we are probably going to take it off unless you change the name. i don't see any way they don't change her name right. bob costas set up long time ago, i only call them washington, i don't use the name redskins. i think we should talk to is the actual american indians, there are american indian tribes who said they weren't insulted by it. if they are not insulted and we keep the american indian and our forefront every time we watch america's number one's bar, what's the problem? i don't see a scenario where they are the redskins by the end of the season, they are going to have an announcement that they have a new name. i have no idea what it's going to be but there's no way daniel snyder could possibly put up with this type of pressure.
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>> he has been incredibly stubborn. emily, what are you are your sources telling you? >> what sticks out to me and especially given my experience is the power of money and the power of that corporate push. this is not an overnight movement. for quite some time they have been referencing that team simply as "washington" and i think that major shift comes when these corporations are going to threaten to pull out, and i think what also it indicates to me is that when things happen in the moment it is such a big deal and of course a lot of things have to change and all of the money going into changing the logo and whatever about looking back it took one sentence in history. a lot of teams have changed their names multiple times throughout history. i have a short right now that i sleep and that is oakland's old team so i think if this shift happens which i do predict it
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will, moving forward it will become just another sentence in the history books and people will be just as excited to root for that new name. >> where does it end though, lawrence? >> i don't know. i kind of looted this in the a block, i think there is such a focus on changing the image when it comes to these companies that they don't want to change the things that actually matter and that's their corporate structure, the hiring practices as well and there is a fair shot for everybody when it comes to head coaches positions and general manager's position so again, i would defer to the native americans on this, i don't think i'm qualified to say if this is right or not. i just think most fans want a better team and i don't think -- >> that is the bottom line, long-suffering fans there. next up, a recipe for disaster? officials are now warning the public not to use hand sanitizer
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before lighting fourth of july fireworks because sanitizer is flammable. brian kilmeade, is it true that you just gave you our children a big lighter and a tub of kerosene on fourth of july and told them to have fun? >> right would've wanted it and that's a salute to the founing. listen. i don't know what i can answer this, i will just say this, another example of something i never thought i would be saying on television or actually in the kitchen, "put down the hand sanitizer or the bottle rocket, one of the other, make a choice." i did not know it would come to this. >> geraldo, you were talking about generational distances, have people gotten so dumb that the government has to tell them everything? >> well, i think when it comes
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to puerile having alcohol, maybe they have to be told, maybe we had to be told. you just don't think about certain things and i could just see, smoking a cigarette as he put the puerile on and blowing your hands up, you worry about so many things, i've got five kids, every fourth of july you hold your breath for those three days and hope they exhaust their supply while keeping their ten fingers, you know? it's a wonderful entertainment but it's fraught with peril. >> it is but lawrence, we are in california. you can't buy fireworks to save your life, you literally have to macgyver your own celebrations, there are no public celebrations, what was fourth of july like when you were a kid? >> it was fun, i'm from texas, we had firecrackers everywhere. i just think some people are dumb. every single year, we have psa's about people, don't put a cold
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freezing turkey in the grease. every single year there's a bunch people in the emergency room's, they put a turkey in a frying pan that was frozen. so it's not just young people, people are dumb. >> people are dumb. emily, last word. >> this reminds me of that "zoo lander" ian, i can imagine people with the puerile all over the place, exploding it all over the wire. >> my dad would give us a bag of fad's, so all of our former neighbors, i apologize. "one more thing is up next. . .
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♪ >> all right, first time hosting "one more thing," don't screw it up, kennedy. >> yes.
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i would like to say a massive happy birthday to our very own geraldo and his birthday is in fact tomorrow. we celebrate you every day. you are so kind and gracious to everyone you work with and you have an incredible career and you are the first person to show the film. >> 15 years. >> that's right, you're amazing and happy birthday. >> happy birthday, you're the best ever and that's my "one more thing," geraldo, give me your one more thing. >> mount rushmore is a wonderful, wonderful monument and everyone should go see it. the motorcycle capital of the world, the largest annual gathering of cyclists, of bikers, gathering there and i was there 13 years ago the last time i was there was with a group of women riders and we did for a at-large show.
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here's a little clip of the women who ride in the men who love them. >> women can ride. i went with them up into the black hill and they didn't seem intimidated either on the fast highway or the curbing looping roads that lead up to mount rushmore, one of our great. >> so having that 80th annual gathering this year and they cut out a lot of the events with a lot of live entertainment into the gathering but so far at least, the convention is on. on for august this coming. >> something else geraldo can do, drive a take on the motorcycle so what made america great and a time were all questioning america's greatness, i don't. former episodes coming out. we saw a document of sam houston and they were talking about when
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interjectioandrew jackson said. watch. >> saying that about houston and interjectioandrew jackson. >> covering the lone star of texas, hears a voice welcoming it with united stars & stripes inglorious resolve in which, in general you've acted a noble part and are amongst the heroes, and philanthropist. >> final thought? >> go to my fox nation channel and see the show. [laughter] >> emily. >> no, that's it for us. >> a while back, you're turning down. thanks so much guys, it's been a fun and have a great fourth and have a safe fourth and good to see everybody back in the little while and geraldo, i'm going to find it for you.
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>> not today. ♪ >> the radical ideology attacking our country advances under the banner of social justice but in truth, it would demolish both justice and society. it would transform justice into an instrument of division and vengeance and it would turn our free and inclusive society into a place of repression, documentation and exclusion. they want to silence us, but we will not be silenced. [cheers and applause] pete: we will not be


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